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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Babcock, Frasie Lawrence, b. 04/20/1905, d. 05/09/1984, Father: Unk
Babcock, Hezekiah, b. 1805, d. 12/26/1834
Babcock, Infant son, b. 1835, d. 02/16/1835, Father: Babcock, Hezekiah
Babcock, RosaBelle, b. 11/07/1906, d. 07/20/1979, Father: Clements, Samuel
Babington, Harold W., b. 09/01/1897, d. 11/02/1956, "Husband"
Babington, Lena G., b. 11/22/1899, d. 05/10/1987, "Wife", Father: Whitfield, Alfred
Babington, Martha Jane, b. 09/30/1921, d. 01/12/2003, Father: Babington, Harold
Bach, Joy, d. 07/29/1927
Bachelor, Basil B., b. 1907, d. 03/10/1907, Father: Bachelor, Samuel
Bachelor, Clara Louisa, d. 10/31/1909, Father: Bachelor, Lemuel
Bachelor, Eva J., d. 09/15/1927, Father: Stump
Bachelor, Floyd B., b. 09/02/1886, d. 09/17/1939, Father: Bachelor, Charles
Bachelor, Harold E., b. 1924, d. 04/26/1924
Bachelor, Infant, b. 1919, d. 04/07/1919
Bachelor, L., infant of, d. 11/08/1912
Bachtel, Kenneth Ray, b. 05/25/1921, d. 12/28/1969, Father: Bachtel, Carl Alton McK.
Bachtel, Ruth E., b. 12/04/1923, d. 01/22/1980, Father: Knisley, Ralph
Badley, Brenton Hamline, b. 1904, d. 07/03/1928, Father: Badley, Brenton T.
Badley, Mary Scott, b. 01/27/1852, d. 01/11/1913, Father: Scott, John Hills
Badley, Mary, b. 03/06/1872, d. 05/05/1946, Father: Stearns, Wm.Dean
Bailer, Caroline, b. 1840, d. 07/24/1915, "Mother", Father: Metzger
Bailer, Charles K., b. 1839, d. 02/12/1921, "Father", Father: Bailer, Cosmus
Bailer, Cosmus, b. 04/27/1810, d. 11/26/1893
Bailer, Cyrus, b. 1852, d. 08/20/1894, Father: Bailer, Cosmus
Bailer, Florence Alealia, b. 09/18/1879, d. 10/18/1953, "Dau.", Father: Bailer, C. K.
Bailer, James, b. 1854, d. 1879
Bailer, Martha, b. 1842, d. 03/18/1900
Bailer, Mary A., d. 08/21/1870, Father: Bailer, Charles K.
Bailer, Sarah, b. 06/02/1817, d. 07/21/1899, Father: Slough
Bailey, Agnes, b. 1893, d. 04/03/1973
Bailey, Charles, b. 10/01/1861, d. 05/09/1908
Bailey, Frank, b. 1890, d. 1962
Bailey, James M., b. 1875, d. 06/05/1905
Bailey, Robert Leallen, b. 10/02/1928, d. 05/07/2004, Father: Bailey, Clarence
Bailey, Sylvester, b. 1854, d. 01/05/1908
Bailey, William H., b. 1873, d. 05/27/1947
Bailiff, Mary Ann, d. 10/27/1893
Baily, David Newton, b. 1858, d. 12/01/1917, "Father"
Baily, Elizabeth, b. 03/01/1867, d. 03/26/1940, "Mother", Father: Kirkland, George
Bain, Emmett, d. 10/01/1913
Baird, Adelaide, b. 1853, d. 03/21/1921, Father: Chambers
Baird, Carl Elston, b. 11/17/1914, d. 03/14/1972, Father: Baird, Stanley
Baird, Carrie Mae, b. 11/09/1888, d. 02/20/1948, Father: Skatz, William
Baird, Child, no dates
Baird, Esther S., d. 08/15/1845, Father: Jamison
Baird, Faith E., b. 01/02/1913, d. 09/21/1971, Father: Ankrom, Noah
Baird, Jane L., b. 1802, d. 03/19/1872
Baird, Thomas, b. 1845, d. 11/10/1924, Father: Baird, James R.
Baird, W. T., d. 11/15/1909
Baird, Wilda T., b. 06/03/1879, d. 11/01/1955, Father: Baird, Jesse
Baker, A. E., child of, d. 03/05/1889
Baker, Ada C., b. 11/11/1876, d. 05/05/1959, Father: Cosgray, Moses
Baker, Ada May, b. 12/23/1888, d. 02/15/1890, Father: Baker, Henry Alva
Baker, Albert, b. 06/28/1910, d. 08/09/1968, Father: Baker, Jessie
Baker, Albert, b. 1831, d. 04/25/1880
Baker, Almo Olive "Allie", d. 11/10/1901, Father: Newell
Baker, Arthur H., b. 09/13/1907, d. 11/21/1966, Father: Baker, Raymond P.
Baker, Barbara B., d. 12/23/1891
Baker, Barnard "Father", b. 07/24/1828, d. 07/10/1900
Baker, Belle Fien, b. 1862, d. 05/30/1923, Father: Stout
Baker, Catharine, d. 04/26/1906
Baker, Charles A., d. 04/02/1900, Father: Baker, Albert (?)
Baker, Charles M., b. 1866, d. 08/01/1912
Baker, Clara Belle, b. 02/16/1901, d. 10/24/1929, Father: Ingle, Geo.
Baker, Daniel B., b. 03/16/1838, d. 11/01/1873
Baker, Daniel, d. 01/22/1899
Baker, Edna E., b. 1875, d. 1959
Baker, Eliza A., b. 1843, d. 04/23/1901, Father: Durfey, Dexter
Baker, Elizabeth Ophelia, b. 05/22/1857, d. 09/01/1945, Father: Tone, Lafayette
Baker, Ellen Harriet, b. 1877, d. 08/22/1911, Father: James, Evan P.
