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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Gaa, Nina Garnet (Thompson), b. 08/17/1918, d. 05/29/1997, Father: Girberd, Septer
Gabriel, Infant, b. 11/23/1956, d. 11/23/1956, Father: Gabriel, Nevin
Gabriel, Lester Frank "Cap", b. 12/18/1901, d. 06/18/1999, Father: Gabriel, John
Gabriel, Mary Gwendolyn, b. 04/13/1905, d. 11/25/1982, Father: Thomas, James Alexander
Gabriel, Myrtle C., b. 05/02/1905, d. 04/01/1989, Father: Hufford, Alvin
Gabriel, Robin Lynn, b. 07/25/1959, d. 07/26/1959, Father: Gabriel, Nevin
Gabriel, Walter Lee, b. 08/20/1904, d. 09/17/1987, Father: Gabriel, Herbert
Gage, Anna D., b. 1851, d. 01/02/1929, Father: Dustman
Gage, Carl Dustman, b. 08/13/1879, d. 12/29/1935, Father: Gage, Fred L.
Gage, Fred L., b. 1847, d. 09/19/1910
Gahegan, Leo A., b. 1893, d. 08/29/1930, Father: Gahegan, Michael
Gahegan, Leo, d. 08/23/1916, Father: Gahegan, Leo A.
Gaines, Elmer G., b. 10/03/1918, d. 02/09/1970, Father: Gaines, John W.
Galbreath, Hannah J., b. 1865, d. 03/--/1889
Gale, Billy Dee, b. 07/30/1927, d. 11/21/1979, Father: Gale, Charles
Gale, Bion Legrand, b. 08/31/1925, d. 04/21/1987, Father: Gale, Charles
Gale, Cecil R., b. 06/04/1911, d. 05/13/1969, Father: Gale, Charles
Gale, Charles M., b. 1879, d. 1942
Gale, Grace M., b. 07/11/1890, d. 11/25/1963, Father: Nichols, John
Gale, Mary Alice (Sopher), b. 11/01/1909, d. 09/22/1999, Father: Curtis, C.B."Ansel"
Gale, Rosella Virginia, b. 04/22/1912, d. 09/12/1998, Father: Casey, John
Gallagher, Ruth, b. 04/17/1898, d. 07/29/1939, Father: Lemley, Sherman T.
Gallant, Blanche W., b. 03/05/1884, d. 12/28/1971, Father: Walker, James
Gallant, Charles S., b. 07/20/1857, d. 09/10/1943, Father: Gallant, James W.
Gallant, Ellis F., Sr., b. 06/12/1884, d. 12/04/1968, Father: Gallant, Charles S.
Gallant, Rosella M., b. 09/18/1856, d. 08/08/1939, Father: Thomas, Henry Ellis
Galleher, Ada May, b. 1890, d. 05/03/1934
Galleher, Eliza, b. 12/08/1829, d. 10/19/1919, "Mother", Father: Craven
Galleher, Elizabeth May, b. 04/25/1865, d. 08/26/1943, Father: Atkinson, Faris
Galleher, Flora G., b. 1874, d. 11/16/1962
Galleher, Harriett "Hattie", b. 1850, d. 04/29/1935, Father: Hedges, Henry Neville
Galleher, Henry H., b. 1875, d. 08/26/1969, Father: Galleher, LeRoy K.
Galleher, Ida (Hoffman), b. 01/01/1874, d. 02/18/1964, Father: Post
Galleher, Leroy K., b. 05/31/1851, d. 07/01/1941, Father: Galleher, Neugent J.
Galleher, Martha P., b. 09/02/1857, d. 01/05/1905, Father: Perkins, Rev.C.H.
Galleher, N. J., b. 08/13/1825, d. 10/25/1888, "Father"
Galleher, Neudeget Craven, b. 04/03/1878, d. 01/10/1957, Father: Galleher, LeRoy K.
Galleher, Walter Brooks, b. 02/28/1887, d. 04/17/1973, Father: Galleher, Willard
Galleher, Willard, b. 02/21/1858, d. 10/08/1940, Father: Galleher, N.J.
Galloway, George G., b. 02/12/1839, d. 11/26/1917
Galloway, John T., b. 1908, d. 02/06/1985
Galloway, Margaret B. (Falconer), b. 1850, d. 09/27/1912, Father: Bailer, Cosmus
Galloway, Willamina, b. 02/01/1916, d. 11/30/2001, Father: Huffman, Frank Harl,Jr.
Gallup, Emily Clark, b. 1842, d. 1928
Gamble, infant son, d. 05/--/1918, Father: Gamble, J.R.
