Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Lacher, Alice M., b. 06/14/1884, d. 12/02/1966, Father: Demarest, Andrew
Lacher, Anna C., b. 1867, d. 05/16/1923, Father: Heilman, August Frederick
Lacher, child, b. 1910, d. 05/21/1910, Father: Lacher, Phillip
Lacher, Clarence L., b. 06/25/1894, d. 02/04/1897
Lacher, Edward William, b. 1853, d. 05/22/1901, Father: Lacher, Jacob
Lacher, Frederick E., b. 1889, d. 07/15/1913
Lacher, George, Sr., b. 04/23/1878, d. 09/25/1964, Father: Lacher, Phillip
Lacher, Harold John, b. 12/08/1906, d. 08/03/1981, Father: Lacher, George
Lacher, Jennie, d. 02/11/1950, Father: Morris, John
Lacher, Nina Elizabeth, b. 03/08/1913, d. 12/12/1972, Father: Elsbree, Richard C.
Lacher, Phillip, child, d. 06/10/1903
Lacher, Phillip, b. 02/08/1873, d. 02/08/1933, Father: Lacher, Geo.Phillip
Lacher, Sophia A., b. 12/01/1839, d. 06/23/1914, Father: Metzger
Lackey, Ward Lewis, b. 05/29/1919, d. 12/30/2001, Father: Lackey, Elmer
Lacroix, Corintha A., b. 09/19/1837, d. 10/04/1878
Lacroix, Herman, d. 04/06/1889, Father: Lacroix, John P.
Lacroix, John P., b. 02/24/1833, d. 09/22/1879
Lacroix, Rudolph H., b. 10/23/1876, d. 07/31/1877, Father: Lacroix, John P.
Lacy, Helen Murdoch, b. 1884, d. 11/28/1956
Lacy, Walter Nind, b. 1884, d. 12/11/1962
Ladd, Benjamin D., no dates
Ladd, Catherine J., b. 1913, d. 02/01/1923, Father: Ladd, Charles H.
Ladd, Charles H., b. 1887, d. 1965
Ladd, Charles H., d. 06/19/1880
Ladd, Edward H., d. 11/12/1862, Father: Ladd, Charles H.
Ladd, Elizabeth W., d. 03/13/1875
Ladd, Frank R., b. 08/04/1902, d. 09/23/1991, Father: Ladd, James
Ladd, Frederick, b. 11/22/1947, d. 11/22/1947, Father: Ladd, Frank
Ladd, George E., b. 11/07/1848, d. 11/25/1862, Father: Ladd, Charles H.
Ladd, Josephine, d. 08/21/1862, Father: Ladd, Charles H.
Ladd, Nellie M., b. 11/30/1894, d. 02/26/1959, Father: Firtch, John
Ladd, Viola Helen, b. 09/14/1905, d. 11/15/1993, Father: Foust
Lahey, John, d. 04/04/1914
Lake, L'Amie A., b. 03/06/1864, d. 02/08/1937, "Aunt Amie", Father: Cockrell, Hiram
Lam, Tran, b. 12/31/1909, d. 07/04/1998, Father: Unk
Lamb, Anna Minette, b. 1842, d. 09/28/1853, Father: Lamb, Henry
Lamb, Cynthia, b. 1779, d. 07/--/1823
Lamb, David W., d. 01/08/1856
Lamb, Emily, d. 07/20/1863, Father: Lamb, R.A.
Lamb, Frank, no dates
Lamb, Harriet (Little), b. 04/20/1788, d. 09/04/1865
Lamb, Henry, b. 1811, d. 02/15/1873
Lamb, Jeptha, d. 11/14/1906
Lamb, Minerva Ann, b. 1810, d. 10/26/1884, Father: Stewart
Lamb, Reuben Stewart, b. 1780, d. 08/18/1835
Lamb, Reuben, Dr., b. 1774, d. 07/11/1850
Lambert, Bess V., b. 1881, d. 04/15/1961
Lambert, Clare, b. 06/18/1887, d. 12/26/1958, Father: Lambert, William Henry
Lambert, Conner C., b. 09/30/1895, d. 11/01/1943, Father: Lambert, William Henry
Lambert, Cordelia E., b. 01/16/1870, d. 05/17/1925, Father: Ellis, Nathan
Lambert, Elizabeth Fayette, b. 11/24/1864, d. 10/07/1934, "Mother", Father: Larner, Jacob
Lambert, Ethel Marie, b. 10/13/1889, d. 06/07/1970, Father: Preston, William
Lambert, Gladys J., b. 07/01/1895, d. 09/06/1970, Father: Williamson, John
Lambert, Harvey A., b. 12/15/1870, d. 05/17/1933, Father: Lambert, Jacob
Lambert, Robert Clare, b. 01/09/1923, d. 04/03/1935, Father: Lambert, Clare
Lamborne, Lucille B., b. 10/28/1869, d. 06/22/1913, Father: Beck, Dunbar Dyson
LaMontagne, Ronald Fredrick, b. 05/26/1927, d. 11/28/1987, Father: LaMontagne, Royal
LaMontagne, Ruby M. (Zinn), b. 03/26/1937, d. 05/05/1987, Father: Luzadder, Albert
Lamphere, Allen E., b. 07/02/1936, d. 01/13/1980, Father: Lamphere, Clifton
Lancaster, Florence S., b. 05/10/1899, d. 04/06/1972, Father: Stinchante, George
Lancaster, John Herrold, b. 09/05/1898, d. 10/19/1969, Father: Lancaster, S.R.
