Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Shaal, David M., b. 01/08/1927, d. 03/16/1996, Father: Shaal, Robert
Shackelford, Elizabeth Ann, b. 12/22/1965, d. 10/19/1976, Father: Shackelford, Robert D.
Shaeffer, Carrie Sue, b. 06/12/1877, d. 08/11/1939, Father: Sonner, Isaac
Shaeffer, George Edgar, b. 1881, d. 11/11/1976
Shaeffer, Helen Lucille, b. 1914, d. 03/04/1963, Father: Shaffer, George E.
Shaeffer, Virgil E., b. 06/03/1911, d. 12/01/1934, Father: Shaeffer, George E.
Shaffer, Bessie, d. 07/03/1889
Shaffer, Clara, d. 1873
Shaffer, George, b. 10/15/1853, d. 07/15/1930, Father: Shaffer, Rufus
Shaffer, Hiram M., d. 12/27/1871
Shaffer, Irena, no dates, Father: Shaffer, Rufus
Shaffer, J. S., no dates
Shaffer, John L., b. 1852, d. 04/17/1890
Shaffer, John W., d. 01/29/1904
Shaffer, Lucy Gavitt, b. 08/28/1838, d. 07/19/1916, Father: Gavitt, Elnathan C.(Rev.)
Shaffer, Mamie, d. 1873
Shaffer, Margaret Barr, b. 01/11/1806, d. 09/05/1861
Shaffer, Mary J., b. 09/08/1829, d. 07/31/1891, "Mother", Father: Beddow
Shaffer, Rosa, no dates
Shaffer, Sarah E., d. 12/31/1909
Shaffer, Sidney, b. 1828, d. 1886
Shahan, Almon J., no dates, Father: Shahan, Joshua
Shahan, Earl D., b. 04/28/1882, d. 02/05/1941, Father: Shahan, Alfred Cash
Shahan, Harriett I. "Hattie", b. 1852, d. 05/20/1923, Father: Inscho, David
Shahan, Joshua, b. 1822, d. 03/10/1901, "Father", Father: Shahan, Joshua
Shahan, Mary E., b. 1838, d. 01/02/1915, "Mother", Father: Cunningham
Shahan, Myrta, no dates, Father: Shahan, Joshua
Shahan, Nellie M., b. 1881, d. 06/23/1965, Father: Shahan, A.C.
Shahan, Thomas Hart, d. 02/15/1896
Shaman, Jacob, b. 1792, d. 04/20/1855
Shamhart, Anna G., b. 01/19/1893, d. 02/28/1980, Father: Renner, Philip
Shamhart, Ellis H., b. 05/19/1891, d. 11/17/1962, Father: Shamhart, Henry
Shamhart, George Allen, b. 05/26/1935, d. 05/26/1935, Father: Shamhart, Paul
Shamhart, Robert Lee, b. 09/17/1934, d. 09/18/1934, Father: Shamhart, Paul
Shanan, Alfred Cash, b. 1850, d. 01/31/1934
Shaneb, Mary A., d. 05/11/1890
Shank, Augusta G., b. 08/08/1885, d. 04/16/1969, Father: Homan, John R.
Shank, Edith Jeanette (Evans), b. 05/22/1890, d. 10/02/1963, Father: Rhoades, Joseph
Shank, Fred B., b. 07/04/1889, d. 12/11/1976, Father: Shank, William
Shanklin, Henry Douglas, b. 08/20/1953, d. 08/22/1953, Father: Shanklin, Robert
Shanklin, Kadell, b. 07/18/1917, d. 03/16/2002, Father: Dorn, Thomas E.
Shanklin, Robert Elstone, b. 06/02/1915, d. 12/12/1991
Shanklin, Thomas Kilgore, b. 1955, d. 06/17/1972, Father: Shanklin, Robert
Shannon, Albina M., b. 1856, d. 11/15/1909, Father: McFarlin, Washington
Shannon, Chloe, b. 09/09/1856, d. 12/09/1926, Father: Robinson
Shannon, Harry L., child of, no dates
Shannon, Helen Louise, b. 09/19/1914, d. 12/20/1989, Father: Siders, Jasper
Shannon, Joseph Hiram, b. 09/17/1856, d. 02/26/1932, Father: Shannon, Hiram
Shannon, Mary Ann, b. 06/02/1852, d. 11/25/1942, Father: Farley, John
Shannon, William M., b. 10/14/1839, d. 04/12/1925, Father: Shannon, John
Shannon, William Richard, b. 08/07/1871, d. 02/16/1939, Father: Shannon, William M.
Sharadin, Anna H., b. 07/28/1856, d. 12/29/1922, Father: Heed, Thomas
Sharadin, Charles, b. 10/09/1845, d. 05/10/1918, Father: Sharadin, Nathan
Sharadin, Daniel, b. 1843, d. 04/03/1902, Father: Sharadin, Nathan
Sharadin, Hazel M., b. 1884, d. 12/14/1976
Sharadin, Helen L., b. 07/25/1917, d. 03/14/2003, Father: Sharadin, Henry A.
Sharadin, Henry Arthur, b. 11/11/1876, d. 05/25/1949, Father: Sharadin, Charles
Sharadin, Henry Jacob, b. 1836, d. 04/06/1915, Father: Sharadin, Nathan
Sharadin, Margaret, b. 04/--/1817, d. 09/16/1906, "Mother", Father: Esser
Sharadin, Nathan, Sr., b. 1814, d. 05/18/1872
Sharadin, Nathan, b. 1840, d. 09/01/1915, Father: Sharadin, Nathan
Sharadin, Virgina W., b. 1846, d. 07/17/1896
Shard, Daisy, d. 06/10/1906
Sharer, Mary A., b. 1836, d. 03/28/1923
Sharpe, Estelle Richardson, b. 03/11/1879, d. 05/07/1890, Father: Sharp, Lt.
