Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Pabst, Anna Catherine, b. 07/13/1898, d. 10/13/1976, Father: Smith, Charles Webster
Pabst, Walter, b. 03/21/1898, d. 03/02/1971, Father: Pabst, Henry Gustav
Paddock, Elmer J., b. 1856, d. 09/28/1920, Father: Paddock, Selvin E.
Paddock, Flora, b. 1865, d. 1872
Paddock, L.B., d. 04/12/1914, Father: Paddock, William
Paddock, Lenora Leota, d. 10/21/1925, Father: Diegle, George
Paddock, Lionel D., b. 12/08/1876, d. 09/23/1941, Father: Paddock, William R.
Paddock, Martha E., b. 11/27/1837, d. 07/15/1924, Father: Daniels
Paddock, Matilda, d. 09/24/1900, Father: Miller
Paddock, Selvin E., b. 04/03/1830, d. 11/12/1909
Paddock, William Russell, d. 10/14/1913
Padgett, Anna Dodd, b. 11/30/1880, d. 04/04/1962, Father: Dodd, James F.
Page, Anna, d. 04/14/1913
Page, C. H., d. 07/29/1909
Page, Charles E., b. 1868, d. 03/21/1926
Page, child, d. 05/11/1908, Father: Page, C.H.
Page, Emma, d. 08/08/1909, Father: Lacher
Page, Eva C., b. 1866, d. 01/18/1931, Father: Conklin, Abraham V.
Painter, Joseph Henry, b. 1866, d. 12/02/1942, Father: Painter
Painter, Josephine, b. 10/16/1882, d. 12/21/1944, Father: Fisher, Joseph
Painter, Sally A., no dates, Father: Butler, Thomas
Palatini, Charles Phillip, b. 09/02/1979, d. 09/02/1979, Father: Palatini, Joseph Emil
Palatini, Mark Edward, b. 07/22/1971, d. 02/25/1988, Father: Palatini, Joseph
Palmer, Alta, b. 1864, d. 1875, Father: Palmer, David L.
Palmer, Amelia P., d. 1882
Palmer, Carrie, b. 1855, d. 1875, Father: Palmer, David L.
Palmer, Cordelia France, b. 1827, d. 10/03/1911
Palmer, David Lindsay, b. 1826, d. 01/21/1916
Palmer, Guy F., b. 01/18/1890, d. 08/25/1940, Father: Palmer, Delbert
Palmer, Mattie, b. 1861, d. 12/18/1916, Father: Palmer, David L.
Palmer, Mellie, b. 1858, d. 1874, Father: Palmer, David L.
Palmer, Ralph A., b. 03/18/1899, d. 09/24/1926, Father: Palmer, A.D.
Palmer, Robert D., b. 1870, d. 12/21/1922, Father: Palmer, David L.
Pancake, Infant Girl, b. 10/02/1981, d. 10/02/1981, Father: Pancake, Roy
Pappas, William D., b. 01/04/1884, d. 05/09/1961, Father: Pappas, Demetrious
Paris, Theo., b. 1867, d. 1890
Parish, Virginia Jane, b. 1876, d. 11/15/1956
Parish, William E., b. 07/16/1873, d. 10/19/1929, Father: Parish, John
Parker, Alice E., b. 1850, d. 11/11/1870, Father: Parker, J.
Parker, Bettie, no dates
Parker, Blanche, b. 07/08/1905, d. 01/26/1982, Father: Cook, Fred
Parker, Catherine Evelyn, b. 12/03/1906, d. 03/04/1991, Father: Finau, Herman
Parker, Faye Ilene, b. 01/14/1944, d. 06/11/1944, Father: Parker, Howard
Parker, Fredrick William, b. 03/11/1900, d. 01/03/1971, Father: Parker, Henderson
Parker, George, d. 08/03/1949
Parker, Helen Jeannette, b. 1904, d. 09/29/1908, Father: Parker, J.R.
Parker, Howard Newton, b. 04/04/1900, d. 11/05/1980, Father: Parker, William
Parker, Jennie L., d. 11/03/1898, Father: Parker, Thomas
Parker, JoAnne, b. 01/10/1908, d. 06/22/2000, Father: Stoneburner, Loando F.
Parker, JoAnne, b. 06/16/1930, d. 07/06/1930, Father: Parker, William H.
