Search New York Death Records
New York Newspapers, Full Search (1730-2018), 1,027 titles
New York Obituary Search - (1870-current)
New York Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
Woodland Cemetery
Delhi, Delaware County, New York
GPS: 42.280310, -74.915430
2 Orchard Street
Delhi, NY 13753
Published: November 14, 2016
Total records: 4,627
Surnames H-L
Records published here represent burials in the old section of the present-day cemetery. These records were acquired from the Woodland Cemetery Association. Dates of death range from 1811 to 1998.
Hafele, Charles W, Lot: 585, 1914-1963
Hafele, Elizabeth White, Lot: 585, 1911-
Hafele, Emma E, Lot: 986, 1912-1937
Hafele, Joshua B, Lot: 986, 1874-1954
Hafele, Vianna G, Lot: 986, 1881-1945
Hagedorn, Sarah S, Lot: 424, No Stone
Hager, Adella A McIntosh, Lot: 474, Apr 25, 1834- Oct 26, 1879, Wife of Levander
Hall, Lot: 667, 1908, Infant Son of James and Annie
Hall, Adaline T, Lot: 1074, 1892-
Hall, Alma Syverstsen, Lot: 1084, 1998-1970, Wife of Donald
Hall, Anne clark, Lot: 1084, 1890-1972, Wife of William
Hall, Asahel S, Lot: 459, Nov 25, 1863, age 30
Hall, Catherine Vosberg, Lot: 459, Jun 20, 1828-Oct 31, 1907, Wife of Richard C
Hall, Charles T, Lot: 1074, 1914-
Hall, Delmar R, Lot: 1084, 1894-
Hall, Donald L, Lot: 1084, 1895-
Hall, Elizabeth K, Lot: 892, 1888-1976
Hall, Elmer A, Lot: 1074, 1853-1938
Hall, Ester A, Lot: 459, Apr 1866, age 1yr 9mo
Hall, Ethel Friend, Lot: 1084, 1911-, Wife of Delmar R
Hall, George H, Lot: 667, 1852-1898
Hall, Gertrude Shaw, Lot: 1084, 1894-1924, Wife of Delmar R
Hall, Harrison E, Lot: 892, 1888-1971
Hall, Howard R, Lot: 1074, 1890-1974
Hall, Jennie J Blake, Lot: 667, 1856-1932
Hall, Jennie Wight, Lot: 1084, 1858-1930, Wife of Elmer
Hall, Katheryn A, Lot: 1074, 1917-
Hall, Margorie, Lot: 667, 1910-1911, Daughter of James and Annie
Hall, Rhuel, Lot: 459, no dates, Co C 101st NY Vol
Hall, Richard C, Lot: 459, Aug 4, 1822-May 10, 1898, "Asleep in jesus blessed sleep"
Hall, William W, Lot: 1084, 1888-
Hallstead, Elias, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Nov 10, 1796-Nov 19, 1875, "dear Father, we miss thee"
Hallstead, Eliza, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Jul 25, 1802-Nov 17, 1875, "dear mother, thy memory how precious and dear"
Hallstead, Marcus, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Oct. 23, 1880, age 52yr 6mo
Hallstead, Polly A, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Sep 25, 1844-Sep 27, 1901
Hallstead, Solomon G, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Sep 3, 1849-Apr 11, 1888
Halsey, James P, Lot: 134, Mar. 10, 1863, age 40
Halsey, john, Lot: 114, Mar. 8, 1875, age 65
Halsey, Mary Elizabeth, Lot: 134, Mar. 22, 1866, age 18, Our Lizzie
Halstead, Charles W, Lot: 255, May. 10, 1863, age 5yr 3mo 19da, Only son of JD and SA
Halstead, John A, Lot: 255, Mar 30, 1863, age 28yr 7mo 5 da
Hamilton, Adabelle G, Lot: 808, 1899-
Hamilton, Agnes Isabella McAuslan, Lot: 752, Feb 24, 1854-Oct 7, 1909, Wife of Joseph H
Hamilton, Alfred Covert, Lot: 286, 1885-1971
Hamilton, Baby, Lot: Family Plot #7, 1906-1906
Hamilton, Carrie B, Lot: 752, Jun 20, 1885- May 1, 1942
Hamilton, Eleanor Gordon, Lot: 286, 1887-1966
Hamilton, Elizabeth Sterwart, Lot: Family Plot #7, 1865-1934, Wife of Robert A
Hamilton, Horace T, Lot: 918, 1907-1929
Hamilton, Joseph, Lot: 752, Feb 24, 1853-Sep 23, 1923
Hamilton, Katherine M, Lot: 918, 1881-1963, Wife of Melangthon
Hamilton, Margaret G Pritchard, Lot: 918, 1874-1913, Wife of Melangthon
Hamilton, Mary J Tate, Lot: 580, Dec 28, 1829-Feb 11, 1910, Wife of Thomas
Hamilton, Melangthon, Lot: 918, Feb 28, 1874-Aug 16, 1939
Hamilton, Raymond Duncan, Lot: Family Plot #7, 1905-1908
Hamilton, Robert A, Lot: Family Plot #7, 1865-1930
Hamilton, Russell F, Lot: 808, 1897-1961
Hamilton, Sarah Olmsted, Lot: 240, Jun 17, 1836-Jun 20, 1895
Hamilton, TA (Rev), Lot: 270, Apr 13, 1831-Mar 13, 1889
Hamilton, Thomas, Lot: 580, Feb 9, 1817-oct 26, 1897, Civil war Vet
Hammer, Ammy E Rosenglad, Lot: Single grave section 3 -hill, 31-Aug-10, age 39, Wife of Hugo
Hammon, Charles William, Lot: 257, 1860-1946
Hammon, Nettie M Whitney, Lot: 257, 1861-1926
Hammond, Alva L, Lot: 257, 1872-1942
Hammond, Annis, Lot: 257, 1868-1902, Wife of Alva
Hammond, David, Lot: 66, Oct. 13, 1889, age 70, Co. l 72nd reg col
Hammond, Harmance, Lot: 34, Feb11, 1837-Jun 10, 1862, Died at whitehouse landing, VA 1st lieut comp h 7th NJ Col (Civil War)
Hammond, Harold, Lot: 34, No stone
Hammond, Maria A, Lot: 34, Apr 19, 1812-Mar 8, 1869, Wife of William
Hammond, Phebe A, Lot: 34, 1846-1926
Hammond, Silas Van Lorin, Lot: 257, Apr. 1, 1872, age 5yr 5mo 18da, Sone of William and Agnes
Hammond, Walter W, Lot: 34, 1833-1920
Hammond, William, Lot: 34, Sep 30, 1806- jan 1, 1901
Hammond, William H, Lot: 257, Dec4, 1899, age 64yr 4mo 26da, CoC 144 NY Vol Civil War
Handy, Margaret E Lamont, Lot: 714, 1879-1951, Wife of Sheldon
Handy, Sheldon A, Lot: 714, 1887-1949
Hannon, James T, Lot: 517, 1846-1912
Hannon, Jennetee T Gillie, Lot: 517, 1842-1919
Harby, Anne Elizabeth, Lot: 575, May 4, 1851- Dec 22, 1883
Harby, Celinda Peak, Lot: 575, Sep 14, 1841-Dec 3, 1928, Wife of G Marsden
Harby, G. Marsden, Lot: 575, Nov 176, 1845-Mar 29, 1925
Harby, George Marsden, Lot: 575, 1881-1946, "In memory of"
Harby, Gertrude Maria, Lot: 575, Oct 4, 1816-Feb 22, 1901, Wife of Thomas
Harby, Robert Newton, Lot: 575, Jul. 11, 1849, age 7yr 6mo, "Thou sweet, beloved and lovely child thy happy days passed in peace thy mother pressed her darling boy no thought so soon his life would cease"
Harby, Thomas, Lot: 575, Oct 29, 1806-Jun 27, 1895
Harder, Alfred T, Lot: 54, 1878-1946
Harder, Alice L, Lot: 968, 1868-1928, Wife of William H
Harder, Ann B Thomson, Lot: 577, Apr 15, 1820-Aug 27 1883, "Sorrow and�"
Harder, Anna B, Lot: 577, 1855-1926
Harder, Anna Girffin, Lot: 554, Sep 14, 1841-Jul 29, 1903
