Search Ohio Death Records
Ohio Newspapers, Full Search (1795-1991), 416 titles
Ohio Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Ohio Funeral Notices
Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio
Contributed by Dick Browning [].
Tibbals, Benjamin "Ralph", b. 1898, d. 07/29/1899, Father: Tibbals, Charles E.
Tibbals, Caroline, b. 1826, d. 01/15/1854, Father: Tibbals, William J.
Tibbals, Charles E., b. 10/07/1855, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Tibbals, Samuel
Tibbals, Clyde C., b. 11/24/1895, d. 03/25/1913, Father: Tibbals, Charles E.
Tibbals, Ella Elizabeth, d. 08/21/1909, Father: Bushfield
Tibbals, Emma Elizabeth, b. 09/15/1860, d. 04/05/1935
Tibbals, Everett F., b. 1902, d. 08/25/1902, Father: Tibbals, Charles E.
Tibbals, Harriet Gertrude, b. 1847, d. 08/07/1854, Father: Tibbals, William J.
Tibbals, Lillis B., b. 1802, d. 10/25/1863
Tibbals, Samuel W., b. 01/31/1828, d. 05/07/1889, Father: Tibbals, Wm.
Tibbals, Timothy C, b. 1831, d. 02/19/1854, Father: Tibbals, William J.
Tibbals, William J., b. 1797, d. 06/29/1859
Tibbits, Anna M., b. 05/20/1847, d. 07/23/1872, Father: Davis, William
Tibbits, Electa M., b. 11/08/1835, d. 06/15/1866, Father: Davis, William
Tibbits, Lester D., b. 03/12/1859, d. 07/23/1873, Father: Tibbits, G.M.
Tierman, Charles, b. 06/02/1868, d. 03/08/1941
Tierney, Emma, b. 1876, d. 01/16/1957
Tierney, John F., b. 1866, d. 01/23/1905
Tierney, John R., b. 1874, d. 01/16/1957
Tietjen, Leona M., b. 11/04/1893, d. 02/26/1983, Father: Horton, John
Tietjen, Otto F., b. 09/16/1893, d. 01/24/1985, Father: Unk
Tijerina, Jason Tull, b. 09/20/1998, d. 09/20/1998, Father: Tijerina, Guillermo
Tilden, Harry Edward, b. 06/27/1900, d. 12/03/1971, Father: Tilden, Lester
Tilden, Lucille S. "Fron", b. 07/22/1905, d. 03/10/1979, Father: Bradley, Roy
Tilford, Maria Christine, b. 12/08/1973, d. 11/17/1990, Father: Tilford, Richard I.
Tilton, Gladys L., b. 10/18/1891, d. 08/22/1974, Father: Hooten, Francis
Tilton, Josephus, b. 01/24/1904, d. 10/01/1928, Father: Tilton, S.Ellsworth
Tilton, Kathryn Elizabeth, b. 09/27/1869, d. 03/05/1933, Father: Volk, Francis
Tilton, Sidney Ellsworth, b. 02/02/1863, d. 08/30/1933, Father: Tilton, Joseph S.
Tilton, William S., Sr., b. 11/14/1891, d. 03/06/1965, Father: Tilton, Joseph
Timberlake, Herbert Allison, Sr., b. 06/02/1907, d. 05/05/1990, Father: Timberlake, Benjamin
Timberlake, Lila Mae, b. 05/23/1909, d. 06/10/1982, Father: Shanefelter, John
Timmons, Ella L., b. 1847, d. 05/04/1881, Father: Barnes, Lewis
Timmons, Ethel, b. 10/20/1880, d. 09/30/1970, Father: Baird, Thomas
Timmons, Frank P., b. 10/19/1871, d. 03/01/1938, Father: Timmons, John W.
Timmons, John W., b. 1844, d. 1881
Timmons, John W., b. 1878, d. 10/15/1955
Tippett, Elenor Francis, b. 05/15/1844, d. 04/02/1932, Father: Oldham, John
Tippett, Eugene Thomas, b. 01/13/1901, d. 01/12/1957, Father: Tippett, John D.
