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Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Vail, Rebecca B., b. 1825, d. 02/23/1911, Father: Bushfield
Valentine, David Lee, b. 11/22/1968, d. 09/09/1999, Father: Valentine, Walter
Vanbremer, Abraham, d. 11/25/1824
Vanbremer, Elizabeth, d. 12/18/1825, Father: Vanbremer, Abraham
VanBrimmer, Anna Virginia, b. 1838, d. 11/22/1917, Father: Arthur, Charles
VanBrimmer, Arthur L., b. 03/22/1880, d. 05/10/1944, Father: VanBrimmer, George
VanBrimmer, Barbara A., b. 11/05/1957, d. 10/09/2003, Father: Steinbrecher, Paul W.
VanBrimmer, Elmer L., b. 08/10/1893, d. 10/07/1969, Father: VanBrimmer, Joseph
VanBrimmer, George, b. 12/12/1837, d. 10/14/1895
VanBrimmer, Joyce, b. 1878, d. 05/07/1921
VanBrimmer, Marcy Lynn, b. 06/17/1963, d. 10/17/1993, Father: Zent, Donald
VanBrimmer, Mary R., b. 01/14/1894, d. 01/28/1969, Father: Richards, Hadley W.
VanBrimmer, Terry Jo, b. 09/07/1960, d. 09/07/1960, Father: VanBrimmer, Ronald J.
VanBuskirk, Infant Girl, b. 01/24/1961, d. 01/24/1961, Father: VanBuskirk, James
VanCamp, A.C., d. 07/26/1890
Vandall, Helen L., b. 10/25/1928, d. 04/06/1995, Father: Hysell, Edward
VanDeman, Ada M., b. 01/15/1838, d. 08/31/1867, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev.)
VanDeman, Amanda, b. 03/07/1843, d. 03/10/1843, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev.)
VanDeman, Carey E., b. 02/28/1836, d. 09/--/1836, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev)
VanDeman, Earl Darlington, b. 1887, d. 01/02/1931, Father: VanDeman, Wm. L.
VanDeman, Eliza A., b. 11/06/1825, d. 03/05/1911, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev.)
VanDeman, Emma N., b. 03/01/1834, d. 03/06/1911, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev.)
VanDeman, Henry, b. 04/02/1798, d. 05/19/1872, Father: VanDeman, John
VanDeman, John Dodridge, b. 02/12/1832, d. 05/02/1921, Father: VanDeman, Henry (Rev.)
VanDeman, Lydia S., b. 02/27/1844, d. 07/09/1914, Father: Runkle, R.E. (Judge)
VanDeman, Mildred, b. 08/04/1878, d. 09/20/1942, Father: VanDeman, John
VanDeman, Rebecca B., b. 08/14/1889, d. 08/30/1962, Father: VanDeman, Willie L.
VanDeman, Romie J., b. 06/23/1858, d. 06/13/1947, "Mother", Father: Baldwin, Chauncey
VanDeman, Sarah D., b. 01/26/1802, d. 01/23/1888, Father: Darlington, Joseph (Gen.)
VanDeman, William L., b. 07/11/1846, d. 11/21/1924, "Father", Father: VanDeman, Henry
Vanderhurst, Infant, b. 06/18/1955, d. 06/18/1955
Vandike, Elizabeth, d. 11/09/1851
VanDine, Clarence "Brownie", b. 08/15/1882, d. 12/28/1948, Father: VanDine, James
VanDine, Edith E., b. 07/25/1884, d. 07/06/1971, Father: Yant, William
VanDine, Harold L., b. 06/09/1907, d. 04/19/1978, Father: VanDine, John Robert
VanDine, Harry, b. 08/12/1884, d. 04/16/1932, Father: VanDine, James
VanDine, James, d. 03/22/1916
VanDine, John Robert, b. 02/21/1887, d. 07/26/1964, Father: VanDine, James
VanDine, Mary Ellen, b. 08/28/1856, d. 07/08/1928, Father: Bills
VanDine, Venette "Nellie", b. 1886, d. 04/21/1961, Father: Lumbard, Wesley
VanEtten, Catherine, b. 02/06/1887, d. 01/03/1951, Father: Power, Twibill
VanGorden, Evelyn M. (Berry), b. 06/13/1910, d. 09/06/1998, Father: Romine, George
VanGundy, Bernard Tryan, b. 02/15/1921, d. 08/25/1984, Father: VanGundy, George E.
