Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Aaron, Ted, b. 1916, d. 1916
Abbott, Anna, b. 1862, d. 01/01/1909, Father: Jones, Owen
Abbott, Ashford Wellington, b. 05/12/1856, d. 11/15/1932, Father: Abbott, Elijah
Abbott, Edith, b. 03/26/1885, d. 10/17/1961, Father: Ball, Andrew Frank
Abbott, Ella Josephine, b. 1860, d. 12/26/1957
Abbott, Ethel, b. 12/07/1886, d. 01/18/1971, Father: Abbott, Ashford W.
Abbott, Frank Richard, b. 06/30/1919, d. 04/12/1980, Father: Abbott, Locksley W.
Abbott, H. B., b. 03/--/1889, d. 03/18/1889
Abbott, J.Kenneth, Jr., b. 03/15/1921, d. 04/05/1939, Father: Abbott,J.Kenneth,Sr.
Abbott, Locksley W., b. 1884, d. 07/15/1936
Abbott, Wilbur H., b. 09/22/1856, d. 08/28/1928, Father: Abbott, Elijah
Acker, Barbara Ann, d. 01/19/1931, Father: Acker, Carl
Acker, Carl, Sr., b. 01/23/1900, d. 03/21/1983, Father: Acker, Charles
Acker, Dorothy May, b. 01/05/1906, d. 11/22/1989, Father: Morris, Harry
Ackerman, Amelia Ann, b. 11/06/1896, d. 01/25/1980, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Ackerman, Charles E., b. 1846, d. 07/05/1847, Father: Ackerman, Jonathan
Ackerman, Elizabeth L., b. 1821, d. 10/22/1864
Ackerman, George M., b. 05/09/1896, d. 12/29/1953, Father: Ackerman, Daniel
Ackerman, Gladys E., b. 03/03/1904, d. 05/01/1968, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Ackerman, Guy Taylor, b. 10/05/1901, d. 02/17/1986, Father: Ackerman, Stephen
Ackerman, J. M. C. "Matt", b. 1855, d. 01/07/1896, Father: Ackerman, Jonathan ?
Ackerman, Jonathan, d. 05/20/1895
Ackerman, Lawrence Lee "Lary", b. 08/21/1955, d. 08/24/1974, Father: Ackerman, Mathew
Ackerman, Relda (Sagle), b. 1903, d. 05/18/1960, Father: Bush
Ackerman, William O. "Ollie"., b. 1893, d. 12/12/1975, Father: Ackerman, J.M.C.
Ackerman, William W., b. 1849, d. 03/01/1852, Father: Ackerman, Jonathan
Ackley, Helen J., b. 05/31/1921, d. 03/14/1979, Father: Johnston, Harris
Ackley, Thomas Samuel, b. 07/16/1919, d. 09/27/1959, Father: Ackley, Ezra
Adair, Annette S., b. 1840, d. 06/08/1923, Father: Chester, Nathan
Adair, Byers L., b. 1839, d. 1884
Adair, Emily Alena, b. 1871, d. 10/09/1876, Father: Adair, Byers L.
Adair, Frank Byers, b. 1877, d. 07/--/1877, Father: Adair, Byers L.
Adair, J.Elton, b. 1869, d. 07/--/1877, Father: Adair, Byers L.
Adair, James Verner, b. 05/13/1866, d. 07/17/1896
Adair, Minnie B., b. 1866, d. 10/02/1896, Father: Brown, J.A., Rev.
Adam, Cecile Belle, b. 08/03/1891, d. 06/14/1977, Father: McCroskey, Manford
Adams, Anna E., b. 1829, d. 05/11/1914, Father: Barton, Cyrus
Adams, Bertha T., b. 09/21/1872, d. 09/03/1953, Father: Tuller, Joseph
Adams, Carrol M., b. 1916, d. 11/18/1922
Adams, Daisy Helen, b. 10/23/1895, d. 09/06/1980, Father: Jackson, Frank
Adams, E.B., no dates
Adams, Eddie, b. 1874, d. 12/06/1876
Adams, Eddie, b. 1920, d. 11/16/1920, Father: Adams, William
Adams, Edward Alonzo, b. 1830, d. 03/29/1897
Adams, Fannie E., no dates, Father: Tyler
Adams, Fred Lincoln, b. 1865, d. 12/08/1865, Father: Adams, Edward A.
Adams, Fred Lynnly, b. 08/21/1889, d. 05/29/1965
Adams, Gertrude Ida Hodges, b. 1897, d. 09/24/1972
Adams, Harriett Elizabeth, b. 1848, d. 09/16/1866, Father: Sergent
Adams, Herbert K., b. 1864, d. 05/15/1880
Adams, Jacob Smith, b. 1822, d. 02/26/1906
Adams, John B., b. 03/21/1868, d. 09/20/1933, Father: Adams, E. B.
Adams, Margaret A., b. 1846, d. 01/28/1931, Father: Lumbert, Robert
Adams, Mary A., d. 08/23/1896
Adams, Ruth K., b. 1893, d. 12/09/1978, Father: Keller,Levi Franklin
Adams, Stella M., b. 1852, d. 03/08/1918, Father: McElroy
Adams, Virginia Irene, b. 03/03/1921, d. 03/29/2002, Father: Burke, Edward
Adams, William H., b. 1813, d. 10/12/1908
Adams, William L., d. 11/18/1892, Father: Adams, W.H.
Adams, William, b. 10/11/1894, d. 05/13/1974, Father: Adams, John
Adcock, Helen M., b. 1906, d. 05/10/1925, Father: Miner
Addicks, Leonard LeRoy, d. 08/30/1901
Adkins, Bailey Rae, b. 10/29/2001, d. 03/26/2002, Father: Adkins, Ray
Adkins, Charles Isaac, b. 06/23/1842, d. 09/24/1929
Adkins, Ernest R., b. 01/05/1947, d. 03/07/1999, Father: Adkins, James Monroe
Adkins, Mary E., b. 02/22/1845, d. 05/05/1928, Father: Board, John
Adkins, Orville Lee, b. 1905, d. 03/14/1959
Adkins, Stella A., b. 06/26/1893, d. 06/09/1967, Father: Warner, Henry
Adkins, William Lee, b. 01/17/1875, d. 12/16/1955, Father: Adkins, Harry
Agard, Sally, d. 05/28/1856
Ahern, Lawrence, d. 02/02/1904, Father: Ahern, Eugene
Ahern, Margaret, d. 10/--/1908
Ahern, Patrick (Mrs.), d. 10/--/1900
Ahlman, Elsie (Arneson), b. 05/16/1888, d. 11/26/1973, Father: Baade, Louis Henry
Ahrendt, Fritz H., b. 02/03/1885, d. 12/18/1968, Father: Ahrendt, Fritx
Ahrendt, Olive Mae, b. 1892, d. 09/10/1991, Father: Brandeberry
Aigin, Eliza "Mother", d. 06/04/1906, Father: Hinton
Aigin, George H., b. 03/11/1865, d. 12/29/1944, Father: Aigin, George H.