Harder, Annie, Lot: 485, Dec. 23, 1882, age 1yr 21da, Only daughter of John and Augusta
Harder, Augusta, Lot: 485, Dec. 17, 1885, age 38, Wife of John A
Harder, Benjamin, Lot: 485, Jul 17, 1813 - Dec. 27, 1890
Harder, Edward, Lot: 485
Harder, Emily M, Lot: 485, Jun 6, 1844 - Sep 15, 1864
Harder, Emily M Maxwell, Lot: 485, May 16, 1819 - Feb 15, 1901, Wife of Benjamin
Harder, Esther J, Lot: 485, Feb 29, 1856 - Aug 23, 1863
Harder, Frankie L, Lot: 485, Aug 29, 1871, age 5mo 9da
Harder, George O, Lot: 554, Jul 17, 1842 - Jan 18, 1889
Harder, Georgianna, Lot: 554, 1877-1883, Daughter of George and Anna
Harder, Henry, Lot: 577, 1848-1920
Harder, John, Lot: 485
Harder, John A, Lot: 485, Aug. 25, 1908, age 62yr 5mo
Harder, John T, Lot: 577, Jun 16, 1851 - Aug 17, 1922
Harder, Kate O, Lot: 485, Aug 26, 1840-Sep 13, 1863
Harder, Marion, Lot: 577, 1846-1908
Harder, Sidney, Lot: 485, Jul 24, 1894 - Jul 28, 1894, Son of John A and Elida
Harder, William, Lot: 485, Jun 11, 1857 - Jun 12, 1863
Harder, William, Lot: 577, Oct 27, 1815 - Jul 25, 1891
Harder, William H, Lot: 968, 1867-1920
Harder, William Jr, Lot: 577, Dec 24, 1845 - Mar 13, 1884
Harkness, Alice M, Lot: 754, 1866-1943, Wife of Edward O
Harkness, Baby, Lot: 584, No Stone
Harkness, Ebenezer R, Lot: 754, 1845-1935
Harkness, Edward O, Lot: 754, 1864-1942
Harkness, Elizabeth S, Lot: 754, 1852-1934, Wife of Ebenezer R
Harkness, Ella R, Lot: 18, 1875-1921
Harkness, Euphemia, Lot: 18, 1836-1881
Harkness, Florence Letitia, Lot: 754, 1895-
Harkness, Howard L, Lot: 18, 1879-1883, Son of James and Euphemia
Harkness, Howard R, Lot: 945, 1918-1949, USN SK 3rd class WWII
Harkness, James A, Lot: 945, 1873-1933
Harkness, James L, Lot: 18, 1829-1892
Harkness, Jennie E Oliver, Lot: 945, 1874-1954, Wife of James A
Harkness, John C, Lot: 18, 1868-1949
Harlow, Martha, Lot: 147, 1795-1899
Harlow, Martha J, Lot: 147, 1840-1843
Harlow, Thomas M, Lot: 147, 1841-1863
Harlow, William, Lot: 147, 1787-1863
Harper, Anna Elizabeth, Lot: 759, 1864-1949
Harper, Harold Glen, Lot: 459, Jun 3, 1893 - Aug 14, 1964, NY 2nd Lieutenant Inf Res WWI
Harper, Harry L, Lot: 759, 1896-1903
Harper, James E, Lot: 759, 1857-1928
Harper, John Dean, Lot: 759, Feb 4, 1924 - Dec 6, 1944, NY Cpt Army Air Forces WWII PH
Harper, Margaret E Dean, Lot: 759, 1893-1964, Wife of Harold Glen
Harper, Margaret Monteith, Lot: 759, 1865-1924, Wife of James E
Harper, Montieth, Lot: 759, Sep 23, 1899 - Nov 5, 1940, NY Pvt STU Army TNG Corps WWI
Harper, Sarah McEckron, Lot: 759, 1827-1902, Wife of William H
Harper, WC, Lot: 185, Apr 30, age 30yr 2mo, stone repaired
Harper, William H, Lot: 759, 1828-1909
Harrigan, Edward A, Lot: Family Plot #10, 1883-1944
Harrigan, Margaret Scharman, Lot: Family Plot #10, 1886-1957, Wife of Edward A
Harris, Nancy M.Y., Lot: 688, 1850-1923
Harrison, Alice E Brady, Lot: 813, 1880-1958
Harrison, Charles H, Lot: 670, 1870-Feb 17, 18881, age 11
Harrison, Elizabeth Bennett, Lot: 670, 1878-
Harrison, Fred, Lot: 813, 1878-1958
Harrison, Helen Knapp (Nellie K), Lot: 670, 1875-Feb 19, 1881, age 6
Harrison, John Sr, Lot: 670, 1827-1905
Harrison, Richard R, Lot: 670, 1877-1952
Harrison, Sarah Robinson, Lot: 670, 1840-, No Stone
Harrison, William, Lot: 670, No Stone
Hatfield, Andrew F, Lot: 339, Nov 10, 1839 - Jul 21, 1856, Son of Oliver and Mary Ann "He sought the blessed savior - hope and peace were given"
Hatfield, Daniel F, Lot: 339, 1839-1899
Hatfield, Mary Fields, Lot: 339, Oct. 13, 18884, age 75yr 5mo, Wife of Oliver "He giveth his beloved sleep"
Hatfield, Mary I, Lot: 339, Jan. 27, 1878, age 4mo, Daughter of DF and Theresa
Hatfield, Oliver S, Lot: 339, Apr. 12, 1878, age 75yr 4mo, "He died looking forward to a better inhertance"
Hatfield, Thomas F, Lot: 339, Mar 18, 1847 - Jun 3, 1862, Son of Oliver and Mary Ann "Death for him ___ no strings he gave ___ ___ the young his voice still ___ many a heart"
Hathaway, Charles, Lot: 390, Mar 4, 1796 - Jan 1, 1876
Hathaway, edwin Stewart, Lot: 404, 1853-1943
Hathaway, George H, Lot: 403, Aug. 25, 1832, age 1yr 10mo 21 da, son of Nathaniel and Mary Ann
Hathaway, Margaret Bundy, Lot: 845, 1883-1952
Hathaway, Maria Augusta, Lot: 390, Nov. 5, 1868, age 65, Wife of Charles
Hathaway, Mary Anna, Lot: 403, Oct. 25, 1842, age 43, Wife of Nathaniel "The sweet rememberence of thee shall flourish while they sleep in jesus"
Hathaway, Mary Stewart, Lot: 403, Dec. 20, 1907, age 87, Wife of Nathaniel "Sacred to the memory of" "the path of the jesus is as the shinning light that shinneth more and more onto the perfect day"
Hathaway, Nathaniel, Lot: 403, Feb. 9, 1872, age 72, "my faith looks up to thee, thy lamb of calvary, savior devine"
Hathaway, Samuel J, Lot: 845, 1878-1933
Hathaway, William Stewart, Lot: 403, Apr 4, 1850 - Apr 9 1851, Son of Nath and MA
Haviland, Charles, Lot: 453, 1826-1901
Haviland, Margaret A Leal, Lot: 453, 1827-1862, Wife of Charles
Hawk, Frank A, Lot: Single Grave Sect 3 -Hill, Sep. 9, 1898, age 14
Hawkin, George W, Lot: Family Plot #6, 1876-1945
Hawkins, Daughter of WB and E, Lot: Single Grave Meredith road, Mar. 18, 1879, age 1yr 6mo 16da
Hawkins, Lillian Hammond, Lot: Family Plot #6, 1880-1961
Hawley, Mary Millard, Lot: 441, Mar. 26, 1830- Feb 14, 1879, Wife of William S Their daughter (William and Anna)
Hawley, Nellie Ada "Nie", Lot: 944, Jan 13, 1933-Jul 3, 1961
Hawlwy, Harry W, Lot: 944, 1886-1936, PFC 107 Inf 27th Div NY Jul 19, 1886-Mar. 27, 1936
Hayes, Maria, Lot: Single Grave Sect 3 -Hill, Mar. 29, 1907, age 83, "Native of Ireland"
Heckroth, Gustau A, Lot: 861, 1867-1922
Heckroth, Nora G, Lot: 861, 1874-1948
Henderson, Bartley, Lot: 548, 1840-1918
Henderson, Bradley S, Lot: 548, 1882-1952
Henderson, Catherine, Lot: 548, Oct. 11, 1854, age 5yr 27da
Henderson, Eliza, Lot: 548, Oct. 22, 1889, age 79yr 4mo, Wife of Robert
Henderson, Eliza F, Lot: 548, Nov. 24, 1833, age 1
Henderson, Hugh b, Lot: 548, Oct. 2, 1854, age 3yr 22da
Henderson, James, Lot: 607, Jun 30, 1822- Nov 29, 1890
