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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Cabat (?), George S., d. 08/26/1825
Cadwagan, Grace E., b. 10/16/1880, d. 10/12/1951, Father: Johnson, Wm. A.
Cadwallader, Edith, d. 03/05/1961
Cadwallader, Ella Hall, b. 1868, d. 07/30/1938, Father: Cadwallader, Robert
Cadwallader, George Stark, b. 07/07/1862, d. 01/29/1932, Father: Cadwallader, O.W.
Cadwallader, Julia Anne, b. 1834, d. 04/27/1906, Father: Hall
Cadwallader, Martha E., b. 11/11/1841, d. 02/10/1825, Father: Stark, Geo. W.
Cadwallader, Mary, b. 12/11/1869, d. 04/27/1945, Father: Cadwallader, Robert
Cadwallader, Robert, b. 06/27/1817, d. 08/24/1896, "Father"
Cadwallader, Sarah E., b. 1873, d. 1876, Father: Cadwallader, Robert
Caellef, Frank, b. 11/28/1876, d. 10/23/1949
Cain, Everett S., b. 01/09/1919, d. 03/12/1998, Father: Cain, Delmont
Cain, Gary Douglas, b. 04/10/1952, d. 06/03/2002, Father: Cain, Leo D.
Cain, Infant, b. 03/26/1950, d. 03/26/1950, Father: Cain, Owen McKinley
Cain, Janice Eileen, b. 09/20/1936, d. 03/22/2001, Father: Martin, James E.
Cain, Jonah Jay, b. 04/23/1896, d. 05/01/1975, Father: Cain, Henry
Cain, Lela May, b. 12/23/1909, d. 01/18/2002, Father: Bauman, Jacob H.
Cain, Lenora H., b. 07/22/1908, d. 06/19/1980, Father: Karn, Jacob
Cain, Lula Mae, b. 03/29/1890, d. 11/20/1979, Father: Stanley, Rufus
Cain, Owen McKinley, b. 01/25/1920, d. 11/19/1962, Father: Cain, Jonathan
Cain, Raymond H., b. 04/17/1900, d. 11/27/1965, Father: Cain, Delmont
Cain, Ruth Ann, b. 10/25/1942, d. 03/22/1971, Father: Coakley, Homer L.
Cain, Sandra Kay, b. 05/09/1947, d. 06/19/1966, Father: Cain, Owen McKinley
Cain, William Ray, b. 11/13/1954, d. 11/11/1954, Father: Cain, Leo
Caldwell, Allie L., b. 1861, d. 05/31/1938, Father: Lewis, David
Caldwell, Ann Jane, b. 1824, d. 07/17/1853
Caldwell, Charles Ermal, b. 03/29/1931, d. 09/10/2003, Father: Caldwell, James B.
Caldwell, Goldia Alice, b. 10/29/1909, d. 04/10/2002, Father: Justis, Caleb
Caldwell, Infant, d. 05/01/1919, Father: Caldwell, Chas.
Caldwell, Ivilene (Compton), b. 02/13/1934, d. 12/31/2000, Father: Hess, Victor
Caldwell, James Lee, b. 11/11/1952, d. 12/19/1952, Father: Caldwell, Thurman
Caldwell, John C., b. 01/22/1902, d. 12/24/1953, Father: Caldwell, Eph
Caldwell, Lydia (R), no dates
Caldwell, Samuel B., b. 1852, d. 04/11/1853, Father: Caldwell, Thomas
Caldwell, Thurman Joseph "Joe", b. 02/01/1929, d. 04/27/1985, Father: Caldwell, James
Caldwell, William P., b. 03/19/1852, d. 05/27/1929
Calkens, G. M., infant of, d. 08/06/1911
Call, Abraham, d. 08/22/1847
Call, Christena, d. 01/29/1861
Call, Delbert Edward, b. 08/20/1911, d. 11/29/1956, Father: Call, James M.
Call, Elizabeth, no dates
Call, Ephriham, no dates
Call, Grace Louise, b. 03/05/1917, d. 07/19/1975, Father: Cummins, Wattie
Call, Jacob, no dates
Call, James Milton, Sr., b. 05/27/1940, d. 02/28/1989, Father: Call, Lester M.
Call, Jennie Lou (Dean), b. 05/29/1922, d. 04/17/1998, Father: Sarver, Harry
Call, Lester Milton, b. 11/10/1913, d. 08/02/1983, Father: Call, James
Call, Maria, no dates
Call, Matthew James, b. 01/25/2002, d. 04/08/2002, Father: Call, Tony C.
Call, Priscilla Lane, b. 09/28/1948, d. 06/27/1961, Father: Call, William L.
Call, Sarah Rogers, b. 1826, d. 01/23/1908
Call, Sidney M., d. 09/05/1847, Father: Call, Abraham
Call, Timothy Lee, b. 05/01/1961, d. 10/28/1981, Father: Call, James M.
Call, William, d. 03/20/1839
Callahan, Rebecca O., d. 11/05/1907
Callander, Adelbert Rumball, b. 12/21/1898, d. 01/13/1986, Father: Callander, Robert
Callander, Helen, b. 12/12/1898, d. 12/23/1995, Father: Miller, Frank
Callander, Ira Clinton, b. 04/01/1888, d. 12/08/1921, Father: Callander, Robt.A.
Callander, Jane Marie, b. 1860, d. 01/06/1923
Callander, John, d. 01/29/1948, Father: Callander
Callander, Laura B. (Littick), b. 02/27/1866, d. 07/05/1962, Father: Beck, Phillip
Callander, Laura, b. 10/05/1878, d. 03/05/1942, Father: Powell, James
Callander, Robert Alexander, b. 07/11/1860, d. 02/12/1929, Father: Callander, John
Callin, Clement C., b. 05/11/1877, d. 11/29/1944, Father: Callin, George
Callin, Gertude D., b. 1879, d. 11/25/1955, Father: Smith, William H.