Landacre, Benjamin, d. 01/26/1912
Landacre, Clara S., b. 03/01/1905, d. 12/02/1975, Father: Shoemaker, Joseph A.
Landacre, Dorthea (R), no dates
Landacre, Emanual, b. 1853, d. 10/02/1922
Landacre, Leah Ann, b. 12/07/1860, d. 08/14/1940, Father: Freshwater, Benjamin H.
Landacre, Louisa B., d. 03/15/1905, "Mother"
Landacre, Minor (Armine ?), b. 1873, d. 08/17/1908, "Father", Father: Landacre, Simon P.
Landacre, Oscar, b. 01/11/1924, d. 05/04/1960, Father: Landacre, Oscar
Landacre, Phyllis L., b. 04/06/1930, d. 06/28/1996, Father: Landacre, Ralph
Landacre, Reacy Tilden, b. 04/10/1894, d. 03/28/1914
Landacre, Simon Peter, b. 09/09/1842, d. 08/13/1908, "Father", Father: Landacre, Daniel
Landacre, Wade, d. 04/08/1930, Father: Landacre, Simon Peter
Landon, Bovard A., b. 02/16/1904, d. 10/25/1977, Father: Landon, Joseph
Landon, Ruth Lucile, b. 06/08/1904, d. 02/29/2000, Father: Downs, Charles
Landsittel, Lee S., b. 03/30/1909, d. 06/12/1999, Father: Landsittel, Fredrick C.
Landsittel, Marguerite Ellen, b. 12/13/1909, d. 05/23/2000, Father: Steele, William Henry
Lane, Amelia, b. 12/18/1903, d. 09/02/1977, Father: Lane, Edward
Lane, Anne, d. 02/01/1901, Father: Richards
Lane, Charles Andrew, b. 05/06/1926, d. 06/12/2000, Father: Lane, William Marshall
Lane, Chelsea Rae, b. 08/03/1986, d. 01/30/1988, Father: Lane, Randy Richard
Lane, Darlene Virginia, b. 10/12/1927, d. 03/10/1983, Father: Ray, John C.,Sr.
Lane, Edward Thompson, b. 04/25/1855, d. 12/13/1942, Father: Lane, John S.
Lane, Infant Boy, b. 1960, d. 10/10/1960, Father: Lane, Richard
Lane, James Herbert, b. 08/05/1949, d. 10/29/1997, Father: Lane, Herbert James
Lane, Janie V., b. 03/08/1939, d. 09/02/1996, Father: Kimbleton, James
Lane, John S., b. 11/04/1816, d. 11/12/1875
Lane, John W., b. 07/03/1893, d. 02/19/1981, Father: Lane, Edward Thompson
Lane, Myrle G., b. 05/29/1920, d. 02/26/1973, Father: Lane, Pete
Lane, Orpha W., b. 08/20/1902, d. 02/10/1989, Father: James
Lane, Orville Irwin, b. 08/05/1895, d. 08/29/1966, Father: Lane, Charles
Lane, Otha James, b. 10/18/1918, d. 10/18/1979, Father: Lane,Archie Franklin
Lane, R.Evalyn, b. 1849, d. 10/04/1865, Father: Lane, John S.
Lane, William, d. 07/14/1912
Lang, Florence, b. 1906, d. 03/23/1920, Father: Lang, Wm.
Lang, Irvin, b. 1858, d. 05/25/1929
Lang, Jessie Irene, b. 11/05/1878, d. 06/05/1946, Father: Kelly, Daniel L.
Lang, John, b. 1917, d. 1917
Lang, Kenneth Kelly, b. 03/01/1906, d. 06/18/1964, Father: Lang, Irwin
Langbehn, Ernest C., Jr., b. 06/26/1905, d. 12/18/1947, Father: Langbehn, Ernest C.
Langbehn, Wanda M., b. 05/15/1907, d. 05/04/1968, Father: Palding, Lorenzo Dow
Lange, George, b. 05/17/1871, d. 08/30/1935, Father: Lange, August
Langes, L., Mrs., d. 1890, Father: Meeker, Albert P.
Langhey, James, d. 02/23/1916
Langstaff, Elizabeth A. (Wentz), b. 1815, d. 02/17/1890
Lanman, John Wesley, b. 1907, d. 07/05/1929, Father: Lanman, J.W.
Lantz, Donald Carpenter, b. 01/01/1908, d. 01/20/1980, Father: Lantz, Harry Andrew
Lantz, Ida May, b. 07/31/1913, d. 05/14/2001, Father: Hollenbaugh, Fred C.
