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New York Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
East Coast Memorial
Battery Park, Manhattan, New York
GPS: 40.702134, -74.015911
Battery Park
New York, NY 10004
Published: October 30, 2019
Total records: 4,598
Surnames T-Z
Records published here were acquired from American Battle Monuments Commission on October 30, 2019.
TABAROWSKI, Joseph J., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6660363, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TACEY, George Edmonds, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2239671, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TACKETT, Clayton E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8285725, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
TAGGART, Charles M., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, Service #0-348869, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
TALLEY, James F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7147620, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
TALLEY, Robert S., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3562670, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
TALLEY, William E., Master Sergeant, 703rd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34257433, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 15-November-1943, World War II
TALLMAN, Dewey O., Aviation Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5529771, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 19-July-1943, World War II
TALLMAN, George L., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6509073, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 8-July-1945, World War II
TANCREDI, Michael A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4039357, State of Entry: New York, Death: 26-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TANKERSLEY, Echol K., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3723708, State of Entry: New Mexico, Death: 14-July-1943, World War II
TARAPACHAK, Steve J., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #110150, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 30-June-1942, World War II
TARBET, Thomas D., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19116947, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TARPLEY, Elmo B., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6463848, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
TARSA, Peter Walter, Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #2020674, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TARWATER, Vincent F., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3425117, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
TATE, Darrell Miller, Chief Pharmacist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #3556360, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
TAYLO, Ernest B., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #36481711, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 7-October-1944, World War II
TAYLOR, Donald C., Carpenter's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2654893, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
TAYLOR, Donald Coates, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6660373, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TAYLOR, Donald R., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2054514, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
TAYLOR, James K., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-729514, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-March-1943, World War II
TAYLOR, Joseph E., Signalman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3831314, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 3-March-1944, World War II
TAYLOR, Leonard C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7139223, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
TAYLOR, Lynn Anson, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2387105, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TAYLOR, Norman Jr., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6263717, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 15-July-1943, World War II
TAYLOR, Ralph L., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6125251, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
TAYLOR, Robert C., Aviation Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6473950, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 20-August-1944, World War II
TAYLOR, William W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2835559, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
TEAGUE, Forster Marion, Baker Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7247533, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TEHAN, Robert, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-251075, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 12-August-1944, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
TELCK, John F., Private, U.S. Army, Service #37210871, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TEMPLE, Arthur E., Aviation Pilot First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2232025, State of Entry: New York, Death: 11-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
TEMPLETON, Chester H., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2875810, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 5-April-1944, World War II
TEMTE, Robert, Construction Mechanic, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3820267, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
TERMINESI, Velio, Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #31047168, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TERNYAK, Stephen, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6397011, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 15-September-1944, World War II
TERP, Perry J., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2239674, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TERRELL, George A., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-731695, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 30-March-1943, World War II
TESCHENDORF, Leo L., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #110215, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
THAYER, Alfred Jr., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2664723, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 10-January-1943, World War II
THEISEN, Daniel J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6104788, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 10-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
THIBODEAUX, Oze, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4077642, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
THIESEN, Leonard J., Second Lieutenant, 708th Bomber Squadron, 447th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-746265, State of Entry: California, Death: 27-November-1943, World War II
THOLEN, Edward Henry, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4111745, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
THOMAN, William P., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
THOMAS, Charles R., Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2659637, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
THOMAS, Harley W., Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3468590, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
THOMAS, Horace L., Chief Electrician's Mate, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #552533, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-April-1944, Navy-Marine Corps Medal, World War II
THOMAS, L. V., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2689759, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 23-December-1942, World War II
THOMAS, Vernon E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6292877, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
THOMAS, Warren, Technician Fifth Grade, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, Service #6935389, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 1-February-1945, World War II
THOMAS, William John, Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6520000, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
THOMPSON, Clifford, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7231753, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
THOMPSON, Davis S., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2798209, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
THOMPSON, Donald B., Staff Sergeant, 758th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38368929, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 8-February-1944, World War II
THOMPSON, Jack P., Major, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-023131, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 30-September-1943, Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, World War II
THOMPSON, James R., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-708281, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 27-May-1944, World War II
THOMPSON, Jessie D., Ship's Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2627228, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
THOMPSON, Norman J., Second Lieutenant, 411th Bomber Squadron, 502nd Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #90798912, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-January-1945, World War II
THOMPSON, Richard J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6089181, State of Entry: New York, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
THOMPSON, Robert L., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8369117, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 25-October-1945, World War II
THOMPSON, Rudolph A. Jr., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3009644, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