Gamble, Media, b. 1805, d. 04/03/1865
Gannon, Edward, b. 03/09/1870, d. 11/29/1948, Father: Gannon, John
Gantz, Essie F., b. 04/01/1887, d. 08/25/1967, Father: Price, James Knox
Ganway, Daniel, d. 01/22/1904
Garaghty, Bertha Fay, b. 12/25/1887, d. 01/31/1960, Father: Bush, John
Garaghty, William C., b. 04/12/1884, d. 10/24/1953, Father: Garaghty
Garbough (?), C.R., infant of, d. 08/30/1910
Garbutt, Georgia O., b. 1880, d. 04/14/1932, Father: Peters, George A.
Gardner, Beatrice E., b. 09/23/1908, d. 05/20/1997, Father: McCumber, Alva
Gardner, Caroline, b. 1842, d. 06/30/1909, Father: Wait
Gardner, Cebe, b. 1798, d. 02/09/1835
Gardner, Charles James, b. 09/21/1907, d. 01/16/1992
Gardner, Clara "Lucille", b. 03/16/1902, d. 05/17/1981, Father: Shultz, Lewis
Gardner, Clara E., b. 1856, d. 12/16/1921
Gardner, Edna Iona, b. 07/28/1907, d. 01/09/1997, Father: Ufferman, Frank
Gardner, Elizabeth, d. 10/16/1894
Gardner, Ella J., b. 1867, d. 1885, Father: Gardner, James H.
Gardner, Emma, b. 06/02/1872, d. 08/21/1928, Father: Henry, Chas.
Gardner, Florence Mary, b. 1894, d. 12/17/1982, Father: Reeder, William
Gardner, Fred, b. 09/21/1893, d. 01/11/1973, Father: Gardner, Peter
Gardner, Harold, b. 01/27/1907, d. 09/11/1979, Father: Gardner, Victor
Gardner, Harriett Maxine, b. 1914, d. 05/17/2004, Father: Domigan, Fred A.
Gardner, Hazel Belle, b. 03/12/1894, d. 07/14/1975, Father: Grove, Frank
Gardner, Howard Lohr, b. 1874, d. 05/09/1956
Gardner, James Harvey, b. 1833, d. 08/13/1904, Father: Gardner, Isaac
Gardner, John Christopher, b. 07/02/1879, d. 03/04/1900, Father: Gardner, F.A.
Gardner, John w/ child, no dates
Gardner, John, b. 1823, d. 05/29/1901, Father: Gardner, Moses
Gardner, Joseph A., b. 07/27/1872, d. 02/15/1931, Father: Gardner, Andrew
Gardner, Josephine Pierson, b. 1925, d. 06/01/1925, Father: Gardner, Howard
Gardner, Kathleen T., b. 10/22/1904, d. 08/18/1966, Father: Gardner, Joseph A.
Gardner, Lemual J., d. 03/13/1913
Gardner, Lena (child), no dates
Gardner, Leonard V., b. 07/28/1904, d. 12/24/1979, Father: Gardner, Victor
Gardner, Lloyd Calvin, Sr., b. 03/02/1895, d. 01/11/1978, Father: Gardner, Harry
Gardner, Lucinda C., b. 04/06/1902, d. 03/25/1978, Father: Flowers, James Albert
Gardner, Luva H., b. 1843, d. 07/07/1921
Gardner, Margaret Ellen, b. 08/11/1857, d. 10/09/1903, Father: Crosson, John
Gardner, Mary, b. 1808, d. 09/09/1876, Father: Steinbeck, John
Gardner, Patricia S., b. 1940, d. 02/17/1990, Father: Stone, Lester
Gardner, Paul D., b. 04/05/1910, d. 02/23/1993, Father: Gardner, Joseph
Gardner, Phebe E., d. 01/17/1851, Father: Butters
Gardner, Raymond, b. 02/24/1925, d. 08/16/1967, Father: Gardner, Fred
Gardner, Seth, b. 1851, d. 06/10/1918
Gardner, Susan B., b. 12/02/1846, d. 01/08/1929, Father: White, James E.
Gardner, Walker Lynn, b. 10/13/1896, d. 02/05/1977, Father: Gardner, Isaac
Gardner, William L., b. 1845, d. 09/06/1856, Father: Gardner, M.T.
Garey, Carl H. "Charlie", b. 03/31/1892, d. 01/28/1969, Father: Garey, John H.
Garey, Donald, d. 08/01/1917, Father: Garey, Harley
Garey, Harold James, b. 12/14/1919, d. 06/07/1957, Father: Garey, Harvey J.
Garey, James Harvey, b. 12/17/1896, d. 04/29/1964, Father: Garey, John H.
Garey, Jessie B., b. 10/13/1897, d. 12/03/1980, Father: Evans, Isaac
Garey, Mary Ida, b. 08/25/1896, d. 12/22/1978, Father: Appleton, Worley E.
Garey, Mila Adell, b. 06/14/1895, d. 03/19/1982, Father: Cooperider, John
Garey, Ronald Arthur, d. 07/03/1918
Garey, Roy S., b. 10/09/1890, d. 07/28/1952, Father: Garey, John
Gargasz, Nicholas Ryan, b. 12/08/1998, d. 03/18/1999, Father: Gargasz, Timothy
Garrett, Dorothy M., b. 09/07/1923, d. 05/11/1983, Father: Meadows, Cecil R.