Baker, Florence M., b. 1886, d. 02/08/1908, Father: McGuire
Baker, Florence, b. 1870, d. 10/30/1942
Baker, Frances Mauller, b. 02/26/1898, d. 04/11/1943, Father: Baker, William H
Baker, Grace I., b. 11/04/1911, d. 06/11/1992, Father: Evans, Gabriel
Baker, H., no dates
Baker, Harold Moses, b. 03/23/1904, d. 02/03/1979, Father: Baker, Joseph
Baker, Harriett P., b. 05/05/1857, d. 09/28/1949, Father: Pierce, Samuel
Baker, Harry E., b. 1858, d. 09/04/1924
Baker, Helen, b. 09/08/1897, d. 07/06/1983, Father: Baker, Oscar
Baker, Henry Alva, b. 11/22/1857, d. 03/07/1949, Father: Baker, Nelson
Baker, Henry L., b. 10/30/1841, d. 09/01/1912, Father: Baker, George
Baker, Herold (or Howard), b. 01/22/1895, d. 09/22/1895, Father: Baker, George A.
Baker, Horace W., b. 1850, d. 07/30/1854, Father: Baker, Horace W.
Baker, Irene Newell, b. 06/--/1899, d. 04/06/1909, Father: Baker, Charles
Baker, Jno., d. 09/20/1894
Baker, John, d. 08/--/1878
Baker, Joseph A., b. 10/12/1874, d. 12/18/1957, Father: Baker, Joseph W.
Baker, Joseph, no dates
Baker, Lela A., b. 04/11/1890, d. 09/16/1979, Father: Hogans, George F.
Baker, Leona C., b. 11/09/1895, d. 11/13/1965, Father: Brewer, John
Baker, Madge May, b. 02/17/1861, d. 12/23/1920, Father: Ross, William
Baker, Margaret Irene, b. 10/07/1901, d. 08/21/1972, Father: Staley, Frank V.
Baker, Maria A., b. 06/29/1811, d. 12/01/1882, Father: Wilcox, Ira
Baker, Martha Forbes, b. 09/09/1924, d. 09/09/1924, Father: Baker, Fred M.
Baker, Mary A., b. 1841, d. 04/15/1901, Father: Cowles, Samuel
Baker, Mary F., b. 1886, d. 04/04/1972, Father: Fitzwater, James H.
Baker, Nettie Lunetta, b. 11/20/1864, d. 06/16/1952, Father: Baker, E. R.
Baker, Oscar, b. 1853, d. 09/21/1920
Baker, Ralph H., b. 03/21/1897, d. 06/22/1983
Baker, Raymond F., b. 05/17/1885, d. 03/07/1958, Father: Baker, Henry Alva
Baker, Raymond P., b. 03/19/1882, d. 08/28/1962, Father: Baker, Harry E.
Baker, Ronald G., b. 08/23/1941, d. 11/15/1998, Father: Baker, Glenn
Baker, Rosie Margaret, b. 06/23/1918, d. 02/19/1942, Father: Long, Frank
Baker, Sarah Catherine "Mother", b. 09/01/1837, d. 11/19/1910, Father: Frederick
Baker, Sarah Edmonia, b. 1857, d. 05/05/1929, Father: Gates, Rascelus
Baker, Sarah, b. 11/20/1837, d. 10/29/1928, Father: Slough, Joseph
Baker, Walter Newell, d. 10/27/1918, Father: Baker, Charles
Baker, Warren Henry, b. 1853, d. 01/19/1921
Baker, William F., b. 1869, d. 01/30/1921
Baker, William H., b. 1845, d. 04/14/1921
Balch, Margaret M. "Madge", b. 1869, d. 10/03/1911, Father: Mendenhall, John H.
Baldridge, Jerry Wayne, b. 03/09/1968, d. 03/10/1968, Father: Baldridge, Ulysses
Baldwin, Alvah Ernest, b. 10/06/1876, d. 12/30/1933, Father: Baldwin, Alvah S.
Baldwin, Charles L., b. 03/08/1872, d. 02/03/1947, "Father"
Baldwin, Charles, d. 02/16/1907
Baldwin, Chauncey, b. 1825, d. 10/24/1903, "Father", Father: Baldwin, William
Baldwin, F. K., child of, no dates
Baldwin, Florence E., b. 08/14/1872, d. 03/01/1942, "Mother", Father: Blauvelt, Alonzo
Baldwin, Florence R., b. 12/15/1877, d. 01/14/1928, Father: Adams, Lee
Baldwin, Fred K., d. 02/19/1909, Father: Baldwin, Charles (?)
Baldwin, Jack F., b. 1909, d. 04/11/1976
Baldwin, James E., b. 05/06/1931, d. 08/11/1995, Father: Baldwin, James R.
Baldwin, Joseph, d. 05/02/1916
Baldwin, Mary Elizabeth, b. 08/17/1931, d. 07/19/1995, Father: Schmidt, John
Baldwin, Mary J., b. 1831, d. 11/18/1908, "Mother"
Baldwin, Samuel H., b. 1827, d. 07/27/1862
Bale, Clara, d. 04/04/1911, Father: Bale, John H.
