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New York Newspapers, Full Search (1730-2018), 1,027 titles
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New York Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
East Coast Memorial
Battery Park, Manhattan, New York
GPS: 40.702134, -74.015911
Battery Park
New York, NY 10004
Published: October 30, 2019
Total records: 4,598
Surnames H-J
Records published here were acquired from American Battle Monuments Commission on October 30, 2019.
HAAG, Donald Edwin, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3213312, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HAAS, James W., First Lieutenant, 569th Army Air Force Base Unit, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-523098, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 17-October-1944, World War II
HAAS, Walter J., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #2435576, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HABBERFIELD, Eugene H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6084037, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HADDAD, Nathan Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6582664, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HADDEN, Hoyt Harry, Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2685849, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HADDEN, Nathaniel J., Steward's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8506503, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HADEN, Mansel R., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #558413, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HADUCK, Teadore J., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6462997, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-May-1945, World War II
HAENEL, Otto W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, Service #0-146673, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 11-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HAGAN, Harry Jr., Aviation Metalsmith Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6361117, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 12-December-1942, Buried at Sea, World War II
HAGAN, Raymond J., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2687246, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HAGAN, Robert H., Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6210911, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HAGANS, Albert C., Private, U.S. Army, Service #36605799, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAGEWOOD, Henry H., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17122010, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAHN, William F., Staff Sergeant, 550th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16132098, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 21-June-1943, World War II
HAHNER, Algy D., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37241922, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 10-March-1944, World War II
HAINES, Raymond E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2444643, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HAIRE, Will M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6591608, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 20-August-1944, World War II
HALERZ, Joseph A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6104779, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HALEY, George J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6075136, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HALKO, Stephen H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #8072768, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 28-March-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HALL, George M., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2049279, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HALL, Horace Shelton, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2725619, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HALL, Howard A., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15131781, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 8-May-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
HALL, James T., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6440736, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 15-July-1944, World War II
HALL, John, Boatswain's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6464537, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HALL, John Victor, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2629572, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HALL, Joseph Cyril Jr., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #6462601, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
HALL, Raymond A., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2622463, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HALL, Raymond Elnor, Chief Shipfitter, U.S. Navy, Service #2720085, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HALL, William B., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2667712, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HALL, William F. Jr., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2727418, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HALLADAY, Robert M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-115172, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 5-November-1942, World War II
HALLENBECK, Eugene T., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7064389, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HALLER, Thomas Darwin, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2503528, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HALLIGAN, John T., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #552753, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HALLMARK, Orville E., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34420186, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAMEL, Harold J., Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2686886, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HAMEL, Harvey H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5731369, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HAMILTON, Charles F., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15336402, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAMILTON, James G., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-145192, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 7-August-1943, World War II
HAMILTON, Robert B., Staff Sergeant, 756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18189987, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 9-January-1944, World War II
HAMLIN, John A., Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2795774, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HAMLIN, William J., Signalman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2685324, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HAMMER, Frederick F., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6223148, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 10-January-1943, World War II
HAMMER, James K., Second Lieutenant, 757th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-689152, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 14-January-1944, World War II
HAMMON, Edward J. Jr., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3376584, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HAMMOND, Dhew, Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3465996, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HAMMOND, Robert D., Storekeeper Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6517307, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HAMPTON, Edwin W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-118968, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HAMSON, Phillip Mead, Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6063636, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 25-February-1944, World War II
HANCOCK, James J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7145354, State of Entry: New York, Death: 16-February-1945, World War II
HANCOCK, William S., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-751129, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 18-December-1943, World War II
HAND, Francis E., Chaplain - Captain, U.S. Army, Service #0-385280, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 14-October-1942, World War II
HANDORF, Robert C., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #2072714, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 4-January-1945, World War II
HANER, Harold V., Chief Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #03855839, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 3-March-1944, World War II
HANEY, Floyd B., Captain, Headquarters Squadron, 1st Mapping Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-438634, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 9-April-1942, World War II
HANHISALO, Frederick J., Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4005491, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
HANK, Wilbur L., Chief Yeoman, U.S. Navy, Service #2656801, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
HANKLEY, Thomas W., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6585460, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
HANNA, Robert V., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-429186, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 21-July-1946, World War II
HANNEVER, Grover C., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-122143, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 12-August-1944, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