Tippett, John D., b. 07/14/1867, d. 09/22/1957, Father: Tippett, Thomas J.
Tippett, Lydia B. "Dottie", b. 06/07/1885, d. 05/21/1960, Father: Unk
Tippett, Ruth H., b. 10/25/1900, d. 06/03/1958, Father: Westman, John
Tippett, Thomas J., b. 1828, d. 02/--/1888
Tipton, Adaline C. (Wagner), b. 1849, d. 06/03/1932, Father: Strawhacker, George
Tipton, David, b. 06/21/1775, d. 07/21/1855, "Our Father"
Tipton, David, b. 09/01/1876, d. 05/02/1951
Tipton, Gertrude, d. 12/24/1915
Tipton, John, no dates
Tipton, Mary A., b. 1838, d. 02/06/1908
Titsworth, Adelene, b. 1886, d. 12/09/1976, Father: Titsworth,Benj.F.
Titsworth, Bertha E., b. 08/21/1882, d. 07/20/1943, Father: Titsworth, Benjamin F.
Titus, Julia C., b. 1848, d. 12/02/1875, Father: Styer, Abram
Titus, Mary Ruth, b. 05/29/1915, d. 05/28/1963, Father: Tilton, William S.
Tobias, Steve A., b. 07/15/1929, d. 10/12/1979, Father: Tabias, Steve A.
Tochter, Caroline, b. 1854, d. 05/04/1855
Todd, James Edward, Sr., b. 02/26/1941, d. 08/10/1977, Father: Todd, Lester James
Todd, Lazarus, Sr., b. 11/24/1925, d. 04/26/1999, Father: Todd, James
Tomlinson, Pearl Edna, b. 04/21/1875, d. 07/14/1963, Father: Crull, Alfred
Tompkins, Charles E., b. 1873, d. 09/11/1932, Father: Tompkins, George N.
Tompkins, David R., b. 07/27/1939, d. 05/21/1991, Father: Tompkins, David Wayne
Tompkins, David Wayne (R), no dates
Tompkins, George Neve, b. 06/03/1844, d. 07/29/1936, Father: Tompkins, Timothy S.
Tompkins, Irene K., b. 08/15/1896, d. 02/12/1938, Father: Kent, Edward
Tompkins, Madeline Katherine "Mom", b. 07/19/1903, d. 01/03/1976, Father: Lewis, Edward Lincoln
Tompkins, Mary E., b. 03/09/1852, d. 09/27/1928, Father: Crow
Tompkins, Patricia Ann, b. 04/28/1929, d. 01/25/1930, Father: Tompkins, David W.
Tompkins, Thomas Wayne, b. 08/30/1952, d. 08/30/1952, Father: Tompkins, Wayne L.
Tompkins, Wayne L. "Bill", b. 03/04/1927, d. 10/05/1979, Father: Tompkins, David Wayne
Tompkins, Wilbert N., b. 09/--/1899, d. 10/10/1918, Father: Tompkins, Charles
Tone, Albert Lyman, b. 06/03/1875, d. 07/16/1952, Father: Tone, Albert L.
Tone, Mayme, b. 1878, d. 02/01/1931, Father: Eaton, Lucius
Topping, Alice Bessie "Sis", b. 06/11/1879, d. 04/15/1943, Father: Kurrley, William
Tormasi, Robert Eugene, b. 06/23/1951, d. 07/24/1998, Father: Tormasi, Andrew
Torrance, Charles M., b. 03/03/1885, d. 10/17/1977, Father: Torrance, Robert
Torrance, Myrtle C., b. 04/18/1887, d. 08/14/1960, Father: Orr, Calvin
Torrence, Albert, d. 07/09/1840, Father: Torrence, J.
Torrence, Ezra W., d. 08/12/1846, Father: Torrence, J.
