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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Maberry, Charles, d. 03/24/1916
Mabra, Burley J.D., b. 10/02/1882, d. 04/21/1961, Father: Mabra, William
Mabra, Elizabeth May, b. 09/11/1886, d. 06/21/1976, "Aunt Lizze", Father: Wilson, William Worth
Mabra, Harland, b. 1920, d. 11/30/1920, Father: Mabra, Harland
Mabra, Jay D., b. 1922, d. 10/09/1922
Mabra, Nettie, b. 1894, d. 01/06/1923
MacDonald, Dorothy C., b. 08/05/1903, d. 07/26/1980
MacDonald, Pearl E., b. 1888, d. 12/12/1972
Mack, Harry G., b. 05/20/1887, d. 07/22/1952, Father: Mack, George
Mack, Lelah E. "Dee", b. 04/29/1892, d. 07/28/1978, Father: Rhodes, Emor
MacKenzie, Charles W., b. 12/28/1880, d. 10/18/1952, Father: McKenzie, William R.
MacKenzie, Pearl V., b. 1889, d. 06/29/1966, Father: Rutter, Elias
Mackley, Anna Elizabeth "Betty", b. 06/30/1912, d. 10/12/1989, Father: Mackley, Edward
Mackley, Dessie Eliz."Betty"(Main), b. 03/07/1914, d. 11/26/1973, Father: Masters, Willard
Mackley, Donald Edward, b. 08/26/1914, d. 03/31/1980, Father: Mackley, Edward
Mackley, Edward, b. 01/29/1881, d. 06/17/1932, Father: Mackley, Christian
Mackley, Elsie L., b. 02/22/1886, d. 06/12/1976, Father: Twinbell, Robert
Macklin, Marian Eve, b. 03/28/1910, d. 11/25/1977, Father: Gatton, George F.
Macklin, William E. "Bill", b. 05/13/1906, d. 01/01/1974, Father: Macklin, Joseph
MacLane, Carroll H., b. 1896, d. 09/23/1973, Father: MacLane, James
Macomber, Alice G., b. 10/27/1907, d. 05/17/1985, Father: Owen, George S.
Macomber, Fred S., b. 05/06/1901, d. 01/30/1964, Father: Macomber, John
Macomber, Hazel G.Brooks (R), b. 1906, d.
MacPherson, Arthur Columbus, b. 12/26/1907, d. 01/14/1992, Father: McPherson, William C.
MacPherson, Doris E. (Holt), b. 06/14/1908, d. 05/18/1973, Father: Schaffer, David
MacPherson, Hazel Elizabeth (Reed), b. 10/29/1908, d. 06/24/1992, Father: Robinson, Daniel
Maddox, Addie, b. 09/20/1875, d. 02/10/1952, Father: Glick, Melvin C.
Maddox, Bertha "Alchea", b. 01/04/1872, d. 08/19/1913, Father: Hamilton, Robert
Maddox, Clara G., b. 09/01/1875, d. 12/04/1962, Father: Grumley, Peter
Maddox, Delpha, b. 1895, d. 05/18/1992, Father: Nichols, Spencer
Maddox, Elizabeth Ann, b. 10/27/1835, d. 07/28/1918, "Mother", Father: Frederick, John W.
Maddox, Frederick T., b. 09/06/1861, d. 04/10/1946, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Maddox, Harry C., b. 08/22/1864, d. 05/06/1952, Father: Maddox, Henry
Maddox, Helen Olive, b. 05/26/1907, d. 07/27/1984, Father: Bame, William E.
Maddox, Henry C., b. 12/15/1832, d. 12/24/1915, "Father", Father: Maddox, Bennet D.
Maddox, John W., b. 04/12/1870, d. 09/04/1946, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Maddox, Kendall Kennedy, b. 07/18/1941, d. 01/16/1942, Father: Maddox, Everett
Maddox, Nancy Eileen, b. 03/28/1931, d. 10/14/1931, Father: Maddox, Robert H.
Maddox, Ralph Bennett, b. 03/05/1868, d. 08/30/1955, Father: Maddox, Henry C.
Maddox, Robert H., b. 1897, d. 08/28/1958, Father: Maddox, Harry C.
Maddox, Sara H., b. 12/31/1904, d. 09/24/1953, Father: Haines, Jesse
Maddox, Walter Grumley, b. 02/24/1913, d. 12/17/1994, Father: Maddox, John W.