Aigin, George H., b. 12/01/1829, d. 12/13/1891, Father: Aigin, James
Aigin, Herbert Patton "Chip", b. 11/11/1895, d. 07/18/1944, Father: Aigin, George
Aigin, James, b. 1801, d. 03/--/1884
Aigin, Jennie, b. 1868, d. 10/07/1920, Father: Patten, Stephen (?)
Aigin, Martha E., b. 08/14/1916, d. 08/14/1916, Father: Aigin, Herbert
Aigin, Martha E., d. 01/08/1888, Father: Angier
Aigin, Stephan C. "Brother", d. 01/27/1919, Father: Aigin, George H.
Aigin, William, b. 11/20/1917, d. 11/20/1917, Father: Aigin, Herbert
Aigner, Amelia "Mother", b. 02/23/1832, d. 02/02/1924, Father: Unk
Aigner, Frank Mathias, b. 08/23/1902, d. 03/05/1908, Father: Aigner, John
Aigner, John Frederick, b. 06/04/1859, d. 1931, Father: Aigner, Mathias
Aigner, Mathias "Father", d. 04/18/1899
Aigner, Susan Amelia, b. 06/16/1862, d. 04/13/1943, Father: Braumiller, Samual (b.PA)
Aigner, William Irwin "Billy", b. 10/09/1932, d. 04/10/1938, Father: Aigner, William
Aigner, William J., b. 03/10/1898, d. 05/20/1963, Father: Aigner, John
Aiken, Harry (Mrs.), d. 04/28/1889, Father: Rawn, Peter
Akam, Mrs, d. 05/30/1880,"Our Mother"
Akam, Peter, d. 12/13/1862
Akam, Samuel, d. 07/31/1861
Akam, William, d. 08/17/1865
Akerberg, John A., d. 08/06/1938
Akerberg, Nellie N., b. 07/14/1868, d. 11/23/1930, Father: Hill, Peter
Akers, James "Frank", b. 06/22/1894, d. 02/25/1983, Father: Akers, W.E.
Akers, Jessie M., b. 01/06/1895, d. 02/17/1970, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Akers, Mary, b. 1837, d. 02/02/1881
Akers, Robert I., b. 1822, d. 06/01/1900
Albert, Henry F., no dates
Albert, Mary Wright, b. 11/24/1846, d. 04/14/1920
Albright, Ada Mae, b. 10/10/1884, d. 08/05/1885
Albright, Ada Metzger, b. 04/15/1862, d. 06/09/1882, Father: Adams, Jacob Smith
Albright, Barbary, b. 1786, d. 03/12/1831
Albright, Christian P., b. 1818, d. 09/16/1904
Albright, Clara, b. 1856, d. 1871
Albright, Edgar Downing, b. 1869, d. 12/10/1898, Father: Albright, Louis M.
Albright, Electa A., b. 1837, d. 09/10/1918, Father: Case
Albright, Eliza L., b. 1842, d. 12/04/1924, Father: Downing
Albright, Estella M., d. 12/31/1931, Father: Albright, Ruby J.
Albright, Evelyn May, b. 05/06/1880, d. 04/14/1942, Father: Albright, Louis M.
Albright, Franklin K., b. 1863, d. 04/11/1931, Father: Albright, Fredrick G.
Albright, Frederick G., b. 03/01/1825, d. 07/25/1895
Albright, Gottlieb F., b. 12/09/1790, d. 07/12/1868
Albright, Jacob Strader, b. 06/16/1819, d. 07/14/1892
Albright, Jean Marion "Jennie", b. 11/30/1862, d. 06/28/1890, Father: Knight, William G.
Albright, Jean, b. 06/28/1890, d. 07/12/1890, Father: Albright, Werter B.
Albright, Jessie L., b. 06/08/1872, d. 07/13/1938, Father: Knight, William G.
Albright, Louis M., b. 1833, d. 08/06/1905
Albright, Louis P., b. 03/04/1861, d. 08/12/1932, Father: Albright, Louis P.
Albright, Lydia, d. 07/27/1901
Albright, Maria, b. 07/09/1793, d. 05/12/1865, Father: Weber
Albright, Martha Ann, b. 12/31/1850, d. 01/02/1877, Father: Albright, Jacob S.
Albright, Mary A., b. 1825, d. 08/29/1910, Father: Keiser, Henry
Albright, Minerva N. "Minnie", b. 03/28/1866, d. 06/28/1948, Father: Noble, Wm.
Albright, Nancy, b. 10/14/1822, d. 04/27/1898, Father: Mills
Albright, Newell S., b. 1850, d. 10/11/1897, Father: Albright, Jacob S.
Albright, Ruby Janes "Reubie", b. 08/24/1852, d. 07/30/1885, Father: Albright, Jacob Strader
Albright, Samuel J., b. 1829, d. 01/03/1906, Father: Albright, Gottlieb
Albright, Werter Baker, b. 10/12/1854, d. 01/08/1893, Father: Albright, Jacob S.
Alden, Frank W., b. 1858, d. 09/12/1923
Alden, Mary Louise, b. 1861, d. 05/20/1933, Father: Nagley, Philip
Aldrich, Elosia M., b. 04/04/1878, d. 06/15/1960, Father: Porterfield, Jarvis
Aldrich, Vivian Beryl, b. 06/09/1902, d. 07/16/1963, "Daughter", Father: Aldrich, Wm. Vern
Aldrich, William Vern, b. 09/15/1877, d. 02/21/1938, Father: Aldrich, Rufus (Ruben ?)