THOMPSON, Willie W., Mail Clerk Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8938007, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
THORNTON, Charles W., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16109257, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 10-April-1943, World War II
TICHANSKY, Michael, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-727682, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 21-December-1942, World War II
TIECHE, Richard H., Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6229415, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 5-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
TIERNEY, William C., Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #540315, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TILL, Donald, Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #229845, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
TILLER, Jennings R., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #7013260, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 14-September-1944, Navy-Marine Corps Medal, World War II
TILLETT, Thomas Jr., Steward's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #234096, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TILTON, Todd Jr., Sergeant, 10th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6951006, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 11-December-1941, World War II
TIMPANO, Vincent P., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6021189, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 14-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TINSLEY, Robert E., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7107166, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
TINSMAN, Carl Welby, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6034459, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TIPTON, John D., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2876917, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
TIPTON, Oliver P., Electrician's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6586968, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
TIPTON, Samuel B., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3817218, State of Entry: California, Death: 22-November-1945, World War II
TISNEY, John, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9237744, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
TITSWORTH, A. C., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #18133036, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TOBISKA, William C., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-291380, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 14-May-1944, World War II
TODD, Vernon, Private, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #35461786, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TOFT, Charles E., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TOLMAN, Arthur B., Chief Radioman, U.S. Navy, Service #3682941, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
TOMLIN, Noah Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8285708, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
TORMEY, John M. A., Chief Aviation Pilot, U.S. Navy, Service #2434896, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 1-May-1943, World War II
TORRILLO, John J., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-729268, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 24-January-1943, World War II
TORTORICI, Acursio, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4029776, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
TOULOUSE, Darrel J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6555993, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
TOWNE, Francis I., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #553889, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TOWNSEND, David D., Corporal, 17th Anti-Submarine Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14063970, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 25-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TRAHAN, Asa, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #612020, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 9-April-1946, World War II
TRAHAN, James J. P., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #244368, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TRAINOR, Omar Leo Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6226723, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 5-December-1942, World War II
TRAPP, Wilson B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-104695, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TRAVIS, Patrick J., First Lieutenant, 569th Army Air Force Base Unit, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-797099, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 17-October-1944, World War II
TRAXLER, Harold W., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #3378198, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 4-July-1943, World War II
TREADWAY, Walter R., Corporal, 4th Photographic Squadron, 1st Mapping Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14066116, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 8-June-1943, World War II
TREADWELL, Jesse C., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TRENT, Beverly D. Jr., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5527000, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 8-August-1944, World War II
TRENT, Garard H., Fireman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6581111, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TREUBIG, Charles F., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1045979, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
TRIMBOLI, Stephen E., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #244224, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TROBAUGH, George D., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33212059, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TRONTI, Jack J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7825896, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 15-February-1946, World War II
TROUSDELL, George H., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2241785, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
TROY, John F. J. , RM3C, USNR, U.S. Navy, Service #06424454, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
TROY, William M., Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #20248289, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TRUE, Raymond Vernon, Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6162560, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TRUMP, Robert L., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #5525079, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 12-December-1944, World War II
TRUSS, Ray M. Jr., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3816328, State of Entry: California, Death: 28-September-1944, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
TUCCILLO, Vincent J., Fireman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #233548, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TUCHOLKA, Gerard J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6027155, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
TUCKER, Arthur E., Flight Officer, 554th Army Air Force Base Unit, U.S. Army, Service #T-224314, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 2-November-1944, World War II
TUCKER, Clifford S., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #7564903, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
TUCKER, Earl M., Steward's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6583648, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
TUCKER, Raymond F., Master Sergeant, Headquarters Squadron, 1st Mapping Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6538956, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 9-April-1942, World War II
TUCKER, Raymond L., Second Lieutenant, 30th Fighter Squadron, 37th Fighter Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-662004, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 7-April-1943, World War II
TUCKER, William Harold, Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #031593, State of Entry: California, Death: 23-April-1944, , World War II
TULL, Richard M., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6508483, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 1-October-1944, World War II
TURANSKI, John E., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #233463, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TURCOTTE, Robert T., Aviation Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #2016995, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 5-June-1944, World War II
TURDIN, Alexander M., Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2283251, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 8-March-1943, World War II
TURNER, Alfred J. Jr., Ship's Cook Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6462142, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 21-May-1943, World War II
TURNER, Billiee Gene, Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3468381, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
TURNER, Earl R., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35629214, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 4-January-1945, World War II
TURNER, Farron E., Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-149759, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
TURNER, Joseph C., Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #7557310, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 21-August-1943, World War II
TURNER, Loren E., Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3288150, State of Entry: North Dakota, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