Lantz, Jack Eugene, Sr., b. 07/15/1926, d. 05/06/2000, Father: Lantz, David Brown
Larason, Alfred Alonzo "Lon", b. 06/08/1852, d. 02/12/1927, Father: Larason, Sylvester A.
Larason, Edgar Stanley, b. 1867, d. 12/12/1936, Father: Larason, Sylvester
Larason, Ella, b. 1859, d. 01/04/1915
Larason, Emma, b. 02/27/1858, d. 12/28/1939, Father: Jones, Richard
Larason, Marcia Elizabeth, b. 1863, d. 11/29/1959
Larason, Rebecca Ellen, b. 1826, d. 08/01/1895, "Mother"
Larason, Sylvester A., b. 1826, d. 01/30/1886, "Father"
Larcom, Christie, d. 04/06/1911, Father: Hines, John
Larcom, Craig L., b. 06/--/1955, d. 01/03/1956, "Our Baby", Father: Larcom, Lawrence
Larcom, Emerson, b. 01/31/1890, d. 07/02/1924, Father: Larcom, James W.
Larcom, Larry Fredrick, b. 12/16/1952, d. 05/10/1986, Father: Larcom, Lawrence
Larcom, Lawrence Fay, b. 01/13/1928, d. 08/14/1988, Father: Larcom, Ansel
Larcom, Viron Lutrell "Barney", b. 03/30/1918, d. 10/21/1989, Father: Larcom, Ancel
Larrimore, Emily, d. 06/30/1900, Father: Murray
Larrimore, James Dhu, b. 1825, d. 09/25/1854
Larson, Neil Eugene, b. 09/20/1939, d. 12/29/2001, Father: Larson, Eugene
Larson, Taylor Annabelle, b. 06/01/2001, d. 06/13/2001, Father: Larson, Scott
Lasher, Anna Rebeca, b. 12/16/1835, d. 01/09/1916, Father: Cook, John Gottlieb
Lasher, John James, b. 09/12/1830, d. 06/04/1925, Father: Lasher, Marcus
Latham, Carrie A., b. 1839, d. 07/01/1894, Father: Smith, Alvah
Latham, Jeanette Emma, b. 08/23/1858, d. 08/24/1948, Father: Latham, Calvin
Latham, William K., b. 10/01/1861, d. 10/12/1942, Father: Latham, Will
Lathrop, Elbert Gene, b. 11/09/1933, d. 01/27/1986, Father: Lathrop, Elbert
Lathrop, Elbert N., b. 06/03/1887, d. 02/01/1975, Father: Lathrop, Thomas
Lathrop, Marjorie W., b. 09/04/1894, d. 03/02/1976, Father: Wade, Roy
Lathrop, Norman Wade, b. 01/19/1923, d. 01/09/1999, Father: Lathrop, Elbert N.
Latimer, Harriet M., b. 1804, d. 04/29/1845, Father: Meeker, Forrest (Col.)
Latimer, John F., b. 1801, d. 1894, "Father"
Latimer, Lucius, b. 1807, d. 03/07/1849
Latimer, Martha Rosine, b. 1838, d. 08/11/1874, Father: Latimer, Sylvester
Latimer, Mary Simonette, b. 01/16/1805, d. 09/24/1884, "Mother", Father: Williams
Latimer, Susan J., b. 1801, d. 12/31/1898
Latimer, Sylvester, b. 1799, d. 01/30/1877
Latimore, Susan A., d. 04/19/1896
Latto, Gayl Eugene "Sarge", b. 12/02/1923, d. 11/20/1996, Father: Latto, Victor
Latto, Ruth E., b. 03/17/1927, d. 08/05/1999, Father: Hack, George C.
Lauer, infant son, d. 05/07/1914, Father: Lauer, G.S.
Laug, George, b. 07/14/1868, d. 06/02/1928, Father: Laug, Andrew
Laug, John, no dates
Laug, Melea, no dates
Laughery, Julia Ann, d. 05/13/1914
Laughlin, Alice May, b. 09/20/1871, d. 04/15/1943, Father: Laughlin, Wilbur F.
Laughlin, Bernice R., b. 03/01/1884, d. 04/26/1968, Father: Romig
Laughlin, Charles G., b. 06/11/1875, d. 11/05/1956, Father: Laughlin, Wilber Fisk
Laughlin, Clara A., b. 03/17/1863, d. 12/01/1939, "Mother", Father: Holtz, James
Laughlin, Infant, b. 12/21/1940, d. 12/21/1940, Father: Laughlin, Hugh
Laughlin, James F., b. 02/14/1860, d. 12/29/1930, "Father", Father: Laughlin, David
Laughlin, Lester Dale, b. 1897, d. 10/11/1920, Father: Laughlin, James F.
