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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Quaintance, Elmer Rexford, d. 03/26/1911, Father: Quaintance, C.E.
Quilhot, Bertha E., b. 1884, d. 10/12/1932, Father: Swickheimer, John Jacob
Quilhot, G. Russell, b. 1911, d. 05/09/1991, Father: Quilhot, George W.
Quilhot, George W., b. 1882, d. 12/23/1958
Quilhot, Helen C., b. 10/--/1908, d. 03/--/2002, Father: Childs, Harold
Quilhot, John H., b. 11/30/1907, d. 10/20/1996, Father: Quilhot, George W.

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