TURNEY, Kenneth E., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #35354466, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
TUTTLE, Arthur H. Jr., Captain, 363rd Bomber Squadron, 304th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-411741, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 24-November-1942, Air Medal, World War II
TUTTLE, Jack S., Fire Controlman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7254138, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
TWILLIE, Clarence A., Fire Controlman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2660704, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
TYLOCH, Stanley J., Fire Controlman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2997497, State of Entry: California, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
TYREE, William A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5604939, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
TYRUS, Earl J., Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #606532, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
UMALI, Donato, Steward First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #4979249, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
UNDERWOOD, William L., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2508427, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
UNGER, Charles W. Jr., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2241166, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
UNGER, James D., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, Service #0-165851, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
UNTERBACH, Alfred J., Technician Fifth Grade, Field Artillery, U.S. Army, Service #32174457, State of Entry: New York, Death: 21-July-1943, World War II
UPTON, Harold E., Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2798484, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
URQUHART, Leonard C. Jr., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-157766, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 16-January-1944, World War II
VACCARO, Gus F., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7102630, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
VACEK, Eugene William, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3289939, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
VAIL, Walton B., Quartermaster Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #239188, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VAN ALSTYNE, George P., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #505095, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VAN DER LEUN, Gerard, Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13128814, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 9-April-1944, World War II
VAN DERVORT, John G., Technical Sergeant, 328th Bomber Squadron, 93rd Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13013578, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 9-September-1942, World War II
VAN DRIELST, William, Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #4029005, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-August-1943, World War II
VAN DRIESSCHE, Harry N., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8752147, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
VAN HEEL, Charles A., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6391355, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
VAN HOESEN, Frank H. Jr., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5626127, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
VAN HOOK, Richard P., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, Service #376455, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-July-1942, Buried at Sea, World War II
VAN HORN, John R., Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4035146, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-August-1944, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
VAN IDERSTINE, Gilbert J., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-693577, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 25-May-1945, World War II
VAN NAULAR, Ralph E., Private, U.S. Army, Service #35338694, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VAN ORMAN, Dennis Ray, Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2873107, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
VAN SICKLER, William G., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3116930, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
VANDER HAMM , Kenneth, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6483746, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 2-January-1943, World War II
VANDER MOLEN , Leo J., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3003940, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
VANDERHEIDEN, Ambrose G., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-227401, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
VANE, Newton L., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #3510126, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
VELASCO, Braulio M., Steward Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #217291, State of Entry: Philippines, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VENANZI, Frank, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7087806, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
VENSLAUSKAS, Jonas, Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31370517, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 24-May-1944, World War II
VERCNOCKE, Albert R., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6225322, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 4-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VERNALIS, Anthony, Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #33236959, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VERNARSKY, Joseph, Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7555387, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
VERNIER, Norman R., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #7008949, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 14-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
VEST, Willard R., Electrician's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #9552769, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 28-November-1945, World War II
VICKERS, Sidney M., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #O-171746, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
VIENS, Marcel Vincent, Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6660480, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 26-May-1943, Navy-Marine Corps Medal - Buried at Sea, World War II
VILLARREAL, Jose M., Private First Class, Quartermaster Corps, U.S. Army, Service #38714280, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 1-September-1946, World War II
VINCENT, Ernest W., Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2072673, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
VINESKY, Peter, Water Tender First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #110630, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VINK, John W., Sergeant, 756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #16142265, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 9-January-1944, World War II
VINTERA, Charles M., Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #36364730, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VIPPERMAN, Joseph H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9355514, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
VIRGIN, Stanley P., Chief Electrician's Mate, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4074664, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
VISCONTI, Febo, Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32414963, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VISSMAN, Paul L., Chief Water Tender, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #602867, State of Entry: California, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
VIZZINI, Rudolph R., Flight Officer, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #T-063334, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-November-1944, World War II
VOGELER, Elwin A., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-733749, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 7-August-1944, World War II
VOLGARES, Kenneth J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-251138, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 4-November-1943, World War II
VOLLUSE, Raymond J., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6027587, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VOORHEES, James C., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2917826, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 27-August-1942, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
VOORHIES, Russell B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-291144, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 14-May-1944, World War II
VOORHIES, Washington L., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6453510, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
VOSSE, John W., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39829364, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VRABEL, Steve R., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #205142, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
VREELAND, George L., Private, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #32385637, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WACHSMUTH, Jack H. Jr., Machinist Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6388058, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 13-June-1943, World War II