Bales, Marriet, d. 04/08/1896
Ball, Andrew Frank, b. 1854, d. 05/02/1927
Ball, Anna, b. 12/23/1860, d. 06/29/1926, Father: Haas
Ball, Barbara Elizabeth, b. 10/--/1932, d. 10/24/1972, Father: Martin, Estil
Ball, Charles Edward, b. 09/19/1851, d. 05/09/1882
Ball, Erie C., b. 03/15/1915, d. 02/19/1986
Ball, Forrest A. "Smokey", b. 09/12/1912, d. 04/07/1977, Father: Unk
Ball, George Richard, b. 07/23/1890, d. 03/04/1917, Father: Ball, Andrew Frank
Ball, Grace G., b. 11/23/1884, d. 06/26/1973, Father: Glesenkamp, William
Ball, Ida Klein, b. 01/03/1856, d. 03/03/1941, Father: Mitchell, James
Ball, John, b. 1898, d. 02/22/1987
Ball, Joseph, b. 06/01/1887, d. 07/09/1967, Father: Ball, Andrew Frank
Ball, Margaret Ann, b. 07/01/1940, d. 12/14/1998, Father: Russell, William M.
Ball, Mary Katherine, b. 09/09/1893, d. 07/23/1961, Father: Ball, Andrew Frank
Ball, Nora Ethel, b. 1897, d. 08/25/1979, Father: Thompson
Ball, Vincent Dillon, b. 04/11/1920, d. 12/12/2001, Father: Ball, John
Ball, Willie R., b. 04/26/1912, d. 01/10/1998, Father: Ball, Doel
Ballard, Martha, b. 1913, d. 04/29/1919, Father: Ballard, Albert M.
Ballenger, Dan W., b. 07/25/1905, d. 11/12/1988, Father: Ballenger, Pearl
Ballenger, Emma Viola, b. 06/29/1908, d. 03/08/2001, Father: Brown, John W.
Ballenger, George Ross, b. 1886, d. 12/18/1936
Ballenger, Hattie (Simpson), b. 1872, d. 10/30/1955, Father: Keyser, Peter
Balser, Everett Wayne, b. 02/24/1887, d. 04/29/1944, Father: Balser, Elijah
Balthaser, Alma L., b. 1905, d. 1918, Father: Balthaser, George H.
Balthaser, Annette M., b. 10/06/1891, d. 04/13/1988, Father: Drake, Charles
Balthaser, Clara M., b. 11/12/1895, d. 02/01/1990, Father: Eckert
Balthaser, Fred Ferguson, b. 02/07/1891, d. 05/26/1967, Father: Balthaser, George H.
Balthaser, George H., b. 1866, d. 05/29/1910
Balthaser, Guy D., b. 02/03/1889, d. 10/16/1959, Father: Balthaser, George H.
Balthaser, Rosa L., b. 1869, d. 01/13/1915, Father: Ferguson
Bame, Donna Jean, b. 07/28/1952, d. 03/06/1953, Father: Bame, Lewis H.
Bame, Jeanette (Janet), b. 07/28/1915, d. 12/31/1964, Father: Cruikshank, Harry
Bame, Leah Pauline, b. 08/06/1939, d. 12/26/1939, Father: Bame, Lewis H
Bame, Lewis Henry, b. 03/04/1901, d. 03/14/1974, Father: Bame, Lewis
Bame, Michael Lewis, b. 03/07/1959, d. 05/23/1981, Father: Bame, Lewis Henry
Bame, Ralph Jr., b. 10/08/1936, d. 10/10/1936, Father: Bame, Lewis
Bancroft, Phila (Linzell), b. 1875, d. 11/09/1972, Father: Keen, Samuel A.
Bander, Matilda, d. 08/01/1871
Banerjee, Tonya Sue, b. 01/31/1976, d. 12/25/2003, Father: O'Quin, Steve Lester
Banks, Anna Louise, b. 08/02/1911, d. 10/09/1992, Father: Banks, Walter
Banks, Bertha M., b. 10/13/1893, d. 03/19/1936, Father: Morris, William
Banks, Bonnie Lou, b. 10/02/1943, d. 10/29/1943, Father: Banks, Frank, Sr.
Banks, Carrie B., b. 04/21/1873, d. 05/08/1950, "Mother", Father: Morgan, John
Banks, Carrie F., b. 11/29/1904, d. 12/27/1974, Father: Diggs, Daniel H.
Banks, Collins Stanley, b. 1893, d. 12/05/1935
Banks, Eleanor H., b. 08/07/1911, d. 05/20/1992, "Mother", Father: Henderson, Reuben
Banks, Elmer G., b. 03/25/1874, d. 04/25/1948, Father: Banks, John
Banks, Frank J., Jr., b. 12/31/1931, d. 12/17/1984, Father: Banks, Frank J., Sr.
Banks, Frank J., Sr., b. 07/12/1903, d. 04/19/1983, Father: Banks, Walter
Banks, Hazel Ann, b. 01/07/1928, d. 04/28/1949, Father: Penn, Ernest
Banks, Henry Marion, b. 05/20/1905, d. 04/07/1961, Father: Banks, Walter
Banks, Herbert, b. 1872, d. 07/18/1939
Banks, Ida B., d. 06/01/1900, Father: Hutchisson
Banks, James Aaron, b. 05/04/1917, d. 10/06/1970, Father: Banks, Walter
Banks, John A., d. 06/24/1911
Banks, John, d. 02/22/1918
Banks, Lotta, d. 09/28/1906, Father: Banks, Walter
Banks, Louie F., b. 10/08/1903, d. 05/27/1985, Father: Mendenhall, Richard F.
Banks, Sarah E., b. 1843, d. 06/06/1923
Banks, Sarah, d. 10/27/1906
Banks, Walter F., Sr., b. 12/22/1923, d. 01/26/1984, Father: Banks, Frank J., Sr.