HANNIGAN, John R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6421817, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 11-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HANNOLD, Gail M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6601564, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HANSER, Rutherford, Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #8434528, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HANSON, Burton R., Ensign, U.S. Navy, Service #0-085326, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HANSON, Charles C., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1858536, State of Entry: California, Death: 26-April-1942, World War II
HANSON, Frank B. Jr., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-215912, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HANSON, Richard J., Master Sergeant, 487th Bomber Squadron, 340th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19072514, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 18-February-1943, World War II
HANSON, Richard T., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19082561, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-January-1943, World War II
HANUS, George, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6107280, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 4-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARBOUR, Shelva, Second Lieutenant, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #2065758, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 8-January-1945, World War II
HARDEN, Hubert L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7259076, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
HARDEN, William L., Chief Pharmacist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #2684220, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
HARDIMAN, Richard H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #8265416, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HARDING, Edmund C. Jr., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31099386, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 30-March-1943, World War II
HARDY, Charlie A., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2684527, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 29-March-1945, World War II
HARGROVE, Richard E., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-690650, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 18-December-1943, World War II
HARKINS, James W., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6560225, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARLACHER, Edward J., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #36480012, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 27-May-1944, World War II
HARLEY, Robert James, Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #676354, State of Entry: California, Death: 13-December-1945, World War II
HARLOCK, Robert E., Yeoman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2684418, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HARMAN, Elmer L. Jr., Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, Service #3719962, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
HARMON, Harry C., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7556378, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HARMON, Joseph Jr., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #5520074, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 28-July-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HARMON, Victor R., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-691499, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 1-March-1944, World War II
HARPER, Frank N., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15322614, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARPER, Walter Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2520041, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 16-February-1945, World War II
HARR, John J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7075112, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HARRINGTON, Henry M., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-338031, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 27-January-1945, World War II
HARRIS, Carson Moss, Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #2665186, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 27-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HARRIS, Curtis C., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2629127, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 6-February-1945, World War II
HARRIS, Dewitt, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8301988, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HARRIS, James Edward, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3116768, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HARRIS, Wade A., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6569783, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 16-July-1943, World War II
HARRIS, William L., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #538482, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 28-March-1944, World War II
HARRIS, William Ottis, Gunner's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2721060, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
HARRISON, Woodrow W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2690513, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 20-May-1943, World War II
HARRY, John Joseph, Chief Water Tender, U.S. Navy, Service #2068594, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HARRYMAN, Willie Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3573351, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
HART, Charles E., Captain, 26th Squadron, 4th Ferry Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #1699324, State of Entry: California, Death: 3-February-1944, World War II
HART, Gordon S., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #11072105, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HART, John P., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-173967, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HARTENSVELD, Orie J., Private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #32386307, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARTLEY, Donald B., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7094773, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
HARTMAN, Roy, Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #229520, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARTRANFT, Frank C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2516170, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HARTWIG, Adolph D., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5517700, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
HARTZHEIM, William M., Corporal, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Service #16092210, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HARVEY, Eddie Louis, Mess Attendant Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3605270, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HARVEY, Gerald J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6080944, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 10-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HARWELL, Harold G., Fireman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #538439, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 25-August-1946, World War II
HASELDEN, Charles A. Jr., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #2645012, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
HATCH, Sheldon P., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-145388, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 25-May-1943, World War II
HAUBER, Robert L., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #2231577, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HAUSER, Leo C., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #42032961, State of Entry: New York, Death: 4-January-1945, World War II
HAVERSTICK, George F., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3111996, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAWK, Arthur L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #655118, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAWKINS, John Stanley, Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3828088, State of Entry: California, Death: 16-January-1943, World War II
HAWKRIDGE, Earle F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #521377, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAYES, John C. III, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-428787, State of Entry: California, Death: 7-February-1946, World War II
HAYES, Robert K., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #32452450, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAYGOOD, Boyd C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6043177, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 28-July-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HAYMAN, Alfred C. Jr., Private, Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army, Service #33064010, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HAYNES, John D., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2626370, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HAYNSWORTH, W. M. Jr., Commander, U.S. Navy, Service #0-058046, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HAYS, Glenn W., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3376310, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HAYWARD, Horace H., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2024195, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HEAD, Albert F., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8674728, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HEAD, Clifford A., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31108559, State of Entry: New Hampshire, Death: 30-March-1943, World War II
HEALEY, Lawrence V., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2123552, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
HEALY, John F., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-741262, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 1-March-1944, World War II
