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New York Birth Records Database, (1767-1999)
St. James Episcopal Church Cemetery
South Street, Goshen, Orange County, New York
Contributed by Maude Conklin [], Gertrude Rose, Barbara Defalco. Total records = 84.
Bailey, Frances E., w/o Alvin C. Morton 9/19/1815 -- 9/6/1892
Bailey, John, 8/27/1793 -- 4/13/1856
Bailey, John J., 5/5/1817 -- 2/14/1853
Barker, Antoenette, w/o Henry Barker 3/7/1847 -- 40 yrs
Barker, Mary, 4/5/1838 -- 41 yrs
Barker, William, 1/3/1843 -- 79 yrs 3 mos 22 ds h/w Mary 9/1828 -- 69 yrs
Barker, William T., 4/1820 22 yrs
Betts, Levonia Ketcham, 1836/1929
Black, Mary E., 1800/1870
Boeringer, Eliza, 1815/1901
Boeringer, Henriette E., w/o Alonzo H. Coleman 1852/1933
Boeringer, Joan Charles, 1/28/1864 -- 46 yrs 7 mos 19 ds
Browne, John W., 8/12/1887 -- 53 yrs
Conway, Addie P., 7/13/1855 -- 1/3/1946
Conway, James Blaine, 8/23/1876 -- 4/22/1893 s/o Addie P. and Thomas W. Conway
Dilworth, Ella Beth, w/o Gabriel H. Wisner 11/28/1881 -- 57 yrs
Dilworth, Katherine Wisner, 10/26/1884 -- 1/18/1956 d/o Percy Wisner and Mary Campbell,
Fisher, William, 2/28/1850 -- 30 yrs h/w Mary Watkins 6/1892 -- 79 yrs,
Gabriel, Henry Wisnar, s/o Henry and Sarah Wisner 10/25/1816 -- 10/21/1889,
Gardner, Benjamin, died 11/11/1876 Gardner, Eliza M. - died- 9/3/1877
Gardner, Calvin, died 2/18/1863,
Gillespie, Jane, 10/4/1874 -- 60 yrs,
Gott, Charlotte V.D., 10/28/1827 -- 3/1/1910,
Gott, Joseph W., 5/25/1814 -- 1/6/1869,
Gott, Percy V.D., 1880/1966,
Halstead, Elizabeth, 6/8/1789 -- 4/13/1856,
Jackson, Charles T., 8/29/1807 -- 3/21/1876 h/w Rosetta 9/22/1809 -- 8/13/1888,
Jackson, Charles T., 6/2/1838 -- 11/20/1852,
Jackson, Henry B., 1847/1908,
Jackson, Stephen L.H., 4/14/1818 -- 10/6/1868,
Jackson, William T., 12/24/1849 -- 12/7/1877,
Jansen, Elizabeth, w/o Col. H.C. Rizer 1/1/1844 -- 7/3/1873,
Jay, Elizabeth, 6/4/1805 -- 60 yrs Stafford, Mary Ann w/o John Stafford 4/28/1861 -- 55 yrs
Leeson, Anna H., 12/25/1862 -- 12/20/1886 w/o Charles O . Decker ,
Leeson, James D., 9/6/1850 -- 5/14/1879,
Leeson, John, 7/29/1886 -- 53 yrs h/w Patience 4/7/1874 -- 42 yrs,
Lewis, Henry Youngs, 9/25/1842 -- 2/7/1915 h/w Martha Larr?? 8/11/1854 -- 8/4/1917,
Lewis, Mary Youngs, 4/17/1786 -- 4/17/1884 -- 90 yrs w/o Samuel Lewis 5/3/1786 -- 9/19/1872 -- 86 yrs,
Lewis, Samuel, 12/22/1815 -- 9/9/1902 s/o Samuel Lewis and Mary Youngs Lewis,
Little, Andrew M., 10/25/1846 -- 3/28/1880,
Mathews, Elizabeth Montague, 2/28/1863 -- 11/13/1940,
Mathews, Jared Francis, 3/11/1815 -- 8/29/1884 h/w Sarah Thorne 1/16/1831 -- 1/1/1926,
Mathews, Thomas Anson, 11/27/1861 -- 8/15/1914 h/w Carrie Cobb 10/16/1863 -- 3/8/1916,
Mathews, William Thorne, 1865/1960,
Mead, Charles, 11/19/1819 -- 4/22/1893,
Mead, William B. Jr., 2/4/1882 -- 8/6/1899,
Monell, John D., 6/11/189?,
Morton, Anvin C., 8/18/1809 -- 2/25/1871,
Murray, Abbey M., w/o William D. Van Vliet 11/4/1846 -- 9/24/1929
Murray, Edmund B., 9/14/1805 -- 3/31/1877
Murray, Henry Spencer, 3/3/1874 -- 33 yrs 6 mos 17 ds
Murray, William, 8/25/1875 -- 71 yrs
Murray , Allen Maria, w/o William Murray 5/22/180? -- 9/19/1895
Murrey, Edmund, 10/29/1884 -- -47 yrs 7 mos
Murrey, Mary J., 12/16/1916 -- 72 yrs 2 mos 14 ds
Payne, George D., 6/5/1881 -- 2/25/1965
Phillips, Harriet H., 7/5/1840 -- 12/23/1923
Phillips, John Evertson, 3/20/1808 -- 12/17/1841
Post, James ?., 10/17/1826 -- 3/26/1896 h/w Margaret Churchill 9/1/1828 -- 10/11/1915
Russell, Frances M., w/o John W. Russell 1/30/1836 67 yrs
Sayer, William Murry, 3/14/1820 -- 2/4/1896 h/w Jane Sears 5/24/1821 -- 8/28/1908
Scott, Harriett, 5/13/1855 -- 10/6/1931
Sears, Edwin, 10/30/1812 -- 9/20/1853
Sears, Richard, 1783/1851 h/w Ruth 1/5/1871 -- 81 yrs 8 mos 15 ds
Sears, Richard, 2/1/1865 -- 21 yrs Sears, Richard J.1862/1928
Seaton, Mary Hoffman, 7/1/1863 -- 51 yrs,
Sharpe, W.F., 12/13/1806 -- 4/10/1893,
Sharpe, Wickham, 6/6/1847 -- 10/5/1893,
Smith, Ellen, w/o John J. Smith ?/23/1861 17 yrs 1 m,
Smith, John J., 6/4/1880 -- 79 yrs 9 mos 6 ds,
Tallman, Elizabeth, w/o John Evertson Phillips and Daughter of Henry and Sarah Wisner 12/26/1808 -- 4/21/1891,
Tallman, George T., 3/6/1791 -- [birth],
Tallman, Phoebe, 2/8/1841 -- 86 yrs,
Townsend, Alma, d/o Henry and Sarah Wisner 12/1/1865,
Vanamee, Theodora, 1881/1959,
Waldron, Caroline A., w/o Charles Mead 4/11/1821 -- 11/11/1880,
Warden, Daniel, 11/11/1865 -- 78 yrs,
Wickham, Sarah, w/o William F. Sharpe 6/23/1811 -- 9/26/1857,
Wisnar, Mary Campbell, 10/7/1862 -- 11/5/1945 w/o Percy Wisner,
Wisner, Gabriel, 10/22/1817 -- 68 yrs of his life,
Wisner, George Tallman, s/o Henry and Sarah Wisner [bad stone]
Wisner, Martha, d/o Henry and Sarah Wisner 1/3/1888
Wisner, Percy, 6/2/1853 -- 12/21/1933
Wisner , Henry, 2/20/1842 -- 65 yrs
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