Callis, Jeanne Marie, b. 02/04/1923, d. 07/20/1927, Father: Callis, John
Calvert, George S., b. 1823, d. 06/26/1825, Father: Calvert, Samuel
Calvert, George, d. 05/15/1899
Calvert, Lillian V., b. 1876, d. 03/05/1962
Calvert, Mary Jane, d. 09/27/1823, Father: Calvert, Samuel
Calvert, Walter E., b. 1875, d. 09/02/1962
Calvin, Corey James, b. 02/18/1991, d. 02/18/1991, Father: Calvin, Timothy
Calvin, John Michael "Jack", b. 05/25/1985, d. 05/13/1995, Father: Calvin, Michael W.
Cameron-Juth, Diana Lynn, b. 05/26/1946, d. 04/01/2000, Father: Bauman, Ray Wilbur
Camp, Alice B., b. 1904, d. 02/06/1955
Camp, Almira Clark, b. 03/18/1827, d. 07/24/1890
Camp, Hiram Silvester, b. 11/05/1821, d. 10/31/1892
Camp, Norman H.,Sr., b. 1903, d. 08/18/1963
Camp, Raymond, no dates
Camp, Ruth Mary, b. 02/18/1926, d. 09/26/1926, Father: Camp, Raymond
Campbell, Antoinette L., b. 04/29/1829, d. 09/29/1912
Campbell, Arthur Ransom "Art", b. 07/17/1883, d. 07/15/1958, Father: Campbell, William Basil
Campbell, Charles Francis, b. 03/15/1928, d. 02/07/1998, Father: Campbell, Clarence H.
Campbell, Charles McKinley, b. 03/18/1897, d. 08/24/1941, Father: Campbell, Charles
Campbell, Clarence Harley, Jr., d. 07/18/1930, Father: Campbell, Clarence
Campbell, Clarence Harley, b. 04/02/1894, d. 11/11/1965, Father: Campbell, Charles H.
Campbell, Coelle, b. 1913, d. 11/20/2003, Father: Alkire, F.Ray
Campbell, Darlene D. (Schurtz), b. 06/27/1919, d. 02/04/1998, Father: Colflesh, Leslie C.
Campbell, David, b. 1803, d. 08/18/1832
Campbell, Dellie, d. 1920
Campbell, Elizabeth L., b. 02/20/1824, d. 05/29/1909, Father: Little, William
Campbell, Emma Daisy, b. 1854, d. 05/11/1927, Father: Rhodes,Dudley Woodbridge
Campbell, Estella E., b. 1878, d. 04/11/1927
Campbell, Eva G., b. 02/04/1857, d. 05/16/1893, Father: Galbreth, W.T.
Campbell, Francis Griswold, b. 01/22/1903, d. 01/28/2001, Father: Campbell, John Evan
Campbell, Frank Little, b. 1848, d. 09/10/1924, Father: Campbell, George W.
Campbell, George "Little", no dates
Campbell, George W., b. 01/12/1817, d. 07/15/1898, Father: Campbell, David
Campbell, Gloria M., b. 07/07/1931, d. 10/08/1993, Father: Tompkins, David W.
Campbell, Harry E., b. 11/14/1890, d. 02/06/1971, Father: Campbell, Harry
Campbell, Henrietta P., b. 08/17/1838, d. 03/10/1920, Father: Lugenbeel, Major Basil
Campbell, Herman Rhodes, b. 03/01/1875, d. 10/21/1941, Father: Campbell, Franklin L
Campbell, Infant Daughter, b. 08/23/1959, d. 08/23/1959, Father: Watkins, John
Campbell, Infant, b. 03/11/1933, d. 03/11/1933
Campbell, Infant, b. 09/19/1958, d. 09/19/1958
Campbell, James Kirker, Jr., b. 12/22/1907, d. 04/25/1982, Father: Campbell, J.K.,Col.
Campbell, James Kirker, Sr., b. 03/14/1885, d. 10/07/1964, Father: Campbell, John
Campbell, James S., b. 05/07/1827, d. 03/04/1891, Father: Campbell, Joseph N.
Campbell, James, d. 04/29/1913
Campbell, James, d. 09/04/1844
Campbell, John Andrew, b. 10/26/1851, d. 09/30/1878
Campbell, John Evans, b. 1857, d. 10/22/1921, Father: Campbell, James S.
Campbell, John Robert, b. 02/12/1903, d. 09/20/1918, Father: Campbell, John W.
Campbell, John W., b. 10/23/1867, d. 01/06/1944, Father: Campbell, Samuel
Campbell, Julia Griswold, b. 04/06/1876, d. 08/25/1964, Father: Griswold, Francis A.
Campbell, Krysta Nicole, b. 07/21/1997, d. 02/16/1998, Father: Campbell, Jeremy
Campbell, Lillian C., b. 03/09/1886, d. 05/11/1955, Father: Clippenger, Henry C.
Campbell, Lilymae, b. 05/01/1902, d. 03/26/1990, Father: Greer, Robert Henry
Campbell, Louis Eland, b. 10/21/1912, d. 03/29/1986, Father: Campbell, Eland Lew
Campbell, Manda, d. 08/06/1900
Campbell, Margaret Colleen, b. 07/23/1930, d. 01/17/1948, Father: Campbell, Chas.
Campbell, Martha B., b. 08/13/1904, d. 03/06/2000, Father: Borden, William E. (Dr.)
Campbell, Martha Helen, b. 08/06/1923, d. 03/30/1988, Father: Campbell, Harry E.