Banks, Walter Ware, b. 06/10/1853, d. 08/06/1928
Banks, William Walter, b. 11/30/1902, d. 08/09/1949, Father: Banks, Walter
Banner, Addie, b. 05/27/1862, d. 01/13/1952, Father: Patten, William
Banner, Edward, b. 04/05/1856, d. 03/27/1939, Father: Banner, Tilden
Banner, Eliza, b. 1823, d. 02/16/1915
Banner, Tilden, b. 1819, d. 09/10/1891
Barbee, Dale P., b. 04/14/1958, d. 08/05/1980, Father: Barbee, Louis III
Barber, Della M., d. 06/02/1928, Father: Arehart, David
Barber, Eva May, b. 1903, d. 10/22/1912, Father: Barber, John W.
Barber, Flossie Liona, b. 04/07/1900, d. 11/01/1918, Father: Barber, James
Barber, George Albert, b. 03/26/1865, d. 04/10/1934, Father: Barber, Robert
Barber, Helen E., b. 09/04/1923, d. 07/09/1994, Father: Stimmel, Robert C.
Barber, Henrietta, b. 1836, d. 10/07/1890
Barber, James C., d. 01/30/1933
Barber, John W., Sr., b. 02/27/1836, d. 03/21/1916, Father: Barber, Thomas
Barber, John W., b. 05/14/1871, d. 08/29/1953, Father: Barber, John W.,Sr.
Barber, Marinda L., b. 12/17/1861, d. 10/16/1927, Father: Horn, Samuel
Barber, Minnie Florence, b. 08/14/1867, d. 08/16/1955, Father: Pool
Barber, Phebe Anna, b. 10/06/1874, d. 02/18/1894, Father: Cunningham
Barber, Robert E., b. 02/09/1873, d. 06/11/1929, Father: Barber, Robert
Barber, Sarah, b. 02/14/1846, d. 09/19/1933, Father: Edwards, Joe
Barbour, Anna, b. 10/06/1874, d. 02/18/1894
Barcus, Ella, b. 1891, d. 03/11/1905, Father: Barcus, William H.
Barcus, Madeline M., d. 05/16/1905, Father: Barcus, Joe
Barcus, Mary Etta, b. 1885, d. 10/08/1904, Father: Barcus, William H.
Barcus, Sarah S., b. 1848, d. 02/28/1920, "Mother", Father: Bell
Barcus, William Henry, b. 06/22/1832, d. 04/22/1909, "Father"
Bard, David Humphrey, b. 12/15/1848, d. 03/08/1907, Father: Bard, Isaac
Bard, Lottie Eliza, b. 12/29/1881, d. 12/15/1902, Father: Bard, David Humphrey
Bard, Nellie, b. 12/05/1885, d. 05/19/1901, Father: Bard, David
Bard, Rowana H., b. 01/05/1852, d. 12/05/1918, Father: Bard, Isaac
Bard, Sarah (Sadie) Elizabeth, b. 03/16/1856, d. 04/--/1901, Father: McDowell, William E.
Bard, William Fuller, b. 03/20/1880, d. 01/29/1904, Father: Bard, David Humphrey
Barden, Narvina, b. 1796, d. 07/29/1825
Bargar, Ethel Olive, b. 08/19/1900, d. 02/28/1988, Father: Bellinger, Sheldon
Bargar, Infant Boy, b. 05/07/1961, d. 05/07/1961, Father: Bargar, Max V.
Bargar, Kami Joy, b. 03/14/1976, d. 03/14/1976, (Infant), Father: Barger, James A.,Jr.
Bargar, Roscoe Virgil, b. 07/13/1900, d. 09/30/1990, Father: Bargar, Roscoe Conklin
Bargar, Seth, b. 05/22/1991, d. 05/22/1991 (Fetus)
Bargar, Susan Marie, b. 07/03/1957, d. 01/29/1983, Father: Bargar, James A.,Sr.
Bargdill, Adel, b. 10/15/1863, d. 11/28/1951, Father: Beekman, Stephen
Bargdill, Alice Mae, b. 03/27/1874, d. 10/29/1940, Father: Bargdill, Joel
Bargdill, Charles Ray, b. 05/03/1889, d. 06/28/1961, Father: Bargdill, Joel
Bargdill, Cyrus Asbury, b. 08/26/1854, d. 04/20/1946, Father: Bargdill, William E.
Bargdill, Edna Pauline (Morey), b. 08/07/1915, d. 03/30/1998, Father: Davis, Murrel O.
Bargdill, Edward Woodrow "Buss", b. 04/21/1914, d. 03/01/1975, Father: Bargdill, Harry
Bargdill, Elislia William, b. 06/03/1879, d. 04/22/1913, Father: Bargdill, Joel
Bargdill, Harriet A., b. 07/07/1852, d. 09/16/1926, "Mother", Father: Havens
Bargdill, Joel O., b. 08/03/1839, d. 04/17/1908, "Father", Father: Bargdill, Joel
Bargdill, Nellie Finley, b. 08/14/1903, d. 03/15/1984, Father: Bargdill, Cyrus A.
Bargdill, Robert Olmstead, b. 1900, d. 03/24/1921, Father: Bargdill, Cyrus A.
Barkaloo, S. J., d. 02/14/1890
Barkdull, Caroline H., b. 01/11/1813, d. 01/26/1898, Father: Hendry
Barkdull, Edmund James, b. 1848, d. 08/25/1905, Father: Barkdull, Thomas
Barkdull, Martha Cynthia, b. 1837, d. 08/20/1906, Father: Barkdull, Thomas
Barkdull, Mary Jane, d. 11/28/1892, Father: Barkdull, Robert K.
Barkdull, Prudence, b. 11/19/1817, d. 12/24/1873, "Mother", Father: Beal
Barkdull, Robert K., b. 06/18/1817, d. 12/01/1870, "Father"
Barkdull, Thomas F., d. 08/05/1878, Father: Barkdull, Robert K.