WACHTER, Charles W., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6021167, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WADE, Philip H., Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #20248293, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WAFF, Kenneth P., Signalman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2835777, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 31-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WAGNER, George A. Jr., Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, Service #0-077006, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WAGNER, Harold B., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6504719, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 1-January-1944, World War II
WAGNER, Jack W., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8750898, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WAGNER, James W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-145917, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 30-October-1943, World War II
WAGNER, Robert E., Corporal, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #20248963, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WAGNER, Wilbur E., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6144027, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 1-January-1944, World War II
WAHAB, John Jr., Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #233777, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WAHLERS, Clayton G., First Lieutenant, 27th Squadron, 2nd Ferry Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-434192, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 20-March-1943, World War II
WAID, Vernon R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6051992, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 15-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
WAITE, Luther, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6590308, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 10-March-1944, World War II
WAKEFIELD, Robert E., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-097199, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 4-December-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WALCHAK, Edward B., Storekeeper First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2236244, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WALDMAN, Jacob, Private First Class, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #11007234, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 14-October-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WALDRUP, Robert C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8438243, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WALKER, Allen B., Radioman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #202495, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALKER, Fay E., Technical Sergeant, 756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6862580, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 9-January-1944, World War II
WALKER, Fred S., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39902126, State of Entry: Utah, Death: 9-April-1944, World War II
WALKER, Fred W., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #33285200, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALKER, Harold R., Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #4004795, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 24-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALKER, Hugh A. Jr., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-105981, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 21-January-1942, World War II
WALKER, John D., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-759534, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-May-1944, World War II
WALKER, Le Roy E., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #3212846, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WALKER, Noel J., Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3599547, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WALKER, Norman W., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3371578, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
WALKER, Otis M., Staff Sergeant, 703rd Bomber Squadron, 445th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38247507, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 15-November-1943, World War II
WALKER, William S. Jr., Second Lieutenant, 10th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-421362, State of Entry: California, Death: 11-December-1941, World War II
WALKER, Willie L., Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5762670, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WALL, James J., Sergeant, 36th Airways Detachment, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6278319, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 7-January-1945, World War II
WALLACE, Cecil H., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6057920, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WALLACE, David A., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-214930, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALLACE, Francis H., Ensign, U.S. Navy, Service #263439, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 12-December-1943, , World War II
WALLACE, James B., Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8566789, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 13-April-1945, World War II
WALLACE, Joseph C., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6269454, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 29-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WALLACE, Raymond R., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2056451, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
WALLACE, Sachse, Captain, 363rd Bomber Squadron, 304th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-421209, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 24-November-1942, Air Medal, World War II
WALLS, Doyle E., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6176899, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
WALLUM, Elmer George, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6483240, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALSH, Edwin Francis, Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6079109, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
WALSH, John F., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1627427, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 28-July-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WALSH, Michael P., Private First Class, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13026133, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WALSH, Patrick J., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-140323, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1943, World War II
WALSH, Philip S., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-146063, State of Entry: New York, Death: 16-January-1943, World War II
WALTERS, Louis H., Technical Sergeant, 20th Troop Carrier Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13003286, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 10-July-1943, Air Medal, World War II
WARBURTON, William H. Jr., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2386107, State of Entry: New York, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WARD, Earl George, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6382581, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 23-January-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WARD, Irving H., Captain, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-437893, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 8-January-1945, World War II
WARD, Ralph E., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #241072, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WARD, T. J., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6563179, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WARD, William John, Yeoman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4027713, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
WARLICH, Louis F., Seaman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #506948, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 28-March-1944, World War II
WARM, Lawrence J., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-728244, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-March-1943, World War II
WARNER, Joe H., Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3600540, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WASHINGTON, John P., Chaplain - First Lieutenant, U.S. Army, Service #0-463529, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-February-1943, Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
WASKOW, Robert H., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8171413, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
WATERS, Nelson A, Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #0542752, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 17-December-1942
WATERS, William F., Machinist, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #110-780, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
WATKINS, Edward M. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5648643, State of Entry: California, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
WATKINS, Norbert J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6089196, State of Entry: New York, Death: 1-June-1943, World War II
WATKINS, Robert A., Sergeant, Corps of Engineers, U.S. Army, Service #33002373, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 15-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WATKINS, Thomas E., Aviation Radioman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3373956, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 16-September-1942, World War II
WATSON, Gilbert O., Staff Sergeant, 370th Bomber Squadron, 307th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13035554, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 27-October-1942, World War II