Alexander, C. D. (Celia ?), d. 11/29/1896, "Mother"
Alexander, Carol G., b. 1907, d. 02/07/1967, Father: Alexander, Thomas J.
Alexander, Catherine, b. 1893, d. 1895
Alexander, Della, no dates
Alexander, Drayton, no dates
Alexander, Geneva G., b. 06/23/1875, d. 02/17/1943, Father: Rushon, Agustus
Alexander, George B., b. 1843, d. 04/21/1903
Alexander, Grace, b. 1902, d. 07/13/1924, Father: Barrett, Charles S.
Alexander, Hosea William, d. 06/14/1898
Alexander, John Paul, b. 1926, d. 12/17/1986
Alexander, John, d. 03/25/1910
Alexander, Joseph C., d. 01/04/1889
Alexander, Margaret E., b. 01/04/1907, d. 06/01/1974
Alexander, Margaret, b. 1852, d. 07/09/1919
Alexander, Ruth Ellen (Noble), b. 08/30/1926, d. 08/01/2001, Father: Byles, Clyde A.
Alexander, Thomas J., b. 1873, d. 04/08/1960
Alford, Albert C., b. 1872, d. 09/30/1948
Alford, Birdie, d. 01/25/1883
Alford, Charles Beecher, d. 01/27/1904, Father: Alford,Henry Ward Beecher
Alford, Earnest, no dates
Alford, Eliza, b. 1832, d. 12/09/1857
Alford, Emaline, d. 05/06/1850, Father: Alford, C. ?
Alford, Ernestine, no dates
Alford, Florence Sarila, b. 03/15/1869, d. 02/15/1928, Father: Clay, Henry C.
Alford, Frank Preston, b. 11/19/1856, d. 05/04/1930, Father: Alford, William
Alford, Henry Ward Beecher, b. 02/25/1869, d. 09/03/1953, Father: Alford
Alford, infant son, d. 01/17/1912, Father: Alford, Beech
Alford, infant, b. 05/--/1900, d. 05/14/1900, Father: Alford,Henry Ward Beecher
Alford, Karl Emmet, d. 10/12/1899
Alford, Martha E."Mother", b. 1843, d. 03/24/1914, Father: Smith
Alford, Nettie V., b. 1877, d. 06/02/1967
Alford, Solomon/wife/children, no dates
Alford, W. M., d. 1898
Alford, William, b. 1829, d. 08/21/1898
Alkire, Abraham Lincoln, b. 09/10/1868, d. 02/17/1943, Father: Alkire, Alexander
Alkire, Mary Jane "Wofe", b. 08/21/1868, d. 05/23/1933, Father: ,Unk
Allan, Gaylord, b. 1890, d. 02/14/1925
Allan, Imogene, b. 10/06/1856, d. 09/15/1933, Father: Smith, John
Allan, James, b. 1844, d. 09/14/1929
Allen, A. B., no dates, Father: Allen, Seth H.
Allen, Benjamin Franklin, b. 1788, d. 04/--/1866
Allen, Catherine, b. 1832, d. 03/07/1858
Allen, Clara, b. 08/19/1865, d. 03/09/1940, Father: Drumond
Allen, Donald Gray, b. 1894, d. 01/03/1984
Allen, Dora Enola, b. 07/31/1879, d. 01/07/1964, Father: Browning, Joseph
Allen, Dorian Jomo, Jr., b. 08/02/2000, d. 08/02/2000, Father: Allen, Dorian Jomo,Sr.
Allen, Elizabeth V., b. 01/01/1810, d. 02/21/1891, Father: VanHorn
Allen, Elmyra Sweetser, no dates
Allen, Emma Eulalia, b. 1856, d. 12/30/1933, Father: Conrad, E.Robert
Allen, Emma, d. 1887
Allen, Flora, b. 09/25/1857, d. 1858, Father: Allen, Jedidiah
Allen, George David, b. 12/25/1855, d. 10/25/1912
Allen, Georgie, b. 11/05/1866, d. 04/08/1945, Father: Brown, Beverly W.
Allen, Goldie (Main), b. 06/27/1901, d. 04/09/1982, Father: Cozart, Harvey T.
Allen, Harriet R., b. 1825, d. 02/03/1847
Allen, Heber, b. 1770, d. 03/07/1849
Allen, Helen Hardin, b. 1906, d. 11/24/1989
Allen, Horace "Father", b. 1804, d. 02/06/1893, Father: Allen, Heber
Allen, Horace P., b. 1852, d. 04/21/1857, Father: Allen, Horace
Allen, James F., b. 1930, d. 03/29/1993, Father: Allen, Donald G.,Dr.
Allen, James Lee, b. 12/14/1888, d. 01/15/1972, Father: Allen, George
Allen, Jane M. "Mother", b. 01/22/1817, d. 03/05/1901, Father: Riley, John
Allen, Jedidiah, d. 12/24/1905, Father: Allen, Whiting
Allen, Katherine "K.T.", b. 03/20/1905, d. 02/09/1995, Father: Timmons, Frank
Allen, Kofoid Marsh, b. 10/31/1896, d. 05/13/1952, Father: Allen, Marsh
Allen, Lavonia, no dates, Father: Allen, Benjamin F.
Allen, Lewis A., b. 06/01/1917, d. 04/28/2003, Father: Allen, Roy
Allen, Margaret, b. 12/27/1930, d. 12/31/1993, Father: Allen, Donald G.
Allen, Marie J., b. 03/31/1919, d. 06/27/2001, Father: Sexten, Thurlow Reasen
Allen, Martha Virginia June, b. 06/22/1911, d. 11/27/1979, Father: Rarey, Howard L.
Allen, Mary M., b. 12/19/1890, d. 11/14/1971, Father: Master, George
Allen, Mehettable "Hetty", b. 1775, d. 05/24/1852
Allen, Nancy Anna, b. 01/23/1779, d. 05/22/1870
Allen, Robert Browning, b. 03/27/1910, d. 11/10/1977, Father: Allen, Albert Edward
Allen, Rosa Anne Curry, d. 08/06/1949, Father: Curry, Rev. (?)
