Search Oklahoma Death Records
Oklahoma Newspapers, Full Search (1810-1960), 114 titles
Oklahoma Obituary Search, (1981-current)
Oklahoma Birth Records Database, (1810-1960)
Ft. Sill National Cemetery - Burial Records
Elgin, Comanche County, Oklahoma
GPS: 34.764712, -98.348483
2648 NE Jake Dunn Rd
Elgin, OK 73538
Date published: January 17, 2018
Total records: 6,093
Surnames A-C
Records published here were acquired from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on January 17, 2018, and includes dates of death up through September 25, 2017.
ABBOTT, Delbert E, birth: 03/31/1940, death: 08/10/2002, section: 30, site: 650, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMABBOTT, William Clarke, birth: 05/01/1944, death: 07/24/2014, section: 3, site: 1895, US NAVY, FN, EOH, VIETNAMABELL, Otto B, birth: 03/22/1936, death: 12/23/2005, section: 30A, site: 159, US ARMY, CPL, KOREAABERG, Walter C Jr, birth: 08/19/1918, death: 08/08/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 25, US COAST GUARD, SPP1, WORLD WAR IIABLES, John L, birth: 08/02/1941, death: 09/06/2007, section: 3, site: 354, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMABRAM, Krystyna, birth: 01/12/1952, death: 07/03/2008, section: 3, site: 458, Wife of Thomas J Abram , US ARMY, 1SG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMABRAMS, Allan S, birth: 10/28/1952, death: 03/27/2003, section: 30, site: 526, US NAVY, PO1, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMABRAMS, Theresa S, birth: 11/05/1956, death: 12/05/2003, section: 30, site: 526, Wife of Allan S Abrams , US NAVY, PO1, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMACOSTA, Rafael Luis Sr, birth: 02/07/1943, death: 04/15/2009, section: 3, site: 688, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMACRE, John P, birth: 05/08/1920, death: 01/04/2005, section: 30, site: 353, US AIR FORCE, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMACRE, Rena L, birth: 12/02/1921, death: 03/25/2004, section: 30, site: 353, Wife of John P Acre , US AIR FORCE, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMADAIR, Dale G, birth: 07/19/1923, death: 03/26/2005, section: 30, site: 166, US NAVY, CPO, WORLD WAR II, KOREAADAIR, Jay R, birth: 11/26/1935, death: 09/24/2014, section: WL12, row: A, site: 29, US ARMY, SP4ADAIR, Mary E, birth: 12/15/1921, death: 09/02/2012, section: 30, site: 166, Wife of Dale G Adair , US NAVY, CPO, WORLD WAR II, KOREAADAM, Jennie Lee, birth: 03/11/1930, death: 09/24/2008, section: 3, site: 557, Wife of John B Adam , US MARINE CORPS, LTC, WORLD WAR IIADAMS, James E, birth: 10/14/1939, death: 10/28/2003, section: 30, site: 449, US AIR FORCE, MSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMADAMS, James Leroy, birth: 11/24/1946, death: 07/07/2007, section: 3, site: 272, US ARMY, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMADAMS, James W Sr, birth: 10/10/1935, death: 04/23/2016, section: 29, site: 168, US ARMY, CSM, CSM, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMADAMS, Joe Calvin, birth: 10/15/1935, death: 01/24/2015, section: WL13, row: A, site: 2, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMADAMS, John Quincy, birth: 01/30/1925, death: 11/26/2001, section: 30, site: 742, US NAVY, SC3, WORLD WAR IIADAMS, Patty Joanne, birth: 03/19/1940, death: 05/16/2011, section: WL4, row: A, site: 10, Wife of Robert Linn Adams , US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMADAMS, Robert Lee, birth: 07/21/1946, death: 11/04/2008, section: WL3, row: B, site: 1, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMADAMS, Ronald Dee, birth: 03/27/1947, death: 09/27/2007, section: 3, site: 290, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMADAMS, Walter Henry, birth: 04/22/1924, death: 10/10/2009, section: 3, site: 884, US NAVY, CBM, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMADAMSON, Charles A, birth: 03/09/1931, death: 05/18/2009, section: WL2, row: D, site: 44, US ARMY, LTC, VIETNAMADAMSON, Reta F, birth: 03/06/1931, death: 09/18/2007, section: WL2, row: D, site: 44, Wife of Charles A Adamson , US ARMY, LTC, VIETNAMADDINGTON, Alonzo B, birth: 01/27/1937, death: 09/19/2014, section: WL12, row: A, site: 31, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREAADDINGTON, Barbara Jean, birth: 02/09/1956, death: 03/09/2012, section: 33, site: 314, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, PERSIAN GULFADDINGTON, Billy Ray, birth: 08/01/1940, death: 11/26/2009, section: 3, site: 820, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMADKINS, Earnest L, birth: 09/11/1928, death: 08/19/2005, section: 30A, site: 70, US NAVY, TA, WORLD WAR II, KOREAADKINS, Thomas Junior, birth: 06/06/1927, death: 12/18/2011, section: WL5, row: A, site: 5, US NAVY, SCPO, VIETNAMADKINSON, Vinson Bryon III, birth: 12/13/1983, death: 08/31/2010, section: 3, site: 1107, US ARMY, SSG, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQADKISON, Maron, birth: 09/16/1920, death: 08/30/2006, section: 29, site: 2, US ARMY, SGT, KOREAAGEE, Helen Marie, birth: 01/04/1938, death: 04/14/2012, section: 3, site: 1374, Wife of Jack Arnold Agee , US ARMY, SSG, SSG, VIETNAMAGUIRRE, Felix Albert Jr, birth: 11/14/1956, death: 02/09/2012, section: WL5, row: B, site: 8, US AIR FORCE, SRAAHLBORN, Herman L, birth: 08/22/1929, death: 10/27/2014, section: 33, site: 431, US NAVY, US ARMY, 1SG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMAKERS, Anna W, birth: 06/25/1939, death: 02/05/2006, section: WL2, row: D, site: 26, Wife of Alvin W Akers , US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMAKERS, Max Neil, birth: 04/12/1933, death: 12/08/2013, section: 3, site: 1741, US NAVY, CAPT, VIETNAMAKINS, Joe Louis, birth: 03/26/1937, death: 02/06/2014, section: 3, site: 1809, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMALBERT, William Hutchings, birth: 04/30/1929, death: 01/22/2010, section: WL3, row: A, site: 21, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, KOREAALBERTSON, Jack A, birth: 08/05/1952, death: 12/17/2006, section: 3, site: 82, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMALBERTSON, Steven John, birth: 03/25/1948, death: 05/05/2014, section: 33, site: 396, US ARMY, SGT, MSG, VIETNAMALBERTSON, Vanessa C, birth: 01/02/1958, death: 08/20/2006, section: 3, site: 82, Wife of Jack A Albertson , US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMALBERTY, Booker T Jr, birth: 01/02/1938, death: 06/18/2004, section: 30, site: 320, US NAVY, PO3, VIETNAMALBERTY, Charles Edward, birth: 06/30/1935, death: 02/06/2012, section: 3, site: 1338, US NAVY, SH3, KOREAALBRIGHT, Daniel Eugene, birth: 12/14/1936, death: 10/24/2009, section: 33, site: 404, US AIR FORCE, LTCOL, VIETNAMALDRIDGE, Charles William, birth: 12/22/1930, death: 10/20/2010, section: WL3, row: D, site: 44, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREAALEXANDER, Alvin W, birth: 09/26/1918, death: 04/15/2012, section: WL2, row: C, site: 4, US AIR FORCE, US ARMY, CMSGT, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Andrew, birth: 09/16/1935, death: 04/13/2007, section: 3, site: 230, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Cloue, birth: 04/28/1931, death: 02/21/2009, section: 33, site: 170, US ARMY, SGT, KOREAALEXANDER, Geneva, birth: 03/25/1932, death: 01/22/2013, section: 3, site: 1561, Wife of Willie D Alexander , US ARMY, PVT 2 CL, KOREAALEXANDER, George Anthony, birth: 11/23/1960, death: 02/25/2017, section: 2, site: 473, US ARMY, PV1ALEXANDER, Harold Ray, birth: 09/30/1931, death: 05/17/2016, section: 33, site: 525, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, PFC, KOREAALEXANDER, Henry R Jr, birth: 08/06/1944, death: 07/18/2008, section: 3, site: 465, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Horace G, birth: 11/04/1939, death: 12/20/2006, section: 3, site: 184, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMALEXANDER, James Gerald Sr, birth: 10/12/1948, death: 01/20/2016, section: 33, site: 497, US MARINE CORPS, PVT, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Mabel B, birth: 01/14/1920, death: 08/05/2002, section: WL2, row: C, site: 3, US ARMY, 1LT, WORLD WAR IIALEXANDER, Oletha A, birth: 11/14/1928, death: 02/16/2005, section: 33, site: 1, Wife of Orlando O Alexander , US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Orlando O, birth: 12/12/1922, death: 05/18/2005, section: 33, site: 1, US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Tobias C, birth: 06/08/1981, death: 05/20/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 8, US ARMY, 2LT, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQ, PERSIAN GULFALEXANDER, Tommy J, birth: 09/30/1953, death: 02/25/2006, section: 3, site: 21, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMALEXANDER, Willie D, birth: 05/11/1922, death: 02/05/2014, section: 3, site: 1561, US ARMY, PVT 2 CL, KOREAALEXANDER, Worley Donovan, birth: 12/08/1930, death: 07/11/2014, section: WL12, row: B, site: 24, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREAALFAR, Reynaldo E, birth: 06/18/1936, death: 11/06/2010, section: 3, site: 981, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMALFORD, Charlotte M, birth: 05/24/1950, death: 10/05/2008, section: WL4, row: C, site: 12, Wife of Roy Dennis Alford , US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMALFORD, Roy Dennis, birth: 10/17/1946, death: 06/04/2011, section: WL4, row: C, site: 12, US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMALLEN, Andrew J, birth: 05/18/1953, death: 03/18/2013, section: 3, site: 1597, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMALLEN, Arthur M, birth: 12/22/1930, death: 03/26/2011, section: 3, site: 1149, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Benjamin A Jr, birth: 10/09/1924, death: 02/27/1992, section: WL2, row: C, site: 47, US ARMY AIR FORCES, CPL, WORLD WAR IIALLEN, Billy J, birth: 12/23/1923, death: 12/21/2004, section: 30, site: 156, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREAALLEN, Dorothy J, birth: 10/27/1941, death: 03/03/2012, section: 3, site: 1347, Wife of Collis Allen Sr, US NAVY, BT3, VIETNAMALLEN, Edward R W, birth: 06/23/1929, death: 02/20/2003, section: 30A, site: 34, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Jake Jr, birth: 12/21/1931, death: 05/15/2011, section: 3, site: 1206, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, James Randolph, birth: 10/01/1926, death: 08/25/2013, section: 3, site: 1121, US ARMY, 1ST SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Janna D, birth: 08/12/1948, death: 10/28/2010, section: 3, site: 1048, Wife of Floyd D Allen Jr, US AIR FORCE, A2C, VIETNAMALLEN, Jenniferann T, birth: 08/29/1964, death: 05/07/2017, section: 2, site: 513, Wife of George Eric Allen , US ARMY, PV2ALLEN, Jerry Ray, birth: 04/26/1941, death: 08/30/2013, section: 3, site: 1685, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMALLEN, Lillie M, birth: 12/17/1921, death: 11/18/2010, section: 3, site: 1121, Wife of James R Allen , US ARMY, 1ST SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Mabel R, birth: 05/15/1922, death: 12/14/2013, section: 30A, site: 34, Wife of Edward R W Allen , US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Margaret L, birth: 12/26/1923, death: 01/19/2005, section: 30, site: 156, Wife of Billy J Allen , US AIR FORCE, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREAALLEN, Marlis Hannelore, birth: 12/02/1941, death: 09/12/2016, section: 2, site: 349, Wife of David Wayne Allen , US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMALLEN, Morris Henry, birth: 03/27/1945, death: 09/21/2009, section: 3, site: 807, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMALLEN, Ora Faye, birth: 04/15/1931, death: 05/05/2016, section: 3, site: 1206, Wife of Jake Allen Jr, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Pegge M, birth: 08/19/1928, death: 05/03/2009, section: WL2, row: C, site: 47, Wife of Benjamin A Allen Jr, US ARMY AIR FORCES, CPL, WORLD WAR IIALLEN, Sir Mack Jr, birth: 07/03/1928, death: 05/12/2009, section: 3, site: 697, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLEN, Thomas Eugene, birth: 12/01/1936, death: 04/30/2011, section: 3, site: 1171, US NAVY, FN, KOREAALLEN, William Jr, birth: 12/13/1930, death: 06/18/2014, section: 3, site: 1870, US ARMY, PFC, KOREAALLEN, William Archie, birth: 11/24/1930, death: 10/18/2016, section: 2, site: 377, US ARMY, US NAVY, MSGT, CSSN, KOREAALLEN, William L Jr, birth: 11/23/1922, death: 11/05/2004, section: 30A, site: 54, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMALLM, Hal Kenneth, birth: 12/29/1924, death: 01/13/2017, section: 33, site: 581, US NAVY, RT2C, WORLD WAR IIALLMON, Danny Lee, birth: 09/20/1957, death: 01/19/2010, section: 33, site: 225, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFALMASY, Ronald E, birth: 03/04/1959, death: 12/14/2010, section: WL4, row: B, site: 7, US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULFALREAD, John Michael, birth: 07/08/1942, death: 11/13/2016, section: 29, site: 167, US AIR FORCE, US MARINE CORPS, MSGT, CPL, VIETNAMALTMAN, Dale Eugene, birth: 05/11/1948, death: 05/31/2015, section: 2, site: 79, US ARMY, CPL, VIETNAMALTMAN, Frank D, birth: 06/11/1985, death: 12/24/2002, section: 30, site: 582, Son (Minor Child) of Jeffrey T Altman , US MARINE CORPS, MSGT, PERSIAN GULFALTMAN, Hoyt E, birth: 09/09/1925, death: 08/31/2010, section: 3, site: 969, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIALVAREZ, Louis Jr, birth: 07/14/1951, death: 05/10/2017, section: 2, site: 514, US ARMY, 1SG, PERSIAN GULFALVEY, James Earl, birth: 07/20/1926, death: 06/16/2012, section: 3, site: 1421, US ARMY AIR FORCES, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIAMARAL, William A Jr, birth: 02/19/1969, death: 09/23/2006, section: 29, site: 4, US ARMY, 1SG, PERSIAN GULFAMATO, Arlene R, birth: 04/30/1942, death: 01/20/2009, section: 33, site: 289, Wife of Anthony M Amato , US ARMY, CPL, MAJ, VIETNAMAMEND, William Baron, birth: 07/21/1934, death: 02/25/2014, section: WL12, row: C, site: 11, US ARMY, COL, VIETNAMAMOS, Able T, birth: 02/07/1922, death: 10/11/2004, section: 30, site: 277, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIAMOS, Rufus Thomas Sr, birth: 01/31/1943, death: 12/07/2011, section: 3, site: 1308, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMANDERSEN, Leslie E, birth: 10/02/1920, death: 05/05/2003, section: 30A, site: 42, US AIR FORCE, COLANDERSEN, Robert Henry, birth: 06/23/1939, death: 08/23/2010, section: 33, site: 199, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMANDERSEN, Veronica B, birth: 09/07/1918, death: 05/27/2008, section: 30A, site: 42, Wife of Leslie E Andersen , US AIR FORCE, COLANDERSON, Alva Ray, birth: 07/19/1927, death: 03/02/2014, section: 3, site: 1803, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Andrew Lee, birth: 06/12/1957, death: 10/11/2013, section: 29, site: 107, US AIR FORCE, US NAVY, SSGT, STG1, PERSIAN GULFANDERSON, Arthur Jennings, birth: 09/12/1936, death: 01/20/2013, section: 33, site: 342, US ARMY, KOREA, VIETNAMANDERSON, Betty Jean, birth: 07/06/1936, death: 08/10/2008, section: MS, site: 60, Wife of John Lee Anderson , US ARMY, CPL, KOREAANDERSON, Eunice V, birth: 08/11/1917, death: 11/19/2002, section: 30, site: 444, Wife of Lloyd Anderson , US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Gary Wilson, birth: 12/30/1941, death: 12/27/2010, section: WL4, row: C, site: 1, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMANDERSON, Howard Hamilton, birth: 10/12/1930, death: 11/30/2010, section: 3, site: 1124, US AIR FORCE, COL, KOREA, VIETNAMANDERSON, John Lee, birth: 06/10/1924, death: 07/03/2008, section: MS, site: 60, US ARMY, CPL, KOREAANDERSON, John P, birth: 11/28/1920, death: 09/30/2002, section: 30A, site: 27, US NAVY, PO2, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Kenneth Terry, birth: 08/23/1937, death: 06/03/2011, section: WL4, row: C, site: 11, US ARMY, 1LT, VIETNAMANDERSON, Linda M, birth: 09/25/1944, death: 07/11/2015, section: 2, site: 107, Wife of Raymond Carroll Anderson , US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMANDERSON, Lloyd, birth: 05/09/1914, death: 12/01/2003, section: 30, site: 444, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Mack Edward, birth: 01/06/1952, death: 02/10/2015, section: 2, site: 26, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMANDERSON, Master James, birth: 08/04/1964, death: 05/26/2014, section: WL12, row: A, site: 17, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, PERSIAN GULFANDERSON, Maurice M Sr, birth: 05/11/1920, death: 12/27/2002, section: 30, site: 579, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Neil Leon, birth: 12/16/1933, death: 08/14/2001, section: WL3, row: D, site: 10, US ARMY, PFC, KOREAANDERSON, Robert O, birth: 09/01/1917, death: 02/12/2003, section: 30, site: 763, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIANDERSON, Steve, birth: 05/22/1941, death: 03/04/2009, section: 3, site: 675, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMANDERSON, Vernon Joe, birth: 12/12/1943, death: 11/02/2012, section: 3, site: 1506, Husband of Helen Lois Anderson , US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMANDERSON, Wendell R, birth: 03/05/1925, death: 06/17/2010, section: 3, site: 953, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMANDRADE, Anneliese P, birth: 10/02/1934, death: 02/23/2017, section: 29, site: 25, Wife of August B Andrade , US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMANDRADE, August B, birth: 08/02/1934, death: 01/07/2007, section: 29, site: 25, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMANDREWS, Douglas Craig, birth: 01/27/1951, death: 01/01/2010, section: 3, site: 754, US ARMY, LTC, PERSIAN GULFANDREWS, Edward Wilson Jr, birth: 02/21/1939, death: 12/02/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 33, US MARINE CORPS, SSGT, VIETNAMANDREWS, England Cordan, birth: 08/22/1933, death: 07/01/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 28, US AIR FORCE, A3CANDREWS, Harold E, birth: 05/30/1931, death: 11/18/2009, section: 3, site: 892, US ARMY, RECRUITANDREWS, Joe, birth: 08/06/1933, death: 04/27/2009, section: 3, site: 699, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMANDRUSS, Morris Eugene Jr, birth: 10/08/1934, death: 04/02/2013, section: 33, site: 352, US ARMY, SGMANSPACH, Robert Lynn, birth: 12/13/1945, death: 06/21/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 14, US NAVY, PO3, CE2, VIETNAMANTHONY, John W, birth: 