HEARN, Titus E., Staff Sergeant, 22nd Anti-Submarine Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34078231, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 22-April-1943, World War II
HEATH, Fred T., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3283117, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HEATHER, Laverne A., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7006591, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 16-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HEATLEY, Joseph Burke, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2583753, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HEATON, Claude Louis, Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #3856490, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HEATWOLE, Floyd E. Jr., Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #33225477, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 7-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HEAVEL, Roland G., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33372542, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HECKART, Dana W., Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #513007, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 1-July-1943, World War II
HECKMAN, Gail Wayne, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6201837, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 29-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HEDDERICH, Ted M., Corporal, 15th Bomber Squadron, 27th Bomber Group, Light, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35716585, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 27-February-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
HEDRICK, Charles E., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3757840, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HEDRICK, Charles M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6580371, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HEEG, George B. Jr., Quartermaster Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2795885, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HEGLIN, William C., Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6220289, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HEILIGER, Nelson F., Machinist First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3114093, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-May-1943, World War II
HEIM, Harry J., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17031110, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 9-September-1942, World War II
HEIN, Glenn L., Second Lieutenant, 704th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-744893, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 29-October-1943, World War II
HEINEMANN, Chester J., Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3820880, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HEINLY, Bertram G., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6995603, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 9-April-1944, World War II
HEINTZE, Robert W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8217808, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HEIST, Hernry W., Staff Sergeant, 59th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Light, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6977170, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-February-1943, World War II
HELGESON, Harold M., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3687167, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 25-November-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HELMS, John A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-124242, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 4-July-1943, World War II
HEMING, George J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6128462, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
HENDERSON, Brice D., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2642564, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 28-November-1945, World War II
HENDERSON, Fred D. Jr., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-156694, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 24-August-1943, World War II
HENDERSON, William G., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6361558, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 27-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HENDRICH, John E., First Lieutenant, 53rd Fighter Squadron, 36th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-424748, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 15-September-1942, World War II
HENDRICK, Carl E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9691228, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HENDRICKSON, Hjalmar B. A., Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2998672, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HENKEL, Emerson D., Corporal, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #33008132, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 15-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HENNIS, Benjamin F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6165916, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 4-November-1945, World War II
HENRY, John E., Corporal, 242nd Army Air Force Base Unit, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17125279, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 13-January-1945, World War II
HENRY, Joseph L. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4052726, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HENRY, Robert F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3218208, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 20-April-1943, World War II
HENRY, Walter B., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-125045, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 7-August-1943, World War II
HENSEL, Donald Louis, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6300634, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 8-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HENSHAW, John S., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4145433, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HENSLEY, Charley F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6280301, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 19-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HENSLEY, Jack V., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17060308, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HENSON, Robert H., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14158084, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HENZE, Frederick A. Jr., Chief Yeoman, U.S. Navy, Service #2013299, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HERBST, George E., Soundman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #244556, State of Entry: New York, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HEREDIA, Martin M., Sergeant, Medical Corps, U.S. Army, Service #38067260, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-June-1944, World War II
HERMAN, Irvung, Corporal, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #32180297, State of Entry: New York, Death: 15-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HEROD, Willis G., Private, 1705th Ordnance Maintenance Company, U.S. Army, Service #33306042, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 22-August-1943, Buried at Sea, World War II
HERRING, William J., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #220929, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
HERZFELD, Gerald C., Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #20248579, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HESS, George L. Jr., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #2060017, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 20-January-1945, World War II
HESTER, John J. Jr., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-362626, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 11-May-1943, World War II
HEWITT, Charles G., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-104265, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 22-April-1944, Distinguished Flying Cross, World War II
HIA, Magnus, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6479087, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HIBBLE, James L., Ship's Cook Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2685950, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HICKEY, Richard T., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13124361, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HICKS, Harry L., Commander, U.S. Navy, Service #0-061421, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HICKS, Harvie G., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34338338, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HICKS, William R., Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6575647, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HIGHTREE, Randall G., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17123191, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HILL, Charles H., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #104890, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HILL, James Thomas, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4037960, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
HILL, Jarvey C., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6123730, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 21-November-1943, World War II
HILL, John Stewart F., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2235456, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 19-October-1942, World War II
HILL, Lynn A., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8441394, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
HILL, Tauno O., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #504320, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
HILL, William R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8932321, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
