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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Hobart, Minnie P., b. 12/19/1867, d. 10/29/1938, Father: Ferguson, Joseph
Hockins, Anna Elizabeth, b. 1860, d. 07/17/1910, "Mother", Father: Grigsby, John H.
Hoeffle, Alice "Jane", b. 12/25/1860, d. 10/18/1908, "Sister", Father: Deppen, Samuel
Hoeffle, George Frederick, Sr., b. 03/04/1827, d. 09/26/1900
Hoeffle, George, b. 11/30/1863, d. 07/31/1935, Father: Hoeffle, George F.
Hoeffle, Lillie, b. 11/16/1863, d. 04/21/1900, Father: Yeats, Thomas
Hoeffle, Mina "Minnie", b. 06/04/1858, d. 08/13/1891, Father: Houser
Hoeffle, Rozina, b. 04/13/1832, d. 11/03/1889, Father: Gross
Hoeffle, William, b. 06/03/1857, d. 11/07/1927, Father: Hoeffle, George F.
Hoelle, Christian H., b. 1872, d. 02/03/1957
Hoelle, Minnie (Smith), b. 1874, d. 03/26/1959
Hoffhines, Ralph Lamont, b. 09/20/1923, d. 02/12/1984
Hoffine, Ella C., b. 07/21/1906, d. 06/07/1996, Father: Christian, Preston
Hoffine, Harry R., b. 06/09/1910, d. 08/22/1985, Father: Hoffine, Joseph
Hoffine, Nancy Jane, b. 04/19/1867, d. 05/14/1950, Father: Woods, Elpha
Hoffine, Pearl W. "Pete", b. 1901, d. 04/02/1973, Father: Hoffine, Joseph
Hoffman, Alfred Andrew "Al", b. 08/16/1909, d. 03/05/1989, Father: Hoffman, Herbert
Hoffman, Barbara J., b. 08/08/1929, d. 08/10/1988, Father: Janson
Hoffman, Catherine "Kate", b. 02/10/1856, d. 12/08/1928
Hoffman, Cloie (Havens), d. 06/06/1912
Hoffman, Elizabeth K., b. 12/03/1861, d. 04/04/1940, Father: Klee, Jacob
Hoffman, Erma Sarah, b. 06/03/1906, d. 07/02/1997, Father: McDowell, Earl Baxter
Hoffman, Everett J., b. 04/28/1897, d. 02/07/1965, Father: Hoffman, William
Hoffman, Frederick William, b. 1869, d. 08/13/1954, Father: Hoffman, George F.
Hoffman, Geneva G., b. 11/25/1900, d. 07/29/1985, Father: Gabriel, Joseph L.
Hoffman, George F., b. 1826, d. 01/24/1903
Hoffman, George Julius, b. 1860, d. 04/25/1923, Father: Hoffman, George F.
Hoffman, George Klee "Bun", b. 02/21/1892, d. 04/24/1973, Father: Hoffman, George J.
Hoffman, Helen Alspach, b. 11/13/1905, d. 01/06/1998, Father: Hoffman,Frederick W. (Rev
Hoffman, Infant son, b. 09/18/1979, d. 09/18/1979, Father: Hoffman, William Jeff
Hoffman, infant, no dates
Hoffman, John Fredrick, no dates
Hoffman, Katherine F. (or J.), b. 12/24/1859, d. 10/24/1932, Father: Hoffman, George F.
Hoffman, Leroy Ruben, Sr., b. 01/29/1899, d. 10/11/1994, Father: Hoffman, George J.
Hoffman, Margarette Rosina, b. 1832, d. 02/13/1913, Father: Holzmiller
Hoffman, Marie B., b. 02/20/1900, d. 05/14/1977, Father: Wise, Elmer
Hoffman, Tillie A., b. 1873, d. 12/17/1962, Father: Alspach
Hoffman, Wilhelmina Regina, b. 01/28/1872, d. 11/03/1952, Father: Hoffman, Geo. F.
Hogans, Frank Willis, b. 1915, d. 08/06/1939, Father: Hogans, Gabriel
Hogans, Gabriel, b. 11/--/1883, d. 03/07/1941, Father: Hogans, Peter
Hogans, Homer, b. 06/02/1921, d. 05/26/1976, "Son", Father: Hogans, Gabriel
Hogans, Lillian D., b. 06/03/1886, d. 06/14/1988, "Mother", Father: Howell, David
Hogue, Clyde I., b. 1886, d. 02/05/1965, Father: Hogue, Miller
Hogue, Hazel G., b. 1889, d. 07/11/1965, Father: Graham
Hogue, Mary Elizabeth, b. 11/02/1855, d. 03/19/1943, Father: Martin, William
Hogue, Miller H., b. 12/01/1856, d. 11/24/1939, Father: Hogue, Steven
Holcombe, Edith B., b. 08/21/1872, d. 04/12/1962, Father: Newman, Francis
Holcombe, William E., b. 08/06/1867, d. 07/23/1954, Father: Holcombe, Burris M.
Holfretter, Jack Howard, b. 12/09/1922, d. 05/15/1941, Father: Holfretter
Hollanbaugh, Abbie E., b. 03/28/1873, d. 05/24/1946, Father: Howard, Frank
Hollanbaugh, Abbie, no dates
Hollanbaugh, Chancey E., b. 1870, d. 12/26/1914, Father: Hollanbaugh, Charles
Hollanbaugh, Charles R., b. 1903, d. 08/04/1974, Father: Hollanbaugh, Chauncey
Hollanbaugh, Charles W., b. 08/05/1853, d. 10/27/1853, Father: Hollenbaugh, William
Hollanbaugh, Charles, b. 1846, d. 09/11/1916
Hollanbaugh, Henry S., d. 1863, Father: Hollenbaugh, William
Hollanbaugh, Henry, b. 10/02/1802, d. 03/22/1886
Hollanbaugh, Henry, b. 1848, d. 07/22/1871, Father: Hollenbaugh, Henry Sr.