VanGundy, Clara (Trout), b. 03/09/1874, d. 12/14/1967, Father: Jones, Luther
VanGundy, Corinda Jane, d. 07/31/1902
VanGundy, Florence Lezzette, b. 06/03/1896, d. 11/04/1972, Father: Allison, George
VanGundy, George E., b. 05/24/1918, d. 05/24/1918, Father: VanGundy, George E., Sr.
VanGundy, George Edward, b. 02/28/1895, d. 07/29/1961, Father: VanGundy
VanGundy, Helen Lezzette, b. 09/09/1924, d. 08/25/1935, Father: VanGundy, Geo.
VanGundy, Irene Helen, d. 06/17/1906, Father: VanGundy, C.H.
VanGundy, Jeanne E., b. 1923, d. 05/03/1982, Father: Helm
VanGundy, Thomas S., b. 08/04/1934, d. 12/27/1996, Father: VanGundy, Thurman
VanHorn, H. E., d. 02/08/1890, Father: VanHorn, Walter
VanHorn, Helen M. (Hamilton), b. 1837, d. 01/19/1899, Father: Johnson
VanHorn, Nancy, b. 1801, d. 05/11/1868
VanHorn, Walter, b. 1812, d. 02/28/1860
VanHorne, Henry, b. 03/31/1803, d. 08/03/1855
VanHouten, Charles Henry, b. 04/07/1875, d. 08/02/1951, Father: VanHouten, Benj. H.
VanHouten, Gladys M., b. 1892, d. 06/07/1967
VanHouten, Harry B., b. 11/16/1898, d. 03/08/1979, Father: VanHouten, Charles
VanHouten, Sarah, d. 11/28/1895
VanKeuran, Infant, b. 02/07/1960, d. 02/07/1960
VanKirk, Budd William, b. 04/06/1937, d. 08/20/2003, Father: VanKirk, Budd
VanMeter, Charles M., b. 03/28/1868, d. 07/23/1958, Father: VanMeter, James
VanMeter, Enola J., b. 08/20/1923, d. 06/02/2004, Father: Green, Ernest E.
VanMeter, Florence Josephine, b. 06/10/1877, d. 07/02/1956, Father: Krautter, Gotleib
VanMeter, James F., b. 11/06/1922, d. 05/14/1998, Father: VanMeter, James H.
VanMeter, James H., b. 1892, d. 03/28/1962, Father: VanMeter, L.Grant
VanMeter, L.Grant, b. 06/13/1866, d. 03/27/1927
VanMeter, Madison L., b. 02/12/1871, d. 01/19/1946, Father: VanMeter, John
VanMeter, Mary Louise, b. 06/25/1902, d. 08/31/2001, Father: Elgin, Walter
VanMeter, Mary Verina, b. 06/03/1875, d. 12/22/1967, Father: Blymyer, Charles
VanMeter, Nora Catherine, b. 1874, d. 10/02/1907
VanMeter, William Stuart, b. 11/15/1895, d. 02/05/1980, Father: VanMeter, McClelland
VanPelt, Helen P., b. 08/04/1900, d. 12/31/1954, Father: Parks, William S.
VanSant, Anna, b. 09/21/1860, d. 11/02/1943, Father: Cox, John S.
VanSant, Clayton Cox, b. 01/22/1884, d. 01/12/1928, Father: VanSant, Willis C.
VanSant, Willis Clayton, b. 1857, d. 10/07/1915, Father: VanSant, John W.
VanSickle, Alfred Stephanson, b. 10/03/1835, d. 07/04/1926
VanSickle, Charles Bradfield, b. 04/23/1882, d. 02/06/1948, Father: VanSickle, Emerson Dixon
VanSickle, Duane Allan, b. 07/28/1937, d. 02/02/1997, Father: VanSickle, Virgil
VanSickle, Elizabeth A., b. 1849, d. 04/03/1919, Father: Brown
VanSickle, Elva May, b. 12/29/1883, d. 12/06/1972, Father: Frost, Nathaniel
VanSickle, Glenn O., b. 11/21/1883, d. 02/13/1936, Father: VanSickle, Myron
VanSickle, Jessie Inez, b. 10/11/1884, d. 07/27/1961, Father: Perry, Milo Veley
VanSickle, Mary E., b. 1859, d. 08/11/1933, Father: Murphy, John
VanSickle, Mayme E., b. 05/21/1886, d. 02/10/1971, Father: Martin, Mathew B.