Madison, Alberta Eleanor, b. 03/27/1912, d. 06/30/1964, "Mother", Father: Page, William
Madison, Arthur T., d. 04/27/1894
Madison, C., no dates
Madison, Charles, no dates
Madison, E., d. 06/05/1890
Madison, Edward Eugene "Gene", b. 06/07/1933, d. 01/28/1982, Father: Madison, Oliver W.
Madison, Edwin Douglas, d. 07/10/1937, Father: Madison, Arthur
Madison, Eliza, d. 03/10/1906
Madison, Flora & Blanch, no dates
Madison, Graff (Grafton), d. 11/02/1893, Father: Madison, James
Madison, James, b. 12/23/1812, d. 08/18/1894
Madison, Jas. W., d. 07/03/1894
Madison, John, b. 03/22/1866, d. 08/01/1950
Madison, Lucy, d. 03/18/1917, Father: Anderson
Madison, Martin, d. 1888
Madison, Minnie, b. 01/08/1868, d. 05/15/1955, Father: McField
Madison, N., no dates
Madison, Oliver Wendell, b. 12/06/1898, d. 03/02/1963, "Father", Father: Morris, Charles Barney
Madison, William Henry, d. 08/--/1902
Madison, Willie, no dates
Madsen, Winston (Christian ?), b. 1889, d. 03/19/1894
Maggard, Bret E., b. 12/03/1959, d. 05/12/1970, Father: Maggard, Robert
Maggard, Charles L., b. 06/15/1905, d. 04/25/1976, Father: Maggard, Caleb
Maggard, Earl H., b. 01/24/1923, d. 01/08/1973, Father: Maggard, Caleb
Maggard, Frederick Joseph, Jr., b. 05/27/1968, d. 06/06/1969, Father: Maggard, Fred.J.,Sr.
Maggard, Ina Mae, b. 04/27/1919, d. 10/04/2001, Father: Butts, Clarence E.
Maggard, James Christopher, b. 01/12/1968, d. 02/08/2002, Father: Maggard, James
Maggard, Joseph Vollie, b. 05/26/1915, d. 05/17/1980, Father: Maggard, Caleb
Maggard, Mattie M., b. 01/10/1915, d. 04/05/1994, Father: Webb, Leonard
Maggard, Naomi Ellen, b. 11/16/1919, d. 11/26/2001, Father: Conant, Charles Frederick
Maggard, Robert Eugene, b. 03/08/1934, d. 12/04/2000, Father: Maggard, Charles L.
Maggard, Ronald Lee, b. 04/25/1948, d. 10/18/1965, Father: Maggard, Charles L.
Maggard, Shirley (R), b. 03/03/1935, d.
Maggard, Vollie Harrison, b. 03/09/1938, d. 06/03/1973, Father: Maggard, Charles L.
Mahaney, Rowland, d. 1890
Mahaney, Sarah, d. 05/08/1896
Mahon, Daisy P., b. 1869, d. 05/01/1903, Father: Hipple
Mahon, Dorothy Patricia, b. 03/17/1909, d. 03/14/1995, Father: Mahon, Stephen K.
Mahon, Frances E., b. 1871, d. 01/05/1965, Father: Mahon, Stephen K.,Dr.
Mahon, Jeanette, b. 03/25/1875, d. 01/13/1933, Father: Nelson, Ed.Thompson
Mahon, Lucius D., b. 1877, d. 01/07/1969, Father: Mahon, William
Mahon, Mary D., b. 03/22/1838, d. 02/06/1917, Father: Darling, Lucius
Mahon, William, b. 1836, d. 07/01/1889
Mahoney, Bessie B., b. 1883, d. 04/18/1914
Main, Christina, b. 1854, d. 04/04/1933, Father: Schaub, Sebastian
Main, Earl Spencer, b. 10/27/1895, d. 04/30/1933, Father: Main, Arthur D.
Main, Edith M., b. 01/27/1901, d. 06/05/1988, Father: Nettleton, Albert
Main, Emma Jane, b. 03/15/1863, d. 08/09/1930, Father: Evans, John E. (?)
Main, Hazel Ilene, b. 07/10/1921, d. 03/25/1922, Father: Main, Earl S.