Parker, Mary, b. 1824, d. 09/19/1911, Father: Ford
Parker, Peter, b. 08/23/1803, d. 01/03/1879
Parker, Robert F., b. 10/01/1904, d. 09/26/2000, Father: Parker, Walter Frank
Parker, Russell James, d. 02/20/1906, Father: Parker, James
Parker, Sallie H., b. 1806, d. 1862
Parker, Sandra E., b. 04/13/1946, d. 12/08/1946, Father: Parker, Luther R.
Parker, Sarah, no dates
Parker, Sophronia, d. 07/--/1883
Parker, Stiles J., b. 1800, d. 05/09/1854
Parker, Thomas, no dates
Parker, William H., b. 08/01/1907, d. 12/21/1981
Parkes, Emma Louise, b. 07/16/1900, d. 09/14/1991, Father: Ohe, Andrew
Parkes, Howard Morton "Mort", b. 04/15/1899, d. 12/16/1975, Father: Parkes, William
Parks, Abigail C. "Abbie", b. 1821, d. 09/19/1895, Father: Carter, Cephas
Parks, Carrie B., b. 08/12/1870, d. 03/09/1911, Father: Wells, John Adam
Parks, Cornelius, no dates
Parks, Harry H., b. 1856, d. 02/27/1896, Father: Parks, James
Parks, James, b. 1817, d. 1877
Parks, John, d. 01/21/1862
Parks, Lida, b. 1860, d. 12/29/1939, Father: Parks, James
Parks, Mame, b. 03/11/1863, d. 03/31/1953, Father: Parks, James
Parks, Martha, b. 03/13/1797, d. 01/28/1882, Father: Finley
Parks, Violet Henrietta C., b. 04/04/1897, d. 12/21/1921, Father: Michelbach, Henry
Parks, William S., b. 1854, d. 07/03/1920, Father: Parks, James
Parmer, Charles Edwin "Bud", b. 08/27/1927, d. 02/23/1977, Father: Parmer, Vaughn
Parmer, Nellie E., b. 04/24/1900, d. 12/06/1967, Father: Wallace, Charles P.
Parmer, Vaughn A., b. 12/14/1900, d. 07/16/1968, Father: Parmer, George
Parsons, Anne Elizabeth, b. 09/21/1920, d. 12/14/2001, Father: Parsons, Robert L.
Parsons, Eusedia M., b. 1846, d. 04/11/1919, Father: Larison
Parsons, Geneva E., b. 09/25/1896, d. 11/27/1988, Father: Shelton, David
Parsons, Helen Maria, b. 08/24/1872, d. 03/26/1951, Father: Parsons, Richard
Parsons, Margaret Ross, b. 12/17/1874, d. 11/23/1930, Father: Parson, Richard (Prof.)
Parsons, Mary, b. 12/11/1932, d. 08/14/1953, Father: Brittenham, L.Merle
Parsons, Richard Louis, b. 12/05/1916, d. 12/05/1916, Father: Parsons, Robert
Parsons, Richard, b. 06/25/1847, d. 02/11/1926, Father: Parson, Richard
Parsons, Robert L., b. 08/23/1883, d. 09/10/1943, Father: Parsons, Richard
Parsons, Sibyl, b. 10/01/1914, d. 07/12/1997, Father: McGlothlin, Wm.Harvey
Parsons, Woodrow, b. 05/28/1916, d. 05/08/1995, Father: Parsons, Lee
Parthemer, Clyde, b. 1893, d. 01/16/1958
Partlow, Franklin Stanley "Sparky", b. 12/06/1908, d. 07/07/1993, Father: Partlow, Luther
Pate, Clara Anna (Jackson), b. 10/24/1897, d. 06/12/1975, Father: Long, Frederick W.
Patingale, Chester Allen, b. 07/15/1903, d. 01/17/1990, Father: Patingale, James
Patingale, Hallie C., b. 07/30/1910, d. 08/22/1959, Father: Cunningham, Geo.W.
Patrick, Douglas Carl, II, b. 10/08/1991, d. 11/17/1991, Father: Patrick, Douglas
Patrick, Edna May, b. 05/20/1920, d. 07/27/1973, Father: Shaw, George L.,Sr.
Patrick, Emanuel Christopher, b. 06/21/1990, d. 06/21/1990, Father: Patrick, Douglas
Patrick, Frank Edward, d. 09/02/1914, Father: Patrick, Frank
Patrick, Murray, d. 12/07/1916
Patrick, Sylvia (Pfeiffer), b. 12/16/1927, d. 01/09/1996, Father: Thompson, W.H.
