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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

McAdams, Grace, b. 1881, d. 02/28/1914, Father: Stephen, George W.
McAllister, Fred Adam, b. 10/17/1878, d. 10/12/1951, Father: McAllister, Caridon
McAllister, Infant, b. 12/30/1910, d. 12/30/1910, Father: McAllister, Fred A.
McAllister, Mabel I., b. 03/01/1878, d. 08/12/1960, Father: Irish, Charles
McCabe, Alice T., b. 07/21/1860, d. 07/11/1943, Father: Thompson, Edward R.
McCabe, Cellah Jackson, b. 09/29/1873, d. 07/26/1934, Father: Jackson, James A.
McCabe, Duly, d. 03/19/1900
McCabe, Effie, b. 09/22/1862, d. 06/02/1948, Father: Capps, Joseph
McCabe, Harriet Calista, b. 1827, d. 09/25/1919, Father: Clark
McCabe, John Jay, b. 1859, d. 04/27/1933, Father: McCabe, Lorenzo D., Dr.
McCabe, John Wesley, b. 1823, d. 10/06/1865, Father: McCabe, Robert
McCabe, Lorenzo Dow, b. 01/07/1817, d. 06/18/1897, Father: McCabe, Robert
McCabe, Martha, b. 1821, d. 1850, Father: Sewall
McCabe, Robert Lorenzo, b. 12/18/1863, d. 09/07/1937, Father: McCabe, Lorenzo Dow
McCall, Ada Marie, b. 02/23/1896, d. 04/23/1944, "Mother", Father: Westlake, Smiley J.
McCall, Infant, b. 06/02/1958, d. 06/02/1958
McCammon, Bessie, d. 02/05/1908, Father: Benson, W.H.
McCammon, Nancy Eliza, b. 08/06/1838, d. 09/03/1913, Father: Maxwell, Daniel
McCammon, Rueben Potter, b. 03/20/1842, d. 04/10/1923, Father: McCammon, John
McCann, Emma, b. 1852, d. 02/15/1929, Father: McCann, Joseph, Dr.
McCann, Joseph, b. 06/28/1824, d. 12/01/1912, Father: McCann, Maxwell
McCann, Joseph, b. 1854, d. 08/28/1919, Father: McCann, Joseph
McCann, Margaret R., b. 1831, d. 02/04/1911, Father: Waters, Richard A.
McCann, Nellie, b. 1867, d. 1869, Father: McCann, Joseph
McCartney, Jessie, d. 08/07/1890
McCartney, John M., b. 1833, d. 02/07/1923
McCartney, Lavina J., b. 03/09/1840, d. 03/08/1912, "Mother", Father: Johnston
McCartney, Lee J., d. 07/22/1896, Father: McCartney, John M.
McCartney, Sylvia B., b. 05/22/1838, d. 09/24/1927
McCarty, Charles Gilbert, b. 01/17/1912, d. 08/16/1983, Father: McCarty, Charles E.
McCarty, Harry, b. 1891, d. 11/05/1900, Father: McCarty, Michael
McCarty, Ilo Julia (Russell), b. 06/03/1886, d. 12/11/1966, Father: Owen, Horace F.
McCarty, infant boy, b. 10/05/2000, d. 10/05/2000
McCarty, Isaac T., b. 04/10/1868, d. 07/11/1934, Father: McCarty, Jackson
McCarty, John A., b. 07/11/1860, d. 12/01/1936, "Father", Father: McCarty, Patrick
McCarty, Martha, b. 09/17/1861, d. 10/06/1931, "Mother", Father: Webster, Freeborn
McCarty, Michael, b. 1858, d. 03/05/1900
McCarty, Parmeria, b. 08/01/, d. 07/17/1932
McCarty, Roy Eugene, Jr., b. 12/09/1961, d. 12/10/1961, Father: McCarty, Roy Eugene
McCarty, Virginia "Irene", b. 02/09/1920, d. 11/23/1984, Father: Bateman, Boyd
McCauley, Gladys Marie, b. 03/11/1917, d. 04/30/1981, Father: Welton, Harvey
McCaun, Laura Rena, d. 08/22/1900
McClain, Dale E., b. 02/14/1925, d. 02/05/1986
McClain, Emerald, b. 1898, d. 02/03/1921, Father: McClain, William
McClain, Eva M. M., b. 1867, d. 04/04/1926, Father: Russ
McClain, Lula Mae, b. 09/12/1925, d. 12/19/1989, Father: Loader, Paul W.
McClain, Robert, b. 03/19/1900, d. 08/25/1953, Father: McClain, William
McClain, Ronald Dale, b. 02/11/1949, d. 02/13/1949, Father: McClain, Dale
McClain, William, b. 1855, d. 02/19/1915
McClanahan, Anna D., b. 1895, d. 10/30/1968, Father: Lapp, (? see notes)
McClary, Henry W., b. 1865, d. 06/23/1912
McClary, Martha E.Gillis "Mattie", b. 08/09/1870, d. 01/08/1947, Father: Chambers, Cyrus
McClave, Lillian U. "Lois", b. 03/02/1900, d. 07/04/1962, Father: Nosler, Frank
McClave, William L., b. 1898, d. 07/26/1969
McCleary, Richard, b. 1925, d. 07/14/1925
McCleery, James Patterson, b. 08/05/1935, d. 08/05/1935, Father: McCleery, Walter S.,Dr.