01/12/1929, death: 08/20/2002, section: 30, site: 647, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREAANTHONY, Paul Jr, birth: 02/09/1934, death: 02/06/2013, section: 3, site: 1573, US ARMY, PVT, KOREAANTLEY, George D Sr, birth: 06/14/1941, death: 01/03/2017, section: WL7, row: A, site: 35, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMANUSKA, Joe W, birth: 09/01/1929, death: 12/24/2003, section: 30, site: 399, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMANUSKA, Rosilde, birth: 03/20/1926, death: 12/26/2011, section: 30, site: 399, Wife of Joe W Anuska , US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMAPOKA, John J Jr, birth: 12/14/1945, death: 09/13/2004, section: 30, site: 259, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMAPPLETON, William G, birth: 10/23/1934, death: 01/17/2012, section: WL5, row: A, site: 6, US NAVY, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, SGT, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMARCHER, Cecil S Jr, birth: 03/01/1945, death: 07/18/2005, section: 30A, site: 124, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMARCHER, Floyd Wayne, birth: 12/24/1972, death: 09/30/2010, section: 3, site: 162, Adult Dependent Son of Eldon R Archer , US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMARCHER, Sharon Sue, birth: 09/09/1944, death: 04/14/2007, section: 3, site: 163, Wife of Eldon R Archer , US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMARCHIBALD, Donna Lee, birth: 08/30/1928, death: 05/03/2012, section: WL10, row: B, site: 7, Wife of James R Archibald , US NAVY, QM3, WORLD WAR IIARCHIBALD, James R, birth: 10/07/1927, death: 09/17/2013, section: WL10, row: B, site: 7, US NAVY, QM3, WORLD WAR IIARELLANO, Jerry L, birth: 08/09/1956, death: 09/09/2004, section: 30, site: 256, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMARGO, Albert R, birth: 06/23/1925, death: 07/12/2010, section: 3, site: 1094, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMARMBRUSTER, Joseph L, birth: 01/03/1946, death: 05/29/2007, section: WL2, row: C, site: 40, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMARMES, Donald Caz, birth: 06/09/1932, death: 11/09/2010, section: 3, site: 980, US NAVY, EM3, KOREAARMINTROUT, Myron Edward, birth: 01/19/1926, death: 02/19/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 13, US MARINE CORPS, SSGT, KOREAARMINTROUT, Phyllis L, birth: 01/05/1928, death: 12/07/2011, section: WL10, row: A, site: 13, Wife of Myron Edward Armintrout , US MARINE CORPS, SSGT, KOREAARMOUR, William Carl, birth: 07/15/1956, death: 09/21/2008, section: 3, site: 555, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMARMSTRONG, Betty, birth: 12/19/1925, death: 01/20/2014, section: 3, site: 1223, Wife of Isaac W Armstrong Jr, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIARMSTRONG, Donald Gray, birth: 10/06/1936, death: 10/31/2010, section: 33, site: 246, US NAVY, SRARMSTRONG, Frankie Lee, birth: 10/20/1961, death: 08/07/2011, section: 3, site: 327, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFARMSTRONG, Geraldine, birth: 01/22/1946, death: 06/13/2007, section: 3, site: 327, Wife of Frankie L Armstrong , US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFARMSTRONG, Isaac W Jr, birth: 06/18/1922, death: 10/27/2011, section: 3, site: 1223, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIARMSTRONG, James L Jr, birth: 02/09/1926, death: 10/20/2011, section: WL5, row: C, site: 4, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IIARMSTRONG, Lillard P, birth: 07/04/1920, death: 02/23/1945, section: MS, site: 42, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR IIARMSTRONG, Sterling, birth: 05/21/1932, death: 07/31/2014, section: 3, site: 1898, US ARMY, PFC, KOREAARMSTRONG, Virginia, birth: 03/26/1929, death: 04/29/2017, section: WL5, row: C, site: 4, Wife of James L Armstrong Jr, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IIARNETT, John F Jr, birth: 05/12/1934, death: 01/17/2010, section: 3, site: 760, US ARMY, PFC, KOREA, VIETNAMARNETT, Willie Robert Lee, birth: 02/15/1942, death: 11/28/2016, section: 2, site: 408, US NAVY, VIETNAMARNOLD, Audia Rebecca, birth: 11/19/1953, death: 06/05/2016, section: 2, site: 299, US ARMY, SP5ARNOLD, Everett E, birth: 03/21/1929, death: 11/05/2002, section: 30, site: 753, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMARNOLD, Harry R, birth: 03/07/1937, death: 07/03/2006, section: 3, site: 60, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMARNOLD, Michael Raye, birth: 10/31/1946, death: 12/24/2012, section: WL11, row: C, site: 8, US ARMY, CAPT, VIETNAMARNOLD, Rita Lou, birth: 08/05/1942, death: 11/29/2013, section: WL12, row: C, site: 4, Wife of James Dixon Arnold , US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMARNOLD, Sarah Lou, birth: 07/22/1938, death: 04/20/2015, section: 3, site: 60, Wife of Harry R Arnold , US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMARNOLD, Teru H, birth: 03/04/1933, death: 08/22/2013, section: 30, site: 753, Wife of Everett E Arnold , US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMARREDONDO, Jose V, birth: 03/19/1920, death: 11/27/2005, section: 30A, site: 138, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIASBURY, Eloise Bradley, birth: 11/15/1920, death: 02/18/2009, section: 33, site: 607, Wife of Harold Deroy Asbury , US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMASBURY, Harold Deroy, birth: 08/11/1924, death: 05/30/2017, section: 33, site: 607, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMASH, Caterina, birth: 08/18/1925, death: 03/16/2012, section: WL6, row: B, site: 13, Wife of Gerald Willis Ash , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMASH, Gerald Willis, birth: 05/29/1925, death: 03/06/2010, section: WL6, row: B, site: 13, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMASH, Stephen D, birth: 12/12/1946, death: 12/03/2004, section: 30, site: 100, US NAVY, LTJG, VIETNAMASHBY, Birthe, birth: 07/14/1935, death: 05/22/2013, section: 3, site: 835, Wife of Dean Hal Ashby , US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREAASHBY, Dean Hal, birth: 06/07/1931, death: 01/23/2010, section: 3, site: 835, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREAASHCRAFT, James R, birth: 12/07/1941, death: 04/26/2003, section: 30, site: 469, US ARMY, CW3, VIETNAMASHLEY, Jerry Mitchell, birth: 12/31/1946, death: 08/16/2017, section: WL9, row: A, site: 5, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMASHLEY, John M, birth: 02/04/1936, death: 05/15/2010, section: 3, site: 1017, US ARMY, CW3, VIETNAMASHTON, Joseph Eugene, birth: 01/05/1942, death: 10/11/2014, section: 3, site: 1935, US MARINE CORPS, CAPT, VIETNAMASHTON, Simon, birth: 03/16/1931, death: 12/16/2011, section: 3, site: 1307, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMASHWORTH, Henry J Jr, birth: 04/14/1920, death: 07/17/2012, section: 3, site: 1455, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIASHWORTH, Irene, birth: 05/07/1922, death: 01/11/2013, section: 3, site: 1455, Wife of Henry J Ashworth Jr, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIASMUS, Daniel Robert, birth: 12/15/1941, death: 08/26/2016, section: 2, site: 347, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMASP, Robert E, birth: 05/04/1948, death: 01/14/2011, section: WL4, row: B, site: 9, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMATCHISON, Billy Lee, birth: 11/14/1941, death: 03/12/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 6, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMATCHISON, Jimmie Lee, birth: 03/15/1930, death: 09/15/2009, section: 33, site: 209, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMAUD, Larry Alan, birth: 10/07/1948, death: 12/06/2007, section: 3, site: 312, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMAULD, David Michael, birth: 11/11/1947, death: 04/25/2015, section: 33, site: 455, US ARMY, SGTAUSTIN, Dennis Ray, birth: 08/27/1946, death: 07/05/2017, section: 2, site: 551, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMAUSTIN, John Allen, birth: 02/28/1936, death: 12/08/2008, section: 3, site: 579, US NAVY, CPO, VIETNAMAUSTIN, Larry Allen, birth: 12/09/1940, death: 04/10/2014, section: WL12, row: A, site: 15, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMAUSTIN, Ray Dean, birth: 08/02/1931, death: 02/06/2014, section: 3, site: 1822, US ARMY, SFC, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMAUSTIN, Thomas Edward, birth: 11/30/1924, death: 04/07/2015, section: 29, site: 146, US NAVY, S2C, WORLD WAR IIAUTREY, Arnold Leon, birth: 08/20/1946, death: 07/29/2010, section: 3, site: 1031, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMAUTREY, Sonya, birth: 10/20/1952, death: 11/19/2013, section: 3, site: 1031, Wife of Arnold Leon Autrey , US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMAVERA, Timothy W, birth: 02/18/1969, death: 12/23/2003, section: 30, site: 436, US ARMY, SGT, IRAQ, PERSIAN GULFAVERY, Gerald Bruce, birth: 03/25/1952, death: 01/06/2008, section: 33, site: 131, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBABBIT, Harvey L, birth: 02/18/1925, death: 12/09/2005, section: 30, site: 349, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIBABBIT, Louise W, birth: 01/09/1928, death: 07/08/2011, section: 30, site: 349, Wife of Harvey L Babbit , US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIBABCOCK, Donna Rae, birth: 02/23/1938, death: 09/18/2014, section: 30, site: 81, Wife of Ronald A Babcock , US AIR FORCE, S SGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBABCOCK, Ronald A, birth: 07/24/1936, death: 08/13/2005, section: 30, site: 81, US AIR FORCE, S SGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBABICH, Alan Anthony, birth: 02/13/1944, death: 03/07/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 5, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBACA, Robert L, birth: 01/05/1948, death: 11/12/2009, section: 3, site: 745, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMBACON, Joseph A Jr, birth: 03/13/1929, death: 04/19/2009, section: 3, site: 691, US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMBAILEY, Byron, birth: 11/13/1934, death: 02/10/2013, section: 3, site: 1583, US ARMY, WO, VIETNAMBAILEY, Charles A, birth: 07/07/1941, death: 05/26/2010, section: 33, site: 226, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBAILEY, Charles W Jr, birth: 09/29/1928, death: 02/10/2004, section: 30, site: 367, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREABAILEY, Donald B, birth: 10/12/1958, death: 12/18/2006, section: 33, site: 88, US MARINE CORPS, LCPLBAILEY, Gary Lee Sr, birth: 07/03/1951, death: 05/24/2011, section: 3, site: 1185, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBAILEY, Janice L, birth: 07/10/1952, death: 05/24/2011, section: 3, site: 1185, Wife of Gary Lee Bailey , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBAILEY, Jerry W, birth: 04/16/1943, death: 07/02/2004, section: 30, site: 242, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBAILEY, Raymond Vance, birth: 07/24/1913, death: 12/29/2011, section: WL5, row: D, site: 6, US ARMY AIR FORCES, S SGT, WORLD WAR IIBAILEY, Robert Wayne, birth: 10/24/1952, death: 12/02/2012, section: 3, site: 1549, US NAVY, SN2, VIETNAMBAILEY, Sterling Sr, birth: 06/30/1928, death: 04/19/2012, section: 3, site: 1388, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBAIRD, Jimmy Dale, birth: 09/06/1947, death: 08/20/2016, section: 2, site: 340, US NAVY, ATN3, VIETNAMBAKER, Barbara N, birth: 11/13/1952, death: 11/18/2001, section: 30, site: 713, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMBAKER, Carolyn M, birth: 02/25/1948, death: 01/19/2015, section: 2, site: 8, Wife of George Clark Baker , US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFBAKER, Christine F, birth: 12/14/1934, death: 06/01/2005, section: 30, site: 179, Wife of Kenith L Baker , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBAKER, Eugene Albert, birth: 03/02/1926, death: 09/12/2008, section: WL2, row: A, site: 44, US NAVY, AOM2, WORLD WAR II, KOREABAKER, Jacquelyn M, birth: 11/17/1957, death: 04/01/2002, section: 30, site: 667, Wife of Bruce D Baker , US ARMY, MSG, PERSIAN GULFBAKER, John, birth: 04/30/1916, death: 01/14/2008, section: 3, site: 386, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREABAKER, Juanita, birth: 12/15/1917, death: 08/20/2008, section: 3, site: 386, Wife of John Baker , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREABAKER, Larry Gene, birth: 02/11/1949, death: 11/21/2011, section: 3, site: 1286, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBAKER, Linnie Jr, birth: 12/22/1938, death: 09/10/2015, section: 2, site: 144, US MARINE CORPS, PVTBAKER, Maudie Maxine, birth: 02/19/1925, death: 09/21/2007, section: WL2, row: A, site: 44, Wife of Eugene Albert Baker , US NAVY, AOM2, WORLD WAR II, KOREABAKER, Rickey Lee, birth: 08/27/1947, death: 03/08/2014, section: MS, site: 34, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMBAKER, Rodger T, birth: 11/28/1946, death: 02/11/2008, section: 3, site: 470, US ARMY, SFCBAKER, Ruby Combs, birth: 06/25/1920, death: 01/27/2016, section: 2, site: 224, US ARMY, PFC, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIBAKER, Tommy Eugene, birth: 04/05/1946, death: 09/04/2014, section: 3, site: 1913, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBAKER, Vera Jackson, birth: 09/21/1947, death: 01/01/2016, section: 2, site: 214, US ARMY, SP4BAKSE, Bill E, birth: 06/02/1922, death: 04/12/2012, section: 3, site: 1372, US ARMY, CSM, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBALE, Don Elbert, birth: 01/18/1938, death: 02/14/2015, section: 2, site: 29, US AIR FORCE, LT COL, VIETNAMBALES, Deborah R, birth: 12/11/1949, death: 04/26/2004, section: 30, site: 290, Wife of Eugene F Bales , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBALES, Edgar David Jr, birth: 03/29/1929, death: 06/09/2013, section: WL11, row: A, site: 18, US ARMY, CPL, KOREABALES, Eugene Franklin Jr, birth: 04/03/1949, death: 02/19/2015, section: 30, site: 290, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBALL, Doyle G, birth: 10/24/1945, death: 02/20/2007, section: 3, site: 203, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBALL, Lyle Hensley, birth: 09/23/1926, death: 12/12/2014, section: 3, site: 1978, US NAVY, FC3, WORLD WAR IIBALL, Phillip James, birth: 05/28/1932, death: 03/11/2008, section: WL1, row: B, site: 2, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBALLINA, John Gerard, birth: 06/03/1947, death: 09/14/2010, section: 3, site: 1040, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBALLOU, Omega, birth: 03/29/1948, death: 02/02/2015, section: 3, site: 1792, Wife of David Wayne Beard Jr, US ARMY, SGT, SFC, PERSIAN GULFBALOUS, Don Earl, birth: 03/09/1936, death: 04/01/2010, section: 3, site: 926, US ARMY, KOREABALTIERRA, Joseph D, birth: 10/20/1924, death: 08/25/2005, section: 30A, site: 69, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBANKER, Melba Lynn, birth: 10/01/1938, death: 07/11/2015, section: 2, site: 106, Wife of Alvin Harold Banker , US ARMY, PV1BANKS, Rayfield C L, birth: 11/16/1925, death: 05/07/2006, section: 30, site: 240, US ARMY, SP4, KOREABANKS, Virginia Louise, birth: 07/28/1950, death: 11/25/2016, section: 2, site: 396, Wife of Kenneth H Banks , US ARMY, SGM, VIETNAMBANKS, Wayne Clifton, birth: 06/05/1943, death: 06/02/2011, section: 33, site: 26, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, DTG3, A2C, VIETNAMBANKSTON, Daniel Lee, birth: 03/25/1957, death: 02/20/2010, section: 3, site: 912, US ARMY, LTC, PERSIAN GULFBANKUS, Billy Carl, birth: 06/15/1950, death: 07/20/2013, section: 3, site: 1665, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBANTON, Minnie L, birth: 07/23/1942, death: 03/20/2011, section: 3, site: 1080, Wife of Clarence E Banton , US ARMY, PFCBARBER, Donald N, birth: 08/09/1930, death: 05/31/2005, section: 30, site: 178, US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMBARBER, Harvey Dave, birth: 07/10/1948, death: 04/25/2015, section: 2, site: 68, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBARBER, Mareno F, birth: 11/28/1926, death: 08/11/2014, section: 30, site: 178, Wife of Donald N Barber , US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMBARBER, Russell Eugene, birth: 05/31/1938, death: 05/20/2014, section: 3, site: 1859, US AIR FORCE, A3CBARBER, V A, birth: 01/24/1927, death: 03/12/2002, section: 30, site: 669, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBARBIERI, Charles C, birth: 03/14/1925, death: 05/18/2010, section: 3, site: 1016, US MARINE CORPS, LTCOL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARCLAY, Allen Duncan Jr, birth: 09/02/1931, death: 04/14/2010, section: 3, site: 934, US AIR FORCE, US ARMY, A2C, KOREABARDTRIEF, Juanita Lillie, birth: 03/18/1934, death: 03/10/2014, section: WL12, row: C, site: 13, US AIR FORCE, A2CBARDWELL, Travis G, birth: 01/27/1927, death: 03/30/2008, section: 3, site: 430, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARGER, Gary Steven, birth: 03/13/1951, death: 10/30/2009, section: WL3, row: A, site: 18, US AIR FORCE, CAPT, PERSIAN GULFBARKER, Ralph W, birth: 07/11/1934, death: 11/27/2001, section: 30, site: 677, US ARMY, SPC, KOREA, VIETNAMBARNES, David L, birth: 02/20/1934, death: 06/16/2005, section: 33, site: 11, US NAVY, SABARNES, Donald Gerald, birth: 12/06/1938, death: 03/13/2008, section: 33, site: 134, US ARMY, CAPT, VIETNAMBARNES, Gordon J, birth: 08/28/1933, death: 05/23/2008, section: 3, site: 515, US MARINE CORPS, GYSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBARNES, James Robert, birth: 02/09/1942, death: 08/07/2010, section: 33, site: 232, US ARMY, PFCBARNES, Odell Sr, birth: 10/26/1936, death: 05/28/2011, section: 3, site: 1187, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMBARNES, W D, birth: 11/03/1926, death: 07/24/2009, section: 3, site: 287, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARNES, Wesley Carl, birth: 10/20/1945, death: 11/10/2015, section: 2, site: 183, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMBARNES, Wesley Richard Jr, birth: 02/07/1941, death: 01/21/2017, section: 2, site: 290, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMBARNES, Winona Esteline, birth: 03/24/1921, death: 09/16/2007, section: 3, site: 287, Wife of W D Barnes , US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARNETT, Betty Jean, birth: 08/06/1926, death: 01/31/2017, section: 3, site: 722, Wife of Dale Barnett , US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBARNETT, Dale, birth: 02/11/1920, death: 07/22/2009, section: 3, site: 722, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBARNETT, Eric Wayne, birth: 12/10/1950, death: 09/21/2012, section: 3, site: 1489, US ARMY, 1LTBARNETT, Herman Leslie, birth: 01/14/1921, death: 03/20/2014, section: 3, site: 1827, US NAVY, LTJG, WORLD WAR IIBARNETT, Johnny Lewis, birth: 05/02/1951, death: 03/17/2010, section: WL3, row: C, site: 26, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBARNETT, Michael A, birth: 10/15/1954, death: 07/19/2007, section: 33, site: 114, US AIR FORCE, AB, VIETNAMBARR, Stanley Ray, birth: 03/22/1934, death: 02/12/2008, section: 3, site: 395, US NAVY, CMC, KOREABARRETT, Barbara, birth: 02/17/1932, death: 06/27/2013, section: 33, site: 383, Wife of Richard A Barrett , US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBARRETT, Lloyd Richard, birth: 07/27/1931, death: 06/30/2008, section: WL1, row: D, site: 7, US ARMY, US COAST GUARD, YNCM, KOREA, VIETNAMBARRETT, Richard A, birth: 11/28/1930, death: 11/22/2013, section: 33, site: 383, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBARRIENTEZ, Rose M, birth: 06/24/1954, death: 01/28/2005, section: 30, site: 161, US AIR FORCE, MAJ, PERSIAN GULFBARRIGER, Robert James, birth: 08/09/1934, death: 02/01/2011, section: 3, site: 1071, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBARRIOS, Raymond P, birth: 07/17/1959, death: 11/12/2002, section: 30, site: 556, US AIR FORCE, A1CBARRON, Grete Minna, birth: 07/06/1926, death: 11/30/2011, section: 30, site: 120, Wife of Lupe Barron Jr, US ARMY, PSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARRON, Lupe Jr, birth: 12/27/1920, death: 04/15/2005, section: 30, site: 120, US ARMY, PSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREABARRY, Earl Raymond, birth: 10/31/1930, death: 10/24/2011, section: 33, site: 32, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABARRY, Troy Lee, birth: 07/30/1953, death: 08/02/2017, section: 2, site: 566, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBARTLETT, Fay, birth: 08/03/1932, death: 06/10/2014, section: 3, site: 922, Wife of Joseph Estes Bartlett , US ARMY, PV2, KOREABARTLETT, Joseph Estes, birth: 11/06/1931, death: 03/19/2010, section: 3, site: 922, US ARMY, PV2, KOREABARTLETT, Walter Leon Sr, birth: 07/23/1940, death: 08/25/2015, section: 2, site: 127, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBARTNICKI, Eugene Adam, birth: 03/07/1933, death: 10/12/2016, section: 2, site: 375, US ARMY, SGT, KOREABARTON, Ernest Raymond, birth: 12/26/1952, death: 02/20/2014, section: WL12, row: B, site: 11, US MARINE CORPS, LCPL, VIETNAMBARTON, Louise E, birth: 08/26/1925, death: 04/30/2004, section: 30, site: 293, Wife of Harold A Barton , US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAMBASH, Homer E Jr, birth: 01/30/1918, death: 08/12/2005, section: 30, site: 82, US ARMY, T SGT, WORLD WAR IIBASHARA, Charles W, birth: 08/17/1938, death: 03/01/2003, section: 30, site: 566, US NAVY, HN, VIETNAMBASKERVILLE, Earl W, birth: 04/26/1949, death: 11/04/2006, section: 29, site: 26, US ARMY, US MARINE CORPS, SP4, VIETNAMBATCH, Douglas Gordon, birth: 02/22/1962, death: 02/20/2016, section: 33, site: 531, US ARMY, SGT, SPC, PV1BATCHELDER, Elizabeth Ann, birth: 05/13/1922, death: 08/01/1998, section: WL3, row: B, site: 33, Wife of Wilfred E Batchelder , US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBATCHELDER, Larry Gene, birth: 08/22/1948, death: 01/18/2014, section: 3, site: 1769, US NAVY, ENC, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBATCHELDER, Wilfred E, birth: 10/12/1922, death: 04/03/2009, section: WL3, row: B, site: 33, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBATES, Alfred L, birth: 04/20/1931, death: 04/18/2004, section: 30, site: 292, US ARMY, SGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBATES, David R, birth: 09/08/1948, death: 06/08/2005, section: 30A, site: 46, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBATES, Maurice T Jr, birth: 09/24/1944, death: 03/24/2011, section: 33, site: 251, US NAVY, AN, VIETNAMBATES, Merian Mackabili, birth: 05/10/1954, death: 01/03/2012, section: 3, site: 1330, Wife of William John Bates , US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBATTEN, John Edward, birth: 11/15/1968, death: 09/22/2015, section: 2, site: 151, US ARMY, SP4, PERSIAN GULFBATTON, Larry E Sr, birth: 02/28/1935, death: 03/10/2010, section: WL3, row: A, site: 24, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBATTS, William C, birth: 10/07/1946, death: 10/10/2010, section: 3, site: 975, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBATUNGBACAL, David Franklin, birth: 01/09/1939, death: 06/24/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 12, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBAUER, Billie Eugene, birth: 08/06/1931, death: 12/07/2010, section: 3, site: 1057, US AIR FORCE, AB, KOREABAUGHMAN, Geraldine G, birth: 01/07/1920, death: 04/12/1990, section: 29, site: 40, Wife of Reuben Lee Baughman , US ARMY, CSM, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBAUGHMAN, Jimmy Ray, birth: 12/09/1943, death: 11/07/2008, section: WL3, row: A, site: 1, US ARMY, CPT, VIETNAMBAUGHMAN, Patricia Anne, birth: 09/30/1935, death: 03/16/2012, section: 3, site: 710, Wife of Sanford R Baughman , US ARMY, SFCBAUGHMAN, Reuben Lee, birth: 02/04/1921, death: 01/31/2014, section: 29, site: 40, US ARMY, CSM, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBAUGHMAN, Robert C II, birth: 01/24/1951, death: 08/29/2005, section: 33, site: 13, US NAVY, MRFN, VIETNAMBAUGHMAN, Ronald M, birth: 02/03/1946, death: 08/30/2004, section: 30, site: 251, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMBAUGHMAN, Sanford R, birth: 12/13/1935, death: 06/11/2009, section: 3, site: 710, US ARMY, SFCBAUMGARTNER, Paul Charles, birth: 01/20/1922, death: 11/17/2008, section: 33, site: 162, US NAVY, F2, WORLD WAR IIBAUTISTA, Mary E, birth: 03/14/1960, death: 12/15/2001, section: 30, site: 739, Wife of Ronald David Bautista , US NAVY, PO2BAXTER, Birdie, birth: 11/09/1960, death: 03/18/2016, section: 3, site: 1014, Wife of Shirley Darnell Baxter Jr, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBAXTER, Denver W, birth: 07/05/1940, death: 05/07/2016, section: 33, site: 522, US AIR FORCE, A2CBAXTER, Lois, birth: 01/15/1936, death: 03/20/2005, section: 33, site: 2, Wife of Robert B Baxter Sr, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABAXTER, Robert B Sr, birth: 04/11/1932, death: 04/10/2005, section: 33, site: 2, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABAXTER, Shirley Darnell Jr, birth: 12/21/1949, death: 05/06/2010, section: 3, site: 1014, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBAYMAN, Steven Allen Sr, birth: 01/17/1953, death: 10/31/2016, section: 33, site: 570, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBEACH, Ann R, birth: 01/29/1937, death: 01/10/2017, section: 3, site: 64, Wife of John W Beach , US NAVY, ENS, WORLD WAR IIBEACH, John W, birth: 08/18/1924, death: 07/02/2006, section: 3, site: 64, US NAVY, ENS, WORLD WAR IIBEALS, Kenneth L Jr, birth: 06/06/1940, death: 12/13/2005, section: 30A, site: 148, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMBEAMON, Hugh Fayne, birth: 06/28/1938, death: 09/25/2008, section: 33, site: 163, US MARINE CORPS, PVTBEAN, Alpha Juanita, birth: 02/21/1938, death: 03/10/2009, section: 3, site: 677, Wife of Norman Frank Bean , US ARMY, SP3, KOREABEAN, David Francis, birth: 11/07/1947, death: 11/21/2016, section: 33, site: 286, US ARMY, SGM, VIETNAMBEAN, Sarah J, birth: 07/29/1946, death: 01/27/2012, section: 33, site: 286, Wife of David Francis Bean , US ARMY, SGM, VIETNAMBEAN, Wade David, birth: 09/03/1930, death: 02/17/2008, section: 3, site: 409, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABEARD, David Wayne Jr, birth: 07/21/1949, death: 01/20/2014, section: 3, site: 1792, US ARMY, SGT, SFC, PERSIAN GULFBEARD, Lionel Lee, birth: 07/19/1946, death: 03/13/2012, section: WL10, row: B, site: 2, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBEARD, Richard Junior, birth: 06/13/1932, death: 12/05/2012, section: 3, site: 1527, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBEARDEN, Stefanie Kopetzki, birth: 10/31/1927, death: 08/22/2015, section: 30, site: 776, Wife of William A Bearden , US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBEARDEN, William A, birth: 03/26/1923, death: 04/24/2003, section: 30, site: 776, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBEARDSLEY, Frances R, birth: 04/29/1926, death: 12/13/2005, section: 30A, site: 152, Wife of Wilson H Beardsley Jr, US ARMY, COL, VIETNAMBEASLEY, Haywood L Jr, birth: 11/28/1945, death: 08/21/2016, section: 2, site: 369, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBEASLEY, Willie D, birth: 01/10/1953, death: 09/22/2008, section: 3, site: 627, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBEATY, Harvey Lee, birth: 05/04/1947, death: 03/06/2016, section: WL8, row: B, site: 17, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMBEAUCHAMP, Udell G, birth: 03/28/1922, death: 10/05/2003, section: 30, site: 456, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBEAUMONT, Sharon Ann, birth: 08/15/1959, death: 11/13/2011, section: 3, site: 1280, Wife of Derrek Wayne Beaumont , US MARINE CORPS, GYSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBEAVER, Johnnie G, birth: 02/11/1945, death: 04/07/2007, section: WL2, row: B, site: 41, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBEAVER, Kenneth Knox, birth: 11/21/1944, death: 07/24/2017, section: 33, site: 641, US ARMY, US NAVY, SSG, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBECERRA, Manuel Ted, birth: 03/28/1967, death: 07/12/2015, section: 2, site: 105, US ARMY, 1LT, PERSIAN GULFBECK, Barry A Sr, birth: 11/28/1954, death: 06/04/2006, section: 3, site: 53, US NAVY, FR, VIETNAMBECK, Jeremy Wayne, birth: 07/25/1982, death: 09/29/2010, section: 3, site: 1044, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, IRAQBECK, Pauline Marie, birth: 02/05/1935, death: 03/30/2016, section: 2, site: 256, Wife of Robert Dearl Beck , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBECKER, Maxine, birth: 05/24/1932, death: 02/02/2016, section: 33, site: 500, Wife of John Walter Becker , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBEDFORD, Claude T, birth: 09/20/1929, death: 11/22/2005, section: 30A, site: 110, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABEDFORD, Emma Ruth, birth: 10/06/1932, death: 03/13/2008, section: 30A, site: 110, Wife of Claude T Bedford , US ARMY, PFC, KOREABEDFORD, Helen R, birth: 01/16/1936, death: 03/05/2011, section: WL2, row: B, site: 50, US ARMY, PVT, KOREABEDFORD, Raymond Earl, birth: 04/20/1932, death: 02/04/2008, section: WL2, row: B, site: 50, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBEDOKA, Louis, birth: 12/01/1931, death: 11/01/2015, section: 2, site: 173, US ARMY, COL, KOREA, VIETNAMBEEK, Arthur R, birth: 07/25/1941, death: 12/06/2010, section: WL3, row: B, site: 44, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBEELER, Lorita Ann Weger, birth: 08/22/1949, death: 11/13/2009, section: 3, site: 818, US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMBEEMAN, Roy Wayne, birth: 09/21/1944, death: 03/07/2014, section: WL12, row: C, site: 12, US NAVY, EM3, VIETNAMBEENE, Larry Edward, birth: 08/27/1943, death: 03/09/2017, section: 2, site: 465, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBELCHER, David T, birth: 09/04/1946, death: 11/21/2015, section: 2, site: 315, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBELCHER, Kathy M, birth: 11/28/1946, death: 07/15/2016, section: 2, site: 315, Wife of David T Belcher , US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBELCHER, Robert J, birth: 03/25/1928, death: 07/25/2004, section: 30, site: 334, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IIBELEW, Janette Eloise, birth: 11/15/1957, death: 09/17/2017, section: 33, site: 630, US AIR FORCE, SRABELIE, Robert A, birth: 11/19/1911, death: 03/02/2008, section: 3, site: 411, US ARMY, 1LT, WORLD WAR II, KOREABELIE, Rose Ann, birth: 09/24/1919, death: 11/13/2016, section: 3, site: 411, Wife of Robert A Belie , US ARMY, 1LT, WORLD WAR II, KOREABELINSON, John Jr, birth: 04/26/1931, death: 03/20/2009, section: 33, site: 174, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBELL, Eli Ellis, birth: 10/12/1945, death: 09/14/2012, section: 3, site: 1473, US NAVY, SA, VIETNAMBELL, James E, birth: 03/03/1922, death: 09/14/2004, section: WL2, row: B, site: 9, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBELL, James Foster, birth: 03/25/1941, death: 07/08/2017, section: WL8, row: A, site: 29, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBELL, Leonard, birth: 05/01/1934, death: 05/18/2016, section: 2, site: 284, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBELL, Nina Mae, birth: 05/12/1922, death: 11/02/2006, section: WL2, row: B, site: 9, Wife of James E Bell , US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBELMONTES, Perlita Blanca, birth: 04/28/2006, death: 04/28/2006, section: 3, site: 98, Daughter (Minor Child) of Juan M Belmontes , US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBELTRAN, Belinda E, birth: 08/11/1949, death: 03/18/2013, section: 3, site: 1591, Wife of Daniel Gonzales Beltran , US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBELTRAN, Daniel G, birth: 04/03/1947, death: 02/27/2014, section: 3, site: 1591, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBENCH, Paul Spurgeon Jr, birth: 01/27/1949, death: 06/11/2010, section: 3, site: 1023, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMBENGE, Charles, birth: 03/17/1949, death: 06/05/2013, section: 29, site: 98, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBENGE, Lellon N, birth: 09/24/1921, death: 03/08/2004, section: 30, site: 362, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBENGE, Lydia O, birth: 11/18/1928, death: 03/11/2011, section: 30, site: 362, Wife of Lellon N Benge , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBENNETT, Jimmy Dale Sr, birth: 03/08/1935, death: 07/21/2009, section: 3, site: 721, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBENNETT, Joe B, birth: 08/04/1941, death: 10/11/2003, section: 30, site: 455, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBENNETT, Johnny William Sr, birth: 11/18/1959, death: 03/21/2008, section: 3, site: 427, US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULFBENNETT, Larry Lamar, birth: 08/08/1949, death: 08/25/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 22, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBENNETT, Lloyd Arthur, birth: 08/18/1936, death: 05/28/2016, section: 2, site: 297, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBENNETT, Richard Charles, birth: 02/16/1930, death: 10/10/2016, section: 33, site: 618, US ARMY, CPL, KOREABENNETT, Sara M, birth: 06/10/1929, death: 08/14/2016, section: 33, site: 618, US ARMY, 1LT, KOREABENSKIN, Alfonso, birth: 01/13/1956, death: 08/04/2015, section: 3, site: 50, US ARMY, 1SG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBENSON, Alfonso Sr, birth: 09/17/1923, death: 01/04/2013, section: 3, site: 616, US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IIBENSON, Jane P, birth: 12/31/1938, death: 03/26/2014, section: 3, site: 1523, Wife of Norman R Benson , US ARMY, SP4BENSON, Lillie Mae, birth: 03/02/1930, death: 04/10/2009, section: 3, site: 616, Wife of Alfonso Benson , US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IIBENSON, Norman R, birth: 09/19/1935, death: 10/22/2012, section: 3, site: 1523, US ARMY, SP4BENSON, O G Jr, birth: 02/10/1926, death: 01/31/2008, section: 3, site: 402, US ARMY, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBENTLEY, Kenneth W, birth: 07/17/1939, death: 12/27/2004, section: 30, site: 103, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMBENTLEY, Warner Elwood, birth: 06/07/1930, death: 04/29/2008, section: 3, site: 507, US NAVY, S2BENTON, Larry A, birth: 05/12/1962, death: 08/11/2006, section: 3, site: 80, US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULFBEREZNAK, Sue Ann, birth: 04/08/1945, death: 07/15/2016, section: 2, site: 322, Wife of John Stanley Bereznak , US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBERGER, James L, birth: 01/12/1944, death: 10/22/2014, section: 3, site: 1937, US ARMY, MAJ, VIETNAMBERHALTER, Mary Colleen, birth: 10/19/1954, death: 01/06/2007, section: 3, site: 134, Wife of Raymond W Berhalter , US AIR FORCE, MSGTBERINTI, Bertha Martha, birth: 10/12/1925, death: 12/04/2013, section: WL12, row: B, site: 5, Wife of Francis Berinti , US NAVY, CM3, WORLD WAR IIBERKS, Kenneth W, birth: 11/01/1944, death: 06/08/2005, section: 30, site: 129, US NAVY, S1, VIETNAMBERMAN, Frank W Jr, birth: 07/10/1919, death: 08/04/1998, section: WL2, row: A, site: 10, US ARMY, CPT, WORLD WAR IIBERNACHE, Raymond L, birth: 02/18/1933, death: 01/01/2005, section: 30, site: 108, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, KOREABERRY, Billy Leon, birth: 05/31/1935, death: 07/15/2017, section: 33, site: 621, US ARMY, US NAVY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBERRY, Michael Walter, birth: 10/07/1948, death: 09/06/2009, section: 33, site: 203, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBERRY, Oran Leo Jr, birth: 01/24/1947, death: 03/04/2013, section: WL11, row: B, site: 14, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBERRY, Thomas Marion III, birth: 08/13/1952, death: 10/11/2012, section: 33, site: 330, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBERRYHILL, T Wade, birth: 05/23/1982, death: 06/01/2012, section: 3, site: 1422, US ARMY, PV2, PERSIAN GULFBERTHELOT, Letha, birth: 04/03/1927, death: 11/03/1998, section: 2, site: 268, Wife of Randolph Richard Berthelot , US NAVY, EM3, WORLD WAR IIBERTHELOT, Randolph Richard, birth: 03/05/1925, death: 04/14/2016, section: 2, site: 268, US NAVY, EM3, WORLD WAR IIBERTRAM, Carol Amanda, birth: 07/06/1923, death: 12/15/2008, section: 3, site: 581, Wife of Paul D Bertram , US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBERTRAM, Doyle Clinton, birth: 10/12/1953, death: 06/21/2012, section: 33, site: 308, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMBERTRAM, John Gordon, birth: 10/25/1948, death: 05/09/2008, section: 3, site: 443, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBERTRAM, Lyle