Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Mobley, Chester Earl, Sr., b. 12/17/1928, d. 01/08/2001, Father: Mobley, Chester P.
Mobley, Christena M., b. 12/15/1934, d. 04/09/1999, Father: Olinger, Harvey
Mobley, Kathleen Sue, b. 03/23/1961, d. 08/02/1999, Father: Mobley, Chester E., Sr.
Mock, Armetta, b. 1918, d. 10/22/1920, Father: Mock, Harvey
Mock, Earvy R., b. 08/--/1883, d. 04/16/1886, Father: Mock, Taylor
Mock, Ernest Ross, b. 08/--/1883, d. 02/08/1892, Father: Mock, Taylor
Mock, Hervery, b. 09/26/1888, d. 02/07/1920, Father: Mock, Wm.Taylor
Mock, Lillian L., b. 1890, d. 06/12/1974, Father: Armitage, David B.
Mock, Rosanna L., b. 1859, d. 03/17/1934, "Mother", Father: Davis, Levi
Mock, Vivian, b. 05/26/1897, d. 02/10/1993, Father: Mock, Wm.Taylor
Mock, Wm. Taylor, b. 06/24/1849, d. 01/10/1897
Modie, Elizabeth, b. 11/21/1889, d. 06/28/1956, Father: Reider, John
Modie, Milton P., b. 12/26/1882, d. 01/24/1945, Father: Modie, Charles
Moffett, Anna, b. 11/15/1848, d. 03/09/1923
Mohn, Salesa B., b. 05/03/1881, d. 07/03/1963, Father: Berger, Aaron
Mohr, Estella B., b. 08/21/1883, d. 02/28/1972
Mohr, Ray David, b. 04/28/1875, d. 01/19/1946, Father: Mohr, Alvin
Moist, Clara S., b. 07/25/1886, d. 11/27/1980, Father: Pehrson, Martin
Moist, Infant, d. 03/03/1895, "Daughter", Father: Moist, William H.
Moist, John Martin, b. 07/15/1911, d. 04/09/1966, Father: Moist, Murray S.
Moist, Mary Gertrude, b. 12/12/1856, d. 08/04/1936, Father: Desenberg, Manassa M.
Moist, Mildred Doris, b. 01/31/1911, d. 07/31/1994, Father: Halvorson, Nels O.
Moist, Murray Sherman, b. 06/30/1879, d. 12/09/1938, Father: Moist, William
Moist, Myrtle, b. 08/31/1877, d. 11/25/1898, Father: Moist, William H.
Moist, Sherman P., b. 07/15/1914, d. 07/03/1984, Father: Moist, Murray S.
Moist, Virginia C., b. 11/01/1941, d. 01/06/1960, Father: Moist, John M.
Moist, William Henry, b. 05/30/1846, d. 07/10/1903
Molnar, John William, b. 04/09/1926, d. 03/20/1987, Father: Molnar, Gabor
Monahan, Mary Vaugh, d. 07/28/1917
Monahan, Myrtle, b. 1782, d. 07/17/1889
Moncur, Phyllis Ann, b. 07/15/1927, d. 01/05/2000, Father: Wilson, Ralph A.
Moncur, Reginald, b. 05/10/1904, d. 11/01/1971, Father: Moncur, James
Moncur, Rose Aletha, b. 10/31/1907, d. 01/27/1982, Father: Gardner, Isaac
Monehan, John, d. 01/27/1910
Monesmith, Adele I., b. 01/29/1931, d. 11/22/1987, Father: High, Harry
Monesmith, C. E., no dates
Monesmith, Caroline, b. 1846, d. 03/23/1929, Father: Rhindfusz
Monesmith, Charles Edward, b. 02/10/1879, d. 12/21/1960, Father: Monesmith, Joseph William
Monesmith, Daniel Albert, b. 10/20/1869, d. 03/03/1951, Father: Monesmith, Joseph
Monesmith, Dora Anna, b. 1870, d. 03/21/1929, Father: Leibold, Daniel
Monesmith, Elizabeth S., b. 05/06/1879, d. 10/17/1958, Father: Schilliger
Monesmith, Eva May, b. 1893, d. 01/30/1898
Monesmith, Frank Joseph, b. 12/14/1886, d. 12/22/1974, Father: Monesmith, Joseph
Monesmith, Harry William, b. 1891, d. 11/15/1956, Father: Monesmith, Wm. E.
Monesmith, James I. (or Janice E.), d. 08/29/1928, Father: Monesmith, John
Monesmith, John Albert, d. 02/05/1931, Father: Monesmith, Albert
Monesmith, Joseph William "Joe", b. 1841, d. 08/20/1892
Monesmith, Josephine S., b. 03/09/1896, d. 10/14/1988, Father: Shuster, Francis ?