McCleery, Maxine Louise, b. 08/29/1948, d. 08/30/1948, Father: McCleery, Walter S.,Jr.
McCleery, Maxine, b. 03/03/1923, d. 01/26/1944, Father: McCleery, Walter S. (Dr.)
McCleery, Muriel, b. 02/28/1898, d. 12/31/1967, Father: Main
McCleery, Walter Scott, b. 05/19/1892, d. 12/13/1981, Father: McCleery, James
McClish, Mary Florence, b. 1907, d. 06/06/1958, Father: Nelson, Thomas
McCloud, Myra (Almira), b. 1865, d. 04/01/1899, Father: Freese, John
McClure, Infant Son, b. 11/20/1962, d. 11/20/1962, Father: McClure, Charles
McClure, James W., b. 10/13/1842, d. 04/06/1883
McClure, James, d. 01/21/1859
McClure, Jane, d. 07/02/1852
McClure, John, b. 01/18/1845, d. 09/27/1927, Father: McClure, John
McClure, John, d. 10/20/1849
McClure, Kate B. "Kittie", b. 1874, d. 04/26/1889, Father: McClure, Robert
McClure, Mary Elizabeth, b. 10/25/1837, d. 06/30/1928, Father: Adkinson, Wirt (?)
McClure, Mary Salome, b. 1844, d. 04/07/1885
McClure, Olive, b. 1802, d. 01/14/1898, Father: Skinner
McClure, Richard, d. 05/05/1868
McClure, Robert, b. 1835, d. 07/--/1888
McClure, William, d. 01/22/1843
McClure, William, d. 11/13/1850, Father: McClure, John
McCollough, Carrie, b. 1866, d. 07/15/1936, Father: Howard, J.W.
McCollum, Ermina T., b. 02/26/1879, d. 08/27/1939, Father: Warrick, A.P.
McCollum, William Melville, b. 1856, d. 01/22/1909
McConkey, Harriett V. (Ernsberger), b. 1898, d. 04/01/1980, Father: Smith, Albert E.
McConnell, Charles Melvin, b. 01/16/1886, d. 09/07/1957, Father: McConnell, Israel
McConnell, Grace D., b. 01/26/1886, d. 04/11/1950, Father: Dimmick, Benj.
McConnell, Robert, d. 02/14/1933
McCormick, Dwight N., b. 07/28/1913, d. 11/21/1956, Father: McCormick, Everett
McCormick, Irene, b. 04/12/1918, d. 05/04/2000, Father: Jackson, Grover A.
McCormick, Robert M., b. 12/20/1947, d. 05/07/1982, Father: McCormick, Frank
McCown, Burr H., b. 11/04/1855, d. 12/19/1942, Father: McCown, Henry
McCown, Helen O., b. 09/28/1932, d. 10/19/1999, Father: Mullins, Fred
McCoy, Archie, b. 02/11/1893, d. 10/12/1955, Father: McCoy, Alva
McCoy, George Frederick "Red", b. 04/16/1934, d. 02/23/1985, Father: McCoy, William Thomas
McCoy, Mary E., b. 07/09/1913, d. 12/11/1963, Father: McKee, Charles O.
McCoy, Oakla, b. 09/28/1899, d. 11/14/1995, Father: Baker, Lucius
McCoy, Russell C., b. 06/19/1912, d. 07/17/1991, Father: McCoy, John
McCracken, Elizabeth, b. 1790, d. 07/23/1851
McCracken, Maria, d. 02/25/1892
McCracken, Thomas, b. 1769, d. 09/29/1840
McCray, Janis Diane, b. 04/17/1948, d. 09/29/2002, Father: Flory, William E.
McCreary, Homer V., b. 10/21/1895, d. 04/27/1927, Father: McCreary, Frank
McCreary, Ivalo S., b. 11/06/1895, d. 11/10/1948, Father: McNamara, Richard
McCreary, James W., b. 06/--/1918, d. 10/02/1919, Father: McCreary, Homer V.
McCreary, Nancy Ann (see notes), b. 05/09/1957, d. 05/09/1957, Father: McCreary, Robert H.
McCreary, Rosa V. (Stimmel), b. 08/12/1885, d. 10/14/1966, Father: Knowlton, Levi (Lewis ?)
McCreary, William Luke, b. 10/09/1876, d. 07/12/1948, Father: McCreary, Thomas
McCroskey, Carl R., b. 1890, d. 10/17/1946, Father: McCroskey, Manford
McCroskey, Florence S., b. 1891, d. 02/10/1969
McCroskey, Manford A., b. 09/24/1863, d. 02/09/1950, Father: McCroskey, John
McCroskey, Victoria E., b. 12/03/1861, d. 12/21/1947, Father: Newcomb, Howell
McCullough, Charles D., b. 1853, d. 08/17/1863, Father: McCullough, David F.
McCullough, David Fullerton, b. 1809, d. 06/28/1863
McCullough, Elizabeth A., b. 1840, d. 12/17/1879
McCullough, Eunice Ann, b. 10/16/1814, d. 09/04/1902, Father: Case, Watson
McCullough, Frank, b. 1859, d. 1866
McCullough, Harvey James, b. 03/14/1837, d. 06/27/1903, Father: McCullough, David F.