Hollanbaugh, Mary M., b. 04/03/1805, d. 08/02/1891
Hollanbaugh, Mary, d. 05/12/1895
Hollanbaugh, Sarah Ann, b. 1851, d. 08/11/1874
Hollanbaugh, William, b. 1829, d. 12/21/1898
Holland, Dale W., b. 07/13/1938, d. 06/23/2002, Father: Holland, William
Holland, Eva May, b. 1919, d. 02/11/1923
Holland, James Lloyd, b. 06/16/1915, d. 06/23/1972, Father: Holland, Daniel
Holland, Jonathon E., b. 08/23/1971, d. 08/23/1971, Father: Holland, Charles
Hollifield, Eva E., b. 07/02/1917, d. 10/08/1978, Father: Drake, Louis
Hollingsead, Robert Donald, b. 06/23/1929, d. 06/28/1929, Father: Hollingsead, C.B.
Hollister, Lucretia P., d. 05/11/1851
Holly, William, d. 04/13/1910
Holme, J. A., no dates
Holmes, B. W., Dr., no dates
Holmes, Carl W., d. 12/03/1866
Holmes, Fanny P., no dates
Holmes, Harry, b. 1896, d. 01/21/1973
Holmes, Marie E., b. 1899, d. 09/11/1979
Holt, Catherine Agnes, b. 11/18/1899, d. 10/04/1991, Father: Zientek, Martin
Holt, Florence Faye, b. 1906, d. 10/27/1954, Father: Holt, Frank Irwin
Holt, Frank Irwin, b. 02/24/1879, d. 06/27/1942, Father: Holt, Oliver P.
Holt, Josephine Belle, b. 05/28/1888, d. 09/25/1964, Father: Smith, Frank
Holt, Laura Josephine, b. 06/24/1862, d. 10/23/1942, Father: Anasmith, Richard
Holt, Lee Alan, b. 12/01/1937, d. 11/12/1998, Father: Holt, Howard Edgar
Holt, Sebastian Augustus, b. 11/12/1848, d. 03/27/1922
Holton, Mark Allen, Jr., b. 09/18/1976, d. 03/02/1998, Father: Holton, Mark A., Sr.
Holtzmiller, children (2), no dates
Holtzmiller, Frank P., d. 04/20/1876
Holtzmiller, Susanna, b. 12/07/1825, d. 04/23/1910, Father: Zeigler
Holycross, Frank, d. 08/15/1898
Holzhauer, Bessie M., b. 11/06/1882, d. 02/14/1963, "Mother", Father: Simmons, Ira
Holzhauer, Isabelle B. (Gill), b. 03/12/1890, d. 09/29/1967, Father: Lewis, George
Holzhauer, John H., b. 04/29/1909, d. 02/16/1977, Father: Holzhauer, Charles
Holzmiller, Louise, b. 10/01/1866, d. 02/05/1949, "Daughter", Father: Holzmiller, Frank
Homan, Goldie, b. 03/14/1903, d. 08/06/1971, Father: Converse, George
Homsher, Debra Sue, b. 10/12/1953, d. 12/25/1992, Father: Robbins, Melvin E.
Honeter, Jason Michael, b. 02/26/1980, d. 02/26/1980, Father: Honeter, Gary Michael
Honeter, Martha JoAnn, b. 07/20/1975, d. 07/20/1975, Father: Honeter, Gary
Hooker, Grace L., b. 10/15/1907, d. 03/25/1974, Father: Lambert, Clare
Hooker, Malcolm DeWitt, b. 12/18/1909, d. 01/23/1981
Hooley, Clyde H., b. 11/24/1887, d. 09/20/1945, Father: Hooley, James
Hooley, Mae Tuttle, b. 1892, d. 06/21/1932
Hooper, Anna M., b. 01/--/1802, d. 08/17/1854
Hoover, M. W. (Mrs.), d. 01/--/1919
Hoover, Martha A., b. 1921, d. 03/23/1991
Hopkins, Adda C., b. 1869, d. 07/15/1950, Father: Carpenter, Rufus
Hopkins, Charles Delnow, b. 07/28/1869, d. 02/12/1947, Father: Hopkins, George W.
Hopkins, Duke, d. 11/18/1906
Hopkins, Flora, d. 03/20/1907, Father: Hopkins, D.
Hopkins, George H., b. 05/07/1914, d. 02/27/1981, Father: Hopkins, George Harold
Hopkins, Margaret D., b. 02/19/1916, d. 02/12/2001, Father: Dickerson, Harold S.
Hopkins, Mary R., b. 07/30/1898, d. 07/04/1993, Father: Resener, Edward J.
Hopkins, Mildred, d. 02/04/1907
Hopkins, Rachel Townsend, b. 1901, d. 03/05/1960, Father: Hopkins, Charles D.
Hopkins, Richard Jay, b. 04/04/1927, d. 01/30/2002, Father: Hopkins, Vance Jay
Hopkins, Rufus Carpenter, b. 06/14/1898, d. 06/29/1967, Father: Hopkins, Charles D.