Eugene, birth: 04/28/1963, death: 09/07/2017, section: 33, site: 628, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, PERSIAN GULFBERTRAM, Paul D, birth: 08/27/1917, death: 05/31/2015, section: 3, site: 581, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBESA, Arturo, birth: 01/04/1931, death: 04/26/2011, section: 3, site: 1164, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMBETTENCOURT, Anita Louise, birth: 03/29/1935, death: 12/19/2016, section: 33, site: 152, Wife of John Joseph Bettencourt , US MARINE CORPS, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBETTENCOURT, John Joseph, birth: 02/10/1936, death: 10/04/2008, section: 33, site: 152, US MARINE CORPS, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBETTIS, James R, birth: 11/09/1948, death: 11/06/2004, section: 30A, site: 55, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBEVERLEY, Ruth Marie, birth: 07/24/1924, death: 03/17/2010, section: 3, site: 919, Wife of John Harold Beverley , US ARMY, MAJOR, WORLD WAR IIBEVILL, Thomas E, birth: 09/21/1933, death: 06/01/2015, section: 33, site: 458, US ARMY, PVTBIANCO, Elvira, birth: 12/26/1934, death: 09/19/2008, section: 3, site: 625, Wife of Frank S Bianco , US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBIANCO, Frank S, birth: 04/25/1929, death: 04/05/2011, section: 3, site: 625, US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBIANCO, John L Jr, birth: 07/18/1945, death: 05/06/2006, section: 33, site: 74, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMBIAZZO, Victor, birth: 11/13/1915, death: 01/20/2003, section: 30, site: 575, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBICCHIELLI, Anna Ellie, birth: 09/25/1943, death: 06/29/2015, section: 29, site: 157, Wife of Alfred Robert Bicchielli , US AIR FORCE, MSG, VIETNAMBIDDLE, Sherrice Ione, birth: 10/29/1944, death: 07/08/2015, section: WL13, row: A, site: 20, Wife of Wilfred Dwayne Biddle , US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBIEDA, Joseph Anthony Jr, birth: 07/27/1946, death: 03/16/2009, section: 3, site: 678, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBIFFLE, John Thomas, birth: 11/15/1929, death: 01/31/2014, section: 3, site: 1778, US NAVY, SH3, KOREABILLAS, Steve, birth: 05/15/1926, death: 01/26/2013, section: 30, site: 335, US ARMY, MSG, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBILLAS, Wilma E, birth: 08/27/1922, death: 04/18/2004, section: 30, site: 335, Wife of Steve Billas , US ARMY, MSG, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBILLEG, Richard Lester, birth: 05/14/1952, death: 06/07/2017, section: 2, site: 581, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBILLET, Conrad Dean, birth: 02/19/1945, death: 08/29/2011, section: 3, site: 1254, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBILLEY, Edgar H, birth: 02/14/1945, death: 01/21/2007, section: 29, site: 23, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBILLEY, Rosanna Norma, birth: 10/06/1944, death: 09/22/2011, section: 29, site: 23, Wife of Edgar H Billey , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBILLINGS, Jerry Bryan, birth: 03/11/1945, death: 12/24/2014, section: 2, site: 113, US NAVY, ADRAN, VIETNAMBILLINGSLEY, Ernest C, birth: 06/19/1921, death: 11/27/2002, section: 30, site: 586, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBILLINGSLEY, Esther B, birth: 10/02/1922, death: 02/03/2007, section: 30, site: 586, Wife of Ernest C Billingsley , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBILLINGSLEY, Robert E, birth: 01/15/1946, death: 09/24/2015, section: 2, site: 154, US MARINE CORPS, SERGEANT, VIETNAMBILLY, Daniel Simon, birth: 03/25/1924, death: 11/29/2013, section: 3, site: 1736, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREABILOVECKY, John Joseph, birth: 08/31/1928, death: 12/11/2008, section: 3, site: 580, US ARMY, US MERCHANT MARINE, 1SG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBINKLEY, James Robert, birth: 04/27/1932, death: 08/29/2016, section: 2, site: 339, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAMBIONDO HOWELL, Anna G, birth: 11/20/1922, death: 04/04/2010, section: 3, site: 159, Wife of Chilson H Howell , US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMBIRD, Douglas Allan, birth: 08/19/1934, death: 07/21/2006, section: WL2, row: B, site: 42, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBIRMINGHAM, Carl Dean, birth: 09/16/1956, death: 10/10/2014, section: 3, site: 1934, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBISHOP, Betty Jean, birth: 01/18/1935, death: 01/04/2015, section: 29, site: 77, Wife of Curley Bishop , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBISHOP, Curley, birth: 10/07/1933, death: 09/22/2011, section: 29, site: 77, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBISHOP, James H, birth: 08/03/1920, death: 02/07/2007, section: 3, site: 201, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREABISKUPSKI, Gilbert J, birth: 08/21/1944, death: 01/23/2009, section: 30, site: 111, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBISKUPSKI, Sang Yon, birth: 04/16/1937, death: 02/06/2005, section: 30, site: 111, Wife of Gilbert J Biskupski , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBITNER, James H Sr, birth: 01/04/1922, death: 07/24/2007, section: 3, site: 338, US ARMY, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIBITNER, Jan Del, birth: 08/12/1959, death: 07/28/2006, section: 3, site: 74, US ARMY, MSG, PERSIAN GULFBITNER, Juanita Fern, birth: 01/18/1925, death: 10/10/2011, section: 3, site: 338, Wife of James H Bitner Sr, US ARMY, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIBIVANS, John R Sr, birth: 07/26/1943, death: 08/10/2003, section: 30, site: 783, US NAVY, PO2, VIETNAMBIZZARRO, Giancarlo, birth: 08/18/1958, death: 04/27/2015, section: 2, site: 67, US NAVY, EMFNBLACK, Billy Ray, birth: 09/13/1932, death: 07/30/2015, section: 2, site: 111, US ARMY, CPL, KOREABLACK, Noble W Jr, birth: 10/20/1934, death: 04/25/2010, section: WL3, row: D, site: 28, US ARMY, SP3, KOREABLACK, Raymond Eugene, birth: 11/15/1934, death: 01/08/2011, section: 3, site: 999, US ARMY, SGTBLACK, William Randolph, birth: 09/18/1931, death: 09/15/2014, section: 3, site: 1916, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBLACKBURN, Justin Airick, birth: 09/04/1974, death: 06/29/2009, section: 33, site: 187, US ARMY, SP4, PERSIAN GULFBLACKMORE, Johnna, birth: 05/29/1942, death: 07/18/2013, section: 33, site: 362, Wife of Donald Verne Blackmore , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBLACKWOOD, Richard D Jr, birth: 06/24/1947, death: 09/15/2015, section: 2, site: 189, US ARMY, SP5BLADY, Jo Retta, birth: 07/15/1934, death: 01/01/2015, section: 33, site: 358, US NAVY, YNSNBLAIN, Joseph A, birth: 12/13/1921, death: 09/15/2009, section: 3, site: 805, US ARMY, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIBLAIR, Frances Christine, birth: 05/10/1950, death: 03/19/2014, section: WL13, row: B, site: 20, US NAVY, DPSN, VIETNAMBLAIR, Gavin Thompson, birth: 11/26/1925, death: 08/06/2013, section: WL13, row: B, site: 19, US MERCHANT MARINE, MESSMAN, WORLD WAR IIBLAIR, John, birth: 11/01/1924, death: 04/13/2017, section: 2, site: 500, US NAVY, PO1, PO1, VIETNAMBLAIR, John Paul, birth: 04/27/1930, death: 08/02/2015, section: 2, site: 117, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBLAIR, Thelma Rosemarie, birth: 09/26/1928, death: 09/18/2014, section: WL13, row: B, site: 19, Wife of Gavin Thompson Blair , US MERCHANT MARINE, MESSMAN, WORLD WAR IIBLAIR, Woodfin Dwight, birth: 03/21/1940, death: 08/28/2008, section: 3, site: 552, US ARMY, CW2, VIETNAMBLAKE, Delbert P, birth: 07/09/1926, death: 08/08/2005, section: 30A, site: 141, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBLAKELEY, Richard A, birth: 04/03/1929, death: 01/08/2011, section: WL4, row: B, site: 2, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBLAKEMORE, Mark Stephen, birth: 11/16/1955, death: 04/19/2008, section: 33, site: 138, US NAVY, HTFA, VIETNAMBLALOCK, Barbara Ann, birth: 01/04/1926, death: 12/07/2015, section: 3, site: 1211, Wife of Woodrow Wilson Blalock , US AIR FORCE, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBLALOCK, Willie D, birth: 10/20/1933, death: 10/21/2006, section: 29, site: 11, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBLALOCK, Woodrow Wilson, birth: 08/11/1922, death: 10/16/2011, section: 3, site: 1211, US AIR FORCE, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBLANCETT, Michelle Rachel, birth: 05/10/1991, death: 11/03/2007, section: 3, site: 366, Daughter (Minor Child) of Jacqueline Jane Blancett , US NAVY, SK3BLANCHEY, William Leroy, birth: 05/16/1953, death: 09/04/2016, section: 2, site: 344, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBLANDIN, Belva Valeda, birth: 09/06/1924, death: 07/05/2016, section: 2, site: 143, Wife of Charles Thomas Blandin , US MARINE CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBLANDIN, Charles Thomas, birth: 11/22/1926, death: 09/12/2015, section: 2, site: 143, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBLANKENSHIP, Fairy Lynn, birth: 05/19/1932, death: 10/20/2013, section: 3, site: 1710, Wife of J D Blankenship , US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMBLANKENSHIP, Leonard Billy, birth: 06/14/1944, death: 07/03/2013, section: WL11, row: C, site: 20, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMBLANKINSHIP, Ovitt V, birth: 12/03/1919, death: 04/30/2008, section: 3, site: 510, US ARMY, TEC 3, WORLD WAR IIBLANN, Otis, birth: 04/13/1940, death: 11/27/2014, section: 3, site: 1962, US ARMY, CW3, VIETNAMBLANTON, Joseph L, birth: 07/27/1929, death: 11/10/2010, section: WL3, row: B, site: 43, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBLEAKNEY, Barbara Jean, birth: 11/15/1939, death: 03/30/2006, section: 3, site: 27, Wife of John J Bleakney , US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMBLEAKNEY, John Jay, birth: 08/22/1935, death: 06/23/2017, section: 3, site: 27, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMBLEDSOE, Laustin, birth: 04/14/1918, death: 09/25/2008, section: 3, site: 629, US ARMY, PVTBLISH, Donald A, birth: 06/29/1925, death: 09/09/2003, section: 30, site: 418, US NAVY, AS, WORLD WAR IIBLISH, Nellie Mae, birth: 06/10/1925, death: 11/01/2015, section: 30, site: 418, Wife of Donald A Blish , US NAVY, AS, WORLD WAR IIBLITZER, Richard, birth: 05/26/1921, death: 12/10/2011, section: 30, site: 109, US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBLITZER, Sylvia M, birth: 08/04/1923, death: 02/05/2005, section: 30, site: 110, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBLOCKER, George R, birth: 05/24/1936, death: 10/31/2004, section: 30, site: 288, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBLOESE, Maria Margarita, birth: 04/17/1946, death: 01/15/2013, section: 3, site: 1556, Wife of Michael Gordon Bloese , US ARMY, 1LT, VIETNAMBLOOD, Samuel M, birth: 03/10/1933, death: 03/17/2003, section: MS, site: 7, US NAVY, PO2, KOREA, VIETNAMBLOWERS, David Joseph, birth: 08/20/1936, death: 05/05/2009, section: 33, site: 180, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBLOYE, Harold Allen, birth: 07/31/1944, death: 03/14/2007, section: 3, site: 150, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBLUE, Glen Ray, birth: 08/19/1941, death: 01/22/2013, section: 3, site: 1569, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBLUE, Gordon Vernon Jr, birth: 06/25/1949, death: 04/25/2015, section: 29, site: 155, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBLYTH, Mary E, birth: 05/17/1923, death: 09/15/2004, section: 30, site: 260, Wife of Robert A Blyth , US NAVY, PO3, WORLD WAR IIBLYTH, Robert A, birth: 04/30/1926, death: 09/04/2013, section: 30, site: 260, US NAVY, PO3, WORLD WAR IIBOARD, Cody Allen, birth: 10/12/1990, death: 10/04/2010, section: 3, site: 977, US ARMY, PFC, AFGHANISTANBOATRIGHT, Glen E, birth: 08/29/1950, death: 08/06/2009, section: 3, site: 797, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBOBO, Leonard O, birth: 08/07/1933, death: 02/20/2006, section: 3, site: 13, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBOCKMON, Evert L, birth: 07/08/1919, death: 12/08/2001, section: 30, site: 740, US ARMY AIR FORCES, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IIBOERSTLER, Reba Lois, birth: 10/26/1922, death: 11/19/2013, section: 3, site: 1758, Wife of Montie Harold Boerstler , US ARMY, MAJ, 2ND LT, KOREABOETTCHER, Larry William, birth: 04/17/1951, death: 07/11/2012, section: 33, site: 316, US ARMY, CPL, VIETNAMBOGGS, James Calvin, birth: 05/26/1930, death: 10/06/2008, section: 33, site: 154, US ARMY, PV2, KOREABOGGS, Joyce Taylor, birth: 11/16/1927, death: 09/25/2011, section: WL5, row: D, site: 2, US MERCHANT MARINE, WORLD WAR IIBOGGS, Rena Gail, birth: 04/15/1958, death: 03/27/2016, section: 2, site: 254, Wife of Claude Jackson Boggs Jr, US ARMY, CPT, MAJ, PERSIAN GULFBOGUE, Norman Kay, birth: 11/18/1935, death: 09/27/2015, section: 2, site: 152, US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBOHN, James A III, birth: 10/28/1943, death: 07/30/2007, section: WL2, row: D, site: 43, US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMBOHN, Shirley A, birth: 04/07/1937, death: 06/19/2016, section: 2, site: 304, Wife of Coyle Cleveland Bohn , US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMBOHNERT, Murray Jay, birth: 06/16/1947, death: 12/20/2013, section: 3, site: 1749, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBOISEY, Robert Ward, birth: 06/10/1931, death: 12/28/2010, section: WL4, row: C, site: 2, US AIR FORCE, US ARMY, PVT, SP5, KOREABOLAN, Andrew F, birth: 12/30/1975, death: 05/06/2007, section: 29, site: 17, US MARINE CORPS, CPLBOMAR, Bobby Lee, birth: 04/03/1932, death: 03/22/2011, section: 33, site: 344, US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBON HOMME, Gary Wayne, birth: 04/16/1946, death: 08/18/2016, section: 33, site: 559, US ARMY, S SGT, VIETNAMBONANO, Jesus, birth: 04/14/1946, death: 04/23/2012, section: 33, site: 302, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBOND, David A Jr, birth: 12/05/1928, death: 12/31/2007, section: WL2, row: D, site: 49, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBOND, Georges G, birth: 07/10/1920, death: 09/07/2007, section: MS, site: 58, US AIR FORCE, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREABOND, William Lawrence Jr, birth: 06/27/1949, death: 03/03/2014, section: 3, site: 1801, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBONDS, Anna M, birth: 10/12/1933, death: 12/11/2002, section: 30, site: 758, Wife of Arcle H Bonds , US NAVY, SCPO, KOREA, VIETNAMBONDS, Arcle H, birth: 07/17/1929, death: 09/17/2014, section: 30, site: 758, US NAVY, SCPO, KOREA, VIETNAMBONNER, Raymond Leroy Jr, birth: 12/28/1951, death: 04/10/2010, section: 3, site: 933, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBONNETT, Rizalina E, birth: 06/19/1963, death: 05/17/2004, section: 30, site: 302, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, PERSIAN GULFBONZO, Theron F, birth: 12/04/1938, death: 02/10/2003, section: 30, site: 559, US ARMY, SP4BOOKER, Henry Lee Jr, birth: 08/06/1946, death: 09/12/2014, section: 29, site: 139, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, VIETNAMBOOKER, Mary Ann, birth: 06/09/1947, death: 11/06/2014, section: 29, site: 139, Wife of Henry Lee Booker Jr, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, VIETNAMBOOKMAN, Earnest, birth: 05/06/1928, death: 10/03/2015, section: 2, site: 160, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBOOLDS, J W, birth: 08/16/1936, death: 02/26/2007, section: 3, site: 157, US AIR FORCE, A3CBOONE, Elbert Jr, birth: 08/26/1932, death: 02/15/2010, section: 3, site: 843, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABORDERS, Calvin, birth: 01/18/1949, death: 11/19/2006, section: 3, site: 118, US AIR FORCE, ABBORDERS, Julius J, birth: 04/05/1922, death: 02/15/2008, section: 3, site: 407, US ARMY, WORLD WAR IIBORK, Enid Marie, birth: 05/09/1930, death: 02/21/2016, section: WL7, row: A, site: 1, Wife of Rudolph John Bork , US NAVY, COX, WORLD WAR IIBORK, Rudolph John, birth: 04/08/1926, death: 03/18/2007, section: WL7, row: A, site: 1, US NAVY, COX, WORLD WAR IIBOSANKO, Robert W, birth: 12/17/1951, death: 06/03/2002, section: 30, site: 729, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBOSLEY, Patsy M, birth: 12/22/1941, death: 06/15/2008, section: WL1, row: C, site: 5, Wife of Alfred R Bosley Jr, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBOSMA, Cornelius, birth: 02/08/1927, death: 06/14/2015, section: 33, site: 462, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, SGT, SGT, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBOSTON, Earnest Dean, birth: 03/02/1952, death: 10/19/2015, section: 33, site: 483, US AIR FORCE, AB, VIETNAMBOUDER, Sally Jo, birth: 10/29/1939, death: 09/21/2005, section: 30A, site: 62, Wife of Lloyd S Bouder Jr, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBOURBEAU, Edmond Gaston, birth: 05/29/1949, death: 08/17/2004, section: 33, site: 535, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBOURLAND, Douglas D, birth: 05/17/1948, death: 02/10/2003, section: 30, site: 538, US MARINE CORPS, MSGT, VIETNAMBOWDEN, James Edward, birth: 11/28/1928, death: 12/05/2007, section: 3, site: 377, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABOWEN, David Allen, birth: 05/01/1960, death: 07/15/2012, section: 3, site: 1454, US ARMY, PFC, PFC, SP4BOWEN, Dera Mae, birth: 09/18/1943, death: 04/19/2016, section: 2, site: 274, Wife of Gerald Frederick Bowen , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBOWEN, Norma G, birth: 05/10/1955, death: 06/29/2010, section: 3, site: 1026, Wife of James William Bowen Jr, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBOWENS, Harold Eugene, birth: 01/17/1946, death: 02/15/2013, section: 33, site: 356, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBOWENS, Joe Dell, birth: 12/30/1940, death: 06/09/2010, section: 33, site: 41, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBOWENS, Karl Roger, birth: 10/23/1933, death: 10/02/2012, section: 3, site: 1483, US ARMY, PFCBOWERS, Cecil F, birth: 08/12/1935, death: 05/27/2011, section: 3, site: 1186, US ARMY, SP4BOWERS, Glenda, birth: 05/17/1940, death: 04/04/2017, section: 3, site: 1186, Wife of Cecil F Bowers , US ARMY, SP4BOWERS, Leon Walter, birth: 05/09/1938, death: 12/25/2012, section: WL11, row: C, site: 6, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBOWERS, Richard