HILLIARD, Daniel F., Private, U.S. Army, Service #35506574, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HILLMAN, Kenneth L., Private, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #13088953, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HILTIBRAN, William R., Signalman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2800177, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
HINCHEY, Thomas J., Private, U.S. Army, Service #31148856, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HINCHMAN, Russell E., Staff Sergeant, 487th Bomber Squadron, 340th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35359716, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 18-February-1943, World War II
HINES, Clayton, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2855031, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HINKLE, Edmund B., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33331476, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HINKSON, Clarence, Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #552739, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HINSHAW, Frank T., Captain, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-430978, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 9-September-1942, World War II
HINSON, John W., Second Lieutenant, 52nd Fighter Squadron, 32nd Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-681672, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 17-October-1943, World War II
HINTON, Clarence C., Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2722928, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HITSON, Charles A., Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #19122654, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HLADILEK, Charles A., Aviation Radioman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3285086, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 13-June-1942, World War II
HOBBS, Robert G., Second Lieutenant, Medical Administration Corps, U.S. Army, Service #1543403, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 7-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOBBY, Reece N., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38464972, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 24-May-1944, World War II
HOBSON, Robeert G., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13151958, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 14-January-1944, World War II
HOCHSPRUNG, Norman C., Private, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Service #36361466, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOCKIN, John D., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2512950, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HODGE, Edward L., Second Lieutenant, 757th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-682864, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 14-January-1944, World War II
HODGES, Homar S., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9512938, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HODGES, Samuel M., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6581730, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 12-December-1944, World War II
HODKE, Herman J., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3687321, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HODNETT, R. J., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #3562391, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOFF, Calvin J., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37260912, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 2-November-1944, World War II
HOFFER, Robert F., Chief Boatswain's Mate, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1732214, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HOFFMAN, John B., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6232583, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HOFFMAN, John L., Private First Class, 10th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6995339, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 11-December-1941, World War II
HOFMANN, Philip S., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-437894, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 25-April-1946, World War II
HOGAN, Loy C., Private, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #34360396, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOGAN, Luther E., Second Lieutenant, 1st Squadron, 480th Antisubmarine Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-790244, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 24-November-1942, World War II
HOKE, Raymond B. Jr., Technical Sergeant, 1st Squadron, 480th Antisubmarine Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15058045, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 24-November-1942, Air Medal with Oak Leaf Cluster, World War II
HOLCOMB, Byron E., Storekeeper Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3809104, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLCOMB, Roy B., Corporal, 1 ECA REGT, U.S. Army, Service #6928943, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 11-September-1941, World War II
HOLDEN, Charles M., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3003955, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLEY, Hilmar W., Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3283564, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 6-September-1943, World War II
HOLL, Donald Dean, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2690572, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 13-May-1942, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
HOLLADAY, John A., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2244024, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLADAY, Samuel Lee, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2687251, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HOLLAND, Bert, Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38630486, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 2-November-1944, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, World War II Victory Medal, World War II
HOLLAND, Delmer D., Private, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #15102792, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLAND, Francis C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4052396, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLAND, Robert E. Jr., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-104728, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 4-April-1944, Air Medal, World War II
HOLLERS, Donald P., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35364840, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLIS, Ordis Oliver, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2728322, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 30-June-1943, World War II
HOLLISTER, Kingsley S., Private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #12090459, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLOWAY, Clinton G., Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2728444, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLLROCK, George T., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-161062, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HOLM, James D., Sergeant, 757th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39461844, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 14-January-1944, World War II
HOLMAN, William Harry, Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2436307, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 26-October-1942, Buried at Sea, World War II
HOLMES, Charles, Steward's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2743978, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 26-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLMES, Charles M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6040566, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLMES, Cleveland H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2635318, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOLMES, Harold Lloyd, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2876634, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 25-January-1943, World War II
HOLMES, John R., Second Lieutenant, 4th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-712011, State of Entry: California, Death: 22-February-1945, World War II
HOLSAPPLE, Warren G., Sergeant, 16th Air Base Squadron, 15th Air Service Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16053235, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 16-March-1944, World War II
HOLT, Granvelle S., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2688784, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 20-July-1944, World War II
HOLZMUELLER, Charles D. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4052708, State of Entry: Delaware, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOMER, Samuel Byers, Chief Machinist's Mate, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2500676, State of Entry: California, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HONAKER, Thomas H. Jr., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15336204, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HONIKER, Francis T., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6664680, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOOK, William C. Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4051974, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOOPER, Frank V., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #224386, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOOPER, Ulyssis F., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5627134, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-September-1945, World War II