Hopper, Charles Albert "Nick", b. 09/28/1904, d. 05/28/1981
Hopper, Janet Lee, b. 02/10/1951, d. 10/09/1953, Father: Hopper, Ward
Hopper, Ruth May, b. 08/29/1906, d. 06/08/1980
Hopper, Ward M., b. 12/26/1912, d. 01/19/1969, Father: Hopper, Ray
Hopwood, Ellen Leab, b. 07/19/1864, d. 03/29/1948, Father: Aigner
Hopwood, Frances S., b. 1893, d. 01/05/1980, Father: Hopwood, Thos. J.
Hopwood, Thomas R.J., b. 11/15/1852, d. 06/14/1933, Father: Hopwood, Samuel W.
Horch, Oma (Disbro), b. 1892, d. 12/12/1954, Father: South
Horine, Mary Alice, b. 10/17/1864, d. 09/29/1965, Father: Dengler, John
Hormell, Anne Johnson, b. 1867, d. 05/18/1934, Father: Buzzard, Martin
Hormell, William Garfield, b. 07/19/1861, d. 06/24/1933
Horn, Bertha M., b. 1877, d. 1960
Horn, Christopher, b. 1868, d. 09/22/1907
Horn, Flossie (Infant), d. 1892, Father: Horn, Christopher
Horn, George W., b. 1867, d. 02/08/1908
Horn, Henrietta, b. 1842, d. 03/31/1928, Father: Scovill, George W.
Horn, Ida S., b. 07/22/1869, d. 03/09/1934, Father: Stimmel, Cornelius
Horn, Infant son, b. 10/29/1912, d. 10/29/1912, Father: Horn, John D.
Horn, Ira A., b. 11/21/1881, d. 04/17/1947, Father: Horn, John
Horn, Jacob F., b. 1877, d. 11/29/1962, Father: Horn, John
Horn, Janet D., b. 1884, d. 1971
Horn, John D., b. 03/16/1883, d. 06/18/1941, Father: Horn, John
Horn, John, b. 10/01/1853, d. 06/30/1916
Horn, Mary A., b. 03/08/1858, d. 01/23/1938, Father: Kurrley, Frederick
Horn, Richard "Richie", b. 1894, d. 03/18/1895, Father: Horn, Christopher
Hornbeck, Ann Eliza, no dates
Hornbeck, B. F., children of, d. 1892
Hornbeck, B. F., d. 07/23/1889
Hornbeck, Emery Albert, d. 07/24/1903
Hornbeck, Hannah, b. 1840, d. 10/30/1920, Father: Bpwers, John (?)
Hornbeck, Norton, b. 1836, d. 05/09/1904
Hornbeck, Viola & child, no dates
Hornberger, Anna M., b. 05/04/1894, d. 05/04/1982, Father: Mothersill, Samuel Henry
Hornberger, Donald Jay, b. 03/19/1897, d. 11/17/1986, Father: Hornberger, John J.
Horner, Carl Elwood, b. 07/31/1916, d. 08/05/1987, Father: Horner, Benjamin Franklin
Horner, Dorothy L., b. 01/02/1922, d. 04/21/2000, Father: Jaycox, Joseph Edward
Hornsby, Susan Rachel, b. 06/19/1861, d. 02/03/1950, Father: Root, Hiram
Horr, Francis T., b. 1845, d. 1846, Father: Horr, Francis
Horr, Francis, b. 1808, d. 1846
Horr, Ruth D., b. 1816, d. 08/01/1904, Father: Allen, Benjamin F. (Col.)
Horr, Sarah Allen, b. 1840, d. 10/03/1866, Father: Horr, Francis
Horton, Idella, b. 1882, d. 1885
Horton, Martha J., b. 1849, d. 11/16/1931
Horvath, John, b. 09/26/1919, d. 05/30/1981, Father: Horvath, Paul
Hoskins, Anna Mae, b. 09/24/1923, d. 03/17/1993, Father: Macklin, Sylvester Lewis
Hoskins, Curtis F., b. 10/28/1919, d. 03/21/1979, Father: Hoskins, William
Houchard, Eva, d. 03/--/1924
Houchard, Henry C., b. 05/05/1894, d. 04/01/1972, Father: Houchard, Ben Einery
Houchard, Willa A., b. 03/25/1899, d. 11/07/1988, Father: Ferrell, William
Houck, Laura Louise, b. 05/12/1961, d. 12/31/1966, Father: Houck, William L.
Houck, Mildred A., b. 10/22/1922, d. 03/15/1973, Father: Cutright, John
Houck, Robert Henry, b. 02/03/1917, d. 03/05/1984, Father: Hough, Luther
Hough, Adah L., b. 04/17/1893, d. 04/06/1973, Father: Hough, William
Hough, Charlotte Corintha, b. 07/03/1812, d. 04/01/1878, Father: Thrall
Hough, George R., d. 12/02/1855, Father: Hough, N.J.
Hough, Jane N., b. 1827, d. 05/27/1914
Hough, Mary M., b. 05/14/1874, d. 01/04/1904, Father: Wolfley, S.D.
Hough, Orsamus Daniel, b. 10/23/1808, d. 10/10/1891, Father: Hough, Sylvester Dr.
Hough, Sarah, b. 02/27/1869, d. 02/12/1942, Father: Nagley, Phillip
Hough, Sarah, b. 1811, d. 10/02/1893
House, Earl Eugene, b. 08/22/1925, d. 03/02/1945, Father: House, Earl F.
House, Earl F., b. 09/24/1897, d. 07/03/1974, Father: House, Charles N.