McCullough, John E., b. 1846, d. 04/26/1923, Father: McCullough, David F.
McCullough, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1842, d. 07/28/1906, Father: McCullough, David F.
McCullough, Sylvia A., b. 1838, d. 09/25/1854, Father: McCullough, David F.
McCullough, Watson C., b. 1844, d. 03/29/1863
McCumber, Marilyn Marie, b. 01/22/1931, d. 08/12/1978, Father: Bill, Russell Henry
McCumber, William Joseph, b. 03/12/1933, d. 02/17/1994, Father: McCumber, John Allen
McCuskey, Bertha D., b. 1882, d. 1962, Father: Miller, Charles F.
McCutcheon, Nancy J., b. 1802, d. 08/18/1875, Father: Thomson, Moses
McDaniel, Douglas Lee "Doug", b. 03/24/1943, d. 06/09/1990, Father: McDaniel, Fred L.
McDaniel, Marguerite, b. 03/24/1920, d. 06/28/1997, Father: Jennings, John Alexander
McDermott, Patrick, d. 05/--/1910
McDonald, Harry, no dates
McDonald, Myrtle Marie, b. 03/08/1898, d. 03/11/1960, Father: Henderson
McDonald, Raymond Chalsmer, b. 01/25/1909, d. 04/19/1979, Father: McDonald, Thomas
McDonald, Terrie Lynn, b. 03/08/1962, d. 03/08/1962, Father: McDonald, Norman R.
McDonald, Velma Elizabeth (Hopper), b. 04/13/1891, d. 11/22/1959, Father: Williams, George
McDonnell, Alvestal, b. 09/07/1892, d. 10/03/1952, Father: McDonnell, James
McDonnell, Barbara Jane, b. 12/06/1929, d. 03/08/1990, Father: Schaffer, Wade E.
McDonnell, Hazel, b. 01/23/1894, d. 06/05/1976, Father: Rector, Thorton
McDonnell, Robert Vestal, b. 11/05/1916, d. 12/23/2002, Father: McDonnell, Al Vestal
McDonough, Electa Jane, b. 01/29/1848, d. 07/14/1905, "Mother"
McDonough, James Campbell, b. 03/01/1849, d. 11/26/1914, "Father"
McDougall, Arabelle M., b. 1851, d. 11/29/1918, Father: Brown, J.A.,Rev.
McDougall, infant, d. 1878, Father: McDougall, James A.
McDougall, James A., b. 1846, d. 09/02/1917
McDowell, Anne, b. 06/03/1884, d. 07/14/1963, Father: McDowell, John Otho (Dr.)
McDowell, Clotilda, b. 1858, d. 12/27/1930, Father: Lyon, Aaron J.
McDowell, Florence, b. 06/01/1880, d. 10/10/1965, Father: McDowell, John Otho, Dr.
McDowell, Hettie, b. 10/05/1856, d. 12/03/1939, Father: Wolfley, John
McDowell, John "Robert", b. 09/23/1882, d. 12/26/1891, Father: McDowell, John O. (Dr.)
McDowell, John Otho, b. 10/10/1848, d. 03/09/1890
McDowell, John, b. 1846, d. 05/08/1917
McDowell, Mary, b. 09/06/1886, d. 02/23/1907, Father: McDowell, John Otho
McDowell, Olive Vincent, b. 1884, d. 12/23/1907, Father: McDowell, William F.
McDowell, Uhler D., b. 1865, d. 01/03/1906
McDowell, William Fraser, b. 02/04/1858, d. 04/26/1937
McDowell, Zelpha Lillian, b. 04/03/1861, d. 07/05/1940, Father: Jaynes, Fred. M
McElfresh, Eula Mildred, b. 11/20/1905, d. 01/03/1998, Father: Hanlin, Robert
McElfresh, Helen Gladine, b. 12/04/1911, d. 01/12/1940, Father: Moses, Walter
McElfresh, Sharon Lee (Roberts), b. 02/17/1929, d. 05/03/2003, Father: Hughes, Charles
McElfresh, Thomas Everett, b. 04/08/1866, d. 03/27/1953, Father: McElfresh, Adam
McElfresh, Walter Thomas, b. 01/30/1935, d. 01/20/1994, Father: McElfresh, Will
McElfresh, William H. "Will", b. 11/25/1894, d. 10/19/1969, Father: McElfresh, Thomas Everett
McElheny, Victor King, III, b. 1902, d. 02/27/1906, Father: McElheny, Victor King
McElhinny, Anna A., b. 12/20/1885, d. 10/25/1962, Father: Harrold, Amos
McElhinny, Harrold William "Bill", b. 03/18/1919, d. 01/29/1990, Father: McElhinny, Ora B.
McElhinny, Nina Lea, b. 05/28/1950, d. 01/19/1960, Father: McElhinny, Harrold Wm.
McElhinny, Ora B., b. 02/17/1883, d. 08/05/1967, Father: Unk
McElroy, Amelia F., b. 12/14/1840, d. 1930, Father: Butts, John
McElroy, Amelzer Hovey, b. 07/22/1837, d. 11/19/1894, Father: McElroy, John
McElroy, Annie Laurie "Scottie", b. 08/20/1902, d. 12/30/1975, Father: Walls, Charles
McElroy, Benjamin L., b. 03/22/1860, d. 01/31/1948, Father: McElroy, Joseph C.