Garrett, Francis W., b. 1865, d. 11/15/1937, Father: Garrett, Stephen
Garrett, Sarah, b. 08/25/1865, d. 05/05/1934, Father: Eaton, Henry James
Garrison, Charlotte Ann (Smith), b. 07/23/1946, d. 10/01/1996, Father: Johns, Bernard R.
Gartner, John B., b. 1918, d. 10/07/1985
Gaston, Ida A. S., d. 09/06/1863, Father: Gaston, N.S.
Gatton, Ada May, b. 01/30/1911, d. 08/05/1991, Father: Fleming, Presley
Gatton, Annie T., b. 1863, d. 1865
Gatton, Bernice D. (Reese), b. 12/05/1910, d. 05/11/1979, Father: Davis, Earl Z.
Gatton, Catherine Elizab. (Slack), b. 12/04/1853, d. 09/01/1937, Father: Essig, Andrew
Gatton, Clarina E., d. 02/16/1894
Gatton, Ella Louise, b. 04/04/1929, d. 12/24/1970, "Mother", Father: Boyer, Odell Sr.
Gatton, George F., b. 09/11/1867, d. 10/09/1940, Father: Gatton, Geo.
Gatton, George W., d. 01/19/1904
Gatton, Grover McClellan, b. 11/01/1918, d. 11/10/1979, Father: Gatton, William G.
Gatton, James F.,Jr. "Pud" "Son", b. 12/07/1948, d. 06/22/1980, Father: Gatton, James F.,Sr.
Gatton, James L., d. 01/10/1919
Gatton, James W., b. 12/07/1898, d. 02/20/1967, Father: Gatton, George F.
Gatton, Jennie K. "Kittie", b. 09/10/1873, d. 08/03/1961, Father: Hornbeck, Norton
Gatton, M.Gretchen (R), b. 1930, d., Father: Klee
Gatton, McCullen Lee, b. 11/20/1951, d. 11/20/1951, Father: Gatton, William G.
Gatton, Paul Norton, b. 05/18/1901, d. 07/18/1979, Father: Gatton, George F.
Gatton, Robert Lawrence, b. 01/05/1908, d. 09/06/1918, Father: Gatton, George F.
Gatton, Ruth B., d. 03/12/1889, Father: Pierce
Gatton, Ruth Irene, d. 05/25/1900
Gatton, Thomas K. "Joe", b. 01/01/1897, d. 09/27/1958, Father: Gatton, George F.
Gatton, William C. (R), no dates
Gatton, William E., b. 11/29/1909, d. 08/20/1961, Father: Gatton, William G.
Gatton, William Grover, b. 07/21/1888, d. 07/07/1958, Father: Gatton, William
Gatton, William M., b. 1861, d. 10/28/1920
Gault, Orpha M., b. 04/--/1885, d. 02/26/1966, Father: White
Gault, Paul M., b. 1884, d. 09/16/1941
Gauthier, Ruth Marjorie (Smith), b. 05/16/1899, d. 07/06/1985, Father: Dunning, Oscar
Gavin, Agnes, b. 1846, d. 01/11/1882
Gavin, Donald, b. 1882, d. 1882, Father: Gavin, Donald
Gavin, Wilhelmina, b. 1850, d. 03/22/1929, Father: Lentz, Philip
Gavitt, Elnathan Corrington, d. 03/15/1896
Gay, Hosea, b. 01/25/1872, d. 01/20/1941, Father: Gay, Nicholas
Gay, Johanna Ruby, b. 1836, d. 05/09/1913, Father: Alexander, J.C.
Gay, John B., b. 1857, d. 05/14/1891, Father: Gay, Nicholas
Gay, Mary D., b. 1855, d. 03/13/1890, Father: Gay, Nicholas O.
Gay, Nicholas O., b. 1832, d. 03/25/1908
Gay, William, b. 03/13/1859, d. 10/11/1908, Father: Gay, Nicholas
Geary, Martha Josephine, b. 09/02/1923, d. 07/19/1996, Father: Magee, Richard
Geddis, Norma (Connolly) (R), b. 07/08/1924, d.