House, Frances Isabelle (Hillard, b. 03/14/1878, d. 08/23/1943
House, Hiram David, b. 03/25/1873, d. 01/05/1960, Father: House, John
House, Margery E., b. 10/03/1896, d. 03/26/1986, Father: Anderson, William
Houser, Anna F., d. 09/30/1945
Houser, Enos, b. 02/02/1850, d. 01/16/1907
Houser, Henry H., b. 1862, d. 10/14/1929
Houser, Sarah, b. 11/10/1844, d. 12/19/1932, Father: Miller, Henry
Housman, Esther Marie, b. 07/08/1906, d. 11/18/1991, Father: Housman, Otho
Housman, John Frederick, b. 09/20/1925, d. 10/11/1965, Father: Housman, Grover F.
Hovey, Hilliard D. "H.D.", b. 05/03/1875, d. 01/12/1963, Father: Hovey, Judson
Hovey, Margaret Caroline, b. 10/--/1878, d. 07/27/1959, Father: Kirchner, John
Hovey, Sophia, b. 1795, d. 07/10/1863
Howard, Aletha C., b. 07/12/1898, d. 05/10/1984, Father: Lambert, William Henry
Howard, Alfred C., b. 1839, d. 03/29/1874
Howard, Anna, d. 03/04/1837, Father: Smith, Abraham
Howard, Anna, d. 1874
Howard, Annie E. D., b. 12/27/1840, d. 02/21/1929, "Mother", Father: Church
Howard, Arthur, no dates
Howard, Blanche May, b. 08/13/1890, d. 12/01/1950, Father: Radcliffe, Carlyle
Howard, Elijah David, b. 03/12/1876, d. 01/08/1954, Father: Howard,Isaac Newton
Howard, Eliza Jane, b. 1827, d. 01/13/1917, Father: Worrell
Howard, Frank D., b. 1837, d. 02/17/1902
Howard, Gaillord N., b. 09/14/1886, d. 04/06/1951, Father: Howard, Frank
Howard, George N., b. 1825, d. 10/08/1906
Howard, Georgia May, b. 05/05/1878, d. 02/10/1943, Father: Shults, James
Howard, Irene May, b. 1917, d. 04/21/1920, Father: Howard, Gaillord N.
Howard, James M., b. 1908, d. 10/26/1985
Howard, John, b. 05/05/1879, d. 05/19/1952, Father: Howard, James
Howard, Karolina (Weber), b. 1870, d. 04/11/1921
Howard, Lewis Henry, b. 1876, d. 07/05/1957
Howard, Lucy Eliza, b. 12/03/1842, d. 10/03/1843, Father: Howard, Soloman
Howard, Malissa, d. 06/03/1836, Father: Lamb
Howard, Margaret M., b. 1865, d. 10/16/1954, Father: McKinnie, James R.
Howard, Mary Frances, b. 01/ /0000, d. 05/01/1945, Father: Fitzgerald, David
Howard, Minnie C., b. 09/23/1879, d. 12/06/1956, Father: Carson, Cicero T.
Howard, Olive, b. 1853, d. 03/21/1931, Father: Howard, Geo. N.
Howe, Abraham, d. 04/28/1883
Howe, Anna, b. 1812, d. 07/11/1896, Father: Kraus ?
Howe, Francis Carey, no dates
Howe, George W., d. 01/20/1913
Howe, Nancy, d. 05/28/1913
Howe, Raymond "Harrison", d. 04/09/1883, Father: Howe, Abraham
Howe, Raymond Harrison, b. 01/11/1881, d. 01/10/1907, Father: Howe, Harrison
Howell, Betty L., b. 03/02/1918, d. 09/20/1989, Father: Brenner, William
Howell, James L., Sr., b. 06/28/1911, d. 04/14/1976, Father: Howell, Clarence
Howell, John Duane, b. 02/02/1933, d. 01/22/1985, Father: Howell, Paul
Howey, Edward F., Jr., b. 01/09/1949, d. 01/09/1949, Father: Howey, Edward F.
Howland, Patricia Ann, b. 09/14/1945, d. 05/01/1975, Father: Morgan, William D.
Hoyt, Jesse Norman, b. 1857, d. 05/28/1927
Hoyt, Mary A., b. 1836, d. 12/21/1866, Father: Latimer, Lucius
Hoyt, Sarah Ellen, b. 1837, d. 09/21/1901, Father: Hull (?)
Hoyt, Vesta E., b. 11/09/1857, d. 05/12/1938, Father: Mathew, John W.
Hubbard, Crystal Sue, b. 09/21/1964, d. 12/05/2000
Hubbard, Ida "Evelyn" (Fleshman), b. 03/04/1910, d. 01/25/1996, Father: Jewett
Hubbard, Kenneth F., b. 10/03/1913, d. 01/20/1991, Father: Hubbard, George
Hubbard, Mary Frost, b. 02/20/1910, d. 10/24/1993, Father: Said, Presley
Hubbard, William, d. 11/30/1907, Father: Hubbard, Fred (?)
Hubbart, Faith, b. 02/09/1887, d. 08/15/1953, Father: Marvin, Joel
Hubbart, Henry Clyde, b. 04/14/1882, d. 09/27/1960, Father: Hubbart, Jacob
Hubbell, James Randolph, b. 07/13/1824, d. 11/26/1890, Father: Hubbell, Shadrach
Hubbell, Mary L., b. 1826, d. 04/12/1869, Father: Longwell, Ralph
Hubbell, Shadrack, d. 10/26/1867, Father: Hubbell, James R.
Hubbell, Thomas C., no dates, Father: Hubbell, James R.
Huddlestun, Howard B., b. 05/10/1899, d. 02/22/1979, Father: Huddlestun, N.B.
Huddlestun, Verda N., b. 04/03/1905, d. 02/03/1975, Father: Vipperman,Ulysses O.