McElroy, Bessie S., d. 11/01/1870, Father: McElroy, Chas.Henry
McElroy, Caroline, b. 07/03/1831, d. 12/06/1883, Father: Murray, Richard
McElroy, Charles Henry, b. 03/19/1830, d. 03/01/1904, Father: McElroy, James K. (Rev.)
McElroy, Delia, no dates, (Infant)
McElroy, Eirvin B., b. 1835, d. 1896
McElroy, Enid Cherington, b. 07/18/1885, d. 05/09/1964, Father: McElroy, Benjamin L.
McElroy, Francis N., b. 03/09/1872, d. 03/26/1904, Father: McElroy, Charles H.
McElroy, George Francis, no dates
McElroy, George H., d. 04/14/1881, Father: McElroy, Charles H.
McElroy, Glenn W., b. 07/28/1891, d. 10/30/1955, Father: McElroy, John
McElroy, Helen M., b. 1844, d. 04/07/1912, Father: White
McElroy, Hester A., b. 1797, d. 01/27/1879
McElroy, James K., b. 1780, d. 04/24/1872
McElroy, James K., b. 1903, d. 05/01/1982
McElroy, John, b. 04/--/1812, d. 09/01/1889, Father: McElroy, James K.
McElroy, Kathleen D., b. 08/17/1864, d. 01/25/1935, Father: McElroy, Chas.H., (Judge)
McElroy, Lora E., b. 04/27/1862, d. 11/21/1944, Father: Cherington, Wm. W.
McElroy, Maria Gilbert, b. 1812, d. 02/06/1895, Father: Blinn
McElroy, Mary A., b. 1837, d. 1859
McElroy, Mary E., b. 1847, d. 1851
McElroy, Mildred C., b. 1892, d. 08/15/1986, Father: McElroy, Benjamin L.
McElroy, Milo G., b. 1842, d. 01/26/1900, Father: McElroy, John
McElroy, Myrtle "Lillian", b. 01/05/1898, d. 01/06/1961, Father: McElroy, B.L.
McElwee, Josephine R., b. 12/06/1918, d. 01/22/1965, Father: Grove, Henry H.
McElwee, Ralph G., b. 05/08/1916, d. 04/05/2001, Father: McElwee, Charles Raymond
McFadine, Carrie A., d. 04/19/1891
McFall, Thomas, no dates
McFarland, A. W., b. 05/24/1824, d. 08/11/1897
McFarland, Francis Susan, b. 07/03/1869, d. 07/17/1937, Father: Miller, Chas.
McFarland, Margaret, d. 01/09/1911
McFarland, Mildred, b. 1894, d. 10/04/1912, Father: McFarland, Emery
McFarlin, Mahala, b. 08/20/1821, d. 08/01/1901, Father: Leasure
McFarlin, Oscar E., b. 1851, d. 07/03/1922, Father: McFarlin, Wm.G.
McFarlin, Sarah A., b. 12/18/1855, d. 05/08/1935, Father: Andrews, William
McFarlin, Washington, b. 1816, d. 02/14/1901
McFarlin, William S., b. 1856, d. 12/05/1946, Father: McFarlin, William G.
McFeel, Gertrude Myrtle, d. 05/15/1892
McFeel, Maggie, d. 04/23/1892
McField, Louis, d. 05/20/1896
McField, Sophia J., d. 07/26/1892
McGiffin, Electa (?), no dates
McGinnis, James E., II, b. 01/02/1937, d. 06/19/1997, Father: McGinnis, James E.,Sr.
McGlothlin, Florence, b. 12/21/1890, d. 02/11/1983, Father: Nichols, Charles
McGlothlin, Henry R., b. 10/21/1912, d. 03/07/1970, Father: McGlothlin, Ranzy
McGlothlin, William Arthur, b. 11/05/1916, d. 11/16/1990, Father: McGlothlin, Wm. H.
McGough, Cecilia, d. 11/19/1907, Father: McGough, J.J.
McGowan, Boyd R., b. 1869, d. 10/25/1895
McGowan, Edna L., b. 1885, d. 10/28/1921, Father: White, Jack
McGowan, Louisa, b. 1842, d. 12/24/1913
McGowan, Robert, b. 1941, d. 05/30/1914
McGrath, Frances Irene, b. 03/28/1933, d. 09/06/1995, Father: Easterday, Robert
McGriffin, Electa, d. 08/25/1903
McGuire, Alice M., b. 09/23/1868, d. 06/10/1942, Father: Markel, Jonathan
McGuire, Amelia D., b. 1821, d. 03/10/1893, Father: Froth
McGuire, George D., b. 07/20/1858, d. 03/17/1944, Father: McQuire, Philip H.
McGuire, Phillip Henry, b. 1827, d. 01/17/1903
McHaney, John, d. 09/12/1890
McHugh, Florence C., b. 06/05/1887, d. 12/21/1963, Father: Newton, Charles H.
McIlvain, Andrew, b. 1815, d. 07/01/1874
McIntire, John, b. 12/13/1869, d. 09/13/1922
McKay, Morgan Renee, b. 01/19/1993, d. 03/23/1993, Father: McKay, Michael (Dr.)