WATSON, Paul L. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8192107, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 17-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WATSON, Wilfred C., Yeoman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3243674, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WAUGH, Goree E., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-104802, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 23-July-1943, Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, World War II
WEATHERFORD, Charlie F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6223878, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 21-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEAVER, Claude K., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13023439, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 4-April-1943, World War II
WEAVER, George W., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6683902, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WEAVER, Herbert M., Water Tender First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3857460, State of Entry: California, Death: 2-May-1944, Navy-Marine Corps Medal, World War II
WEBB, Asher B., Private, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #6986735, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEBB, Charles F., First Lieutenant, 756th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-680801, State of Entry: Idaho, Death: 9-January-1944, World War II
WEBB, Edward J., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2626236, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 28-November-1943, World War II
WEBB, Rupert Cleo, Storekeeper Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4111632, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
WEBER, Julius E., Motor Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6682538, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WEBER, Thomas J., Coxswain, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #605868, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
WEBSTER , Robert B., Ensign, U.S. Navy, Service #O-173872, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 26-July-1943, World War II
WEBSTER, William D., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #244854, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEEDEN, Edward A., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2047185, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 30-October-1943, World War II
WEHNER, Leonard J., Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #20248914, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WEIDLICH, Paul C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2504724, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
WEIK, Gilmore E., Radarman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6383895, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WEINBERG, Lane M., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3935910, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 9-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEINER, Murray F., Soundman Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #501377, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEINHEIMER, Charles W., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2583596, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WEIRICK, Morris E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8752111, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WELCH, Daniel J. Jr., Aviation Ordnanceman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3604930, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 16-July-1944, World War II
WELCKER, Charles S., Gunner's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3115744, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WELKER, Robert W., Aviation Ordnanceman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3813068, State of Entry: California, Death: 24-June-1943, World War II
WELLINGTON, Henry, Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4024014, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WELLS, Cleo, Aviation Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3417862, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 8-December-1941, World War II
WELLS, William S., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #13065988, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WELSH, Charles J., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-290521, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 25-August-1943, World War II
WELSH, Dean M., Carpenter's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #225157, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WELSH, Denver C., Quartermaster Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #229954, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
WELTZ, Fred C. Jr., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #17065958, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 7-October-1944, World War II
WENGERT, Henry L., Fireman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9083085, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
WENTZ, Ned J., Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Service #0-072483, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 12-November-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WERNER, Edward T., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #213685, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-April-1942, World War II
WEST, James Henry, Steward's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6261860, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WESTBROOK, Huey M., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14156690, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WESTERLUND, Ivar A. Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8040749, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
WETMORE, Edward V. T. Jr., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #617276, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WEYMAN, John W. Jr., Fireman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #550505, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 10-September-1943, World War II
WHALEN, William F., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8251838, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-July-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WHAYNE, Thomas Samuel, Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2870571, State of Entry: Mississippi, Death: 20-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHEELER, Henry S., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-087887, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WHEELER, Joseph E. Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6004084, State of Entry: New York, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHEELER, Kenneth John, Ship's Cook Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6000442, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
WHEELER, Robert C., Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6273617, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WHIPPLE, Malcolm E., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #15332194, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITCOMB, Ellis E., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8254983, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
WHITE, Aubrey G., Aviation Radioman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6400321, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 16-July-1944, World War II
WHITE, Charles W., Fireman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3424221, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITE, Harry Z., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6122760, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 1-January-1944, World War II
WHITE, James Archie, Ship's Cook Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3564481, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WHITE, Joseph E. Jr., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5521958, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 15-July-1943, World War II
WHITE, Levi, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6567206, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 26-February-1945, World War II
WHITE, Norman, Steward's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #233072, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
WHITE, Paul B. Jr., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2250454, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WHITE, Ralph C., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #553887, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITE, Richard L., Chief Motor Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #3420860, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WHITE, Robert C., First Lieutenant, Headquarters, 1st Mapping Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-434584, State of Entry: District of Columbia, Death: 9-April-1942, World War II
WHITE, Roydel K., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8093246, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-April-1945, Bronze Star, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WHITE, Rush Truman, Storekeeper Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6581200, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITE, William A., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4025286, State of Entry: New York, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
WHITE, William K., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-828613, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 20-November-1944, World War II
