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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Ufferman, Albert, b. 1858, d. 10/08/1920, Father: Ufferman, Peter
Ufferman, Betty (Hopper), b. 01/28/1915, d. 12/24/2002, Father: Ropp
Ufferman, Blanche M., b. 11/01/1902, d. 08/24/1979, Father: Harris, Norris
Ufferman, Charles Allen, b. 01/03/1935, d. 11/30/1946, Father: Ufferman, Ray
Ufferman, Charles Frederick, Jr., b. 1894, d. 09/26/1955, Father: Ufferman, Fred,Sr.
Ufferman, Clarence, b. 10/04/1880, d. 10/20/1902
Ufferman, Deborah Sue, b. 05/03/1954, d. 05/19/1975, Father: Ufferman, William
Ufferman, Dorrance D., b. 11/22/1905, d. 04/22/1993, Father: Ufferman, Frank
Ufferman, Floretta, b. 09/02/1870, d. 07/26/1941, Father: Rhoads, Joseph
Ufferman, Francis W., b. 01/14/1903, d. 02/08/1981, Father: Ufferman, Frank
Ufferman, Frank E., b. 09/25/1863, d. 07/08/1941, Father: Ufferman, Peter
Ufferman, Frederick W., Sr., b. 10/27/1865, d. 08/03/1937, Father: Ufferman, Peter
Ufferman, Gladys L., b. 03/04/1910, d. 10/03/1973, Father: Ropp, John
Ufferman, Glennie, b. 1875, d. 10/24/1927
Ufferman, Gwendolyn Beatrice "Dody", b. 09/01/1915, d. 06/28/2001, Father: Weaver, Walter I.
Ufferman, Mary M., b. 02/13/1912, d. 09/22/1988, Father: Blamer, Sherwood
Ufferman, Ollie N., b. 11/14/1859, d. 10/19/1938, Father: McNeal
Ufferman, Raymond C., b. 10/29/1897, d. 08/07/1998, Father: Ufferman, Frank E.
Ufford, Elizabeth, b. 1835, d. 05/04/1915, Father: Michell, T.H. (Rev.)
Ufford, Ethel Lee, b. 11/27/1872, d. 03/31/1963, Father: Ufford, John
Ufford, John, b. 11/14/1810, d. 06/23/1881, Father: Ufford, Elijah
Ufford, Katharine, d. 03/--/1888, Father: Ufford, John
Ullom, Reynol V., b. 03/31/1910, d. 01/12/1958, Father: Ullom, Lantz Hupp
Ulrey, Charles M., b. 1854, d. 03/04/1912, Father: Ulrey
Ulrey, H.Stanley, b. 1892, d. 08/26/1915, Father: Ulrey, Charles M.
Ulrey, Harriet Dustman, b. 03/26/1858, d. 07/04/1908, Father: Dustman
Ulrey, Ivan Eugene, b. 1898, d. 03/20/1904, Father: Ulrey, William A.
Ulrey, Josephine K., b. 01/26/1864, d. 03/29/1946, Father: Koch, Jacob
Ulrey, William A., b. 1852, d. 07/--/1918, Father: Ulrey
Ulrich, Robert George, b. 04/06/1913, d. 02/01/1981
Ulrich, Robert, b. 12/17/1938, d. 08/21/1999, Father: Ulrich, Robert George
Ulrick, Bernard C., b. 1829, d. 05/21/1869
Umstead, Daisy, b. 1885, d. 03/31/1977, Father: Sternes
Umstead, George Walter, b. 07/11/1874, d. 11/19/1970, Father: Umstead, John
Ungashick, Charles Michael, b. 08/20/1948, d. 08/20/1948, Father: Ungashick, Fred.
Ungashick, Frederick Charles, b. 08/31/1916, d. 06/21/2000, Father: Ungashick, Charles M.
Ungashick, Lois Irene, b. 11/19/1922, d. 04/07/1994, Father: Johnson, Otho
Unkle, Georgianna, b. 04/01/1890, d. 04/05/1971, Father: Morton, George W.
Uphold, Estelle Mae, b. 09/14/1892, d. 02/06/1948, Father: Conklin, John
Uphold, Florence Marie (Durfey), b. 08/24/1896, d. 01/24/1968, Father: Griffith, Thomas
Uphold, Frank A., b. 01/25/1885, d. 04/01/1978
Uplisher, Margabeth, b. 08/16/1811, d. 10/20/1861
Upstill, Charles, b. 07/14/1952, d. 07/14/1952, (Infant), Father: Upstill, Charles
Upton, Wm, child of, d. 11/24/1903
Utter, Angeline, b. 1869, d. 07/20/1923, "Mother"
Utter, Bertha Zemes (?), d. 03/30/1906
Utter, James H., d. 10/02/1912, Father: Utter, Lee
Utter, Mary E., b. 1849, d. 09/13/1932
Utter, Mary, b. 1849, d. 1852
Utter, William "Stanley", d. 07/21/1910, Father: Utter, Lee
Utter, William, no dates

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