HOOT, George W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3604453, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 31-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOOVER, James Howard, Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3003450, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 24-March-1942, World War II
HOPE, Paul E., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #617254, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOPE, Willard Herman, Yeoman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3419234, State of Entry: California, Death: 8-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOPPER, Charles, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2664135, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HOPSON, Jack T. Jr., Staff Sergeant, 2nd Anti-Submarine Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19011351, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 21-December-1942, World War II
HORN, Grover G., Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2746949, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HORNIMAN, Stuart K., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6222307, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 20-October-1944, World War II
HORNSBY, Jefferson C. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 417th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-812995, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 13-January-1944, World War II
HORTON, James U., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-148103, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
HORTON, Louie C., Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #38180770, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HORVATH, Edward J., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2237258, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
HORVATH, Joseph S., Torpedoman's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2832314, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
HOSLAR, Wilbur E., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15074172, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOSTAK, Quiren, Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #503167, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOUCK, Hawley H., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-731299, State of Entry: California, Death: 4-April-1944, World War II
HOUSTON, Fletcher N., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3372473, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HOUSTON, James P., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6597794, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 12-December-1944, World War II
HOVE, John O., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3289868, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 11-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOVIE, Delmer L., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6391325, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
HOWARD, Daniel, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5757747, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOWARD, George F., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2072911, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HOWARD, Herbert W., Private, U.S. Army, Service #32468941, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HOWARD, John L., Private First Class, 3218th Quartermaster Service Company, U.S. Army, Service #32711234, State of Entry: New York, Death: 14-December-1945, World War II
HOWE, Gordon N., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17049186, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 13-March-1943, World War II
HOWELL, Reubin Hollis, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2957778, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 26-April-1942, World War II
HOWLAND, Arthur C., Radarman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3054534, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 15-July-1944, World War II
HOY, Kenneth E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6206771, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HOYLE, Carl E., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #2635118, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HOYT, Andrew J., Second Lieutenant, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-725979, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 5-September-1942, World War II
HOYT, Draper, Corporal, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18008760, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-March-1942, , World War II
HOYT, Edward, Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2238672, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HRYCYSZYN, Peter, Private First Class, 33rd Infantry Regiment, U.S. Army, Service #33184258, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 16-February-1944, World War II
HUBAY, Michael, Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #6142000, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 1-November-1941, World War II
HUBER, Lowell H., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3283869, State of Entry: North Dakota, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
HUDDLESTON, Pryor B., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8676517, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 28-March-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HUDSINUS, Charles, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2435870, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUDSON, John P., Private, U.S. Army, Service #36525235, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUDSON, Robert C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6542484, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HUDSPETH, Bill, Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6362965, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 16-July-1944, World War II
HUFF, John Roland, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6520145, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HUFFMAN, Clyde H. Jr., Soundman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2838998, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
HUFFMAN, William J., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34428841, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 12-March-1944, World War II
HUFFMON, Allan V., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3116272, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
HUGHBANKS, James, Technical Sergeant, 487th Bomber Squadron, 340th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15020080, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 18-February-1943, World War II
HUGHES, Charles D., Technical Sergeant, 356th Bomber Squadron, 331st Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38088529, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 30-March-1943, World War II
HUGHES, Rich B., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, Service #0-078667, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 8-December-1941, World War II
HUGHSTON, William M. Jr., Private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #34333457, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HULBURT, Robert L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3687319, State of Entry: Montana, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
HULL, Rovello S., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32490637, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUMBLE, Willard C. Jr., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14158244, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUMES, Francis J., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #519206, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUMPHREY, Robert B. Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8988671, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
HUNDT, Robert Raymond, Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2438551, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 4-July-1943, World War II
HUNT, James C., First Lieutenant, 556th Army Air Force Base Unit, U.S. Army, Service #0-692314, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 8-August-1945, Air Medal with 4 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
HUNT, James Erskine, Shipfitter Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2723116, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
HUNT, John N. C., Lieutenant, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUNTER, Charles R., Ensign, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUNTER, Eldon D. Jr., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34386241, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 1-March-1944, World War II
HUNTER, John T. Jr., Private, Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army, Service #14097599, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HUNTER, Larry E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8694753, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
HUNTER, Robert D., Captain, 6th Convalescent Hospital, U.S. Army, Service #0-022062, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 17-June-1942, World War II
HUNTER, Robert R., First Lieutenant, 10th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-796827, State of Entry: New York, Death: 8-May-1944, World War II
HUNTLEY, George W., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6661393, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
HUNTLEY, John F. Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6000106, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HUSSER, James, Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32718094, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-September-1944, World War II
HUST, Stanley M., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7219884, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
HUTCHENS, Carl H., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8347278, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 2-March-1944, World War II