Shattuck, Abbie Mann, b. 09/25/1833, d. 01/10/1907, "Mother", Father: Batchelder, Henry (Col.)
Shattuck, Clarence D., b. 1855, d. 1887, Father: Shattuck, David S.
Shattuck, David Sylvester, b. 1832, d. 03/25/1910, "Father"
Shaw, Alfred C., b. 1872, d. 05/05/1878, Father: Shaw, William B.
Shaw, Alice L., b. 1867, d. 01/03/1872, Father: Shaw, William B.
Shaw, Alice, b. 1864, d. 12/07/1917
Shaw, Anna E., d. 03/18/1862, Father: Shaw, James L.
Shaw, Bernard James, b. 04/23/1911, d. 02/03/1964
Shaw, Bernard L., b. 01/23/1915, d. 10/02/1963, Father: Shaw, George L.,Sr.
Shaw, Catharine, b. 1844, d. 03/26/1920, Father: Bowers, John (?)
Shaw, Chauncey R., b. 06/07/1889, d. 05/09/1939, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, Child, no dates, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, Craig Harold P., b. 08/21/1961, d. 10/28/1981, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, David W., b. 08/05/1912, d. 12/25/1980, Father: Shaw, Samuel
Shaw, David W., b. 1879, d. 02/01/1921, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, Dorothy Clydene "Dee", b. 11/25/1931, d. 12/19/1984, Father: Mead, Clyde
Shaw, Elizabeth V., d. 12/13/1855
Shaw, Ella, b. 03/21/1893, d. 08/31/1907, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, Eloise, b. 1916, d. 10/02/2002, Father: King, Heyward
Shaw, Flora "Mary", d. 08/08/1898, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, Frances Mae, b. 06/22/1914, d. 07/12/1999, Father: Cummins, Harry A.
Shaw, Fred E., b. 11/23/1906, d. 10/03/1935, "Daddy", Father: Shaw, George
Shaw, Frederick H., b. 07/09/1898, d. 12/27/1962, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, Frederick W., b. 06/17/1928, d. 02/20/1929, Father: Shaw, Frederick
Shaw, George L., Jr., b. 03/08/1905, d. 05/02/1967, Father: Shaw, Geo. L.
Shaw, George L., Sr., b. 04/23/1883, d. 06/30/1946, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, George W., d. 03/30/1864, Father: Shaw, James L.
Shaw, Goldie May, b. 01/18/1905, d. 04/22/1958, Father: Davis, Ira
Shaw, Helen M., d. 09/03/1913, Father: Shaw, Homer
Shaw, Henry C., d. 03/15/1852, Father: Shaw, James L.
Shaw, infant twins, b. 10/26/1950, d. 10/26/1950, Father: Shaw, William Bruce
Shaw, Infant, b. 07/25/1924, d. 07/25/1924, Father: Shaw, George
Shaw, Irene (Merrick), b. 09/06/1843, d. 10/06/1932, Father: Gardner, Reuben C.
Shaw, Isaac L., b. 06/29/1886, d. 03/20/1929, Father: Shaw, Newton
Shaw, James L., b. 03/--/1795, d. 05/02/1882
Shaw, Jasper J., b. 02/05/1853, d. 06/25/1925, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, Jessalyn G., b. 1893, d. 12/10/1972, Father: Case
Shaw, Jesse M. "MO", d. 01/05/1889, Father: Shaw, William B.
Shaw, John (or U.), no dates
Shaw, John C., b. 12/05/1855, d. 08/10/1929
Shaw, Josephine, b. 1847, d. 12/03/1873, Father: Gardner, Reuben C.
Shaw, Laura F., b. 03/15/1855, d. 04/17/1923, Father: Gatton, George
Shaw, Leonard L., b. 01/23/1915, d. 02/01/1929, Father: Shaw, Geo. L.
Shaw, Mary A., b. 03/18/1935, d. 04/08/1995, Father: Powell, Harold
Shaw, Mary Alice, b. 10/02/1915, d. 04/01/1965, Father: Curtis, George
Shaw, Mary Elizabeth, b. 11/27/1857, d. 07/03/1939, "Mother", Father: Havens, George
Shaw, Mary L., b. 07/30/1905, d. 03/09/1986, Father: Unk
Shaw, Metta Louica, b. 08/--/1863, d. 05/18/1943, Father: Mathison
Shaw, Nellie E., b. 02/08/1908, d. 04/13/1993, Father: Havens, George
Shaw, Nellie Edith, b. 02/08/1880, d. 04/03/1963, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, Newton P., b. 08/03/1848, d. 09/02/1933, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, Paul, b. 1876, d. 12/15/1876, Father: Shaw, William B.
Shaw, Ray Harland, b. 1902, d. 04/10/1984
Shaw, Robert Allen, Jr., b. 12/21/1944, d. 12/21/1944, Father: Shaw, Robert Allen
Shaw, Robert Allen, Sr., b. 08/08/1909, d. 03/29/1982, Father: Shaw, Geo. L.
Shaw, Sadie M., b. 04/10/1887, d. 03/27/1954, Father: Levings, George R.
Shaw, Samuel J., b. 1892, d. 06/10/1934
Shaw, Samuel, d. 07/28/1870
Shaw, Sarah E., d. 02/08/1865, Father: Shaw, James L.
Shaw, Sarah, b. 1800, d. 12/22/1877
Shaw, Virginia Marguerite, b. 05/20/1905, d. 01/02/1994, Father: Holt, Arnliot
Shaw, William B., b. 02/01/1835, d. 06/09/1924, Father: Shaw, James L.
Shaw, William Grover, b. 1886, d. 10/14/1960, Father: Shaw, William
Shaw, William L., b. 1927, d. 05/08/1989, Father: Shaw, Frederick H.