WHITE, Woodrow W., Water Tender Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3758758, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITEHEAD, Clayton L., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5519325, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITEHEAD, Roy E., Fireman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9671293, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 14-September-1945, World War II
WHITEMAN, Hollis L., Private First Class, 107th Gun Crew, Coast Artillery Corps, U.S. Army, Service #12005122, State of Entry: New York, Death: 7-June-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITESIDES, Randolph A., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6362687, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 12-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITLEY, Julious E., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6362698, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 11-June-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITMER, John D., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-707571, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-May-1944, World War II
WHITMER, Moses Jimmie, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2875403, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WHITNEY, Fleming, Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #5603741, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 20-August-1944, World War II
WHITSON, Lloyd H., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #19147457, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 25-March-1945, World War II
WHITTEN, Clifford H., Pharmacist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6007278, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WHITTINGTON, Charles A., Second Lieutenant, 758th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-692981, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 8-February-1944, World War II
WHORISKEY, John J., First Lieutenant, 60th Tank Destroyer Battalion, U.S. Army, Service #1685973, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 13-April-1944, World War II
WICKER, Roy E., Soundman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3379412, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WICKLES, Lawrence G., Soundman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2343270, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WICKS, Eugene, Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #217497, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WIDMAN, Axel V. W., Radarman Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #544723, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WIECK, Henry J., Corporal, 99th Bomber Squadron, 9th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6978937, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 9-June-1942, World War II
WIEGAND, Herman J. Jr., Sergeant, Chemical Warfare Service , Philippine Scouts, U.S. Army, Service #13004746, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 27-May-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WIETING, Fredrick O., Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-734289, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 9-April-1943, World War II
WIGFIELD, Harold O., Staff Sergeant, 704th Bomber Squadron, 446th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #13145997, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 29-October-1943, World War II
WILCHER, Herbert O., Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3424048, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 4-January-1944, World War II
WILCOX, John W. Jr., Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy, Service #0-005224, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 27-March-1942, World War II
WILCOX, William Edgar, Pharmacist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2386235, State of Entry: New York, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WILCZENSKI, Cester T., Private, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, Service #36336612, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILDE, John A., Sergeant, 757th Bomber Squadron, 459th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37664503, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 14-January-1944, World War II
WILDUNG, Lea William, Radio Technician Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #7017136, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
WILEY, James A., Private, 423rd Bomber Squadron, 306th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #38002952, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-September-1942, World War II
WILKE, Carl H., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2585411, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 5-May-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WILKINS, Charles H., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2722062, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WILKINS, Woodrow W., Ensign, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILKINSON, Clarence A. Jr., Coxswain, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6562585, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILKINSON, David K., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6422758, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILKINSON, John F., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9354296, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 14-July-1944, World War II
WILLARRD, Eldon L., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-402783, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 24-July-1945, World War II
WILLIAMS, Bernard T., Ship's Cook First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6180611, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WILLIAMS, Charles C., Radioman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #205473, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
WILLIAMS, Clarence V., Carpenter's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #615079, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Clyde Isaac, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2614850, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WILLIAMS, Elmer Ee, Staff Sergeant, 122nd Observation Squadron, 68th Observation Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #34072298, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 8-November-1942, World War II
WILLIAMS, Emmett C. Jr., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-173402, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 12-September-1943, World War II
WILLIAMS, Eugene J., Second Lieutenant, 397th Bomber Squadron, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-740011, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 30-October-1943, World War II
WILLIAMS, Forrest B., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6595282, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WILLIAMS, Henry, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6572252, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WILLIAMS, Herbert G. M., Steward's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9208538, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 21-October-1944, World War II
WILLIAMS, James C., Private, U.S. Marine Corps, Service #868177, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 12-December-1943, Buried at Sea, World War II
WILLIAMS, James R., Ensign, U.S. Navy, Service #0-460110, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 18-May-1946, World War II
WILLIAMS, John Edwin, Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2726781, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 24-June-1943, Air Medal, World War II
WILLIAMS, Milton T., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8017203, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WILLIAMS, Paul, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2959238, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 8-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Robert H., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-350894, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 28-March-1944, World War II
WILLIAMS, Robert L., Staff Sergeant, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14033111, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 15-January-1945, World War II
WILLIAMS, Robert R., Boatswain's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2682911, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Robert, Steward's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2437605, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Roger J., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6105774, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 18-August-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Samuel Jr., Steward's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #232886, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMS, Theron, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9662724, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WILLIAMS, Thomas A., Electrician's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2723763, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WILLIAMS, Warren Jr., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-118317, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 3-March-1944, World War II
WILLIAMSON, Delma R., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #224091, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMSON, Victor L., Radioman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #224163, State of Entry: New York, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIAMSON, Walter A., First Lieutenant, 4th Photographic Charting Squadron, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-576726, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 5-October-1944, World War II