Barkdull, Thomas, b. 06/24/1813, d. 01/04/1869
Barkeloo, Alvin David, Sr., b. 1937, d. 08/11/1971, Father: Barkeloo, A. Dwight
Barkeloo, Alvin Wendell, b. 08/31/1931, d. 08/31/1931, Father: Barkaloo, Dwight
Barkeloo, Alvin, b. 10/28/1901, d. 07/25/1992, "Dwight", Father: Barkeloo, Stanley D.
Barkeloo, Dorrence E. "Barney", b. 02/02/1907, d. 06/03/1993, Father: Barkeloo, Stanley
Barkeloo, Jacques, d. 10/29/1918
Barkeloo, Robert D., b. 05/18/1926, d. 04/17/1985, Father: Barkeloo, Alvin Dwight
Barkeloo, Stanley Dwight, b. 12/25/1875, d. 08/22/1954, Father: Barkeloo, Jacques
Barkeloo, Susan M., b. 12/10/1878, d. 05/10/1962, Father: Coleman, Wm.N.
Barker, Etta D. (Whitfield), b. 1873, d. 05/31/1958, Father: Shisler
Barker, Lulu C., no dates
Barker, Mary Ivelue, b. 12/23/1879, d. 02/19/1968, Father: Crawford
Barkley, Hannah, b. 06/11/1874, d. 05/25/1954, "Mother", Father: Jackson, Samuel
Barkley, Henry, b. 1869, d. 11/21/1929
Barkley, Marion M., b. 1894, d. 05/04/1935, Father: Barkley, Henry
Barler, Alpha I., b. 04/15/1849, d. 03/21/1924
Barler, Barnabas, b. 1839, d. 10/06/1921
Barler, Landon, d. 10/13/1892, Father: Barler, Barnabas
Barler, Loren W., d. 02/15/1928, Father: Barler, Barnabas
Barlow, Dale Allen, b. 12/14/1964, d. 12/14/1964, Father: Barlow, Floyd Wayne
Barlow, Deborah Ann, b. 02/05/1962, d. 02/06/1962, Father: Barlow, Floyd Wayne
Barnes, Abner W., b. 06/08/1836, d. 07/18/1911, Father: Barnes, Joseph
Barnes, Chas. Frank, b. 1856, d. 10/06/1929, Father: Barnes, L., Dr.
Barnes, Elijah W., b. 1842, d. 12/05/1925
Barnes, Elizabeth Ellen, b. 1850, d. 02/17/1917, Father: Davis
Barnes, Esther M., d. 05/06/1909, Father: Ross
Barnes, Flora M., b. 1861, d. 10/16/1935
Barnes, Gilbert Hobbs, b. 03/30/1889, d. 08/12/1945, Father: Barnes, Gilbert Monta
Barnes, Hubert Garfield, b. 09/06/1885, d. 10/12/1947, Father: Barnes, Elijah
Barnes, Isabel C., b. 06/23/1903, d. 04/25/1985, Father: Harris, Tom
Barnes, James A., b. 12/03/1817, d. 09/13/1897
Barnes, John Paul, b. 01/16/1866, d. 08/04/1877, Father: Barnes, James A.
Barnes, Julia Moulton, b. 1818, d. 10/21/1902
Barnes, Lewis A., b. 1815, d. 02/24/1902
Barnes, Margaret J., b. 03/27/1932, d. 02/28/1986
Barnes, Ruth H., b. 1889, d. 11/27/1918, Father: Holt, S. Augustus
Barnett, Etta, b. 04/22/1869, d. 07/13/1945, Father: Bruston, Robert
Barnett, Fannie, b. 10/01/1844, d. 06/23/1932, Father: Johnson, Nealy
Barnett, Frank, b. 02/26/1869, d. 08/06/1951, Father: Barnett, Marion
Barnett, Jefferson, d. 04/22/1907
Barnett, Juanita, b. 08/25/1927, d. 03/04/1990
Barnett, Maude, b. 03/04/1886, d. 02/29/1952, Father: Highwarden, Abraham
Barnett, William, b. 1885, d. 03/29/1968
Barnwell, John, b. 1885, d. 03/27/1898, Father: Barnwell, Michael
Barnwell, Mary Frances, b. 1855, d. 07/17/1927
Barnwell, Michael, b. 1854, d. 05/26/1935
Barnwell, Robert, b. 03/06/1883, d. 12/05/1896, Father: Barnwell, Michael
Baron, Agnes Charline M., b. 1896, d. 06/23/1971
Baron, Carl S., b. 08/13/1873, d. 11/19/1934, Father: Baron, Chas.Samuel S.
Baron, Charles Samuel S., b. 1840, d. 10/08/1918
Baron, Charles Samuel, b. 01/12/1896, d. 02/04/1939, Father: Baron, Carl S.
Baron, Kate M., b. 1850, d. 01/14/1920, Father: McGrew
Barrett, Anna M., b. 08/19/1871, d. 01/25/1953, Father: Werner, Levi
Barrett, Charles F., b. 1863, d. 05/30/1935
Barrett, Ella R., b. 07/19/1890, d. 02/03/1937, Father: Richey, Isaac
Barrett, Elmar, b. 07/20/1926, d. 07/20/1926, Father: Barrett, Elmer
Barrett, Helen Jean, b. 08/21/1931, d. 08/21/1931, Father: Barrett, Elmer E.
Barrett, James M., b. 09/01/1840, d. 05/14/1864
Barrett, James Ritchie, b. 1910, d. 03/28/1911, Father: Barrett, Charles F.
Barrett, John W., b. 1855, d. 09/16/1901, Father: Barrett, Joseph
Barrett, Joseph J., b. 05/24/1844, d. 09/01/1864
Barrett, Joseph, b. 11/18/1814, d. 08/01/1884
Barrett, May, d. 02/14/1895, Father: Blue
Barrett, Ralph Waldo, b. 02/17/1879, d. 10/29/1945, Father: Barrett, James
Barrett, Sarah, b. 1830, d. 1840
Barrett, Vivian Violet, b. 12/19/1908, d. 03/15/2002, Father: Bollinger, Charles A.