Allen, Sarah "Mother", d. 05/--/1831, Father: Burnap
Allen, Seth H., no dates
Allen, Stanley Brown, b. 1888, d. 06/17/1889, Father: Allen, Daniel
Allen, Titus K., d. 04/11/1850, Father: Allen, E.B.
Allen, Whiting, b. 1778, d. 08/13/1860
Allen, Whiting, b. 1855, d. 07/27/1911, Father: Allen, Jedidiah
Allgire, John, b. 03/11/1813, d. 02/22/1902
Allgire, Lulu May, b. 03/26/1863, d. 06/29/1936, Father: Allgire, Wm.K.
Allgire, Rebecca Jane, b. 05/06/1830, d. 01/14/1898, Father: Needles
Allgire, William K., b. 05/01/1823, d. 09/10/1902, Father: Allgire, John
Allison, Agnes A., b. 04/11/1881, d. 12/09/1952, Father: Page, James M.
Allison, Fern Avis, d. 11/17/1906, Father: Allison, Henry
Allison, Henry Martin, b. 05/28/1862, d. 04/26/1933, Father: Allison, Thomas
Allison, Irene, d. 02/19/1907, Father: Allison, Henry
Allison, Isadore V., b. 05/12/1864, d. 05/27/1951, Father: Davenport, Anthony
Allman, Edna Ruth, b. 07/16/1904, d. 09/19/1981, Father: Blaney, Charles C.
Allman, Noel C., b. 03/20/1901, d. 10/15/1983, Father: Allman, William E.
Allshire, Ralph Spencer, b. 1904, d. 07/27/1921
Alspach, Alice, b. 08/17/1869, d. 09/01/1935, Father: Baker, Wm. B.
Alspach, Kate, b. 01/29/1869, d. 01/14/1918, Father: Hisey, Jonathan
Alspach, Martin Luther, b. 02/05/1856, d. 05/08/1942, Father: Alspach, Henry Belleau
Alston, Adelaide, d. 10/25/1896, Father: Alston, William
Alston, Andrew, b. 1823, d. 08/29/1883
Alston, Anna Eliza, b. 1854, d. 09/25/1924, Father: Alford, William
Alston, Edna, b. 11/25/1888, d. 09/20/1889, Father: Alston, W.
Alston, Elisabeth, b. 1901, d. 07/28/1922
Alston, Ella, no dates
Alston, Frank B., d. 05/10/1916
Alston, J., no dates
Alston, Luther P., d. 01/02/1910
Alston, May (or Mary), d. 04/03/1900, Father: Alston, William
Alston, Rhoda, d. 06/--/1885
Alston, Sarah, d. 02/22/1917
Alston, William H., d. 08/08/1932
Alter, Charles Francis, b. 01/21/1907, d. 12/31/1991, Father: Alter, Charles
Alter, Mary W., b. 03/25/1909, d. 05/19/2003, Father: Widdowson, Joseph C.
Altrock, Henry, b. 1826, d. 05/02/1878
Altrock, Rosenia, b. 1837, d. 01/27/1879
Amato, Albert M., b. 11/26/1921, d. 03/20/1991, Father: Amato, Joseph
Amato, Amy Marie, b. 06/12/1986, d. 07/28/2000, Father: Amato, John B.
Amato, Carly Lynn, b. 10/27/1994, d. 07/27/2000, Father: Amato, John B.
Amato, infant, b. 07/04/2002, d. 07/04/2002, Father: Amato, John B.
Amato, Wanda Mary (Covrett), b. 01/05/1925, d. 09/13/2000, Father: Hines, Wilson J.
Amos, James J., b. 12/25/1918, d. 06/28/1988, Father: Amos, Hugh
Amos, Marcia A., b. 07/30/1921, d. 04/11/1997, Father: Arter, Roy
Amrhein, Harold Frederick "Ammie", b. 04/30/1901, d. 09/28/1979, Father: Amrhein, Henry
Amrhein, Mary, b. 1900, d. 05/01/1990, Father: Sackett, Howard S.
Amrine, Elizabeth, b. 07/24/1859, d. 02/19/1945, Father: Fortney, Jacob
Amrine, Frank O., b. 1856, d. 10/01/1917
Amrine, Harold E., b. 06/13/1920, d. 12/21/1944, Father: Amrine, Ralph A.
Amy, Ernest F., b. 11/28/1883, d. 01/05/1970, Father: Amy, John
Amy, John Wilber, d. 09/30/1918, Father: Amy, Ernest
Amy, Theresa L., b. 11/08/1888, d. 07/02/1986, Father: Say, Charles Wilbur
Anderson, "Mother", d. 06/25/1884
Anderson, Alexander, d. 03/20/1860, "Father", Father: Anderson, Matthew
Anderson, Andrew M., b. 1841, d. 04/18/1901, Father: Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, Ariel C., b. 07/28/1910, d. 08/07/1972, Father: Anderson, Clarence
Anderson, C. A., no dates
Anderson, Carl F., b. 1881, d. 09/28/1915, Father: Anderson, Andrew M.
Anderson, Cecelia, d. 11/30/1896, Father: Alexander
Anderson, Clara J., b. 01/09/1865, d. 03/14/1945, Father: Graham, Joel D.
Anderson, Clarence, b. 1878, d. 01/28/1933
Anderson, Cleo G., b. 08/01/1903, d. 11/28/1970, Father: Grace, Vinton
Anderson, Dewey, b. 1868, d. 07/15/1925, Father: Anderson, Edgar
Anderson, Edgar, b. 12/06/1834, d. 08/11/1893
Anderson, Frances Mary, b. 1839, d. 01/08/1921, Father: Tallman, Henton
Anderson, Francis E., b. 09/05/1899, d. 07/16/1900, Father: Anderson, Andrew M.
Anderson, Georgia B., b. 12/08/1886, d. 06/23/1979, Father: Fry, Frank Richard
Anderson, Guy C., b. 09/04/1888, d. 01/26/1963, Father: Anderson, Andrew
Anderson, Harriett Priscilla, b. 09/03/1899, d. 01/29/1987, Father: Saunders, Edward
Anderson, Harvey L., b. 06/05/1861, d. 10/26/1887, Father: Anderson, Edgar
Anderson, Isabella, d. 1846
Anderson, James Albert, d. 03/27/1914, Father: Anderson, James
Anderson, James Edison, b. 10/14/1913, d. 11/12/1945, Father: Anderson, Guy
Anderson, James Gillis, d. 07/15/1867, "Brother", Father: Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, Jesse M., b. 09/07/1868, d. 07/17/1918, Father: Anderson, Edgar
Anderson, John A., b. 1839, d. 03/31/1884
Anderson, John Lewis, b. 11/25/1857, d. 08/09/1928
Anderson, John Louis, b. 1868, d. 09/01/1935, Father: Anderson, John A.