Main, Homer Evans, d. 1899
Main, Kenneth L., b. 05/01/1903, d. 05/22/1985, Father: Main, William
Main, Mary Joe, b. 07/25/1886, d. 03/24/1914, Father: Edwards, Charles
Main, Nina, b. 1842, d. 11/22/1913, Father: Pickett
Maize, Helen M., b. 07/27/1906, d. 08/14/1992, Father: Thompson, Lee
Maize, Roger F., b. 01/27/1902, d. 02/07/1980, Father: Maize, Samuel
Malcolm, Myrtle (Lucas), b. 1886, d. 04/25/1927
Malley, Catherine Ellen, d. 05/07/1931
Malley, Etta, d. 12/08/1961, Father: Malley, Thomas
Malley, Frank George, b. 03/22/1882, d. 11/22/1950, Father: Malley, Thomas
Malley, Joahn (or Johanna), d. 12/14/1908, Father: Barnes
Malley, John Irwin, b. 12/29/1875, d. 12/01/1955, Father: Malley, Thomas
Malley, Mary Elizabeth "Mayme", b. 02/28/1868, d. 11/15/1941, Father: Malley, Thomas
Malley, Thomas, d. 04/11/1915
Malley, William Edward, b. 02/05/1882, d. 11/25/1939, Father: Malley, Thomas
Mallory, Freda Virginia, b. 09/02/1911, d. 11/15/2003, Father: Shepherd, William E.
Mallory, Guy H., b. 06/24/1912, d. 02/27/1999, Father: Mallory, William J.
Mallory, Katherine Virginia, b. 07/24/1968, d. 07/28/1972, Father: Mallory, David S., Dr.
Mallozzi, Jennie S., b. 03/05/1902, d. 02/05/1993, Father: Saltarelli
Maloney, Charles, d. 12/18/1930
Maloney, Clara G., d. 03/27/1934, Father: Goodard, Harrison
Maloney, George Franklin, b. 01/31/1889, d. 01/03/1890, Father: Maloney, Charles
Maloney, James, d. 04/08/1916
Maloney, Jane Davies, b. 1841, d. 08/19/1911
Maloney, Kitty E., b. 04/10/1874, d. 08/01/1956, Father: Maloney, James B.
Maloney, Patrick, d. 10/17/1909
Maloney, Zella A., b. 09/05/1890, d. 02/13/1916, Father: Maloney, Charles
Malony, Ann, b. 1831, d. 06/21/1909
Malsbury, Charlotte E., b. 1899, d. 07/21/1969
Maltbie, Angeline, b. 1841, d. 11/--/1882, Father: VanDeman
Maltbie, Silas B., b. 1835, d. 11/--/1908
Manee, Marthalee, b. 05/02/1920, d. 05/26/1998, Father: McNally, Guy
Manee, Robert Lavern, b. 08/14/1917, d. 03/31/1999, Father: Manee, Jules V.
Manley, John McCabe, b. 11/08/1893, d. 06/24/1915, Father: Manley, Charles S.
Mann, Anna Marie, b. 10/24/1938, d. 01/11/1985, Father: Caudill, John A.
Manning, Eliza, b. 1799, d. 04/24/1822
Manning, Helen H., b. 1927, d. 09/01/1984
Manning, J. P., b. 1792, d. 11/19/1823
Manring, Susanna "Sue", b. 11/20/1865, d. 12/11/1935, Father: Evans
Manring, William Spencer, b. 02/05/1863, d. 09/14/1929, Father: Manring, James
Manross, Alwilda Azelea, b. 1902, d. 07/24/1985, Father: Laughlin, James F.
Mansur, Alice, b. 11/14/1859, d. 03/03/1933, Father: Morris, John
Mansur, Elmina (Elmira ?), b. 1834, d. 04/02/1855
Mansur, Gertrude, b. 1797, d. 09/--/1824
Mansur, Henry Southard, b. 08/02/1842, d. 09/28/1911, Father: Mansur, William
Mansur, Isaiah, b. 1816, d. 1823, Father: Mansur, William
Mansur, Serena, b. 02/25/1832, d. 11/29/1909, Father: Mansur, William
Mansur, Serena, b. 09/09/1802, d. 04/08/1890, Father: White, Bethual
Mansur, William B., b. 1826, d. 01/02/1856, Father: Mansur, William
Mansur, William I., b. 1823, d. 1824, Father: Mansur, William
Mansur, William Norris, b. 1856, d. 07/24/1917
Mansur, William, b. 12/21/1787, d. 08/16/1863
Manter, Nina Ruth, b. 12/09/1896, d. 06/02/1929, Father: Pendleton, Chas.