HUTCHERSON, Roy W., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14055174, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 28-September-1943, World War II
HUTCHINS, John A. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 10th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-420795, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 11-December-1941, Distinguished Flying Cross, World War II
HUTCHISON, Robert Lee, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2660992, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HUTSON, Joseph T., Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18036979, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 24-November-1942, Air Medal with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters, World War II
HVIZDOCK, Martin T., Ship's Cook Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #519342, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
HYATT, Elmo Jewett, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6144344, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 29-August-1943, Navy-Marine Corps Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
HYNES, William P., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2238628, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
HYRES, Paul H., Carpenter's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #501804, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
IASALVATORE, Angelo R., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6143493, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
IBISON, Ben Junior, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6301340, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 3-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
IDAROLA, Charles A., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2238673, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
INGRAM, Charles, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2799939, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
INGRAM, Melvin A., Gunner's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2833068, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 14-September-1945, World War II
INGRAM, William J., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2043367, State of Entry: California, Death: 9-March-1943, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
INKS, Arthur E., Private, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Service #33373298, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
INNES, William T., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35108061, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 10-April-1943, World War II
IRELAND, John S., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-156428, State of Entry: California, Death: 27-July-1944, World War II
IRIONS, Thomas H., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2724901, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
IRVIN, Stuart, Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3683726, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
IRVINE, Stanley Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6473152, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-December-1944, World War II
IRWIN, Herbert M. Jr., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-080075, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-March-1944, World War II
IRWIN, Luther Amos, Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2913753, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
IRWIN, Robert W., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Service #0-123656, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
IVEY, Billy Kenneth, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6166712, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
IVEY, Everett Leon, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2955615, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
IVEY, Robert L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5523376, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 14-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
IZZO, Mario Fred, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4028563, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
JABKOWSKY, Edward V., Chief Boatswain's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #2341293, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
JACKSON, Claudius S., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2629920, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 30-January-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JACKSON, Harry M., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2665808, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 31-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JACKSON, Jack J., Private, U.S. Army, Service #17075526, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JACKSON, Oscar F., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-403098, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 27-May-1945, World War II
JACKSON, Walter J., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #20135558, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 2-June-1943, World War II
JACOBS, Errol M., Private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #13079908, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JACOBS, James N., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #7550943, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 24-July-1945, World War II
JACOBS, John, Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8004731, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
JACOBS, Paul Melvin, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6044967, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
JACOBSEN, Donald Roy, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3167712, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 22-February-1942, World War II
JACOBSEN, Warren D., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6301974, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
JACOBSON, Donald H., Private, U.S. Army, Service #36257957, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JACQUES, Vincent D., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #2127178, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
JAKOBCZAK, Walter J., Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #2283177, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JAMES, Edward F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2616476, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JANICK, Chester Frank, Radarman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6660675, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-June-1943, World War II
JANISE, Vernon Lee, Ship's Cook Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3467734, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JANKOWSKI, Matthew M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6473476, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JANSSEN, Paul W., Second Lieutenant, 440th Bomber Squadron, 319th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-727881, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 31-December-1942, World War II
JARDEL, Thomas Edward, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2437010, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JARED, Benjamin E., Carpenter's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3856916, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JAROSZ, Bronislaus, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6232364, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
JAROUSKY, Phillip, Water Tender First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #203333, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JARRETT, Samuel W., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #33729115, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 20-January-1945, World War II
JARVIS, William H., Shipfitter First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3852713, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JATZ, Fred P., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33331360, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JAVONOVICH, Anthony, Machinist, U.S. Navy, Service #146682, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 3-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JAYNES, Gordon F., Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6538278, State of Entry: New York, Death: 20-February-1945, Buried at Sea, World War II
JEFFERY, Edward J., Quartermaster First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3811723, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JEFFRIES, Kenneth R., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8205923, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 14-September-1945, World War II
JENKINS, Hays H., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6530740, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
JENKINS, Talmadge C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6577169, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
JENKS, Henry R., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #5525018, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 31-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JENSEN, Charles F., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #202501, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
JENSEN, Donald Eli, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6081759, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JENSEN, Milo N., Flight Officer, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-128007, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 4-January-1945, World War II
JERMAN, William F. Jr., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-069210, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-February-1942, World War II