VanSickle, Myron D., b. 08/06/1836, d. 12/18/1903, Father: VanSickle, Isaac
VanSickle, Ray M., b. 11/24/1880, d. 11/18/1961, Father: VanSickle, Myron
VanSickle, Susie V., b. 10/04/1911, d. 04/08/1992, Father: Moyer, Elza Odell
VanSickle, Virgil V., b. 11/29/1911, d. 08/04/1999, Father: VanSickle, Ray M.
VanVierah, Henry W., b. 1921, d. 01/24/1923
VanVoorhies, Fred Harry, d. 07/12/1915, Father: VanVoorhies, W.H.
VanVoorhies, infant, d. 07/22/1912, Father: VanVoorhies, W.H.
Vanwermer, Sarah E., d. 09/21/1847, Father: Vanwermer, William
Vanwermer, William, d. 08/04/1848
Varner, Catherine J., b. 06/22/1918, d. 03/17/1985, Father: Paulins, Frank
Vatsures, Angeline T., b. 11/24/1894, d. 11/24/1979, "Mother", Father: Vlahos, Peter
Vatsures, Thomas Peter, b. 1883, d. 07/03/1932, "Father", Father: Vatsures, Peter
Vaughan, William W., b. 12/06/1918, d. 01/02/2004, Father: Vaughan, Tucker
Vaught, Helen M., b. 08/10/1914, d. 06/04/1992, Father: VanDine, John Robt.
Vaught, Lola M., b. 06/30/1937, d. 11/10/1998, Father: Sweet, Lewis
Veley, Estella Almay (Basiger), b. 09/18/1898, d. 02/17/1984, Father: Dunlap, John W.
Veley, Mary Maxine, b. 09/02/1933, d. 05/01/1994, Father: Basiger, Thomas J.
Vergon, Cora E., b. 01/30/1869, d. 08/10/1954, Father: Main, Joseph C.
Vergon, Elizabeth, b. 04/12/1794, d. 02/23/1880, Father: Burlet
Vergon, Elizabeth, b. 04/24/1862, d. 09/01/1911, Father: Vergon, Frederick P.
Vergon, Emma E., b. 02/26/1864, d. 04/15/1942, Father: Troutman, Jonathan
Vergon, Eugene J., no dates
Vergon, F. L., d. 05/23/1908, Father: Vergon, F.P.
Vergon, Frederick Clinton, b. 04/09/1894, d. 08/05/1947, Father: Vergon, John C.
Vergon, Frederick P., b. 06/--/1918, d. 02/06/1971, Father: Vergon, Frederick C.
Vergon, Frederick Peter, b. 12/16/1829, d. 07/13/1919, Father: Vergon, John G.
Vergon, George, d. 04/17/1901, Father: Vergon, John G.
Vergon, James C., b. 1867, d. 10/14/1932, Father: Vergon, F.P.
Vergon, John G., b. 1865, d. 11/03/1924
Vergon, John George, b. 04/12/1794, d. 02/24/1870
Vergon, Josephine, d. 04/25/1896, Father: Vergon, Frederick P.
Vergon, Kate L. (or A.), b. 10/29/1830, d. 07/28/1894, Father: Jones, John L.
Vergon, Lemorteen, no dates, Father: Vergon, F.P.
Vergon, Martha L., b. 1829, d. 05/--/1857, Father: Smith, Alwood (Esq.)
Vergon, Mary Etta, b. 12/28/1858, d. 08/23/1929, Father: Siegfried, Benjamin
Vergon, Natalie M., b. 06/02/1893, d. 02/07/1944, Father: Moore, John
Vergon, Thomas J., no dates
Vernon, Robert Eugene, b. 07/10/1934, d. 04/22/2003, Father: Vernon, John Donald
Vertner, infant, d. 03/01/1897, Father: Vertner, John
Vesley, Beatrice, b. 1890, d. 06/13/1954, Father: Bell
Vesley, Henry, b. 03/10/1888, d. 07/07/1953
Vest, Elizabeth, d. 02/10/1915
Vest, George W., d. 07/18/1906
Vest, Lewis H., d. 04/04/1893, Father: Vest, W.D.
Vest, Mary K., b. 07/10/1854, d. 10/26/1939, Father: King, Samuel
Vest, Simeon, d. 01/09/1900
Vesy, Albert D., b. 1896, d. 06/29/1970, Father: Vesy, Edgar C.
Vesy, Clarice, b. 1896, d. 02/01/1955, Father: Flowers
Vesy, Edgar C., b. 10/08/1876, d. 07/01/1949, Father: Vesy, Joseph
Vesy, Katharyne L., b. 1902, d. 07/17/1982
Via, Donald James, b. 07/02/1924, d. 04/17/1930, Father: Via, William T.