Campbell, Mary Alice, b. 04/--/1874, d. 04/05/1945, Father: Long, Daniel
Campbell, Mary, d. 10/--/1878, Father: Lamb, Reuben (Dr.)
Campbell, Maud Elizabeth, b. 08/07/1883, d. 12/10/1960, Father: Wood, Asa
Campbell, Nancy G., b. 06/05/1883, d. 02/02/1959
Campbell, Olive M. (Sprague), b. 1901, d. 08/15/1982
Campbell, Ransom, b. 07/04/1828, d. 05/18/1899, Father: Campbell, Arthur Ransome
Campbell, Ruth C., b. 08/05/1898, d. 07/20/1970, Father: Cheney, E.E. (Judge)
Campbell, Sarah Jane, d. 05/19/1933, Father: Crawford
Campbell, Susan C., b. 01/29/1859, d. 11/15/1955, Father: Burroughs, Daniel
Campbell, William Basil, b. 01/25/1857, d. 12/19/1919, Father: Campbell, Ransom
Campion, Emma Josphine H., b. 1863, d. 10/27/1907, Father: Hammond
Campion, Myron Andrew, b. 07/11/1863, d. 12/15/1941, Father: Campion, Walter
Campion, Nellie M., b. 03/27/1881, d. 05/11/1958, Father: Willis, Frank A.
Campion, Walter, b. 1837, d. 05/19/1915
Camry, Catherine, b. 1846, d. 12/26/1875
Camry, Hiram, b. 1844, d. 06/22/1881
Canady, Guy, b. 1851, d. 12/13/1924
Canfield, Llewellyn L., b. 10/12/1867, d. 01/25/1929, Father: Canfield, Lafayette
Cannon, Carry B., b. 1866, d. 05/17/1920, Father: Cannon, John
Cannon, Eva, d. 10/19/1904
Cannon, Idella, b. 1878, d. 11/22/1954, Father: Page
Cannon, John, b. 1908, d. 10/23/1926
Cannon, Joseph, b. 12/07/1909, d. 05/06/1953, Father: Cannon, Charles
Cannon, Joshua, b. 1903, d. 05/27/1904, Father: Cannon, Carey
Cannon, Lisa Marie (Wycoff), b. 07/22/1981, d. 02/12/2004, Father: Cannon, George W.II
Cannon, Margaret, d. 02/12/1910, Father: Rutledge
Cannon, Stephanie S., b. 07/13/1940, d. 08/31/1986, Father: Swartzel, William A.
Canright, Harry Joyce, b. 01/25/1898, d. 05/30/1977, Father: Canright,Harry L.,Dr
Canright, Harry L., b. 10/26/1864, d. 05/28/1959, "Father", Father: Canright, Melzar
Canright, Helen M., b. 06/23/1904, d. 10/11/1992, Father: Hiteshew, Albert T.
Canright, Irena W., b. 1873, d. 1915, "Mother"
Canright, Margaret W., b. 05/15/1869, d. 10/23/1943, "Mother", Father: Markham, Rev.
Canright, Melzar, b. 1840, d. 1925, "Father"
Cantrell, Infant Son, b. 05/15/1957, d. 05/15/1957, Father: Cantrell, Raymond E.
Cantrell, Joshua Alan, b. 10/05/1981, d. 11/10/2001, Father: Cantrell, Mark A.
Capehart, Ennalla, b. 02/07/1869, d. 04/15/1960, Father: VanDeman, John (Judge)
Caplinger, Rocky Lee, b. 06/23/1999, d. 06/23/1999, Father: Caplinger, Gary
Cardwell, Sarah H., d. 02/24/1918
Carey, Arabella, b. 1826, d. 03/12/1852
Carey, William F., b. 1818, d. 08/25/1864
Carl, Sarah C., b. 1858, d. 07/24/1899, Father: Snyder, James
Carlisle, Ervin F., b. 07/24/1908, d. 09/06/1954, Father: Carlisle, Herbert G.
Carlisle, Robert M., Sr., b. 08/16/1894, d. 01/25/1961, Father: Carlisle, Charles
Carlston, Edwin, d. 09/17/1902
Carman, Sally A., d. 03/20/1908, Father: Jackson, John
Carmichael, Elvenia, b. 1842, d. 03/21/1923, Father: Redmond
Carmichael, Jane "Jennie", b. 1885, d. 11/29/1926
Carmode, Edward R., b. 12/09/1899, d. 08/06/1969, Father: Carmode, Arthur
Carnes, Adelaide, d. 10/28/1908
Carnes, Alvin E., b. 1861, d. 11/30/1949, Father: Carnes, John
Carnes, Caroline, b. 04/22/1851, d. 04/15/1926, Father: Cline, Abraham
Carnes, Dorathea L., b. 03/12/1918, d. 09/25/1918, Father: Carnes, Al
Carnes, Florence M., b. 05/--/1891, d., Father: McKeever, Lewis
Carnes, Harriet Anna, b. 10/02/1889, d. 02/04/1962, Father: Ropp, John M.
Carnes, Mary Eloise, b. 02/13/1920, d. 06/09/2001, Father: Clark, George Grinton
Carnes, Ora Van, b. 1881, d. 01/19/1959
Carnes, Ralph F., b. 08/18/1915, d. 12/30/1976, Father: Carnes, Sylvester M.
Carnes, Sylvester Monroe, b. 01/29/1885, d. 04/14/1974, Father: Carnes, Albert I.
Carnes, Terrence G., b. 06/25/1939, d. 08/04/1986, Father: Carnes, Ralph F.
