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Trinity Lutheran Churchyard
Burial Records

Manhattan, New York County, New York

trinity churchyard manhattan ny
Trinity Chuchyard, Manhattan, NY

GPS: 40.70814, -74.01202

89 Broadway
New York, NY 10006

Published: January 23, 2024
Total records: 134


Trinity Lutheran Church was founded in 1697, about 70 years after the Dutch settled New York, then known as New Amsterdam. The oldest known burial in Trinity Churchyard that is documented by a legible headstone is that of Richard Churcher, who died in 1681 at the age of 5, well before the Church was founded. The Church remains active today, though new burials are no longer accepted.

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Cemetery Records

Records listed below were transcribed from the pages listed in the PDF file linked above...

ALEXANDER, MAJ. GEN. SIR WILLIAM, (Lord Sterling) and son of James, in whose vault he is buried. Died 1783-1A
ALEXANDER JAMES, (Earl of Sterling). Buried 1756-1A
APTHORPE, (Family vault 1801)-4C
BARCLAY, REV. HENRY, (Rector of Trinity). Died 1764-4A
BARCLAY, ANDREW, (Vault 1762)-4A
BLEEKER, ANTHONY J, (Grandson of Anthony L.). Died 1884-3F
BRADFORD, WILLIAM, (First printer in City, 1693). Died 1752; new slab placed here by church 1863-6C
BRADFORD, ELIZABETH, (Wife of the first printer). Died 1731-6C
BERRYMAN, CAPT. JOHN., Died 1808--8B
BRANSON, CAPT. WARE., Died 1821 (Petitt-Branson-Ware vault)-10
BREESE, G. SIDNEY, (Ancestor of S. F. Breese Morse) Died 1767-9D
CHURCHER, RICHARD, (Oldest gravestone). Died 1681-9A
CHURCHER, ANN, (Buried the day that Gov. Leisler was executed at the corner of Nassau and Park Row). May 16th, 1691-9B
CANNON. ANDREW, (Commander of British ship Sutherland). Died 1749-9
CADGER, JOHN, (Gunner's-mate on the U. S. frigate President). Died 1813-9
CLARKE, MRS. GEORGE, (Wife of Lt. Gov.) Buried 1740 in vault with her mother and Lady Cornbury-under tower
CLARK, JOHN AND JOHN MASON., Sepulchre 1811-1P
CLARK, CAPT. SAMUEL., Died 1811-8
CLARKSON, JOHN, (Vault 1811)-3I
CLARKSON, L., Vault-1R
CORNBURY, LADY, (Wife of Gov. Edward Hyde, "Lord Cornbury"), Nee Baroness Clifton. Died 1706-under tower
COUTANT, DAVID, (Vault 1818)-1U
COLES, JOHN B., (Merchant, hero during epidemic)-3M
CRESAP, CAPT. MICHAEL, (Son of Col. Thos Cresap). The accusation of the responsibility for the murder of Indian Chief Logan's family by Cresap's men caused him to die of a broken heart in 1775-6A
CRUGER, MAJOR JOHN, SR., Died 1744. Buried in vault under Choir Room.
CRUGER, STEVEN VAN RENSELLEAR, (Controller of Trinity and grandson of Mayor J. Cruger). In vault under Choir Room. Died 1898.
CRUCIFIX STATUE., A memorial to Mrs. Wm. Astor given by her daughter Mrs. Orme Wilson-5E
DALEY, CAPT. JOHN., Died 1730-1K
DAVIS, M. L., (Merchant and Aaron Burr's second in his duel with Hamilton). Died 1818-1Q,
DEAN, CAPT. JOHN., Died 1730-8
DE LANCEY, LT. GOV. JAMES, (Buried under Choir Room, back of altar). Died 1760