Laury, Gertrude Burney, b. 04/19/1912, d. 11/19/1999, Father: Ellison, Wade Mums
Lavender, Geo. Edward, b. 01/05/1932, d. 01/05/1932, Father: Lavender, Dewey
Lavender, George Dewey, b. 1898, d. 04/30/1993
Lavender, Harriet, b. 1861, d. 1865, Father: Lavender, Jesse Franklin
Lavender, Jesse Franklin, b. 10/30/1825, d. 02/27/1901, "Father"
Lavender, Martha, b. 1834, d. 12/25/1912, "Mother"
Lavender, Muriel "Juanita", b. 1905, d. 09/17/1985, Father: Schreyer, Edward
Lavender, Robert P., b. 1858, d. 12/--/1860, Father: Lavender, Jesse Franklin
Lavender, Stephen W., b. 07/03/1923, d. 05/15/1988, Father: Lavender, Edward Paul
Lavender, Thomas Alfred, b. 1856, d. 1874, Father: Lavender, Jesse Franklin
Lavender, William J., b. 1867, d. 1868, Father: Lavender, Jesse Franklin
Law, Alyce Afton, b. 08/19/1912, d. 09/11/1989, Father: Marshman, John
Law, Edgar, b. 02/01/1888, d. 07/06/1977, Father: Law, Albert
Law, Helen Elizabeth "Betty", b. 08/28/1917, d. 03/14/2001, Father: Fuller, Chester L.
Law, Howard R., b. 1889, d. 01/22/1951
Law, John Andrew, b. 10/16/1968, d. 10/16/1968, Father: Law, James E.
Law, John Eric, b. 06/25/1959, d. 06/25/1959, Father: Law, John Wm.
Law, John Howard, b. 02/11/1913, d. 03/09/1991, Father: Law, Howard R.
Law, Mabel S., b. 07/01/1891, d. 12/28/1969, Father: Siegfried, Samuel
Law, Marie T., b. 03/30/1891, d. 10/26/1954, Father: Vergon, John G.
Law, Martha Jeanne, b. 07/28/1936, d. 07/03/1995, Father: Trout, John
Law, Merle Everton, b. 02/25/1915, d. 02/18/1990, Father: Law, Hugh E.
Law, Robert Siegfried, b. 1915, d. 04/03/1926, Father: Law, Edgar
Law, Roger W., b. 07/21/1913, d. 04/09/1996, Father: Law, Hugh E.
Lawrence, Alma K., b. 1831, d. 10/--/1888, Father: Larr (?)
Lawrence, Flossie E., b. 06/24/1877, d. 07/10/1894
Lawrence, Garnet (Poole), b. 03/17/1927, d. 12/27/1996, Father: Cordial, Elijah
Lawrence, James S., b. 04/22/1831, d. 03/23/1914
Lawrence, Jerome William, b. 08/29/1937, d. 10/23/2000, Father: Lawrence, Harold W.
Lawrence, Mary M. "Mollie", b. 06/03/1837, d. 08/29/1904
Lawrence, Pearl Elizabeth, b. 01/17/1905, d. 02/07/1998, Father: Gooding, Arthur A.
Lawrence, Wayne Moreland, b. 1908, d. 09/28/1987
Lawrence, William Cochran, b. 02/11/1857, d. 04/08/1886
Lawson, Geneva Jackson, d. 10/24/1950
Lawson, Stella (Cunningham), b. 1864, d. 10/07/1903, Father: Thurston, John L.
Lawton, Bess Mae, b. 1889, d. 02/16/1983, Father: Aigner, John
Lawton, Charles B., b. 10/17/1888, d. 06/26/1956, Father: Lawton, Irwin
Lawwell, Lydia Estelle (Minnelli), b. 10/07/1891, d. 01/04/1948, Father: Mussi, Theodore
Layfaette, Mary L., b. 1844, d. 06/08/1899, Father: Mayo
Layman, Evangeline, b. 1923, d. 07/02/1989
Laymon, Edward J.,Jr., b. 06/09/1920, d. 12/28/2003, Father: Laymons, Edward J.,Sr.
Lazdins, Irene Z., b. 06/02/1914, d. 11/23/1985, Father: Kalnins, Martin
Lazdins, Voldemars, b. 06/26/1907, d. 11/17/1989, Father: Lazdins, Gregor
Lazear, William B. "Billy", b. 03/18/1926, d. 03/19/1926, Father: Lazear, Earl B.
Lea, Lottie Lee, d. 04/05/1903
Leach, Charles N., no dates
Leach, Charlie, b. 07/--/1855, d. 08/02/1858, Father: Leach, W.C.
Leach, Cyrene C., b. 1834, d. 03/30/1921
Leach, Jane, d. 11/10/1864
Leach, William C., b. 1824, d. 01/04/1884
Leadmon, Grace M., b. 1890, d. 03/21/1922
Leadmon, Roy Leslie, b. 1921, d. 09/10/1921
Leady, Anna May, b. 1868, d. 11/13/1868
Leady, Elmer H., b. 1873, d. 01/28/1898, Father: Leady, Joseph H.
Leady, Elsie May, b. 12/22/1883, d. 09/18/1970, Father: Leady, John Daniel
Leady, Freddie, no dates
Leady, Harry Paul, b. 06/24/1878, d. 05/16/1950, Father: Leady, John D.