Henderson, Jessie M, Lot: 548, 1875-1877, Daughter of Robert and S Augusta
Henderson, John B, Lot: 548, 1877-1883
Henderson, Leona (Baby), Lot: 548, 1917-1917
Henderson, Lucia M Squire, Lot: 548, 1854- 1- Stone sunk, Wife of Bartley
Henderson, Mary B, Lot: 548, May. 28, 1867, age 32
Henderson, Mary B, Lot: 548, Sep. 23, 1834, age 1yr 3mo
Henderson, Nancy McNeilly, Lot: 607, Feb 5, 1830- Feb 25, 1901, Wife of James
Henderson, Robert, Lot: 548, May. 23, 1872, age 77yr 3da
Henderson, S. Augusta Flint, Lot: 548, 1836-1883, Wife of Robert
Henderson, William H, Lot: 607, Sep 3, 1853 - Oct 29, 1905
Hendrickson, Sarah Henderson, Lot: 549, 1844-1903
Hendrickson, WT, Lot: 549, 1845-1915
Hennaghan, Margaret A, Lot: 175, 1878-1905
Henness, Ella M Hill, Lot: 649, 1851-1928
Henness, Walter E, Lot: 649, 1864-19
Hewitt, Hamilton J, Lot: 1088, 1872-1953
Hewitt, Harriett R Harris, Lot: 1088, 1874-1970, Wife of Hamilton
Hicks, Jennie R Barns, Lot: 427, Nov. 26, 1861, age 25, Wife of SA
Hicks, Samuel A, Lot: 427, Aug. 24, 1870, age 28yr 7mo
Hill, Alden A, Lot: 649, Jul 23, 1820 - Apr 12, 1897
Hill, Alfred Robinson, Lot: 71, Sep. 30, 1906, age 2mo 12 da, Son of Amos and Mary R Hill
Hill, Clarence William, Lot: 1100, 1878-1967
Hill, Cora, Lot: 58, 1865
Hill, Cora F, Lot: 58, 1879-1948
Hill, Ella P, Lot: 649, 1845-1917
Hill, Esther A Hobbs, Lot: 462, Jan 7, 1839 - Jul 5, 1900, Wife of Ransom
Hill, Esther Clark, Lot: 649, Aug 15, 1827 - Sep 27, 1911
Hill, Gertrude Lewis, Lot: 1100, 1886-1968, Wife of Clarence William
Hill, Gracie Adella, Lot: 462, Feb 14, 1866 - May 9, 1872, age 6yr 2mo 25da, Daughter of Ransom and Esther
Hill, Herbert A, Lot: 462, Jun 22, 1875 - Jul 7, 1932
Hill, J Adelbert, Lot: 649, 1847-1921
Hill, Mary J Ward, Lot: 58, Jul 7, 1843 - Mar 15, 1919, Wife of Sullivan
Hill, Melin Peck, Lot: 462, Mar 26, 1894 -, Wife of Herbert
Hill, Ransom, Lot: 462, May 11, 1838 - Jul 23, 1919
Hill, Robert, Lot: 58, Dec 12, 1868 - May 20, 1925, CO G 1st NY Inf Sp/Am War
Hill, Sullivan, Lot: 58, May 2, 1833 - Dec 27, 1907
Hinckley, A Augusta, Lot: 1060, Jun 23, 1836 - Feb 8, 1850
Hinckley, Abel, Lot: 1060, Jun 23, 1808 - Jun 10, 1884
Hinckley, Abel Clark, Lot: 1060, Jun 9, 1892- Feb 7, 1940, NY Ships Cook 3CL USN
Hinckley, Anna, Lot: 1060, Apr 6, 1852- Mar 14, 1866
Hinckley, Anna Forrest, Lot: 1061, 1855-1944, Wife of Frank E
Hinckley, Baby, Lot: 1060, Mar 10, 1841 - Mar 23, 1841
Hinckley, Baby, Lot: 1060, May 8, 1843 - May 8, 1843
Hinckley, Charles, Lot: 1050, 1846-1928
Hinckley, Elizabeth, Lot: 1050, 1855-1947, Wife of Chas A
Hinckley, Elizabeth, Lot: 1060, May 2, 1838 - Feb 28, 1870
Hinckley, Emily E Dean, Lot: 1050, 1848-1913, Wife of Charles A
Hinckley, Frank E, Lot: 1061, 1889-1958
Hinckley, Isabelle, Lot: 1060, 1859-1935
Hinckley, James A, Lot: 1060, 1841-1923
Hinckley, Lucinda Cavin, Lot: 1060, Jan 1, 1808 - Oct 10, 1877, Wife of Abel
Hinckley, Sarah C, Lot: 1050, Dec 25, 1843 - Apr 3, 1901
Hinckley, Susan D, Lot: 1050, 1860-1932
Hinkcley, Lena Schlafer Epps, Lot: 869, 1894-1964
Hitchcock, Betsey, Lot: 572, Stone Gone
Hitchcock, George W, Lot: 572, Jul. 19, 1896, age 52, civil Var Com #1 89 NY Vol
Hitchcock, James, Lot: 572, Stone Gone
Hitchcock, William, Lot: 572, Oct 11, 1898, age 75, Civil War Vet Com #1 89 NY Vol
Hitt, Adele, Lot: 915, Feb. 15, 1886, Infant Daughter
Hitt, Charles E, Lot: 915, 1841-1908
Hitt, Elbridge L, Lot: 916, 1857-1936
Hitt, Hiram, Lot: 1042, No Stone
Hitt, M Augusta, Lot: 915, 1847-1926
Hitt, Sara C, Lot: 916, 1859-1948, Wife of Elbridge L
Hoag, Amos, Lot: 381, 1786-1856, "his father"
Hoag, Barbara Stoutenberg, Lot: 381, 1842-1870, "his wife"
Hoag, Cyrus, Lot: 381, 1830-1909
Hoag, Elizabeth Haynes, Lot: 381, 1787-1868, "his mother"
Hoag, Frank L, Lot: 1099, 1893-1927
Hoag, Henry Stuart, Lot: 381, 1884-1926
Hoag, Jennie Lunn, Lot: 1099, 1872-1949
Hoag, Mina J, Lot: 885, 1875-1966
Hoag, Pauline, Lot: Single grave lot 561, May. 27, 1892, age 45
Hoag, Sarah I stuart, Lot: 381, 1852-1925
Hoag, Thomas T, Lot: 1099, 1868-1951
Hoag, William D, Lot: 885, 1875-1944
Hoagland, EC, Lot: 423, 1861-1893
Hoagland, Henry C, Lot: 423, 1838-1915
Hobbie, Dewitt, Lot: 259, No Stone
Hobbie, Emma E, Lot: 338
Hobbie, J Knapp, Lot: 259, Nov. 13, 1804, age 31
Hobbie, Jennie S, Lot: 338, Jun. 30, 1877, age 35yr 8mo 19da, Wife of Joshua, Native of Scotland
Hobbie, John G, Lot: 259, 1869-1960, Funeral home marker
Hobbie, John S, Lot: 338, Feb. 13, 1861, age 10yr 2mo
Hobbie, John s, Lot: 338, Jan. 1, 1891, age 86yr 11mo 14da
Hobbie, Joshua K, Lot: 338, Feb. 5, 1892, age 55
Hobbie, Lucy, Lot: 338
Hobbie, Sally E Wilbur, Lot: 338, Nov. 18, 1883, age 73yr 5mo 3da, "Blessed are the dead that die in the lord"
Hobbie, William E, Lot: 259, No Stone
Hobbs, L Jane, Lot: 155, Jul 7, 1826- Feb 22, 1871
Hobbs, Mary A, Lot: 462, Dec. 25, 1860, age 9yr 6mo 9da, Daughter of GE and J Hobbs
Hobbs, Mary E, Lot: 155, Aug 11, 1829- Feb 21, 1911
Hobbs, N Adelia, Lot: 155, Dec 20, 1822- Mar 19, 1878
Hobert, George A, Lot: Single Grave Above Vault, 1876-1941
Holcomb, C Rlee, Lot: 863, 1918-1933
Holcomb, Louisa G, Lot: 863, 1892-1972
Holcomb, Percy R, Lot: 863, 1921-1921
Holcomb, Ralph L, Lot: 863, 1889-
Hollister, David, Lot: 248, Aug 9, 1790 - Dec 17, 1854
Hollister, Elizabeth, Lot: 224, Jan 19, 1827- Mar 31, 1904, Wife of LG
Hollister, Frances L, Lot: 248, Jan 8, 1844- no death date, Wife of Geo S
Hollister, George S, Lot: 248, Jun. 30, 1883, age 62yr 10 mo
Hollister, John L, Lot: 224, Dec 14, 1849 - May 14, 1851, Sone of LG and Eliz
Hollister, LG, Lot: 224, Oct 19, 1823-sep 24, 1909
Hollister, Maria, Lot: 248, Jul9, 1797-Jul 5, 1871, Wife of David
Holloway, Alice, Lot: 553, Mar 28, 1857 - Mar 7, 1923, Daughter of Noah G and Jennette
Holloway, J Edward, Lot: 553, Jun 22, 1892 - Sep 27, 1895, Son of William A and Margaret
Holloway, Jennette Key, Lot: 553, Aug 31, 1836 - Mar 21, 1882, Wife of Noah G
Holloway, Margaret Harrison, Lot: 553, Apr 9, 1862 - Jan 23, 1922, Wife of William A