Patridge, George L., no dates
Patridge, Julia A., b. 1825, d. 04/24/1916, Father: Crandell
Patridge, N. A., b. 1790, d. 1878, "Grandma"
Patridge, Robert A., b. 1815, d. 07/22/1890, "Father"
Patten, Angeline M., b. 06/06/1882, d. 05/29/1952, Father: Troutman, Chas.
Patten, Ariel, b. 1802, d. 1872, "Grandmother"
Patten, Benedict, no dates, Father: Patten, William Benedict
Patten, Burgoyne, b. 1857, d. 1872
Patten, Charles G., b. 05/20/1876, d. 03/25/1949, Father: Patten, William C.
Patten, Clara B., b. 1867, d. 02/29/1871, Father: Patten, William
Patten, Clayton F., b. 10/03/1855, d. 12/20/1950, Father: Patten, William
Patten, Edna, b. 06/26/1884, d. 08/17/1907, Father: Patten, Stephen
Patten, Eliza Jane, b. 01/31/1833, d. 08/21/1902, Father: Johnston, James
Patten, Eliza Jane, b. 1860, d. 01/26/1897
Patten, Isaac, b. 1802, d. 01/03/1893, "Grandfather"
Patten, Josephine S. "Josie", b. 1879, d. 08/22/1898, Father: Patten, Clayton F.
Patten, Josephine, b. 1836, d. 07/02/1924, Father: Cunningham
Patten, Josephine, b. 1872, d. 05/15/1920, Father: Patten, William C.
Patten, Lorenzo, b. 1873, d. 1874
Patten, Lucy, b. 1853, d. 03/22/1932, Father: Craven, Thomas
Patten, Maria, b. 05/21/1844, d. 10/04/1926, Father: Holmes
Patten, Milo J., d. 11/04/1939, Father: Patten, Stephen
Patten, Stephen E., b. 05/31/1839, d. 03/16/1908
Patten, Willard Hill, b. 02/01/1833, d. 02/14/1916
Patten, William Bennedict, b. 11/28/1838, d. 08/28/1923, Father: Patten, William
Patten, William C., b. 1828, d. 01/24/1914
Patten, William E., b. 1870, d. 03/20/1936, Father: Patten, William C.
Patterson, Andrew H., no dates
Patterson, Blanche Grace Slack, b. 1880, d. 11/13/1954
Patterson, Charles Byxbe, b. 11/24/1846, d. 07/19/1847, Father: Patterson, Andrew H.
Patterson, James Byron, b. 11/12/1951, d. 11/13/1951, Father: Patterson, Thomas
Patterson, Jean Winifred, b. 1917, d. 06/06/1920, Father: Patterson, J.W. (Dr.)
Patterson, John A., d. 08/23/1835
Patterson, Mary Egleston, b. 06/12/1845, d. 08/13/1862, Father: Patterson, Andrew H.
Patterson, Maude M., b. 12/06/1909, d. 03/27/1983, Father: Diggs, Daniel H.
Patterson, Oma H., b. 06/10/1890, d. 05/06/1933, Father: Hoffman, William G.
Patterson, Roxana L., d. 04/15/1838
Patterson, Roy A., b. 1888, d. 06/20/1913
Patterson, Thomas, d. 08/18/1838
Patterson, Walter Washington, b. 02/22/1899, d. 09/23/1973, Father: Patterson, Andrew
Patton, Alfred Dana, b. 03/28/1875, d. 03/10/1952, Father: Patton, Thomas
Patton, Charles Oren, b. 1888, d. 10/30/1959
Patton, Ethel L., b. 03/03/1885, d. 10/24/1965, Father: Freshwater, Julius H.
Patton, Florence Elmira, b. 12/09/1863, d. 04/16/1943, Father: Grager, Joseph Martin
Patton, Jessie D., b. 1889, d. 01/14/1991, Father: Davis, Park E.
Patton, Lucinda P., b. 02/03/1835, d. 10/17/1912, Father: Gillette
Patton, Raymond A., b. 12/24/1897, d. 11/14/1969, Father: Patton, William S.