Leady, John Daniel, b. 1831, d. 12/11/1918
Leady, Joseph Henry, b. 1831, d. 11/12/1896
Leady, Mary E., b. 1843, d. 10/04/1924, Father: Schneck
Leady, Matilda F. "Metta", b. 1841, d. 12/21/1902, Father: Schneck
Leady, Maude J., b. 09/08/1876, d. 03/20/1952, Father: Worley, William
Lear, Ada M., b. 04/20/1889, d. 12/08/1964, Father: Muffler, Franklin
Lear, Charles D., b. 1854, d. 02/03/1935
Lear, Charles M., d. 01/31/1928, Father: Lear, David
Lear, Cynthia Anna, b. 05/21/1848, d. 02/01/1931, "Mother", Father: Shahan, Joshua
Lear, Daniel, b. 1822, d. 01/--/1875
Lear, Edward F., b. 02/16/1850, d. 03/15/1909, "Father", Father: Lear, William
Lear, Eva Grace, b. 02/24/1881, d. 06/08/1961, Father: Lear, Edward F.
Lear, Frank E., b. 09/22/1885, d. 12/04/1952, Father: Lear, Edward F.
Lear, Mary Ella, b. 11/10/1859, d. 11/04/1884
Lear, Mary M., b. 11/14/1825, d. 10/22/1889, "Mother"
Lear, Mattie E., b. 05/25/1856, d. 12/31/1939, Father: Emerson, Joseph
Lear, Oscar S., b. 1857, d. 12/03/1925, Father: Lear, William
Lear, Sarah M., b. 03/30/1852, d. 06/11/1856
Lear, Susan, b. 1829, d. 09/25/1917
Lear, Susie H., b. 1858, d. 08/22/1931, Father: Dickerson, Baruch
Lear, William, b. 08/09/1824, d. 12/25/1864, "Father"
Leavengood, Infant, b. 12/12/1941, d. 12/12/1941, Father: Leavengood, Harold
Ledyard, Charlotte (Michell), b. 09/27/1830, d. 08/26/1911, Father: Waldo, Haschal
Lee Master, Bertram J., d. 09/10/1914
Lee, Alfred Edwin, b. 10/12/1871, d. 11/29/1871, Father: Lee, Alfred E., Capt. (?)
Lee, Allison, d. 01/09/1934
Lee, Arthur, d. 11/15/1913
Lee, Barbara Ann, b. 03/12/1927, d. 05/16/1999, Father: Lee, Edgar S.
Lee, Bruce Alan, b. 05/05/1963, d. 02/02/2000, Father: Lee, Richard Lee,Sr.
Lee, Clara, d. 06/12/1911, Father: Thomas, Joel
Lee, Dora, b. 09/03/1872, d. 12/13/1958, Father: Perry
Lee, Edwina (Elwida), d. 03/27/1913, Father: Lee, Charles
Lee, Florence, d. 03/26/1899, Father: Lee, Alfred E
Lee, Harold R. "Bob", b. 1903, d. 05/19/1987
Lee, Infant daughter, no dates, Father: Lee, Hugh
Lee, Isabel, b. 1839, d. 03/16/1920
Lee, Joseph M., b. 08/05/1837, d., Father: Lee, Hugh
Lee, Leslie Augustus, b. 07/29/1905, d. 04/22/1966, Father: Lee, Charles
Lee, Lydia Naomi "Mother", b. 03/02/1858, d. 02/21/1930, Father: Horn, Samuel E.
Lee, M., no dates
Lee, Marie C., b. 1914, d. 03/12/1923, "Daughter"
Lee, Marsena B., b. 04/27/1906, d. 06/30/1994, Father: Bird, Oliver P.
Lee, Mary Ellen, b. 1831, d. 10/05/1846, Father: Lee, C.H.
Lee, Maryann, d. 03/02/1856
Lee, Mildred R., b. 05/08/1919, d. 03/11/1960, Father: Shoaf, Horace
Lee, Nancy J., b. 12/28/1831, d., Father: Lee, Hugh
Lee, Richard Earl, Sr., b. 07/26/1925, d. 08/02/1990, Father: Lee, Chas. Earle
Lee, Robert Charles, d. 02/02/1894
Lee, Shelden, b. 1895, d. 09/23/1896
Lee, Thomas F., b. 1890, d. 04/02/1906, Father: Lee, William Henry
Lee, Thomas, b. 1876, d. 1899
Lee, W. H. T., d. 08/26/1897
Lee, William H., no dates
Lee, William Henry, b. 04/06/1858, d. 08/12/1925, "Father", Father: Lee, William
Lee, Winifred E. "Effie", b. 1884, d. 11/26/1895, Father: Lee, William H.
Leech, Gwendolyn J., b. 03/05/1928, d. 09/30/1989, Father: Jamison, Walter F.
Leech, Matthew David, b. 05/29/1964, d. 12/07/1978, Father: Leech, Raymond
Leech, Raymond Paul, b. 09/07/1924, d. 03/19/1992, Father: Leech, William E.
Leeper, Charles M."Little Charlie, b. 1872, d. 1874, Father: Leeper, William B.