Shaw, William, b. 1793, d. 02/14/1863
Shaw, William, b. 1800, d. 08/15/1855
Shawaker, Maude K., b. 07/05/1870, d. 09/23/1949, Father: Kerr, John
Shawaker, William, b. 1866, d. 05/25/1911
Shearer, Bertha C., b. 1872, d. 09/05/1959
Shearer, Catherine H., b. 1807, d. 1879
Shearer, Catherine, b. 1842, d. 05/09/1925
Shearer, Charles E., b. 1871, d. 05/13/1959, Father: Shearer, John
Shearer, George, b. 1805, d. 06/18/1878
Shearer, John, b. 1829, d. 1878
Shearman, Edwin Frank, b. 06/15/1911, d. 05/01/1957, Father: Shearman, Samuel M.
Shears, Daryl V., b. 12/30/1952, d. 05/13/1986, Father: Shears, Leslie
Shears, Leslie B., b. 04/07/1920, d. 04/19/1979, Father: Shears, Clarence
Shedd, Ambrose W., b. 1851, d. 05/31/1852, Father: Shedd, Rev.Henry
Sheeder, Helen E., b. 08/01/1898, d. 07/28/1970, Father: Harbaugh, James
Sheeder, Marshall W., b. 12/11/1890, d. 11/13/1986, Father: Sheeder, Ross
Sheehy, Ardith Marie, b. 02/03/1920, d. 11/05/1993, Father: Eagon, Willis D.
Sheehy, Betty Jane, b. 02/12/1925, d. 11/30/2001, Father: Michael, John
Sheehy, Joseph Richard, b. 09/11/1920, d. 07/01/1999, Father: Sheehy, Joseph A.
Sheets, Arthur, b. 11/14/1881, d. 06/22/1953, Father: Sheets, John Wesley
Sheets, Dolly O. (Sutley), b. 02/09/1880, d. 04/08/1953, Father: Olney, John A.
Sheets, Donald Vernon, b. 07/25/1938, d. 07/11/1999, Father: Sheets, Lowell V.
Sheets, Edna Hyndman, b. 1905, d. 07/18/1988
Sheets, Eleanor Jeanette, b. 10/02/1925, d. 02/10/2003, Father: Brookens, Lloyd
Sheets, Elizabeth (Reese), b. 1836, d. 10/09/1922
Sheets, Elizabeth, b. 02/03/1910, d. 06/10/1936, Father: Badley, T.C. (Rev.)
Sheets, Franklyn Lloyd, b. 12/16/1908, d. 11/29/1989
Sheets, Gail Cramer, b. 10/02/1887, d. 10/03/1966
Sheets, Lowell V., b. 12/--/1912, d. 04/08/1952, Father: Sheets, Vernon
Sheets, Pearl E., b. 06/12/1903, d. 10/31/1988, Father: Decker, Charles
Sheets, Raymond A., b. 12/03/1889, d. 05/25/1966, Father: Sheets, William A.
Sheets, Ronald James (In Memory), b. 07/25/1938, d. 11/03/1938, Father: Sheets, Lowell
Sheets, Sidney W., b. 03/08/1919, d. 09/30/1982, Father: Sheets, Fred
Sheets, Vernon T., b. 1879, d. 10/29/1957, Father: Sheets, Solomon (?)
Sheets, Violet Mae (Harter), b. 05/18/1916, d. 10/13/1984, Father: Rader, Edward Earlton
Sheets, Walter E., b. 10/17/1910, d. 09/22/1985, Father: Sheets, Charles W.
Shelby, Hanna, d. 09/11/1891
Sheldon, Adell, no dates
Sheldon, Arthur M., b. 04/17/1872, d. 01/19/1876, Father: Sheldon, Henry G.
Sheldon, Henry G., b. 07/15/1838, d. 04/12/1889
Sheldorfer, Emma, b. 1886, d. 03/09/1966, Father: Sheldorfer, John Jacob
Sheldorfer, John Jacob, b. 1852, d. 08/05/1916
Sheldorfer, Mary Elizab.(Wurtzbacher), b. 09/18/1845, d. 06/12/1913, Father: Hoffman
Sheldorfer, Minnie, b. 1889, d. 01/06/1983, Father: Sheldorfer, John Jacob
Shelligen,, no dates
Shelly, Enoch, d. 08/20/1900
Shelmire, Mary T., b. 03/12/1856, d. 02/24/1904
Shelton, David W., b. 03/05/1850, d. 12/06/1939, Father: Shelton, Lewis
Shelton, Dora B., b. 03/24/1861, d. 09/30/1930, Father: Carnes, David Lewis
Shelton, Elizabeth T., b. 07/26/1941, d. 01/10/1972, Father: Price, Bennie Sr.
Shelton, George D.R. "Rodi", b. 03/29/1981, d. 11/23/2003, Father: Williams, George
Shelton, Gwynn C., b. 06/02/1886, d. 12/12/1907, Father: Shelton, David W.
Shelton, Lucille Hazel, b. 09/09/1904, d. 06/21/1975, Father: Jones, Joseph
Shelton, Rudolph, b. 05/01/1908, d. 03/22/1961, Father: Shelton, Andy
Shephard, Robert B., d. 03/05/1908
Shepherd, Anna (Berger), b. 1855, d. 10/08/1925, Father: Gillett
Shepherd, Edward P., b. 05/14/1920, d. 05/02/1969, Father: Shepherd, Joseph
Shepherd, Retha B., b. 10/30/1917, d. 08/04/2003, Father: Wedemeyer, Daniel
Shepherd, William, d. 09/20/1919
Shepperd, Alan Neil, b. 07/02/1924, d. 06/12/1985
Sherbourne, Elizabeth, b. 05/08/1878, d. 04/20/1950, Father: Banks, John
Sherburne, Vivian Doris, b. 04/07/1915, d. 04/20/1986, Father: Lambert, Conner
Sherer, Arthur A., b. 1885, d. 08/18/1924, Father: Sherer, Henry
Sherer, Edith E., b. 1892, d. 06/17/1967
Sherer, Florence O., b. 05/16/1858, d. 01/27/1932, Father: Clark, Andrew
Sherer, Henry F., b. 1855, d. 01/27/1921
Sherer, Jacob A., b. 07/21/1850, d. 10/10/1929, Father: Sherer, Jacob
Sherer, Laura E., b. 01/27/1862, d. 03/14/1951, Father: Clark, Andrew J.