Anderson, John Richard, b. 10/03/1918, d. 04/09/1971, Father: Anderson, Guy C.
Anderson, Lula E., b. 1905, d. 06/24/1963, Father: Mason, Lellwood D.W.
Anderson, Marcellus, b. 1895, d. 08/24/1964
Anderson, Martha Joe, b. 1916, d. 04/06/1917, Father: Anderson, Guy C.
Anderson, Martha Lurene, b. 1901, d. 05/05/1927
Anderson, Martha, d. 01/04/1954
Anderson, Mary Elma, b. 1872, d. 01/19/1958
Anderson, Mary Emily, b. 10/05/1821, d. 12/16/1897, Father: Hills, James H.,Dr.
Anderson, Mary W., b. 1842, d. 1897, Father: Williams, Thos. ?
Anderson, Matthew, b. 1767, d. 08/05/1822
Anderson, Minnie T., b. 08/14/1866, d. 06/01/1874, Father: Anderson, Andrew M.
Anderson, Nelson, b. 1844, d. 08/23/1924
Anderson, Orville H., b. 03/31/1888, d. 04/22/1948, Father: Anderson, John L.
Anderson, Raymond Stephen, b. 1876, d. 01/10/1879, Father: Anderson, John A.
Anderson, Ruth (Kelley), b. 1906, d. 04/17/1990, Father: Stephens
Anderson, Sarah A., b. 1832, d. 05/06/1918
Anderson, Sarah A., b. 1838, d. 03/02/1912, Father: Stephens
Anderson, Sarah, b. 10/10/1829, d. 12/26/1906, Father: Keiser, Henry
Anderson, Serena, b. 1876, d. 05/30/1922
Anderson, Walter, d. 07/18/1906, Father: Anderson, James
Anderson, William, b. 1797, d. 10/05/1825
Anderson, William, b. 1831, d. 09/27/1875, Father: Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, William, d. 05/06/1933
Anderson, William, no dates
Andrew, Grace, b. 01/05/1863, d. 09/02/1949, Father: Reed, Joseph
Andrews, Charles L., b. 04/08/1885, d. 03/05/1969, Father: Andrews, Albert L.
Andrews, Darline Lucille, d. 01/29/1929, Father: Andrews, Vernen,Sr.
Andrews, Dorothy Mary, b. 05/20/1897, d. 03/24/1981, Father: Weiser, David
Andrews, Eliza, b. 12/04/1845, d. 04/14/1855
Andrews, Ellen Rathburn, b. 1848, d. 03/18/1929, Father: Andrews, Hiram Griswold
Andrews, Emily, b. 08/29/1813, d. 08/17/1886, Father: Downer
Andrews, Ethel L., b. 02/26/1887, d. 04/22/1956, Father: Marks, Cardon
Andrews, Gerard Edwin, b. 1928, d. 02/22/1930, Father: Andrews, Harry G.
Andrews, Girard W., no dates
Andrews, Harold H., b. 07/11/1895, d. 02/09/1969
Andrews, Henry Simon, b. 1880, d. 01/12/1901, Father: Andrews, James B.
Andrews, Hiram Griswold, b. 07/15/1813, d. 05/23/1882, Father: Andrews, Noah
Andrews, Hiram R., b. 1843, d. 1900, Father: Andrews, Hiram Griswold
Andrews, Infant, d. 09/24/1926
Andrews, James B., b. 1856, d. 01/19/1904
Andrews, James D., b. 01/12/1871, d. 04/06/1875, Father: Andrews, Hiram R.
Andrews, James S., b. 08/27/1838, d. 02/18/1880, Father: Andrews, Hiram Griswold
Andrews, Jessie C., b. 05/18/1879, d. 11/03/1946, Father: Cutler, Orange D.
Andrews, Joseph H., b. 07/27/1869, d. 01/26/1948, Father: Andrews, Hugh
Andrews, Margaret, b. 07/18/1865, d. 09/24/1935, Father: Young, Theodore
Andrews, Mary Catherine, b. 1849, d. 04/03/1922, Father: Vought, Abram
Andrews, Mary Elizabeth, b. 11/18/1850, d. 04/25/1932, Father: Andrews, Hiram Griswold
Andrews, Mary, b. 04/15/1869, d. 01/22/1939, Father: Andrews, Hiram R.
Andrews, Mildred Louise, b. 1923, d. 05/16/1931, Father: Andrews, Harry G.
Andrews, Olive, b. 07/10/1859, d. 02/02/1937, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Andrews, Thomas Emerson, b. 12/18/1925, d. 05/30/2003, Father: Andrews, William
Andrews, Thomas F., b. 1858, d. 08/29/1921
Andrews, Vernen W., Sr. "Skip", b. 02/05/1898, d. 05/07/1974, Father: Andrews, William
Andricks, Stanley Ross, d. 04/12/1905
Andrix, Clinton, b. 1877, d. 04/28/1976
Andrix, Elwood LeRoy "Bud", b. 08/26/1927, d. 12/10/1991, Father: Andrix, Clinton
Andrix, Harold H., b. 1903, d. 05/17/1984, Father: Andrix, Clinton
Andrix, Henrietta K. "Etta", b. 1885, d. 10/10/1967, Father: Kincaid
Andrix, Ilo Christine, b. 1902, d. 02/27/1963, Father: Haas
Angel, Maude May, d. 10/13/1899
Angus, Charles Everett "Shorty", b. 11/16/1904, d. 09/17/1977, Father: Unk
Angus, Everett Eugene "Gene", b. 01/14/1930, d. 05/07/2003, Father: Angus, Charles Everett
Angus, Grace Marie (Butts), b. 05/05/1901, d. 01/07/1981, Father: Ashbrook, Alfred
Annett, John Andrew, b. 1921, d. 08/08/1921
Anson, Edmund, b. 01/10/1838, d. 07/06/1911
Anson, Frank B. "Cy", b. 09/03/1877, d. 01/04/1953, Father: Anson, Edmund
Anson, Margaret, b. 1841, d. 05/20/1920, Father: Morgan
Anson, Nettie N., b. 03/18/1870, d. 08/12/1929, Father: Newell, Harrison
Anson, Paul R., b. 1896, d. 05/23/1971
Anson, Ruth A., b. 1902, d. 04/16/1993, Father: Ashe, William Wesley
Anthoni, Catherine, d. 01/05/1840, Father: Anthoni, Frederic Sr.