WILLIKSEN, Ingvar D., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6117016, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 31-December-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIS, Aubrey C., Private, U.S. Army, Service #34209836, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILLIS, George A., Water Tender Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2015424, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WILMOTT, Lester C., Pharmacist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2124920, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WILSON, Earl W., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #11062598, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILSON, Frederick S., Quartermaster Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4008970, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
WILSON, Herbert E. Jr., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6179207, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WILSON, James Floyd, Aviation Machinist's Mate Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3377320, State of Entry: Missouri, Death: 5-November-1942, World War II
WILSON, John G., Storekeeper Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3931067, State of Entry: Washington, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WILSON, Morris H., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3120854, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WILSON, Owen Franklin, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6542615, State of Entry: Oregon, Death: 8-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WILSON, Ponce B., Second Lieutenant, 548th Bomber Squadron, 385th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-736055, State of Entry: California, Death: 28-June-1943, World War II
WILSON, Vincent, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2635503, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 19-August-1944, World War II
WILSON, William E., Chief Machinist's Mate, U.S. Navy, Service #3805655, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WILT, Junior Daniel, Gunner's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6153493, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 6-December-1943, World War II
WINCHIP, Walter W., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32746527, State of Entry: New York, Death: 27-June-1944, World War II
WINDFELDT, Alvin L., Ship's Cook First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3758798, State of Entry: Nevada, Death: 23-July-1945, World War II
WING, Arthur Ray, Storekeeper Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2830701, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 8-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WINIKA, Walter W., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-083103, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-July-1942, World War II
WINSLOW, Warren, Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-085500, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WINSTANLEY, William D., Machinist's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3112180, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 17-May-1943, Buried at Sea, World War II
WINTJEN, Gerald C., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9432011, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WINZER, Roy L., Second Lieutenant, 6th Bomber Squadron, 29th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-775690, State of Entry: California, Death: 8-January-1945, World War II
WISER, William C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2507717, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WISHARD, Raymond B., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-226299, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WISMER, John, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2249204, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WISSNER, George J., Master Sergeant, 702nd Engineer Petroleum Distribution Company, U.S. Army, Service #18162642, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-February-1943, World War II
WITHAM, Wilfred R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6070644, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WITT, William C., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #680109, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 5-February-1944, World War II
WLODKOWSKI, Francis, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6660575, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 15-April-1943, World War II
WOLCHOK, William F., Gunner's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6224292, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WOLEVER, Harold R. Jr., Fireman First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #230138, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 10-September-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WOLFF, Erwin F., Private, 12th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6915778, State of Entry: North Dakota, Death: 16-March-1941, World War II
WOLFF, Justin L., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-097213, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WOLFORD, Vincent A., Machinist, U.S. Navy, Service #294302, State of Entry: California, Death: 21-October-1943, World War II
WOLOSIN, John, Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7069702, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WOLVEN, John B., Sergeant, 35th Bomber Squadron, 25th Bomber Group, Medium, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6980060, State of Entry: New York, Death: 14-December-1942, World War II
WOOD, Alwynne W., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #8155073, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
WOOD, Andrew E., Carpenter's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2241791, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WOOD, Ernest G., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-125130, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 4-August-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WOOD, Frank Lee, Motor Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6566500, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WOODHULL, Robert C., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2255368, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 1-February-1945, World War II
WOODS, Ralph W., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8378544, State of Entry: Alabama, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
WOODS, Robert L., Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2951909, State of Entry: Rhode Island, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WOODSIDE, Joe L, Ship's Clerk First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3809432, State of Entry: California, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WOODWARD, Lyman Jr., Machinist Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2126384, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WOOL, Meyer T., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6020379, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
WOOLSEY, William J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6105309, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WOOTEN, Carey Lavon, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6305512, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 10-March-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WOOTTON, Richard W., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2663903, State of Entry: Virginia, Death: 16-September-1942, World War II
WORKMAN, Edward James, Machinist's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3113941, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WORRELL, Gerald T., Aviation Radioman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3168428, State of Entry: Nebraska, Death: 6-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WOSINSKI, Aelred Q., Signalman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8606691, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart - Buried at Sea, World War II
WRANEK, Albert R., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7309324, State of Entry: South Dakota, Death: 20-October-1943, World War II
WRIGHT, Charles D., Ensign, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-244721, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WRIGHT, Paul L., First Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-663580, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 10-April-1943, World War II
WRIGHT, Robert Allen, Torpedoman's Mate First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #1344234, State of Entry: Georgia, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
WRIGHT, Stanley Jr., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8991163, State of Entry: Connecticut, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
WRIGHT, Vernon J., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #14025862, State of Entry: Florida, Death: 12-March-1943, World War II
WRIGHT, Walter E., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6667919, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WRIGHT, William W., Motor Machinist's Mate Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7555081, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
WRONSKI, Edward F., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7259398, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WUESTENBERG, Clarence J., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #36604849, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
WULFHORST, Carl A., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6124191, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WULFKUHLE, Leo B., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #37234455, State of Entry: Kansas, Death: 18-December-1943, World War II