A, birth: 08/26/1932, death: 02/25/2005, section: 30, site: 62, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBOWICK, James Wilson III, birth: 10/30/1930, death: 06/03/2007, section: WL2, row: B, site: 40, US ARMY, SFC, KOREABOWIE, Danny Ray, birth: 02/07/1957, death: 12/31/2011, section: 3, site: 1317, US ARMY, PFCBOWLAN, Vallie Cleone, birth: 04/04/1920, death: 03/06/2008, section: 33, site: 5, Wife of Walter L Bowlan , US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREABOWLAN, Walter L, birth: 08/04/1932, death: 11/24/2004, section: 33, site: 5, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREABOX, Charles Clifford, birth: 12/26/1943, death: 04/14/2012, section: 33, site: 296, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBOYD, Bernard Harold, birth: 12/22/1940, death: 09/01/2007, section: 3, site: 285, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBOYD, Carolyn, birth: 04/04/1938, death: 05/05/2015, section: 3, site: 285, Wife of Bernard Harold Boyd , US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBOYD, R C, birth: 12/24/1927, death: 04/19/2004, section: 30A, site: 35, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBOYD, Raymond V Jr, birth: 11/04/1938, death: 05/01/2003, section: 30, site: 506, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBOYD, Roger N Sr, birth: 11/15/1951, death: 12/23/2004, section: 30, site: 104, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBOYDSTON, Billy Anail, birth: 04/15/1936, death: 05/02/2015, section: 2, site: 99, US ARMY, PVTBOYDSTUN, James A, birth: 06/10/1945, death: 07/08/2005, section: 30A, site: 75, US ARMY, PVTBOYDSTUN, Minnie Opal, birth: 01/17/1932, death: 03/10/2008, section: 3, site: 490, Wife of Tom Boydstun , US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABOYDSTUN, Pamela Marie, birth: 01/18/1963, death: 02/16/2016, section: 3, site: 491, Adult Dependent Daughter of Tom Boydstun , US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABOYDSTUN, Tom, birth: 05/26/1923, death: 04/07/2013, section: 3, site: 490, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREABOYLE, Agnes J, birth: 05/17/1925, death: 04/29/2014, section: 3, site: 1835, Wife of Charles Richard Boyle , US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBOYLE, Betty J, birth: 08/16/1938, death: 01/23/2003, section: 30, site: 539, Wife of Paul E Boyle , US ARMY, CWO, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBOYLE, Charles Richard, birth: 08/21/1922, death: 06/17/2014, section: 3, site: 1835, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBOYLES, Bruce E, birth: 06/04/1948, death: 06/07/2011, section: 33, site: 263, US NAVY, FN, VIETNAMBOYLES, Larry Eugene, birth: 08/25/1951, death: 03/29/2014, section: 3, site: 1829, US AIR FORCE, AB, VIETNAMBRACKEN, James Leon, birth: 07/21/1932, death: 12/30/2012, section: 3, site: 1544, US NAVY, COMSY ENS, KOREABRADFORD, George Crain, birth: 09/09/1923, death: 02/16/2013, section: WL11, row: C, site: 11, US MARINE CORPS, T SGT, WORLD WAR IIBRADFORD, Marjorie Jane Llody, birth: 08/13/1919, death: 11/06/2010, section: WL11, row: C, site: 11, Wife of George Crain Bradford , US MARINE CORPS, T SGT, WORLD WAR IIBRADLEY, Charles Elmer, birth: 01/11/1936, death: 03/07/2017, section: 33, site: 593, US ARMY, SP3BRADLEY, Charles Hilley, birth: 03/15/1942, death: 11/06/2007, section: 3, site: 374, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBRADLEY, Gloria Gene, birth: 06/01/1950, death: 06/29/2016, section: 2, site: 309, Wife of Charles L Bradley , US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBRADLEY, Louis W, birth: 03/30/1929, death: 05/03/2007, section: 3, site: 251, US ARMY, CSM, KOREA, VIETNAMBRADLEY, Richard E Sr, birth: 10/05/1962, death: 11/08/2008, section: 3, site: 640, US ARMY, PFC, PERSIAN GULFBRADLEY, Robert S, birth: 08/09/1946, death: 01/27/2008, section: 29, site: 42, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBRADLEY, Robert S, birth: 09/26/1950, death: 10/22/2002, section: 30A, site: 30, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBRADNEY, David Dell, birth: 12/09/1944, death: 04/03/2011, section: WL4, row: C, site: 7, US COAST GUARD, CWO3, VIETNAMBRADY, John James, birth: 02/11/1949, death: 12/18/2016, section: 33, site: 578, US NAVY, P02, VIETNAMBRADY, Lecil O, birth: 07/25/1925, death: 06/29/2007, section: 29, site: 19, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IIBRADY, Sandra Alene, birth: 10/03/1952, death: 04/24/2012, section: 33, site: 398, Wife of Gene William Lee Brady , US ARMY, SSG, CW2, VIETNAMBRAGG, Hilbron T, birth: 05/27/1919, death: 03/20/2002, section: 30A, site: 17, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBRAGG, Teresa Marie, birth: 08/19/1921, death: 03/18/2007, section: 30A, site: 17, Wife of Hilbron T Bragg , US MARINE CORPS, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBRAKEBILL, James Douglas, birth: 06/16/1934, death: 10/30/2010, section: 3, site: 1119, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBRAMBRINK, Paula Sue, birth: 08/12/1947, death: 03/18/2015, section: 2, site: 48, Wife of David Rueben Brambrink , US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, VIETNAMBRAMMER, Terry A, birth: 05/01/1951, death: 10/01/2011, section: 33, site: 277, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBRAMWELL, Earle James Jr, birth: 06/23/1938, death: 12/17/2012, section: WL11, row: B, site: 5, US ARMY, SP4BRANCH, Charles H, birth: 02/13/1943, death: 10/06/2005, section: 30, site: 235, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBRANDSMA, Louis Jr, birth: 05/08/1931, death: 05/22/2005, section: 30, site: 175, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBRANHAM, Marvin E, birth: 11/18/1946, death: 10/14/2015, section: 33, site: 478, US ARMY, MAJ, MAJ, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBRANHAM, Wendell, birth: 02/28/1949, death: 04/18/2004, section: 30, site: 289, US NAVY, SR, VIETNAMBRANNON, James Robert, birth: 02/01/1931, death: 01/13/2009, section: WL3, row: B, site: 7, US NAVY, ADE3, KOREABRANNON, Ruth Amneta, birth: 06/07/1925, death: 08/05/2006, section: WL3, row: B, site: 7, Wife of James Robert Brannon , US NAVY, ADE3, KOREABRANNON, Therlo E, birth: 09/12/1952, death: 09/21/2006, section: 3, site: 94, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFBRANTLEY, Billie Earl, birth: 07/04/1925, death: 06/16/2017, section: WL1, row: B, site: 7, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBRANTLEY, Mary Delia, birth: 09/07/1927, death: 08/19/2008, section: WL1, row: B, site: 7, Wife of Billie Earl Brantley , US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBRASS, Donald E, birth: 02/09/1941, death: 01/23/2003, section: 30, site: 761, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMBRATCHER, J T, birth: 03/28/1936, death: 03/29/2007, section: 3, site: 219, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBRAY, Ivan E, birth: 07/20/1924, death: 03/26/2011, section: 30, site: 270, US NAVY, PO3, WORLD WAR IIBRAY, Jimmy Lee, birth: 01/13/1942, death: 02/27/2017, section: 2, site: 458, US NAVY, PN2, VIETNAMBRAY, Wynona M, birth: 01/02/1927, death: 10/01/2004, section: 30, site: 270, Wife of Ivan E Bray , US NAVY, PO3, WORLD WAR IIBRAZEL, Howard, birth: 04/19/1934, death: 11/22/2012, section: 29, site: 93, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREABRAZEL, Roosevelt Jr, birth: 03/06/1946, death: 06/29/2016, section: 33, site: 537, US ARMY, SGT, SGT, VIETNAMBRECKENRIDGE, Will L, birth: 11/24/1934, death: 10/28/2013, section: WL11, row: A, site: 31, US ARMY, SSG, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBRENT, Steven James, birth: 05/09/1965, death: 07/11/2014, section: 33, site: 445, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFBRETT, Laurence Leon Sr, birth: 07/23/1952, death: 11/27/2015, section: 33, site: 486, US ARMY, CPT, VIETNAMBREWER, Carl W, birth: 08/08/1941, death: 08/21/2017, section: 3, site: 514, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBREWER, Charlotte F, birth: 09/03/1946, death: 05/21/2008, section: 3, site: 514, Wife of Carl W Brewer , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBREWER, Robert J, birth: 03/08/1951, death: 10/13/2006, section: WL2, row: B, site: 34, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBREWSTER, Robert Graham, birth: 08/10/1925, death: 07/23/2012, section: 3, site: 1434, US AIR FORCE, US ARMY AIR FORCES, TSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREABRICKER, John L, birth: 11/20/1934, death: 02/16/2008, section: 3, site: 405, US ARMY, CPL, KOREABRIDGES, Dorothy L, birth: 06/09/1933, death: 07/10/2008, section: 29, site: 39, Wife of Major Bridges , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBRIDGES, Kenneth F, birth: 03/01/1930, death: 06/10/1996, section: MS, site: 2, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBRIDGES, Robert Dean, birth: 10/23/1948, death: 03/08/2014, section: 3, site: 1811, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMBRIDGES, Rodney A, birth: 07/10/1942, death: 09/25/2016, section: 2, site: 357, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBRIGHT, Delwin L, birth: 02/24/1935, death: 12/02/2005, section: 30A, site: 135, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMBRIGHT, Pleasant, birth: 05/15/1928, death: 03/15/2012, section: 33, site: 61, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBRIMAGE, Franklin E Jr, birth: 11/29/1967, death: 07/27/2008, section: 3, site: 536, US AIR FORCE, SGT, PERSIAN GULFBRINGAS, Aurelia A, birth: 02/04/1918, death: 11/05/1999, section: WL2, row: C, site: 7, Wife of Joseph G Bringas , US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIBRINGAS, Joseph G, birth: 02/11/1911, death: 09/07/2003, section: WL2, row: C, site: 7, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IIBRINK, Lorraine, birth: 04/20/1940, death: 01/13/2006, section: 3, site: 5, Wife of Ronald H Brink , US AIR FORCE, LTC, VIETNAMBRISCOE, Carl E, birth: 05/05/1924, death: 02/25/2015, section: 33, site: 539, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBRISTOL, James E, birth: 09/30/1920, death: 10/04/2003, section: 30, site: 457, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBRITT, Douglas Gene, birth: 07/30/1938, death: 03/04/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 2, US NAVY, EMCBRITTON, Commie Robert, birth: 04/20/1941, death: 10/21/2013, section: WL11, row: A, site: 30, US NAVY, FNBRITTON, James Douglas, birth: 04/20/1941, death: 05/27/2013, section: WL11, row: A, site: 29, US NAVY, EN3BRITTON, Lavell Evelene, birth: 03/17/1934, death: 08/09/2016, section: WL3, row: D, site: 21, Wife of Richard C Britton , US ARMY, SSG, KOREABRITTON, Leroy Hal, birth: 12/11/1941, death: 12/12/2012, section: 3, site: 1531, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMBRITTON, Richard C, birth: 01/21/1933, death: 01/20/2010, section: WL3, row: D, site: 21, US ARMY, SSG, KOREABRITTON, Richard M, birth: 03/16/1932, death: 04/05/2012, section: 3, site: 1369, US ARMY, SGTBROADUS, Solomon Jr, birth: 02/14/1944, death: 12/20/2013, section: 3, site: 1754, US MARINE CORPS, PVT, VIETNAMBROCIOUS, Dorothy Joan, birth: 11/29/1932, death: 01/25/2009, section: WL3, row: A, site: 7, US NAVY, SR, KOREABROCK, Darrell H, birth: 03/01/1943, death: 10/28/2004, section: 30, site: 285, US NAVY, PO2, VIETNAMBRODRICK, Troye G, birth: 10/09/1924, death: 11/11/2010, section: 3, site: 982, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, PFC, COL, WORLD WAR IIBROOKING, Oliver Wayne, birth: 03/26/1924, death: 12/24/2007, section: 3, site: 246, US ARMY, PFCBROOKS, Bonnie Dee, birth: 01/03/1931, death: 02/27/2013, section: 3, site: 778, Wife of Orvil L Brooks , US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREABROOKS, Frederick W, birth: 12/26/1938, death: 10/15/2002, section: 30, site: 602, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMBROOKS, Ishmell, birth: 02/23/1932, death: 03/14/2002, section: 30, site: 671, US ARMY, PVT 2 CL, KOREABROOKS, Orvil L, birth: 09/28/1924, death: 05/23/2009, section: 3, site: 778, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREABROOKS, Vesta, birth: 08/06/1921, death: 03/15/2015, section: 30, site: 671, Wife of Ishmell Brooks , US ARMY, PVT 2 CL, KOREABROUS, Randy Guy Dean, birth: 07/09/1951, death: 06/26/2013, section: WL11, row: A, site: 22, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBROWERS, Howard W, birth: 07/28/1918, death: 07/27/2003, section: 30, site: 490, US ARMY, CWO3, WORLD WAR II, KOREABROWN, Alene M, birth: 08/19/1925, death: 08/23/2009, section: 3, site: 871, Wife of William Lester Brown , US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Althea, birth: 05/03/1926, death: 05/22/2016, section: 30, site: 295, Wife of James R Brown , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Bobbye Gene, birth: 04/24/1934, death: 05/22/2012, section: 3, site: 1426, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREABROWN, Bruce Mulkey, birth: 12/18/1944, death: 10/26/2009, section: 3, site: 815, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBROWN, Carl Ramon, birth: 03/20/1950, death: 09/15/2010, section: 3, site: 1041, US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMBROWN, Carmen, birth: 05/01/1950, death: 07/17/2014, section: 30A, site: 92, Wife of Edward Brown Jr, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Cecil Ray, birth: 08/11/1939, death: 10/21/2013, section: 33, site: 401, US ARMY, SGTBROWN, Charles F, birth: 01/27/1950, death: 03/23/2005, section: 30, site: 165, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMBROWN, Clarence Charles Edward, birth: 08/19/1930, death: 01/13/2009, section: 3, site: 662, US ARMY, PVT, KOREABROWN, Consuella Blanche, birth: 03/06/1939, death: 09/05/2016, section: WL7, row: A, site: 22, Wife of Ronald Gant Brown , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBROWN, Darlene Rose, birth: 07/25/1940, death: 12/08/2015, section: 33, site: 402, US AIR FORCE, 1ST LT, VIETNAMBROWN, Edward Jr, birth: 06/06/1921, death: 10/12/2005, section: 30A, site: 92, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Freddie Lee, birth: 07/31/1947, death: 12/10/2010, section: 3, site: 1126, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBROWN, Gary Lee, birth: 05/28/1947, death: 04/11/2013, section: 3, site: 1609, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFBROWN, Gladys C, birth: 12/23/1919, death: 08/15/2003, section: 30, site: 488, Wife of Sellman D Brown , US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Herman Lee, birth: 08/05/1929, death: 01/19/2017, section: 2, site: 433, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Homer Albert, birth: 11/18/1935, death: 03/27/2014, section: 3, site: 1759, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, SSGT, KOREABROWN, James R, birth: 01/21/1928, death: 05/01/2004, section: 30, site: 295, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, James T, birth: 03/03/1933, death: 05/11/2007, section: 3, site: 253, US AIR FORCE, A3C, KOREABROWN, Jesse Franklin Jr, birth: 08/09/1938, death: 11/30/2011, section: 3, site: 1301, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBROWN, John A, birth: 09/21/1921, death: 02/18/2007, section: 3, site: 146, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, John Charles, birth: 07/29/1946, death: 05/20/2015, section: WL13, row: B, site: 15, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBROWN, Julia Belle, birth: 05/14/1927, death: 06/06/2014, section: 3, site: 1877, Wife of Frank J Brown , US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Julie Heimtraud, birth: 06/15/1941, death: 12/16/2015, section: 29, site: 161, Wife of James Heinz Brown , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBROWN, La Chartsie, birth: 04/19/1925, death: 01/15/2006, section: 30A, site: 155, Wife of Drury H Brown , US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Larry Dee, birth: 01/28/1937, death: 04/18/2017, section: 2, site: 493, US COAST GUARD, ATCM, VIETNAMBROWN, Mary Dawn, birth: 08/13/1938, death: 03/30/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 13, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMBROWN, Maxine Maureen, birth: 03/24/1936, death: 08/05/2008, section: 3, site: 662, Wife of Clarence Charles Edward Brown , US ARMY, PVT, KOREABROWN, Monrow W, birth: 08/28/1920, death: 08/11/2003, section: 30, site: 486, US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Myles H, birth: 07/23/1920, death: 03/19/2002, section: 30, site: 670, US ARMY AIR FORCES, T SGT, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Norma C, birth: 10/12/1936, death: 11/15/2013, section: 3, site: 1759, Wife of Homer Albert Brown , US AIR FORCE, SSGT, SSGT, KOREABROWN, Pamela S, birth: 10/14/1949, death: 06/16/2004, section: WL2, row: C, site: 9, Wife of Thomas J Brown , US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Peggy Joyce, birth: 07/14/1929, death: 02/02/2008, section: 3, site: 399, Wife of Zelbert E Brown Jr, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Richard Dave, birth: 07/26/1959, death: 03/04/2008, section: 3, site: 484, US ARMY, PVTBROWN, Ricky Joe, birth: 07/18/1947, death: 11/08/2013, section: WL11, row: B, site: 32, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMBROWN, Robert M, birth: 02/12/1938, death: 05/23/2007, section: 33, site: 94A, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMBROWN, Ronald Gant, birth: 03/28/1938, death: 12/25/2012, section: WL7, row: A, site: 22, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBROWN, Sellman D, birth: 04/03/1921, death: 08/07/2003, section: 30, site: 488, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Theodore Elijah, birth: 04/03/1937, death: 10/30/2009, section: 3, site: 888, US AIR FORCEBROWN, Thomas J, birth: 02/10/1934, death: 08/27/2012, section: WL2, row: C, site: 9, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWN, Wayne Hansel, birth: 06/10/1926, death: 09/12/2017, section: WL9, row: A, site: 8, US NAVY, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, William Lester, birth: 05/27/1920, death: 11/10/2010, section: 3, site: 871, US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, William W, birth: 07/04/1922, death: 07/01/2005, section: 30, site: 132, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBROWN, Winston L, birth: 10/25/1918, death: 02/06/2007, section: 3, site: 199, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREABROWN, Zelbert Edward Jr, birth: 07/07/1930, death: 