Anthoni, Charles, b. 1846, d. 06/28/1894, Father: Anthoni, Frederic Sr.
Anthoni, Charles, d. 12/01/1839, Father: Anthoni, Frederic Sr.
Anthoni, Frederic, Jr., b. 1836, d. 01/08/1877, Father: Anthoni, Fred
Anthoni, Frederic, Sr., b. 08/14/1812, d. 11/29/1882,"Grandfather", Father: Anthoni, Nicolas
Anthoni, Henry, b. 11/29/1849, d. 01/09/1911, Father: Anthoni, Frederick Sr.
Anthoni, Infants - 3, no dates
Anthoni, L. Albert, b. 1852, d. 05/20/1912, Father: Anthoni, Frederick Sr.
Anthoni, Mary Jane, b. 1842, d. 02/15/1912, Father: Cottingham
Anthoni, Rosina, b. 08/21/1811, d. 12/28/1884, "Grandmother", Father: Anthoni, Peter
Anthoni, William Frederick, b. 10/07/1872, d. 06/25/1918, Father: Anthoni, Frederic Sr.
Antoine, Carlton Goodrich, b. 07/10/1923, d. 04/21/1990, Father: Antoine, Victor E.
Anzures, Manuel C., b. 05/25/1934, d. 03/27/1966, Father: Anzures, Mauual
Apple, James R., b. 04/21/1924, d. 10/11/1986, Father: Apple, Chalmers
Appleman, Vernon Arthur, b. 04/23/1933, d. 04/23/1933, Father: Appleman, Harry
Arbuckle, ? (Dr.James H.), no dates
Arbuckle, John Chalmers, b. 07/27/1847, d. 10/02/1939, Father: Arbuckle, James
Arbuckle, Louise Marie, b. 1902, d. 07/10/1905, Father: Arbuckle, James H. (Dr.)
Arbuckle, Louise Melissa, b. 01/27/1854, d. 11/04/1927, Father: Haughawout
Arbuckle, Mable, b. 1876, d. 04/24/1968, Father: Arbuckle, John C.
Arbuckle, Ruby, b. 1881, d. 1883, Father: Arbuckle, John C.
Archer, Frank, d. 12/10/1898
Arehart, Albert Clyde, b. 04/20/1923, d. 03/27/1941, Father: Arehart, Clyde
Arehart, Albert Johnson, b. 02/17/1865, d. 07/10/1938, Father: Arehart, David
Arehart, Bessie Ann, b. 06/15/1893, d. 12/23/1989, Father: Robinson, Oliver
Arehart, David, b. 09/26/1836, d. 07/31/1914
Arehart, Dorence William, b. 12/17/1913, d. 04/15/2001, Father: Arehart, Leroy David
Arehart, Effie E., b. 11/11/1866, d. 07/24/1922, Father: Benton, Lewis
Arehart, Elizabeth Samantha"Mother, b. 1841, d. 11/01/1916, Father: Myers
Arehart, Ella, b. 10/25/1866, d. 01/21/1903
Arehart, Frances Grove, b. 06/13/1918, d. 05/20/1992, Father: Gardner, Lloyd
Arehart, Leroy D., b. 10/12/1891, d. 02/08/1975, Father: Arehart, Truman Elmer
Arehart, Marie, b. 1901, d. 11/10/1902
Arehart, Truman Elmer, b. 11/13/1862, d. 03/19/1936, Father: Arehart, David
Armbruster, Helen C. (Taylor), b. 05/12/1912, d. 05/18/1984, Father: Allison, Homer
Armitage, Cathline, b. 1893, d. 01/13/1894
Armitage, David B., b. 01/--/1862, d. 02/18/1943
Armitage, Marguerette, d. 12/25/1891
Armon, Lilley Bell, b. 01/16/1870, d. 04/01/1948, Father: Foor, Rufus
Armstrong, Anna Mary, b. 01/28/1866, d. 11/29/1942, Father: Jones, John
Armstrong, Corinne, b. 06/16/1863, d. 09/19/1948, Father: Brittain, James
Armstrong, Frank, d. 09/02/1929
Armstrong, George W., b. 1870, d. 04/08/1934
Armstrong, Infant Son, b. 1888, d. 01/13/1889, Father: Armstong, John T.
Armstrong, J. S., d. 12/--/1871
Armstrong, James W., b. 02/25/1884, d. 11/13/1965, Father: Armstrong, Eucebias
Armstrong, James Williamson, b. 1822, d. 07/14/1881
Armstrong, Jane B.Chadwick, b. 1828, d. 12/03/1917
Armstrong, Jennie, no dates
Armstrong, John J. "Jack", b. 09/14/1909, d. 10/29/1993
Armstrong, John Mooney, b. 1863, d. 02/09/1931, Father: Armstrong, James Wm.
Armstrong, John T., b. 01/26/1854, d. 01/11/1930
Armstrong, Lorna Viola (Lee), b. 1903, d. 12/21/1986
Armstrong, Louise S., b. 08/02/1879, d. 01/19/1952, Father: Smith, James L.
Armstrong, Martha A., b. 1853, d. 11/24/1935, Father: Armstrong, James Wm.
Armstrong, Mary (VanHorne), b. 12/09/1806, d. 02/05/1891, Father: Powers, Avery
Armstrong, Mary Ann, b. 1852, d. 04/20/1914
Armstrong, Ruetta I., b. 02/17/1889, d. 06/04/1985, Father: Loar, George B.McClelland
Armstrong, Sarah Angeline, b. 1831, d. 02/24/1911, Father: Smith
Armstrong, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 10/10/1826, d. 04/15/1910, Father: Mooney
Armstrong, Sarah M. (Jones), b. 1816, d. 04/24/1898
Armstrong, Sarah, b. 1843, d. 07/11/1920, Father: Littick, Reuben
Armstrong, Thomas "Father", b. 1820, d. 08/28/1893
Arndt, John Douglas, b. 12/18/1951, d. 12/18/1951, Father: Arndt, John
Arneson, Ben A., b. 05/22/1883, d. 02/13/1958, Father: Arneson, Teeman
Arnold, A. M., child of, d. 02/06/1895
Arnold, Carrie, b. 01/14/1887, d. 02/04/1922, Father: Tracy, Wm.