McKean, Alice Pauline, b. 11/27/1931, d. 07/01/1958, Father: McKean, John Chester
McKean, John Chester, Jr., b. 04/01/1928, d. 03/31/1997, Father: McKean, John Chester,Sr.
McKean, John Chester, Sr., b. 04/14/1904, d. 03/13/1979, Father: McKean, John T.
McKean, John Thomas, b. 07/19/1863, d. 04/18/1938, Father: McKean, Hugh
McKean, Mary Emma, b. 04/25/1905, d. 07/20/1989, Father: Samuels, Harry
McKean, Maude M., b. 07/31/1879, d. 12/06/1965, Father: Hadden, Isaac
McKee, Charles O., b. 11/16/1874, d. 05/02/1954, Father: McKee, Joseph
McKee, Dorothy M., b. 04/11/1905, d. 03/09/1959, Father: Breece, Wylie
McKee, Ella J., b. 04/25/1879, d. 08/12/1961, Father: McCullough, Joseph
McKee, Gladys A. (Coulson), b. 11/04/1905, d. 08/13/1991, Father: Zimmerman, Elmer
McKee, Harold Ross, d. 10/21/1934, Father: McKee, Ross
McKee, Joseph Ross, b. 03/04/1905, d. 04/26/2000, Father: McKee, Charles O.
McKee, Larry William, b. 12/12/1950, d. 03/28/1971, Father: McKee, William J.
McKee, Tora, b. 04/29/1910, d. 12/28/2001, Father: Maggard, Caleb
McKee, William James, b. 06/28/1930, d. 11/12/1997, Father: McKee, Bradford
McKeehan, Clarence Wilson, b. 04/05/1878, d. 11/15/1944, Father: McKeehan, H. H.
McKeehan, Sarah Elizabeth, b. 04/04/1877, d. 04/14/1944, Father: Shannon, William M.
McKelvey, Myron St.Clair, b. 1915, d. 01/13/1989
McKelvey, Robert G., b. 02/17/1924, d. 06/08/1996, Father: McKelvey, Glenn
McKendree, Clifford Willis, b. 1878, d. 12/30/1909, "Father", Father: McKendree, W.T.
McKendree, Ella, b. 1881, d. 11/02/1948, "Mother", Father: Emerson, Wilbur R.
McKenzie, Catharine Mae, b. 09/26/1915, d. 10/07/1989, Father: Sickles, Ray
McKenzie, Charles A., b. 08/23/1916, d. 08/01/1992, Father: McKenzie, William
McKenzie, Rachel V."Ratie", b. 03/18/1880, d. 11/26/1926, "Mother", Father: Colbert, Ichabod
McKenzie, William R., b. 10/02/1870, d. 07/12/1940, "Father", Father: McKenzie, William R.
McKibben, Mary M., no dates
McKibbin, Thomas B., d. 02/03/1847, Father: McKibbin, J.
McKinley, Alford William, d. 01/18/1898
McKinney, E., no dates, "Mother"
McKinney, Lizzie, d. 11/22/1893
McKinnie, Bertha, b. 11/28/1872, d. 12/14/1936, Father: Kenyon, Perry
McKinnie, Elizabeth, b. 11/27/1841, d. 02/20/1927
McKinnie, Frances, b. 01/18/1862, d. 06/07/1945, Father: Kenyon, Perry
McKinnie, Gladys Irene, b. 03/11/1900, d. 01/30/1960, Father: McKinnie, L.Frank
McKinnie, James Frederick, b. 12/26/1879, d. 01/20/1907, Father: McKinnie, James R.
McKinnie, James R., b. 05/07/1840, d. 01/27/1904
McKinnie, John, b. 07/13/1773, d. 01/17/1861
McKinnie, Lucius Frank, b. 09/12/1867, d. 03/26/1947, Father: McKinnie, Josiah
McKinnie, Margaret A., b. 09/29/1818, d. 11/04/1903, Father: Dunlap, John F. (Col.)
McKinnie, Mary, b. 01/13/1769, d. 12/21/1849
McKinnie, Pearl C., b. 04/17/1894, d. 07/11/1970, Father: Criswell, Joseph R.
McKinnie, Robert, b. 01/16/1770, d. 04/20/1848
McKinnie, Robert, b. 1818, d. 11/15/1871
McKinnie, Sarah Ann, b. 09/23/1831, d. 08/03/1877, Father: Bonnar
McKinnie, Walter Ray, b. 05/09/1895, d. 08/20/1979, Father: McKinnie, Frank
McKinnie, William Bard, b. 10/03/1830, d. 10/18/1898, Father: McKinnie
McKinnie, William James, b. 10/10/1864, d. 02/06/1936, Father: McKinnie, Josiah
McKinniss, Donna Marie, b. 05/31/1953, d. 06/03/1953, Father: McKinniss, Manuel
McKitrick, Mary Virginia, b. 06/14/1918, d. 05/06/1999, Father: Cavendish, Herbert E.
McLamore, Harriett R., b. 1837, d. 07/01/1906
McLeod, John Edward, b. 05/26/1895, d. 06/12/1963
McMillen, Fred V., b. 10/15/1875, d. 04/13/1966, Father: McMillen, Robert
McMillen, Freddie Vernon, b. 1918, d. 04/01/1918, Father: McMillen, Fred V.