Vickers, Erin Ellen, b. 01/28/1958, d. 07/15/2002, Father: Stanley, David
Vienot, Cecil Emelie, b. 12/04/1857, d. 11/17/1872, Father: Vienot, George F.
Vienot, Charles Lewis, b. 01/20/1834, d. 06/28/1896, Father: Vienot, George F.
Vienot, Emelie Catharine, b. 04/10/1836, d. 04/18/1895, Father: Steiner
Vienot, George F., b. 09/17/1826, d. 10/05/1907
Vienot, Mary E., b. 05/23/1843, d. 11/19/1920, Father: Talley, Nelson
Viets, Janet R., b. 06/16/1903, d. 07/22/1979, Father: Robb
Viets, Ray Austin, b. 05/28/1895, d. 01/16/1973, Father: Viets, Leonard C.
Vigar, Alice D., b. 03/11/1884, d. 02/09/1941, Father: Dowdel, Patrick
Vigar, Alice Marie, b. 05/27/1911, d. 08/17/1982, Father: Vigar, Edward E.
Vigar, Amy F., b. 08/04/1891, d. 05/30/1944, Father: Fraker, John Adam
Vigar, Carrie, b. 1861, d. 12/26/1913
Vigar, Edward E., b. 01/15/1886, d. 06/05/1961, Father: Vigar, John H.
Vigar, Floyd, b. 1900, d. 03/05/1920
Vigar, Hattie Bell, b. 08/19/1878, d. 03/18/1927, Father: Wilmuth
Vigar, Homer B., b. 04/01/1893, d. 02/13/1969, Father: Vigar, John Henry
Vigar, infant son, d. 11/30/1913, Father: Vigar, George
Vigar, John H., b. 1845, d. 04/29/1910
Vigar, May G., b. 02/09/1891, d. 03/10/1975, Father: Perry, George W.
Vigar, Pearl Francis, b. 05/15/1888, d. 03/20/1947, Father: Vigar, John H.
Vigar, Raymond H., b. 1924, d. 12/19/1925, Father: Vigor, Edward E.
Viney, Mary I., b. 10/20/1900, d. 04/17/1943, Father: Singleton, Harry
Vining, Allen, b. 12/31/1858, d. 07/04/1929, "Father", Father: Vining, Ruben D.
Vining, Benjamin A., b. 1839, d. 03/24/1897
Vining, Charles, b. 1870, d. 1871, Father: Vining, James
Vining, Christena, b. 05/22/1852, d. 02/01/1931, "Mother", Father: Shoub, John
Vining, Clarinda, b. 1843, d. 01/02/1922
Vining, Cordelia, b. 1838, d. 1864, Father: Gregg, John
Vining, Cynthia, no dates
Vining, Daisy M., b. 06/15/1873, d. 03/08/1958, Father: Vining, James
Vining, Drucilla J., b. 12/11/1866, d. 02/21/1932, Father: Ekelberry, Ezekial
Vining, Edna P., b. 1884, d. 12/09/1898
Vining, Edward A., b. 1887, d. 04/--/1888, Father: Vining, Allen
Vining, Elam A., d. 02/27/1870
Vining, Elam Carter, b. 03/09/1811, d. 10/31/1899, "Father", Father: Vining, Elem Sr.
Vining, Elem, b. 1771, d. 01/10/1837
Vining, Elnora Jami, b. 1852, d. 12/20/1928
Vining, Esther Huldah, b. 09/17/1907, d. 08/06/1982, Father: Printz, John
Vining, Frances, b. 01/26/1858, d. 01/28/1948, "Mother", Father: Shade, Elijah
Vining, George C., b. 02/14/1862, d. 12/12/1934, Father: Vining, Ruben
Vining, Hannah, no dates
Vining, James T., b. 1850, d. 12/09/1924, "Father"
Vining, Jesse S., d. 09/04/1837, Father: Vining, Elam C.
Vining, John R., b. 1874, d. 1877, Father: Vining, James
Vining, Lloyd Ozias, Sr., b. 09/03/1899, d. 07/13/1963, Father: Vining, Jones
Vining, May F., b. 1892, d. 11/18/1900, Father: Vining, Allen
Vining, Philena, b. 1815, d. 04/30/1891, Father: unk
Vining, Rufus, b. 1840, d. 08/08/1921
Vining, Sarah Newport, b. 11/15/1814, d. 01/06/1892, "Mother"
Vining, Stella, b. 1883, d. 09/23/1899, Father: Vining, Allen
Vining, Susan D., b. 08/11/1845, d. 11/21/1935, Father: Dumm, Milton
Vining, Thomas P., b. 1846, d. 09/14/1924
Vining, William H., d. 11/28/1839, Father: Vining, Elam C.