Torrey, Amanda, b. 1805, d. 1897, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Torrey, Clarrisa, b. 1803, d. 1897, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Torrey, Dorcas Adye, b. 1785, d. 1819
Torrey, Ezra West, b. 1780, d. 1841
Torrey, George, b. 1814, d. 1832, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Torrey, M., no dates
Torrey, Maria, b. 1811, d. 1854, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Torrey, Mary Lathrop, b. 1779, d. 1854
Torrey, William, b. 1807, d. 08/22/1864, Father: Torrey, Ezra West
Torry, Ella R., d. 1855, Father: Torry, William
Tosey, Ralph W., b. 1920, d. 03/21/1921, Father: Tosy, Frank
Tossey, Dory Mae, b. 07/27/1877, d. 12/05/1952, Father: Seigfried
Tossey, Nettie F., b. 03/05/1896, d. 01/26/1978, Father: Ledley, George Milford
Tossey, Thomas, b. 03/23/1888, d. 05/29/1968, Father: Unk
Townley, Frederick Stanton, b. 11/18/1903, d. 04/28/1987
Townley, M.C., no dates
Townley, Mary Katherine, b. 05/09/1905, d. 06/07/1990, Father: Campbell, Herman Rhodes
Townsend, Anna, b. 06/10/1862, d. 10/31/1927
Townsend, William Matthew, d. 12/14/1938, Father: Townsend, William
Townsley, Corydon Lee, b. 1922, d. 10/04/1922
Tozzer, Child of W.S., d. 1899
Tozzer, Child of W.S., d. 1903
Tozzer, Child, no dates
Tozzer, W. S., d. 05/10/1901
Tozzer, W. S., d. 1905
Tracewell, Gertrude, b. 1877, d. 06/22/1959
Tracewell, Robert E., b. 1874, d. 12/28/1961
Trachsel, Zo Ann, b. 06/24/1939, d. 12/11/2000, Father: Stanfield, Wilbert
Tracy, Benjamin H., b. 10/06/1890, d. 03/28/1959
Tracy, Cleo F., b. 10/09/1887, d. 08/22/1890, Father: Tracy, George W.
Tracy, Helen M., b. 12/23/1893, d. 07/01/1916, Father: Lawrence, Harvey
Tracy, Hester A., d. 08/30/1898
Tracy, Jenny, b. 1893, d. 11/05/1912, Father: Tracy
Tracy, Otis Edward, b. 04/15/1858, d. 10/07/1935, Father: Tracy, George Oscar
Tracy, Philip, d. 11/02/1901
Tracy, Samantha E., b. 04/16/1858, d. 12/31/1936, "Mother", Father: Cork, Isaac
Trautman, Charles J., b. 10/07/1864, d. 01/22/1937, Father: Trautman, John J.
Trautman, Clara T., b. 10/06/1889, d. 10/27/1893, Father: Trautman, Louis
Trautman, David, b. 1827, d. 06/--/1840, Father: Trautman, John
Trautman, Esther, d. 08/11/1853, Father: Biel
Trautman, John Jacob, b. 07/31/1820, d. 02/18/1902, "Father"
Trautman, John Jacob, d. 06/01/1919, Father: Trautman, John J.
Trautman, John, b. 10/05/1805, d. 07/27/1886, Father: Trautman, John
Trautman, Joseph F., b. 12/15/1860, d. 08/06/1932, Father: Trautman, John
Trautman, Louis N., d. 02/12/1933, Father: Trautman, John J.