Monesmith, Mary E. Yake, b. 07/04/1895, d. 11/15/1951, Father: McIntire, Henry
Monesmith, Mary Martha, b. 11/26/1881, d. 12/19/1969, Father: Dengler, Jacob
Monesmith, Phillip Frederick, b. 07/24/1882, d. 08/14/1959, Father: Monesmith, Joseph
Monesmith, Ruth Elizabeth, b. 11/19/1904, d. 07/02/1966, Father: Monesmith, Wm. E.
Monesmith, William E., b. 10/28/1867, d. 06/24/1941, Father: Monesmith, Joseph William
Monesmith, William Edward, b. 1908, d. 05/27/1980, Father: Monesmith,Charles E.
Mong, Parker, d. 01/18/1913
Monroe, Samuel, b. 1893, d. 06/29/1921
Monska, Fern Melba, b. 11/30/1910, d. 01/16/2000, Father: Jefferies, Earl
Monska, Herschel Arthur, b. 06/09/1912, d. 01/23/1990, Father: Monska, Herman
Monte, Randall Scott, b. 04/15/1967, d. 04/30/1996, Father: Monte, Gene A.
Montgomery, Curtis E., b. 09/24/1930, d. 02/25/2000, Father: Montgomery, Floyd
Montgomery, Rupert L. "Joe", b. 10/27/1899, d. 05/03/1989, Father: Montgomery, George N.
Montgomery, Ruth Geraldine, b. 11/15/1902, d. 04/28/1997, Father: Hageman
Montgomery, Steven, b. 10/05/1942, d. 08/18/1990, Father: Montgomery, Earl
Moodespaugh, Charles "Ray", b. 02/17/1919, d. 11/30/2003, Father: Moodespaugh, Sherman
Moodespaugh, Mary Ann, b. 03/26/1920, d. 09/25/1974, Father: Harter, Harvey E., Sr.
Moodespaugh, Terri Lynn, b. 02/09/1956, d. 07/04/1956
Moody, Frank R., b. 1847, d. 08/24/1919
Moody, Hattie, d. 03/17/1910
Moon, Agnes, b. 04/02/1854, d. 11/18/1928, Father: Moon, Hosea
Moon, Alden J., b. 06/30/1885, d. 03/23/1932, Father: Moon, Geo.
Moon, Anna, b. 1867, d. 03/01/1885, Father: Moon, Hosea
Moon, Elizabeth, b. 09/15/1830, d. 06/05/1898, Father: Turk
Moon, Hosea, b. 1831, d. 03/21/1907
Moon, John, b. 02/05/1863, d. 07/21/1948, Father: Moon, Hosea
Moon, Mary, b. 03/20/1887, d. 1887, Father: Moon, Hosea
Moon, Tillie (Bessie ?), b. 02/13/1857, d. 01/20/1937, Father: Moon, Hosea
Moone,, no dates
Mooney, Abigail, b. 05/21/1804, d. 09/03/1894, Father: Cunningham
Mooney, Carl Edgar, b. 08/12/1886, d. 02/24/1935, Father: Mooney, Delbert
Mooney, Clarrissa E., b. 1829, d. 08/21/1914, Father: Gladden
Mooney, D., d. 06/06/1889, (child), Father: Mooney, Delbert
Mooney, David C., b. 06/08/1825, d. 02/24/1903, Father: Mooney, John
Mooney, Delbert, b. 03/14/1857, d. 05/20/1928, Father: Mooney, David C.
Mooney, Emma, b. 03/25/1872, d. 03/05/1933, Father: Miller, John
Mooney, George Lieb, b. 08/16/1846, d.
Mooney, Harriet Lewis, b. 10/31/1837, d. 03/09/1915, Father: Lewis, Joseph
Mooney, Helena, b. 01/26/1869, d. 07/19/1901, Father: Hiss, Leopold
Mooney, Infant daughter, d. 11/20/1867, Father: Mooney, James W.
Mooney, Infant, no dates
Mooney, James L., b. 1851, d. 1872, Father: Mooney, David C.
Mooney, James W., b. 1834, d. 04/15/1913, "Father"
Mooney, Laura B., b. 1860, d. 1876, Father: Mooney, David C.
Mooney, LeRoy, d. 02/24/1913
Mooney, Mary Jane, b. 1838, d. 01/20/1907, "Mother", Father: Rankin
Mooney, Maud M., b. 12/18/1860, d. 11/02/1886, Father: Sanderson, John
Mooney, Raymond J., d. 06/07/1906, Father: Mooney
Moore, Abel, d. 08/--/1854
Moore, Aletha Ernestine, b. 10/20/1914, d. 02/10/1955, Father: Baird, Wilda
Moore, Charles E., b. 12/31/1868, d. 09/08/1947, Father: Moore, Davis
Moore, Charles E., b. 1911, d. 09/22/1986
Moore, Claridon M., b. 09/28/1895, d. 06/03/1968, Father: Moore, Charles
Moore, Cory Douglas, b. 02/25/1978, d. 03/05/1978, Father: Moore, Franklin
Moore, Daisy Nell "Happy", b. 01/04/1903, d. 12/09/1987, Father: Hensley, Jeremiah
Moore, Danny J., b. 05/04/1887, d. 04/14/1944
Moore, Eddie, b. 05/23/1955, d. 10/02/1955, Father: Moore, Eddie
Moore, Elizabeth J., b. 05/25/1940, d. 06/10/1978
Moore, Emma Eugenia, b. 06/27/1888, d. 05/21/1937, Father: McCabe, John J. (Rev.)