Sheridan, Edith W., b. 1867, d. 01/05/1955, Father: Whiteside
Sheridan, Robert Mercer, d. 09/10/1892
Sherman, Anna Pearl (Giltner), b. 09/18/1900, d. 08/24/2001, Father: Crowe, John William
Sherman, Belle, d. 07/15/1901, Father: Sherman, James
Sherman, Charles Outhwaite, b. 1882, d. 09/13/1901
Sherman, Edward R. "Father", b. 1883, d. 08/10/1946, Father: Sherman, John P.
Sherman, Henrietta (Butts), b. 1884, d. 05/11/1973, Father: Barcus, William Henry
Sherman, Jane M., b. 1836, d. 11/26/1920, Father: Lawrence, Charles C.
Sherman, Jane O., b. 1897, d. 04/17/1962, "Mother", Father: Neff
Sherman, Norma Constance, b. 11/23/1929, d. 05/13/1949, Father: Sherman, Richard Edw
Sherman, Vernon Blane, b. 11/11/1884, d. 02/01/1964
Sherman, William S., b. 04/--/1834, d. 05/27/1911
Sherry, Adaline, b. 1851, d. 04/06/1907, Father: Null, William
Sherry, Edwin G., d. 09/03/1912, Father: Sherry, James P.
Sherry, James Garfield, d. 11/18/1965, Father: Sherry, James P.
Sherry, James P., b. 1844, d. 02/17/1922
Sherwood, Benjamin F., b. 1846, d. 09/13/1934
Sherwood, Caroline, b. 1847, d. 01/19/1922
Sherwood, Gladys Marie, b. 04/15/1900, d. 08/14/1955, Father: Meyers (?), William
Sherwood, Maggie May, b. 05/10/1879, d. 06/20/1938, Father: Larcom, Collins
Sherwood, Mary M., d. 05/09/1932
Sherwood, Richard Lynson, b. 08/22/1874, d. 10/18/1955, Father: Sherwood, Benj.Franklin
Shields, Charles Parker, b. 1854, d. 02/09/1936
Shields, Maggie, d. 12/31/1928
Shields, Martha M., b. 07/07/1876, d. 01/07/1929, Father: Reidel, Herman
Shier, Faith H., b. 1918, d. 01/10/1969, Father: Hubbart, Henry Clyde
Shier, Lowell Franklin, b. 09/27/1919, d. 11/26/1993, Father: Shier, Frank
Shifley, John Wayne, b. 02/12/1897, d. 09/06/1968, Father: Shifley, John G.
Shifley, Stella M., b. 03/14/1908, d. 04/17/1985, Father: Webb, Floyd
Shindoler, Allie, b. 1880, d. 04/23/1962, Father: Smith, George
Shindoler, Anna, b. 1844, d. 11/27/1915, Father: Wells
Shindoler, Edgar Howard, b. 04/07/1910, d. 04/07/1910, Father: Shindolar, Edward
Shindoler, Edward L., b. 02/08/1877, d. 10/14/1956, Father: Shindoler, John
Shindoler, John W., b. 1983, d. 1913
Shindoler, John, b. 1835, d. 01/13/1906
Shindoler, Michael, d. 03/12/1847
Shindoler, Ollie Bell, b. 06/02/1886, d. 04/09/1910, Father: Morrow, John
Shindoler, Rubin, b. 1867, d. 06/23/1880, Father: Shindoler, John
Shipley, Charles, no dates
Shipley, Harley, b. 1883, d. 05/13/1928, Father: Shipley, Emms A.
Shipley, Nada (High), b. 1898, d. 08/02/1966, Father: Hoffines, Joseph
Shipman, Byron E., b. 05/--/1915, d. 05/27/1915, Father: Shipman, Emmet
Shipman, Ellen Alva, b. 03/03/1865, d. 11/17/1907
Shipman, Emmett H., b. 04/12/1874, d. 06/22/1961, Father: Shipman, Mathias
Shipman, Esther G., b. 06/18/1877, d. 08/26/1960, Father: Hoopes, Alonzo
Shipman, Flora Ethel, b. 06/21/1891, d. 09/08/1895, Father: Shipman, Samuel
Shipman, Margaret R., b. 07/14/1913, d. 06/15/1989, Father: Riber, Burch
Shipman, Mary A., b. 1840, d. 01/--/1921, Father: Hudson
Shipman, Mary Ann, d. 01/30/1921
Shipman, Samuel Lewis, b. 06/01/1863, d. 10/27/1907
Shipman, Waldo Austin, b. 02/23/1913, d. 11/20/1970, Father: Shipman, Emmett H.
Shirer, Grace Edna W., b. 1873, d. 05/25/1961
Shirer, James Arva, b. 1877, d. 05/17/1960
Shisler, Charles Robert, b. 11/30/1914, d. 02/08/1918, Father: Shisler, Charles
Shisler, Helen M., b. 1923, d. 11/21/1923
Shisler, Sarah G., b. 06/06/1895, d. 08/13/1923, Father: Gruber
Shively, Burton Miller, b. 08/13/1892, d. 11/30/1952, Father: Shively, Charles M.
Shively, Charles Milton, b. 08/04/1865, d. 05/12/1951, Father: Shively, John
Shively, Charles R., b. 10/10/1899, d. 09/03/1958, Father: Shively, Charles M.