Manuel, Floyd R., b. 05/01/1892, d. 07/21/1982, Father: Manuel, Will
Manuel, Lola W., b. 01/24/1891, d. 11/18/1980, Father: Warfel
Manuel, William A., b. 01/18/1891, d. 08/12/1970, Father: Manuel, Asbury
Manville, Addison G. (or J.), b. 05/27/1865, d. 08/01/1902
Manville, Anna Lucetta, b. 07/19/1867, d. 02/04/1907, Father: Messenger
Manville, Elmer D., b. 1863, d. 12/26/1923
Manville, Helen, b. 11/16/1897, d. 06/11/1898, Father: Manville, Addison G.
Manville, Louise, b. 1877, d. 10/07/1956
Maraldo, Angelo T., b. 02/29/1912, d. 06/22/1993, Father: Maraldo, Domenice
Marcy, Flora Ella, b. 11/08/1868, d. 01/16/1909, Father: Hughes, George H.
Markel, Caroline, b. 08/30/1835, d. 10/18/1887, Father: Market, Jonathan
Markel, Charles A., b. 05/22/1854, d. 03/26/1892, Father: Markel, Jeremiah
Markel, Dolly, b. 1854, d. 10/24/1924
Markel, Emily, b. 1832, d. 10/02/1856
Markel, Emma, b. 09/16/1884, d. 03/31/1966
Markel, Hester Ann, b. 07/04/1838, d. 04/20/1912, Father: Sloneker
Markel, Jacob, d. 03/08/1864, Father: Markel, Jonathan
Markel, Jeremiah, b. 1827, d. 03/04/1902, Father: Markel, Jonathan
Markel, Jonathan, b. 1798, d. 05/06/1849
Markel, Jonathan, b. 1837, d. 11/27/1892, Father: Markel, Jonathan
Markel, Lewis H., b. 1875, d. 1930
Markel, Mary, b. 1795, d. 10/09/1872
Markel, Oscar, b. 1852, d. 10/02/1856, Father: Markel, Jeremiah
Markel, Sarah Ann, b. 01/16/1840, d. 06/09/1931, Father: Barkdull
Marks, Carl W., b. 12/18/1912, d. 12/18/1912
Marks, Ellen, no dates
Marks, Herbert Milo, b. 12/08/1909, d. 04/20/1951, Father: Marks, William H
Marks, Jessie Mary, no dates
Marks, Milo S., b. 1860, d. 05/01/1889, Father: Marks, Winfield S.
Marling, Meda (Almeda), b. 1837, d. 1879, Father: Turner, Leonard
Marnell, Margaret M., b. 1918, d. 1974
Marquette, Alice May, b. 08/22/1896, d. 05/26/1996, Father: Orr, Thomas
Marquette, Carroll B. "Hank", b. 11/08/1886, d. 09/15/1959, Father: Marquette, Louis
Marquette, Elsie Flora, b. 08/14/1859, d. 03/15/1891, Father: Boardman, C.H.
Marquette, Louis W., b. 09/25/1856, d. 06/05/1944, Father: Marquette, Warner
Marquis, Thomas Allen II, b. 03/21/1975, d. 05/14/1975, Father: Marquis, Thomas A.
Marriott, Constance Ann, b. 06/06/1932, d. 09/19/1980, Father: Marriott, Francis M.
Marriott, Dorothy, b. 07/31/1899, d. 09/07/1995, Father: Sperling, Carl (Judge)
Marriott, Druzilla McD., b. 1822, d. 03/21/1894, "Grandmother", Father: Montgomery
Marriott, Flora, b. 12/14/1854, d. 01/14/1935, Father: Mingus, John E.
Marriott, Florence Dale, b. 07/14/1884, d. 10/22/1886, Father: Marriott, Francis M.
Marriott, Francis Marion,Jr., b. 07/28/1893, d. 09/18/1977, Father: Marriott, F.M.,Sr.
Marriott, Francis Marion,Sr., b. 09/05/1847, d. 02/14/1927, Father: Marriott, Thomas Homewood
Marriott, Harry, b. 02/23/1888, d. 11/30/1894, Father: Marriott, Randolph R.
Marriott, Joy McDowell, Jr., b. 08/14/1923, d. 05/04/1945
Marriott, Joy McDowell, b. 10/01/1895, d. 07/17/1972
Marriott, Madison H., b. 07/12/1843, d. 03/18/1916, Father: Marriott, Thomas H.
Marriott, Malcolm Scott, b. 01/04/1915, d. 02/27/1980, Father: Marriott, Charles
Marriott, Mary F., b. 07/13/1906, d. 03/05/1979, Father: Freese, Lewis M.
Marriott, Randolph R., b. 08/03/1856, d. 07/12/1888, Father: Marriott, Thomas H.