DE PEYSTER, JR., COL. J. W., (In Watts' tomb). Died in 1873. (Son of the General)-1E
DE PEYSTER, MAJ. GEN. J. WATTS., (In Watts' tomb)-lE
DE PEYSTER, (Vault 1763)-GB
DIX, REV. MORGAN., Died 1908. Buried under altar of Chapel 1912.
DIX, REV. MORGAN., Effigy in the north side of Chapel.
DIX, MRS. JOHN A., (Mother Morgan Dix, Rector of Trinity and wife of Gen. John A. Dix.) Buried in J. J. Morgan vault 1884-3C
DESBROSSES, JAMES, (Vault 1799)-3D
DRUMMOND, GEO. M., (Viscount Fourth). Died 1887 in Ireland. (Vault)-3E
DU PUY, SR., JOHN., Died 1854; stone restored 1882-7A
DU PUY JR., JOHN (M. D.), Tablet written in Latin on wall in Chapel.
FANEUIL, BENJAMINE, (Father of Peter Faneuil of Boston.) Died 1719-5A
FIREMEN'S MONUMENT, (Erected by Empire Fire Engine Co. No. 42, in memory of Col. Farnham and others who died at Manasses-10J
FORD, CAPT. HENRY, (Commander of British ship Dunmore). Died 1793-8C
FULTON, ROBERT, (Builder of the first successful Steamboat.) Buried in R. C. Livingston's vault 1815-3B
FULTON, ROBERT., Monument-1G
GAINE, HUGH, (Publisher of N. Y. Mercury 1752). Died 1807-4B
GALLATIN, ALBERT, (Secretary of Treasury). Died 1849. Buried in his father-in-law's vault, Commodore James Nicholson)-3A
GALLATIN, MRS. ALBERT, (Wife of Albert). Died 1849-3A
HAMERSLEY, ANDREW, (Vault). 1862-3L
HAMERSLEY, WILLIAM, (Merchant.) Died 1752-10I
HORSEMANDER, DANIEL, (Chief Justice of State). Died 1778.
HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, (Secretary of Treasury) Monument Cryptographical (written in secret characters). Killed in duel with Burr in 1804-1H
HAMILTON, MRS. ALEXANDER., (Wife of Alexander). Died 1854-1I
HAMILTON, PHILIP, (Son of Alexander). Killed in duel with Geo. Sacker in 1801
IRELAND, SERGEANT MAJ. PETER, (Royal Artillery). Died 1770-7
HOBART, BISHOP H., (Bishop of State and Rector of Trinity). Buried under walls of Chancel rail, 1830.
HUNT, OBIDIA, (Tavern Keeper). Headstone only in wall north end of Chancel rail.
JAMISON, DAVID, (Royal Chief Justice)
JOHNSON, REV. SAMUEL, (Rector of Trinity and First President of King's College (now Columbia.) Died 1789-10A
JOHNSON, MRS. CHARITY, (Wife of Samuel)-10A
KEARNEY, MAJ. GEN. PHILIP WATTS, (Buried in Watt's Tomb 1862 and removed to Arlington, Va., 1912-1E
KEARNEY, MRS., (Mother of General Philip); nee Miss Watts-1E
LAWRENCE, CAPT. JAMES, (Author of the immortal words, "Don't give up the Ship.") Buried in S. W. corner of yard in 1813 and removed to present location in 1844 when monument was erected; the cannon around grave were captured in War of 1812-1T
LAMB, COL. JOHN, (Organizer of Liberty Boys). Died 1800.
LEAKE, JOHN, (Son of Robert) -
LEESEN, JAMES, (Cryptographical letters "Remember death") Died 1791-1OK
LEWIS, FRANCIS, (Signer of Declaration of Independence). Died 1803 -
LISPENARD, LEONARD, (Member of Stamp Act Congress)-under Chancel
LIVINGSTON, ROBT. C., (Father of Philip). Died 1725-3B
LIVINGSTON, PHILIP, (Signer of Declaration of Independence.) Died 1778-3B