Shively, Charles Richard, b. 1936, d. 03/04/1980, Father: Shively, Charles R.
Shively, Daniel, d. 10/20/1903
Shively, Eliza B., b. 11/11/1830, d. 09/28/1896, Father: Cook
Shively, Elizabeth W., b. 09/11/1904, d. 06/29/1990, Father: Williams, George
Shively, Ernest M., b. 02/01/1889, d. 10/29/1945, Father: Shively, Charles
Shively, Eva M., b. 03/10/1892, d. 12/24/1966, Father: Martin, George
Shively, Frank, b. 1861, d. 04/25/1926, Father: Shively, John
Shively, Glenn Milton, b. 01/03/1926, d. 04/01/1992, Father: Shively, Charles M.
Shively, Goldie H., b. 09/27/1890, d. 02/22/1968, "Mother", Father: Harrison, Excus
Shively, Hosea, b. 06/14/1890, d. 02/21/1955
Shively, infant, d. 03/07/1894, Father: Shively, Silas C.
Shively, Infant, d. 08/02/1899, Father: Shively
Shively, Jessie M., b. 1873, d. 1875
Shively, John W., Jr., b. 01/01/1854, d. 02/26/1901, Father: Shively, John
Shively, John W., b. 1883, d. 1883
Shively, John, b. 01/12/1824, d. 07/24/1906
Shively, Josephine "Jody", b. 08/05/1937, d. 12/11/1997, Father: Clark, Fred
Shively, Margaret (Robinson)"Peggy", b. 02/28/1913, d. 08/02/2002, Father: Swope, Harry
Shively, Mary C., b. 1850, d. 08/28/1899, Father: Shively, John
Shively, Mary Miller, b. 1869, d. 1923, Father: Miller, Henry
Shively, Mary, no dates
Shively, Mertie W., b. 12/06/1895, d. 03/27/1973, Father: Webb, George A.
Shively, Sara J., b. 08/08/1863, d. 06/04/1933, Father: Metzger
Shively, Silas Cook, b. 01/10/1858, d. 02/08/1915, Father: Shively, John
Shively, Wilhelmina L. "Minnie", b. 01/20/1860, d. 02/23/1925, Father: Liebenderfer, John
Shively, William H., b. 03/25/1867, d. 11/12/1935, Father: Shively, John
Shoaf, Charles W. "Chuck", b. 09/05/1923, d. 04/20/1957, Father: Shoaf, Hugh
Shoaf, Donald Edward, b. 08/19/1921, d. 06/05/2001, Father: Shoaf, Horace Frank
Shoaf, George William, b. 02/22/1908, d. 03/16/1997, Father: Shoaf, Horace
Shoaf, Josephine E., b. 09/07/1920, d. 05/01/1998, Father: Bell, Millard
Shoaf, Kittie Irene, b. 03/07/1914, d. 12/12/1989, Father: Griffiths, Walter
Shoaf, Myron Allen "Bud", b. 06/19/1927, d. 09/02/1992, Father: Shoaf, Hugh
Shoaf, Regina Rose, b. 11/20/1931, d. 04/24/1981, Father: Yates, Allen
Shoaf, Rose Mae, b. 02/10/1884, d. 08/04/1969, Father: Snedeker, George
Shobe, Charles, b. 08/07/1862, d. 10/15/1943, Father: Shobe, Albert
Shobe, Katherine, b. 03/15/1844, d. 02/12/1928
Shobe, Maude (Daniel), b. 05/02/1876, d. 06/18/1953, Father: Portman, Henry
Shockey, Chauncy Porter, b. 05/30/1874, d. 01/17/1951, Father: Shockey, John F.
Shoemaker, Carrie Loveless, b. 1865, d. 09/29/1932, Father: Loveless, William H.
Shoemaker, Charles, b. 1885, d. 11/07/1909, Father: Shoemaker
Shoemaker, Eileen, b. 01/15/1923, d. 03/28/2003, Father: Robinson, Carl
Shoemaker, Florance E. "Bessie", d. 05/20/1911, Father: Rider, John
Shoemaker, Forrest Lee, b. 12/21/1891, d. 11/06/1965, Father: Shoemaker, H.V.
Shoemaker, Harold Leslie, b. 04/05/1920, d. 01/18/2004, Father: Shoemaker, John J.
Shoemaker, Herrod V., b. 11/25/1862, d. 03/24/1931, Father: Shoemaker,Milton B.
Shoemaker, Jay Burton, b. 1886, d. 05/18/1961
Shoemaker, John Almond, b. 1856, d. 06/10/1935, Father: Shoemaker, Francis (?)
Shoemaker, Joseph A., b. 06/10/1878, d. 01/10/1946, Father: Shoemaker, Charles
Shoemaker, Lucy Leon, b. 05/14/1880, d. 02/17/1961, Father: Jenkins, Silas
Shoemaker, Mayme D., b. 03/31/1890, d. 10/19/1985, Father: Miller, John N.
Shoemaker, Minnie A., b. 08/11/1865, d. 12/08/1939, Father: Harroun, Jerome
Shoemaker, Ruth Frances, b. 1897, d. 10/02/1973
Shoop, Rosanna, b. 1842, d. 05/15/1920, Father: Anthoni, Frederic Sr.