Patton, Wesley G., b. 10/07/1872, d. 03/20/1901, Father: Patton, William
Patton, William C., b. 02/14/1832, d. 02/21/1912
Patton, William S., b. 07/28/1862, d. 02/21/1955, Father: Patton, Alexander
Paul, Cary B., b. 04/21/1832, d. 01/11/1901, Father: Paul, M.
Paul, Jarusha, b. 1833, d. 10/01/1865
Paul, Sarah Katherine, b. 1846, d. 12/--/1915, Father: Brown
Paul, Stanza, b. 1840, d. 09/--/1888
Paulins, Albert C., b. 1892, d. 06/16/1967
Paulins, Charles, b. 02/17/1931, d. 02/17/1931, Father: Paulins, Frank
Paulins, Creston Frank, b. 06/09/1920, d. 05/24/2001, Father: Paulins, Frank W.
Paulins, Darlene I. (R), b. 1928, d.
Paulins, Dollars, b. 11/14/1895, d. 08/27/1937, Father: Keys, Stephen R.
Paulins, Frank W., b. 06/27/1890, d. 10/02/1961, Father: Paulins, William
Paulins, Jean Mabel, b. 06/24/1894, d. 03/06/1975, Father: Rupe, William
Paulins, JoAnn E., b. 06/13/1931, d. 10/17/1969, Father: Chambers, James
Paulins, Vaughn Eugene, b. 05/20/1918, d. 05/21/1995, Father: Paulins, Albert
Paulins, Verna May (Swartz), b. 08/11/1922, d. 07/03/1950, Father: Millhouse, Henry
Paull, James Michael, b. 01/13/1985, d. 01/14/1985, Father: Paull, James
Paxton, Claudia, d. 10/06/1964
Payne, Aimee E., b. 12/26/1892, d. 11/25/1979, Father: Jackson, Frank
Payne, Andrew Lee, b. 09/12/1875, d. 05/15/1943, Father: Payne, Jesse
Payne, Curtis, b. 11/11/1956, d. 02/13/1957, Father: Payne, Forrest, Jr.
Payne, James Lee, Sr., b. 06/29/1949, d. 12/21/2003, Father: Payne, Tee
Payne, Jane Alberta, b. 02/23/1914, d. 04/10/1978, Father: Mendenhall, Prince Albert
Payne, Maggie Jane, b. 01/16/1948, d. 03/07/1995, Father: Faulkner, Hiram C.
Paynter, Ada Jayne, b. 02/02/1887, d. 02/11/1980, Father: Smith, John
Paynter, Dale George, b. 04/04/1913, d. 03/06/1972, Father: Paynter, George S.
Paynter, George S., b. 11/27/1887, d. 11/25/1944, Father: Paynter, Charles R.
Paynter, Louise Elizabeth, b. 02/09/1917, d. 05/14/1992
Payton, Francis Elizabeth, d. 04/27/1930, Father: Heathcock, Albert
Peabody, Mariam, d. 01/18/1908
Peacock, Sally Ann, d. 05/28/1911
Peak, Eva B., b. 1874, d. 1922
Peak, Oren, b. 1826, d. 1905
Pealer, Ryan Christopher, b. 10/16/1979, d. 11/25/1981, Father: Pealer, George P.
Pearl, Ernest W.J., b. 05/23/1876, d. 02/01/1968
Pearl, Mary Olive, b. 1877, d. 06/17/1949, Father: Kelly, George Edgar
Pearl, Suzanne, b. 08/03/1932, d. 04/10/2001, Father: Hall, Charles Wilbur
Pearman, Annie E., b. 1830, d. 12/25/1904
Pearman, Elias E., b. 1830, d. 01/10/1922
Peaslee, M. G., no dates
Peaslee, Marcus G., d. 08/--/1875, Father: Peaslee, Orra
Peaslee, Orra, b. 01/05/1828, d. 02/--/1883, Father: Peaslee, Joptha
Peaslee, Ruth, d. 12/26/1878, Father: Gardner
Peasley, Jacob A., b. 04/22/1836, d. 02/06/1915, Father: Peasley, C.
Peasley, Jennie A., b. 1839, d. 12/04/1917, Father: Paul, James
Peasley, Joseph B., b. 1887, d. 11/21/1895, Father: Peasley, Jacob A.
Peck, Joseph C., b. 1829, d. 11/09/1882
Peck, Lizzie E., b. 1843, d. 04/19/1871, Father: Harter, Jacob
Peckham, Charles Edward, b. 09/29/1947, d. 09/30/1947, Father: Peckham, Frederick W.