Carnes, Theresa M., b. 11/07/1882, d. 11/19/1947, Father: Nemire, Albert
Carnes, William Henry, b. 04/09/1856, d. 09/07/1928, Father: Carnes, John
Carnes, Wm. F., no dates
Carpenter, Alice, b. 10/24/1861, d. 11/19/1946, Father: Hipple, Jackson
Carpenter, Ann E., b. 1849, d. 07/17/1924, Father: Brown, Hiram Franklin
Carpenter, Benjamin U., b. 03/16/1907, d. 06/14/1964, Father: Carpenter, Ulysses
Carpenter, Betsy Butler, b. 06/08/1834, d. 11/13/1896, Father: Cornell, T.B.
Carpenter, Frank Marie, b. 07/08/1882, d. 04/30/1939, Father: Carpenter, Wilfried R.
Carpenter, George W., b. 06/29/1859, d. 01/22/1948, Father: Carpenter, Eli M.
Carpenter, Hanna L., b. 1799, d. 10/08/1869, Father: Jamison, Robert
Carpenter, Jennie, b. 02/17/1859, d. 07/20/1947, Father: Parks, James
Carpenter, Lusinda Gilford, d. 04/01/1844
Carpenter, Rufus, b. 08/20/1835, d. 08/25/1914, Father: Carpenter, Rodney C.
Carpenter, Wilfried Renaldo, b. 03/06/1840, d. 10/30/1907, Father: Carpenter, Geo.B.
Carper, Catherine Cleve, b. 12/25/1830, d. 12/15/1900, Father: Welch
Carper, Elizabeth Ann, b. 05/14/1836, d. 08/06/1913, Father: Carper, Joseph (Rev.)
Carper, George, b. 1877, d. 02/19/1931, Father: Carper, Homer M.
Carper, Homer McKendree, b. 07/24/1826, d. 01/14/1895, Father: Carper, Joseph (Rev.)
Carper, Jane M., b. 09/30/1804, d. 07/31/1888
Carper, Joseph Edward, b. 11/07/1852, d. 01/30/1902, Father: Carper, Homer M.
Carper, Joseph, b. 06/21/1789, d. 08/28/1867
Carper, Robert, b. 06/30/1868, d. 01/23/1878, Father: Carper, Homer M.
Carr, Anna, b. 07/15/1859, d. 06/18/1931, Father: Thurston, John L.
Carr, Ida Angeline, b. 01/26/1856, d. 08/25/1945, Father: Smalley, Robert (b. NY)
Carroll, Dan, b. 1892, d. 07/08/1967, Father: Unk
Carroll, Elizabeth, d. 02/03/1902
Carroll, Infant, no dates
Carroll, John List, b. 1893, d. 01/27/1919, Father: Carroll, John Wesley
Carroll, John Wesley, b. 08/15/1866, d. 07/27/1937, Father: Carroll, William A.
Carroll, Pat, child of, d. 07/06/1936, Father: Carroll, Pat
Carroll, U.S.G., b. 1864, d. 09/15/1921
Carroll, Willie E., b. 02/10/1864, d. 12/06/1947, Father: Eden, James
Carsey, Joseph Bliss, b. 04/21/1885, d. 06/04/1953, Father: Carsey, Warren
Carson, Carrie Y., b. 04/21/1845, d. 03/02/1900, Father: Yeend
Carson, Cicero T., b. 02/23/1837, d. 04/24/1911, Father: Carson, William
Carson, Dora May, b. 02/02/1916, d. 02/25/1988, Father: Dill, Joel Wesley
Carson, Eliza T., b. 09/04/1805, d. 01/28/1883, Father: Thompson, Moses
Carson, Eva S., b. 1891, d. 03/10/1922, Father: Cochran
Carson, Flora M., b. 12/17/1887, d. 07/28/1971, Father: Marquette, Louis
Carson, Iva Mabel (Duffey), b. 01/26/1912, d. 07/18/1998, Father: Jackson, Grover
Carson, Kit, d. 01/25/1935
Carson, Mabel S. (Cunningham), b. 12/26/1890, d. 03/23/1988, Father: Swickard
Carson, Olive Anna, b. 04/01/1878, d. 04/23/1944
Carson, Paul Chenoweth, b. 03/31/1926, d. 05/10/1926, Father: Carson, Wm. B.
Carson, Robert A., b. 07/19/1917, d. 01/11/1996, Father: Carson, William B.
Carson, Robert K., b. 11/15/1941, d. 05/26/1947, Father: Carson, Robert
Carson, Ruth Ann, b. 03/18/1913, d. 10/31/1971, Father: Carson, William B.
Carson, William B., b. 09/16/1887, d. 05/30/1952, Father: Carson, William W.
Carson, William Henry, b. 07/03/1937, d. 07/06/1937, Father: Carson, William W.
Carson, William W., b. 12/05/1910, d. 05/08/1972, Father: Carson, William B.
Carter, Alice, b. 11/16/1918, d. 11/02/1939, Father: Carter, Arthur
Carter, David Earl, b. 12/31/1950, d. 02/20/1988, Father: Carter, Owens P., Sr.
Carter, George H., b. 10/05/1857, d. 11/29/1926, Father: Carter, Wm.
Carter, Georgiana Austin, b. 04/27/1863, d. 05/16/1926
Carter, James E.dward, b. 09/27/1932, d. 07/04/1964, Father: Carter, Carl
Carter, Mary C., d. 05/14/1928
Carter, Mary, b. 12/27/1853, d. 02/27/1934, Father: Butler, Harry C.