Shorr, Charles, d. 02/05/1942, Father: Shorr, Godfrey
Shortridge, Donald B. "Father", b. 1913, d. 04/05/1981, Father: Shortridge, Basil
Shortridge, Virginia Frances "Mother", b. 07/19/1915, d. 03/18/1995, Father: Woods, Meredith
Shoter, John, no dates
Shotts, George W., b. 05/15/1840, d. 11/19/1927
Shoub, Amy, d. 06/27/1893
Shoub, Catherine, b. 1797, d. 07/21/1881
Shoub, D.W. (infant son), no dates
Shoub, Henry A., b. 1834, d. 01/04/1871
Shoub, John, b. 1824, d. 12/18/1874, Father: Shoub, Martin
Shoub, Martin, b. 1788, d. 01/17/1870
Shoub, Samuel J., b. 1826, d. 07/02/1863
Shoub, William, b. 1840, d. 07/19/1876
Show, Cora B., b. 10/20/1900, d. 08/24/1979, Father: Cohagan, Luther
Show, David Frank, b. 06/07/1898, d. 06/10/1973, Father: Show, George
Show, Franklin Burke, b. 02/17/1921, d. 02/24/2001, Father: Show, David Frank
Shuff, Goldie Irene, b. 09/16/1904, d. 04/30/1949, Father: Heineman, Wm.Frank
Shufflebarger, Harry Lynn, b. 1916, d. 04/13/1965
Shufflebarger, Jane W., b. 1920, d. 07/11/1969, Father: Wooten, Thomas H.
Shull, Edward M., b. 1909, d. 06/20/1957
Shull, Gladys M., b. 10/19/1908, d. 07/27/1972, Father: Santee, Curtis C.
Shults, Marguerite Mae, b. 1916, d. 04/28/1921, Father: Shults, Wayne C.
Shults, Twins-Sheryle & Shayle, b. 08/26/1965, d. 08/28/1965, Father: Shults, George William
Shults, Wayne C., b. 03/21/1883, d. 07/04/1959, Father: Shults, James F.
Shults, Zella Mae, b. 1884, d. 07/18/1973, Father: Henderson, James P.
Shultz, George, d. 01/02/1893
Shultz, Harry Elmer, d. 09/18/1895, Father: Shultz, James Franklin
Shultz, James Franklin, b. 10/08/1852, d. 06/24/1917
Shultz, Jennie Linn, b. 06/06/1855, d. 01/12/1931, Father: Smith, Geo.
Shultz, Laura Bell, b. 09/09/1879, d. 09/30/1971, Father: Shultz, James Frank
Shultz, LeRoy E., b. 06/22/1886, d. 05/14/1938, Father: Shultz, James Franklin
Shump, Bertha M. (Robison), b. 10/31/1911, d. 09/14/1987, Father: Smith, Elijah C.
Shumway, Jack Edward, b. 01/29/1980, d. 03/03/1980, Father: Shumway, Jack (Fred)
Shur, Emily T., b. 1830, d. 05/26/1911, Father: Trusdale
Shur, Frank J., d. 06/21/1919
Shur, infant, no dates
Shur, Jacob J., b. 1824, d. 02/27/1916, Father: Shur, Jacob
Shur, Lida L., b. 01/12/1859, d. 10/31/1940, Father: Long, John P.
Shur, Mary Francis, b. 1833, d. 09/10/1901, Father: Shipley
Shur, Minnie Bell, b. 1863, d. 05/26/1869, Father: Shur, Jacob J.
Shur, Orie S., b. 12/14/1856, d. 11/23/1937, Father: Shur, Milton M.
Shur, Samuel P., b. 12/18/1826, d. 03/17/1912, Father: Shur, Jacob
Shuster, Andrew J. "Dick", b. 08/20/1874, d. 05/10/1928, Father: Shuster, David
Shuster, Baby, no dates
Shuster, Catherine, b. 1819, d. 04/18/1901, Father: Morgan, Jacob
Shuster, Christine, b. 1891, d. 1924, "Daughter Tena"
Shuster, Clara Jane, b. 04/13/1859, d. 05/20/1937, Father: Shuster, George
Shuster, Cora B., b. 05/08/1863, d. 06/08/1936, Father: Glaze
Shuster, David, b. 05/04/1828, d. 01/29/1898, "Father"
Shuster, Derick Allen (a twin), b. 11/20/1990, d. 11/20/1990, Father: Shuster, Allen
Shuster, Edward A., b. 06/13/1876, d. 05/16/1964, Father: Shuster, Albert
Shuster, Elvira Jane, b. 01/08/1854, d. 05/20/1926, "Mother"
Shuster, Eric Scott (a twin), b. 11/20/1990, d. 11/20/1990, Father: Shuster, Allen
Shuster, Fay Walter, b. 07/01/1905, d. 02/25/1948, Father: Shuster, John
Shuster, Francis Albert "Frank", b. 06/28/1865, d. 02/21/1939, Father: Shuster, David
Shuster, Francis M., b. 09/08/1894, d. 05/14/1974, Father: Shuster, Francis
Shuster, George A., b. 05/01/1849, d. 09/20/1922, "Father"
Shuster, George Albert, b. 03/05/1912, d. 03/02/1970, Father: Shuster, Hugh
Shuster, George Edward "Ma", b. 12/14/1903, d. 02/19/1970, Father: Shuster, John F.
Shuster, George H., b. 03/--/1872, d. 12/05/1898, Father: Shuster, George
Shuster, George, b. 1809, d. 11/24/1891
Shuster, Helen Margaret, b. 06/18/1906, d. 09/15/1958, Father: Williams, John G.
Shuster, Howard Francis, b. 04/--/1913, d. 04/19/1913, Father: Shuster, James
Shuster, infant, b. 03/14/1914, d. 03/14/1914, Father: Shuster, Samuel
Shuster, James Milton, b. 08/18/1948, d. 06/01/1990
Shuster, John Franklin, b. 09/14/1881, d. 10/24/1941, Father: Shuster, George Albert
Shuster, Mary, b. 1827, d. 04/27/1892, "Mother", Father: Swank
Shuster, Melvina, b. 12/01/1871, d. 05/02/1958, Father: Shuster, David
Shuster, Milton Carl, Jr., b. 1924, d. 06/13/1989, Father: Shuster, Milton Sr.
Shuster, Milton Carl, Sr., b. 10/24/1903, d. 02/01/1978, Father: Shuster, Harry F.