Marriott, Thomas H., b. 1814, d. 11/24/1880, "Grandfather"
Marsh, Kate C., b. 1844, d. 1886
Marshall, Ella, b. 1893, d. 07/31/1942, Father: Chaffins (?)
Marshall, Elmer Elsworth, b. 03/29/1870, d. 11/04/1940, Father: Marshall
Marshall, Isaac, d. 11/04/1890
Marshall, John A., b. 07/22/1924, d. 03/12/1974, Father: Marshall, Frank
Marshall, Mattie (Howe), b. 12/22/1858, d. 11/21/1928, Father: Thomas, Henry
Marshall, Sadie F., b. 08/03/1918, d. 02/28/1970, Father: Lake, Lloyd L.
Marshman, Jeanette Jane, b. 01/15/1882, d. 12/08/1962, Father: Perry, George W.
Marshman, John Tryon, b. 08/06/1874, d. 01/26/1962, Father: Marshman, Daniel
Marshman, May M., b. 08/--/1864, d. 12/15/1933, Father: Matlock, Rev.
Marston, Clyde J., b. 08/07/1899, d. 01/11/1973, Father: Marston, Wm.,Sr.
Marston, Ethel Mae Alice, b. 09/27/1900, d. 07/22/1971, Father: Swartz, Frank S.
Marston, Ida Mae, b. 02/07/1867, d. 09/06/1954, Father: Allen, Jacob
Marston, Rachel Rebecca, b. 03/10/1892, d. 04/01/1996, Father: McElroy, Sterling
Marston, Robert A., b. 10/21/1916, d. 04/29/1985, Father: Marston, William Jr.
Marston, William, Jr., b. 07/16/1889, d. 09/19/1976, Father: Marston, William, Sr.
Marston, William, Sr., b. 07/12/1865, d. 01/04/1959, Father: Marston, William
Martin, Anna Augustus, b. 1861, d. 12/24/1924
Martin, Benjamin Franklin, Sr., b. 10/15/1924, d. 06/11/1990, Father: Martin, Silas
Martin, Carolyn K., b. 05/05/1872, d. 02/20/1957, Father: Dalton, Simon
Martin, Cecil C., b. 1889, d. 01/13/1930, "Father"
Martin, Fay, b. 12/04/1893, d. 07/08/1972, Father: Snider, Carl
Martin, Florence Edna, b. 03/24/1855, d. 04/06/1915, Father: Johnson, Harrison
Martin, George K., b. 07/06/1849, d. 05/01/1931
Martin, Gladys May, b. 07/17/1914, d. 05/30/2000, Father: Fawn, James Clifford
Martin, Hazel C., b. 03/11/1896, d. 05/04/1968, Father: Wackher, William
Martin, Helen Irene, b. 11/23/1923, d. 06/26/1925, Father: Martin, C.G.
Martin, Helen Jane, b. 09/22/1896, d. 12/28/1982, Father: Inmon
Martin, Henrietta Elizabeth, b. 08/02/1896, d. 08/30/1960, Father: Dancy, Ed (b.NC)
Martin, Jean, b. 03/06/1957, d. 03/06/1957, Father: Martin, Robert W.
Martin, Jennie M., b. 07/17/1928, d. 09/10/1998, Father: Wortz, David E.
Martin, Joan, b. 1923, d. 09/29/1923, Father: Martin, Russell M.
Martin, John, no dates
Martin, Kenneth Edwin "Red", b. 10/26/1910, d. 06/07/1975, Father: Martin, Fred
Martin, Lucy Mary, b. 1825, d. 05/--/1875, Father: Walker, William
Martin, Mabel M., b. 08/07/1915, d. 01/24/1976, Father: Peters, Edward R.
Martin, Mamie, b. 1862, d. 03/30/1868, Father: Martin, A.C.
Martin, Naomi May, b. 01/20/1926, d. 11/16/1996, Father: Ell, Curtis
Martin, Robert H., b. 12/02/1898, d. 12/07/1955, Father: Martin, William
Martin, Robert L., b. 07/22/1927, d. 11/12/1996, Father: Martin, Joshua
Martin, Russell Morgan "Abe", b. 06/11/1894, d. 12/26/1966, Father: Martin
Martin, William E., b. 1846, d. 1881, Father: Martin, A.C.
Martinelli, Joseph, b. 02/12/1946, d. 02/24/1946, Father: Martinelli, Toni
Martinez, Harriet, b. 1887, d. 1978, Father: Smith, Frank C.
