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St. Mary's Cemetery
Clayville, Oneida County, New York

st. marys cemetery clayville ny
St. Mary's Cemetery

GPS: 42.984341, -75.248431

N 2398 Church Road
Clayville, NY 13322

by Karen Dwyer [karensdwyer@yahoo.com]
submitted: Nov 25, 2008, edited Apr 30, 2016
Total records = 2,018.

To reach this cemetery, in Clayville driving west on Bird Road, turn right or north onto at the intersection onto Church Road and continue for .35 miles. The cemetery will be on the left or west side of Church Road.

This cemetery is affiliated with Saint Patrick Catholic Church. It is an active cemetery and in very good shape. Most stones were readable.

I visited and transcribed this cemetery in the fall of 2002. It includes all existing and legible stones and markers at that time.

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