LIVINGSTON, JUDGE ROBERT R., (Chairman of Committee of Correspondence and son of Philip.) Died 1813-3B
LUDLOW, LT. AUGUST C., (U. S. Navy). Died 1813-3J
MASON, JOHN, (In Mason and Clark vault 1811)-1P
MESIER, PETER A., (Alderman 1807-18.) Died 1847-4B
MCCOMB MAJ. ALEXANDER S., (Buried in J. Watts' tomb 1876)-6E
MILLS, A., (British Purser.) Died 1740-1-0
MCKNIGHT, DR. CHARLES, (Chief Surgeon of American Army). Died 1791-10D
MCKNIGHT, CAPT. RICHARD, (Son of Rev. Chas.)-10F
MOORE, BISHOP BENJ., (Second Bishop of N. Y. and President of Columbia College.) Died 1816-1F
MOORE, CHARITY, (Wife of Bishop Moore)-1F
MOORE, CAPT. DANIEL, (British Commander killed at sea in 1777). Buried in John Moore vault.-3N
MONTGOMERY, CAPT. W. S., (Royal Infantry.) Died 1778-2A
MORGAN, JOHN J., (Representative in Congress.) Died 1859-3C
NEU, ELIAS, (Stone restored 1846 by widow of Comm. O. H. Perry-5D
NANNESTAD, LAKE, (Danish Consul.) Died 1807-1L
NELSON, CAPT. JOHN., Died 1762-8A
NEWMAN, STEPHEN, (Master of British ship Hampshire). Died 1758 -
NICHOLSON, COMMODORE JAMES, (Under Gallatin monument; his son-in-law). Died 1804-3A
ONDERDONK'S BISHOP, Wm. T. effigy. (He was buried in Trinity Cemetery in 1861)-in chapel
ORAM, JAMES, (Publisher) Died 1825-
OGILVIER, REV., (Vault)-1J
PARK, CAPT. BENJ., Died 1807-5B
PICA, CAPT. R., Died 1768-5C
PECK, BENJ., (Vault 1768)-1M
REA, CAPT. RICHARD., Died 1768-5
RICHARDS, CAPT. R., Died 1768-5
RIVETTE, CAPT. ROBT., (Master of British brig Robert). Died 1816-9C
ROSE, CAPT. JOSEPH., Died 1807-6D
READE, R., (Vault)-3K
READE, HON. JOSEPH, (Member of Provincial Council in 1764). Died 1771 -
READE, CAPT. Wm., Died 1768-6
SCOTT, BRIG. GEN. JOHN MORRIN, (One of the three famous leaders of the Liberty Boys.) Died 1784-10C
SCOTT, LEWIS ALLAIN, (Sect. of Commonwealth and son of John Morin Scott.) Died 1798-10E
SCOTT, SHARP JOHN, (Commander of British Packet Leicester). Died 1803-1
SLIDELL, JOHN, (Alderman 1807-8) Vault 1816-3H
SOLDIERS' MONUMENT, "erected 1852 in memory of the brave and good men who died while imprisoned in this city for their devotion to the cause of American Independence." (There was a movement on foot to extend Pine Street thru the yard at that time-10L
SWORDS' DRINKING FOUNTAIN, memorial to Mrs. Swords given by her son Henry 1911-10H
TEMPLE CHARLOTTE, (The Heroine of Mr. Rawson's "Tale of Truth). She died in her home west of the north west corner of Pell and Bowery (now heart of Chinatown)-10G
TOLLEMACHE, CAPT., (Killed in duel 1777 in City Hotel, No. 115 Broadway)-
TUDER, CAPT. THOMAS., Died 1770-10M
WATTS, JUDGE JOHN, (Recorder in Colonial Days). Died 1836-1E
WATTS, JUDGE JOHN., Monument erected by his grandson John Watts de Peyster 1892-2B
WILLETT, BRIG. GEN. MARINUS, (Hero of two wars). Died 1830-4E
VAN HORNE, AUGUSTUS, (Vault 1790)-10B
VAN ZANDT, WYANT, (Alderman 1789-94.) Died 1814-1S
VAN ZANDT, WYANT, (Alderman 1802-6 and son of Wyant.) Died 1831-1S
VAN ZANDT PETER PRA, (Alderman 1791-94 and Assemblyman 1777-84-1S

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