Moore, Fanny Elizabeth, b. 08/22/1915, d. 11/22/1986, Father: Ratleff, Charles
Moore, Florence M., b. 10/04/1897, d. 01/27/1985, Father: Kramer, Willard
Moore, Florence T., b. 1912, d. 11/10/1963
Moore, Frances, b. 04/08/1844, d. 10/06/1931, Father: Moore, Isaac
Moore, Frank E., b. 1832, d. 01/14/1898, Father: Moore, Emery
Moore, Gertrude, b. 09/07/1877, d. 08/27/1935, Father: Berger, John
Moore, Hazel Holland, b. 12/09/1905, d. 01/11/2000, Father: Hogan(s), Gabriel
Moore, Helen Louise, b. 10/27/1888, d. 03/11/1909, Father: Moore, William B.
Moore, Ida M., b. 1869, d. 11/13/1927, Father: Wottring
Moore, James Eric, b. 07/06/1985, d. 11/01/1985, Father: Moore, Michael
Moore, James Ronald, b. 08/14/1924, d. 08/15/1924, Father: Moore, Carter M.
Moore, Jamie, d. 02/10/1891
Moore, Jennie Belle, b. 1828, d. 1891
Moore, Joanne, d. 02/07/1932, Father: Moore, Ray C.
Moore, Josephine, d. 06/22/1916, Father: Brecht, John
Moore, Kenneth David, Jr., b. 11/06/1960, d. 06/17/1984, Father: Moore, Kenneth D.,Sr
Moore, Laurence Walter, b. 01/02/1906, d. 12/28/1906, "Baby", Father: Moore, Walter
Moore, Margaret Ann, b. 1910, d. 07/23/1910, Father: Moore, Charles E. (or G.)
Moore, Margaret Elizabeth, b. 03/24/1922, d. 07/21/1963, Father: Hummel, Fred
Moore, Martha A., b. 1829, d. 05/13/1834, Father: Moore, Henry
Moore, Martha, d. 05/13/1834
Moore, Mary Anne, b. 08/08/1930, d. 07/17/1991, Father: McClish
Moore, Mary, b. 12/25/1882, d. 02/26/1956, Father: Harriston, John
Moore, Max Eugene, b. 03/15/1946, d. 12/27/1947, Father: Moore, Perley Thomas
Moore, Millie A., b. 04/27/1831, d. 06/11/1855, Father: Stark, George W.
Moore, Nell, d. 11/11/1942, Father: McCarty, John
Moore, Nettie, b. 1852, d. 11/19/1921, Father: Parks, James
Moore, Phebe, b. 06/03/1795, d. 12/15/1886, Father: Mann
Moore, Ray Clark, b. 09/28/1905, d. 01/20/1968, Father: Moore, William F.
Moore, Richard Eugene Wesley, b. 09/06/1964, d. 10/27/1989, Father: Boyd, Richard E.
Moore, Sally A., d. 10/02/1903
Moore, Sally, no dates, Father: Moore, Isaac
Moore, Sarah Ann, b. 03/09/1828, d. 08/10/1916, Father: Bierce
Moore, Sarah Jane "Sallie", b. 1835, d. 05/29/1920, Father: Blymyer, Abraham
Moore, Sharon Denese, b. 06/16/1953, d. 06/17/1953, Father: Moore, Ward
Moore, Shirley A., b. 01/29/1907, d. 04/25/1988, Father: Freeman, Norman
Moore, Sidney, Jr., b. 12/16/1821, d. 05/27/1907, Father: Moore, Sidney,Sr.
Moore, Sidney, b. 1788, d. 04/11/1866
Moore, Susie O., b. 1911, d. 01/25/1929, Father: Gillard, Henry
Moore, Wayne Thomas, b. 05/23/1938, d. 09/18/1942, Father: Moore, Perley Thomas
Moore, Wesley A., b. 05/16/1852, d. 10/28/1929, Father: Moore, Isaac
Moore, William Edward, d. 12/07/1912, Father: Moore, Sidney
Moore, William R., b. 11/25/1859, d. 10/06/1930, Father: Moore, Frank
Moorehouse, Bertha B., b. 07/29/1891, d. 01/05/1960, Father: Moorehouse, George D.
Moorehouse, George W., MD, b. 09/10/1858, d. 08/12/1919, Father: Moorehouse, Edgar M.
Moorehouse, Luella C., b. 10/24/1862, d. 07/07/1942, Father: Harrison,Geo.Smith (b.OH)
Morall, Lester, b. 10/02/1925, d. 05/03/1972, Father: Morall, John
Morall, Mary Ann, b. 02/21/1939, d. 02/01/2002, Father: Price, Benjamin Sr.