Trautman, Mary T., b. 06/02/1825, d. 12/19/1887, "Mother"
Trautman, Pauline, b. 05/02/1861, d. 09/24/1937
Travillion, Julian V., b. 12/12/1923, d. 06/12/1956, Father: Travillion, Henry
Travis, Addie, d. 03/15/1931
Travis, Greenville Allen "Greeny", b. 04/03/1895, d. 05/05/1961, Father: Travis, Richard
Travis, Melinda, b. 1841, d. 04/28/1923
Travis, Richard, b. 09/30/1942, d. 03/31/2004, Father: Travis, Jay
Traxler, Charles D., b. 1863, d. 12/31/1928, Father: Traxler, Frank
Traxler, Harry W., b. 1893, d. 12/09/1966, Father: Traxler, Charles
Traxler, Mary B., d. 04/28/1914
Traxler, May E., b. 09/27/1867, d. 09/19/1939, Father: Withrow, Wm.Henry
Traxler, Myra Bell, d. 07/02/1898
Treadway, Lucy L., b. 1832, d. 03/11/1916
Treadwell, Eloise, b. 09/02/1909, d. 04/23/1990, Father: Peirsol, Benjamin
Treadwell, John, b. 04/23/1866, d. 06/18/1942, Father: Treadwell, John W.
Treadwell, Lillie J., b. 04/16/1863, d. 01/08/1917, Father: Eaton
Trickey, Annie, b. 10/15/1856, d. 11/13/1944, Father: Secrist, John
Trickey, George, b. 1856, d. 05/09/1909
Triffner ?, John, Mrs., b. 1882, d. 03/04/1920
Trigg, Clarence, d. 08/25/1912, Father: Trigg, Leondis
Trigg, Donald Lewis, b. 09/18/1929, d. 09/18/1929, Father: Trigg, James F.
Trigg, Emma Naomi, b. 09/18/1924, d. 05/18/1943, Father: Heineman, Rodger
Trigg, Joy Dewitt, b. 05/27/1906, d. 04/19/1908, Father: Trigg, William
Trigg, Leo, d. 07/19/1928, Father: Trigg, Leondis M.
Trigg, Leondis Marion, d. 01/22/1904
Trigg, Margaret Nancy, b. 08/08/1857, d. 09/23/1941, Father: Darst, Henry
Trimble, Gertrude, b. 11/02/1926, d. 08/13/2003, Father: Roberts, William Virgil
Trimble, Jeannene Ellen, b. 01/19/1933, d. 02/19/1999, Father: Shuster, Milton Carl
Trimble, Ronald Lee, b. 05/19/1927, d. 08/03/1997, Father: Trimble, Thurman
Tripp, Laura, b. 09/06/1803, d. 05/10/1889, Father: Allen
Tripper, Anna Margaret, d. 06/10/1916
Trippier, Elsie, b. 03/29/1889, d. 02/24/1963, Father: Fegley, Charles
Trippier, G. (see notes), no dates
Trippier, George Andrew, b. 02/15/1937, d. 06/08/1947, Father: Trippier, Richard
Trippier, Ira Eugene, b. 1925, d. 11/22/1945, Father: Trippier, John A.
Trippier, John A., b. 01/22/1887, d. 01/05/1964, Father: Trippier, Salmar
Trippier, Mary Louise, b. 07/16/1916, d. 04/14/1998, Father: Converse, George
Trippier, Richard Andrew, b. 05/26/1912, d. 12/17/1996, Father: Trippier, John A.
Trippier, Vicky Sue, b. 01/30/1955, d. 01/30/1955, "Daughter", Father: Trippier, Richard
Tristram, Fred Hanford, b. 1859, d. 05/04/1920, Father: Tristram,Bartholomew
Tristram, Mary E., b. 05/17/1868, d. 10/03/1958, Father: Denney, John
Trists, Chas. Wm., b. 1920, d. 12/26/1920, Father: Trists, Wm.
Troesch, Twila, b. 03/19/1932, d. 01/14/1997, Father: Griffith, Thomas
Trone, George, b. 1840, d. 09/24/1892
Trostel, J.M., b. 1860, d. 12/11/1893
Trostel, Karl I., b. 1887, d. 07/27/1907, "Son", Father: Trostel, J.M.