Barrett, Wilbur P., b. 02/02/1912, d. 10/30/1968, Father: Barrett, Ralph W.
Barrett, William W., d. 10/14/1915, Father: Barrett, Joseph
Barringer, George Beecher, b. 03/--/1912, d. 06/02/1953, Father: Barringer,John Martin
Barringer, John Martin, d. 09/28/1951
Barringer, Margaret, b. 1879, d. 05/25/1932, Father: Kauffman, Geo. B.
Barrows, Betty Jane, d. 12/04/1928
Barrows, Gaylord O., b. 04/22/1908, d. 09/06/1987, Father: Barrows, Henry P.
Barrows, Grace A., b. 11/28/1869, d. 04/15/1943, Father: Barler, Barnabus B.
Barrows, Henry Paul, b. 12/07/1859, d. 02/18/1947, Father: Barrows, Solomon
Barrows, Howard E., b. 01/17/1902, d. 04/19/1992, Father: Barrows, Henry Paul
Barrows, Lena, b. 01/02/1898, d. 07/31/1990, Father: Barrows, Henry Paul
Barrows, Maurice A., b. 1865, d. 08/08/1921
Barrows, Orpha L., b. 10/08/1904, d. 10/11/1994, Father: Cowgill, Howard
Barrows, Raymond L., b. 02/01/1896, d. 05/16/1986, Father: Barrows, Henry P.
Barry, George W., d. 02/22/1913
Bartee, Aubrey L., b. 09/29/1935, d. 08/02/2002, Father: Bartee, Marshall L.
Bartholomew, Amanda O., b. 09/13/1841, d. 05/08/1901, Father: Payne, Hiram
Bartholomew, Benjamin Frank, b. 04/03/1837, d. 04/27/1888, Father: Bartholomew, Major
Bartholomew, Dale Sidney, b. 07/05/1905, d. 05/15/1992, Father: Bartholomew, Fred
Bartholomew, Della Augusta (Dunlap), b. 02/27/1880, d. 10/22/1962, Father: Thomas, James E.
Bartholomew, Frank Arthur, b. 09/05/1866, d. 02/18/1940, Father: Bartholomew, Frank R.
Bartholomew, Frank Houghton, b. 06/28/1902, d. 02/02/1967, Father: Bartholomew, Frank Arthur
Bartholomew, Frank Leslie, b. 04/16/1869, d. 12/01/1888, Father: Bartholomew, Benj.F.
Bartholomew, Fred F., b. 10/02/1871, d. 06/26/1949, Father: Bartholomew, Sidney
Bartholomew, Harriet C., b. 08/28/1870, d. 08/01/1944, Father: Church, Samuel L.
Bartholomew, Louise M., b. 1871, d. 01/11/1929, Father: Metzger, August
Bartholomew, Sidney, b. 1838, d. 01/13/1916
Bartlett, Florence A., b. 08/19/1887, d. 02/02/1953, Father: Wagner, Jacob P.
Bartlett, Fred A., b. 07/21/1886, d. 03/25/1970, Father: Bartlett, Moses
Bartlett, Hazel (Smith), b. 07/04/1895, d. 12/12/1972, Father: Jones, Walter
Bartlett, Isabelle C. R. (Woolley), b. 1874, d. 04/19/1952, Father: Reid, William P. (Col.)
Bartlett, Sarah R., b. 08/27/1836, d. 04/28/1859, Father: Andrews, Hiram Griswold
Barton, Belia (Della ?), d. 02/14/1889
Barton, Ebenezer, b. 1832, d. 03/10/1888
Barton, Ebenezer, no dates
Barton, Elizabeth, b. 01/05/1902, d. 04/17/1935, Father: Hormell, William Garfield
Barton, Frank, b. 1857, d. 03/23/1921, "Father", Father: Barton, Ebenezer
Barton, Joseph W., b. 1858, d. 07/30/1882, Father: Barton, Ebenezer
Barton, Louisa, b. 11/02/1861, d. 01/30/1895, Father: Ufferman
Barton, Mary Margaret, b. 1839, d. 01/24/1919, Father: Rader
Bartram, Susan Adaline, b. 1830, d. 12/25/1851
Bashaw, Hannah S., b. 01/24/1807, d. 05/27/1887
Bashaw, Rawleigh, b. 1806, d. 12/21/1867
Bashford, James Whiteford, b. 1849, d. 06/--/1919
Bashford, Jane F., b. 1853, d. 01/03/1924, Father: Field, William
Basiger, Mary, b. 1841, d. 10/15/1916, "Aunt"
Basiger, Samuel L., b. 08/21/1877, d. 03/12/1969, Father: Basiger, Samuel
Basiger, Sarah J., b. 03/27/1889, d. 08/15/1968, Father: Fraker, Samuel
Basiger, Thomas Jacob, b. 10/03/1883, d. 11/15/1961, Father: Basiger, Samuel
Basinger, Frank E., b. 1868, d. 08/28/1869, Father: Basinger, J.R.
Bass, Susan (Donaldson), b. 06/--/1887, d. 04/11/1940, Father: Thomas, B.F.
Bateman, James Boyd, b. 11/06/1914, d. 10/02/1993, Father: Bateman, Boyd
Bateman, Tracy Worthy, b. 08/07/1912, d. 12/07/1991, Father: Bateman, Boyd E.
Bates, Blanche (Sampsell), b. 08/11/1872, d. 03/31/1953, Father: Lybrand, Robert G.
Bates, George Nathaniel, b. 04/23/1877, d. 03/27/1940, Father: Bates, Geo W.