Holloway, Noah G, Lot: 553, Sep 13, 1827 - Oct 1, 1899
Holloway, William A, Lot: 553, May 13, 1864 - Nov 17, 1914
Holmes, Oliver F, Lot: 81, 1840-1920, age 80, US colored Vol Col 26th Reg
Honeywell, Grace Graham, Lot: 895, 1900-1971
Honeywell, James A, Lot: 879, Mar. 10, 1965, Baby
Honeywell, James R, Lot: 895, 1842-1922
Honeywell, Jane M, Lot: 895, No Dates
Honeywell, Joan, Lot: 895, No Dates
Honeywell, Mary A, Lot: 895, 1859-1922
Honeywell, Stanleigh H, Lot: 895, 1899-
Honeywell, W Warren, Lot: 876, 1885-1958
Hood, J Kennedy, Lot: 917, Sep 1, 1843- Sep 6, 1908
Hood, Johnnie, Lot: 917, Mar. 13, 1880, age 3yr 2mo 13da, Son of JK and ME
Hood, Mary E, Lot: 917, Jul 21, 1854 - Jun 6, 1939
Hood, Sarah G Gavett, Lot: 660, Mar. 4, 1916, age 81 yr 3mo, Widow of James E
Hooker, Clark R, Lot: Am Legion, Jun 30, 1894 - May 30, 1968, NY Mus 3 Cl 12 Band CAC WWI
Hoos, Emma M, Lot: 976, 1887-1953
Hoos, Henry A, Lot: 976, 1879-1935
Hopkins, Carrie E, Lot: 44, 1863-1919
Hopkins, Egbert, Lot: 44, 1821-1878
Hopkins, Jermina Bisbee, Lot: 44, 1831-1915, Wife of Egbert
Horner, Fannie M, Lot: 426, 1865-
Horner, Mrs, Lot: 437
Horner, Mrs, Lot: 437
Hotaling, Caziah, Lot: 172, 1853-1937
Hotchkin, Malcom G, Lot: 974, 1897-1965
Hotchkin, Ruth A Rutherford, Lot: 974, 1897-1934
Hotchkiss, Anna M, Lot: 88, 1886-19
Houghston, John, Lot: 492&494, Jun. 18, 1881, age 11?, "Native of Ireland"
Howard Marie Theodora Clifton, Lot: 860, Apr 1863-Jul 18, 1926, Wife of Leland O Born Baltimore Died Oneora "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help"
Howard Nettie D, Lot: 105, Dec. 30, 1883, age 34, Wife of John G Daughter of Charles and Janet Telford
Howard, Alice Brady, Lot: 265, 1863-1939, Wife of George K
Howard, Alice Brady, Lot: 1037, 1863-1939
Howard, Andrew Bunnell, Lot: 145, 1872-1894, Son of George and Millicent
Howard, Calvin MD, Lot: 87, May. 19, 1873, age 81yr 1mo, "Blessed are the pure in heart"
Howard, Emeline P Ten Broeck, Lot: 87, Mar. 2, 1885, age 80yr 11mo, Wife of Calvin "Asleep in Jesus"
Howard, Emma L, Lot: 145, May.30, 1891, age 28yr 11mo 10da, Wife of George
Howard, George K, Lot: 265, 1868-1942
Howard, Ira Prentice, Lot: 145, 1893-1895, Son of George and Eva
Howard, Jessie B, Lot: 554, Oct 9, 1884 - June 4, 1941, Wife of William F
Howard, John G, Lot: 87, May. 3, 1898, age 60
Howard, Lealand Ossian, Lot: 860, Jun 11, 1857-May 1, 1950
Howard, Leslie J, Lot: 398, 1889-1906, "Adopted Son"
Howard, Lulie E, Lot: 145, May. 15, 1891, age 2mo 11da, Daughter of George and Emma
Howard, Margaret, Lot: 265, 1898-
Howard, Mary Barry Hull, Lot: 341, Dec 5, 1872 - Aug 15, 1916, Wife of George B "he giveth his beloved sleep"
Howard, Matilda J, Lot: 105, 1821-1901
Howard, Millicent, Lot: 145, May. 18, 1872, age 18yr 11mo 3da, Wife of George
Howard, Rachel, Lot: 564, 1833-1910
Howard, William F, Lot: 554, Feb 4, 1884- May 22, 1958
Howe, Achsah, Lot: 515, Dec. 29, 1851, age 60, Wife of James
Howe, Anna Steele, Lot: 515, Aug 5, 1885, age 72
Howe, Celeste M, Lot: 291
Howe, Charles F, Lot: 515, Feb. 22, 1838, age 5, Son of James and Achsah
Howe, James, Lot: 515, Apr. 5, 1843, age 65
Howe, James b, Lot: 515, Jun 9, 1870, age 60
Howland, Arletta F, Lot: 522, 1832-1901
Howland, Helen A Leslie, Lot: 284, 1895-1959
Howland, Jennie E Kemp, Lot: 682, 1845-1898, Wife of John
Howland, John B, Lot: 682, 1838-1916
Howland, Thomas K, Lot: 284, Jan 14, 1891 - Oct 8, 1957, NY PFC US Army WWI
Hoyt, Elizabeth A Watson, Lot: 800, 1915-1939
Hoyt, George, Lot: 800, 1891-1967
Hoyt, Gertrude C, Lot: 800, 1907-1969
Hoyt, Margaret Orr, Lot: 693, 1869-1943, Wife of Abram
Hoyt, Mary, Lot: 79, Apr. 12, 1867, age 79yr 2mo, Wife of Daniel "He giveth his beloved sleep"
Hoyt, Robert S, Lot: 800, Jul 2, 1919 - Feb 13, 1977, PFC US Army WWII
Hoyt, Vera Brundage, Lot: 800, Feb. 2, 1920 -
Hubbard, Rosa Hutson, Lot: 618, 1871-1947
Huber, Albert, Lot: 90, 1862-1924
Huber, Alexander H, Lot: 91, May. 11, 1889, age 13yr 3mo 20da, Son of Charles and Hannah M "I go to prepare a place for thee"
Huber, Charles A, Lot: 91, Nov. 28, 1881, age 20yr 11mo 12da, Son of Charles and Hannah M "In my hands no price I bring, simply to thy cross icling"
Huber, Charles L, Lot: 90, Apr 30, 1815 - Aug 23, 1887
Huber, Charles L, Lot: 91, 1841-1913
Huber, Edwin, Lot: 90, Apr 11, 1854 - Dec 29, 1863
Huber, Emma, Lot: 90, 1852-1926
Huber, Hannah M McLaury, Lot: 91, 1840-1922, Wife of Charles L
Huber, Henry, Lot: 90, Aug 24, 1850 - Jan12, 1893
Huber, Lizabeth H, Lot: 1064, 1879-1939
Huber, Susan Myers, Lot: 1064, 1847-1937, Wife of William H
Huber, Theresia I II, Lot: 90, Aug 10, 1820 - May 31, 1893, Wife of Charles L
Huber, William H, Lot: 1064, 1843-1899
Huber, Willie, Lot: 91, Aug 6, 1866, age 6mo, Son of Charles L and Hannah M "suffer little children to come unto me"
Hughes , Matilda, Lot: 208, 1855-1945
Hughes Matic, Lot: 208, 1853-1886, Daughter of James and Jane
Hughes, Abram, Lot: 1058&1068, 1841-1905, "Native of Englad"
Hughes, Abram Jr, Lot: 1058&1068, 1867-1934
Hughes, George, Lot: 960, 1853-1934
Hughes, Isaac W, Lot: 1058&1068, 1874-1899, Son of Abram and Louisa Hughes
Hughes, James, Lot: 208, 1817-1893
Hughes, Jane, Lot: 1058&1068, 1810-1897, Wife of James "Native of England"
Hughes, Jane E (?Jennie), Lot: 208, 1845-1918
Hughes, Jane Elliot, Lot: 322, 1837-1923, Wife of Thomas
Hughes, Jane F, Lot: 208, 1820-1900
Hughes, Jennie, Lot: 1058&1068, Sep 16, 1865-Aug 17, 1866, Our Jennie
Hughes, Jennie J, Lot: 960, 1857-1933
Hughes, John P, Lot: 208, 1850-1928
Hughes, Louisa, Lot: 1058&1068, 1832-1908, "Native of Englad" Wife of Abram
Hughes, Maggie, Lot: 45, Stone Gone
Hughes, Margaret Boyd, Lot: 1058&1068, 1868-1952, Wife of Abram Jr
Hughes, Mary C, Lot: 208, Aug. 15, 1850, age 3yr 10 mo 14da, Daughter of James and Jane
Hughes, Thomas, Lot: 322, 1843-1924
Hughes, William, Lot: 1058&1068, 1872-1894, Son of John and Lucy "Native of England"
Hughstone, Caroline, Lot: 464, 1850(?), age 2yr(?)