Trout, Charles L., b. 03/28/1874, d. 02/26/1952, Father: Trout, Isaac
Trout, Ellamanda, b. 01/18/1849, d. 12/30/1921, Father: Kuntz, Daniel
Trout, Hattie Katherine, b. 11/30/1880, d. 05/02/1946, Father: Corbin, Manley
Trout, Henry H., d. 11/12/1915, Father: Trout, Amos
Trout, Ira Lee, b. 1878, d. 02/28/1926
Trout, Isaac H., b. 1841, d. 05/10/1907
Trout, John E., b. 09/18/1910, d. 11/07/1987, Father: Trout, John Franklin
Trout, Mary Kay, b. 02/18/1910, d. 04/08/1995, Father: Burkett, George
Trout, William A., b. 10/21/1878, d. 11/24/1932, Father: Trout, Isaac H
Troutman, Adaline Maria, b. 09/07/1870, d. 06/20/1929, Father: Rodenfels, John
Troutman, Amanda Lee, b. 06/24/1881, d. 04/12/1927, Father: Jones, Solomon
Troutman, Angelina (High), b. 12/--/1820, d. 12/22/1914, Father: Seigfried, Jacob
Troutman, Caroline "Callie", d. 06/20/1891
Troutman, Charles B., b. 08/07/1840, d. 01/10/1922
Troutman, Daniel, d. 06/16/1840
Troutman, Edna Marie, b. 1897, d. 08/12/1912, Father: Troutman, Joseph
Troutman, Ethel, d. 07/27/1906
Troutman, Eugene C., b. 12/16/1872, d. 12/15/1931
Troutman, Harriett Ellen, b. 1865, d. 08/18/1934, "Mother", Father: Shaw, J.
Troutman, Harry Hellmuth, b. 01/21/1895, d. 09/10/1969, Father: Troutman, Carl
Troutman, infants (3), no dates
Troutman, John Elmer, b. 09/17/1871, d. 02/06/1962, Father: Troutman, Charles B.
Troutman, John H., b. 1838, d. 09/09/1863
Troutman, John, b. 1840, d. 02/12/1860
Troutman, Johnathan, b. 1816, d. 11/23/1883
Troutman, Joseph, b. 1818, d. 12/21/1852
Troutman, Joseph, b. 1860, d. 1932, Father: Troutman, John
Troutman, Lillie Ann, b. 06/18/1868, d. 01/17/1932, Father: Brown
Troutman, Margaret E., b. 09/26/1847, d. 04/11/1932, Father: Lindsey, Chas. Hugh
Troutman, Maria Therasa, no dates
Troutman, Mary A., b. 1827, d. 09/02/1903, "Mother"
Troutman, Mary M., b. 06/06/1862, d. 07/05/1942, Father: Troutman, Jonathan
Troutman, Mary M., b. 1782, d. 12/07/1876
Troutman, Persis, b. 1811, d. 01/07/1881
Troutman, Samuel, b. 1821, d. 05/01/1874
Troutman, Sarah A., d. 09/09/1854, Father: Troutman, J.
Troutman, W.Arthur, b. 10/01/1876, d. 07/15/1959, Father: Troutman, Charles
Troutman, William Leo, b. 1891, d. 08/28/1957, Father: Troutman, Joseph
Troutman, William, d. 02/12/1860
Troxell, Amanda, d. 03/15/1915, Father: Portwood
Troxell, Edna B., b. 10/27/1884, d. 08/08/1951, Father: Dildine, Charles
Troxell, John J., d. 07/13/1915
Troxell, Mildred Vern, b. 02/13/1919, d. 04/03/1975, Father: Condron, Carl Wade,Sr.
Troxell, Robert Dildine, b. 09/18/1911, d. 04/08/1989, Father: Troxell, Theodore S.
Troxell, Theodoric S., b. 07/18/1881, d. 07/02/1966, Father: Troxell, John
Truesdale, Hattie, b. 09/17/1870, d. 11/19/1893, Father: Belt, LeRoy A.
Truxall, Albert William, b. 1900, d. 03/31/1904, Father: Truxall, Simon F.