Geer, Charles Raymond, b. 12/02/1913, d. 02/16/1989, Father: Geer, Rayfield
Geer, Mary Louise (Reed), b. 06/15/1919, d. 08/08/1997, Father: Lewis, Edward
Geiger, Lucille Evelyn, b. 06/03/1919, d. 04/03/1961, Father: Caillet, Glen
Geiger, Ruth L. (Thornbury), b. 02/05/1917, d. 01/17/1995, Father: Eastham, Frank
Geiner, Mary Ann, b. 1825, d. 1855
Geiner, W.Henry, b. 1851, d. 12/--/1860
Geller, Mary E., b. 02/28/1920, d. 02/01/1947, Father: Sullivan, James
Gemeinhardt, George L., b. 08/11/1888, d. 02/26/1949, Father: Gemeinhardt, George
Gemeinhardt, Mary A., b. 05/30/1884, d. 02/18/1985
Genier, Abner, b. 03/08/1861, d. 11/24/1910, Father: Genier, John
Genier, Charles Oscar, b. 09/26/1888, d. 10/23/1895, Father: Genier, Abner
Genier, John S., no dates
Genier, Phoebe, b. 1828, d. 04/09/1898, Father: Smith
Genier, Stanley, b. 04/14/1890, d. 09/28/1895, Father: Genier, Abner
Genthner, Frederick L., b. 06/19/1883, d. 08/22/1964, Father: Genthner, Ludwig
Genthner, Muriel C., b. 11/10/1888, d. 12/22/1965, Father: Matthews, Joseph C.
George, Alex, b. 06/04/1901, d. 03/08/1968, Father: Unk
George, Edith A., b. 05/08/1909, d. 10/26/1966, Father: Horn, Drew
George, Florence Marilyn, b. 09/23/1940, d. 02/10/1995, Father: Owen, Robert
George, Judith, b. 1854, d. 01/19/1933
George, Paul, b. 1854, d. 02/08/1938
George, Vincent, b. 09/28/1917, d. 12/05/1991, Father: George, Paul
Gephart, Charles Wesley, b. 01/02/1871, d. 08/03/1955, Father: Gephart, George W.
Gephart, Dorothy Irene, b. 05/23/1911, d. 10/24/1979, "Mother", Father: High, Adam
Gephart, Edward E., b. 10/05/1872, d. 06/05/1939, Father: Gephart, George
Gephart, Emma B., b. 08/18/1873, d. 12/17/1959, Father: Henry, Michael
Gephart, Everett Henry, b. 07/09/1898, d. 02/03/1938, Father: Gephart, Edward E.
Gephart, George M., b. 10/19/1907, d. 03/03/2003, Father: Gephart, Edward E.
Gephart, Lydia Frances, b. 1871, d. 09/06/1924, Father: Tarbill
Gephart, Myron Lee "Buddy", b. 04/17/1930, d. 07/21/1938, Father: Gephart, G.Myron
Gephart, Ruth Helen, b. 01/12/1898, d. 09/22/1970, Father: Seigfried, Adam
Gerhard, Harriett C., b. 10/31/1830, d. 06/28/1922, Father: Campbell, David
Gerhard, Mathias, b. 1818, d. 04/20/1868
Gerkey, Susan, b. 07/08/1820, d. 04/13/1899, Father: Clark
Gerlach, Charles E., Jr., d. 09/29/1917
Gerwig, Alice Elizabeth "Betty", b. 05/29/1897, d. 04/17/1986, Father: May, William
Gerwig, Bernie F., b. 06/12/1900, d. 03/14/1982, Father: Gerwig, John
Gerwig, Marjorie Anne, b. 11/12/1924, d. 09/11/1952, Father: Hathaway, B.T.
Gerwig, Randall A., b. 06/24/1929, d. 10/13/1963, Father: Gerwig, Bernie F.
Gessner, Charles W., d. 10/27/1951, Father: Gessner, William T.
Gessner, Ella W., b. 10/21/1885, d. 05/28/1936, Father: Sweetland, Geo N.
Gessner, John C., d. 01/29/1875, "Father"
Gessner, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1838, d. 01/10/1916, Father: Wynkoop, James
Gessner, Prudence, no dates, "Mother"
Gessner, William Taylor, b. 02/07/1827, d. 05/10/1906, Father: Gessner, John C.
Getreu, Christopher, no dates, Father: Getreu, A.
Getreu, John, d. 03/22/1851, Father: Getreu, A.
Getreu, Margaret, d. 06/16/1850
Getz, Willie, no dates
Gickler, Michael Lemar, b. 05/05/1947, d. 08/06/1997, Father: Gickler, Lawrence
Gideon, Lewis Ray, b. 10/29/2004, d. 04/06/2004, Father: Gideon, Woods
Gieser, Jessie, b. 1884, d. 10/15/1924
Giesige, Karen Lynne, b. 07/11/1950, d. 05/16/2001, Father: Oman, Donald Hines
Gilbert, Anna C., b. 1896, d. 09/17/1961, Father: Callander, Robt. A.
Gilbert, Homer Lawrence, b. 1870, d. 09/16/1924, Father: Gilbert, J.S.
Gilbert, Iva G., b. 08/26/1869, d. 02/20/1963, Father: Cooper, W.H.
Gilbert, William, d. 01/--/1904
Gillespie, Ruth Ann, b. 1839, d. 01/29/1921, Father: Scovill, George W.
