Home > United States > New York > Oneida > Davis Family Cemetery

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Davis Family Cemetery
Steuben, Oneida County, New York

Contributed by Kathleen Last, Oct 18, 2000 [kllast@juno.com]. Total records = 5.

This is a small family cemetery that is located off Penn Mountain Road, in the vicinity of Starr Hill Road south of the radar tower in Steuben. Only four stones remain, but they are all standing. These stones were copied by Kathleen Last and Virginia Ackerman on Aug 17, 2000.

Davis, Elizabeth, d. June 27, 1830, wife of William Davis
Davis, James, b. Jul 18, 1812, d. Feb. 26, 1857
Davis, Jane, d. Aug. 2, 1845, age 32 yrs (stone no longer there - info taken from 1935 DAR listing), wife of James Davis
Davis, Sarah, b. at South East Town, Putnam Co., d. Feb. 4, 1839, age 30 yrs, dau of William & Elizabeth Davis
Davis, William d. Feb. 13, 1853, age 82 yrs

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