WYATT, Harry F. Jr., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #3378612, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
WYCHE, Crosby, Second Lieutenant, 4th Photographic Squadron, 1st Mapping Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-665961, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 8-June-1943, World War II
WYDEEN, Wallace A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-145904, State of Entry: Minnesota, Death: 30-October-1943, World War II
WYGANT, Henry S. Jr., Commander, U.S. Navy, Service #0-063316, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
WYLDER, Donald Lee, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3377131, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 12-September-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
WYLIE, Howard Eugene, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6520310, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 28-February-1942, World War II
WYNN, John Harmon, Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #2876559, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
YAFFE, Irving Herman, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8099351, State of Entry: New York, Death: 19-December-1943, World War II
YANNELLA, Louis, Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6229562, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
YARBROUGH, Glenn D., Private, Medical Department, U.S. Army, Service #36360859, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
YARMAT, Harry A., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #9432415, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 13-September-1944, Buried at Sea, World War II
YARNELL, Charles E., Gunner's Mate Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #505764, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 17-December-1942, World War II
YAROSCZAK, Michael, Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7061706, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 7-January-1944, World War II
YATES, Francis D., Seaman Apprentice, U.S. Navy, Service #2876547, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
YAW, Robert L., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2344029, State of Entry: New York, Death: 14-November-1944, World War II
YEE, Sam M., Private, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39237942, State of Entry: California, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
YINGLING, James W. Jr., Private, U.S. Army, Service #33208849, State of Entry: Maryland, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
YINGLING, John W., Technical Sergeant, 1st Squadron, 480th Antisubmarine Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #6898253, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 24-November-1942, World War II
YODICE, Genaro J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8169859, State of Entry: New York, Death: 17-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
YORK, Alfred I., Corporal, 93rd Bomber Sqdn, 19th Bomber Group, Very Heavy, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #31398650, State of Entry: Maine, Death: 15-January-1945, World War II
YORK, Clyde B., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #220479, State of Entry: Kentucky, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
YOST, Richard J., Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6510699, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 12-December-1944, World War II
YOUNG, Alfred Horace, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #5521320, State of Entry: South Carolina, Death: 9-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
YOUNG, Carroll F., Radioman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2656645, State of Entry: West Virginia, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
YOUNG, Chester L., Corporal, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32501216, State of Entry: New York, Death: 2-November-1944, World War II
YOUNG, Earle E., Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #2031585, State of Entry: Massachusetts, Death: 23-April-1945, World War II
YOUNG, James R., Aviation Machinist's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6669025, State of Entry: Vermont, Death: 6-April-1944, World War II
YOUNG, Richard J., Electrician's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2249499, State of Entry: New Jersey, Death: 3-January-1944, World War II
YOUNG, Willie Daniel, Steward's Mate Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3569776, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
YURIK, Victor, Fireman Second Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #231492, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 13-June-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZACHARIAS, Casper, Lieutenant, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-071672, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-May-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZACK, Eugene G., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3007398, State of Entry: Indiana, Death: 10-January-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZAIONTZ, Joseph Peter, Coxswain, U.S. Navy, Service #3599411, State of Entry: Texas, Death: 23-August-1943, World War II
ZAJOWSKY, Benjamin, Fireman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2240717, State of Entry: New York, Death: 26-April-1942, World War II
ZAMIATOWSKI, Jerome A., Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3003939, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 28-February-1942, Purple Heart, World War II
ZAMUNER, Enzo Bruno, Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2253855, State of Entry: New York, Death: 22-July-1943, World War II
ZARELLI, Antonio L., Radio Technician Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #8102174, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-September-1944, World War II
ZAYDELL, Walter J., Radioman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6158355, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 24-April-1945, Purple Heart, World War II
ZEBROWSKI, Edward F., Seaman Apprentice, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6107032, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 4-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZECHINI, Peter Tom Jr., Yeoman Third Class, U.S. Coast Guard, Service #223775, State of Entry: Tennessee, Death: 4-February-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZEIDLER, Carl F., Lieutenant Junior Grade, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #0-135783, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 2-November-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZEIGER, Joseph M., Boatswain's Mate Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #3212356, State of Entry: Iowa, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZEITZEFF, Morris Jr., Private, US Infantry, U.S. Army, Service #33985500, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 16-November-1945, World War II
ZELLARS, Charles P., Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #39137409, State of Entry: California, Death: 9-April-1944, World War II
ZELMANOWITZ, Milton, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-855584, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZERDEEN, Glenn, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #0-567162, State of Entry: North Carolina, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZERINGUE, Philip J., Machinist's Mate First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2740873, State of Entry: Louisiana, Death: 5-April-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZEROZ, Leo Vincent, Seaman First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7006602, State of Entry: Wisconsin, Death: 4-July-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZIMMERMAN, John W., Seaman Second Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6106364, State of Entry: Illinois, Death: 18-August-1944, Purple Heart, World War II
ZIMMERMANN, George A., Fireman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #7066441, State of Entry: New York, Death: 12-June-1943, World War II
ZIMPEL, Joseph W., Ensign, U.S. Coast Guard, State of Entry: Arkansas, Death: 14-September-1944, World War II
ZINK, Oswald A., Lieutenant Junior Grade, U.S. Navy, Service #0-081351, State of Entry: New York, Death: 13-December-1941, World War II
ZINN, Edward A., Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, Service #2248481, State of Entry: New York, Death: 3-November-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZION, Joseph, Aviation Radio Technician First Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #6153983, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 7-January-1945, World War II
ZIVERK, Johnnie Jr., Private, U.S. Army, Service #38130466, State of Entry: Oklahoma, Death: 3-February-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
ZOLLER, Russell A., Yeoman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #4113178, State of Entry: Ohio, Death: 18-February-1942, World War II
ZUCCA, Mike, Private, 525th Ordnance Company, U.S. Army, Service #38083652, State of Entry: Colorado, Death: 19-June-1942, Buried at Sea, World War II
ZUKIEWICZ, George J., Aviation Ordnanceman Third Class, United States Naval Reserve, U.S. Navy, Service #3121545, State of Entry: Michigan, Death: 23-July-1943, Air Medal, Purple Heart, World War II
ZWIREN, Bernard, Sergeant, Air Corps, U.S. Army Air Forces, Service #32992165, State of Entry: New York, Death: 24-May-1944, World War II
ZYLA, Michael N, Seaman First Class, U.S. Navy, Service #6030987, State of Entry: Pennsylvania, Death: 5-August-1943, Purple Heart, World War II
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