Gillett, A.V., b. 02/06/1858, d. 07/28/1931, Father: Gillett, Harvey
Gillett, Blanche E., b. 06/18/1889, d. 04/02/1983, Father: Donovan, Taylor
Gillett, Cloice A., b. 11/26/1888, d. 02/17/1961, Father: Gillett, A.V.
Gillett, Eva B., b. 11/16/1861, d. 07/13/1919, Father: Smith, Calvin
Gillette, Alvin E., b. 1853, d. 11/02/1912, Father: Gillette, James
Gillette, Elizabeth Perry "Lida", b. 07/22/1859, d. 07/13/1945, Father: Gillette, James
Gillette, Margaret A., b. 1826, d. 11/02/1906, Father: Smith
Gilliland, Effie Margaret, b. 05/03/1877, d. 05/18/1967, Father: Holt, James
Gilliland, Francis, b. 1922, d. 04/03/1922, (Infant), Father: Gilliland, Floyd
Gilliland, Harvey Webster, b. 01/01/1880, d. 12/16/1965, Father: Gilliland, Warren
Gilliland, Thomas Lee "Gillie", b. 08/09/1904, d. 09/17/1991, Father: Gilliland, Harvey Webster
Gilliland, Verna Pearl, b. 11/23/1907, d. 04/23/1986, Father: Myers, Charles
Gilmore, Frank, d. 11/22/1937
Gilmore, Jinnie, d. 01/14/1930
Gilmore, Minnie, b. 08/11/1884, d. 03/03/1931, Father: Johnson, David
Gilruth, Agnes Jane, b. 1859, d. 01/03/1911, Father: Mulligan
Gilruth, Agnes Ruby, b. 11/13/1885, d. 04/30/1947, Father: Gilruth, Archibald
Gilruth, Archibald, b. 08/20/1847, d. 06/03/1940
Giltner, E.Clifford, b. 11/24/1899, d. 02/26/1958, Father: Giltner, Harry
Ginn, Agnes R., b. 1862, d. 06/29/1931, Father: Ginn, Wesley C.
Ginn, Chester Clyde, Sr., b. 05/18/1920, d. 12/20/1989
Ginn, Joshua Lee, b. 06/19/1970, d. 06/19/1970, Father: Ginn, James
Ginn, Mary Jane, b. 1835, d. 01/15/1916, Father: Lyon(s)
Ginn, Wesley C., b. 1830, d. 06/08/1918
Gladden, Cora, d. 02/22/1892, Father: Stout, M.A.
Gladden, Mary Alice, b. 1858, d. 05/02/1923, Father: Allen, Jacob
Gladden, William S., b. 05/22/1848, d. 10/26/1932
Glassburn, Everett "Eugene", b. 08/07/1928, d. 07/12/1991, Father: Glassburn, Everett E.
Glassburn, Gary Lee, b. 03/15/1950, d. 02/23/1991, Father: Glassburn, E.Eugene
Glassburn, James E., b. 11/09/1876, d. 07/31/1939, Father: Glassburn, Amos
Glassburn, James William, b. 02/11/1935, d. 12/25/1994, Father: Glassburn, Milton
Glasses, Lillie, d. 02/--/1888
Glaze, Anna, d. 03/02/1935, (Nannie on permit), Father: Patten, William
Glaze, Clara Rosetta "Carrie", b. 06/20/1885, d. 01/16/1898, Father: Glaze, Simon
Glaze, Cora E., b. 1864, d. 04/08/1892, Father: Patton
Glaze, George "Benjamin", b. 02/01/1859, d. 05/04/1905, Father: Glaze, Wm.Warren
Glaze, Lena T. (Webb), b. 01/06/1892, d. 08/19/1978
Glaze, Ray, b. 12/28/1886, d. 09/23/1895, Father: Glaze, Benjamin
Gleason, Elinor F. (Salter), b. 1910, d. 11/13/1975, Father: Ferguson
Gleich, Frederick, Sr., b. 01/15/1861, d. 08/24/1929
Gleich, John Frederick, Jr., b. 1884, d. 11/10/1928, Father: Gleich, J.Fred Sr.
Gleich, Wilhelmina, b. 1865, d. 09/26/1935
Glesenkamp, Fred H., b. 03/16/1892, d. 10/31/1970, Father: Glesenkamp, William W.
Glesenkamp, Frederick "Scott", b. 05/27/1958, d. 03/05/1975, Father: Glesenkamp, Richard F.
Glesenkamp, Greta L., b. 12/26/1901, d. 05/25/1981, Father: Cook, Lewis F.
Glesenkamp, John Norris, b. 01/22/1901, d. 07/23/1963, Father: Glesenkamp, William
Glick, Bertha M., b. 1885, d. 11/10/1968, "Mother"
Glick, John George, b. 06/14/1879, d. 06/29/1942, "Father", Father: Glick, John George
Glover, A. L., child of, b. 01/17/1907, d. 01/17/1907, Father: Glover, A.L.