Truxall, Esther Emma, b. 08/15/1870, d. 06/27/1914, Father: Hirsch, Frederick
Truxall, Simeon Franklin, b. 1861, d. 04/09/1918
Tubaugh, Lacy J. (Faulkner), b. 09/10/1928, d. 08/11/2000, Father: Miller, Amos
Tubaugh, Michael Edward, b. 10/13/1950, d. 01/04/1951, Father: Tubaugh, Samuel
Tucker, Alonzo, b. 06/20/1869, d. 10/13/1942, Father: Tucker, Isaiah
Tucker, Donald E., b. 12/31/1882, d. 03/01/1948
Tucker, Kevin Allen, b. 02/13/1978, d. 02/13/1978, Father: Tucker, Russell G.
Tucker, Lulu (Ruder), b. 08/21/1869, d. 09/13/1963, Father: Zimmerman, Oscar
Tucker, Mary Virginia, b. 05/16/1928, d. 05/16/1928, Father: Tucker, Floyd A.
Tuite, Ada Lovina, b. 11/23/1889, d. 05/12/1944, Father: Brownsberger, Chas.
Tuite, May Louise, b. 1864, d. 09/21/1913, Father: Sturdevant,James Marshall
Tuite, Thomas Henry, b. 07/03/1861, d. 11/12/1940, Father: Tuite, John
Tuite, William E., b. 12/15/1885, d. 01/13/1971, Father: Tuite, Thomas H.
Tuller, Darwin, b. 01/--/1834, d. 03/24/1904
Tuller, Earnest W., b. 1876, d. 06/27/1920
Tuller, Erwin, b. 1830, d. 01/10/1901
Tuller, Lucretia L., b. 04/20/1837, d. 07/17/1927, Father: Weiser, Peter
Tuller, Marla Jean, b. 08/16/1957, d. 08/16/1957, Father: Tuller, Lee Edward
Turk, Bernice M., b. 08/13/1894, d. 10/26/1973, Father: Jones, Dan
Turk, Betty Jean, b. 1922, d. 02/01/1923, Father: Turk, John W.
Turk, John W., b. 01/25/1894, d. 08/05/1952
Turley, Bertha Wealthy, b. 04/23/1875, d. 06/16/1940, Father: Cross, I.P.
Turley, Cornelius Oscar, b. 12/28/1874, d. 01/18/1947, Father: Turley, John
Turley, Eliza M., b. 02/05/1841, d. 03/27/1908, Father: Elzea, James
Turley, John B.R., b. 1844, d. 09/30/1919
Turner, Albert, b. 06/11/1836, d. 07/18/1889, Father: Turner, Leonard
Turner, Alberta Clara "Bertie", b. 1880, d. 02/03/1908, Father: Turner, Albert
Turner, Allen Lee, b. 01/22/1943, d. 01/29/1943, Father: Turner, Henry H.
Turner, Arthur A., b. 1883, d. 11/24/1894, Father: Turner, Hemingway W.
Turner, Bennie, d. 04/20/1900
Turner, Bertha M., b. 1898, d. 08/21/1923, "Mother"
Turner, Bertha, d. 09/18/1907
Turner, Charles L., b. 05/31/1936, d. 11/03/1997, Father: Hollifield, Dutch (adopt)
Turner, Clarence L., b. 1890, d. 02/20/1969
Turner, Don R., d. 08/15/1892
Turner, Enid Elaine, b. 1894, d. 12/23/1899, Father: Turner, Marion B.
Turner, Eunice M., b. 1886, d. 08/25/1928, Father: Turner, Marion B.
Turner, George Anthony, b. 09/03/1956, d. 02/11/1981, Father: Turner, James
Turner, George, b. 03/21/1883, d. 05/11/1952, Father: Turner, Albert
Turner, Harriet, b. 1816, d. 03/--/1886, Father: Cowles, Jabez
Turner, Hattie, d. 02/09/1912
Turner, Helen Evelyn, b. 03/30/1908, d. 04/12/1943, Father: Jenkins, William
Turner, Hemingway W., b. 12/25/1858, d. 07/17/1941, Father: Turner, Leonard
Turner, Henry Harold, b. 01/03/1896, d. 12/11/1949, Father: Turner, Chas. M.