Hudson, Anna May, b. 09/22/1865, d. 01/24/1944
Hudson, Bernal Kossuth "Hank", b. 02/02/1894, d. 12/15/1962, Father: Hudson, Lycurgus L.
Hudson, Bonnylyn I., b. 01/23/1916, d. 05/27/1988, Father: Gough
Hudson, Dorothy D., b. 07/26/1917, d. 09/06/1986, Father: Hudson, Bernal K.
Hudson, E.Ray, d. 1969, Father: Hudson, Reuben
Hudson, Elizabeth P., b. 1835, d. 10/21/1906
Hudson, Emma J., b. 1854, d. 04/29/1889
Hudson, Florence May, b. 02/15/1905, d. 10/29/1999, Father: Thomas, John
Hudson, Glenn O., Sr., b. 01/06/1911, d. 06/14/1972, Father: Hudson, John C.
Hudson, Hazel F., b. 1891, d. 05/09/1978, Father: Kelly, Wm.A.
Hudson, Hazel Irene, b. 03/29/1886, d. 06/09/1964, Father: Russell, Elijah
Hudson, Helen H., b. 1893, d. 11/19/1925, Father: Hills, Frank
Hudson, Henry Gittlinger, b. 1835, d. 10/19/1916, Father: Hudson, Reuben
Hudson, John Wesley, b. 05/06/1878, d. 05/18/1959, Father: Hudson, Reuben L.
Hudson, Louisa M., b. 05/13/1861, d. 05/09/1935, "Mother", Father: Snedeker, Peter
Hudson, Lycurgus L., b. 1857, d. 10/09/1911, Father: Hudson, Henry G.
Hudson, Ora C., b. 03/16/1883, d. 10/05/1952, Father: Kerr, Geo. T.
Hudson, Pauline Lillian, b. 1896, d. 09/01/1976, Father: Hudson, Lycurgus L.
Hudson, Reuben L., Jr., b. 1893, d. 04/06/1906, Father: Hudson, Reuben L.
Hudson, Reuben Lemmon, b. 05/13/1847, d. 05/28/1930, Father: Hudson, Reuben
Hudson, Reuben, d. 08/11/1895
Hudson, Ruth Emma, b. 1857, d. 04/05/1912, Father: Armstrong, James W.
Hudson, Samuel S., b. 1838, d. 09/06/1918, Father: Hudson, Reuben
Hudson, Sarah H., d. 07/15/1906
Hudson, Sarah, b. 11/14/1807, d. 06/11/1894, Father: Gittinger
Hudson, Sophronia A., b. 05/01/1837, d. 08/09/1838, Father: Hudson, A.W.
Hudson, Sparrell G., b. 10/12/1906, d. 07/13/1981, Father: Hudson
Hudson, William, b. 1816, d. 05/02/1878
Huff, Mark A.,II, b. 09/03/1983, d. 10/02/1983, Father: Huff, Mark A.
Huff, Rachel Smith, b. 1888, d. 05/25/1984
Huff, William Michael, b. 02/24/1975, d. 05/20/1975, Father: Madison, Oliver
Huffman, Frank H., b. 06/17/1882, d. 06/06/1952, Father: Huffman, John A.
Huffman, Frank Harl, Jr., b. 1913, d. 07/31/1923, Father: Huffman, F.H.,Rev.
Huffman, Martha, b. 05/28/1874, d. 05/02/1962, Father: Nagley, Phillip
Hugg, John Michael, b. 03/05/1937, d. 05/13/1997, Father: Hugg, Louis
Hughes, Aaron E., b. 01/06/1880, d. 08/21/1946, Father: Hughes, George H.
Hughes, Ada, d. 02/26/1906, Father: McCann, Joseph
Hughes, Albert N., b. 08/11/1878, d. 06/11/1965, "Father", Father: Hughes, William H.
Hughes, Alford Elroy, d. 09/27/1910
Hughes, Anna, b. 01/11/1869, d. 10/04/1961, Father: Gooding, Mathew
Hughes, Annes May, b. 12/17/1867, d. 06/26/1947, Father: Roberts, Jonathan S.
Hughes, Asa, b. 1842, d. 1902, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Aura L., b. 1850, d. 09/10/1885
Hughes, Charles Anderson, b. 10/01/1865, d. 11/28/1935, Father: Hughes, George H.
Hughes, Charles W., b. 08/14/1877, d. 04/24/1940, Father: Hughes, John
Hughes, Charley, d. 01/16/1858, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Charlotte, d. 09/23/1914, Father: Hughes, Frank (Rev.)
Hughes, Chauncey, b. 1840, d. 1903, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Christine, b. 05/20/1819, d. 01/22/1905, Father: Rarey
Hughes, Clifford Emerson, Jr., b. 10/21/1928, d. 11/22/1928, Father: Hughes, Clifford Emerson
Hughes, Cora Dell, b. / /1879, d. 10/14/1962, Father: Sutley, John H.
Hughes, Don R., b. 11/23/1901, d. 12/06/1970, Father: Hughes, William B.
Hughes, Edward Harold, b. 1899, d. 12/24/1966, Father: Hughes, George Marion
Hughes, Elizabeth Lee, b. 1910, d. 03/03/1911, "Our Baby", Father: Hughes, Charles W.
Hughes, Emma Marie, d. 03/05/1902, Father: Hughes, James Herbert,Dr.
Hughes, Erwin, d. 03/25/1858, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Ethel Marie, b. 07/21/1901, d. 06/26/1996, Father: Hardin, Ichabod
Hughes, Everett C., b. 1897, d. 01/05/1983, Father: Hughes, Chas.A.,Rev.