JEWETT, Euan Lochel, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6367732, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 30-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JIN, Yee M., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #8035093, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 11-May-1944, World War II
JOHNS, Floyd R., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #631279, State of Entry: California, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNS, Woodrow W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #9682873, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Arthur F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4101347, State of Entry: California, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Charles C., Yeoman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6583619, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Charles S., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9313523, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
JOHNSON, Charles W., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2563367, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
JOHNSON, Chester A., Staff Sergeant, U.S. Army, Service #39226733, State of Entry: California, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, David, Ship's Cook Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #200626, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
JOHNSON, Earl Phillip, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2388916, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Elbert M., Chief Shipfitter, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1546554, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Everett W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6702844, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 3-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Francis L., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #12150860, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Glenn W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-227154, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
JOHNSON, Horace A., Corporal, 27th Squadron, 2nd Ferry Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16126127, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 20-March-1943, World War II
JOHNSON, Hoyt H., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34037845, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, James P., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2722934, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
JOHNSON, Lee Edward, Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2953228, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
JOHNSON, Lonnie D., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #5520043, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 28-November-1943, World War II
JOHNSON, Raymond J., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-821030, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-May-1944, World War II
JOHNSON, Rolland C., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #217991, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Russell E., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33196288, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Thomas E., Major, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-327174, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 8-November-1942, World War II
JOHNSON, Thomas E. Jr., Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3465375, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
JOHNSON, Vilus C., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34338613, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, Walter M. Jr., Baker Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2564142, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSON, William E. Jr., Captain, 5th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-373435, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-April-1942, World War II
JOHNSTON, George S., Boilermaker First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2740615, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JOHNSTON, Harvey L., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3721290, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 14-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
JOHNSTON, Radford, Cook Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2681689, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
JOINES, Presley S., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33372428, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOLLIFF, Albert Claire, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6149275, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Arnold G., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34037593, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Bennie F., Aviation Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, Service #3560113, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 17-May-1943, World War II
JONES, Douglas Elmo, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6409133, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Hamilton, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-130408, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 12-February-1944, World War II
JONES, James Linwood, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6561608, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 27-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, James W., Flight Officer, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-186372, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 28-February-1943, World War II
JONES, John L., Private, U.S. Army, Service #36252384, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Melvin L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2665267, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Norris W., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9590351, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
JONES, Ralph L., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13113315, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Richard Harrison, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6420134, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Robert Donald, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7247327, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Vaul W., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8855224, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
JONES, Verba David, Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6175767, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JONES, Vernon J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7576805, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 13-May-1945, World War II
JONES, William J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8971732, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
JONES, William Jay, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2629515, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, Navy Specially Meritorious Medal, World War II
JORDAN, Elmer H. Jr., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-661771, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 25-March-1943, World War II
JORDAN, James Cleon, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2686665, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 13-June-1942, World War II
JORDAN, John A., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-096079, State of Entry: New York, Death: 30-January-1943, World War II
JORDAN, Joseph, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2454707, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
JORDAN, Joseph F., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3368885, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JORDAN, Matthew, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2492797, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 22-January-1945, World War II
JORDAN, William I., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6220869, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 16-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JOSEPHSON, Ellwood S., Private First Class, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #6588759, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 20-July-1941, World War II
JOSEPHSON, Emanuel J., First Lieutenant, 440th Bomber Squadron, 319th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-727019, State of Entry: New York, Death: 31-December-1942, World War II
JOWDY, Emil James, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2022535, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOY, William F. Jr., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3374490, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 22-August-1943, World War II
JOYCE, Edgar Thomas, Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-091332, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
JOYCE, Joseph H. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8022686, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 8-December-1944, World War II
JOYCE, William J. Jr., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13129018, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JOYNER, Cecil Curtis, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5561577, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 2-December-1942, World War II
JUGLE, Lawrence W., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3111396, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
JULIAN, Herbert, Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2951427, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 8-June-1942, World War II
JURCA, Albert E., Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3599058, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 31-August-1943, Air Medal, World War II
JUVINALL, Leslie E., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16073996, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
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