Vinson, Infants, b. 05/26/1958, d. 05/27/1958, twin girls, Father: Vinson, Clark
Vipperman, Della E., b. 12/19/1884, d. 01/18/1953, Father: Walker, John M.
Vipperman, Lacy U., b. 09/07/1907, d. 02/16/1977, Father: Vipperman, Ulysses O.
Vipperman, Ulysses O., b. 10/30/1877, d. 11/07/1949, Father: Vipperman, Jackson
Vipperman, Vida I., b. 10/30/1906, d. 07/06/1983, Father: Keaton, Jasper
Voelker, Harold Eugene, b. 11/14/1924, d. 11/18/1983, Father: Voelker, James F.
Vogel, John K., Jr., b. 06/24/1959, d. 03/17/1984, Father: Vogel, John K.,Sr.
Vogt, Alonzo L., b. 1860, d. 11/17/1930, Father: Vogt, John (Rev.)
Vogt, Betty Jane, b. 1923, d. 07/19/1923, Father: Vogt, John
Vogt, David Ursenus, b. 1861, d. 06/03/1863, Father: Vogt, John (Rev.)
Vogt, Dot (Baby), d. 04/04/1880
Vogt, Edward(Edwin?)Farrel Karn, b. 08/03/1870, d. 02/05/1895, Father: Vogt, John (Rev.)
Vogt, Elizabeth, b. 12/11/1829, d. 12/06/1912, Father: Karn
Vogt, Ernest M., b. 1881, d. 1968, Father: Vogt, Henry Willard
Vogt, Eva May, b. 1885, d. 01/12/1980, Father: Cook, Charles E.
Vogt, Fannie C., b. 1860, d. 11/08/1934, Father: Heller
Vogt, Frank Hallard, b. 05/14/1899, d. 06/06/1953, Father: Vogt, William
Vogt, H.Willard, b. 1848, d. 09/30/1918, Father: Vogt, John
Vogt, Hilda H. "Mom", b. 10/15/1903, d. 01/13/1978, Father: Hannah, John
Vogt, Ida R., b. 03/13/1896, d. 11/22/1988, Father: Hannah, Herman
Vogt, James Lee, b. 08/23/1930, d. 07/09/1980, Father: Vogt, Frank
Vogt, John H. "Jack", b. 07/28/1926, d. 06/15/1984, Father: Vogt, John H.
Vogt, John Henry, b. 12/21/1892, d. 10/07/1951, Father: Vogt, William
Vogt, John W.N., b. 05/01/1852, d. 10/04/1908, Father: Vogt, John (Rev.)
Vogt, John, b. 01/01/1825, d. 11/03/1901, Father: Vogt, John
Vogt, Margaret, b. 09/08/1873, d. 08/15/1958, Father: Pendleton, Colson
Vogt, Sarah May, b. 02/27/1883, d. 06/24/1883, Father: Vogt, H.Willard
Vogt, Sarah, b. 07/19/1849, d. 03/20/1883
Vogt, William, b. 01/20/1928, d. 05/25/2003, Father: Vogt, Frank H.
Vogt, William, b. 03/04/1868, d. 10/27/1961, Father: Vogt, William
Volk, Adelbert, no dates, (Child ?)
Volk, Anne Marie, b. 11/06/1898, d. 12/06/1955, Father: Downing, Hamilton M.
Volk, Arthur, b. 1885, d. 04/10/1961, Father: Volk, Francis
Volk, Edgar K., b. 1906, d. 10/13/1986, Father: Volk, Ferdinand B.
Volk, F. Delmer, b. 1858, d. 1883, Father: Volk, Francis L.
Volk, Ferdaman K., d. 07/09/1897
Volk, Ferdinand Brown, b. 1861, d. 12/10/1927
Volk, Flora Celia, b. 03/26/1864, d. 01/18/1950, "Mother", Father: Pepper, Conrad
Volk, Francis Jacob, b. 05/18/1896, d. 12/13/1943, Father: Volk, Ferdinand B.
Volk, Francis L."Frank", b. 1856, d. 03/25/1913,"Father"
Volk, Francis L., b. 1831, d. 01/06/1881
Volk, Gladys M., b. 1896, d. 05/12/1980, Father: Eads, James H.