Moran, Bernice A., b. 1900, d. 01/21/1934, Father: Moran, E.S.
Moran, Edwin Stanton, b. 12/05/1867, d. 07/07/1949
Moran, Ida M., b. 12/11/1872, d. 07/03/1948, Father: Freshwater, A. R.
Morehead, Jeney C., b. 1844, d. 07/03/1919
Morehead, John, b. 1830, d. 03/22/1903
Morey, Alice V., b. 05/09/1869, d. 09/24/1933, Father: Crist, George
Morey, Catherine M., d. 03/19/1912, Father: Morey, Bert
Morey, Cyrus W., b. 1843, d. 07/18/1914, "Father", Father: Morey
Morey, Daniel B., b. 1850, d. 09/03/1929
Morey, Hetty Ann, b. 01/10/1851, d. 11/02/1934, Father: Slane, Jacob
Morey, Hiram M. (or Herman M.), b. 1833, d. 12/08/1888, Father: Morey
Morey, Infant, b. 1921, d. 08/13/1921, (Twin of R.H.,Jr.), Father: Morey, Rolland H.
Morey, Julia Blanche, b. 10/08/1886, d. 12/16/1897
Morey, Mary A., b. 1895, d. 11/15/1972
Morey, Rolland Homer, Jr., b. 1921, d. 12/06/1927, Father: Morey, Rolland H.
Morey, Rolland Homer, b. 02/28/1886, d. 02/18/1978, "Father", Father: Morey, Cyrus W.
Morey, Silas C. S., d. 11/01/1848, Father: Morey, A.B.
Morgan, Catharine, b. 01/01/1876, d. 03/22/1920, Father: Denison, Louis B.
Morgan, Clarence M., Sr., b. 03/29/1917, d. 11/06/1980, Father: Morgan, George
Morgan, David, b. 06/15/1874, d. 03/11/1935, Father: Morgan, John P.
Morgan, Edith L., d. 06/09/1895
Morgan, Elsie Rachel, b. 1913, d. 07/24/1959, Father: Hessler, Henry
Morgan, Ernest, b. 1910, d. 09/09/1961
Morgan, Gladys, b. 01/25/1906, d. 10/04/1987, Father: Jamison, George
Morgan, Goldie L., b. 09/30/1915, d. 07/14/1975, Father: Curtis, Ancel
Morgan, John Edward, b. 12/25/1936, d. 12/23/1989, Father: Morgan, C.J.
Morgan, Joseph, b. 01/23/1842, d. 02/20/1918, Father: Morgan, Thomas
Morgan, Kevin Lawrence, b. 01/24/1952, d. 11/11/1987, Father: Morgan, Donald
Morgan, Lawrence B., b. 10/23/1913, d. 06/19/1974
Morgan, Lucille M., b. 06/12/1866, d. 04/25/1938, Father: Morgan, Joseph
Morgan, Manly, b. 1807, d. 1899
Morgan, Martha Ruth, b. 03/18/1910, d. 11/04/1961, Father: Hessler, Henry
Morgan, Mary Cathryn, b. 01/02/1902, d. 12/25/1983, Father: Hummell, Elias
Morgan, Myrtle May, b. 06/07/1884, d. 10/08/1951, Father: Stiffler, John
Morgan, Roy J., b. 08/31/1907, d. 05/15/1970, Father: Morgan, George
Morgan, Susan Frances, b. 11/28/1909, d. 10/06/1987, Father: Albino, Pasquale
Morgan, Susan, b. 02/17/1839, d. 04/27/1886, Father: Gock
Morgan, Walter, Jr., b. 03/19/1931, d. 03/19/1931, Father: Morgan, Walter
Morgans, Edward, b. 1845, d. 1867
Morgans, Mary A., b. 1807, d. 01/14/1899
Morpeth, Maude Hannah, b. 03/09/1883, d. 05/23/1953, Father: Osborn, James
Morpeth, William, b. 06/11/1872, d. 06/06/1954
Morrill, Olive, b. 09/12/1868, d. 04/12/1933, Father: Wells, J.W.
Morris, Bessie May, d. 05/24/1909
Morris, Buell Wesley, Jr., b. 1914, d. 06/19/1917, Father: Morris, A.B.
Morris, Cecil Celesta (C.Celesa), b. 06/02/1883, d. 05/18/1943, Father: Singer, James
Morris, Charles Barney, b. 06/18/1875, d. 12/18/1947
Morris, Clara, b. 06/09/1873, d. 09/15/1947, Father: Mitchell, Allen
Morris, Clara, b. 1887, d. 12/26/1968, Father: Morris, William
Morris, Delbert Max "Bill", b. 01/29/1908, d. 02/22/1991, Father: Morris, Harry
Morris, Dorothy Jane, b. 08/15/1920, d. 11/02/1971, Father: Sheets, Frederick
Morris, Emma L., b. 07/23/1887, d. 12/12/1941, Father: Harter, Charles A.