Martinez, Juan Carlos, b. 03/31/1891, d. 11/24/1955
Martz, Charles E., b. 1890, d. 05/04/1973
Martz, Edith F., b. 1888, d. 05/04/1979
Maschmann, Gustav, b. 12/25/1906, d. 09/27/1998, Father: Maschmann, Herman
Maschmann, Infant, b. 10/06/1947, d. 10/07/1947, Father: Maschmann, Gustav
Maschmann, Robert Victor, b. 01/22/1944, d. 10/12/1944, Father: Maschmann, Gustav
Mason, Albert, b. 01/27/1887, d. 11/06/1943, Father: Mason, Elijah
Mason, Ann, b. 06/13/1805, d. 02/01/1883, Father: Brown
Mason, Carlie, d. 1885, (Child), Father: Mason, O.J.
Mason, Cynthia, b. 1844, d. 10/28/1892
Mason, Edna Love, d. 09/13/1891, Father: Mason, O.J.
Mason, Eva May, b. 01/29/1889, d. 02/12/1938, Father: Piatt, Chas
Mason, Flora, b. 02/18/1893, d. 07/15/1969, Father: Unk
Mason, Harry, b. 1867, d. 10/14/1923
Mason, Jefferson Davis, d. 01/29/1949
Mason, Jemima, b. 11/15/1843, d. 01/24/1918, Father: Huston
Mason, John, b. 1834, d. 12/10/1898
Mason, Laverna, b. 1853, d. 08/09/1931, Father: Null, John
Mason, Lellwood D.W., b. 03/13/1878, d. 11/19/1950, Father: Mason, Albert
Mason, Lillian A., b. 08/10/1893, d. 06/10/1974, Father: Hanson, Louis
Mason, Mary Elizabeth, b. 10/04/1855, d. 09/14/1926
Mason, Nancy Jane, b. 1840, d. 09/13/1902
Mason, O. J., b. 11/17/1858, d. 08/26/1893
Mason, Olivia A., b. 08/08/1906, d. 03/16/1989, Father: Mason, L.D.W., Rev.
Mason, Samuel S., b. 10/10/1841, d. 12/15/1907
Mason, Samuel Stephenson, b. 1804, d. 11/23/1891
Mass, C., d. 10/27/1906
Mass, C.J., d. 11/22/1908, child
Massey, Ann Scott, b. 01/03/1829, d. 07/19/1917, Father: Brown, Gustavas Alexander
Massie, Helen M., b. 03/15/1914, d. 02/07/1983, Father: Mansfield, William
Massie, Roger Lee, Jr., b. 08/14/1971, d. 08/16/1971, Father: Massie, Roger Lee,Sr.
Massie, Tamra Inez, b. 03/30/1952, d. 03/29/1952, Father: Massie, Earl
Masteller, Elizabeth, d. 07/05/1865
Masters, Alta M., b. 1907, d. 11/12/1984
Masters, Faye Monnette, b. 1897, d. 01/05/1902, Father: Masters, Thomas W.
Masters, Janet Alleen, b. 12/17/1923, d. 05/28/1929, Father: Masters, W.O'Dell
Masters, Myrtle Olive, b. 1876, d. 07/10/1919
Masters, Ruby M., b. 02/25/1882, d. 07/06/1950, Father: Swickheimer, John Jacob
Masters, Thomas W., b. 1871, d. 10/26/1959
Masters, Willard Odell, b. 01/06/1873, d. 02/05/1932, Father: Masters, Jonathan
Masterson, Beverly Ann, b. 1950, d. 02/03/1990, Father: Matthews, Eugene C.
Mather, Daniel D., b. 04/22/1822, d. 07/19/1895, Father: Mather, Ebenezer
Mather, Mary W., d. 07/--/1896
Mathews, Clinton T., b. 08/17/1897, d. 01/10/1959, Father: Mathews, Trues
Mathews, Danielle Ann, b. 02/01/1979, d. 02/01/1979, Father: Mathews, Lenard
Mathews, Jennie C., b. 10/16/1859, d. 12/08/1934, Father: Rea, James
Mathews, Mabel A., b. 08/01/1897, d. 12/02/1965, Father: Cookey, Herman
Mathews, William H., b. 07/07/1858, d. 05/20/1929
Mathias, Ann K., b. 07/14/1814, d. 02/27/1889, Father: Graham
Mathias, George C., b. 02/14/1910, d. 02/27/1996, Father: Mathias, William M.