Pedyford, Susan P. (Seldon), b. 1865, d. 11/28/1921, Father: Lloyd, Ephraim
Peebles, Harriet G., b. 08/17/1887, d. 04/29/1977, Father: Gongwer, Joseph
Peebles, John C., b. 03/26/1885, d. 12/22/1964, Father: Peebles, Elijah
Peebles, William Franklin, b. 07/09/1902, d. 11/09/1987, Father: Peebles, Charles
Peeling, Blanche H., b. 04/03/1906, d. 03/25/1957, Father: Hall, Frederick C.
Peet, Alba, b. 03/21/1793, d. 01/04/1879
Peet, Ann Elizabeth, b. 1830, d. 07/24/1857
Peet, C. J., b. 1837, d. 05/12/1861
Peet, Clarence W., b. 1884, d. 11/12/1886, Father: Peet, Lester G.
Peet, Fanny E., b. 1857, d. 09/23/1857, Father: Peet, William J.
Peet, Harriet Janet, b. 1855, d. 07/20/1921, Father: Cone
Peet, Harriett, b. 01/08/1793, d. 01/07/1861
Peet, Lester Gilead, b. 1855, d. 11/24/1915
Peet, Louise Harlan, b. 1888, d. 04/02/1961
Peet, Mary E., b. 1838, d. 02/22/1875
Peet, Ralph C., b. 1888, d. 11/28/1965, Father: Peet, Lester G.
Peet, Stanley Welch, b. 08/03/1890, d. 12/27/1941, Father: Peet, Lester G.
Peffers, Clara A., b. 06/23/1901, d. 05/28/1985, Father: Jones, John Daniel
Pehrson, Anna R., b. 1890, d. 1973, Father: Pehrson, Martin
Pehrson, Hannah, b. 1858, d. 01/26/1910, Father: Olson
Pehrson, Hildur E. "Hilda", b. 02/10/1896, d. 02/06/1957, Father: Pehrson, Martin
Pehrson, Martin, b. 12/20/1863, d. 07/01/1934
Peirsol, Alice, b. 12/28/1883, d. 12/11/1962, Father: Fry, Frank R.
Peirsol, Benjamin E., b. 02/04/1881, d. 05/31/1959, Father: Piersol, Jacob
Peirsol, infant, b. 1916, d. 06/28/1916, Father: Peirsol, Benj. E.
Peirsol, Margaret, b. 01/20/1911, d. 12/17/2001, Father: Peirsol, Benjamin E.
Pence, Hazel Marie, b. 11/24/1909, d. 04/15/1982, Father: Halfhill
Pendleton, Alice A., b. 10/23/1911, d. 07/02/1999, Father: Matthews, Webb Chase
Pendleton, Caroline, b. 11/17/1879, d. 01/19/1911, Father: Kennell, Jacob
Pendleton, Charles E., b. 09/01/1871, d. 04/28/1933, "Father", Father: Pendelton, George E.
Pendleton, Eliza Jane, b. 1844, d. 11/20/1934, Father: Laird
Pendleton, Ernest Charles, b. 06/15/1893, d. 11/19/1947, Father: Pendleton, Chas. E.
Pendleton, Flora Belle, b. 01/06/1915, d. 12/01/1993, Father: Crumb, Dale
Pendleton, George Edward, b. 06/28/1838, d. 12/01/1900
Pendleton, Henry Edson, b. 12/28/1870, d. 05/24/1942, Father: Pendleton, Raleigh
Pendleton, James "Lester", b. 07/17/1912, d. 04/07/1988, Father: Pendleton, Charles
Pendleton, Leo George, b. 07/17/1912, d. 06/02/1962, Father: Pendleton,Charles E.
Pendleton, Margaret Grace, b. 08/26/1910, d. 01/02/1911, Father: Pendleton, Charles E.
Pendleton, Marion M., d. 10/02/1926, Father: Pendleton, Chas.E.
Pendleton, Minnie B., b. 05/15/1871, d. 03/16/1945, "Mother", Father: McKinnie, James R.
Pendleton, Richard E., b. 1867, d. 02/08/1920
Pendleton, Robert William, b. 1895, d. 02/14/1909, Father: Pendleton, Charles E.
Pendleton, William H., b. 1869, d. 1891, Father: Pendleton, George E.
