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Search Ohio Death Records


Oak Grove Cemetery
Delaware, Delaware County, Ohio

Contributed by Dick Browning [rbrowning@columbus.rr.com].

Alford, , d.
Alford, , d.
Alford, 2 children, d.
Allen, , d.
Allen, , d.
Allen, , d.
Baker, (R), no dates
Banks, (R), no dates
Banks, (R), no dates
Banks,, d. 1911
Banks,, no dates
Bensley,, no dates
Bensley,, no dates
Bensley,, no dates
Bieselt, Patti (R), no dates
Bowen, (R) for Lloyd Bowen usage, no dates
Bowen, (R) for Lloyd Bowen usage, no dates
Breece, (R), no dates
Breece,, no dates
Brown, John (No 1st name), no dates
Clark,, no dates
Clingan, "Mother", no dates
Colored, 15 Negro Soldiers, no dates
Conrad,, no dates
Converse, Infant, no dates
Cook, (R), no dates
Cook, (R), no dates
Corbin,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Cunningham,, no dates
Davis, (R), no dates
Davis, (R), no dates
Davis, (R), no dates
Decker (?), "Our Babes", no dates
DeLong, Infant, no dates
Dickinson, family (3), no dates
Diller, Deanna (R), no dates
Diller, Deanna (R), no dates
Draper, (R), no dates
Dunlap, infant, no dates
F., C., no dates
Farrand,, no dates
Fegley, Infant, no dates
Fegley, infants (3), no dates
Flemming, child, no dates
Fleshman, Carol (R), no dates
Fleshman, Carol (R), no dates
Fox, Baby, no dates
Fraley, Infant, no dates
Frost, "Wife", no dates
Fryer,, no dates
Gooding ?, Baby, no dates
Graham, Infant, no dates
Hair, also see "Heir", no dates
Hall, Infant, no dates
Haynes, (R), no dates
HDE unk,, no dates
Heilman, infant, no dates
Heilman, infant, no dates
Henderson, Unknown, no dates
Henderson, Unknown, no dates
Hensley,, no dates
Hensley,, no dates
Hummel, Walter E. (R), no dates
Jackson, (R), no dates
Jackson, (R), no dates
Jackson, (R), no dates
Jameson, (R), no dates
K., S. T., no dates
Kintz, (R), no dates
Kraus, W. H.,Jr.& Jennie (R), no dates
Lee,, no dates
Lillie, (R), no dates
Lillie, (R), no dates
Longworth, (R), no dates
Longworth, (R), no dates
Longworth, (R), no dates
Loughrey, (R), no dates
Loughrey, (R), no dates
Marshall, (R), no dates
Minton, name unk, no dates
Murfield, (R), no dates
Myers,, no dates
Neldon, (R), no dates
Nolze, (R), no dates
O'Nele,, d. 1921
Oswald, infant, no dates
Preston, a child, no dates
Preston,, no dates
R., H. (Only info given), no dates
Santee, (R), no dates
Seese, (R), no dates
Seese, (R), no dates
Shannon, (R), no dates
Shannon, (R), no dates
Shaw,, no dates
Simpson, (R), no dates
Sipe, (R), no dates
Smith, Eileen (R), no dates
Soldier,, no dates
Soldier,, no dates
Soldier,, no dates
Soldier,, no dates
Spore, Infant, no dates
Taylor, (R), no dates
Taylor, (R), no dates
Taylor, (R), no dates
Teal,, no dates
Thomas, L. (R), no dates
Thompson, unk, no dates
Treadwell,, no dates
unk (Slough ?),, no dates
Unknown, (German man), d. 1813
Unknown, Aunt, no dates
Unknown, beside J Smith, no dates
Unknown, Body, d. 06/17/1916
Unknown, Child, b. 1920, d. 02/05/1920
Unknown, Circus Clown, no dates
Unknown, Colored Man, d. 01/07/1926
Unknown, Eliza J., no dates
Unknown, Father, no dates
Unknown, female "Mother", no dates
Unknown, female, no dates
Unknown, female, no dates
Unknown, Henry E. (DeLong ?), no dates
Unknown, Infant, b. 1911, d. 1911
Unknown, Infant, b. 1932, d. 1932
Unknown, infant, d. 08/09/1911
Unknown, Infant, d. 1932
Unknown, infant, no dates
Unknown, Infant, no dates
Unknown, Man, b. 1857, d. 03/25/1917
Unknown, Man, b. 1885, d. 1925
Unknown, Man, d. 03/18/1889
Unknown, Man, d. 04/09/1917
Unknown, Man, d. 07/27/1890
Unknown, Man, d. 08/27/1927
Unknown, Man, no dates
Unknown, Man, no dates
Unknown, Marion, no dates
Unknown, Mother, no dates
Unknown, Negro man, d. 10/24/1929
Unknown, Ralph H. (DeLong ?), no dates
Unknown,, b. 1822, d. 10/11/1844
Unknown,, d. 01/13/1945
Unknown,, d. 02/25/1937
Unknown,, d. 04/10/1917
Unknown,, d. 05/19/1917
Unknown,, d. 1813
Unknown,, no dates
Unknown,, no dates
Unknown,, no dates
Unknown,, no dates
Unknown,, no dates
Wallace,, d. 1920
Watson,, no dates
Williams, (R), no dates
Winder, (R), no dates
Wittlinger, infant, no dates
Wittlinger, infant, no dates
Wolfe, (R), no dates
Wood, (R), no dates
Zimmer, (R), no dates
Zimmer, (R), no dates

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