Carter, Owens Price, Sr., b. 12/25/1929, d. 06/25/1978, Father: Price, Owens
Carter, Rachel Ann, d. 10/08/1909
Carter, William, no dates, "Father"
Cartmell, Burleigh E., d. 03/28/1958
Cartmell, Edgar Bearinger, b. 06/16/1907, d. 08/27/1978, Father: Cartmell, Burleigh
Cartmell, Ethel B., b. 1877, d. 05/12/1978
Cartwright, Frank T., b. 10/24/1884, d. 09/18/1964
Cartwright, Infant, b. 1923, d. 01/18/1923
Cartwright, Mary M., b. 1886, d. 02/21/1958
Cartwright, Naomi Naylor, b. 1912, d. 12/28/1937, Father: Cartwright, Frank
Carvour, Samuel H.,Sr., b. 1920, d. 08/17/1987
Case, Andrew Jackson, b. 1829, d. 04/09/1914
Case, C.C., no dates
Case, Carol Sue, b. 1947, d. 08/12/1971, Father: Case, Donald
Case, Caroline, b. 12/21/1860, d. 04/19/1927, Father: Boynton, Jerome C. (?)
Case, Charles R., b. 1857, d. 08/19/1912, Father: Case, Andrew J.
Case, Charlotte Eileen, b. 02/01/1917, d. 12/05/1989, Father: Bohlander, John
Case, Clara "Alma", b. 1919, d. 09/22/1977, Father: Daniels, Luther B.
Case, Clarence C., b. 11/29/1900, d. 10/23/1986, Father: Case, Sherman
Case, Clifford J., b. 07/06/1955, d. 08/10/1987, Father: Case, Owen, Jr.
Case, Donald Earl, b. 12/01/1923, d. 12/05/2002, Father: Case, Clarence
Case, Earl Vernon, b. 06/10/1902, d. 10/09/1918, Father: Case, Nelson
Case, Ellis R., b. 08/23/1860, d. 02/06/1928, Father: Case, Henry
Case, Ethel M., b. 02/16/1891, d. 09/02/1964, Father: McCloud, W.B.
Case, Eva Maria, d. 09/17/1889
Case, Flora M., b. 05/31/1885, d. 12/19/1952, Father: Wittlinger, William
Case, Frank Chandler, b. 01/17/1892, d. 12/15/1976, Father: Case, Sylvester (?)
Case, Franklin David, b. 07/22/1942, d. 07/22/1942, Father: Case, Ralph William
Case, Franklin P., b. 1851, d. 07/23/1919
Case, Fredie (Rose), b. 1838, d. 10/11/1889
Case, Frieda B., b. 11/22/1894, d. 06/30/1987, Father: Case, William
Case, George Marcus, b. 1859, d. 10/01/1940
Case, George W., b. 1865, d. 06/04/1931, Father: Case, Andrew T.
Case, Gladys Mildred, b. 07/07/1898, d. 12/19/1993, Father: Temple, William J.
Case, Harold Eugene, b. 1921, d. 06/24/1921, Father: Case, Ralph William
Case, Hattie Margaret, b. 06/21/1870, d. 04/10/1944, Father: Slane, Elias
Case, Helen E., b. 02/15/1913, d. 10/13/1999, Father: McNett, William
Case, Ida Belle, b. 07/17/1865, d. 01/10/1959, Father: Evans, Thomas
Case, J., no dates
Case, Jay, b. 01/01/1862, d. 08/17/1943, Father: Case, Andrew Jackson
Case, Jennie Jane, b. 1852, d. 08/16/1921
Case, Jerry Lynn, b. 1952, d. 10/22/1979, Father: Case, Donald E.
Case, John S., no dates
Case, June Elizabeth, b. 05/26/1917, d. 08/15/1950, Father: Soltz, Otto
Case, Kate, b. 11/04/1903, d. 11/14/1903, Father: Case, Owen Burr
Case, Lena A. (Hall), b. 03/01/1886, d. 09/09/1978, Father: Jones, Perry
Case, Levi, b. 1838, d. 11/12/1920
Case, Lewis H., b. 1891, d. 07/17/1891, Father: Case, Louis H.
Case, Louis Henry, d. 03/28/1903
Case, Louis, b. 1827, d. 02/20/1905, "Father", Father: Case, Augusta
Case, Marc Owen, b. 08/17/1950, d. 05/09/1977, Father: Case, Owen, Jr.
Case, Mary Ann, b. 1835, d. 03/10/1920, "Mother"
Case, Mary G., b. 03/12/1913, d. 01/27/1988, Father: Swisher, Leo
Case, Mary Jane, b. 1854, d. 05/29/1920
Case, Mayme F., b. 05/21/1891, d. 06/07/1977, Father: Smith, Frank
Case, Mayme M., b. 10/03/1877, d. 03/03/1961, Father: Bolinger, Jacob
Case, Nellie G., b. 1870, d. 02/11/1959, Father: Basiger
Case, Nelson, b. 07/17/1876, d. 04/12/1959
Case, Oscar Victor, b. 02/20/1889, d. 11/12/1950, Father: Case, Frank Ralph
Case, Owen Burr "Jerry", b. 01/06/1876, d. 05/24/1968, Father: Case, George
Case, Owen J., Jr., b. 07/25/1921, d. 12/25/1990, Father: Case, Owen,Sr.
Case, Owen, b. 06/16/1879, d. 10/17/1957, Father: Case, Oscar J.
Case, Ralph William "Duke", b. 08/08/1897, d. 10/12/1974, Father: Case, Franklin B.
Case, Raymond S., b. 12/31/1912, d. 11/14/2000, Father: Case, Vincent M.
Case, Sarah Isabelle E., b. 1829, d. 04/27/1926
Case, Sherman Tecumseh, b. 04/23/1865, d. 08/24/1936, Father: Case, Henry
Case, Sylvia, b. 1842, d. 04/04/1925
Case, Sylvia, d. 11/13/1913
Case, Thomas W., b. 05/26/1847, d. 04/22/1928, Father: Case, Seth W.
Case, Valerie Jewel, b. 11/20/1959, d. 10/04/1963, Father: Case, Owen, Jr.