Mathias, George M., b. 1849, d. 05/18/1924
Mathias, Harry E., b. 1870, d. 02/02/1920
Mathias, Ida A., b. 06/28/1867, d. 03/16/1965, Father: Clark, Miles
Mathias, John, b. 06/28/1816, d. 11/28/1864
Mathias, Mattie, d. 05/04/1890
Mathias, Nellie Catherine, d. 06/20/1909
Mathias, Robert A., b. 04/15/1918, d. 03/24/1988, Father: Carpenter
Mathias, Sarah Priscilla, b. 10/04/1858, d. 09/11/1945, Father: Heller, Jacob
Mathias, William M., b. 04/13/1856, d. 12/25/1928
Mathiot, Madaline, b. 10/08/1900, d. 12/30/1999, Father: King, Lawrence C.
Mathiot, Walter E., b. 1895, d. 03/12/1965
Matson, David, b. 1814, d. 12/25/1902
Matson, Harriet, b. 1828, d. 07/17/1905, Father: Brecht, John
Matthews, Allie R., b. 12/15/1869, d. 04/10/1938, Father: Goddard, Harry C.
Matthews, Anna L., b. 05/13/1916, d. 05/13/1916, Father: Matthews, Garland V.
Matthews, Carl H., b. 09/06/1893, d. 10/11/1899, Father: Matthews, William B.
Matthews, Carrie, b. 1891, d. 07/24/1964, Father: Blake
Matthews, Chauncy Cline, b. 02/26/1880, d. 05/18/1935, Father: Matthews, John A.
Matthews, Donald Eugene, b. 08/27/1930, d. 08/27/1930, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, Eleanor L., b. 1904, d. 10/21/1963
Matthews, Elwood Clay, b. 1883, d. 11/27/1958, Father: Matthews, John H.
Matthews, Eugene Charles, b. 12/16/1926, d. 04/20/1971
Matthews, Garland V., b. 02/14/1891, d. 12/22/1939, Father: Matthews, Joseph
Matthews, Halstead Clay, b. 1901, d. 09/25/1901, Father: Matthews, J. C.
Matthews, Harold E., b. 05/07/1918, d. 04/24/1967, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, Helen Ruth, b. 1923, d. 09/06/1946, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, Henry Harley, b. 09/01/1888, d. 05/14/1943, Father: Matthews, John H.
Matthews, James Edward, b. 1920, d. 04/25/1920, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, John Heil, b. 01/10/1918, d. 12/13/1997, Father: Matthews, Garland V.
Matthews, Joseph C., b. 01/25/1867, d. 10/02/1938, Father: Matthews, John H.
Matthews, Joseph Carlisle, b. 09/27/1912, d. 09/17/1913, Father: Matthews, Garland V.
Matthews, Lawrence Leroy, b. 1914, d. 01/16/1916, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, Mary Margaret, b. 02/21/1937, d. 12/28/2002, Father: Thompson, Marion
Matthews, Maude, b. 12/14/1890, d. 12/21/1954, Father: Kunkle, Elza
Matthews, Myrta M., b. 1881, d. 05/07/1970, Father: Weiser, David M.
Matthews, Norman H., b. 12/13/1933, d. 07/24/1997, Father: Matthews, Francis
Matthews, Ralph Kenneth, b. 07/01/1916, d. 08/24/1990, Father: Matthews, Henry H.
Matthews, Randal Stewart, b. 04/19/1958, d. 04/19/1958, Father: Matthews, Robert H.
Matthews, Ray, b. 11/21/1897, d. 01/14/1899
Matthews, Sarah Calphurnia, b. 05/22/1867, d. 09/10/1946, Father: Pleasant, Abraham
Matthews, Walter C., b. 05/07/1903, d. 03/21/1983, Father: Matthews, Chauncey
Matthews, William B., b. 09/26/1869, d. 12/20/1934, Father: Mathews, John
Matthewson, John Curtis, b. 08/27/1914, d. 04/25/1989, Father: Matthewson, James
Matthewson, Vivian Anne (Burns), b. 01/11/1914, d. 05/20/1980, Father: Sponsler, Carl
Mauck, Helen M., b. 1892, d. 09/02/1979
Mauck, Stanley R., b. 1893, d. 02/05/1966
Maule, Comly E., b. 1895, d. 05/11/1966
Maule, Nora B., b. 1892, d. 09/28/1955, Father: Bayles
Maurer, Andrew Scott, b. 04/09/1991, d. 04/09/1991, Father: Maurer, Robert
Maxim, Lova May, b. 05/06/1905, d. 07/04/1993, Father: Volk, Ferdinand Brown
Maxim, Richard A., Sr., b. 1903, d. 06/11/1982
Maxton, Carl S., no dates
Maxton, Pearl S., d. 09/19/1901
Maxwell, Donald Arthur, b. 01/19/1922, d. 02/08/1923, Father: Maxwell, William
Maxwell, Dorwin, b. 1924, d. 02/07/1924, Father: Maxwell, Wm.