Shuster, Mina Dell, b. 04/20/1883, d. 09/08/1955, Father: Hummell, Elias
Shuster, Naomi Frances, b. 02/15/1917, d. 05/07/1959, Father: Swearengin, Nathaniel
Shuster, Nellie Bell, b. 08/05/1885, d. 12/03/1924, Father: Hummel, Elias
Shuster, Ralph C., b. 1910, d. 11/30/1935, Father: Shuster, Hugh
Shuster, Samuel Sylvester, b. 07/28/1884, d. 06/20/1957, Father: Shuster, Geo.Albert
Shuster, Winona M., b. 04/22/1898, d. 10/16/1967, Father: McKinnie, Frank
Siders, Addie E. (Call), b. 12/30/1894, d. 04/12/1978, Father: Myers, William
Siders, Albert Burton, b. 02/17/1898, d. 01/31/1961, Father: Siders, Jasper
Siders, Claude McClain, b. 1894, d. 12/18/1953, Father: Siders, Jasper
Siders, Jasper, b. 05/10/1855, d. 06/20/1943, Father: Siders, Jonathan
Siders, Sarah Ellen, b. 01/07/1874, d. 09/18/1959, Father: Gaskins, George
Siders, Sherman E., b. 12/19/1920, d. 05/13/1986
Siebolt, Eva I., no dates
Siegfried, Adam, b. 03/25/1857, d. 06/04/1942, Father: Siegfried, William
Siegfried, Catherine, b. 1775, d. 05/11/1847
Siegfried, Charles Daniel, b. 12/08/1869, d. 03/01/1939, Father: Siegfried, William
Siegfried, Eva, d. 03/12/1839
Siegfried, Helen K., b. 05/08/1900, d. 04/24/1974, Father: Kraft, Charles
Siegfried, Ida S., b. 1867, d. 07/09/1914, Father: Davis, David
Siegfried, Jacob, d. 10/31/1846
Siegfried, John William, b. 1881, d. 02/12/1906, Father: Seigfried, Adam
Siegfried, John, b. 1802, d. 07/18/1847
Siegfried, Maria M., b. 1858, d. 05/07/1882
Siegfried, Martha Ann, b. 1865, d. 12/10/1933, Father: Thomas, James
Siegfried, Mary Ann, d. 1850, Father: Siegfried, William
Siegfried, Mary Ellen, d. 1856, Father: Siegfried, William
Siegfried, Mary Evelyn, b. 08/29/1870, d. 06/02/1944, Father: Gross, Milton
Siegfried, Paul D., b. 1893, d. 10/24/1918, Father: Siegfried, Adam
Siegfried, Raymond Milton, b. 02/28/1898, d. 11/03/1957, Father: Siegfried, Charles D.
Siegfried, Samuel, b. 11/28/1833, d. 06/05/1855, Father: Siegfried, Jacob (?)
Siegfried, Samuel, b. 1861, d. 06/06/1936, Father: Siegfried, William
Siegfried, Sarah E., b. 1849, d. 1850
Siegfried, Susan, b. 1829, d. 08/31/1905, Father: Swartz
Siegfried, William, b. 1822, d. 05/09/1899
Siegfried, Wilmer, b. 04/02/1864, d. 10/26/1949, Father: Siegfried, William
Siewertsen, Minnie Vava, b. 02/14/1927, d. 12/12/1970, Father: Firman, Henry A.
Sigfried, Peter, b. 11/17/1810, d. 11/12/1841
Sigfritt, Larilla A., b. 1913, d. 05/23/1956, Father: Seese, (?)
Sikes, Grandmother, no dates
Sill, A.Hamilton, b. 1854, d. 02/23/1919
Sill, Clyde Alexander, b. 1885, d. 09/08/1917
Sill, Howard Clyde, b. 09/16/1914, d. 02/01/1915, Father: Sill, Clyde A.
Sill, Mary E., b. 1852, d. 1936
Sill, Mary Elizabeth, b. 05/02/1886, d. 03/18/1906, Father: Sill, Hamilton
Silover, Jean Anne, b. 1920, d. 07/12/1920, Father: Silover, J.F.
Silverwood, Horace Archibald, b. 10/13/1845, d. 02/11/1935, Father: Silverwood, James F.
Silverwood, Mary Belle, b. 09/29/1884, d. 02/20/1885, Father: Silverwood, Horace A.
Silverwood, Mary Ella, b. 07/20/1854, d. 06/14/1914, Father: Spaulding, Ellis
Sim, Cassandria, b. 02/01/1849, d. 09/17/1874
Sim, Elizabeth A., b. 1846, d. 03/26/1891, Father: Smith
Sim, Frank, d. 01/31/1917
Sim, Melville C., b. 08/23/1846, d. 05/05/1878
Sim, Melville C., b. 1846, d. 05/05/1878, Father: Sim, Richard
Sim, Nancy, b. 1818, d. 12/25/1878
Sim, Richard A., b. 01/11/1818, d. 08/11/1851
Sim, Richie M., b. 10/02/1851, d. 10/21/1875
Simmons, Amanda Jane, b. 1856, d. 01/13/1928, Father: Doty
Simon, Anna Louisa, d. 01/21/1896
Simon, Fred, d. 08/15/1947
Simon, Sarah Jane, b. 10/12/1849, d. 06/01/1939, Father: Simon
Simon, Theo Ed, d. 06/09/1893
Simpson, Addison Dewey, b. 05/08/1903, d. 07/03/1983, Father: Simpson, Jerry M.
Simpson, Amos G., b. 10/27/1864, d. 08/13/1879, Father: Simpson, James R.
Simpson, Bettie Jane, b. 10/11/1917, d. 10/29/2001, Father: Watrous, Lionel Lawrence
Simpson, Dennie M., b. 09/12/1867, d. 04/17/1907, Father: Simpson, James R.
