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David's Cemetery
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio

davids cemetery dayton ohio

GPS: 39.679601, -84.170443

4600 Mad River Rd
Dayton OH 45429-2159

Published: December 2, 2019
Total records = 15,731

David's Cemetery is a corporation operating under the name David's Cemetery Assocation..

Cemetery History

In 1826 Christian Creager, a local gentleman donated the first section of the cemetery specifying the land to be used for a place of worship and burial. During the early years, both the cemetery and the church were owned by David’s Reformed Church. The name David was selected to honor the Rev. David Winters. Rev. Winters was a circuit rider preacher who served David’s Reformed Church and other area churches for more than 50 years. The first burial was registered on August 5, 1831, a 6-year-old boy, Noah Darner.

In 1890, the cemetery and church separated and the cemetery became a non-profit corporation. This provided the cemetery with a more effective method of meeting the requirements of a non-profit corporation and meeting the requirements set by the state for a cemetery. The cemetery became David’s Cemetery Association and the church later became David’s United Church of Christ.

The cemetery purchased 36 acres of land between 1891 and 1945. In 1987, another 15.775 acres were purchased from Georgetown Apartments’ owner Richard Jacobs. This newly purchased area was the former Pyper Gravel Pit.

Cemetery Records

Records linked below were acquired from David's Cemetery on December 2, 2019. Dates of death range from 1823 to 2019.

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