Hughes, George Henry, b. 01/16/1843, d. 05/01/1916
Hughes, George Marion, b. 04/01/1871, d. 08/29/1946, Father: Hughes, George H.
Hughes, Georgette (Webster), b. 09/14/1834, d. 07/15/1907, Father: Lugenbeel, Basil
Hughes, Gladys Lenore, b. 1905, d. 08/26/1905, Father: Hughes, George M.
Hughes, Hazel L., b. 1902, d. 03/17/1987
Hughes, Helen MacGill, b. 1903, d. 04/29/1992
Hughes, Helen R., b. 08/06/1900, d. 03/27/1993, Father: Renner, Henry
Hughes, Henry H. "Hap", b. 1889, d. 12/06/1967, Father: Hughes, George H.
Hughes, Homer H., b. 1907, d. 08/12/1964, Father: Hughes, Aaron E.
Hughes, Ida, d. 03/02/1858, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Infant, b. 07/22/1936, d. 07/22/1936, Father: Hughes, Frank
Hughes, Jessie Blanche, b. 02/28/1870, d. 05/25/1924, Father: Roberts, J.S.
Hughes, Jo-Ellen B., b. 03/30/1916, d. 07/08/1975
Hughes, John, d. 11/02/1861, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Julia, b. 06/07/1892, d. 07/12/1949, Father: Hornsby, Geo. L.
Hughes, Laura B., b. 03/06/1881, d. 02/15/1961, Father: Wilson, Isaiah
Hughes, Lloyd Eugene, b. 11/12/1925, d. 09/02/1926, Father: Hughes, Clifford
Hughes, Mabel Lorena, b. 1901, d. 03/11/1938, Father: Hughes, George M., Rev.
Hughes, Marilyn J., b. 1936, d. 11/26/1978, Father: Hughes, William Lawrence
Hughes, Mary C., d. 05/15/1846, Father: Hughes, Thomas
Hughes, Megan Erica, b. 12/25/1984, d. 03/27/2002, Father: Hughes, Fred Jr.
Hughes, Sarah Catherine, b. 10/23/1845, d. 03/01/1926, Father: Prose, Jusiah S.
Hughes, Thomas, b. 1810, d. 05/03/1872
Hughes, William A., b. 1906, d. 04/10/1966
Hughes, William B., b. 12/22/1866, d. 02/12/1949, Father: Hughes, George H.
Hughes, William Lawrence, b. 1904, d. 02/14/1983, Father: Hughes, William B.
Hughs, Darence E., b. 1856, d. 09/18/1918, Father: Hughs, Joseph E.
Hughs, Elizabeth, d. 07/11/1817
Hughs, Emma, b. 1856, d. 11/23/1936, Father: Newhouse, John Richey
Hughs, James H., d. 02/10/1888
Hughs, Jennie (Kent), b. 08/14/1859, d. 06/03/1952, Father: Rutherford, Archbury
Hughs, Joseph S., b. 1789, d. 09/24/1823
Hughs, Lucy, b. 1789, d. 04/16/1816, Father: Byxbe, Moses
Hughs, William L., b. 11/26/1858, d. 05/17/1931, Father: Hughs, Joseph, Rev.
Hull, Charles, b. 1858, d. 1859
Hull, Eloise, b. 1870, d. 11/13/1955, Father: Waters, Wesley G.
Hull, Flossie, b. 10/09/1893, d. 04/29/1957, Father: Hart, Albert
Hull, Grace, b. 07/16/1920, d. 09/03/2003, Father: Knotts, Russell
Hull, Luna, b. 1839, d. 02/19/1862, Father: Hull, H.
Hull, Mary J., no dates
Hull, Thomas I., b. 04/23/1886, d. 12/25/1949, Father: Hull, John M.
Hults, Forrest H., b. 1885, d. 12/30/1944
Hults, Gertrude Gay, b. 10/10/1881, d. 11/19/1965, Father: Keys, Stephen
Hults, Mary Emma, b. 1861, d. 05/06/1945, Father: Ekelberry, Ezekial
Hults, Ruth Emma, b. 12/08/1908, d. 02/21/1974, Father: Hults, Forest
Hults, Willis, b. 1857, d. 12/14/1935
Humes, Anna, b. 08/09/1829, d. 02/24/1907, Father: Humes, John
Humes, Arthur U., Jr., b. 04/14/1919, d. 04/14/1919, Father: Humes, Arthur U.
Humes, Arthur U., b. 05/25/1866, d. 01/06/1954, Father: Humes, I.Newton
Humes, Edward Thompson, b. 03/07/1872, d. 11/29/1952, Father: Humes, Isaac Newton
Humes, Eliza, b. 1820, d. 05/18/1906, Father: Humes, John
Humes, Hallie, b. 08/10/1879, d. 02/12/1968, Father: Walter, Isaac Scott
Humes, Isaac Newton, b. 03/24/1838, d. 08/17/1929, "Father", Father: Humes, John
Humes, Jessie L., b. 07/18/1866, d. 12/05/1896, Father: Darrah, Samuel
Humes, John, b. 06/01/1823, d. 03/20/1894, Father: Humes, John
Humes, Lillian Anna, b. 04/06/1891, d. 04/02/1937, Father: Irwin, Japeth (Jafe)
Humes, Mary D., b. 02/12/1845, d. 08/20/1905, "Mother", Father: Overturf
Humes, Ora Belle, b. 07/14/1870, d. 05/30/1953, Father: Perfect, Weyman
Humes, Pearl M., b. 07/13/1898, d. 05/21/1993, Father: Mason, Charles S.