Leeper, Chester H., b. 1887, d. 12/24/1909, Father: Leeper, William B.
Leeper, Ethel M., b. 1880, d. 1883, Father: Leeper, William B.
Leeper, Eunice M., b. 1849, d. 07/22/1905, Father: Cruikshank, William
Leeper, Hattie R., b. 1849, d. 09/30/1872, Father: Woods
Leeper, William Bland, b. 1844, d. 01/16/1895
Legg, John, infant of John, d. 02/04/1918, Father: Legg, John
Lehner, Edwin Patrick, b. 08/07/1954, d. 08/01/2000, Father: Lehner, William Edwin
Lehner, William Micheal, d. 03/10/2003, Father: Lehner, William Edwin
Leibold, Carol Elizabeth, b. 12/22/1937, d. 09/08/1941, Father: Leibold, Charles Lane
Leibold, Caroline E., d. 07/12/1871, Father: Leibold, D.
Leibold, Catherine, b. 1799, d. 07/04/1893
Leibold, Charles Frederick, b. 05/04/1871, d. 06/20/1937, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Clifford P., b. 05/16/1897, d. 10/11/1969, Father: Leibold, Charles F.
Leibold, Cora, b. 08/30/1873, d. 12/07/1964, Father: Price, James
Leibold, Daniel, b. 1832, d. 03/02/1913, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Elizabeth, b. 1830, d. 01/13/1882, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Emma, b. 08/10/1865, d. 03/25/1953, Father: Vought, William
Leibold, Frank L., b. 03/22/1869, d. 12/27/1946, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Frederick P., b. 1863, d. 07/17/1921
Leibold, Harry E., b. 07/23/1880, d. 12/28/1950, Father: Leibold, Daniel
Leibold, Helen, b. 1891, d. 1892, Father: Leibold, Frederick P.
Leibold, Ida E., b. 1866, d. 10/21/1893, Father: Leibold, Jacob F.
Leibold, Jacob F., b. 1836, d. 04/30/1912, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Jacob, b. 1795, d. 10/20/1877
Leibold, Jeanette, b. 1821, d. 02/02/1898
Leibold, John F., b. 1826, d. 05/17/1905, Father: Leibold, Jacob
Leibold, Julia A., b. 1841, d. 09/14/1916, Father: Neff
Leibold, Lulu B., b. 1873, d. 03/23/1959
Leibold, Mary E., d. 01/25/1873, Father: Weiser
Leibold, Raymond F., b. 05/03/1899, d. 08/19/1960, Father: Leibold, Frank L.
Leibold, Sophia, b. 05/07/1843, d. 11/21/1926, Father: Rubrecht
Leibold, Stewart C., d. 08/17/1904, Father: Leibold, Frank
Leibold, Willea E., d. 05/08/1875, Father: Leibold, Daniel
Leist, Andrew Guthrie, b. 11/02/1954, d. 08/20/1992, Father: Leist, John W.
Leist, Louise H., b. 07/22/1919, d. 10/18/1996, Father: Hauser, George A.
LeMay, Hester E., b. 06/23/1871, d. 01/23/1959, Father: Plunkett, Richard E.
LeMay, Lewis Addison, b. 01/13/1876, d. 11/02/1951, Father: LeMay, William
LeMay, Warren Seymour, b. 01/20/1905, d. 10/25/1918, Father: LeMay, Lewis Addison
Lemieux, Frank Louis, b. 05/17/1897, d. 03/20/1968
Lemieux, Mary Jo, b. 03/19/1909, d. 11/04/1996, Father: Thompson, Edward R.
Lemley, Edythe Adell, b. 1879, d. 05/30/1959, Father: Lutz
Lemley, Ida A., b. 1857, d. 03/06/1930
Lemley, Mable Amber, b. 1886, d. 07/22/1975
Lemley, Sherman Thomas, b. 06/23/1867, d. 11/08/1942, Father: Lemley, Charles
Lemley, Theodore Walter "Ted", b. 1884, d. 04/23/1959, Father: Lemley, Wesley C.
Lemley, Theodore, infant of, b. 10/21/1912, d. 10/21/1912, Father: Lemley, Theodore W.
Lemley, Wesley C., b. 1843, d. 1886
Lenfest, Claire Irene, b. 07/19/1913, d. 01/14/1989, Father: Giddings, Leslie
Lenhart, Cecile M., b. 08/16/1903, d. 05/20/1969, Father: Moore, Allen Marvin
Lenhart, Ella O., b. 10/09/1873, d. 07/12/1957, Father: Olney, John A.
Lenhart, Frederick A., b. 1864, d. 03/07/1868, Father: Lenhart, John H.
Lenhart, George Richard, b. 04/08/1935, d. 07/01/1988, Father: Lenhart, Oliver G.
Lenhart, James A., b. 1920, d. 07/04/1920
Lenhart, Joan S., b. 03/05/1928, d. 07/08/1993, Father: Spence, John W.