Case, Vernie B., b. 01/11/1884, d. 12/04/1949, Father: Steitz, Conard
Case, Vincent M., b. 02/20/1892, d. 05/27/1967, Father: Case, Sherman
Case, William C., b. 1848, d. 11/07/1913
Case, William Hunter, b. 02/12/1818, d. 03/11/1899, Father: Case, Augusta
Casement, R., no dates, Father: Joy, Wilder
Casey, Lincoln W., b. 02/14/1909, d. 11/27/1979, Father: Casey, John A.
Casey, Madge K., b. 02/21/1901, d. 07/22/1983, Father: Brothers
Casey, Majorie, no dates
Casper, J., no dates
Cassady, Marshall Hairston, b. 06/04/1977, d. 06/04/1977, Father: Hairston, Rudy
Cassidy, Vesta H., d. 05/05/1890
Castello, Albert, b. 04/24/1852, d. 12/18/1928
Castello, Frances C., b. 09/01/1886, d. 06/10/1973, Father: Wirthman, Fred M.
Castello, Walter Weldon, b. 04/27/1882, d. 06/23/1955, Father: Castello, Albert
Cater, Rita J., b. 11/03/1948, d. 10/10/1994, Father: Keller, Scott I.
Cates, Willie, b. 03/22/1866, d. 07/04/1956, Father: Cates, William Robert
Catt, Frances E., b. 11/17/1859, d. 03/20/1938, Father: Hall, Caleb
Caudill, Edgar, b. 10/09/1921, d. 12/08/1998, Father: Caudill, Henry Clay
Caudill, Gilbert A., b. 03/04/1892, d. 02/24/1973
Caudill, Henry Clay, b. 10/02/1877, d. 01/03/1959, Father: Caudill, John A.
Caudill, Isabell Mae, b. 04/30/1936, d. 03/13/1992, Father: Weatherall, Joseph
Caudill, John A., b. 12/17/1910, d. 01/01/1968, Father: Caudill, Henry C.
Caudill, Melissa, b. 12/02/1892, d. 10/25/1973, Father: Long, William W.
Caudill, Paulina, b. 12/05/1877, d. 03/09/1955, Father: Lewis, James
Caudill, Robert J., b. 10/21/1920, d. 04/18/2000, Father: Caudill, Gilbert A.
Caudill, Ruth Maxine, b. 07/11/1916, d. 06/17/1948, Father: Mauck, Jacob F.
Caudill, Shirley A., b. 02/07/1936, d. 08/08/1944, Father: Caudill, John A.
Caudill, Stephen R., b. 02/05/1953, d. 11/30/1994, Father: Caudill, Robert J.
Caulkins, Shirley Marie "Shay", b. 07/16/1928, d. 06/08/2000, Father: Over, Leonard
Cave, Fannie (Harper), b. 1874, d. 02/02/1960, Father: May, Daniel
Cavendish, George Henry, b. 01/07/1926, d. 09/12/1987, Father: Cavendish, Herbert
Cavendish, Mae M. (Davis), b. 09/27/1915, d. 01/01/2004, Father: Dye, Joe
Cavin, Asenath Arabell, b. 06/10/1851, d. 10/15/1927, Father: Berry, Samuel
Cavin, Charles F., b. 08/12/1873, d. 03/03/1951, Father: Cavin, William A.
Cavin, Mary A., b. 11/30/1874, d. 05/30/1931, Father: Strawser, Henry M.
Cavin, Ray Vaughn, b. 06/01/1885, d. 01/31/1911, Father: Cavin, William A.
Cavin, William A., d. 12/09/1932, Father: Cavin, Martin (?)
Cavin, William Clarence, b. 1878, d. 07/04/1898, Father: Cavin, Wm.A.
Caylor, Andrew J., d. 10/14/1919
Caylor, Catherine, b. 09/05/1851, d. 03/29/1932, Father: Wollam, Peter
Cellar, Estella L., b. 03/16/1882, d. 10/16/1964, Father: Case, Alvin
Cellar, James K., b. 1897, d. 10/21/1921
Cellar, Katherine K., d. 08/13/1917, Father: Kenyon
Cellars, Cecil Hayes, b. 12/23/1884, d. 11/16/1970, Father: Hayes, George L.
Cellars, Edith, d. 03/18/1890
Cellars, H.Reid, b. 09/27/1893, d. 09/26/1956, Father: Cellars, Willie A.
Cellars, Hattie May, b. 09/22/1862, d. 04/27/1955, Father: Colflesh, John F.
Cellars, Infant Son, d. 1908
Cellars, J. M., d. 08/14/1902
Cellars, Jessie M., b. 04/16/1900, d. 09/04/1989, Father: Cellars, Willie A.
Cellars, Katherine Kenyon, d. 09/05/1917
Cellars, Nellie B., b. 06/16/1896, d. 12/05/1971, Father: Bartholomew, Fred
Cellars, Nellie N., b. 06/--/1877, d. 06/20/1968, Father: Cellars, Robert M.
Cellars, Robert Wilson, b. 1880, d. 01/11/1945
Cellars, Warren J., b. 02/26/1855, d. 09/27/1922, Father: Cellars, J.A.F.
Cellars, Willie Addison, b. 10/27/1861, d. 10/26/1934, Father: Cellars, Robert M.
Cessna, Katherine M., b. 09/06/1908, d. 03/08/1965, Father: Messick, Jos.C.,Prof
Chaffin, Homer, b. 10/10/1925, d. 02/21/2000, Father: Chaffin, Garrett Franklin
Chaffin, Janet Marie, b. 02/11/1928, d. 10/17/1990, Father: Barnt, Carl
Challenger, Arthur B., b. 1870, d. 01/04/1921
Chamberlain, Charles C., b. 07/15/1805, d. 03/20/1877, Father: Chamberlain, Justus
Chamberlain, Charles Henry, b. 01/21/1843, d. 11/10/1846, Father: Chamberlain, Charles C.