Simpson, Eliza Jane, b. 03/06/1837, d. 01/23/1892, "Mother", Father: Glover, Samuel
Simpson, Elizabeth Fredrica, b. 05/16/1851, d. 06/02/1892, Father: Renner, George J.
Simpson, Frank, d. 07/29/1890
Simpson, Gladys Mae, b. 07/28/1920, d. 05/23/2004, Father: Osborn, Lemma Arthur
Simpson, Harley W., b. 1870, d. 09/09/1952
Simpson, Harry G., b. 02/19/1872, d. 11/21/1949, Father: Simpson, Benjamin C.
Simpson, Henry Lawrence, b. 01/16/1910, d. 02/06/1960, Father: Simpson, George
Simpson, Infant, b. 11/07/1993, d. 11/07/1993, Father: Simpson, Ramon W.
Simpson, James R., b. 09/05/1832, d. 05/29/1905, "Father", Father: Simpson, William
Simpson, John A., d. 12/15/1897
Simpson, Lillian Ester, b. 12/25/1913, d. 11/17/1960, Father: Young, Walter
Simpson, Louis B., b. 1876, d. 01/18/1923, Father: Simpson, James R.
Simpson, Luella R., b. 1866, d. 08/13/1945, Father: Richardson (?)
Simpson, Mary G., d. 11/09/1910, Father: Simpson, James R.
Simpson, Raymond Lawrence, b. 07/08/1911, d. 12/31/1996, Father: Simpson, Benjamin
Simpson, Richard Oliver, b. 1905, d. 05/24/1905, Father: Simpson, H.W.
Simpson, Robert Lewis, b. 1896, d. 07/30/1897
Sindeldecker, Daniel W., b. 08/26/1866, d. 01/31/1926, Father: Sindeldecker, Joseph
Sindeldecker, Joseph L., b. 05/09/1870, d. 07/17/1911, Father: Sindeldecker, Joseph
Sindeldecker, Nancy L. (Aunt Nan), b. 11/01/1865, d. 05/20/1940
Sines, Clara, b. 11/06/1876, d. 08/27/1955, Father: Morrison, Charles Wesley
Singer, Charles Bruce, b. 06/09/1950, d. 06/12/1950, Father: Singer, Robert
Singleton, Georgiana, b. 08/25/1863, d. 01/30/1935, Father: Smith
Singleton, Harry Franklin, d. 06/21/1913
Singleton, Jacob D., b. 1846, d. 12/22/1921
Singleton, Mary E., d. 02/16/1934
Sipe, Aurie May, b. 09/19/1902, d. 04/16/1994, Father: Kellar, Wheatland
Sipe, Clara May, b. 04/05/1900, d. 04/17/1940, Father: Davis, William
Sipe, Elbert Crane, b. 03/03/1865, d. 01/14/1921
Sipe, Gay Etta, b. 12/09/1896, d. 03/30/1901, Father: Sipe, Charles O.
Sipe, Ralph C., b. 04/23/1917, d. 10/25/1983, Father: Sipe, Walter F.
Sipe, Ralph Dennis, b. 12/22/1943, d. 09/22/1952, Father: Sipe, Ralph
Sipe, Walter F., b. 08/04/1894, d. 10/17/1967, Father: Sipe, Christopher J.
Sipes, Chester W., b. 1885, d. 11/27/1958, Father: Sipes, Wm.F.
Sipes, Henrietta Maude, b. 02/19/1886, d. 04/11/1953, Father: Scully, William
Sipes, Mary Bell, b. 06/01/1866, d. 11/01/1906, "Mother", Father: Warren, John H.
Sipes, Minnie Zeiss, b. 06/18/1875, d. 08/16/1900, Father: Fleshman, Martin L.
Sipes, William F., b. 05/26/1864, d. 01/30/1943, "Husband", Father: Sipes, William F.
Sisson, Letha Myrtle, b. 1886, d. 04/28/1969, Father: Low, L.E.
Skatz, Baird, d. 1909, "Baby"
Skatz, Blanchie, b. 1879, d. 1881
Skatz, Dora, b. 04/14/1866, d. 03/23/1938, Father: Crawford, James
Skatz, Edward Elmer, b. 10/28/1866, d. 11/22/1943
Skatz, George Wesley, b. 05/01/1875, d. 03/04/1956, Father: Skatz, William
Skatz, Lilly, b. 1881, d. 08/05/1899, "Daughter", Father: Skatz, William M.
Skatz, Mary E., b. 07/22/1881, d. 02/28/1952, Father: Skatz, William
Skatz, Mary M., b. 09/03/1879, d. 12/08/1964, Father: Miller, John
Skatz, Orpha, b. 1845, d. 10/22/1915, "Mother", Father: Case
Skatz, William M., b. 1845, d. 05/07/1921
Skatzes, Ann C. (Browning), b. 01/03/1920, d. 02/07/1997, Father: Risner
Skatzes, Arthur E., b. 01/21/1919, d. 06/01/1991, Father: Skates, Carl H.
Skatzes, Mary Virginia (Sherman), b. 05/20/1918, d. 11/16/1972, Father: Murdock, Newton
Skeaton, Maude, b. 08/03/1873, d. 09/29/1943, Father: Johnson, Robert
Skidmore, Inez Elizabeth, b. 01/05/1897, d. 07/14/1990, Father: Sackett, Howard
Skidmore, Joshua Thayer, b. 03/29/1869, d. 02/22/1931, Father: Skidmore, S.S., Dr.
Skidmore, Nina, b. 10/13/1863, d. 06/20/1951, Father: Wintermute, J.Perry
Skidmore, Wesley LeRoy, b. 08/05/1900, d. 12/28/1950
Skinner, Clara O., b. 01/19/1876, d. 07/15/1968, Father: Oller
Skinner, William T., b. 05/05/1872, d. 07/09/1947, Father: Skinner, William
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