Huhck, Marquerite, Lot: 777, 1897-1910
Hull, Elizabeth Parshall, Lot: 341, Dec 28, 1845-Oct 12, 1918
Hull, Fanetta, Lot: 717, Jun 25, 1843-Sep 22, 1819
Hull, Lizzie, Lot: 341, Dec. 16, 1868, age 1yr 2mo 8da, "Our Baby"
Hull, Sterling, Lot: 717, Aug 8, 1841 - Sep 30, 1906
Hull, Wallace P, Lot: 341, Dec. 6, 1837, age 16yr 10 mo, "Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth"
Hume, Adam, Lot: 738, May. 23, 1886, age 85
Hume, Douglas, Lot: 1099, 1890-1973
Hume, Elizabeth Kedzie Lynch, Lot: 471, 1879-1957
Hume, Henry S, Lot: 1099, 1858-1951
Hume, James R, Lot: 401, May 29, 1865 - Jan 13, 1931
Hume, Jane Scott, Lot: 738, Dec. 15, 1884, age 81, Wife of Adam
Hume, Jessie B, Lot: 401, Aug 8, 1868 - Jan 21, 1927
Hume, Louise, Lot: Family Plot #8, 1869-1953
Hume, Margareta Currie, Lot: 1099, 1860-1948, Wife of Henry S
Hume, Mary, Lot: 738, Feb 26, 1840 - Feb 2, 1906
Hume, Robert H., Lot: Family Plot #8, 1860-1940
Humes, Ellin McLaughlin, Lot: 1067, 4/4/1870-6/9/1939
Humiston, Austin, Lot: 254, 12/31/1891, age 76yr., (Fa.)
Humiston, Charles W., Lot: 254, no dates
Humiston, George, Lot: 442, no stone
Humiston, John A., Lot: 254, No dates
Humiston, Marshall C., Lot: 442, 5/23/1871, age 22yr., Only child of George and Rhoda A
Humiston, Orlando D., Lot: 254, 2/9/1898, age 12yrs., son of Austin + Phebe J.
Humiston, Phebe, Lot: 254, no stone
Humiston, Rhoda A, Lot: 442, base only
Humphries, Caroline, Lot: 564, 1888-1889
Humphries, Charlotte T., Lot: 564, 1864-1946
Humphries, Samuel, Lot: 564, 1891-1892
Humphries, William J., Lot: 564, 1856-1950
Hunt , Orpah, Lot: 511, 8/10/1867, age 73yr. 7mo. 25da., wife of Jacob
Hunt J. Harris, Lot: 454, 2/23/1825-2/3/1879, (Fa.)
Hunt, Aaron, Lot: 606, 7/22/1891
Hunt, Aaron M., Lot: 511, 1850-1919, (C.W. Vet.)
Hunt, Clifford A, Lot: 713, 1888-1952, I.O.O.F
Hunt, Eliza G. Wells, Lot: 511, 3/28/1873, age 54yrs., wife of Hiram P.
Hunt, Francis Arbuckle, Lot: 317, 1868-1938
Hunt, George W., Lot: 236, 1893-1894
Hunt, George Winslow, Lot: 627, 3/24/1890-5/29/1966
Hunt, Grace M., Lot: 316, 1890-1964
Hunt, Hattie E., Lot: 713, 1857-1941
Hunt, Hattie M., Lot: 236, 1864-1953
Hunt, Hiram P., Lot: 511, 3/6/18?0, age __yrs 4mo, (stone repaired)
Hunt, Howard, Lot: 627
Hunt, Jacob, Lot: 511, 6/16/1867, age 82yr. 5mo. 19da.
Hunt, Jane McMurray, Lot: 606, 10/7/1895, age 72yrs., wife of Aaron
Hunt, Jennie Van Alstyne, Lot: 713, 1880-1941, wife of W. Wheeler
Hunt, John, Lot: 236, 12/9/1883, age 93yr. 5mo. 5da.
Hunt, Josiah N., Lot: 627, 8/7/1821-11/21/1895
Hunt, Josiah N. Jr., Lot: 627, 1/3/1848-12/31/1921
Hunt, Julia C. McCabe, Lot: 511, 1853-1921, wife of Aaron M.
Hunt, Lillian M., Lot: 713, 1880-1923, wife of Clifford
Hunt, Lillie E., Lot: 512, 4/11/1883, age 2yr. 7mo. 11da., daughter A.S. + M.H.
Hunt, Lucy Kniskern, Lot: 316, 2/2/1832-4/28/1927
Hunt, Lula E., Lot: 511, 1/7/1885, age 9mo. 20da., daughter of Aaron M. and Julia C. "Here nothing but the casket lies the jewel will find beyond the skies."
Hunt, Margaret L., Lot: 236, 1907-1910
Hunt, Mary H. Reynolds, Lot: 512, 4/28/1882, age 32yr. 2Mo., wife of A.S.
Hunt, Mathew J., Lot: 316, 1882-1950, i.o.o.f.
Hunt, Minnie E. Rowe, Lot: 627, 7/28/1861-1/6/1946
Hunt, Nancy A. Brown, Lot: 627, 10/30/1819-5/11/1890, wife of Josiah
Hunt, Nancy M. Maxwell, Lot: 454, 3/14/1828-11/20/1898, (Mo.) Book says "Mandy"
Hunt, Ruth A., Lot: 236, 5/10/1881, age 48yrs., wife of William
Hunt, Tryphenia, Lot: 236, 3/18/18__, wife of John stone repaired ? Age
Hunt, W. Wheeler, Lot: 713, 1/6/1880-2/12/1906
Hunt, Warren W., Lot: 713, 1857-1936, (I.O.O.F.)
Hunt, William M., Lot: 236, 2/7/1913, age 86yrs.
Hunter, Ann E., Lot: 349, 5/4/1857, age 22yr. 2mo.
Hunter, Mariah, Lot: 349, 2/14/1859, age 51yr. 10mo. 4da., wife of Alfred
Hunting, George E, Lot: 45, 1827-1878, (Fa.)
Hunting, Jennie M. Landon, Lot: 45, 1832-1898, wife of George E. (Mo.)
Hurley, Charles, Lot: 479, 1858-_____
Hurley, John, Lot: 479, 1859-1928
Hurley, Maggie, Lot: 479, 1871-_____
Hurley, Mary Ann, Lot: 479, 1866-1883
Hurley, Mary Sweeney, Lot: 479, 1828-1910, wife of Thomas (Mo.) "Natives of Ireland"
Hurley, Patrick, Lot: 479, 1862-1906
Hurley, T. James, Lot: 479, 1857-1922
Hurley, Thomas, Lot: 479, 1821-1881, (Fa.) "Natives of Ireland"
Hutchinson, Job, Lot: 697, 1859-1920
Hutchinson, Martha, Lot: 105, 5/1/1874, age 90yrs., wife of Thomas
Hutchinson, Thomas, Lot: 105, 2/19/1877, age 95yrs.
Hutson, Anna Mary, Lot: 1071, 11/13/1876, age 2yrs. 5mo.
Hutson, Catharine, Lot: 318, 4/10/1831-5/18/1891
Hutson, Catharine, Lot: 638, 1832-1913, wife of Thomas
Hutson, Christy, Lot: 318, 10/15/1807-1/18/1878, age 70yr. 3mo. 8(?)da., wife of John
Hutson, Ebenezer F., Lot: 740, 1821-1875, (E.F.H.)
Hutson, Edward T., Lot: 1071, 1880-1957
Hutson, Elizabeth, Lot: 748, 1875-1934, (E.H.)
Hutson, Ellen, Lot: 318, 1864-1920
Hutson, Frances J. Hammond, Lot: 318, 1866-1921, wife of William G.
Hutson, George, Lot: 618, 11/9/1892, age 54yrs 9mos 14das, (Fa.)
Hutson, George I., Lot: 618, 6/13/1893-12/12/1967, N.Y. Pvt 15 Aero Const. Co. W.W.I
Hutson, Helen D., Lot: 740, 1857-1871, (H.D.H)
Hutson, Henrietta M., Lot: 740, 1847-1933, (H.M.H.)
Hutson, Irving, Lot: 107, 1874-1942
Hutson, Jane E., Lot: 740, 1851-1852, (J.E.H.)
Hutson, Jane George, Lot: 1071, 2/20/1925, age 77yrs., wife of Thomas R.
Hutson, Jessie, Lot: 1031, 1873-1955
Hutson, John, Lot: 266, 8/14/1883, age 59yr. 9mo. 1da.
Hutson, John, Lot: 318, 6/12/1803-11/16/1880, age 77yr 5mo 2da
Hutson, John A., Lot: 513, 1836-1915
Hutson, John F, Lot: 318, 1846-1883
Hutson, John Jr., Lot: 285, 12/18/1902, age 42yrs 6da.
Hutson, John R., Lot: 107, 1905-1971
Hutson, Julia A., Lot: 266, 7/20/1870, age 18yr. 6mo. 25da., wife of John
Hutson, Katherine, Lot: 107, 1855-1930
Hutson, L. Maria Stoutenburgh, Lot: 618, 9/30/1928, age 92yrs. 10mo. 16da., wife of George (Mo.)
Hutson, Lillie, Lot: 740, 1875-1876, adopted daughter Marg. D. Hutson
Hutson, Margaret Douglass, Lot: 740, 1824-1914, (M.D.H.) "Natives Shillgreen, Scotland"
Hutson, Mary A., Lot: 513, 1840-1913
Hutson, Mary C., Lot: 318, 1894-, daughter of Wm. + Frances
Hutson, Mary E, Lot: 285, base only
Hutson, Mary J., Lot: 318, 1848-1923
Hutson, Mary Lillian, Lot: 513, daughter of J.A. + Mary dates and epitah. Washed.