Chamberlain, Emma Reid, b. 03/31/1865, d. 03/16/1944, Father: Chamberlain,Henry W.
Chamberlain, Frank West, b. 06/07/1860, d. 02/06/1935, Father: Chamberlain, Henry W.
Chamberlain, Hannah, b. 12/07/1777, d. 12/14/1870, "Mother", Father: West
Chamberlain, Harry Justus, b. 1867, d. 11/09/1941, Father: Chamberlain, Henry W.
Chamberlain, Henry West "Hy", b. 08/07/1817, d. 09/10/1894, Father: Chamberlain, Justus
Chamberlain, Isabella B., b. 11/23/1816, d. 01/29/1906, Father: Webb, Joseph L.
Chamberlain, John, b. 1839, d. 03/07/1896, Father: Chamberlain, Wm.
Chamberlain, Justus, b. 11/27/1773, d. 09/15/1828, "Father"
Chamberlain, Mary Ellen, b. 02/28/1873, d. 04/19/1963, Father: Lear, Edward F.
Chamberlain, Mary T., b. 05/10/1816, d. 10/14/1885, Father: Gardner, Moses
Chamberlain, Olive Lorain, b. 12/05/1833, d. 10/16/1913, Father: Allen, Seth Hardin
Chamberlain, William, b. 03/23/1812, d. 03/14/1895, Father: Chamberlain, Justus
Chambers, Delores Rose, b. 10/09/1931, d. 05/15/1988, Father: Durst, Thomas Calvin
Chambers, Dorotha M., b. 1915, d. 11/24/1915, Father: Chambers, Fred N.
Chambers, Dwight E., b. 1922, d. 05/04/1934, Father: Chambers, Fred N.
Chambers, Florence E., b. 07/20/1890, d. 11/05/1988, Father: Adams, John
Chambers, Fred N., b. 1893, d. 12/07/1960
Chambers, Golden Ruth, b. 05/08/1892, d. 11/19/1955, Father: Hummel, Elias
Chambers, infant daughter, d. 11/24/1915, Father: Chambers, Fred
Chambers, Laurence L., b. 01/17/1891, d. 10/04/1977, Father: Chambers, George
Chambers, Leman Ackley, b. 1892, d. 06/30/1932
Chambers, Lisle Gordon, b. 08/01/1918, d. 03/20/1928, Father: Chambers,Lawrence L.
Chambers, Martha E., b. 1849, d. 1887
Chandler, Aron W., d. 05/02/1905
Chandler, Charlotte, b. 1815, d. 12/19/1868, Father: Leake
Chandler, Clara J., b. 05/12/1862, d. 12/22/1938, Father: Ross ?
Chandler, Clyde, b. 1879, d. 1880, Father: Chandler, Stephen H.
Chandler, Jonathan, b. 01/30/1809, d. 09/15/1876
Chandler, Josephine Charlotte "Josia", b. 05/17/1877, d. 08/01/1877, Father: Chandler, Stephen H.
Chandler, Josephine E., b. 12/25/1846, d. 02/09/1883, Father: Klapp, J.R. (Dr.)
Chandler, Mary L., b. 01/29/1811, d. 07/12/1871
Chandler, Mrs., d. 12/26/1889
Chandler, Phebe E. (Mann), b. 08/--/1831, d. 08/21/1896, Father: Norris, Judge
Chandler, Rebecca Adella, b. 1873, d. 08/22/1873, Father: Chandler, William
Chandler, Robert L., b. 1839, d. 10/14/1862
Chandler, Sarah, b. 02/12/1801, d. 12/23/1871
Chandler, Stephen H., b. 1848, d. 06/18/1906, Father: Chandler, William M.
Chandler, William M., b. 1818, d. 09/08/1910
Chandler, William, b. 05/20/1941, d. 08/01/1998, Father: Chandler, Lunda
Chaney, Christopher Allen, b. 04/19/1975, d. 05/23/1975, Father: Chaney, Bernard
Chaney, Edna Mae, b. 10/31/1931, d. 05/17/2003, Father: Thompson, Ruby
Chaney, Marie Delight, b. 04/01/1907, d. 01/22/1961, Father: Yaeger, Lewis P.
Chaney, Paul Morroy, b. 12/25/1932, d. 02/27/1998, Father: Chaney, Stanley
Changnon, Carol Ann, b. 10/30/1950, d. 06/10/1970, Father: Changnon, Robert A.
Changnon, Robert A., b. 09/09/1918, d. 05/07/1995, Father: Changnon, Charles
Chapman, Alice S., b. 1851, d. 05/13/1918, Father: Pierce, Samuel
Chapman, Betsy Ross, b. 07/06/1924, d. 11/20/1953, Father: Brown, Lou
Chapman, Billie, b. 01/22/1940, d. 06/03/1973, Father: Chapman, Honord
Chapman, Donald Elsworth, b. 08/14/1914, d. 12/01/1968, Father: Chapman, John Talbot
Chapman, Elizabeth M., d. 12/27/1926
Chapman, Essie Mae, b. 1885, d. 02/05/1976, Father: Hardin
Chapman, Esther, b. 08/17/1904, d. 02/18/2000, Father: Metcalf, Mark B.
Chapman, Floyd R., b. 1903, d. 08/19/1975
Chapman, Hannah Ann, no dates, Father: Lippincott
Chapman, Hiram, b. 02/28/1849, d. 09/01/1921, Father: Chapman, T.