Humes, Ralph White, b. 06/13/1898, d. 07/06/1986, Father: Humes, Charles W.
Humes, Russell Harrison, b. 06/05/1894, d. 03/17/1964, Father: Humes, Arthur
Humes, Susannah, b. 10/22/1825, d. 04/07/1895, Father: Humes, John
Humiston, Franklin Irving, b. 04/25/1856, d. 08/14/1936, Father: Humiston, George
Humiston, Louise Geneva, b. 03/29/1881, d. 01/14/1929, Father: Humiston, Frank
Humiston, Nina Lucille, b. 1891, d. 03/04/1922, Father: Humiston,Franklin I.
Humiston, Sarah Josaphine, d. 05/16/1927, Father: Dickson
Hummel, Callie, d. 07/28/1919
Hummel, Charles Wesley, b. 07/03/1870, d. 05/03/1943, Father: Hummel, Henry
Hummel, Clara E., b. 1872, d. 1880, Father: Hummel, Henry
Hummel, Clivy William, b. 04/27/1889, d. 03/27/1945, Father: Hummel, Elias
Hummel, Daniel, b. 1847, d. 06/08/1892
Hummel, Donna May, b. 11/28/1941, d. 11/28/1941, (infant), Father: Hummel, Clivy
Hummel, Elias, b. 12/29/1856, d. 07/15/1939, Father: Hummel, Jeremiah
Hummel, Elizabeth, b. 07/19/1858, d. 06/29/1931, Father: Zercher
Hummel, Frank Henry, b. 1877, d. 10/14/1955, Father: Hummel, Henry
Hummel, Frederick Albert, b. 04/05/1889, d. 04/29/1948, Father: Hummel, Samuel
Hummel, George W., b. 10/31/1887, d. 06/16/1920, "Father", Father: Hummel, Samuel
Hummel, Grace Eathel, b. 02/12/1897, d. 09/17/1998, Father: Cooper, Edward
Hummel, Henry, d. 03/13/1912
Hummel, Infant, b. 1918, d. 03/30/1918, Father: Hummel, Charles Wesley
Hummel, Jonathan, b. 1845, d. 07/15/1900
Hummel, Kenneth H., b. 01/21/1920, d. 02/18/1920, Father: Hummel, C.W.
Hummel, Mary E., b. 12/21/1846, d. 05/09/1925, "Mother", Father: Fleckner, O.P.
Hummel, Mary P. (Trostel), b. 1864, d. 02/25/1956,"Mother"
Hummel, Mary, b. 1816, d. 1886
Hummel, Mary, b. 1856, d. 07/27/1937, Father: Priest
Hummel, Morris Wm., b. 1869, d. 09/04/1962
Hummel, Peter, b. 1806, d. 1881
Hummel, Robert William, b. 09/04/1935, d. 08/23/1991, Father: Hummel, William
Hummel, Sam, b. 02/05/1911, d. 02/08/1912, Father: Hummel, George W.
Hummel, Samuel, b. 1847, d. 04/16/1920, Father: Hummel, Peter
Hummel, Susanah, b. 1864, d. 11/--/1886
Humphreys, Delia Thomson, b. 1845, d. 02/12/1926, Father: Thomson, Abram
Humphreys, Emma, b. 1871, d. 05/06/1910, Father: Humphreys, John H. (Col.)
Humphreys, Geo., d. 12/24/1916
Humphreys, John H. (Colonel), b. 1832, d. 06/--/1904
Humphreys, Mary Estella, b. 1848, d. 11/21/1896, Father: Mendenhall, John H.
Humphreys, Sallie Thomson, b. 09/26/1876, d. 03/13/1966, Father: Humphreys, John H.
Humphries, Bess E., b. 11/06/1893, d. 06/09/1972, Father: Echols, Louis
Humphries, Harry H., b. 06/11/1898, d. 06/11/1941, Father: Humphreys, John W.
Hunsaker, Mackenzie Alexis, b. 10/02/2000, d. 10/11/2000, Father: Hunsaker, Cary
Hunt, Eleanor, b. 12/24/1916, d. 10/27/1946, Father: Kissner, Russell D.
Hunt, Tabitha, b. 1783, d. 06/--/1883
Hunter, Daisy Eilene, b. 11/02/1907, d. 01/05/1986, Father: Smith, Orrie
Hunter, Goldie, b. 01/26/1900, d. 01/22/1969, Father: Hazelton, David
Hunter, Hazel E., b. 09/21/1914, d. 02/17/1989, Father: Nixon, William H.
Hunter, Samuel J., b. 1916, d. 09/04/1986
Hurd, James F., Jr., b. 06/06/1924, d. 07/25/1989, Father: Hurd, James F.,Sr.
Hurd, James F., Sr., b. 01/02/1896, d. 04/14/1951, Father: Hurd, Cassius
Hurd, Marguerite M., b. 10/17/1897, d. 05/07/1974, Father: Smith
Hurdzan, Peter Gregory, b. 05/03/1966, d. 04/20/1996, Father: Hurdzan, Charles
Hurlbutt, Gail C., b. 1871, d. 10/28/1873, Father: Hurlbutt, Robert F.
Hurlbutt, Robert F., b. 06/28/1842, d. 10/27/1878
Hurlow, Charles H., b. 10/28/1864, d. 08/19/1948, Father: Hurlow, Charles
Hurlow, Don C., b. 1894, d. 10/26/1967, Father: Hurlow, Charles H.