Hutson, May, Lot: 532, 4/21/1890, age 76yr., wife of Robert
Hutson, Mrs. John, Lot: 266, no stone
Hutson, Nellie M., Lot: 1071, 1871-1956
Hutson, Robert, Lot: 532, 12/11/1887, age 73yr.
Hutson, Robert G., Lot: 1071, 1877-1952
Hutson, Robert W., Lot: 513, 1878-1881
Hutson, Stanley J., Lot: 107, no dates
Hutson, Thomas, Lot: 638, 1831-1906
Hutson, Thomas R., Lot: 1071, 5/10/1899, age 56yrs.
Hutson, William, Lot: 266, 5/5/1881, age 32yr. 2mo. 16da.
Hutson, William C., Lot: 618, 9/4/1913, age 49yrs., son of George + L. Maria (W.C.H.)
Hutson, William G, Lot: 318, 1868-1916
Hutson, William T., Lot: 318, 11/20/1877, age 35yr 2mo 20da, son of John and Christy
Huyck, Minnie, Lot: 777, 1871-1934, wife of Robert M. (Mo.)
Huyck, Robert M., Lot: 777, 1869-1944, (Fa.)
Hyde, Alison Hume, Lot: 952, 11/28/1885, age 78yrs., wife of Robert
Inglis, Archibald, Lot: 97, 10/11/1887, age 78yr, "At Rest." Native of Scotland Errected by his wife
Inglis, Christina, Lot: 97, 03/12/1890, age 79yr, Native of Scotland
Irish, Araminta McDonald, Lot: 74, 01/15/1892-4/9/1920, Wife of Harold Enos Irish
Irvin, Dr. Lester, Lot: 917, 1890-1961
Jack, John, Lot: 1056, 1853-1926
Jack, Julia E. Maxwell, Lot: 1056, 1857-1911, Wife of John
Jackson, Caroline, Lot: 539, 5/10/1867, age 22yr. 25 da., Wife of W.A. Epitah Washed
Jackson, Elspeth, Lot: 242, 7/6/1874, age 48yrs.
Jackson, Gilbert B., Lot: 812, 1884-1911
Jackson, Luella M., Lot: 812, 1875-1960
Jackson, Maggie (Our.), Lot: 539, no dates, age 11mo. 10da.
Jackson, Margaret Lawson, Lot: 642, 1835-1892, Wife of William
Jackson, Mary, Lot: 539, no dates, (M.J.)
Jackson, Nancy M. Blair, Lot: 812, 1846-1918
Jackson, Thaomas J., Lot: 812, 1845-1916
Jackson, Thomas, Lot: 242, 9/24/1838-7/9/1881
Jackson, William, Lot: 642, 1835-1922
Jacobs, Elizabeth Penfield, Lot: 117, 1894-
Jacobs, Ferris Jr., Lot: 952, 3/20/1836-8/30/1886, (C.W.Vet)
Jacobs, Ferris, M.D., Lot: 936, 1/10/1802-9/7/1887, (C.W.Vet)
Jacobs, James Lasell, Lot: 98, 1866-1963, (J.L.J.)
Jacobs, James Milo, Lot: 258, 1825-1899, (J.M.J.)
Jacobs, Jennie Reid Riggs, Lot: 258, 1839-1930, wife of James Milo (J.R.J.)
Jacobs, Leila Burgin, Lot: 952, 1874-1950
Jacobs, M. Lizzie Wright, Lot: 138, 1843-1876, Wife of T. Lasell
Jacobs, Mary E. Hyde, Lot: 952, 9/10/1842-8/29/1895, Wife of Ferris, Jr.
Jacobs, Mary F. Sackrider, Lot: 98, 1877-1947, wife of James L. (M.F.S.)
Jacobs, Mary S. Penfield, Lot: 98, 1872-1936, wife of James L. (M.S.P.)
Jacobs, Nancy Lasell, Lot: 936, 5/6/1812-8/10/1892
Jacobs, Ralph M., Lot: 952, 6/3/1877-8/3/1898, "Drown in Cayuga Lake - his body was not recovered."
Jacobs, Robert Hyde, Lot: 952, 1871-1961
Jacobs, Sarah E. Sears, Lot: 1036, 11/27/1851-12/24/1901, wife of Dewitt M. Jacobs
Jacobs, Timothy Lasell, Lot: 138, 1837-1920
James, Elizabeth, Lot: 862, 1872-1923
James, Walter D., Lot: 862, 1875-1966
Jamieson, George, Lot: 1103, 1862-1928
Jamieson, Jane, Lot: 1103, 1869-1932
Jay, Margaret, Lot: 235, 3/4/1873, age 90yr. 9mo., wife of Joseph "In everything rejoice and give thanks."
Jenkins, Jane C., Lot: 156, 12/23/1819-03/5/1864, wife of John
Jenkins, John, Lot: 156, no stone
Jenkins, Mary, Lot: 156, no stone
Jenks, Ellery M., Lot: 884, 1835-1919
Jenks, Fannie R., Lot: 884, 1862-1947
Jersic, Catherine Conklin, Lot: 849, 1910-, wife of Louis John
Jersic, Louis John, Lot: 849, 1914-1950
Jesionowski, Bertha T., Lot: 989, 1905-1949
Jester, Eisabella A., Lot: 245, 1831-1863
Jester, Elizabeth E., Lot: 245, 1863-1945
Jester, James Graham, Lot: 245, 1861-1931
Jester, John J, Lot: 245, 1838-1864
Johnson, August, Lot: 679, 1/21/1890, age 36yr. 11mo., "He has gone -----." (stone washed)
Johnson, Cynthia H., Lot: 1098, 1918-1959
Johnson, Elias, Lot: 192, 4/10/1870, age 78yrs., (W-1812)
Johnson, Gertie, Lot: 679, 1/17/1889, Daughter of August + Rena
Johnson, Harriett, Lot: 389
Johnson, Helen M., Lot: 1098, 1892-1929, wife of Wm. M.
Johnson, Julia E., Lot: 1098, 1857-1945
Johnson, Maj. Robert, Lot: 388, 1831-1902, (C.W, )
Johnson, Margaret, Lot: 192, (base of stone only)
Johnson, Mary Ann, Lot: 388
Johnson, Phebe, Lot: 192, 1/17/1870, age 76yrs., wife of Elias
Johnson, Steven C., Lot: 388
Johnson, William, Lot: 192, no stone
Johnson, William M., Lot: 1098, 1884-1949
Johnston, Lot: 788, Family Stone only There are no head stones but there are 10 graves l.o.o.f. Flag
Jones, Abel, Lot: 1044, no stone
Jones, Ellen Mitchell, Lot: 131, no stone
Jones, Ephriam, Lot: 998, 1868-1945
Jones, George L., Lot: 207, 2/18/1854-12/9/1864, (G.L.J.)
Jones, George S., Lot: 207, 2/3/1820-10/7/1878, (G.G.J.)
Jones, Lasandra M., Lot: 420, no stone
Jones, Lysandra M., Lot: 420, 9/10/1838-1/16/1867, wife of O.B. Jones
Jones, Martha, Lot: 70, 1809-1898, (M.J.)
Jones, Phebe, Lot: 70, 1814-1887, (P.J.)
Jones, Sarah P. Jasuish, Lot: 207, 9/22/1824-11/19/1898, (M.o.) wife of George G.
Jordan, Clark B., Lot: 808, 1896-1969
Jordan, Jennie M. Glendening, Lot: 808, 1892-1919, wife of Clark B.
Jordon, Christina Brando, Lot: 502, 1842-1901, wife of Moses
Judson, "Our" Charlie, Lot: 423
Judson, "Our" Matie, Lot: 423
Judson, Andrew, Lot: 490, 1792-1872
Judson, C.B., Lot: 490
Judson, Charles, Lot: 490, 1806-1887
Judson, Charles S., Lot: 490, 1853-1887
Judson, Emily E., Lot: 490, 1836-1862
Judson, Mary A., Lot: 490, 1814-1876
Judson, Nabby, Lot: 490, 1769-1835
Judson, Samuel M., Lot: 490, 1768-1848
Junt, Archie D., Lot: 236, 1868-1910
Kaeslin, Joseph F., Lot: 679, 7/7/1894-9/18/1905
Kaeslin, Sophia Stiefel, Lot: 679, 2/16/1903, age 38yrs., wife of Joseph
Kamph, Eva C., Lot: 964, 1869-1936
Kamph, Richard J, Lot: 964, 1877-1940
Kaufmunn, Ed, Lot: 558, no stone
Kearney, Ellen, Lot: 465, 1/11/1872, age 71yrs., wife of Michael
Kearney, Michael, Lot: 465, 9/28/1801, age 16yrs. (?)
Keegan, Joseph, Lot: 461, 7/16/1901, age 1ry 5mo, son of______
Keil, Catherine Simon, Lot: 97, 1841-1921, (mother) wife of Henry
Keil, Henry 1842-1926, Lot: 97, (father)
Kelsey, Roland, Lot: sect. 3-Hill, 1899-1936, single grave
Kemp, Frances W., Lot: 636, 1864-1926
Kemp, James, Lot: 637, 9/12/1847-12/27/1929
Kemp, Janet Whitson, Lot: 637, 9/15/1824-12/16/1904, (Mo.) wife of Peter B.
