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Long Island National Cemetery - Burial Records
Farmingdale, Suffolk County, New York
GPS: 40.751025, -73.398514
2040 Wellwood Avenue
Farmingdale, NY 11735-1213
Date published: September 9, 2017
Total records: 352,617
Long Island National Cemetery was established in 1936 as part of the rapid urbanization of American society in the post-World War I period. Cypress Hills National Cemetery in Brooklyn, which was established in 1862, was nearing capacity. After WWI, a surge of veterans eligible for interment at a national cemetery demanded a second cemetery.
After considerable research and numerous site investigations, the War Department purchased 175 acres from Pinelawn Cemetery for the construction and development of a new national cemetery.
The lack of available gravesites in Cypress Hills National Cemetery made it necessary to develop the new facility rapidly, and the land was sufficiently cleared to permit the first burials in March 1937. Moreover, between March and November that year, a total of 426 interments were made. During its first eight years, Long Island National Cemetery held 10,167 interments.
Downloadable Files
Long Island National Cemetery, National Register of Historic Places Application, (18.07 MB)
Long Island National Cemetery, Plot Map, (468 KB)
Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from the US Department of Veterans Affairs on September 4, 2017.
Surname Index:
- Surnames Aab-Aer
- Surnames Afa-Ale
- Surnames Alf-Alz
- Surnames Ama-And
- Surnames Ane-Arm
- Surnames Arn-Azz
- Surnames Baa-Bak
- Surnames Bal-Baq
- Surnames Bar-Baro
- Surnames Barr-Bas
- Surnames Bat-Beb
- Surnames Bec-Bel
- Surnames Bem-Bep
- Surnames Ber-Bez
- Surnames Bia-Biz
- Surnames Bja-Bly
- Surnames Bo-Bom
- Surnames Bon-Bos
- Surnames Bot-Boz
- Surnames Braa-Braz
- Surnames Brd-Brn
- Surnames Broa-Brov
- Surnames Brow-Broz
- Surnames Bru-Buc
- Surnames Bud-Burk
- Surnames Burl-Butl
- Surnames Butm-Bzo
- Surnames Caa-Cal
- Surnames Cam-Can
- Surnames Cao-Carl
- Surnames Carm-Cars
- Surnames Cart-Cass
- Surnames Cast-Cer
- Surnames Ces-Chim
- Surnames Chin-Cke
- Surnames Cla-Cle
- Surnames Cli-Cok
- Surnames Cola-Coll
- Surnames Colm-Conn
- Surnames Cono-Coo
- Surnames Cop-Cos
- Surnames Cot-Cra
- Surnames Cre-Cry
- Surnames Csa-Cuo
- Surnames Cup-Czw
- Surnames Da-Dam
- Surnames Dan-Dau
- Surnames Dav-Daz
- Surnames De A-De Z
- Surnames Dea-Del
- Surnames Dem-Dev
- Surnames Dew-Did
- Surnames Die-Doc
- Surnames Dod-Don
- Surnames Doo-Dow
- Surnames Dox-Due
- Surnames Duf-Dun
- Surnames Dup-Dzu
- Surnames Eac-Egy
- Surnames Eha-Ems
- Surnames Enb-Est
- Surnames Ete-Ezz
- Surnames Faa-Farq
- Surnames Farr-Feh
- Surnames Fei-Fer
- Surnames Fes-Fiq
- Surnames Fir-Fje
- Surnames Fla-Fly
- Surnames Foa-For
- Surnames Fos-Fram
- Surnames Fran-Fre
- Surnames Fri-Fyn
- Surnames Gaa-Gal
- Surnames Gam-Gar
- Surnames Gas-Geo
- Surnames Gep-Gie
- Surnames Gif-Gis
- Surnames Git-Gol
- Surnames Gom-Got
- Surnames Gou-Gra
- Surnames Grea-Gren
- Surnames Gres-Grsk