Pengally, Phillipa, b. 08/13/1863, d. 08/14/1931, Father: Paschall, William
Pengally, Richard H.I.P., b. 1858, d. 06/07/1922
Penn, Dorance E., d. 09/19/1913
Penn, Effie Lavinia, b. 05/12/1894, d. 01/13/1975, Father: Chambers, James
Penn, Ernest F., b. 08/28/1890, d. 06/17/1957, "Father", Father: Penn, Reed
Penn, Florence I., b. 12/07/1890, d. 02/26/1974, "Mother", Father: Combs, James
Penrose, Arthur Z., b. 03/29/1885, d. 08/27/1950, Father: Penrose, Lindley
Penrose, Lucy H., b. 09/18/1883, d. 03/28/1966, Father: Henry, William
Penry, Charles Edward, b. 07/28/1854, d. 04/21/1937, Father: Penry, Edward
Penry, Clara Anne, b. 1866, d. 11/04/1924, Father: Baker, E.L.
Penry, David L., b. 11/28/1898, d. 04/23/1983, Father: Penry, Charles E.
Penry, Mary Elizabeth (McAdams), b. 03/15/1904, d. 03/17/1988, Father: Gemmill, Horace
Penry, Raymond P., b. 1885, d. 10/24/1904, Father: Penry, Charles Edward
Penry, Ruth Marguerite, b. 1892, d. 12/05/1918, Father: Penry, Charles Edward
Pepper, Conrad, b. 1840, d. 10/18/1921
Pepper, Kate, d. 11/07/1926
Pepper, son, d. 1888, Father: Pepper, James
Pepper, Susan, b. 1841, d. 1884
Perfect, Carrie M., b. 10/11/1862, d. 12/05/1876
Perfect, Donald Thrall, b. 05/27/1912, d. 02/22/1978, Father: Perfect, Clyde
Perfect, Nellie M., b. 01/25/1889, d. 02/13/1974, Father: Crowl, Charles W.
Perfect, Waldo Smith, b. 10/02/1875, d. 04/23/1942, Father: Perfect, Norman
Perkins, Caroline B., b. 1840, d. 12/04/1923, Father: Barkdull, Thomas
Perkins, Chester H., b. 1821, d. 10/17/1874
Perkins, Dorothy June, b. 06/22/1928, d. 09/21/1993, Father: Bennett, James Frank
Perkins, Durward L., b. 09/18/1899, d. 03/15/1954, Father: Perkins, William S.
Perkins, Eliza, b. 10/06/1821, d. 02/14/1911, Father: Dunlap, John F. (Col.)
Perkins, Fannie A., b. 12/05/1860, d. 02/08/1933, Father: Perkins, L.
Perkins, Fidelia, b. 08/--/1838, d. 06/04/1903, Father: Perkins, Ephrain
Perkins, Harriett Anna, d. 04/12/1845, Father: Perkins, J.W.
Perkins, Helen M., b. 1841, d. 1920
Perkins, Hiram Mills, b. 1833, d. 01/25/1924
Perkins, Michael D., b. 02/07/1954, d. 01/17/1997, Father: Perkins, William
Perkins, Robert Louis, b. 06/10/1975, d. 06/10/1975, Father: Perkins, Michael
Perkins, William Louis "Spec", b. 01/20/1927, d. 07/08/1980, Father: Perkins, Peter
Perley, Laura O., b. 05/22/1886, d. 07/01/1961, Father: O'Kane, Edward
Perry, Carol Jane, b. 07/24/1948, d. 04/04/1997, Father: Dominy, Howard
Perry, Chauncey H., b. 1862, d. 07/31/1863, Father: Perry, George W.
Perry, David E., Jr., b. 1823, d. 02/03/1903, Father: Perry, David E.,Sr.
Perry, David, b. 01/02/1790, d. 06/27/1873
Perry, Deborah Evans, b. 1839, d. 05/15/1860, Father: Evans, Zederick
Perry, Elma L., d. 07/29/1911, Father: Rhoades, McKendree J.
Perry, George W., b. 1827, d. 11/09/1912
Perry, Guy Foster, b. 07/14/1895, d. 06/26/1943, Father: Perry, J.T.(or JK)
Perry, Hannah, b. 1852, d. 10/29/1923
Perry, James Thew "J.T.", b. 1877, d. 10/23/1963, Father: Perry, Joseph
Perry, Jane, b. 10/26/1798, d. 04/24/1882
Perry, Jeannette, b. 04/28/1905, d. 02/15/1974, Father: Robinson, Harry W.