03/10/2013, section: 3, site: 399, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWNFIELD, Audrey Mae, birth: 05/09/1939, death: 07/21/2007, section: 3, site: 336, Wife of Wesley A Brownfield , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWNFIELD, Richard Dale, birth: 06/25/1951, death: 07/11/2017, section: WL9, row: B, site: 3, US NAVY, US ARMY, BT2, SP4, SH3, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBROWNFIELD, Wesley A, birth: 12/25/1929, death: 02/04/2010, section: 3, site: 336, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBROWNING, Loil C, birth: 11/24/1947, death: 05/11/2002, section: 30, site: 628, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMBROWNING, Roy Haldean, birth: 10/04/1941, death: 04/23/2012, section: 3, site: 1393, US NAVY, SRBRUCE, Richard Lee, birth: 03/10/1943, death: 10/27/2015, section: WL6, row: B, site: 8, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBRUNS, Benjamin L, birth: 01/13/1932, death: 05/01/2003, section: 30, site: 509, US ARMY, SGT, KOREABRUNS, George Edward, birth: 08/25/1935, death: 06/02/2015, section: 2, site: 86, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, EO2, SR, KOREABRUNS, Martha G, birth: 07/22/1931, death: 05/02/2017, section: 30, site: 509, Wife of Benjamin L Bruns , US ARMY, SGT, KOREABRUNS, Perry Lynn, birth: 04/06/1959, death: 09/25/2013, section: 3, site: 1699, US ARMY, PVTBRUNSTON, David L, birth: 02/14/1943, death: 09/29/2002, section: 30, site: 607, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMBRYAN, James Edgar, birth: 01/31/1958, death: 05/21/2013, section: WL11, row: C, site: 15, US ARMY, MSG, PERSIAN GULFBRYANT, Bonnie B, birth: 07/27/1930, death: 12/22/2010, section: 3, site: 991, Wife of George Burnett Bryant Jr, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBRYANT, Eunice Lee, birth: 03/30/1951, death: 02/18/2015, section: 2, site: 34, Wife of Willie Earl Bryant , US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMBRYANT, Frederick Charles, birth: 03/21/1918, death: 05/12/2013, section: 3, site: 1629, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBRYANT, Jo Ann, birth: 01/17/1933, death: 11/30/2013, section: WL12, row: A, site: 9, Wife of Billy Joe Bryant , US ARMY, SP5, KOREABRYANT, Richard H Sr, birth: 11/24/1931, death: 07/06/2008, section: 3, site: 527, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBRYANT, Willie, birth: 09/15/1915, death: 04/23/2010, section: 3, site: 941, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREABRYANT, Zipporah, birth: 10/15/1919, death: 05/05/2013, section: 3, site: 1629, Wife of Frederick Charles Bryant , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBRYEN, Cecil M, birth: 01/15/1927, death: 08/03/2002, section: 30, site: 653, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBRYSON, Stanley H, birth: 01/01/1943, death: 04/12/2010, section: WL3, row: B, site: 26, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBUCEK, Charles E, birth: 08/04/1945, death: 05/29/2004, section: 30, site: 306, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBUCEK, Evelyn S, birth: 06/03/1950, death: 04/08/2013, section: 30, site: 306, Wife of Charles E Bucek , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBUCK, Paul, birth: 09/09/1927, death: 01/16/2008, section: MS, site: 63, US NAVY, PO2, WORLD WAR IIBUCKLER, Maria Elena, birth: 03/20/1937, death: 10/19/2011, section: 3, site: 1213, Wife of William Marcellus Buckler , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBUCKMAN, Charles Robert, birth: 01/02/1971, death: 07/20/2010, section: WL3, row: D, site: 36, US NAVY, PR3, PERSIAN GULFBUFFINGTON, Alan Jay, birth: 07/15/1958, death: 11/13/2009, section: 29, site: 57, US NAVY, EN3BUFFINGTON, Helen E, birth: 06/06/1938, death: 03/13/2014, section: 3, site: 328, Wife of Wallace A Buffington Sr, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBUFFINGTON, Wallace A Sr, birth: 10/15/1932, death: 06/18/2007, section: 3, site: 328, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBUFORD, James Euel, birth: 06/29/1929, death: 06/22/2013, section: 3, site: 1651, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMBUKOVICH, John P, birth: 03/07/1960, death: 03/19/2015, section: 2, site: 53, US MARINE CORPS, PFCBULL, George Richard, birth: 03/22/1925, death: 12/07/2002, section: 30, site: 548, US NAVY, S1C, WORLD WAR IIBULL, Mildred Faye, birth: 04/12/1924, death: 10/27/2016, section: 30, site: 548, Wife of George Richard Bull , US NAVY, S1C, WORLD WAR IIBULLOCK, Victor Tom, birth: 07/31/1932, death: 05/31/2012, section: WL10, row: B, site: 10, US ARMY, COL, VIETNAMBULMAN, Gerald L, birth: 04/10/1949, death: 02/25/2005, section: 30, site: 63, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMBULTENA, Roger L, birth: 05/05/1936, death: 12/04/2004, section: 30, site: 203, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMBUMGARNER, Bobby Ray, birth: 11/25/1956, death: 03/29/2017, section: 2, site: 478, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBUNCH, William O, birth: 11/24/1934, death: 04/25/2016, section: 33, site: 526, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABUNZEL, Phyllis J, birth: 07/02/1935, death: 07/29/2013, section: WL2, row: B, site: 39, Wife of Richard L Bunzel , US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBUNZEL, Richard L, birth: 07/08/1933, death: 05/10/2007, section: WL2, row: B, site: 39, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMBURDEN, Lee Wayne, birth: 10/17/1940, death: 02/16/2017, section: 2, site: 447, US ARMY, SP4BURDEN, Travis W, birth: 03/30/1933, death: 03/23/2002, section: 30, site: 668, US ARMY, PVTBURDITT, Leo, birth: 04/23/1931, death: 08/30/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 28, US ARMY, CAPT, KOREABURGAMY, Ralph R, birth: 06/24/1925, death: 08/18/2003, section: 30, site: 482, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR IIBURGER, Bob Russell, birth: 07/15/1932, death: 02/08/2011, section: WL4, row: B, site: 4, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABURGESS, Charles Henry, birth: 09/24/1946, death: 02/25/2014, section: 3, site: 1798, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURGESS, Clifford Howard, birth: 11/09/1939, death: 04/25/2010, section: 3, site: 939, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBURGESS, Willie E, birth: 12/22/1941, death: 11/26/2012, section: 3, site: 1524, US NAVY, EM3, VIETNAMBURGHART, Edith Henrietta, birth: 10/22/1936, death: 01/12/2014, section: 33, site: 399, Wife of Harold Alvin Burghart , US NAVY, BM3, KOREABURGHART, Harold Alvin, birth: 05/22/1929, death: 11/25/2013, section: 33, site: 399, US NAVY, BM3, KOREABURK, Carlton Walton, birth: 04/23/1934, death: 02/17/2012, section: WL5, row: D, site: 9, US ARMY, US NAVY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBURK, Carol Ann, birth: 11/26/1937, death: 05/13/2007, section: WL5, row: D, site: 9, Wife of Carlton Walton Burk , US ARMY, US NAVY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMBURK, Levi Lester, birth: 04/14/1923, death: 12/16/2010, section: 3, site: 1061, US ARMY, US MARINE CORPS, SSG, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBURK, Sidney Marion, birth: 11/06/1963, death: 08/07/2016, section: 2, site: 329, US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, PERSIAN GULFBURK, Theresa D A, birth: 01/01/1944, death: 05/24/2007, section: WL2, row: D, site: 40, Wife of Maxie L Burk , US ARMY, CSM, VIETNAMBURK, William J, birth: 04/03/1944, death: 10/08/2004, section: 30, site: 274, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURKE, Edward Roy, birth: 12/10/1924, death: 03/25/2009, section: 3, site: 680, US ARMY, MSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREABURKE, James Richard, birth: 01/16/1949, death: 12/26/2011, section: 3, site: 1526, US ARMY, CPL, VIETNAMBURKE, John P, birth: 08/19/1946, death: 11/22/2016, section: 2, site: 402, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBURKE, Mary Lou, birth: 11/24/1936, death: 09/01/2010, section: 3, site: 968, Wife of James S Burke , US NAVY, MMR2, KOREABURKE, Rebecca, birth: 01/10/1937, death: 05/01/2016, section: 2, site: 278, Wife of Thomas Burke , US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBURKETT, Mona, birth: 10/10/1921, death: 03/25/2011, section: 3, site: 898, Wife of Wayne Edward Burkett , US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBURKETT, Wayne Edward, birth: 10/05/1917, death: 12/24/2009, section: 3, site: 898, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IIBURKEY, Christopher Hugh, birth: 10/12/1952, death: 05/24/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 23, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURKHART, William L, birth: 09/26/1937, death: 03/23/2010, section: 3, site: 848, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMBURKS, Lacharles, birth: 04/12/1945, death: 05/14/2010, section: 3, site: 946, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMBURKS, Rex Earl, birth: 12/04/1940, death: 12/08/2014, section: 3, site: 1969, US NAVY, BT3, VIETNAMBURLESON, Aaron C, birth: 11/20/1920, death: 08/29/2011, section: 3, site: 38, US AIR FORCE, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBURLESON, Linden Aldon, birth: 02/17/1946, death: 05/25/2017, section: 2, site: 523, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURLESON, Myra L, birth: 11/26/1919, death: 05/18/2006, section: 3, site: 38, Wife of Aaron C Burleson , US AIR FORCE, COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBURNETT, Alton Lee, birth: 08/05/1944, death: 06/15/2016, section: 2, site: 171, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBURNETT, David Wayne, birth: 03/04/1957, death: 07/26/2012, section: 3, site: 1438, US ARMY, SP4BURNETT, Geneva E, birth: 05/28/1940, death: 10/28/2015, section: 2, site: 171, Wife of Alton L Burnett , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBURNETT, Steve B, birth: 01/09/1952, death: 09/22/2010, section: WL3, row: A, site: 38, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMBURNS, Delbert Ray, birth: 12/13/1948, death: 02/26/2016, section: 2, site: 241, US ARMY, SP4, SSG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMBURNS, Frank Eugene, birth: 04/27/1952, death: 06/05/2008, section: 3, site: 517, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMBURNS, Joe Lewis, birth: 07/04/1941, death: 08/11/2014, section: WL13, row: B, site: 7, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURRIER, Patricia A, birth: 02/15/1931, death: 04/01/2005, section: 30, site: 220, Wife of Richard L Burrier , US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBURRIS, Jordan E, birth: 06/05/1929, death: 06/30/2004, section: 30, site: 241, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBURRIS, Wilford C, birth: 07/01/1929, death: 09/21/2003, section: 30, site: 472, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IIBURT, Robert J, birth: 11/25/1928, death: 12/30/2006, section: 3, site: 135, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, PO2, KOREA, VIETNAMBURTON, Cecil Joe, birth: 04/12/1923, death: 12/10/2009, section: MS, site: 31, US MARINE CORPS, US ARMY, LTC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBURTON, James D, birth: 06/28/1942, death: 07/05/2006, section: WL2, row: B, site: 30, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBURTON, Melvin, birth: 07/12/1942, death: 01/08/2011, section: 3, site: 1135, US ARMY, PVTBUSCH, William Sims, birth: 11/07/1919, death: 11/15/2009, section: WL3, row: C, site: 19, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SGT, WORLD WAR IIBUSCHMEYER, Charles A, birth: 04/20/1944, death: 08/08/2008, section: WL1, row: A, site: 8, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, CPL, SSGT, VIETNAMBUSH, Richard John Jr, birth: 10/20/1953, death: 01/07/2017, section: WL6, row: B, site: 14, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMBUSWELL, Thomas W, birth: 04/13/1956, death: 10/27/2002, section: 30, site: 558, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFBUTCHER, Keith Allen, birth: 09/08/1960, death: 05/05/2017, section: 2, site: 508, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, PERSIAN GULFBUTLER, Curnal Allen, birth: 09/17/1931, death: 10/05/2014, section: 3, site: 1927, US ARMY, PVT 2, KOREABUTLER, David H, birth: 07/06/1939, death: 04/19/2017, section: 2, site: 495, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMBUTLER, Jerry C, birth: 01/12/1936, death: 12/19/2013, section: 3, site: 1747, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREABUTLER, John P, birth: 01/25/1945, death: 04/17/2002, section: 30, site: 637, US NAVY, HA, VIETNAMBUTLER, John R, birth: 05/20/1946, death: 06/04/2004, section: WL2, row: D, site: 7, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBUTLER, Joseph James, birth: 01/09/1937, death: 07/06/2007, section: WL2, row: A, site: 41, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, KOREABUTLER, Rodney, birth: 12/09/1965, death: 10/03/2006, section: 29, site: 8, US ARMY, PVTBUTLER, Willie B, birth: 12/27/1937, death: 05/23/2008, section: 3, site: 516, US AIR FORCE, A2CBUTTON, Allen Dale, birth: 06/12/1950, death: 05/30/2010, section: 3, site: 1088, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMBUTTRAM, Clementh, birth: 08/25/1941, death: 03/14/2011, section: 33, site: 47, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBUYCKS, Geraldine W, birth: 02/11/1952, death: 06/26/2012, section: 3, site: 929, Wife of Scott T Buycks , US ARMY, PFC, KOREABUYCKS, Scott T, birth: 01/06/1932, death: 04/14/2010, section: 3, site: 929, US ARMY, PFC, KOREABYERS, Arthur D Sr, birth: 11/23/1923, death: 12/31/2004, section: 30, site: 53, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMBYERS, Barbara Delores, birth: 03/05/1920, death: 07/21/1995, section: WL13, row: B, site: 1, Wife of John William Byers Jr, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, PVT, WORLD WAR IIBYERS, John W Jr, birth: 09/17/1922, death: 11/27/2014, section: WL13, row: B, site: 1, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, PVT, WORLD WAR IIBYERS, Kennith E, birth: 12/07/1948, death: 01/03/2006, section: 33, site: 66, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMBYERS, Russell E, birth: 08/23/1946, death: 02/13/2006, section: WL2, row: C, site: 26, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMBYRD, Helen Joyce, birth: 12/13/1931, death: 03/18/2009, section: 3, site: 679, Wife of Leroy James Byrd , US NAVY, CNBYRD, John Arthur, birth: 12/12/1942, death: 09/30/2011, section: 3, site: 1271, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMBYRD, Leroy James, birth: 02/23/1932, death: 08/04/2010, section: 3, site: 679, US NAVY, CNCABOUT, Cornelius, birth: 06/29/1932, death: 07/11/2002, section: 30, site: 689, US ARMY, CW3, KOREA, VIETNAMCABOUT, Rosina M, birth: 09/29/1930, death: 04/01/2014, section: 30, site: 689, Wife of Cornelius Cabout , US ARMY, CW3, KOREA, VIETNAMCADAMY, John M, birth: 02/12/1945, death: 12/09/2002, section: 30, site: 422, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCADAMY, William O, birth: 06/10/1946, death: 11/02/2002, section: 30, site: 423, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCADDELL, Raymond Howard, birth: 04/04/1943, death: 11/24/2011, section: 3, site: 1287, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCADENHEAD, Jimmie Warren, birth: 08/19/1927, death: 11/10/2013, section: WL12, row: A, site: 3, US ARMY, 1SG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCAGLE, Leroy Andrew, birth: 10/27/1936, death: 03/13/2016, section: 29, site: 166, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, SFC, A1C, KOREACAIN, Jimmy Guy, birth: 06/06/1934, death: 05/20/2016, section: 33, site: 540, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACAIN, John A Jr, birth: 03/27/1949, death: 04/18/2005, section: 30, site: 124, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMCAIN, Louis L, birth: 05/07/1929, death: 02/04/2006, section: 3, site: 9, US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCALDERON, Felix, birth: 07/09/1962, death: 04/11/2010, section: 3, site: 928, US ARMY, SP4CALDWELL, Allen E, birth: 08/01/1922, death: 08/24/2001, section: 30A, site: 7, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICALGER, Carolyn Jean, birth: 10/25/1942, death: 12/31/2009, section: 30, site: 150, Wife of Marvin G Calger , US MARINE CORPS, MSGT, VIETNAMCALGER, Marvin G, birth: 07/24/1942, death: 12/04/2004, section: 30, site: 150, US MARINE CORPS, MSGT, VIETNAMCALHOUN, Anthony Franklin, birth: 11/02/1953, death: 05/22/2014, section: 3, site: 1853, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFCALHOUN, Charles W, birth: 12/14/1951, death: 04/08/2006, section: 30, site: 37, US ARMY, SP4CALHOUN, Lester L Jr, birth: 06/03/1931, death: 12/20/2012, section: 29, site: 56, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCALHOUN, Marguerite A, birth: 05/14/1943, death: 10/19/2009, section: 29, site: 56, Wife of Lester L Calhoun Jr, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCALHOUN, Norman J, birth: 06/01/1931, death: 12/30/2006, section: 33, site: 90, US AIR FORCE, A3C, KOREACALHOUN, Thomas R Jr, birth: 08/07/1920, death: 03/08/2002, section: 30, site: 674, US ARMY, SSGT, WORLD WAR IICALIENDO, Nicholas Rocco, birth: 04/12/1934, death: 07/20/2015, section: WL13, row: A, site: 21, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, KOREACALL, William Lee, birth: 11/24/1951, death: 11/11/2008, section: 3, site: 571, US NAVY, QMSN, VIETNAMCALLAHAN, Archie S Jr, birth: 12/06/1958, death: 12/28/2001, section: 30, site: 737, US ARMY, CPTCALLAHAN, Archie S Sr, birth: 10/11/1932, death: 04/08/2011, section: 3, site: 1166, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCALLAHAN, Dallas J, birth: 04/04/1927, death: 03/11/2010, section: 3, site: 847, US ARMY, CSM, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCALLAHAN, Patrick Michael, birth: 07/17/1963, death: 09/06/2015, section: WL6, row: B, site: 2, US NAVY, AZ2CALVERT, Roy Lewis, birth: 07/09/1944, death: 01/26/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 4, US ARMY, MAJ, VIETNAMCALVIN, Percy Elrich Jr, birth: 01/09/1943, death: 08/12/2008, section: 29, site: 41, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCAMACHO, Francisco S, birth: 06/02/1947, death: 10/22/2008, section: 3, site: 636, US ARMY, SFC, IRAQ, PERSIAN GULFCAMACHO, Margarita P, birth: 06/13/1951, death: 06/12/2012, section: 3, site: 636, Wife of Francisco S Camacho , US ARMY, SFC, IRAQ, PERSIAN GULFCAMBIO, Elmer, birth: 12/26/1931, death: 04/15/2014, section: WL12, row: B, site: 15, US ARMY, SP3, PFC, KOREACAMERON, James Keeney, birth: 07/19/1930, death: 05/13/2008, section: 3, site: 512, US ARMY, PVTCAMERON, John R, birth: 04/05/1943, death: 01/10/2010, section: WL3, row: C, site: 22, US ARMY, MAJCAMERON, Phyllis J, birth: 03/23/1932, death: 11/12/2016, section: 2, site: 394, Wife of John E Cameron , US NAVY, CWO4, KOREACAMP, Geneva Dunn, birth: 07/14/1923, death: 08/14/2010, section: 3, site: 1034, Wife of Murrell Camp , US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICAMP, Murrell, birth: 11/14/1921, death: 11/24/2010, section: 3, site: 1034, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICAMP, Othell, birth: 03/24/1924, death: 01/08/2011, section: 3, site: 995, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, PHM2, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREACAMPBELL, Billy Ray, birth: 03/11/1948, death: 03/25/2016, section: WL7, row: B, site: 7, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, Bruce Wayne, birth: 05/07/1954, death: 12/05/2007, section: 3, site: 311, US ARMY, PV2CAMPBELL, Carrie Lee, birth: 03/07/1938, death: 01/16/2011, section: 3, site: 1137, Wife of William D Campbell Jr, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, Claretha, birth: 10/09/1932, death: 02/20/2017, section: 2, site: 450, Wife of George Campbell Jr, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, Glen A, birth: 04/29/1910, death: 12/24/2002, section: 30, site: 581, US NAVY, CWO, WORLD WAR IICAMPBELL, Jackie Earl, birth: 12/19/1956, death: 05/11/2017, section: 2, site: 517, US NAVY, QM3, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, John P, birth: 05/25/1947, death: 03/07/2012, section: 3, site: 1357, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, Vivian M, birth: 02/24/1921, death: 12/07/2013, section: 30, site: 581, Wife of Glen A Campbell , US NAVY, CWO, WORLD WAR IICAMPBELL, Walter Dale, birth: 10/30/1933, death: 01/15/2008, section: WL2, row: B, site: 49, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCAMPBELL, William D Jr, birth: 09/28/1942, death: 11/18/2016, section: 3, site: 1137, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCAMPBELL-MATOS, Debora L, birth: 02/23/1954, death: 10/09/2010, section: WL3, row: A, site: 41, US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULFCANADA, Tommy Eldon, birth: 01/08/1952, death: 10/11/2007, section: 3, site: 294, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCANFIELD, Forrest N, birth: 01/30/1930, death: 04/27/2003, section: 30, site: 516, US ARMY, CW2, KOREA, VIETNAMCANNON, James H, birth: 11/13/1928, death: 11/02/2002, section: 30, site: 594, US ARMY, SFC, KOREACANNON, Michael J, birth: 04/29/1956, death: 12/26/2005, section: 3, site: 2, US NAVY, PO1, PERSIAN GULFCANNON, Patrick Thomas, birth: 10/13/1961, death: 04/03/2008, section: 33, site: 137, US NAVY, ATC, PERSIAN GULFCANNON, Virginia M, birth: 05/01/1938, death: 02/28/2003, section: 30, site: 594, Wife of James H Cannon , US ARMY, SFC, KOREACANTRELL, Jackie Allen, birth: 11/27/1950, death: 12/09/2011, section: 3, site: 1304, US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMCANTRELL, Robert Lee, birth: 09/03/1933, death: 01/06/2009, section: WL3, row: D, site: 5, US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMCANTRELL, Stacey P, birth: 12/02/1943, death: 06/20/2017, section: WL3, row: D, site: 5, Wife of Robert Lee Cantrell , US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMCANTRELL, Vernon Lee, birth: 12/19/1943, death: 01/13/2017, section: 2, site: 422, US COAST GUARD, ADCS, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCAPLINGER, Margaret Louise, birth: 08/23/1937, death: 03/19/2011, section: WL5, row: C, site: 9, Wife of David Elmer Caplinger , US ARMY, SP3CAPOCCIAMA, Joseph Angel, birth: 05/29/1987, death: 05/20/2012, section: 3, site: 1410, US ARMY, SGT, IRAQCAPSHAW, Robert D, birth: 03/18/1941, death: 10/28/2009, section: 3, site: 885, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCARDENAS, Joe A, birth: 10/07/1960, death: 09/08/2003, section: 30, site: 419, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, PERSIAN GULFCARDER, Charles Leon, birth: 11/06/1930, death: 05/25/2014, section: 3, site: 1857, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCARDER, Russell L, birth: 07/22/1937, death: 06/16/2002, section: 30, site: 724, US NAVY, PO1, VIETNAMCARLILE, Linda Adkins, birth: 04/14/1940, death: 08/26/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 21, Wife of Thomas R Carlile , US ARMY, MAJ, VIETNAMCARLIN, David R, birth: 06/06/1950, death: 02/18/2007, section: 29, site: 21, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCARLTON, Damon E, birth: 05/23/1925, death: 10/09/2014, section: 3, site: 1932, US NAVY, CS1, WORLD WAR II, KOREACARMAN, Charles Gordan Sr, birth: 09/28/1947, death: 05/13/2011, section: 33, site: 49, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCARMICHAEL, Julius, birth: 01/08/1951, death: 12/04/2015, section: 2, site: 237, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCARMIN, Douglas D, birth: 12/06/1935, death: 12/19/2002, section: 30, site: 545, US ARMY, SP4, KOREA, VIETNAMCARNAHAN, Rodger Dennis, birth: 02/24/1939, death: 05/05/2016, section: 33, site: 521, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCARPENTER, J W, birth: 05/02/1941, death: 05/08/2008, section: 3, site: 511, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCARPENTER, Leo Eugene, birth: 07/20/1948, death: 06/20/2011, section: 3, site: 1204, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCARR, Carlotta Marie, birth: 11/15/1980, death: 07/10/2016, section: 33, site: 543, US ARMY, SPC, PERSIAN GULFCARR, David Joseph, birth: 10/30/1947, death: 09/28/2016, section: 2, site: 364, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCARR, Denise E, birth: 02/12/1951, death: 11/21/2015, section: 2, site: 187, Wife of Marvin Dean Carr , US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFCARR, Eldon Leroy, birth: 12/09/1920, death: 11/10/2014, section: WL13, row: A, site: 13, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IICARR, John C, birth: 10/07/1919, death: 04/20/2016, section: 2, site: 272, US ARMY, TEC 4, WORLD WAR IICARR, Luther Okley, birth: 03/04/1923, death: 04/06/2015, section: 2, site: 116, US MARINE CORPS, CORP, WORLD WAR IICARRASCO, Antonio G Jr, birth: 12/29/1939, death: 10/09/2003, section: 30, site: 454, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMCARRERAS, Hector Jr, birth: 09/13/1956, death: 01/18/2012, section: 3, site: 1344, US ARMY, SFCCARRIGAN, Robert Lee, birth: 02/10/1948, death: 09/08/2014, section: 3, site: 1915, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCARRIGAN FRAZIER, Fern Margaret, birth: 09/07/1921, death: 02/15/2009, section: 29, site: 46, US NAVY, AERM2, WORLD WAR IICARROLL, Peggy, birth: 04/26/1931, death: 09/16/2015, section: 2, site: 145, Wife of Raymond Alven Carroll , US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCARROLL, Raymond A, birth: 08/30/1929, death: 02/17/2016, section: 2, site: 145, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCARROLL, Sidney L, birth: 07/04/1937, death: 02/13/2002, section: 30, site: 700, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCARRUTH, Robert Adrian Jr, birth: 01/30/1956, death: 10/08/2015, section: 2, site: 159, US AIR FORCE, SGT, SGT, VIETNAMCARSON, Jane Pope, birth: 07/14/1935, death: 12/01/2015, section: 2, site: 211, Wife of Alfred Joseph Carson Jr, US ARMY, SPC, MSG, VIETNAMCARTER, Anna L, birth: 07/23/1923, death: 03/07/2012, section: 3, site: 1348, Wife of Russell Carter , US ARMY, M SGT, KOREACARTER, Calvin Earl, birth: 02/15/1946, death: 12/26/2015, section: 2, site: 200, US NAVY, RM2, VIETNAMCARTER, Darrell W, birth: 11/09/1951, death: 11/03/2013, section: 3, site: 1718, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCARTER, Glen Herman, birth: 06/25/1933, death: 07/07/2016, section: 2, site: 312, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCARTER, Jackie Lee, birth: 02/11/1933, death: 07/21/2016, section: 33, site: 556, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, A1C, KOREA, VIETNAMCARTER, James Marion, birth: 03/24/1932, death: 08/26/2005, section: WL3, row: C, site: 2, US NAVY, BT1, KOREA, VIETNAMCARTER, John Austin, birth: 05/01/1936, death: 10/10/2013, section: 3, site: 1706, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCARTER, Joseph William, birth: 11/27/1939, death: 07/25/2009, section: 33, site: 193, US NAVY, CPO, VIETNAMCARTER, Kenneth Steven, birth: 05/08/1950, death: 08/31/2010, section: MS, site: 29, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMCARTER, Larry Neal, birth: 08/25/1945, death: 01/22/2014, section: 3, site: 1777, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCARTER, Madonna Sue, birth: 08/22/1955, death: 03/09/2008, section: 3, site: 483, Wife of William Ricky Carter , US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCARTER, Milton C, birth: 12/05/1941, death: 12/28/2005, section: 30A, site: 157, US NAVY, PO1, VIETNAMCARTER, Porter C, birth: 05/16/1926, death: 02/16/2003, section: 30, site: 537, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREACARTER, Roy J, birth: 02/11/1948, death: 12/27/2004, section: 30, site: 54, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, VIETNAMCARTER, Russell W, birth: 10/12/1930, death: 02/12/2013, section: 3, site: 1348, US ARMY, M SGT, KOREACARTER, Seaborn B, birth: 03/27/1927, death: 03/17/2012, section: 33, site: 39, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACARTER, Veta E C, birth: 04/07/1931, death: 06/27/2009, section: 33, site: 185, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCARTMILL, Earl Glenn, birth: 01/05/1932, death: 08/01/2010, section: 29, site: 67, US ARMY, SGT, KOREACARTWRIGHT, Mark Allen, birth: 10/17/1960, death: 09/17/1979, section: 29, site: 38, Son (Minor Child) of Richard Ray Cartwright , US ARMY, CPL, KOREACARTWRIGHT, Paula Joann, birth: 10/17/1943, death: 04/09/2015, section: 29, site: 153, Wife of Garry Wayne Cartwright , US AIR FORCE, A1CCARVER, Donald Lee, birth: 01/26/1954, death: 07/31/2013, section: 3, site: 1678, US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULFCARVER, Robert L, birth: 01/20/1927, death: 03/12/2013, section: 3, site: 1588, US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCARY, Gregory Dean, birth: 05/22/1953, death: 03/23/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 11, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCARY, Tuson Jr, birth: 05/18/1943, death: 03/26/2010, section: 3, site: 850, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCASE, Billy Gene, birth: 03/03/1946, death: 04/04/2008, section: WL1, row: A, site: 2, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCASE, Jackie Lorine, birth: 12/11/1947, death: 01/10/1988, section: WL1, row: A, site: 2, Wife of Billy Gene Case , US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCASE, Mary Ann, birth: 02/19/1922, death: 08/14/1994, section: 33, site: 116, WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS, PFC, WORLD WAR IICASEY, Gerald Patrick Jr, birth: 10/25/1930, death: 03/13/2013, section: 3, site: 1590, US MARINE CORPS, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMCASEY, Huey J Jr, birth: 09/05/1933, death: 10/30/2003, section: 30, site: 414, US NAVY, PO2, KOREACASEY, Jerry L, birth: 10/21/1947, death: 09/21/2010, section: 33, site: 243, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCASEY, Robert Lee, birth: 10/30/1942, death: 06/25/2010, section: 3, site: 955, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMCASHMAN, Bruce Flint, birth: 08/24/1929, death: 03/09/2011, section: WL4, row: A, site: 6, US NAVY, FA, KOREACASIANO, Roland, birth: 03/10/1956, death: 09/05/2016, section: WL7, row: A, site: 23, US COAST GUARD, SNCASILLAS, Santiago C, birth: 08/13/1922, death: 02/02/2008, section: 3, site: 396, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCASS, James Miles, birth: 04/02/1943, death: 04/03/2016, section: 2, site: 258, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCASSADY, Jutta C, birth: 02/05/1943, death: 11/23/2005, section: WL2, row: C, site: 23, Wife of Melvin L Cassady , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCASTELLANO, Salvatore A, birth: 08/27/1920, death: 07/31/2014, section: 3, site: 1899, US ARMY AIR FORCES, SSGT, WORLD WAR IICASTILLO, Ralph Joseph, birth: 09/13/1919, death: 06/11/2012, section: 3, site: 1417, US ARMY, TEC 5, WORLD WAR IICASTLE, Donald Ray, birth: 04/10/1942, death: 08/02/2011, section: 3, site: 1245, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCASTOR, Mary I, birth: 09/02/1931, death: 04/02/2011, section: 3, site: 1153, Wife of Robert G Castor , US NAVY, US ARMY, S1, SP6, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCASWELL, James Jefferson, birth: 08/28/1937, death: 02/13/2015, section: 2, site: 25, US NAVY, FTCM, KOREA, VIETNAMCATLETT, Clifford W, birth: 09/04/1931, death: 08/23/2009, section: 3, site: 872, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMCAUDLE, Gilbert O, birth: 07/02/1937, death: 05/29/2002, section: 30, site: 620, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCAVANAUGH, Eugene Edward, birth: 07/14/1931, death: 12/27/2007, section: 3, site: 316, US ARMY, CPL, KOREACAVANDER, Donald E Jr, birth: 12/23/1948, death: 11/23/2002, section: 30, site: 553, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMCAVERLY, Warren R, birth: 07/14/1929, death: 12/11/2001, section: 30, site: 759, US NAVY, PO3, KOREACAVEZZA, James Joseph, birth: 12/01/1954, death: 01/12/2009, section: 3, site: 590, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFCECIL, Daniel S, birth: 12/21/1948, death: 03/08/2006, section: WL2, row: C, site: 27, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCEFALU, Kelly Joseph, birth: 10/24/1929, death: 10/06/2016, section: 2, site: 365, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCELLI, Hugh Joseph, birth: 01/26/1943, death: 06/01/2011, section: 33, site: 27, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCERTEZA, Beverly Jean, birth: 07/25/1958, death: 02/03/2008, section: 3, site: 401, US ARMY, SGTCERVANTES, Manuel R, birth: 01/09/1921, death: 05/04/2005, section: 30, site: 22, US ARMY, SSG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCEYTE, Edward Lee, birth: 11/14/1935, death: 02/05/2008, section: 3, site: 392, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCHAAT, Samuel, birth: 07/04/1923, death: 02/25/2011, section: 29, site: 72, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IICHADWELL, Harold Alan, birth: 09/28/1932, death: 02/17/2009, section: 3, site: 601, US ARMY, MSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCHAMBERS, Janice D, birth: 09/02/1941, death: 02/24/2010, section: WL3, row: C, site: 40, Wife of Travis A Chambers , US ARMY, SP3, KOREACHAMBERS, John Pershing, birth: 01/10/1925, death: 05/03/2015, section: 2, site: 112, US ARMY, PFC, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCHAMPOUX, Raymond Louis, birth: 10/19/1932, death: 01/22/2010, section: 3, site: 907, US AIR FORCE, PFC, KOREACHANCELLOR, Lyle Paul, birth: 08/31/1932, death: 11/25/2016, section: 2, site: 398, US ARMY, SGT, KOREACHANDLER, Coy N, birth: 07/18/1918, death: 08/23/2009, section: WL2, row: A, site: 29, US NAVY, SAO1, WORLD WAR IICHANDLER, Dudley Roger, birth: 01/05/1934, death: 12/09/2011, section: 33, site: 283, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCHANDLER, Edward Wesley, birth: 03/03/1926, death: 02/11/2008, section: 33, site: 128, US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IICHANDLER, Gloria Jean, birth: 12/10/1947, death: 06/20/2009, section: WL3, row: B, site: 30, Wife of Robert D Chandler , US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCHANDLER, Kyle Ward, birth: 09/13/1979, death: 03/13/2015, section: MS, site: 80, US NAVY, AE2, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQCHANDLER, Lucille W, birth: 02/01/1916, death: 04/27/2006, section: WL2, row: A, site: 29, Wife of Coy N Chandler , US NAVY, SAO1, WORLD WAR IICHANDLER, Minnie L, birth: 06/11/1920, death: 07/30/2008, section: 33, site: 128, Wife of Edward Wesley Chandler , US NAVY, S2, WORLD WAR IICHANDLER, William Oralando Jr, birth: 02/23/1933, death: 09/28/2014, section: 33, site: 459, US ARMY, SP3, KOREACHANEY, Cole James, birth: 01/20/1986, death: 08/05/2008, section: 29, site: 47, US ARMY, SPCCHAPLES, Donald Ermon, birth: 08/24/1936, death: 02/21/2016, section: 33, site: 505, US NAVY, AN, KOREACHAPMAN, Bobbie Dean, birth: 11/15/1942, death: 12/04/2007, section: 3, site: 376, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCHAPMAN, Edward Sonny, birth: 03/16/1954, death: 03/15/2012, section: 3, site: 1353, US ARMY, SGTCHAPMAN, Ronny Wade, birth: 11/06/1945, death: 04/07/2015, section: WL13, row: A, site: 7, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCHAPPELL, James D, birth: 12/25/1933, death: 12/24/2012, section: 3, site: 1539, US ARMY, SP3CHAPPELL, Shirley Ann, birth: 02/22/1937, death: 12/14/2015, section: 3, site: 1539, Wife of James D Chappell , US ARMY, SP3CHAPPLEAR, Glen Ellwood, birth: 08/03/1922, death: 08/31/2008, section: 33, site: 150, US NAVY, US ARMY, PHG2, WORLD WAR II, KOREACHARBONEAU, Robert Steve, birth: 08/03/1957, death: 05/28/2011, section: 33, site: 262, US ARMY, PVTCHARLES, Laura Nell, birth: 03/03/1928, death: 03/20/2015, section: 33, site: 451, Wife of James Thomas Charles , US NAVY, M3, WORLD WAR IICHARPING, Edward P, birth: 09/06/1931, death: 11/09/2013, section: 33, site: 350, US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMCHARPING, Heidrun, birth: 10/10/1944, death: 04/11/2013, section: 33, site: 350, Wife of Edward Charping , US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMCHARVOZ, Fred Amos, birth: 09/22/1929, death: 12/17/2009, section: 3, site: 826, US NAVY, PO2, KOREA, VIETNAMCHASE, Eldon David, birth: 04/17/1955, death: 04/10/2015, section: 2, site: 75, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCHASE, Glenn Eugene Jr, birth: 04/30/1929, death: 01/14/2011, section: 3, site: 998, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREACHASE, Lloyd Wilmer, birth: 10/04/1924, death: 08/10/2014, section: 3, site: 1902, US NAVY, AOM3, WORLD WAR IICHASE, Micheline Bernadette, birth: 12/21/1937, death: 03/01/2014, section: 3, site: 998, Wife of Glenn Eugene Chase