Morris, Florence E., b. 10/14/1908, d. 06/12/1986, Father: Shuster, John Franklin
Morris, Frank Anderson, b. 04/29/1878, d. 08/06/1955, Father: Morris, William
Morris, Harry E., b. 05/06/1881, d. 08/07/1968, Father: Morris, George W.
Morris, Jane (Townsend), d. 06/27/1910, Father: Mayo
Morris, Jessie Jane (Gatton), b. 04/22/1915, d. 12/04/1994, Father: Piatt, Harry Charles
Morris, Joseph Warren, b. 12/01/1921, d. 05/12/1966, Father: Morris, Emmett L.
Morris, Kathryn Suzanne, b. 07/20/1975, d. 07/21/1975, Father: Morris, Denny L.
Morris, Mabel Claudine, b. 08/14/1885, d. 12/08/1958, Father: Grubb, Levi Newton
Morris, Maggie Merfert, b. 1855, d. 12/19/1913, "Mother"
Morris, Margaret L. (Collins), b. 12/16/1878, d. 12/09/1952, Father: Chambers, Cyrus
Morris, Martha M., b. 07/15/1845, d. 12/26/1934, "Mother", Father: Green, James
Morris, Martha, b. 1849, d. 10/12/1928
Morris, Mary Jane "Molly", b. 02/18/1895, d. 06/27/1974, Father: Lyons, Nathaniel
Morris, Mathew, b. 11/06/1842, d. 01/27/1908
Morris, Mildred Grace, b. 07/11/1913, d. 10/15/2001, Father: Morris, Harry E.
Morris, Miriam N., b. 03/27/1895, d. 09/03/1951, Father: Filsinger, Geo. W.
Morris, Miss, d. 12/19/1896
Morris, Paul L., b. 09/30/1912, d. 06/19/1994, Father: Morris, Harry
Morris, Robert C., b. 06/16/1883, d. 03/09/1953, Father: Morris, Elmer
Morris, Robert Edwin, b. 08/29/1912, d. 02/21/1999, Father: Morris, Edwin
Morris, Susie A., b. 02/22/1859, d. 04/24/1928, Father: Mitchell
Morris, Wells Eugene "Bus", b. 06/10/1915, d. 06/27/1971, Father: Morris, Elmer
Morris, William A., b. 1850, d. 09/30/1909
Morris, William M., b. 1841, d. 08/22/1897
Morris, William, b. 1827, d. 09/23/1903, "Father"
Morris,, no dates
Morrison, Alice, b. 03/19/1897, d. 06/20/1954, Father: Hinkle, Emory B.
Morrison, Arthur Jr., b. 1920, d. 07/30/1920, Father: Morrison, C.Arthur
Morrison, Caroline Dell "Carrie", b. 03/25/1864, d. 11/25/1941, Father: Womoldorff, T. M.
Morrison, Cary Arthur, b. 07/25/1875, d. 09/28/1944, Father: Morrison, Charles Wesley
Morrison, Charles W., d. 1919
Morrison, Charles Wesley, b. 1849, d. 12/30/1919
Morrison, Clara, b. 09/01/1880, d. 05/24/1948, Father: Morrison, F.W. (Dr.)
Morrison, Edith Meacham, b. 12/20/1889, d. 03/03/1976, Father: Yates, Henry
Morrison, Elizabeth, b. 1847, d. 02/28/1917, Father: Willey, Henry
Morrison, Esther J., b. 07/03/1894, d. 09/08/1942, Father: Johnson, Edwin H.
Morrison, Frances, d. 07/10/1865
Morrison, Francis W., b. 07/13/1831, d. 03/16/1886, Father: Morrison, James
Morrison, Gertrude L., b. 1880, d. 07/02/1968
Morrison, John "Howard", b. 1894, d. 04/02/1895, Father: Morrison, William A.
Morrison, Lawrence W., b. 10/01/1889, d. 02/16/1969, Father: Morrison, William A.
Morrison, Loretta, b. 10/09/1850, d. 03/12/1930, Father: Roberts, Bion
Morrison, Phebe Jane, b. 07/31/1840, d. 10/11/1903
Morrison, Samuel, d. 01/10/1969
Morrison, William A., b. 06/28/1867, d. 06/06/1948, Father: Morrison, John H.
Morrison,, no dates
Morrow, Alice Elizabeth, b. 1863, d. 03/07/1917, "Mother", Father: Curl
Morse, S., Mrs, d. 12/28/1901
Mortimer, Nellie F., d. 03/16/1901, Father: Mortimer, R.G.
Mortimer, R. G., d. 01/07/1903
Morton, Charles E., b. 09/01/1877, d. 05/21/1956, Father: Morton, Martin H.