Glover, Flora L., b. 1874, d. 10/22/1876, Father: Glover, A.
Goad, John W., b. 10/05/1888, d. 01/05/1952, Father: Goad, John
Goad, Lawrence V., b. 06/27/1910, d. 03/20/1974, Father: Goad, John W.
Goad, Louisa, b. 11/24/1862, d. 06/26/1929, Father: Palmer, L.F.
Goad, Ruth H., b. 06/28/1889, d. 11/20/1932, Father: Vance, George W.
Goble, John Lester, b. 02/20/1890, d. 04/16/1933, Father: Goble
Goble, Robert Freese "Bobby", b. 11/04/1929, d. 01/01/1954, Father: Goble, John L.
Gock, Elizabeth, b. 12/15/1795, d. 11/14/1869
Gock, John Gottlieb, b. 09/16/1797, d. 05/02/1861
Goddard, Bertha May, b. 03/08/1882, d. 02/14/1968, Father: Cole, William R.
Goddard, Emily C., b. 01/16/1835, d. 12/07/1905, Father: McCutchin
Goddard, Eugene Farvell, b. 06/22/1870, d. 12/23/1948, Father: Goddard, Harrison C.
Goddard, Harrison C., b. 12/06/1836, d. 06/26/1917, Father: Goodard, Charles
Goddard, Izabella (Webb), b. 1848, d. 04/05/1927, "Mother", Father: Joslin
Godman, Susan P., d. 12/--/1851
Godwin, James, b. 02/14/1802, d. 02/15/1879
Godwin, Mary D., d. 10/11/1895
Goebel, Callie, no dates, Father: Goebel, Philip
Goebel, Caroline, b. 03/12/1856, d. 02/28/1896, Father: Kurrley
Goebel, Flora, d. 01/13/1895
Goebel, Florence, no dates, Father: Goebel, Philip
Goebel, Frank, d. 02/12/1895, Father: Goebel, Philip
Goebel, George, no dates, Father: Goebel, Philip
Goebel, Otileda "Otillie", b. 03/05/1842, d. 08/25/1879
Goebel, Philip, b. 08/24/1842, d. 08/03/1892
Goebel, Philip, d. 02/23/1895, Father: Goebel, Philip
Goetz, Amelia Mary, d. 08/03/1899
Gohdes, Edna, b. 1886, d. 11/27/1956, Father: Zimmer, Adam
Goines, Abraham Josephus "A.J.", b. 12/29/1914, d. 07/27/1989, Father: Goines, Emanuel B.
Goines, Emanuel B. "Billy", b. 05/06/1891, d. 07/21/1959, Father: Goines, Emanuel
Goines, Emily O., b. 08/20/1896, d. 07/02/1987, Father: Wilson, Abraham
Goldberg, Margaret Estella (High), b. 08/--/1903, d. 07/10/1951, Father: Perry
Golder, Katherine Sarah (Patton), b. 1873, d. 12/29/1941, Father: Thompson, John
Goldrick, Arthur Daniel, b. 1857, d. 07/19/1917, Father: Goldrick, William
Goldrick, Clara, b. 10/25/1840, d. 04/10/1892, Father: Goldrick, William
Goldrick, Clarissa, b. 02/26/1815, d. 04/27/1902
Goldrick, Elizabeth, no dates
Goldrick, James, b. 08/01/1808, d. 12/11/1893
Goldrick, Owen S., b. 12/22/1838, d. 02/15/1887, Father: Goldrick, William
Goldrick, William, b. 11/01/1809, d. 11/15/1886
Gompf, Callie L., b. 02/04/1895, d. 12/01/1918, Father: Lewis, John William
Good, Dora, b. 1873, d. 06/14/1954, "Mother"
Good, James Clifford, b. 02/23/1926, d. 06/02/1985
Good, James, b. 1870, d. 05/15/1933, "Father"
Good, Joseph Michael, b. 05/18/1959, d. 08/03/1959
Good, Peter, d. 03/03/1917
Goodall, Henry W., b. 1820, d. 1891
Goodall, John R., b. 1858, d. 12/05/1937, Father: Goodall, Henry W.
Goodall, Rhoda Evaline, b. 05/31/1826, d. 08/25/1885
Gooding, Alden Bradford, b. 12/17/1830, d. 01/17/1918, Father: Gooding, Ebenezer
Gooding, Anna M., b. 1854, d. 01/12/1917, "Mother", Father: Yantis
Gooding, Arthur A., b. 03/13/1862, d. 03/17/1936, Father: Gooding, George A.
Gooding, Barbara S., b. 09/09/1933, d. 03/07/1995, Father: Shade, Donald
Gooding, Bennet H., Jr., b. 1942, d. 12/08/1968, Father: Gooding, Bennett,Sr.