Volk, James Arthur, b. 01/04/1931, d. 03/16/1938, Father: Volk, Walter
Volk, Julia Ellen, b. 08/07/1865, d. 11/22/1952, Father: Pepper, Conrad
Volk, Pauline E., b. 11/07/1901, d. 03/10/1937, Father: Jones, Owen D.
Volk, Phebe, b. 01/12/1834, d. 12/07/1911, Father: Brown, Alexander B.
Volk, Raymond, b. 1890, d. 03/02/1890, Father: Volk, Francis L.
Volk, Sophia Augusta, b. 10/04/1866, d. 07/27/1936, Father: Lacher
Volk, Walter C., b. 01/08/1893, d. 09/02/1952, Father: Volk, Ferdinand B.
Volk, William E., b. 1894, d. 01/02/1967, Father: Volk, Ferdinand B.
Volk, William K., b. 02/--/1861, d. 05/27/1903
VonBerg, Fredrick, Sr., b. 04/02/1845, d. 03/08/1935
VonBerg, Herman, b. 1886, d. 10/03/1889, Father: VonBerg, Frederick
VonBerg, Hubert, d. 08/08/1890, Father: VonBerg, Frederick
VonBerg, infant, b. 02/--/1907, d. 02/16/1907, Father: VonBerg, Charles
VonBerg, Rosa L., b. 1850, d. 12/15/1930
VonEuchtritz, Viola M. "Baroness", b. 07/--/1874, d. 08/27/1912, Father: Lytle, James R., Judge
Voorhies, Charles F., b. 06/13/1934, d. 02/08/1998, Father: Voorhies, Orlando J.
Vosker, Sam B., child of, d. 12/05/1894
Votaw, Raymond, b. 07/12/1990, d. 07/12/1990, Father: Votaw, Mike
Votaw, Travis E., b. 04/13/1948, d. 07/05/1990, Father: Votaw, William R.
Vought, Abram D., d. 01/17/1904
Vought, Alonzo, b. 03/31/1872, d. 11/17/1952, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Anna, b. 1830, d. 02/25/1912, "Mother", Father: Dorward
Vought, B. Harriett, b. 1875, d. 11/13/1908, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Carrie, b. 1876, d. 12/12/1923, Father: Vought, John F.
Vought, Charles Frank, b. 1866, d. 04/07/1891, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Daisy, b. 1876, d. 1877, Father: Vought, George G.
Vought, Edwin, d. 09/26/1919, Father: Vought, Isaac ?
Vought, Ella A., b. 1853, d. 05/05/1928, Father: Wilson
Vought, Emma J., b. 1856, d. 04/--/1900
Vought, Frances Louise, b. 1859, d. 06/19/1934, Father: Courtney
Vought, George G., b. 10/02/1851, d. 07/26/1907, Father: Vought, Abram
Vought, George M., b. 03/13/1863, d. 08/17/1939, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Georgia Gale, b. 1894, d. 10/06/1977, Father: Vought, George G. (?)
Vought, Grace May, b. 05/21/1881, d. 02/09/1958, Father: Vought, Edwin
Vought, Infant, b. 08/01/1919, d. 08/01/1919, Father: Vought, Walter
Vought, Isaac H., b. 1827, d. 01/26/1886
Vought, Isaac, b. 1847, d. 03/17/1904, Father: Vought, Abram D.
Vought, Isaac, no dates
Vought, Jesse R., b. 1891, d. 01/02/1893
Vought, Jesse, b. 1869, d. 05/06/1959, Father: Vought, Isaac ?
Vought, John F., d. 06/16/1902, Father: Vought, Abram
Vought, Julia A., b. 1871, d. 05/29/1967
Vought, Leila B., b. 10/04/1893, d. 09/20/1929, "Mother", Father: Radcliffe, Carlyle
Vought, Margaret, d. 11/17/1903
Vought, Mary Ellen, b. 1847, d. 04/03/1920, Father: Slough, Richard
Vought, Mary Jane, b. 01/25/1834, d. 06/23/1903
Vought, Nellie, b. 1867, d. 11/26/1870, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Ralph Edward, b. 1892, d. 08/13/1893, Father: Vought, George M.
Vought, Samuel L., b. 1860, d. 06/09/1896, Father: Vought, Isaac
Vought, Walter F., b. 04/29/1890, d. 08/24/1947, "Father", Father: Vought, Edwin
Vought, William L., b. 11/26/1821, d. 09/29/1902

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