Hurlow, Edith M., b. 1913, d. 07/28/1913, Father: Hurlow, William
Hurlow, Sarah Jane, b. 01/03/1862, d. 01/05/1945, Father: Darst, C. Jackson
Hurlow, William J., b. 11/10/1888, d. 12/27/1949, Father: Hurlow, Charles
Hursey, Edward W., b. 03/06/1913, d. 05/22/1999, Father: Hursey, Elijah
Hursey, Jane E., b. 12/18/1914, d. 12/27/1991, Father: Foote, Grant
Huser, Paul E. Mile, b. 11/09/1887, d. 08/19/1956, Father: Huser, Emile
Husted, Esbon, b. 1796, d. 06/10/1835
Huston, George Green, d. 10/17/1919
Huston, Harriet, b. 1885, d. 04/20/1920, Father: Frazier, William Shelby
Huston, Hatty, d. 04/03/1873, (infant), Father: Huston, O.P.
Huston, Mary Belle, d. 07/--/1887, Father: Huston, Noah
Huston, Noah (Noay), d. 03/04/1927
Huston, Oliver, no dates
Hutchinson, A. C., d. 1897
Hutchinson, Abraham L., d. 12/23/1899
Hutchinson, Estella H., b. 05/19/1893, d. 03/10/1960, Father: Hoffman, Warren C.
Hutchinson, Noah Anthony, b. 12/16/1994, d. 11/17/1999, Father: Hutchinson, Thomas
Hutchisson, Clara F., b. 05/12/1876, d. 07/12/1956, Father: Sterner, Alfred
Hutchisson, Cora B., b. 05/17/1869, d. 08/20/1954, Father: Paddock, Selvin E. (?)
Hutchisson, Eliza Davis, b. 1842, d. 06/16/1919, Father: Healy
Hutchisson, Estella Mae, b. 06/18/1874, d. 11/20/1959, Father: Hutchisson, James Thomas
Hutchisson, Eugene L., b. 1867, d. 09/01/1908, Father: Hutchison, James Thomas
Hutchisson, Frank E., b. 05/16/1879, d. 11/04/1942, Father: Hutchisson, James
Hutchisson, Harry, b. 1889, d. 07/19/1889, Father: Hutchisson, Eugene
Hutchisson, James Thomas, b. 07/14/1838, d. 05/21/1910
Hutchisson, Otway Carey, b. 1868, d. 05/02/1954, Father: Hutchisson, T. J.
Hutchisson, Stanley Grey, d. 05/28/1894
Hyatt, Anna Minette "Nettie", b. 1860, d. 03/14/1881, Father: Hyatt, Joseph
Hyatt, Charles V., b. 1868, d. 12/--/1899, Father: Hyatt, Henry A.
Hyatt, Cora V., b. 1834, d. 02/--/1904, Father: Lamb, Henry
Hyatt, Dollie F., b. 1866, d. 07/01/1891, Father: Hyatt, Henry A.
Hyatt, Edith May, b. 05/07/1879, d. 09/25/1959, Father: Duhig, John
Hyatt, Elisha H., b. 1827, d. 12/24/1898
Hyatt, Eliza, b. 10/23/1825, d. 02/23/1871, Father: Ely, Benjamin
Hyatt, Emma O., b. 1843, d. 11/30/1911, Father: Boardman, Charles H.
Hyatt, Frank Hastings Hamilton, b. 05/28/1876, d. 11/29/1959, Father: Hyatt, Elisha H.,Dr.
Hyatt, Frank J., b. 03/31/1869, d. 01/31/1949, Father: Hyatt, Joseph O.
Hyatt, Hastings Hamilton, d. 10/09/1911
Hyatt, Henry A., b. 08/04/1832, d. 02/01/1911, Father: Hyatt, John
Hyatt, Joseph, b. 1831, d. 11/04/1886
Hyatt, Katherine, d. 1886, Father: Hyatt, H.L.
Hyatt, Margaret Augusta (Burrer), b. 12/31/1872, d. 10/13/1967, Father: Hyatt, Remulus
Hyatt, Mary R., b. 1871, d. 09/16/1936, Father: Riddle, Christian
Hyatt, Orland S., b. 1877, d. 10/26/1917, "Husband", Father: Hyatt, Henry A.
Hyatt, Sarah "Alice", b. 10/11/1847, d. 08/18/1932, Father: Johnson, Lewis
Hyatt, Victoria Joann, b. 05/30/1957, d. 05/30/1957, Father: Hyatt, Donald
Hyde, Ella, b. 11/19/1861, d. 04/18/1897, Father: Davis, John J.
Hyer, Arthur Irvin, b. 06/24/1911, d. 03/07/2004, Father: Hyer, Chan
Hyer, Ellen, b. 06/13/1921, d. 04/11/2004, Father: Wilson, Grover C.
Hyre, David Frederick, b. 07/07/1891, d. 01/27/1980, Father: Hyre, Enoch
Hyre, Enoch G., b. 11/03/1857, d. 12/16/1927
Hyre, Jennie F., b. 08/09/1855, d. 12/05/1948, Father: Frederick, David
Hyre, Laura M., b. 01/20/1908, d. 09/21/1999, Father: Maddox, Ralph Bennett
Hyre, Paul Willard, b. 1918, d. 02/15/1926, Father: Hyre, David Fred.
Hyre, Pauline B., b. 04/18/1891, d. 07/13/1968, Father: Spence, James F.
Hyre, Robert Grove, b. 1894, d. 03/29/1961, Father: Hyre, Enoch
Hysell, Lawrence Edgar, b. 10/28/1926, d. 06/15/1980, Father: Hysell, Dayton
Hytree, Edward Charles, b. 10/31/1886, d. 04/21/1928, Father: Hytree, Charles

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