Gooding, Bennet H., Sr., b. 01/04/1900, d. 10/17/1972, Father: Gooding, Harry
Gooding, Beulah G., b. 09/27/1904, d. 10/26/1991, Father: Geiger
Gooding, Carrie Delia, b. 11/23/1882, d. 03/14/1956, Father: Gooding, Francis O.
Gooding, Charles Langdon, b. 03/13/1867, d. 04/04/1946, Father: Gooding, Francis
Gooding, Charles William, b. 01/08/1918, d. 09/10/1989, Father: Gooding, Clifford Sr.
Gooding, Clifford S., Sr., b. 06/04/1892, d. 04/10/1966, Father: Gooding, William
Gooding, Delia M., b. 11/23/1843, d. 05/14/1906, "Mother", Father: Mattoon, Edwin
Gooding, Dorothy B., b. 08/31/1906, d. 06/05/1990
Gooding, Douglas A., b. 06/10/1927, d. 08/01/2003, Father: Gooding, Frank
Gooding, Edith M., b. 02/19/1881, d. 12/02/1937, Father: Gooding, Geo C.
Gooding, Floy E., b. 09/07/1873, d. 10/27/1954, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Gooding, Francis O., b. 02/04/1840, d. 01/06/1920, "Father"
Gooding, Frank M., b. 05/01/1898, d. 05/24/1979, Father: Gooding, Charles L.
Gooding, George Elmer, b. 02/16/1885, d. 12/18/1950, Father: Gooding, George R.
Gooding, George R., b. 08/25/1852, d. 08/07/1935, "Father", Father: Gooding, George A.
Gooding, George, b. 02/03/1797, d. 01/05/1856
Gooding, Harold Fredrick, b. 03/17/1905, d. 11/02/1989, Father: Gooding, Harry
Gooding, Harry, b. 01/30/1869, d. 03/24/1944, Father: Gooding, Francis O.
Gooding, Hazel, b. 06/03/1905, d. 09/05/1934, Father: Jennings, R.D.
Gooding, Henrietta G., b. 1888, d. 03/18/1957, Father: Holz
Gooding, Jessie Marie "Betty", b. 05/02/1898, d. 01/16/1983, Father: Freeman
Gooding, John Oliver, b. 06/03/1870, d. 01/24/1955, Father: Gooding, Alden B.
Gooding, Katherine M., b. 03/14/1866, d. 02/05/1944, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Gooding, Mary "Eloise", b. 04/20/1860, d. 08/31/1939, Father: Gooding, Matthew
Gooding, Mary Ellen, b. 02/13/1836, d. 12/11/1932, Father: Matoon, Edwin
Gooding, Mary Rebecca, b. 01/11/1918, d. 09/26/1991, Father: Clymer, Jesse
Gooding, Matthew, b. 05/30/1830, d. 10/11/1902, Father: Gooding, George
Gooding, Maxine E., b. 11/19/1903, d. 02/04/1992
Gooding, Missouri A., b. 1837, d. 09/23/1925, Father: Newkirk, John C.
Gooding, Patricia Gene, b. 02/10/1934, d. 06/02/1936, Father: Gooding, Milo A.
Gooding, Phoebe T., b. 08/07/1798, d. 07/11/1880, Father: Williams
Gooding, Russell, b. 1913, d. 08/22/1913, "Baby", Father: Gooding, John O.
Gooding, Ruth M., b. 11/27/1876, d. 04/10/1971, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Gooding, Sarah "Sadie" B., b. 02/14/1862, d. 01/12/1951, Father: Gooding, Alden B.
Goodman, Carrie, b. 06/20/1870, d. 02/23/1954, Father: Wolheater, Frederick
Goodman, Florence Elizabeth, b. 1902, d. 12/--/1918, Father: Goodman, William F.
Goodman, Jacob, b. 1773, d. 04/26/1852
Goodman, John Franklin (or Francis, b. 01/23/1825, d. 08/06/1896
Goodman, John Franklin, d. 01/24/1914
Goodman, Mary Cunningham, d. 04/06/1888, Father: Cunningham, John
Goodman, Nicole Lee, b. 07/14/1973, d. 10/03/2003, Father: Viers, Tom
Goodman, William F., b. 03/27/1865, d. 02/26/1935, Father: Goodman, Ambros
Goodrich, Aaron Strong, b. 10/07/1814, d. 02/21/1896, Father: Goodrich, Ebenezer
Goodrich, Allison E., b. 08/17/1850, d. 01/23/1924, Father: Yeomans, W.C.