Morton, Elenora Rebecca, b. 10/05/1870, d. 12/19/1926, Father: Walbert, Benevel
Morton, Lydia W., b. 04/14/1841, d. 06/27/1906, Father: Wilson, Simon
Morton, Mary Eva, b. 08/14/1871, d. 01/06/1947, Father: Morton, Ephraim
Morton, Norman Herbert, d. 06/08/1907, Father: Morton, Fred M.
Morton, Orva A. (White), b. 06/01/1874, d. 06/27/1970, Father: Cowles, Homer
Moseley, Ellen, b. 03/18/1924, d. 04/30/1999, Father: Butler, James M.
Moses, Albert Gould, b. 11/06/1876, d. 04/05/1916, Father: Moses, Albert I.
Moses, Albert I., b. 08/08/1839, d. 05/21/1922, Father: Moses, John
Moses, Dorcas, b. 1801, d. 01/22/1849, Father: Clements
Moses, Jane Egler, b. 02/17/1816, d. 06/27/1886, Father: Egler
Moses, John, b. 10/23/1796, d. 03/11/1873
Moses, Marshall W., b. 1833, d. 06/05/1893
Moses, Olive L., b. 08/09/1889, d. 07/08/1964, Father: Hines, Wesley
Moses, Robert K., b. 05/02/1916, d. 01/22/2001, Father: Moses, Walter H.
Moses, Sarah, b. 12/23/1843, d. 02/26/1929, Father: Gross, Michael
Moses, Walter H., b. 10/15/1880, d. 05/23/1971, Father: Moses, Albert I.
Mosher, Betty, b. 08/15/1918, d. 05/24/1989, Father: Robinson, John Fredrick
Moss, C., b. 1901, d. 1906
Moss, Child of C. J., b. 1908, d. 1908
Moss, Helen Marguerite, b. 02/23/1894, d. 07/10/1970, Father: Allison, George
Moss, Henrietta, d. 08/05/1915
Moss, Jeremiah, d. 06/03/1906
Moss, William Henry, b. 12/14/1888, d. 02/28/1967, Father: Moss, Robert
Mougey, Frances, b. 11/21/1780, d. 10/28/1850
Mow, Elden H., b. 12/20/1893, d. 11/20/1952, Father: Mow, Enoch
Mow, Elizabeth Ette "Betsy", b. 11/08/1949, d. 11/09/1949, Father: Mow, Edward
Mowles, James H., b. 08/11/1868, d. 05/26/1931, Father: Mowles, Dave H.
Mowles, Laura Ann, b. 1868, d. 07/17/1954
Mowry, Esther Christine, b. 06/10/1894, d. 07/16/1993, Father: Palm, Charles John
Moyer, Clara, b. 1870, d. 03/05/1936, Father: Cutler, John Shane
Moyer, Clarence Charles, b. 02/15/1881, d. 03/21/1968, Father: Moyer, Frank
Moyer, Frank, b. 04/10/1851, d. 07/06/1917
Moyer, George C., b. 1853, d. 1854, Father: Moyer, G.W.
Moyer, George Wilson, b. 04/17/1909, d. 10/16/1994
Moyer, Hosea F., b. 1876, d. 03/12/1927
Moyer, John J., b. 05/25/1919, d. 03/10/1988
Moyer, Mary Rebeckah, d. 09/17/1852, Father: Moyer, P.G.
Moyer, Michael Ronald, b. 07/25/1960, d. 07/25/1960, Father: Moyer, Ronald Harlen
Moyer, Sarah A., b. 1854, d. 01/12/1929, Father: Rice, Jacob
Moyer, Stella E., b. 1886, d. 08/28/1962
Moyer, Thurman F., b. 1901, d. 05/09/1944, Father: Moyer, Clarence
Mozingo, Calvin Eugene, b. 06/20/1886, d. 12/04/1946, Father: Mozingo, Barney
Mozingo, Dorthea Mildred, b. 12/05/1917, d. 03/30/1920, Father: Mozingo, Edward O.
Mozingo, Edward O., b. 04/27/1892, d. 05/05/1973, Father: Mozingo, Barney
Mozingo, Margie M., b. 10/20/1892, d. 04/10/1977, Father: Moore, Franklin
Mozingo, Marion Ed, d. 07/29/1914, Father: Mozingo, Edward O.
Mozingo, Mary Emmaline Idle, b. 1884, d. 06/26/1934, Father: Lavina, John
Muffler, Frank L., b. 1858, d. 04/12/1906
Muffler, Paul Frederick, b. 03/27/1899, d. 10/15/1918, Father: Muffler, Frank L.
Muffler, Ralph Theo., b. 1912, d. 12/08/1912, Father: Muffler, Frank
Muffler, William Fred, b. 1906, d. 08/11/1906, (a triplet), Father: Mullfer, Frank Jr.
Mullen, Mary Kathryn, b. 07/14/1930, d. 07/17/1930, Father: Mullen, Stanley H. (Rev.)
Mullenax, Zachary Michael, b. 08/21/1974, d. 02/25/1989, Father: Mullenax, Joseph O.