Bates, George W., b. 1818, d. 03/--/1892
Bates, Mary E., b. 03/11/1849, d. 05/30/1927, Father: Emmons, Franklin
Bates, Willard C., b. 02/23/1912, d. 02/26/1987, Father: Bates, Samuel
Battenfield, Ann, b. 1819, d. 1878
Battenfield, David Holmes, b. 01/06/1851, d. 03/01/1933
Battenfield, Della M., b. 1863, d. 02/01/1916, Father: Jackson
Battenfield, Elias, b. 1813, d. 01/06/1889
Battenfield, Florence H., b. 1855, d. 1864, Father: Battenfield, Elias
Battenfield, Harriet A., b. 05/04/1858, d. 06/19/1943, Father: Battenfield, Elias
Battenfield, John Milton Murray, b. 01/15/1880, d. 12/30/1903, Father: Battenfield, D.H.
Battenfield, LeRoy Woods, b. 03/05/1846, d. 11/28/1911, Father: Battenfield, Elias
Battenfield, Martha W., b. 03/17/1869, d. 06/16/1942, Father: Watson, Walter T.
Battenfield, Mary Ellen, b. 12/01/1852, d. 10/07/1929, Father: Durfey, Dexter
Battenfield, Milton B., b. 1844, d. 04/12/1869, Father: Battenfield, Elias
Battenfield, Minerva K., b. 1863, d. 02/26/1927
Battenfield, Morris W., b. 1860, d. 1925
Battenfield, Robert Murray, b. 10/24/1888, d. 12/30/1903, Father: Battenfield, D.H.
Battenfield, Ruth Ann, b. 05/04/1881, d. 12/30/1903, Father: Battenfield, D.H.
Battenfield, Sarah Ann, b. 08/11/1853, d. 12/30/1903, Father: Murray, Simon
Battenfield, William Leroy, b. 1919, d. 02/06/1919, Father: Battenfield, James
Bauder, Alice V., b. 12/13/1909, d. 12/17/1973, Father: Schmell, Henry Fredrick
Bauder, Clarence L. "Ted", b. 09/27/1903, d. 07/30/1988, Father: Bauder, John Frederick
Bauder, David "Floyd", b. 06/02/1905, d. 08/01/1993, Father: Bauder, David
Bauder, David A., b. 12/20/1876, d. 05/30/1957, Father: Bauder, Joshua
Bauder, David Henry, b. 07/22/1945, d. 02/17/1946, Father: Bauder, Joseph A.
Bauder, David, b. 1832, d. 01/30/1907, "Father"
Bauder, Dixie Ann, b. 04/21/1933, d. 09/09/1985, Father: Swihart, Lewis
Bauder, Donna I., b. 08/12/1927, d. 03/26/1983, Father: Maize, Roger F.
Bauder, Dorothy Pearl, b. 07/25/1905, d. 09/28/1995, Father: Bell, David
Bauder, Estella, b. 08/26/1869, d. 10/03/1954, Father: Hall, Amos
Bauder, Fred, b. 01/20/1927, d. 01/20/1927, Father: Bauder, Clarence
Bauder, Frederick David, b. 08/18/1866, d. 06/19/1931, Father: Bauder, David
Bauder, Gertrude, b. 04/15/1905, d. 04/15/1990, Father: Stockdale, Herman
Bauder, H.Dale, b. 06/05/1926, d. 06/19/1989, Father: Bauder, Henry D.
Bauder, Hannah, b. 1839, d. 06/22/1913, Father: Weiser
Bauder, Jacob Lewis, b. 03/16/1868, d. 08/09/1954, Father: Bauder, Joshua
Bauder, James, b. 04/24/1928, d. 04/24/1928, Father: Bauder, Clarence
Bauder, John Frederick, b. 08/08/1873, d. 11/07/1939, Father: Bauder, Joshua
Bauder, Joseph Augustus, b. 05/21/1909, d. 02/20/1991, Father: Bauder, David
Bauder, Joshua John, b. 10/30/1978, d. 11/03/1978, Father: Bauder, Mark
Bauder, Joshua, b. 1834, d. 02/03/1902
Bauder, Lewis "Ward", b. 05/10/1909, d. 08/28/1980, Father: Bauder, Jacob Lewis
Bauder, Lillian Ann, b. 10/24/1868, d. 04/18/1928, Father: Seeley, Jacob
Bauder, Lois "Allie", b. 06/11/1880, d. 09/14/1964, Father: Vigar, George
Bauder, Louise, b. 1874, d. 01/07/1909
Bauder, Lulu May, b. 05/07/1909, d. 01/04/1999, Father: Hilliard, Roy
Bauder, Marion Frederick, b. 1916, d. 07/21/1917
Bauder, Marjorie S., b. 08/21/1911, d. 10/30/1960, Father: Schmehl, Henry
Bauder, Mary Esther, b. 07/15/1940, d. 06/07/1971, Father: Lombard, Robert
Bauder, Matthew Allen, b. 03/19/1982, d. 03/26/1982, Father: Bauder, Scott
Bauder, William Clyde, b. 11/07/1905, d. 04/13/1978, Father: Bauder, Fred
Bauer, Bertha B., b. 04/23/1889, d. 03/17/1972, Father: Bethards, Albert
Bauer, Edward H., b. 04/19/1881, d. 07/07/1957, Father: Bauer, John G.
Bauer, Louise G., b. 03/21/1839, d. 12/21/1851, Father: Bauer, J.T.
Bauereis, Annette R., b. 1853, d. 09/24/1934, Father: Weiser
Bauereis, Catherine, b. 1878, d. 1878, Father: Bauereis, William F.