Lenhart, John H., b. 1835, d. 03/19/1917, Father: Lenhart, Peter (of PA)
Lenhart, Magdalena, b. 1840, d. 02/06/1920, Father: Donnenwirth, George
Lenhart, Marion Walter "Sparky", b. 09/07/1926, d. 05/04/1998, Father: Lenhart, Oliver G.
Lenhart, Oliver G., b. 05/30/1897, d. 01/26/1947, Father: Lenhart, Oliver J.
Lenhart, Oliver J., b. 06/05/1871, d. 02/05/1949, Father: Lenhart, John H.
Lenhart, Robert Oliver, b. 09/16/1922, d. 12/06/1922, Father: Lenhart, Oliver G.
Lenhart, Sarah, b. 1839, d. 02/21/1869, Father: Felty, Charles
Lentz, Caroline, b. 1856, d. 12/31/1937, Father: Lentz, Philip
Lentz, Fredricka, b. 04/26/1831, d. 01/05/1893, Father: Schwegler
Lentz, Philip, b. 1828, d. 06/19/1901
Leonard, Anna Mary, b. 04/17/1854, d. 04/19/1928, Father: Eastman, Lorin
Leonard, Brad Grant, b. 04/10/1963, d. 10/29/1999, Father: Leonard, George G.
Leonard, Caleb Morse, b. 10/20/1858, d. 11/21/1930, Father: Leonard, Nelson
Leonard, Clara E., b. 10/08/1868, d. 09/06/1890, Father: Wolfley, Silas
Leonard, Grace H., b. 06/22/1867, d. 06/11/1952, Father: Howard, Geo.M.
Leonard, Irene T., b. 10/04/1911, d. 11/05/1995, Father: Thomas, Adrian R.
Leonard, Jessie Ruth, d. 11/12/1926
Leonard, Lorin Brooks, b. 1889, d. 03/24/1905, Father: Leonard, Caleb M.
Leonard, Ray W., d. 08/29/1889, Father: Leonard, W.N.
Leonard, Wilbur N., b. 1861, d. 05/29/1896, Father: Leonard, Jonathan
Leonzo, Emma, d. 07/11/1934
Leonzo, Harry William, d. 12/15/1928
Lerch, Joseph Fred, b. 1903, d. 04/14/1973
Lerch, Mayme Lillian "Marie", b. 05/30/1902, d. 08/16/1992, Father: Lambert
Levan, Albert G., b. 1876, d. 08/09/1902, Father: Levan, Clinton
Levan, Clinton L., b. 1855, d. 1904, "Father"
Levan, Marie, d. 05/07/1927
Levan, Susan D., b. 1856, d. 06/29/1912, "Mother", Father: Miller
Levanduski, Robert John, b. 03/15/1939, d. 01/25/2004, Father: Levanduski, Stanley
Levering, Charles Leslie, b. 06/19/1921, d. 10/01/1998, Father: Levering, Henry
Levering, Nina Mae, b. 01/08/1924, d. 02/21/1995, Father: Hammons, Herbert
Levesay, Paul Trubie, b. 1896, d. 12/09/1961
Levings, Arlene & Marlene, b. 06/10/1947, d. 06/10/1947, Father: Levings, Benjamin
Levings, Benjamin W. "Benny", b. 04/05/1903, d. 04/02/1964, Father: Levings, Ira
Levings, Benjamin W., b. 12/17/1942, d. 04/28/1944, Father: Levings, Benjamin W.
Levings, Bertha C., b. 06/25/1870, d. 12/11/1960, Father: Campbell
Levings, Bessie Marie, b. 11/29/1900, d. 03/18/1974, Father: Brush, Ollie
Levings, Charles Adam, b. 11/03/1975, d. 12/22/1978, Father: Unk
Levings, Charles Steven, d. 08/13/1901, Father: Levings, George B.
Levings, Clara C., b. 1862, d. 12/31/1927, "Mother", Father: Luke, Thomas
Levings, Donna June, b. 08/29/1927, d. 10/14/1986, Father: Niedermaier,Charles A.
Levings, Dorothy M., b. 1917, d. 10/15/1923
Levings, Edith M., b. 07/30/1907, d. 08/15/1999, Father: Glenn, Joseph
Levings, Franklin Francis, b. 05/24/1856, d. 01/24/1941, Father: Levings, George
Levings, George Ernest, b. 1891, d. 02/25/1949
Levings, George Ira, b. 06/15/1906, d. 07/05/1914, Father: Levings, Ira
Levings, George Riley, b. 11/03/1858, d. 07/29/1945, Father: Levings, George
Levings, Infant, d. 09/18/1900, Father: Leving, Ira
Levings, Jeannette H. (Graham), b. 06/03/1927, d. 08/09/1990, Father: Cummins, Wattie
Levings, L.Callie, b. 1865, d. 1891
Levings, Margaret (Ross), b. 10/10/1861, d. 04/08/1934, Father: Kelley, Henry
Levings, Mary E., b. 1855, d. 03/21/1922, Father: Davis, Ira
Levings, Paul Aaron, b. 12/26/1914, d. 09/24/1928, Father: Levings, Ira C.