Arnold, Charles Clinton, b. 1875, d. 12/04/1931, Father: Arnold, James E.
Arnold, Charles Eugene, d. 05/18/1936, Father: Arnold, Frank E.
Arnold, Delila, b. 1845, d. 03/23/1920, Father: Schreyer
Arnold, Emerson Victor, b. 05/26/1896, d. 05/23/1966, Father: Arnold, Emil
Arnold, Esther, b. 09/02/1902, d. 03/01/1998, Father: Jack, Charles C.
Arnold, Frank E., b. 11/13/1895, d. 09/16/1958
Arnold, Hannah, d. 1935, Father: Altrock, Henry
Arnold, Harry J., b. 05/10/1881, d. 10/26/1936, Father: Arnold, James
Arnold, Infant Girl, b. 10/28/1953, d. 10/28/1953, Father: Arnold, Norbert E.
Arnold, James E., b. 1845, d. 04/23/1912
Arnold, Mary Ellen, b. 06/13/1857, d. 01/13/1931, Father: Perfect
Arnold, Mary, b. 1809, d. 08/29/1840
Arnold, Norbert Edson, b. 03/17/1926, d. 09/14/1998, Father: Arnold, George A.
Arnold, Riol K., b. 09/21/1853, d. 08/23/1927, Father: Arnold, Alfred
Arnold, Virginia May, b. 06/12/1921, d. 02/04/1922, Father: Arnold, Harry
Arthur, Agnes Marybelle, b. 10/11/1893, d. 10/26/1970, Father: Kline, David
Arthur, Anna Marie, b. 07/28/1894, d. 09/12/1974, Father: Freese, Walter Isaac
Arthur, Charles "Father", b. 1813, d. 04/26/1898
Arthur, Christine Ann, b. 07/16/1970, d. 07/06/2002, Father: Roloson, Richard
Arthur, Claude R., b. 04/27/1892, d. 10/23/1961, Father: Arthur
Arthur, Edward N., b. 1849, d. 04/22/1923, Father: Arthur, Charles
Arthur, Ella, b. 03/20/1852, d. 04/08/1881, Father: Little
Arthur, Ella, b. 1881, d. 08/31/1881, Father: Arthur, Edward N.
Arthur, Ethel M., b. 10/11/1901, d. 05/08/1986, Father: Osborn, Joseph M. "Mac"
Arthur, Evelyn Louise, b. 01/31/1924, d. 09/03/2001, Father: Swigart, Clarence
Arthur, Harriet A. "Mother", b. 09/19/1815, d. 08/24/1881, Father: Mealey
Arthur, Nancy J., b. 1853, d. 07/30/1915, Father: Stephen
Arthur, Ora M., b. 07/07/1898, d. 12/24/1974, Father: Arthur, Anson
Arthur, Raymond Thomas, b. 06/--/1941, d. 08/11/1941, Father: Arthur, Claude Fritz
Arthur, Walter Berlett, d. 03/11/1912, Father: Arthur, Claud
Arthur, Zerna V., b. 07/21/1889, d. 01/08/1963, Father: Arthur
Ash, Mary Ann (Evans), b. 1867, d. 12/25/1935
Ashbrook, Infant, b. 07/16/1950, d. 07/17/1950, Father: Ashbrook, Francis
Ashbrook, Richard Eugene, b. 11/02/1973, d. 11/02/1973
Ashcraft, Patricia Ruth, b. 11/30/1958, d. 12/20/1958, Father: Ashcraft, Donald
Ashe, Christine, b. 02/07/1862, d. 06/28/1947, Father: Christenson, Andrew
Ashe, William Wesley, b. 1862, d. 04/07/1932, Father: Ashe, Nelson
Ashlock, Robert P., b. 1936, d. 01/27/1992
Ashman, George Cromwell, Jr., b. 03/18/1910, d. 03/30/1997, Father: Ashman, George
Ashton, Jean Joellen, b. 07/09/1932, d. 02/19/1996, Father: Hecox, Harvey
Ashton, Olive Marie, b. 03/12/1915, d. 08/13/1988, Father: Zeigler, Melvin
Ashwell, Francis Edwin, d. 02/27/1894, Father: Ashwell, T.H.
Ashwell, Robert Virgil, d. 05/13/1899, Father: Ashwell, T.H.
Ashwill, Francis Dunlavy, b. 12/27/1836, d. 10/22/1903
Askins, Amos P., b. 1902, d. 09/15/1983
Askins, Doris Joan, b. 04/01/1930, d. 05/19/2000, Father: Macomber, Fred S.
Askins, Hazel May (Converse), b. 04/21/1915, d. 09/13/1973, Father: Welch, Richard F.
Askins, Helena B., b. 1915, d. 10/27/1984
Askins, Homer Leon, b. 06/29/1900, d. 01/20/1975, Father: Askins, Thomas
Askins, Joseph Leon "Jack", b. 11/06/1921, d. 04/29/1938, Father: Askins, Homer
Askins, Louis Craig, b. 05/01/1910, d. 03/30/1997, Father: Askins, Emery Eugene
Askins, Marguerite M., b. 05/10/1912, d. 12/04/1984, Father: Plunkett, Earl F.
Askins, Merle Gordon, b. 11/22/1929, d. 05/23/1979, Father: Askins, Homer L.
Askins, Viola Viva Vaughn, b. 09/26/1900, d. 08/10/1956, Father: Conway, Lewis
Aspery, Blanche Marie, b. 08/28/1897, d. 04/05/1993, Father: Parr
Aspery, Elizabeth Marie, b. 11/18/1949, d. 11/18/1949, Father: Aspery, Paul
Aspery, Gerald Eugene, b. 01/26/1933, d. 03/30/1990, Father: Aspery, Harry C.