Turner, Ida May, b. 04/10/1865, d. 05/06/1938, Father: Benner, James
Turner, Infant, b. 10/31/1962, d. 10/31/1962, Father: Turner, James
Turner, Irene K., b. 06/05/1894, d. 12/22/1957, Father: Kissner, Samuel C.
Turner, Isaac, d. 06/22/1894
Turner, James William, b. 01/11/1902, d. 04/28/1984, Father: Unk
Turner, James, b. 1881, d. 08/11/1923, "Father"
Turner, July Jaime, b. 07/18/1989, d. 07/18/1989, Father: Turner, James Lamont
Turner, Laura, b. 10/13/1905, d. 04/20/1940, Father: Lanman, J.W.
Turner, Leonard, b. 02/10/1812, d. 08/27/1877
Turner, Lillie Belle, b. 03/14/1927, d. 06/01/1999, Father: Bohanna, Solomon Raymond
Turner, Marion B., b. 11/30/1853, d. 12/29/1926, Father: Turner, James William
Turner, Mary, d. 01/24/1900
Turner, Mildred K., b. 09/24/1891, d. 09/12/1967, Father: Kurrley, Albert L.
Turner, Mildred, b. 05/14/1904, d. 02/02/1960, Father: Cavin, Charles F.
Turner, Nellie M., b. 1859, d. 04/29/1926
Turner, Newman E., d. 07/16/1907, Father: Turner, Leonard
Turner, P., no dates
Turner, Rotha Thelma, b. 1902, d. 10/21/1971, Father: Turner, Marion B.
Turner, Virgil E., b. 03/20/1888, d. 11/25/1978, Father: Turner, Marion B.
Turner, William H., b. 1861, d. 04/11/1904
Turney, Bernice Lucile, b. 1897, d. 11/10/1903, Father: Turney, Richard C.
Turney, Dallas Clinton, Jr., b. 06/25/1917, d. 08/31/1995, Father: Turney, Dallas C.,Sr.
Turney, Dallas Clinton, Sr., b. 06/22/1894, d. 05/27/1979, Father: Turney, Richard
Turney, Darline Lillian, b. 07/06/1914, d. 04/24/1930, Father: Turney, Dallas Clinton,Sr
Turney, James Evans, b. 04/09/1916, d. 01/06/1999, Father: Turney, Dallas C., Sr.
Turney, Lillian Ruth, b. 08/11/1895, d. 06/22/1953, Father: Evans, Zedrick
Turney, Mabel O., b. 02/11/1892, d. 05/20/1943, Father: Turney, Richard C.
Turney, Martha Jane, b. 11/29/1917, d. 03/03/2000, Father: Owen, Emil Sherman
Turney, Maud A., b. 08/06/1871, d. 06/06/1949, Father: Watts, John J.
Turney, Richard C., b. 05/16/1866, d. 04/29/1951, Father: Turney, Wm.Henry
Turney, Robert R., b. 1920, d. 04/25/1920, Father: Turney, Dallas C., Sr.
Tway, Edward M., b. 02/10/1879, d. 06/18/1962, Father: Tway, Manford
Tway, Mabel Virginia, b. 06/18/1887, d. 01/07/1987, Father: Lowry, James
Tweedy, Joshua Leon, b. 08/09/1975, d. 10/12/1997, Father: Tweedy, Hildreth Jr.
Tyler, Louise M., b. 1867, d. 04/15/1922
Tyler, Mildred F., b. 11/09/1902, d. 04/27/1939, Father: Freshwater, Benjamin F.
Tysinger, Charles Henry, b. 07/14/1877, d. 01/19/1942, Father: Tysinger, John
Tyson, Allie Bell, b. 03/13/1868, d. 05/23/1890
Tyson, Clara Belle, b. 1872, d. 04/18/1966, Father: Highwarden
Tyson, Stephen Agustus "Gus", b. 08/02/1861, d. 09/01/1945, Father: Tyson, Hosea
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