Maxwell, Howard Nicholas, b. 12/05/1909, d. 05/09/1982, Father: Maxwell, Clement
Maxwell, Ivy May, b. 05/10/1889, d. 10/22/1936, Father: Breece, H.O.
Maxwell, Jane E., b. 1850, d. 03/07/1851, Father: Maxwell, Robert S.
Maxwell, Leona, b. 03/01/1909, d. 06/16/1999, Father: Gillogly, Vernon
Maxwell, Mary Ann, d. 03/22/1851
Maxwell, William Arthur, b. 09/10/1890, d. 01/30/1938, Father: Maxwell, Nemiah
May, Daniel B., b. 03/15/1847, d. 04/14/1912, Father: May, Walter
May, Dorothy May, b. 09/13/1895, d. 11/26/1981, Father: Welch, Louis
May, Jesse O., b. 08/22/1887, d. 05/09/1960, Father: May, Daniel B.
May, Lois, d. 01/25/1917
May, Robert Shannon, b. 03/05/1884, d. 10/09/1947, Father: May, Clarence Edward
May, Sophronia C. (G.?), b. 1854, d. 03/09/1931, Father: Harter, Gehito
May, Violet Pearl, b. 03/05/1888, d. 08/04/1957, Father: Norris, Joseph
Mayberry, Charles James, d. 03/--/1916
Mayer, George Lawrence, b. 08/03/1907, d. 04/06/1988, Father: Mayer, Joseph
Mayer, Sophia Caroline, b. 12/18/1873, d. 03/06/1943, Father: Mayer, Jacob (Gottlieb)
Mayes, Dolly Ruth, b. 09/07/1939, d. 10/18/1939, Father: Mayes, Ray
Mayes, Icie Mae, b. 05/18/1911, d. 11/25/1988, Father: Curtis, George
Mayes, Russell Elmer, b. 09/29/1900, d. 09/29/1939, Father: Mayes, Isaac
Mayfield, Alma C., b. 1862, d. 01/14/1927, Father: Cowgill, Andrew
Mayfield, Harry E., b. 1861, d. 08/25/1905, Father: Mayfield, Henry
Mayhew, Mary Ann, b. 01/06/1851, d. 01/08/1938, Father: Mayhew, James
Maynard, Kristy Lynn, b. 03/23/1972, d. 06/28/1991, Father: Maynard, Ronald
Mayo, Benjamen, d. 10/08/1897
Mayo, Beulah Jane, b. 05/28/1905, d. 07/10/1972, Father: Unk
Mayo, Charles Wilbur, b. 01/29/1876, d. 05/27/1954, Father: Mayo, Charles
Mayo, Charles, d. 11/06/1912
Mayo, Edith (or Emma), d. 05/15/1903
Mayo, Edward, d. 05/15/1910
Mayo, Ellen Phoebe, b. 03/08/1873, d. 12/01/1956, Father: Coates, Wm.
Mayo, Frances, d. 04/24/1906
Mayo, George Franklin C., b. 05/08/1914, d. 11/07/1971, Father: Mayo, George L.
Mayo, George Levi, d. 01/21/1934
Mayo, George W. (or M.), d. 05/16/1897
Mayo, Harrison Levi, b. 06/21/1886, d. 10/08/1954, Father: Mayo, Charles
Mayo, Infant, d. 06/12/1908, Father: Mayo, George
Mayo, Jennie G., b. 1882, d. 1956, Father: Green
Mayo, John B., b. 1833, d. 10/28/1895
Mayo, Leroy Robert, b. 11/16/1900, d. 08/16/1962, Father: Mayo, Geo. L.
Mayo, Mary K., d. 10/24/1901
Mayo, Miriah Frances, d. 03/20/1933, Father: Patterson, Will
Mayo, Pearl, b. 08/14/1881, d. 03/13/1941, Father: Mayo, Charles
Mayo, Rena, d. 04/20/1938
Mayo, Warren, b. 02/08/1903, d. 05/28/1939, Father: Mayo, George
Mayo, William Henry, b. 02/07/1880, d. 04/29/1941, Father: Mayo, Charles
Mayshack, Morris, d. 09/16/1912

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