Perry, Jennie M., b. 1864, d. 03/11/1872, Father: Perry, George W.
Perry, Joseph, b. 06/05/1849, d. 04/17/1914, Father: Perry, Samuel
Perry, Lilly Maude, b. 1878, d. 07/14/1968
Perry, Margaret Anna, b. 01/11/1834, d. 01/07/1917, Father: Humphreys
Perry, Margaret, d. 05/09/1893
Perry, Mary A., b. 1831, d. 06/05/1859, Father: Perry, David, Sr.
Perry, Mary E., d. 09/09/1885, Father: Perry, George W.
Perry, Matilda, b. 08/18/1875, d. 07/01/1894
Perry, Matilda, d. 07/01/1894, Father: Perry, George W.
Perry, May M., b. 1885, d. 1886
Perry, Nancy M., b. 1821, d. 01/16/1905, Father: Meacham
Perry, Nancy W., b. 1852, d. 12/09/1905
Perry, William E., d. 04/12/1909
Persons, Douglas Samuel, b. 09/09/1969, d. 09/09/1969
Persons, Elizabeth "Alice", b. 01/18/1852, d. 10/27/1933, Father: Patridge, J.W.
Persons, Henry E., b. 1875, d. 12/23/1911, "Husband"
Persons, Lawrence A., b. 07/07/1908, d. 03/11/1939, "Son", Father: Persons, Henry E.
Peterman, Gayle A., Jr., b. 01/14/1965, d. 01/14/1965, Father: Peterman, Gayle Sr.
Peterman, Timothy Lee, b. 03/19/1969, d. 03/19/1969, Father: Peterman, Gary
Peters, Albert Longwell, d. 06/08/1933, Father: Peters, Durias
Peters, Andrew Franklin, b. 03/24/1941, d. 03/11/1950, Father: Peters, Robert
Peters, Anna C., b. 09/15/1864, d. 07/06/1903, Father: Wells, Richard
Peters, Ashbel H., b. 1866, d. 1866
Peters, Byrd A., b. 1868, d. 04/09/1911, Father: Peters, G.A. (Rev.)
Peters, Dalila, d. 01/18/1884
Peters, David Andrew, b. 1951, d. 07/13/1966
Peters, Edw. Richard, b. 04/14/1884, d. 03/28/1928
Peters, Frankie, b. 1875, d. 1875
Peters, Fred, b. 01/01/1893, d. 01/08/1960
Peters, George A., b. 03/27/1836, d. 05/27/1896
Peters, Irene Catherine, d. 12/24/1914, Father: Peters, John O.
Peters, Jessie A., b. 1877, d. 1878
Peters, Josephine H., b. 1877, d. 03/11/1922
Peters, Linda Sue, b. 02/07/1948, d. 02/10/1948, Father: Peters, Gerboise
Peters, Louis A., d. 10/02/1889
Peters, Mary E., b. 04/23/1916, d. 04/24/1916, Father: Peters, John
Peters, Mary, b. 01/01/1899, d. 08/10/1901, Father: Peters, Albert
Peters, Melb M., d. 08/25/1889
Peters, Nellie, d. 08/27/1889
Peters, Ophelia R., b. 1840, d. 08/12/1920, Father: Rhodes
Peters, Paul Eugene, b. 03/25/1926, d. 08/07/1972, Father: Peters, Edward Richard
Peters, Ray Daniel, b. 06/02/1890, d. 03/09/1945, Father: Peters, Albert
Peters, Retta "Rettie" (Morris), b. 11/25/1874, d. 08/30/1909, Father: Slane
Peters, Sadie, b. 08/17/1876, d. 03/31/1934, Father: Morris, E.
Peters, Sylvia, b. 11/28/1912, d. 11/26/1913, Father: Peters, Albert L.
Peters, Violet Grace, b. 1894, d. 08/04/1984
Peters, Virgil, d. 12/09/1896, Father: Peters, Albert
Peters, Walter C., b. 1895, d. 02/14/1973
Peterson, Homer Oldham, b. 1905, d. 12/18/1978, "Son", Father: Peterson, Paul
Peterson, Jennie W., b. 04/17/1882, d. 01/17/1962, "Mother", Father: Wease, William
Peterson, May Hood, d. 06/02/1966
Peterson, Orian A., b. 08/02/1871, d. 03/27/1949, Father: Peterson, Rush
Petran, Margaret Alice, b. 04/08/1871, d. 02/24/1950, "Mother", Father: Perry, Geo. W.