McMillen, George E., b. 03/19/1911, d. 01/04/1975, Father: McMillen, Fred
McMillen, Grace P., b. 07/27/1891, d. 12/01/1951, Father: Laughlin, James
McMillen, Martha Jean, b. 1919, d. 09/20/1919, Father: McMillen, Fred V.
McMillen, Maude J. (Reichelderfer), b. 01/10/1880, d. 01/12/1952, Father: Jacobus, Edward
McMillen, Olive D., b. 05/28/1880, d. 04/21/1944, Father: Thomas, George W.
McMillen, Virginia Pansy (Walton), b. 07/25/1913, d. 08/30/1966, Father: Spafford, Dallas
McMillin, Oscar, d. 02/05/1927, Father: McMillin, Oscar
McMinn, John H., b. 02/21/1901, d. 10/17/1978, Father: McMinn, Howard
McMinn, Margaret T. (Blake), b. 05/06/1900, d. 10/06/1981, Father: Taggart, John B.
McMurray, Effie, d. 04/29/1910, Father: McMurray, Noah
McNally, Charley, b. 1879, d. 04/27/1968
McNamara, Anna Mary, b. 06/04/1868, d. 04/03/1940, Father: Hummel,Jefferson Whitmer
McNamara, George Robert, b. 01/13/1916, d. 12/02/1996, Father: McNamara, Vinal Ray
McNamara, Homer Eugene, b. 10/27/1925, d. 07/10/1943, Father: McNamara, Homer
McNamara, J.Gladys, b. 11/20/1898, d. 03/03/1999, Father: Finch, Fremont
McNamara, Jerry Thomas, b. 01/01/1944, d. 03/18/1999, Father: McNamara, George Robert
McNamara, John Edward "Jack", b. 12/28/1918, d. 06/04/1932, Father: McNamara, Vinal
McNamara, John S., b. 05/--/1912, d. 06/04/1912, Father: McNamara, John
McNamara, Mary Ann, b. 01/01/1918, d. 09/02/1975, Father: Hageman
McNamara, Mary Margaret, b. 08/26/2003, d. 08/26/2003, Father: McNamara, Kevin
McNamara, Mildred L., b. 1894, d. 12/27/1980, "Mom", Father: Stevens
McNamara, O'Dell, b. 03/14/1902, d. 12/04/1965, Father: McNamara, Richard
McNamara, Paul F., b. 12/31/1911, d. 06/21/1968, Father: McNamara, Vinal R.
McNamara, Richard W., b. 10/25/1913, d. 05/28/1953, Father: McNamara, Vinal R.
McNamara, Richard, b. 03/02/1864, d. 05/21/1933, Father: McNamara, John
McNamara, Rollin K. "Rollie", b. 03/21/1890, d. 09/14/1974, Father: McNamara, John
McNamara, Vinal R., b. 08/13/1889, d. 05/02/1950, "Dad", Father: McNamara, Richard
McNeil, Mildred C., b. 07/03/1886, d. 08/25/1912, Father: Crawford, Stewart
McPherson, Angenette, b. 1845, d. 06/09/1925, Father: Atherton
McPherson, Anna Ferris, b. 02/06/1873, d. 01/31/1951, Father: Post, Valentine
McPherson, Benjamin H., b. 1841, d. 04/09/1904
McPherson, Della, d. 01/20/1898, Father: McPherson, Benjamin
McPherson, Edith Marie, b. 11/15/1916, d. 05/24/1959, Father: McPherson, William C.
McPherson, Howard C., b. 05/17/1920, d. 10/11/1997, Father: McPherson, William C.
McPherson, John William, b. 08/22/1904, d. 01/30/1976, Father: McPherson, William C.
McPherson, Katie May, b. 1869, d. 1872, Father: McPherson, Benjamin H.
McPherson, Walter, d. 08/27/1919
McPherson, William Clifford, b. 06/27/1873, d. 02/08/1952, Father: McPherson, Isaac
McRedmond, Daisy, b. 02/26/1885, d. 08/26/1976, Father: Liebendorfer, William
McRedmond, David, d. 01/21/1953
McRedmond, Edward, b. 04/11/1884, d. 05/21/1945, Father: McRedmond, William
McRedmond, Lucy, b. 1870, d. 12/27/1948
McVicker, Erma L. (or I.), b. 06/24/1909, d. 10/07/1997, Father: Smith, Orrie R.
McVicker, George Clarence, b. 04/23/1902, d. 06/12/1970
McVicker, Martha Ann, b. 12/31/1941, d. 02/17/1963, Father: McVicker, George C.
McVicker, Stephen, b. 02/01/1963, d. 02/08/1963
McWherter, Gregory Lee, b. 09/28/1958, d. 03/16/1982, Father: McWherter, Earl
McWilliams, Eva L., b. 08/06/1868, d. 10/11/1932
Mead, Clyde B., b. 03/13/1910, d. 09/15/2001, Father: Mead, Andrew
Mead, Jane Ross, b. 05/27/1777, d. 08/01/1861
Mead, Lillian Eliza, b. 11/05/1907, d. 08/12/1995, Father: Ramey, Samuel
Mead, Mary M., b. 1850, d. 07/17/1918, Father: Mendenhall, John H.