Aspery, Harry Calvin, b. 06/29/1897, d. 02/20/1984, Father: Aspery, William Henry
Aspery, Lester, b. 03/14/1952, d. 03/14/1952, Father: Aspery, Paul
Aspery, Violet Marie, b. 10/20/1933, d. 11/13/1998, Father: Kinder, Charles
Aten, Grover C., b. 06/21/1885, d. 08/29/1940, Father: Aten, Alfred
Atherton, Catherine, b. 1813, d. 01/31/1887
Atkinson, George F., b. 11/12/1907, d. 09/23/1997, Father: Atkinson, Frank
Atkinson, James Mercer, d. 01/16/1907
Atkinson, Kathryn, b. 03/20/1908, d. 12/02/1977, Father: Wilson, Clyde J.
Atkinson, Rebecca, b. 1816, d. 03/06/1905
Atkinson, Selkirk "Father", b. 1922, d. 11/05/1972
Atkinson, Selkirk, Jr., b. 09/10/1952, d. 08/16/1960, "Son", Father: Atkinson, Selkirk
Atkinson, Wirts, b. 1805, d. 09/12/1892
Augenstine, Janet M., b. 04/29/1937, d. 05/27/1991, Father: Breece, Lester
Ault, Roger Lee, b. 01/06/1960, d. 01/06/1960, Father: Ault, Gerald
Aurand, Lavern L., b. 06/18/1895, d. 06/30/1934
Austin, Ada, d. 03/04/1950, Father: Randolph, Elmer
Austin, Alexander V., b. 06/09/1859, d. 12/24/1937, Father: Austin, Alexander V.
Austin, Alexander, b. 10/28/1818, d. 10/--/1886
Austin, baby, b. 1902, d. 04/03/1902
Austin, Bernice, no dates
Austin, Cyrus Brooks, b. 1851, d. 09/09/1924
Austin, David, d. 12/07/1915
Austin, Edna Myrtle, b. 09/19/1889, d. 08/31/1943, Father: Harris, Joseph
Austin, Eliza, d. 03/03/1906, Father: Bowman
Austin, Elizabeth, d. 03/28/1904
Austin, Ella, d. 02/23/1892
Austin, Ellen, d. 02/03/1919
Austin, Ethel May, b. 06/19/1888, d. 02/21/1938, Father: Randolph, Elmer
Austin, Frances, b. 04/06/1856, d. 01/17/1951, Father: Austin, Andy
Austin, Georgia C., b. 12/15/1861, d. 04/18/1946, Father: Covell, Edgar
Austin, Georgia, d. 04/14/1902
Austin, Gilbert Bering, b. 1890, d. 08/11/1891, Father: Austin, Gilbert P.
Austin, Gilbert P., b. 04/15/1856, d. 01/29/1939
Austin, Harry O., b. 1915, d. 08/12/1915
Austin, Infant, b. 01/21/1911, d. 01/21/1911, Father: Austin, Leonel
Austin, Ione, b. 07/14/1887, d. 01/25/1972, Father: Austin, Gilbert P.
Austin, Jason McVay, Jr., b. 11/20/1915, d. 12/13/1996, Father: Austin, Jason M.,Sr.
Austin, Jenni Maud, d. 04/14/1891, Father: Austin, William
Austin, Jerry Miah, b. 1842, d. 08/01/1900
Austin, Kara Nicole, b. 03/21/1987, d. 03/21/1987, Father: Austin, Alan E.
Austin, Leone E., b. 05/04/1888, d. 09/27/1973, Father: Weaver, Johnathon
Austin, Lionel "Hi", b. 1888, d. 10/19/1973
Austin, Mary E., d. 03/16/1911, Father: Roberts
Austin, Mary M., b. 05/14/1859, d. 06/28/1950, Father: McVay, Jason
Austin, Raymond Brooks, b. 1889, d. 10/06/1918, Father: Austin, Cyrus Brooks
Austin, Roy, no dates, Father: Austin, W.J.
Austin, Tiara Monique, b. 06/06/1995, d. 06/06/1995, Father: Austin, Marlon T.
Austin, William Alexander, b. 04/02/1885, d. 12/20/1939, Father: Austin, William
Austin, William Elsworth, d. 07/12/1892, Father: Austin, Jerry
Austin, William M., b. 07/15/1891, d. 04/12/1976, Father: Austin, Harry C.
Austin, William, d. 07/25/1891
Avery, Amy Louisa, b. 1881, d. 01/19/1902
Avery, Daisy S., b. 12/05/1872, d. 01/11/1961, Father: Seegar, Dr. James L.
Avery, Edwin G., d. 05/22/1912
Avery, Elizabeth, no dates
Avery, Elmora S., b. 1826, d. 10/11/1892, Father: Hills, James Harvey
Avery, Florence Seegar, b. 10/21/1900, d. 06/27/1955, Father: Avery, Ralph Murray
Avery, Frederick, d. 06/13/1878
Avery, Hannah, d. 01/16/1914, Father: Avery, Frederick (Judge)
Avery, James Willard, b. 06/--/1859, d. 12/31/1916, Father: Avery, Jasper C.
Avery, Jasper Copp, b. 1827, d. 10/08/1901, Father: Avery, Frederick (Judge)
Avery, Josephine (Palmer), b. 1868, d. 1902, Father: Jones
Avery, Lydia, d. 07/--/1888, Father: Chamberlain
Avery, Ralph Murray, b. 03/02/1871, d. 10/24/1947, Father: Avery, Jasper
Avery, Rowland Edward, Dr., no dates
Avery, Trowbridge, no dates
Axt, Fred, b. 1853, d. 12/26/1920
Axtell, R. D., b. 1815, d. 12/09/1847
Axten, Julia A., b. 1810, d. 04/25/1906
Axten, Mary E., b. 1836, d. 09/20/1882, Father: Axten, Thomas
Axten, Thomas, b. 1807, d. 04/09/1881
Ayers, Jack Sheldon, b. 02/01/1931, d. 04/27/1984, Father: Ayers, Lawrence J.
Ayers, Lawrence Jacob, b. 01/07/1901, d. 02/17/1945, Father: Ayers, Will
Azarian, Garo Stephen, b. 02/18/1906, d. 06/19/2002, Father: Azarian, Harutune
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