Goodrich, George Blucher, b. 12/22/1852, d. 03/09/1944, Father: Goodrich, Aaron
Goodrich, infant son, d. 02/23/1917, Father: Goodrich, Arthur
Goodrich, John "Franklin", b. 09/18/1917, d. 01/24/1976, Father: Goodrich, Fred
Goodrich, Orlena Jane, b. 05/25/1848, d. 09/19/1929
Goodrich, P.B., Mrs., d. 02/04/1890
Goodrich, Preston B., b. 05/10/1847, d. 05/12/1929, Father: Goodrich, Clark
Goodrich, Sarah, b. 12/16/1827, d. 12/16/1888, Father: Hardin, John
Goodrich, Viola, d. 01/07/1890
Goodwin, Ella "Marguerite", b. 08/07/1902, d. 02/14/1960, Father: Schwartz, Nicholas
Goodwin, Herbert H., b. 11/13/1898, d. 03/18/1974, Father: Goodwin, Amos
Goodwin, Richard Orland, b. 07/16/1940, d. 07/16/1940, Father: Goodwin, Herbert
Goodwin, William Herbert, b. 01/26/1928, d. 04/04/1948, Father: Goodwin, Herbert H.
Gordley, Donald H., b. 07/12/1927, d. 06/04/1964, Father: Gordley, Minor
Gordon, Bertha Matilda, d. 02/14/1926, Father: Schock, Frederick
Gordon, Clyde Fred, d. 01/04/1910
Gordon, John Edwin, b. 01/07/1860, d. 03/28/1929, Father: Gordon, Joseph
Gordon, Margarete A., b. 05/08/1909, d. 11/01/1926
Gorgas, Charles "Edward", b. 03/18/1896, d. 07/09/1981, Father: Gorgas, Charles S.
Gorgas, Charles Richard, b. 12/02/1933, d. 06/04/1979, Father: Gorgas, Edward Charles
Gorgas, Charles S., b. 1854, d. 10/24/1921
Gorgas, Edna K., b. 06/03/1923, d. 10/09/1978, Father: Boyer, Odell Sr.
Gorgas, Martha, b. 07/04/1867, d. 09/25/1947, Father: Dagen, Conrad
Gorgas, Mary Elizabeth, b. 07/07/1900, d. 02/17/1996, Father: Gorgas, Charles R.
Gorgas, Mildred Irene, b. 09/11/1904, d. 01/28/1977, Father: Nunamaker, Martin
Gorgas, Reginald C., b. 05/22/1884, d. 04/16/1969, Father: Gorgas, Jake
Gorley, Thomas Eugene, b. 08/12/1961, d. 08/12/1961, Father: Gorley, Homer Jr.
Gorrell, Elizabeth A., b. 1838, d. 05/21/1915, Father: Shotts
Gorrell, Elizabeth S., b. 1887, d. 01/07/1960
Gorrell, Harry R., b. 09/06/1880, d. 12/17/1944, Father: Gorrell, J. W.
Gorrell, Joseph W., b. 1839, d. 09/09/1914
Gorrell, Mary Leah, b. 10/21/1870, d. 06/27/1955, Father: Gorrell, Joseph W.
Gorrell, William Russell, b. 01/27/1867, d. 04/21/1929, Father: Gorrell, Joseph W.
Gorsuch, Bateson, b. 10/21/1871, d. 05/13/1958, Father: Gorsuch, Samuel
Gorsuch, Eva Jane, b. 09/21/1876, d. 10/19/1957, Father: Longworth, Wm.Johnson
Gorsuch, James F., b. 06/19/1906, d. 09/04/1968, Father: Gorsuch, Bateson
Gorsuch, Mary "Josephine", b. 04/21/1904, d. 01/08/1956, Father: Gorsuch, Bateson
Gorton, Anna Della, b. 05/02/1867, d. 03/04/1943, Father: Foster, Oliver E
Gorton, Herbert A., b. 1869, d. 02/15/1939
Gossage, Benjamin J., b. 05/09/1878, d. 11/13/1957, Father: Gossage, Dallas
Gossage, Dallas, b. 1855, d. 01/--/1920
Gossage, Elizabeth, b. 12/10/1881, d. 06/17/1957, Father: Williams, John
Gossage, Harry O., b. 04/05/1880, d. 07/17/1957, Father: Gossage, Dallas
Gossage, Louisa, b. 06/11/1855, d. 03/22/1940, Father: Pfalzgraf, Jacob "Jake"
Gossett, Jason Bradley (a twin), b. 08/23/1989, d. 05/25/1990, Father: Gossett, Jeffrey Allen
Gould, Abial Richardson, b. 06/18/1817, d. 05/29/1876
Gould, Arthur M., b. 01/26/1851, d. 09/11/1852, Father: Gould, A.R.
Gould, Edwin A., b. 05/26/1849, d. 03/27/1851, Father: Gould, A.R.
Gould, Hiram F., b. 01/14/1845, d. 10/25/1862, Father: Gould, A.R.
Gould, Margaret J., b. 08/27/1822, d. 02/08/1898, Father: Owens, John
Gould, Mary D., b. 10/21/1821, d. 07/29/1854, Father: Marshall
Gourdine, James Edward, b. 10/04/1983, d. 10/04/1983, Father: Gourdine, Darrian
Gowly, Hartland D., b. 1821, d. 09/10/1909

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