Mead, Royal S., b. 1819, d. 08/09/1861
Meadows, Cecil Ray, b. 06/14/1888, d. 06/12/1968, Father: Meadows, Lantis L.
Meadows, Sarah Gertrude, b. 09/25/1885, d. 12/03/1961, Father: Brown, Preston
Meckling, Perhettie, b. 1835, d. 02/05/1916, Father: Hollenbaugh
Medley, Hattie Bell, b. 06/23/1924, d. 05/15/1984, Father: Thomas, Ludie
Medley, Howard Lee, Sr., b. 02/25/1908, d. 03/05/1987, Father: Medley, Walter Sr.
Medley, Infant Son, b. 06/05/1968, d. 06/05/1968, Father: Medley, Robert
Medley, Sarah Marie, b. 04/02/1944, d. 05/22/1989, Father: Lewis, Miller, Sr.
Meehan, Daniel (Dennis), d. 11/24/1935
Meehan, John Francis, b. 05/25/1898, d. 04/13/1959
Meehan, Thomas W., b. 01/14/1919, d. 05/06/1987, Father: Meehan, James
Meeker, Albert P., b. 09/04/1840, d. 11/21/1902
Meeker, Forrest, b. 1824, d. 08/08/1854
Meeker, Hazel, b. 05/27/1901, d. 08/29/1902, Father: Meeker
Meeker, Lena Bernice, d. 11/28/1942, Father: Patten, Willard
Meeker, Martin C., d. 11/03/1826, Father: Meeker, Wm.
Meeker, Mary A., b. 1840, d. 09/26/1918, Father: Lowry
Meeker, Sarah, d. 08/--/1882
Meeker, William S., d. 07/15/1827, Father: Meeker, William
Meeks, Brittney Renee, b. 03/09/1998, d. 07/20/1998, Father: Meeks, William M.
Mefford, Harriet Lamb, b. 04/10/1857, d. 07/21/1953, Father: Platt, Cyrus
Mefford, Robert J., d. 1935
Mehornay, John Calvin, b. 1874, d. 06/08/1933
Mehornay, Rozela Valeria, b. 10/19/1874, d. 02/05/1955, Father: Strickler, William
Meiser, William, b. 1867, d. 11/26/1935, Father: Meiser, Henry
Melching, Ben, no dates
Melching, Della (English), no dates, Father: Ferguson, Eli
Melching, Eva, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Blake, Byron
Melching, Francis, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Melching, Henry
Melching, Jessie, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Melching, Francis
Melching, Louis, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Melching, Francis
Melching, Nellie, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Melching, Francis
Melching, Ralph, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Melching, Francis
Mellette, Emma L., b. 11/01/1898, d. 04/25/1980, Father: Long, Frederick W.
Mellette, George Edmund, b. 09/24/1898, d. 02/29/1968, Father: Mellette, Frank E.
Mellinger, Fred E., b. 12/15/1883, d. 01/07/1957, Father: Mellinger, Charles
Mellotte, Carrie Estelle, b. 07/12/1877, d. 09/29/1937, Father: Essig, Daniel
Mellotte, Elmer, b. 12/28/1879, d. 03/03/1969, Father: Unk
Meloy, Donald S., b. 12/23/1910, d. 12/26/1922, Father: Meloy, Francis M.
Meloy, Francis M., b. 12/12/1872, d. 05/28/1946, Father: Meloy, Jesse
Meloy, Kittie S., b. 08/26/1877, d. 02/06/1929, Father: Stine, John
Melton, Elizabeth, d. 03/16/1910
Melton, Harvey, b. 06/24/1929, d. 08/14/1970, Father: Unk
Mendenhall, Adaline S., b. 12/25/1866, d. 01/23/1960, Father: Stanbery, John Rathbone
Mendenhall, Albert, b. 10/15/1880, d. 10/11/1938, Father: Mendenhall, Charles
Mendenhall, Bertha Belle, b. 06/22/1884, d. 11/05/1963, Father: Nooks, Ellick
Mendenhall, Clarence Albert, b. 06/06/1939, d. 06/12/1961, Father: Mendenhall, Paul
Mendenhall, Douglas Andrew, b. 09/10/1910, d. 12/10/1988, Father: Mendenhall, Prince Albert
Mendenhall, E. S., b. 1789, d. 04/08/1853, "Father"
Mendenhall, Edward S., d. 03/01/1904, Father: Mendenhall,Edward S.
Mendenhall, Edward Scull, b. 09/24/1854, d. 08/08/1939, Father: Mendenhall, John H.
Mendenhall, Erma M., b. 05/04/1912, d. 04/16/1990, Father: Mendenhall, Prince Albert
Mendenhall, Ernest, no dates
Mendenhall, Gay, b. 05/25/1917, d. 07/28/2001, Father: Dalrymple, Robert P.
Mendenhall, Herndon, d. 09/01/1896, Father: Mendenhall, Edward
Mendenhall, J. Hayes, d. 02/09/1882
Mendenhall, James W., b. 1844, d. 1892
Mendenhall, John Hayes, b. 1825, d. 04/17/1905, Father: Mendenhall, E.S.