Kemp, John A., Lot: 636, 1854-1926
Kemp, Peter B., Lot: 637, 8/12/1812-9/9/1892, (Fa.)
Kemp, William C., Lot: 637
Kent, Henry, Lot: 319, 7/6/1888, age 72yrs., (father) Native of Scotland
Kent, Isabel, Lot: 319, 3/20/1889, age 67yrs., (mother) wife of Henry Native of Scotland
Keogan, Abbie, Lot: Family Plot #9, 1857-1930
Kiff, Baby, Lot: 573, 1893
Kiff, C. Everett, Lot: 574, 1862-1941, (C.E.K.)
Kiff, Calista Richtmeyer, Lot: 573, 1826-1906, (C.R.K.) wife RDW Kiff
Kiff, Mabel G., Lot: 574, 1867-1952, (M.G.K.)
Kiff, Richard D.W., Lot: 573, 1829-1909, (R.D.W.K.)
Kilmer, Edward J., Lot: 988, 6/5/1918-7/21/1954, N.Y. T. Sgt. Co. K. 136 Inf. W.W.II vsm
Kilmer, Helen E., Lot: 988, 1897-1973
Kilmer, James H., Lot: 988, 1883-1964
Kilpatrick, Agnes L., Lot: 580, 1884-1955
Kilpatrick, Ivan S., Lot: 580, 1879-1948
King, James N., Lot: 722, 1847-1902
King, Margaret B, Lot: 722, 1854-1938, wife of James N.
Kissan, Alexandra I., Lot: 391, 1905-1971
Kissan, Daniel T., Lot: 391, 1876-1961
Kissan, Katharine M., Lot: 391, 1876-1939
Klukkert, Arthur, Lot: 271, 1897-1918, (son)
Klukkert, Edna B., Lot: 671, 1906-
Klukkert, Everett, Lot: 671, 1906-1971
Klukkert, Fritz, Lot: 271, 1872-1942, (Fa.)
Klukkert, Rena, Lot: 271, 1875-1946, (Mo.)
Klukkert, Wesley R., Lot: 271, 1903-1945
Knapp, Artenas D., Lot: 445, 5/22/1877, age 45yrs.
Knapp, Azubah, Lot: 450, 1801-18883, wife of John G.
Knapp, Clarence, Lot: 826, 1/8/1901-10/26/1926
Knapp, Delia P., Lot: 826, 6/12/1881-4/18/1944
Knapp, Edward, Lot: 569, 1849-1882
Knapp, Elwood R., Lot: 569, 1875-1962
Knapp, Emeline A. Cottrell, Lot: 445, 10/6/1920, age 75yrs., Wife of Artenas D.
Knapp, Esther, Lot: 209, 10/5/1856, age 69yr. 3mo. 12da.
Knapp, Esther Ann, Lot: 445, 4/13/1852, age 1yr.
Knapp, Gilberta, Lot: 826, 10/6/1919-11/31/1919
Knapp, Giles, Lot: 826, 6/22/1872-8/29/1927, (Spanish American War)
Knapp, Jennie C., Lot: 569, 1852-1922, wife of Edward
Knapp, John G., Lot: 450, 1802-1857
Kniskern, James E., Lot: 316, 1/27/1870, age 33yr 8mo, Co. #1 89th Reg N.Y.S.U. died from disease contracted while in the service
Kniskern, Levi J, Lot: 316, 8/13/1865, age 22yrs 6mo., Co. #1 89th Reg N.Y.S.U. died from disease contracted while in the service
Kniskern, Lorenzo D., Lot: 316, 1/26/1875, age 47yrs, Co. C 144th N.Y. Vol.
Kniskern, Peter, Lot: 316, 7/11/1881, age 83yr. 9mo.
Kniskern, Sophia, Lot: 316, 3/24/1864, age 66yr. 3mo., wife of Peter
Kohn, William G, Lot: 914, 1881-1928
Koon, Rachel, Lot: 54 + 55, 11/24/1845, age 86yrs.
Krotoff, Peter, Lot: 998, 1890-1953
Kuhnell, Anna A., Lot: 958A, 1876-1938, (Mo.)
Kuhnell, Herman R., Lot: 958A, 1899-1948
Kuhnell, John G., Lot: 958A, 1879-1956, (l.o.o.f.) (Fa.)
Kuhnell, William E., Lot: 958A, 1906-1969
Kuther, John H., Lot: 1076, 1900-1969, (funeral home marker)
LaBarr, John, Lot: 459, 11/11/1865, age 42yr 1 mo 4da
LaBarr, Lucilla A., Lot: 459, 3/26/1863, age 7yr. 22da., daughter John + Prudence
LaBarr, Prudence A., Lot: 459, 1/29/18??, age 35yr. 2mo., wife of John
Laidlaw, Agnes Doig Strangeway, Lot: 683, 1881-1950
Laight, Fredrick B., Lot: 755, 10/28/1886-8/23/1953, N.Y. Luiet J.G. USN RF W.W.I
Lakin, Ann, Lot: 855, 1889-1951, wife of Joseph
Lakin, Joseph, Lot: 855, 1885-1939
Lamont, Jessie Jack, Lot: 1056, 1857-1900, wife of Robert D. "She stretcheth forth her hand to the needy"
Lamont, Robert D., Lot: 1056, 1852-1928
Landon, Asa, Lot: 560, 1792-1831
Landon, Cornelus F., Lot: 77, 7/2/1897, age 42yr 1mo. 1da., "Gone but not forgotten"
Landon, David O., Lot: 77, no stone
Landon, Eliza, Lot: 560, 1774-1836, wife of Thomas
Landon, Emma D., Lot: 739, 1869-1966
Landon, Eunice Hollister, Lot: 560, 1788-1879
Landon, Juliet, Lot: 560, 1827-1846, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (querie this date)
Landon, Marcus O., Lot: 739, 1859-1923
Landon, Margaret, Lot: 560, 1797-1824, daughter of Rev. Lang, wife of thomas
Landon, Mrs. David O., Lot: 77, no stone
Landon, Polly, Lot: 560, age 19yrs., daughter of Thomas and Eliza
Landon, Ronald, Lot: 77, no stone
Landon, Thomas Esq., Lot: 560, 1769-1833
Lane, Henry, Lot: 517, no stone
Langer, Edward John., Lot: Am. Legion, 10/13/1917-9/19/1961, N.Y. 51 USNR W.W.II
Larnard, Charlotte Muir, Lot: 969, 1897-1957
Larnard, Earl L., Lot: 969, 1888-1959, (Moose)
Lasher, Frederick, Lot: 798, 1879-1951
Lasher, Howard W., Lot: 798, under the monument
Lasher, Mary H. Mabon, Lot: 798, 1888-1979
Lasher, Melissa Sherwood, Lot: 798, 1855-1951
Lasher, Phillip H., Lot: 798, 1843-1913
Launt, Isabelle W., Lot: 578, 1888-1944
Launt, Marry Hilson, Lot: 1075, 1863-, wife of A.B. Launt
Lavalle, Blanche, Lot: 311, no stone
Law, Albion H., Lot: 639, 1850-1864, son of Albion + Maria
Law, Charles B., Lot: 639, 1858-1864, son of Albion + Maria
Law, J. Albion
Law, Maria H., Lot: 639, 1830-1910, wife of Albion
Law, Samuel A., Lot: 639, 1771-1845
Law, Sarah, Lot: 639, 1775-1840, wife of Samuel A.
Lawrence, Daisey, Lot: 502, no stone
Lawson, George, Lot: 182, 12/6/1876, age 46yrs., native of scotland
Layman, Floyd E, Lot: 986, 7/21/1898-4/24/1972
Layman, Margaret E. Hafele, Lot: 986, 9/25/1903-
Leach, Nellie, Lot: 456, 7/18/1875, age 75yrs., wife of Martin Native of Aluish Co. Calaway, Ireland "________ in peace, Amen." (R.C. Cross)
Leal, Alexander T., Lot: 583, 6/21/1908, age 93yrs.
Leal, Almeda Perkin, Lot: 1101 +1102, 1844-1942, wife of John M. Single grave
Leal, Charolotte O'Donnel, Lot: 457, 1838-1905, wife of John A.
Leal, Clarence E., Lot: 899, 1878-1961
Leal, E. Mae Walley, Lot: 567, 1873-1959
Leal, Elizabeth C., Lot: 457, 9/18/1855, age 26yr. 3mo. ?da.