Mulligan, Henrietta, b. 1833, d. 02/07/1895
Mullins, Bertha Mae McCarty, b. 1922, d. 07/06/1972
Mullins, George William, b. 11/04/1922, d. 03/10/1971, Father: Mullins, Steven E.
Mullins, Howard C., b. 08/21/1911, d. 02/04/1969, Father: Mullins, Steven E.
Mullins, Infant, b. 03/21/1949, d. 03/21/1949, Father: Mullins, Lee
Mullins, Kathleen, b. 06/13/1928, d. 09/09/1974, Father: Wells, William A.
Mullins, Lida Frances, d. 09/01/1916, Father: Mullins, Steven
Mullins, Mabel Marie, b. 12/13/1927, d. 05/25/2003, Father: Mullins, Fred
Mullins, Margaret, b. 02/18/1881, d. 06/08/1965, Father: Schafer, Samuel
Mullins, Ollie P., b. 04/12/1897, d. 04/16/1982, "Mother", Father: Presley, Bill
Mullins, Ralph E., b. 05/08/1919, d. 09/04/1993, Father: Mullins, Steven E.
Mullins, Robert Samuel, b. 03/29/1908, d. 12/01/1968, Father: Mullins, Steven
Mullins, Steven E., b. 04/01/1877, d. 03/17/1949, Father: Mullins, Edward (b.VA)
Mulzer, George Hermann, b. 09/06/1841, d. 01/19/1906
Mulzer, Katherine, b. 01/26/1844, d. 06/10/1926
Mummey, Dwight G., b. 01/12/1911, d. 01/26/1987, Father: Mummey, Frank H.
Mummey, Frank H., b. 12/24/1876, d. 02/20/1951, Father: Mummey, John
Mummey, Martha G., b. 09/23/1882, d. 04/10/1975, Father: Guiler, Robert
Munsell, Margaret M., b. 02/19/1813, d. 05/10/1884, Father: Thomson, Moses
Munton, Jesse, d. 06/16/1893
Murfield, Alice, b. 04/09/1902, d. 04/12/1902, Father: Murfield, M.
Murfield, Catherine L. "Kate", b. 01/01/1931, d. 05/11/1987, Father: Macklin, Sylvester Lewis
Murfield, Emma, b. 1869, d. 08/24/1907, Father: Landacre, Simon Peter
Murfield, George W., b. 12/10/1928, d. 09/09/1992, Father: Murfield, William H.
Murfield, George, b. 1861, d. 03/25/1926
Murfield, Hannah Louisa, b. 01/02/1891, d. 05/13/1914, Father: Murfield, George
Murfield, Matilda, d. 08/--/1904, Father: Murfield, George
Murfield, Mrs., no dates
Murfield, William Herbert, b. 02/29/1904, d. 06/24/1975, Father: Murfield, Geo.Wm.
Murphree, Lena May (Maxim), b. 07/17/1881, d. 12/09/1962, Father: Unk
Murphree, Theodore H., b. 01/01/1872, d. 09/09/1944, Father: Murphree, William (b.AL)
Murphy, Albert, b. 1846, d. 12/24/1909, "Father"
Murphy, Amon, d. 04/15/1840, Father: Murphy, Bazzel
Murphy, Bazzell, d. 03/07/1872
Murphy, Bernice A., b. 09/29/1920, d. 01/18/1992, Father: Young, Arthur Lott
Murphy, Caroline, b. 10/25/1859, d. 03/25/1941, Father: Manz, John
Murphy, Donald Elwood, b. 12/02/1917, d. 11/06/1991, Father: Murphy, Rowie M.
Murphy, Geneva Bell, b. 03/31/1920, d. 06/09/1983, Father: Adams, Raymond
Murphy, Granville, d. 01/12/1898
Murphy, Ida E. "Addie ", b. 1845, d. 01/09/1908, "Mother", Father: Plunkett
Murphy, Isaac E., b. 08/29/1870, d. 02/17/1932, Father: Murphy, Albert
Murphy, Jane, b. 1814, d. 08/12/1882
Murphy, John, b. 1811, d. 12/21/1879
Murphy, Loretta L., b. 1885, d. 02/19/1917, Father: Miller, ?
Murphy, Lydia D. (Patterson), b. 1891, d. 11/10/1959, Father: Dean, John W.
Murphy, Malinda B., b. 10/08/1840, d. 12/14/1927, Father: Murphy, Bazzel
Murphy, Marie, d. 01/11/1898, "Little Marie", Father: Murphy, Isaac
Murphy, Mary Jane, b. 1843, d. 03/14/1871, Father: Murphy, John
Murphy, Mary, d. 02/01/1876, Father: Murphy, Basil
Murphy, Michael J., b. 08/08/1882, d. 09/25/1959, Father: Murphy, Michael
Murphy, Michael, b. 1858, d. 12/28/1943, Father: Murphy
Murphy, Rachel, d. 07/06/1871
Murphy, Rebecca, d. 02/20/1839, Father: Murphy, Bazzel
Murphy, Robert L., b. 04/24/1919, d. 07/16/1985, Father: Murphy, John Francis
Murphy, Vinnie, b. 08/25/1871, d. 10/26/1944, Father: Thomas, George W.