- Surnames Gru-Gze
- Surnames Haab-Hall
- Surnames Halm-Hans
- Surnames Hant-Hars
- Surnames Hart-Hax
- Surnames Hay-Heh
- Surnames Hei-Hen
- Surnames Hep-Hic
- Surnames Hid-Hni
- Surnames Hoad-Holk
- Surnames Holl-Hopp
- Surnames Hops-Hsia
- Surnames Huar-Huns
- Surnames Hunt-Hytt
- Surnames I
- Surnames Jaa-Jal
- Surnames Jam-Jem
- Surnames Jena-Johm
- Surnames John-Johs
- Surnames Joi-Jon
- Surnames Joo-Jyr
- Surnames Kaa-Kar
- Surnames Kas-Keh
- Surnames Kei-Kel
- Surnames Kem-Kes
- Surnames Ket-Kio
- Surnames Kip-Kni
- Surnames Kno-Kop
- Surnames Kor-Krh
- Surnames Kri-Kyz
- Surnames La-Lal
- Surnames Lam-Laq
- Surnames Lar-Laz
- Surnames Le-Leh
- Surnames Lei-Lev
- Surnames Lew-Lin
- Surnames Lio-Log
- Surnames Loh-Lot
- Surnames Lou-Lum
- Surnames Lun-Lyy
- Surnames Maa-Mae
- Surnames Maf-Mak
- Surnames Mala-Mank
- Surnames Manl-Marj
- Surnames Mark-Mars
- Surnames Mart-Marz
- Surnames Mas-Mat
- Surnames Mau-McB
- Surnames McCa-McCl
- Surnames McCo-McCu
- Surnames McD-McF
- Surnames McGa-McGy
- Surnames McH-McK
- Surnames McL-McM
- Surnames McN-Med
- Surnames Mee-Meq
- Surnames Mer-Mez
- Surnames Mia-Milk
- Surnames Mill-Mim
- Surnames Min-Mok
- Surnames Mol-Mon
- Surnames Moo-Mord
- Surnames More-Morz
- Surnames Mos-Mulk
- Surnames Mull-Muro
- Surnames Murp-Murr
- Surnames Murt-Myt
- Surnames Naa-Nek
- Surnames Nel-Ng
- Surnames Nib-Noi
- Surnames Nol-Nyy
- Surnames Oa-Oc
- Surnames Od-Ok
- Surnames Ol-On
- Surnames Op-Os
- Surnames Ot-Oz
- Surnames P-Pan
- Surnames Pao-Pas
- Surnames Pat-Ped
- Surnames Pee-Pep
- Surnames Per-Pes
- Surnames Pet-Phe
- Surnames Phi-Pio
- Surnames Pip-Pol
- Surnames Pom-Poz
- Surnames Pra-Prz
- Surnames Psa-Pyz
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Raa-Rao
- Surnames Rap-Red
- Surnames Ree-Rei
- Surnames Rej-Rib
- Surnames Ric-Rik
- Surnames Ril-Roa
- Surnames Rob-Roc
- Surnames Rod-Rol
- Surnames Rom-Ror
- Surnames Ros-Rot
- Surnames Rou-Rur
- Surnames Rus-Rzo
- Surnames Saa-Sam
- Surnames San-Sar
- Surnames Sas-Sce
- Surnames Scha-Schk
- Surnames Schl-Scho
- Surnames Schr-Scm
- Surnames Sco-Sek
- Surnames Sel-Sgu
- Surnames Sha-Shen
- Surnames Shep-Sif
- Surnames Sig-Sin
- Surnames Sio-Smis
- Surnames Smit-Smith, I
- Surnames Smith, J-Smiz
- Surnames Smo-Soz
- Surnames Spa-Spy
- Surnames Squ-Sta
- Surnames Stea-Stey
- Surnames Sti-Str
- Surnames Stu-Sul
- Surnames Sum-Szy
- Surnames Taa-Tax
- Surnames Tay-Tex
- Surnames Tha-Thomas
- Surnames Thomasch-Tif
- Surnames Tig-Top
- Surnames Tor-Tre
- Surnames Tri-Tul
- Surnames Tum-Tzo
- Surnames U
- Surnames Vaa-Vap
- Surnames Var-Vez
- Surnames Via-Vom
- Surnames Von-Vys
- Surnames W-Walk
- Surnames Wall-Wap
- Surnames War-Was
- Surnames Wat-Weh
- Surnames Wei-Wer
- Surnames Wes-Whe
- Surnames Whi-Wid
- Surnames Wie-Wilk
- Surnames Will-Williams, M
- Surnames Williams, N-Wiln
- Surnames Wils-Wirs
- Surnames Wirt-Won
- Surnames Woo-Wzo
- Surnames X
- Surnames Y
- Surnames Zaa-Zez
- Surnames Zia-Zyw
- Unknown Soldiers
- Visitor Submitted Records
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