Pettibone, Amila, b. 1789, d. 04/18/1865
Pettibone, Channing L., b. 1843, d. 05/11/1864, Father: Pettibone, Milo D.
Pettibone, Linton Webb, b. 1826, d. 05/12/1851, Father: Pettibone, Milo D.
Pettibone, Mary, b. 1850, d. 01/31/1868, Father: Pettibone, Thomas,Sr.
Pettibone, Milo D., Sr., b. 08/28/1793, d. 09/12/1842, Father: Pettibone,Gen.Chancy
Pettibone, Sarah, b. 1811, d. 01/13/1871, "Mother", Father: Downer
Pettibone, Sarah, b. 1844, d. 01/09/1926, Father: Pettibone, Thomas, Sr.
Pettibone, Thomas, Sr., b. 10/14/1809, d. 02/04/1895
Pettibone, Waldo Waldermer, b. 1833, d. 01/17/1864, Father: Pettibone, Milo D.
Pettiford, Nellie, b. 1880, d. 12/24/1963, Father: Clay, Henry C. (Rev.)
Pettiford, Oscar D. F., b. 03/15/1908, d. 07/04/1948, Father: Pettiford, Oscar C.
Pettingell, Frances M., b. 07/31/1861, d. 12/27/1943, "Mother", Father: Wood, Harry H.
Pettit, Charles, b. 05/02/1925, d. 06/20/2003, Father: Pettit, Ray
Pettit, Noreen Evelyn, b. 03/05/1919, d. 12/25/1988, Father: Windsor, Frank
Pettit, Willis Cleveland, b. 10/08/1917, d. 07/09/2000, Father: Pettit, Walter
Pewthers, Henry B., b. 1866, d. 11/23/1897, Father: Hedges, W.B.,Dr. ?
Peyton, Thomas R., Sr., b. 06/08/1912, d. 04/15/1986, Father: Peyton, Robert
Pfannstiel, Glennella, b. 07/04/1871, d. 02/09/1952, Father: Jones, Robert A.
Pfannstiel, John, b. 12/05/1871, d. 03/24/1974, Father: Pfannstiel, John W.
Pfeifer, Catherine, b. 1809, d. 11/18/1875
Pfeifer, Jacob, b. 1806, d. 12/01/1875
Pfeufer, Ida Ione, b. 07/29/1901, d. 04/09/1929, Father: Breece, Orlando Lafayette
Pfeufer, Robert, b. 03/30/1929, d. 03/30/1929, Father: Pfeufer, Joseph
Pfiesler, Arthur Peter, b. 06/06/1881, d. 08/03/1882
Pfiffner, Barbara D., d. 01/05/1937
Pfiffner, Caroline, b. 1862, d. 12/29/1934, "Mother", Father: Rottner
Pfiffner, Elizabeth, b. 08/12/1854, d. 02/15/1942, Father: Pfiffner, Fredrick
Pfiffner, Frederica, b. 1828, d. 04/07/1914, "Mother", Father: Graff
Pfiffner, Frederick, b. 1860, d. 02/10/1917, Father: Pfiffner, John G.
Pfiffner, Fritz J. R., b. 04/09/1851, d. 11/26/1921, "Father", Father: Pfiffner, J.Frederick
Pfiffner, J. Frederick, b. 1824, d. 01/17/1905
Pfiffner, John Godfried, b. 12/31/1827, d. 02/21/1899, "Father"
Pfiffner, John W., b. 1855, d. 03/26/1938, "Father", Father: Pfiffner, John G.
Pfiffner, Loma H., b. 08/28/1864, d. 12/24/1940, "Mother", Father: Heimberger, Andrew
Pfiffner, Lydia E., b. 1864, d. 08/14/1883, Father: Pfiffner, John G.
Pfiffner, William, b. 1831, d. 07/31/1921
Pfirsch, Adam, d. 11/28/1908
Pfirsch, Frederica (Metzger), b. 1815, d. 11/25/1898
Pfund, Andrew H., b. 1835, d. 10/01/1905, "Father"
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