Leal, Elizabeth McGillivrae, Lot: 453, 1793-1884, wife of James
Leal, Emily, Lot: 457
Leal, Ernest A., Lot: 1079, 1876-1962
Leal, Ethel Mae, Lot: 587, age 31yrs., daughter of Henry + Mary
Leal, Frank A., Lot: 899, 1862-1957
Leal, Frank E., Lot: 567, 5/13/1906-6/14/1910
Leal, Gaylord D., Lot: 45, 5/5/1901-6/25/1901
Leal, Harriet, Lot: 453, 10/8/1830-7/30/1882
Leal, Harry, Lot: 567, 1893-1971, (Cemetary marker)
Leal, Henrietta, Lot: 567, 9/16/1913-3/1/1915
Leal, Henry, Lot: 457, 1800-1861
Leal, Henry, Lot: 587, 1/9/1855-12/31/1924, (father)
Leal, Henry A, Lot: 453, 4/2/1821-3/4/1871
Leal, Howard, Lot: 899, 1889-1957
Leal, James, Lot: 453, 1797-1841
Leal, James, Lot: 580, 11/25/1852-10/13/1883, (father)
Leal, Jennie Hamilton, Lot: 580, 4/11/1856-1/14/1931, (mother)
Leal, Joanna R., Lot: 587, 1/17/1884, age 24yr. 3mo. 20da., wife of Henry
Leal, John, Lot: 583, 12/29/1875, age 82, "in the 82nd year of his age"
Leal, John A., Lot: 457, 1837-1911
Leal, John A. Jr., Lot: 457, 1865-1910
Leal, John M., Lot: 1101 + 1102, 1843-1928, Co. C. 144th Reg. N.Y. Infantry single graves
Leal, Joseph M., Lot: 583, 9/13/1889, age 30yrs., "At Rest."
Leal, Laura, Lot: 453, 1834-1915, daughter James + Elizabeth
Leal, Lyda A, Lot: 583, 5/17/1903, daughter of John + Martha
Leal, Margaret, Lot: 583, 3/31/1888, age 69yrs., wife of Alexander T.
Leal, Margaret Harkness, Lot: 899, 1858-1920, wife of Frank A.
Leal, Margaret Simons, Lot: 1079, 1883-1919, wife of Ernest A.
Leal, Maria Shace, Lot: 457, 10/18(?)/1844, age 42, in 42nd yr. of her age wife of Henry
Leal, Martha, Lot: 583, 11/9/1858, age 72yrs., wife of John
Leal, Mary E. Fehrensen, Lot: 587, 10/20/1856-11/21/1951, (Mother)
Leal, Mary F., Lot: 583, 6/5/1909, youngest daughter of John + Martha
Leal, Mary P., Lot: 457, 8/7/1827-5/8/1914, daughter Henry + Maria "A Lady whom we all loved"
Leal, Matilda M., Lot: 453, 1836-1909, daughter of James +_ Elizabeth
Leal, Nancy E., Lot: 583, 1/5/1897, eldest daughter of John + Martha "At Rest"
Leal, Robert D., Lot: 567, 1878-1948
Leal, Walter, Lot: 457
Lee, Daniel, Lot: 445, 10/6/1892, age 58years, Co.1 89th N.Y. Vol. (C.W.)
Lee, Dorothy M., Lot: 445, no stone
Lee, Ellen E. Cottrell, Lot: 445, 1/5/1917, age 74yrs., wife of Daniel
Lee, James A., Lot: 961, 1920-1937
Lee, Mary B., Lot: 961, 1883-1935
Lee, Minnie F., Lot: 683, (Mo.)
Lee, William M., Lot: 683, 1865-1952
Leib, John, Lot: Sect. 3-Hill, 1861-1942, single grave
Leonard, Jessie Henderson, Lot: 607, 5/4/1865-1/4/1954, (J.H.L.)
Leonard, Rutson R. M.D., Lot: 607, 6/3/1868-3/16/1901, (R.R.L.)
Leslie, Edith M., Lot: 884, 1884-1923
Leslie, James N., Lot: 284, 1902-1956
Leslie, James W., Lot: 284, 1860-1920, (Fa.)
Leslie, Jane G. Nichol, Lot: 284, 1860-1924, (Mo.) wife of James W.
Leslie, Marion E, Lot: 884, 1909-
Leslie, Marjorie, Lot: 884, 1909, age 3days
Leslie, Thomas, Lot: 884, 1875-1930
Lester, Freddie, Lot: 78, 1/25/1877, age 1yr. 5mo., son of T.W. + E. Lester
Levenworth, Electa, Lot: 81, 6/12/1811, age 18yr. 25da., wife of Henry
Levenworth, Francis Hallon, Lot: 81, 10/18/1815, infant daughter of Henry and Harriet
Lewis DR. T.Park, Lot: 467, 8/16/1867-4/3/1906, (T.P.L.)
Lewis, Alexander, Lot: 467, 2/10/1812-6/9/1886, (A.L.) CW
Lewis, Alexander Jr., Lot: 467, 1838-1912, (A.L.)
Lewis, Beatrice F., Lot: 1301, 1887-1894, (not believed to be buried at this site)
Lewis, Fredrick G., Lot: 1301, 1891-1894, (not believed to be buried at this site)
Lewis, Isabelle, Lot: 1100, 1854-1939
Lewis, James H., Lot: 1100, 1856-1929
Lewis, Jane E., Lot: 467, 5/16/1845-5/27/1865, (J.E.L.)
Lewis, Jane E., Lot: 467, 1885-1973, (J.E.L.)
Lewis, L.K., Lot: 467, 1852-1924, (A.K.L.)
Lewis, Leon M., Lot: 988, 1910-1973
Lewis, Mable I., Lot: 1301, 1884-1888, (not believed to be buried at this site)
Lewis, Mary E., Lot: 467, 1848-1928, wife of Alexander Jr.
Lewis, Rebecca Crawford, Lot: 467, 1/8/1811-3/3/1890
Lichtfus, Frank L, Lot: Am. Legion, 9/15/1943, Wisconsin PFC 410 Telbn
Liddle, Leland D., Lot: Family Plot #9, 1897-1957
Liebman, Baby, Lot: 616, 8/12/1884, infant son of John H. + Blanche H.
Liljegrew, Carl, Lot: 108, 8/2/1864, age 1yr. 2mo. 14da., infant son of John + Catherine
Lincoln, Libbie, Lot: 210, 1849-1876, (sister)
Lind, Charles V., Lot: 845, 1896-1972
Lindsay, Eunice Bordon, Lot: 419, 1868-1923, wife of John
Lindsay, Helen Rattray, Lot: 419, infant
Little, Addie White, Lot: 10, 1860-1954
Little, Clifford C., Lot: 924, 1900-1929, (l.o.o.f.)
Little, David T., Lot: 1091, 1887-1955, (No.)
Little, Myrtle J., Lot: 1091, 1890-1928, (No.)
Little, Rev. John, Lot: 182, 4/30/1866, age 76yrs., from England
Little, Thirza Harris, Lot: 182, 1/25/1866, age 65yrs., wife of Rev. John
Littlejohn, John, Lot: 555, 2/11/1908, age 75yr. 8mo. 17da.
Littlejohn, Margaret B. Penny, Lot: 555, 11/20/1889, age 56yr. 2mo. 21da., wife of John
Loft, Sarah Smith, Lot: 550, 1881-1961
Lombard, Christine C. George, Lot: 869, 1857-1921, (C.C.L.)
Lombard, Ely, Lot: 869, 1851-1881, (E.L.)
Lord, Mary Olmsted, Lot: 240, 7/15/1848-2/11/1908, (MEL)
Lovell, Fred H, Lot: 270, 1863-1942
Lovell, Hassam, Lot: 270, 12/26/1818-12/9/1865, In Memory of
Lovell, Jessie M., Lot: 270, 1864-1927
Lovell, Mary Fuller, Lot: 270, 5/11/1813-8/8/1865, wife Hassam Lovell In Memory of
Lovell, Mary Hassam, Lot: 289, 12/21/1793-2/4/1867, "In Memory of" wife of Solon "Trust in the Mercy of God forever + ever"
Lovell, Rebecca Mallory, Lot: 270, 5/8/1833-4/21/1859, In Memory of wife of Hassam
Lovelt, Howard Merriweather, Lot: 998, 1866-1945
Ludington, Kate M. Sutton, Lot: 502, 1845-1924, wife of William
Ludington, William T., Lot: 502, 1843-1897
Ludwig, Giles A, Lot: 705, 1890-
Ludwig, Lillian S., Lot: 705, 1896-
Lynch, Elizabeth Penfield, Lot: 471, 11/5/1841-5/17/1911, wife of William P.
Lynch, Jane, Lot: 680, 1808-1883
Lynch, William P., Lot: 471, 7/29/1837-8/23/1929
Lynck, Florence, Lot: 998, 1895-1947
Lynck, George L., Lot: Sect. 3-Hill, 1888-1955, single grave
Lynck, William, Lot: 998, 1893-1963
Lyon, Arad S., Lot: 680, 1842-1864, Co. B. 5 N.Y. Hea. Art.
Lyon, John H., Lot: 236, 2/14/1835-10/21/1904
Lyon, Julia E. Hunt, Lot: 236, 7/12/1840-1/25/1894
Lyon, Mary J., Lot: 680, 1841-1914
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