Bauereis, Catherine, d. 03/06/1876, Father: Leibold
Bauereis, Charles Leonardo, no dates
Bauereis, Esther, b. 01/20/1839, d. 06/24/1916, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Bauereis, Fredrick M., b. 1860, d. 06/27/1932, Father: Bauereis, Leonard
Bauereis, Herbert, b. 1881, d. 11/06/1886, Father: Bauereis, William F.
Bauereis, James Frederick, b. 1879, d. 10/18/1897, Father: Bauereis, William F.
Bauereis, Leonard, b. 10/31/1824, d. 08/14/1903
Bauereis, Lillian, b. 1867, d. 03/01/1936, Father: Armstrong, James Wm.
Bauereis, William F., b. 1853, d. 09/27/1922, Father: Bauereis, Leonard
Bauerle, Donald C., b. 1919, d. 1991
Bauerle, James Irvin, b. 02/18/1958, d. 12/11/1958, Father: Bauerle, Donald C.
Bauerle, Margaret Jane, b. 09/12/1920, d. 01/11/1976, Father: Smith, Wesley W.
Baughman, Benjamin F., b. 07/16/1873, d. 05/14/1946, Father: Baughman, Joseph
Baughman, Charles Doyle "Spud", b. 01/29/1909, d. 02/02/1997, Father: Baughamn, Wm.Alonzo Sr.
Baughman, Daisy I., b. 12/28/1880, d. 04/06/1952, Father: Collins, Isaac N.
Baum, George W., b. 1843, d. 02/08/1920
Baum, Sarah C., b. 1849, d. 04/26/1917, Father: Ennons
Baum, William, no dates
Bauman, Charles E., b. 05/15/1888, d. 12/08/1947, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Bauman, Clara B., b. 02/20/1906, d. 06/03/1934, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Bauman, Edith Hazel (Hensley), b. 02/18/1908, d. 03/27/1988, Father: Hayes, Thas.Calvin
Bauman, Ella Maude, b. 03/03/1895, d. 12/27/1956, Father: Rider, Monroe
Bauman, Elmer William, b. 07/15/1898, d. 02/18/1987, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Bauman, Frank M., b. 05/19/1891, d. 11/06/1967, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Bauman, Glenn F., b. 09/27/1917, d. 08/19/1968, Father: Bauman, Frank M.
Bauman, Hannah Hazel, b. 12/25/1899, d. 11/27/2001, Father: Robinson, Oliver
Bauman, Jacob H., b. 01/10/1857, d. 07/30/1932
Bauman, James Richard "Big Jim", b. 07/15/1924, d. 07/24/1978, Father: Bauman, Oliver J.
Bauman, Oliver J., b. 04/15/1893, d. 01/22/1975, Father: Bauman, Jacob
Bauman, Ray Wilbur, b. 09/13/1920, d. 12/26/1999, Father: Bauman, Oliver Jacob
Bauman, Rebecca J., b. 09/14/1865, d. 08/18/1960, Father: Carpenter, David
Baumgardner, Clara Ada, b. 05/30/1867, d. 09/03/1948, Father: Dibble
Baumgardner, Jacob Adam, b. 03/02/1864, d. 05/29/1947, Father: Baumgardner, Jacob
Baumgardner, Mary Elizabeth, b. 08/27/1908, d. 10/30/1931, Father: Baumgarder, Jacob A.
Baumgartner, Carl D., b. 02/20/1893, d. 04/08/1959, Father: Baumgartner, Nichlaus
Baumgartner, Minnie W., b. 10/08/1882, d. 01/13/1975, Father: Wells, Thomas A.
Bausell, Joseph, b. 1886, d. 04/24/1925
Baxter, Donald Wayne, b. 01/24/1925, d. 08/23/1993, Father: Baxter, Harley Arthur
Baxter, Lafayette L., d. 01/13/1928
Baxter, Lotta Josephine, d. 02/02/1920
Bayer, Chloe Leona, d. 05/26/1958, Father: Peoples
Bayer, Ivadel Marguerite, b. 1902, d. 08/29/1902
Bayer, Michael P., b. 01/24/1879, d. 03/14/1955, Father: Bayer
Bayer, Philip, b. 09/03/1909, d. 05/05/1964, Father: Bayer, Michael P.
Bayerlein, Dorothy L., b. 05/02/1915, d. 01/06/1996, Father: Bayerlein, George A.
Bayerlein, George Anthony, b. 02/25/1886, d. 06/02/1966, Father: Bayerlein, Anthony
Bayerlein, Nellie Ann, b. 04/17/1889, d. 08/05/1955, Father: Coleman, Wm.N.
Bayles, Albert William, b. 01/20/1865, d. 07/31/1933, Father: Bayles, Stephen
Bayles, Carl B., b. 01/07/1897, d. 04/30/1958, Father: Bayles, Albert Wm.
Bayles, Charles Warren, b. 06/05/1858, d. 11/05/1933, Father: Bayles, Charles
Bayles, Flora Ellen, b. 10/11/1866, d. 12/20/1949, Father: Bennett, Ralph
Bayles, George Washington, d. 03/24/1929
Bayles, Harriet C., b. 1845, d. 07/10/1934
Bayles, Henrietta, b. 06/16/1842, d. 01/18/1910, Father: Baker, John
Bayles, Martha, d. 05/19/1933, Father: Long, Hugh H.
Bayles, Pauline, b. 1853, d. 03/05/1923, "Mother", Father: Kline
Bayles, Stephen Anthony, b. 05/10/1847, d. 08/15/1916
Bayliff, Catherine Kay L., b. 01/06/1912, d. 11/18/1992, Father: Myers
Bayliff, Russell E., b. 03/13/1909, d. 01/11/2000, Father: Bayliff, John
Baynham, Leslie Webb, b. 11/03/1919, d. 04/26/1920, Father: Baynham

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