Mendenhall, Lucinda, b. 1810, d. 02/10/1899
Mendenhall, Margaret Ann, b. 1918, d. 11/13/1974
Mendenhall, Margaret, b. 1824, d. 04/02/1903, Father: Reynolds, Richard
Mendenhall, Milt, d. 1906
Mendenhall, Milton, d. 11/02/1918
Mendenhall, Rhoda H., b. 1801, d. 02/23/1852, "Mother"
Mendenhall, Robert Vernon, b. 12/27/1920, d. 09/08/2003, Father: Mendenhall, Carl
Mercer, Alfred, b. 1827, d. 10/16/1908
Mercer, Alpha, b. 1827, d. 01/09/1898, (Twin of Alfred)
Mercer, Amanda, d. 08/07/1903
Mercer, Irvin M., b. 02/19/1894, d. 12/29/1962, "Father", Father: Mercer, Jerry
Mercer, Minnie M., b. 10/06/1894, d. 11/29/1971, "Mother", Father: Ward, George
Mercer, Susan, d. 08/20/1912, Father: Howard
Mercer, Victor Ward, b. 05/23/1927, d. 10/23/1944, "Son", Father: Mercer, Irwin
Merchant, Sandy E., b. 02/01/1862, d. 09/15/1943, Father: Merchant, John C.,Rev.
Merchant, Willanna S., b. 1858, d. 06/07/1926
Merfert, Amelia, b. 05/09/1819, d. 05/21/1896
Meriday, Cecelia Ann, b. 1840, d. 04/17/1913
Meriday, Isaac, d. 08/16/1906
Merrick, Frederick, b. 01/29/1810, d. 03/05/1894, Father: Merrick, Noah
Merrick, Helen M., b. 02/07/1824, d. 01/05/1901, Father: Merrick, Noah
Merrick, Sarah Fidelia, b. 1815, d. 07/06/1883, Father: Griswold
Merritt, Catherine "Kate", b. 1817, d. 01/31/1901
Merritt, Frederick, d. 07/--/1876
Merritt, George, b. 1850, d. 01/20/1925, Father: Merritt, Jesse
Merritt, Jennie, no dates
Merritt, Jessie, b. 1831, d. 07/09/1895
Merritt, Lincoln Elsworth, b. 1863, d. 06/23/1909, Father: Merritt, Jesse
Merritt, Mary, b. 1829, d. 05/30/1906
Merritt, William Clifford, Sr., b. 04/30/1910, d. 02/27/1992, Father: Merritt, Harry
Merritt, William Robert, b. 01/28/1939, d. 05/18/2002, Father: Merritt,William Burnside
Messenger, Mary, b. 1843, d. 1881
Messenger, Walter M., b. 1871, d. 09/28/1900
Messenger, William, d. 07/04/1888
Messick, Clara M., b. 11/19/1880, d. 07/06/1953, Father: Millhon, Judson
Messick, Joseph Cullen, b. 1876, d. 02/03/1916
Metcalf, Artha, b. 1849, d. 04/12/1912
Metcalf, Donald Holcomb, b. 1905, d. 06/07/1977, Father: Metcalf, George T.
Metcalf, Edward Arthur, b. 1925, d. 1979
Metcalf, George Thompson, b. 03/19/1873, d. 09/17/1943, Father: Metcalf, Henry H
Metcalf, Henry H., b. 02/22/1847, d. 07/20/1929, Father: Metcalf, John
Metcalf, Mark B., b. 1873, d. 11/20/1916
Metcalf, Mary Josephine, b. 1915, d. 03/31/1977
Metcalf, Mary Ruth, b. 1915, d. 05/19/1921, Father: Metcalf, George T.
Metcalf, Olive B., b. 1873, d. 01/07/1921, Father: Davis, R.L.
Metcalf, Virginia D., b. 04/18/1879, d. 08/30/1953, Father: Davis, Rufus
Metzger, August, b. 06/02/1841, d. 08/07/1914, "Father", Father: Metzger, Jacob
Metzger, Bert, d. 10/26/1896
Metzger, C., no dates, "Mother"
Metzger, Henry, b. 1861, d. 01/20/1935
Metzger, Howard Alvin, b. 02/01/1915, d. 05/31/1958, Father: Metzger, Harry A.
Metzger, Infant, no dates
Metzger, Ivanell H., b. 10/28/1921, d. 03/22/1975, Father: Hall, Foster
Metzger, Judson J., b. 01/30/1907, d. 06/25/1974, Father: Metzger, Henry
Metzger, Lillie W., b. 1862, d. 12/29/1932, Father: Weber, Phillip
Metzger, Linda Lee, b. 10/09/1940, d. 10/09/1940, Father: Metzger, Harry
Metzger, Louis, b. 11/24/1869, d. 04/04/1931, Father: Metzger, August
Metzger, Mary, d. 10/03/1916, Father: Castle
Metzger, May, no dates
Metzger, Mitchell R. "Mike", b. 01/21/1950, d. 08/07/1998, Father: Metzger, Howard Alvin
Metzger, Nellie May, b. 02/14/1891, d. 04/30/1933, Father: Camp, J.C.
Metzger, William, b. 08/04/1876, d. 07/13/1904, Father: Metzger, August
Meyer, Jeffrey Lee, b. 04/26/1957, d. 10/12/1999, Father: Meyer, John S.

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