Chapman, Jean E. "Chappy", b. 09/14/1925, d. 07/11/2003, Father: Chapman, John
Chapman, John Percy, b. 04/09/1874, d. 07/22/1950, Father: Chapman, E. G.
Chapman, John Talbot, b. 07/07/1881, d. 03/25/1939, Father: Chapman, Hiram
Chapman, Julia, b. 1839, d. 05/20/1922, Father: Russell
Chapman, Lela Pearl, b. 08/16/1874, d. 12/29/1948, Father: Chapman, Geo.
Chapman, Meloina, b. 1861, d. 03/08/1921
Chapman, O., Mrs, d. 06/25/1890
Chapman, Russell W., b. 06/23/1910, d. 09/13/1970, Father: Chapman, John Talbot
Chase, Ira, b. 04/12/1809, d. 09/25/1887, "Father"
Chase, Jane, b. 12/01/1809, d. 12/08/1882, Father: Wilcox
Cheney, W. W., d. 02/12/1889
Chenoweth, Maud P., b. 1873, d. 03/25/1936, Father: Pumphrey, Rezen J.
Chenoweth, Vera Margaret, b. 1897, d. 09/26/1898
Cherington, Catherine H., b. 1885, d. 10/10/1957, Father: Hayes
Cherington, Edgar Hurst, b. 01/06/1860, d. 01/23/1945, Father: Cherington, William
Cherington, Esther P. (Goble), b. 06/29/1897, d. 07/17/1972, Father: Freese, Lewis M.
Cherington, Eva Barnes, b. 04/14/1876, d. 08/12/1876, Father: Cherington, William D.
Cherington, Frank Barnes, b. 12/21/1879, d. 07/26/1940, Father: Cherington, William D.
Cherington, Frederick William, b. 04/06/1885, d. 09/21/1933, Father: Cherington, William D.
Cherington, Mary G., b. 05/29/1853, d. 11/25/1905, Father: Barnes, James A.
Cherington, Maynard Steele, b. 09/01/1895, d. 07/29/1979, Father: Cherington, Edgar H.
Cherington, Minnie Mary, b. 10/24/1892, d. 10/24/1892, Father: Cherington, William D.
Cherington, Stella, b. 09/04/1865, d. 09/07/1954, Father: Steele, Charles M.
Cherington, William D., b. 06/06/1852, d. 04/23/1925
Cherry, Charlie W., b. 02/25/1851, d. 02/29/1860, Father: Cherry, James
Cherry, Clarissa Adams, b. 01/31/1791, d. 02/07/1872
Cherry, George W., b. 08/22/1852, d. 07/09/1853, Father: Cherry, James
Cherry, James M., b. 07/11/1821, d. 12/30/1898, Father: Cherry, John
Cherry, John W., b. 05/27/1788, d. 02/10/1857
Cherry, Mary Louisana, b. 10/29/1824, d. 12/27/1884, Father: Gooding, George
Cherry, Susan "Jane" Augusta, b. 05/11/1814, d. 01/24/1885
Cherry, William H., b. 10/08/1823, d. 06/23/1864, Father: Cherry, John W.
Chester, Harriet, b. 03/29/1809, d. 01/03/1893, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Chester, Mary W., b. 1797, d. 1837
Chester, Nathan W., d. 10/09/1837, Father: Chester, Nathan
Chester, Nathan, b. 1795, d. 09/02/1879
Cheugh, Eda Spencer, b. 1884, d. 1955
Chidester, Clara F., b. 07/17/1865, d. 07/23/1959, Father: Freshwater, William
Chidester, Clarke W., b. 01/29/1903, d. 01/18/1983, Father: Chidester, Cyrus W.
Chidester, Cyrus W., b. 11/04/1861, d. 01/04/1926, Father: Chidester, Harrison
Chidester, Mary Almira, b. 06/17/1903, d. 12/20/1985, Father: Black, Thurman
Christ, Hazel Lenora, d. 07/22/1906
Christ, Mary (Beiber), b. 03/24/1806, d. 03/05/1895
Christian, Andrew Perron, Sr., b. 07/12/1903, d. 08/22/1976, Father: Christian, Albert
Christian, Barbara June, b. 06/12/1934, d. 09/19/1998, Father: Slack, George Andrew
Christian, Elsie May, b. 10/17/1904, d. 01/21/1963, Father: Bradley, Archibald J.
Christian, Infant, b. 08/27/1973, d. 08/27/1973, Father: Christian, Terry
Christian, Jeremey, b. 03/11/1976, d. 03/11/1976, Father: Christian
Christian, Jordan Lee, b. 07/28/1997, d. 07/28/1997, Father: Christian, Jared L.
Christian, Ralph, b. 11/25/1924, d. 11/26/1924, Father: Christian, Cecil
Christian, Russell L., b. 02/01/1935, d. 11/29/2002, Father: Christian, Jay D.
Christian, Tristen Jordan, b. 10/30/1998, d. 10/30/1998, Father: Christian, Jared L.
Christian, Virginia Clara, b. 09/12/1917, d. 10/14/2002, Father: Rose, Harrison
Christie, Eleanor, b. 05/07/1890, d. 07/14/1990, Father: Hills, Reuben E.
Christie, Joseph Mitchell, Jr., b. 11/22/1922, d. 12/05/1973, Father: Christie, Joseph M.
Christie, Joseph Mitchell, Sr., b. 06/28/1889, d. 02/24/1966, Father: Christie, E.H.
Church, Henry D., b. 04/--/1850, d. 12/25/1929
Church, Louisa (Trout), b. 04/28/1842, d. 09/08/1918, Father: Morrison
Cimino, Patrick Angelo, Jr., b. 03/26/1974, d. 05/29/1992, "Son", Father: Cimino, Patrick A.,Sr

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