Levings, Paul, no dates
Levings, Ralph Orlen, d. 02/24/1917, Father: Levings, Ira
Levings, Reuben R., b. 02/11/1861, d. 09/23/1949, Father: Levings, George R.
Levings,, no dates
Lewis, Ann, b. 1803, d. 1883
Lewis, Carl R., b. 01/19/1912, d. 12/22/1966, Father: Lewis, E.Frank
Lewis, Charles H., b. 11/16/1925, d. 11/18/1994, Father: Lewis, Elmer E.
Lewis, Charles M., b. 1876, d. 02/04/1910
Lewis, Charles W., b. 01/17/1893, d. 04/01/1953, Father: Lewis, William
Lewis, Chauncey G., b. 11/26/1867, d. 05/18/1954, Father: Lewis, Thomas (b.Wales)
Lewis, child, b. 05/04/1912, d. 05/04/1912, Father: Lewis, Frank T.
Lewis, Clara B., b. 01/31/1930, d. 06/09/2001, Father: Williams, Thomas Oliver
Lewis, Clyde E., b. 09/02/1916, d. 06/18/1996, Father: Lewis, Forest
Lewis, Cora Estelle, b. 09/09/1876, d. 04/26/1922, Father: Lewis, Benjamin
Lewis, Dawn, b. 09/23/1973, d. 09/23/1973, Father: Lewis, Miller
Lewis, Doris Marie, b. 04/19/1916, d. 05/16/1934, Father: Lewis, Edward L.
Lewis, Edward Lincoln, b. 06/16/1872, d. 02/09/1938, Father: Lewis, Benjamin
Lewis, Elmer Elsworth, b. 04/14/1886, d. 01/03/1938, Father: Lewis, Samuel
Lewis, Emma C., b. 06/24/1860, d. 06/07/1938, Father: Clark, George W.
Lewis, Emma Dawn, b. 04/19/1881, d. 01/23/1928, Father: Glassburn, Amos
Lewis, Esther J., b. 12/11/1859, d. 01/05/1892, Father: Lewis, David
Lewis, Ethel May, b. 06/23/1884, d. 12/06/1915, "Daughter", Father: Dutcher, John B.
Lewis, Eva May, b. 1907, d. 11/17/1910, Father: Lewis, Edward
Lewis, Ezra Francis "Frank", b. 09/11/1881, d. 02/03/1949, Father: Lewis, Benjamin
Lewis, F, child of, d. 07/04/1908
Lewis, Frank A., b. 01/13/1870, d. 05/17/1883, Father: Lewis, David
Lewis, Frank Kendall, b. 02/13/1928, d. 10/24/1928, Father: Lewis, F.Kendall
Lewis, George W., b. 03/12/1858, d. 06/15/1883, Father: Lewis, David
Lewis, George, b. 08/21/1930, d. 12/17/1955, Father: Lewis, Elmer
Lewis, Infant, no dates
Lewis, Jessica Lee, b. 09/26/1974, d. 05/04/1983, Father: Lewis, Scott
Lewis, John W., Sr., b. 05/08/1921, d. 02/08/1995, Father: Lewis, Elmer
Lewis, John William, b. 02/11/1862, d. 11/28/1949, Father: Lewis, John V.
Lewis, John, b. 06/29/1889, d. 02/09/1958, Father: Lewis, Samuel T.
Lewis, John, no dates
Lewis, L.B., d. 1934, Father: Lewis, Miles
Lewis, Lessie J., b. 04/28/1859, d. 04/28/1952, Father: Uhl, Henry
Lewis, Louree, b. 01/14/1895, d. 03/21/1964, Father: Nibert, Charles
Lewis, Margaret, b. 04/29/1824, d. 09/09/1895, Father: Caldwell
Lewis, Margaret, no dates
Lewis, Mary Ann, b. 12/01/1883, d. 01/22/1945, Father: Eckard, Calvin
Lewis, Mary C., b. 1846, d. 06/07/1920
Lewis, Mary Jane, b. 08/20/1921, d. 09/02/1995, Father: Shuster, Sam
Lewis, Mary Rachel, b. 12/20/1896, d. 02/09/1958, Father: Reichelderfer, Isaac
Lewis, Mary, b. 1826, d. 04/14/1901, "Mother"
Lewis, Mary, d. 10/03/1910
Lewis, Miller E., Jr., b. 11/14/1945, d. 06/16/2001, Father: Lewis, Miller E.,Sr.
Lewis, Nancy, no dates
Lewis, Ralph Dale, b. 01/25/1909, d. 02/27/1958, Father: Lewis, E.Frank
Lewis, Ralph O., b. 1916, d. 1917
Lewis, Richard, d. 02/16/1860
Lewis, Ronald L., b. 06/09/1935, d. 05/03/1993, Father: Lewis, Carl
Lewis, Roy William, b. 10/20/1894, d. 11/14/1915, Father: Lewis, John W.
Lewis, Samuel T., b. 1844, d. 02/05/1916
Lewis, Susanna, b. 1854, d. 1912
Lewis, William J., b. 1880, d. 04/17/1903
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