Murray, Amanda K., b. 1858, d. 10/21/1910, Father: Kirby
Murray, Chester, b. 09/24/1877, d. 07/18/1942
Murray, Francis Marion, d. 04/25/1935, Father: Murray, Joseph Arbor
Murray, Helen, b. 04/30/1887, d. 11/28/1892, Father: Murray, Francis M.
Murray, Herbert H., d. 11/15/1903, Father: Murry, Francis M.
Murray, Infant Boy, b. 03/19/1946, d. 03/20/1946, Father: Murray, Richard E.
Murray, Jessie, b. 07/24/1875, d. 10/11/1934, Father: Browning, Orrin
Murray, Joan, d. 02/09/1876, Father: Hills, James H. Dr.
Murray, Lyman, b. 03/14/1806, d. 03/15/1829
Murray, Robert, b. 12/17/1890, d. 11/25/1893, Father: Murray, Francis Marion
Murraya, Alex, b. 05/12/1971, d. 05/12/1971
Murry, Pat, d. 12/07/1916
Musgrave, Karl Smith, b. 05/20/1938, d. 01/07/2004, Father: Musgrave, Mayford
Mussard, Dorothy, b. 05/31/1925, d. 01/25/1992, Father: Mowry, Robert
Mussard, Michael David, b. 07/29/1953, d. 05/10/2004, Father: Mussard, Warren
Musser, Maria, d. 10/27/1914
Musser, Martha B., b. 1885, d. 03/06/1921, "Mother"
Mussidias, James, b. 12/--/1887, d. 07/01/1945
Myers, Albert, d. 12/18/1888
Myers, Allen N., b. 12/18/1919, d. 01/31/1986, Father: Myers, Clarence F.
Myers, Amy L., b. 1822, d. 11/25/1900, Father: Armstrong, David
Myers, Anne, b. 04/08/1878, d. 08/17/1970, Father: Stepp, William
Myers, Austin Darrel, b. 11/07/1914, d. 02/04/1999, Father: Myers, Troy H.
Myers, Betty, b. 05/24/1913, d. 03/28/2004, Father: Evans, George
Myers, Clara, d. 08/24/1903
Myers, D. A., b. 1855, d. 09/04/1924
Myers, Elizabeth C., b. 07/28/1861, d. 12/31/1915, Father: Neer, James N.
Myers, Elizabeth W., b. 04/17/1879, d. 09/11/1943, Father: Wilkin, William A.
Myers, Ellen W., b. 1822, d. 12/28/1903, Father: Myers, William
Myers, Frank W., b. 12/02/1885, d. 11/02/1946, Father: Myers, Jack W.
Myers, Freddie, d. 01/24/1900
Myers, Geneva L., b. 11/23/1910, d. 01/25/1975, Father: Stevens, Verse
Myers, Genevieve E., b. 12/30/1914, d. 07/01/1993, Father: Bradley, Archabald
Myers, Harry D., b. 05/05/1860, d. 02/27/1934, Father: Myers, Thomas P.
Myers, Henry, b. 1853, d. 12/21/1920
Myers, Jack H., b. 12/01/1922, d. 08/22/1979, Father: Myers, Clarence
Myers, Lawrence A., b. 12/11/1844, d. 02/27/1864, Father: Myers, Thomas P.
Myers, Max R. "Tom", b. 1914, d. 06/15/1982
Myers, Michael Guy, b. 06/25/1959, d. 06/25/1959, Father: Myers, Harry G. (Rev.)
Myers, Reuben S., b. 1875, d. 11/25/1924
Myers, Robert Clark, b. 08/20/1911, d. 03/29/1978
Myers, Rosanna, b. 07/26/1922, d. 04/30/1982, Father: McKinnie, Walter Ray
Myers, Ruby Viola, b. 10/18/1914, d. 01/20/1968, Father: Harter, Harvey E.,Sr.
Myers, Ruth I. (Anson), b. 10/22/1891, d. 03/21/1978, Father: Reider, Jacob
Myers, Thomas Philip, b. 1822, d. 10/29/1894
Myers, William H., b. 01/31/1917, d. 01/25/1974, Father: Myers, Troy
Myser, Anna Elfleda, b. 12/13/1884, d. 08/21/1957, Father: Myser, James F.
Myser, Christina May, b. 05/23/1899, d. 11/11/1984, Father: Aldrich, Ralph
Myser, Clara Laida, b. 07/01/1858, d. 10/24/1939, Father: Williams, Jesse
Myser, James "Sidney", b. 03/19/1897, d. 08/03/1961, Father: Myser, James T.
Myser, James Finley, b. 1848, d. 02/22/1916
Myser, Olive Hortense, b. 1882, d. 11/28/1889, Father: Myser, James F.
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