Jr, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREACHASE, Robert Donald, birth: 08/28/1942, death: 03/19/2013, section: 3, site: 1616, US ARMY, 1LT, VIETNAMCHATMAN, Barbara, birth: 05/24/1955, death: 08/04/2007, section: 3, site: 346, Wife of Isiah Chatman III, US ARMY, SSG, PERSIAN GULFCHATMAN, James C, birth: 08/06/1920, death: 10/17/2002, section: 30, site: 601, US NAVY, PO1, WORLD WAR IICHATMAN, James D, birth: 10/27/1958, death: 07/23/2007, section: 3, site: 340, US MARINE CORPS, PVTCHATMAN, Stanley J, birth: 01/12/1942, death: 07/22/2008, section: 3, site: 533, US ARMY, SP6, VIETNAMCHAVIS, William, birth: 01/06/1936, death: 09/28/2007, section: 3, site: 360, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCHEADLE, Byron Anthony, birth: 01/28/1960, death: 12/14/2016, section: 33, site: 601, US ARMY, PV1CHEADLE, Tommy Lee, birth: 03/17/1947, death: 08/25/2009, section: 3, site: 728, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCHEBAHTAH, Clifford Don Jr, birth: 12/16/1942, death: 12/21/2009, section: 33, site: 213, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMCHENEY, James Lee, birth: 02/16/1947, death: 11/03/2012, section: WL11, row: A, site: 3, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCHENNAULT, Pat William, birth: 01/05/1945, death: 10/09/2013, section: 3, site: 1704, US ARMY, CPT, VIETNAMCHESSER, Kenneth Ray, birth: 12/25/1950, death: 05/03/2012, section: 33, site: 307, US ARMY, PV2CHILDERS, Christel Roswitha, birth: 04/21/1943, death: 04/12/2015, section: WL12, row: B, site: 9, Wife of Daniel Eugene Childers , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCHILDERS, Daniel Eugene, birth: 06/17/1938, death: 02/03/2014, section: WL12, row: B, site: 9, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCHILDS, Alonzo C Jr, birth: 08/24/1920, death: 02/06/2007, section: WL2, row: A, site: 38, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IICHILDS, Gayle Patrice, birth: 12/12/1931, death: 05/19/2015, section: WL2, row: A, site: 38, Wife of Alonzo C Childs Jr, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IICHILSON, John Oliver, birth: 01/29/1927, death: 05/27/2009, section: 3, site: 854, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR II, KOREACHINNOW, Delores G, birth: 08/13/1938, death: 04/18/2013, section: 3, site: 1322, Wife of Jerry Dean Chinnow , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCHINNOW, Jerry Dean, birth: 04/13/1942, death: 01/09/2012, section: 3, site: 1322, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCHMIEL, Louis C, birth: 12/07/1949, death: 08/11/2007, section: 3, site: 279, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCHONEY, Eric L, birth: 11/21/1943, death: 02/15/2011, section: 3, site: 1141, US ARMY, MSGT, VIETNAMCHRISMAN, Joe Perry, birth: 11/30/1933, death: 10/26/2008, section: 3, site: 637, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, KOREACHRISTENSEN, Jack, birth: 08/31/1918, death: 01/14/2003, section: 30, site: 705, US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCHRISTENSEN, Karen L, birth: 02/29/1960, death: 02/05/2013, section: WL11, row: B, site: 11, Wife of David Leon Christensen Jr, US ARMY, PFC, PERSIAN GULFCHRISTENSEN, Vanda L, birth: 10/16/1925, death: 02/02/2002, section: 30, site: 705, Wife of Jack Christensen , US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCHRISTENSON, Linda, birth: 10/10/1949, death: 01/08/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 1, Wife of Keith Howard Christenson , US ARMY, CW2, VIETNAMCHRISTIAN, Jerry Bruce, birth: 06/09/1931, death: 10/26/2008, section: 33, site: 155, US ARMY, SGT, KOREACHRISTIAN, Ralph L, birth: 03/24/1924, death: 03/27/2017, section: 33, site: 615, US ARMY, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREACHRISTIE, Joel Frederick, birth: 03/06/1943, death: 04/15/2009, section: 33, site: 175, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCHRISTMAN, Nancy L, birth: 06/26/1950, death: 07/01/2008, section: WL1, row: D, site: 6, Wife of John F Christman , US ARMY, SGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCHRISTMAS, Ida Grace, birth: 06/20/1959, death: 04/09/2008, section: 3, site: 502, US ARMY, SP4CHRISTOPHER, Bruce Calvin, birth: 11/20/1952, death: 03/15/2016, section: WL7, row: A, site: 6, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMCHURCHMAN, Charles C, birth: 06/20/1927, death: 08/13/2006, section: 30, site: 94, US ARMY, CPL, KOREACHURCHMAN, Paul J, birth: 12/12/1933, death: 05/16/2011, section: 3, site: 1193, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACIMAROLI, Sam E, birth: 12/28/1923, death: 03/19/2001, section: WL7, row: A, site: 17, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICINA, Richard Andre, birth: 11/12/1943, death: 02/26/2008, section: 3, site: 410, US ARMY, SP5CLAPSADDLE, Michael W, birth: 01/06/1937, death: 11/27/2012, section: WL11, row: A, site: 16, US NAVY, YN3, VIETNAMCLARDY, Liselotte, birth: 08/28/1933, death: 05/04/2006, section: 30, site: 174, Wife of Monroe F Clardy Jr, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCLARDY, Monroe F Jr, birth: 05/11/1929, death: 05/26/2005, section: 30, site: 174, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCLARK, Albert Jr, birth: 09/26/1928, death: 04/14/2016, section: 2, site: 266, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCLARK, Charles J, birth: 02/27/1943, death: 03/23/2010, section: 3, site: 851, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCLARK, Edward J, birth: 09/27/1924, death: 11/21/2003, section: 30, site: 406, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICLARK, Eleanor Elaine, birth: 06/03/1928, death: 08/09/2017, section: 2, site: 571, Wife of Richard Allen Clark , US NAVY, SM2, WORLD WAR IICLARK, Elvin L, birth: 02/14/1942, death: 09/16/2004, section: 30, site: 263, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCLARK, Frank A, birth: 01/24/1944, death: 01/22/2008, section: 33, site: 126, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMCLARK, George J Jr, birth: 08/30/1937, death: 06/22/2005, section: WL2, row: B, site: 17, US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCLARK, Jesse L, birth: 01/10/1940, death: 09/20/2004, section: 30, site: 264, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCLARK, Ray Clifford, birth: 12/12/1929, death: 12/25/2011, section: 3, site: 1311, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCLARK, Richard Allen, birth: 05/01/1925, death: 09/05/2017, section: 2, site: 571, US NAVY, SM2, WORLD WAR IICLARK, Richard Lewis Sr, birth: 01/17/1951, death: 06/02/2010, section: 3, site: 1021, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCLARK, Shirley Ann, birth: 05/11/1935, death: 05/05/2011, section: WL2, row: B, site: 17, Wife of George J Clark Jr, US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCLARK, Stephen W, birth: 10/09/1951, death: 09/29/2009, section: 3, site: 808, US NAVY, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCLAUDE, Richard F, birth: 12/13/1926, death: 10/22/2002, section: 30, site: 598, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR II, KOREACLAUNCH, Alfred Lee, birth: 07/18/1920, death: 03/19/2013, section: 33, site: 346, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICLAUNCH, Jack Duane, birth: 04/23/1934, death: 06/05/2015, section: 2, site: 82, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCLAUNCH, Jimmy Lee, birth: 02/01/1943, death: 11/07/2011, section: 3, site: 1291, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCLAWSON, Marjorie M, birth: 04/08/1938, death: 05/17/2005, section: 30, site: 222, Wife of Jay D Clawson , US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCLAY, Charles David, birth: 01/26/1954, death: 09/04/2012, section: 33, site: 318, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCLAY, Diana, birth: 07/13/1932, death: 02/26/2006, section: 3, site: 18, Wife of William Clay , US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCLAY, Ollie James Jr, birth: 07/31/1934, death: 01/02/2014, section: 3, site: 1762, US NAVY, SA, KOREACLAYBORN, James B, birth: 06/03/1944, death: 03/21/2010, section: 3, site: 920, US NAVY, AO3, VIETNAMCLAYTON, James J Jr, birth: 12/15/1921, death: 10/25/2007, section: 33, site: 120, US ARMY, 1ST LT, WORLD WAR IICLAYTON, Susan Laverne, birth: 09/23/1957, death: 09/20/2013, section: WL11, row: B, site: 28, US ARMY, SP4, PERSIAN GULFCLEAVER, Emanuel, birth: 07/20/1924, death: 01/20/2015, section: 33, site: 448, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICLECKLEY, Virginia King, birth: 01/06/1921, death: 10/30/2011, section: 33, site: 55, US ARMY, S/SGT, WORLD WAR IICLEVELAND, Jay Vernon, birth: 09/07/1948, death: 10/10/2014, section: WL13, row: A, site: 23, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMCLICK, Michael T, birth: 07/22/1947, death: 03/24/2005, section: WL2, row: A, site: 14, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMCLIFT, Gregory, birth: 04/03/1949, death: 01/14/2013, section: 3, site: 1548, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCLIFTON, Prentice Arlis, birth: 08/22/1938, death: 06/25/2010, section: WL3, row: D, site: 33, US AIR FORCE, A3CCLINE, Donald E, birth: 12/06/1936, death: 06/29/2016, section: 2, site: 287, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCLINE, James Kenneth, birth: 02/02/1956, death: 11/10/2012, section: 29, site: 85, US NAVY, SA, VIETNAMCLINE, Lucien Charles, birth: 09/11/1924, death: 11/05/2009, section: WL3, row: D, site: 19, US NAVY, SM2, WORLD WAR IICLINGENPEEL, Carl D, birth: 10/28/1946, death: 09/24/2005, section: 30A, site: 59, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMCLOTE, Patrick G, birth: 12/12/1923, death: 09/18/2002, section: 30, site: 613, US ARMY, US NAVY, PVT, PO2, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCLUTTER, Kun Cha, birth: 07/21/1942, death: 08/29/2003, section: 30, site: 479, Wife of Larry L Clutter , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCLUTTER, Larry Lee, birth: 06/09/1945, death: 12/12/2016, section: 30, site: 479, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCLYMER, Charles L, birth: 10/12/1936, death: 11/13/2005, section: WL2, row: B, site: 23, US ARMY, CPL, VIETNAMCOATES, Clifford A, birth: 07/26/1930, death: 04/21/2007, section: 3, site: 234, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCOATS, Mary L, birth: 06/16/1941, death: 07/10/2015, section: 2, site: 108, Wife of James Condy Coats Jr, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCOBB, Tyrus, birth: 04/09/1939, death: 04/25/2011, section: WL4, row: B, site: 11, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCOBBS, James A Jr, birth: 02/13/1926, death: 11/21/2006, section: 3, site: 116, US NAVY, F1, WORLD WAR IICOBBS, Olive B, birth: 11/11/1928, death: 11/29/2013, section: 3, site: 116, Wife of James A Cobbs Jr, US NAVY, F1, WORLD WAR IICOBERLY, Daniel Curtis, birth: 07/14/1959, death: 08/30/2010, section: WL10, row: B, site: 11, US NAVY, PO2COBLE, Tammy L, birth: 05/03/1964, death: 06/03/2005, section: 30, site: 126, Wife of Albert J Coble , US ARMY, 1SG, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCODY, Eugene Wilson, birth: 12/16/1928, death: 09/26/2009, section: WL12, row: C, site: 28, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCODY, Ingrid Martha, birth: 08/07/1942, death: 05/24/2010, section: WL12, row: C, site: 28, Wife of Eugene Wilson Cody , US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCOE, Robert Lee, birth: 05/30/1918, death: 03/10/2012, section: 3, site: 1351, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICOFFELT, Emmett R, birth: 02/04/1921, death: 03/21/2005, section: 30, site: 215, US ARMY, T SGT, WORLD WAR IICOFFELT, Lois L, birth: 03/02/1935, death: 04/03/2012, section: 30, site: 215, Wife of Emmett R Coffelt , US ARMY, T SGT, WORLD WAR IICOFFEY, Billy Rayh Jr, birth: 07/03/1950, death: 10/16/2008, section: 3, site: 563, US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMCOFFIN, Earl Roger, birth: 05/31/1952, death: 05/24/2009, section: 33, site: 181, US NAVY, CTM2, VIETNAMCOFFIN, Jack Norman, birth: 09/03/1929, death: 02/11/2017, section: 2, site: 444, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCOFFIN, James F, birth: 04/13/1921, death: 02/03/2003, section: WL2, row: A, site: 1, US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICOGGINS, John Joseph, birth: 03/09/1941, death: 06/03/2014, section: 3, site: 1875, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, VIETNAMCOHEN, Clement, birth: 09/22/1948, death: 07/30/2017, section: 2, site: 572, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCOKER, Johnny L, birth: 09/15/1954, death: 07/09/2003, section: 30, site: 495, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCOLAZZO, John W, birth: 09/12/1932, death: 05/30/2002, section: 30, site: 619, US NAVY, PO3, KOREACOLBAUGH, Jerry Dewayne, birth: 09/20/1962, death: 10/02/2015, section: 2, site: 157, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, PERSIAN GULFCOLBERT, Eddie J, birth: 06/11/1944, death: 04/09/2007, section: 3, site: 161, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCOLBERT, William E, birth: 09/29/1948, death: 05/13/2007, section: 3, site: 254, US ARMY, PVT, VIETNAMCOLBERT, William G, birth: 11/11/1929, death: 11/18/2009, section: 3, site: 747, US ARMY, SP6, KOREA, VIETNAMCOLE, Cedric Colby Jr, birth: 05/27/1951, death: 04/09/2014, section: 3, site: 1872, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCOLE, Clyde Dale, birth: 09/30/1949, death: 09/04/2015, section: 2, site: 141, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCOLE, Elton B, birth: 09/24/1923, death: 08/27/2004, section: 30A, site: 44, US ARMY AIR FORCES, S SGT, WORLD WAR IICOLE, Robert Lee Sr, birth: 09/26/1943, death: 12/03/2016, section: 2, site: 406, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCOLE, Stephen Mcdonald, birth: 07/25/1936, death: 11/14/2014, section: 3, site: 1955, US ARMY, CSM, VIETNAMCOLE, Wannon Brazell Sr, birth: 11/06/1931, death: 10/26/2013, section: 3, site: 1717, US ARMY, PVT 2 CL, KOREACOLE, Willie T, birth: 10/11/1940, death: 12/09/2007, section: 3, site: 378, Wife of Johnny Milton Cole , US ARMY, KOREACOLEMAN, David R Jr, birth: 05/30/1928, death: 01/27/2011, section: 3, site: 1002, US ARMY AIR FORCES, PFC, WORLD WAR IICOLEMAN, Lois, birth: 02/17/1928, death: 07/23/2015, section: 3, site: 1002, Wife of David R Coleman Jr, US ARMY AIR FORCES, PFC, WORLD WAR IICOLEMAN, William R, birth: 07/25/1955, death: 10/17/2005, section: 30A, site: 89, US ARMY, PFCCOLES, Jessica Louise, birth: 03/04/1947, death: 11/05/2013, section: 3, site: 1730, Wife of Gary Wayne Coles , US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCOLES, Sandra Louise, birth: 04/02/1947, death: 11/21/2015, section: WL7, row: A, site: 18, Wife of Stephen Allen Coles , US ARMY, 2LT, CW3, IRAQCOLGIN, Ivan W, birth: 08/01/1939, death: 12/02/2009, section: WL3, row: A, site: 19, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCOLIS, Gordon Darrell, birth: 01/06/1938, death: 07/07/2016, section: 2, site: 313, US ARMY, CW4, VIETNAMCOLLIER, Murrell Wayne, birth: 02/29/1952, death: 05/30/2009, section: WL3, row: A, site: 12, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCOLLINS, Beverly Ann, birth: 07/23/1951, death: 05/08/2015, section: 2, site: 60, US ARMY, PFCCOLLINS, Dale E, birth: 07/22/1928, death: 06/20/2004, section: WL2, row: D, site: 8, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCOLLINS, Della Keil, birth: 08/28/1925, death: 07/31/2010, section: 3, site: 960, US ARMY, 1LT, KOREACOLLINS, Dorris G, birth: 08/03/1921, death: 10/26/2006, section: 30, site: 35, Wife of Elijah A Collins , US ARMY, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREACOLLINS, Elijah A, birth: 03/07/1919, death: 09/11/2005, section: 30, site: 35, US ARMY, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREACOLLINS, Jimmy R Sr, birth: 01/09/1953, death: 12/07/2003, section: 30, site: 441, Husband of Connie S Collins , US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCOLLINS, Joseph E, birth: 04/13/1929, death: 08/12/2006, section: 33, site: 78, US ARMY, CPT, KOREA, VIETNAMCOLLINS, Lois G, birth: 03/12/1928, death: 12/24/2011, section: 3, site: 1309, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACOLLINS, Luther Jr, birth: 07/09/1953, death: 09/13/2017, section: 2, site: 651, US NAVY, US ARMY, VIETNAMCOLOMB, Francis Donald, birth: 11/13/1929, death: 10/06/2008, section: 3, site: 568, US ARMY, MAJ, KOREA, VIETNAMCOLON, Miguel A, birth: 08/01/1929, death: 02/25/2003, section: WL2, row: D, site: 34, US ARMY, PVT, KOREACOLUMBUS, James Wayne, birth: 03/28/1948, death: 04/19/2009, section: 3, site: 619, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCOLVARD, Robert L, birth: 10/30/1927, death: 12/09/2004, section: 30, site: 153, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREACOLVIN, Andre L, birth: 11/15/1959, death: 05/20/2017, section: 2, site: 543, US ARMY, PV1COLVIN, Gary Leo, birth: 05/05/1942, death: 02/12/2017, section: 2, site: 445, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMCOLWELL, Colleen R, birth: 09/23/1921, death: 02/03/2006, section: 30, site: 187, US MARINE CORPS, PVT, WORLD WAR IICOMBS, Daniel L, birth: 06/04/1949, death: 05/19/2007, section: 3, site: 256, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, VIETNAMCOMBS, James R, birth: 02/06/1926, death: 06/24/2008, section: 3, site: 454, US ARMY, 1SG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCOMBS, Jerry Dee, birth: 05/01/1945, death: 06/24/2007, section: 3, site: 329, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCOMBS, Otis Jr, birth: 06/24/1936, death: 11/02/2002, section: 30, site: 592, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCOMBS, Rickey A, birth: 11/28/1946, death: 06/13/2013, section: WL11, row: B, site: 20, US MARINE CORPS, CORP, VIETNAMCOMBS, Ronald Gene, birth: 02/16/1935, death: 05/25/2015, section: 2, site: 76, US ARMY, 1SG, KOREA, VIETNAMCOMER, Clarence George, birth: 03/15/1921, death: 03/09/2013, section: MS, site: 81, US ARMY, US AIR FORCE, TEC 4, SSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREACOMPTON, Bobbie Joe Sr, birth: 02/27/1936, death: 10/06/2016, section: 2, site: 366, US ARMY, SP3, KOREACOMPTON, Elmer J, birth: 06/12/1921, death: 02/28/2009, section: 3, site: 606, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IICONDRON, James M Sr, birth: 06/26/1940, death: 03/10/2002, section: 30, site: 673, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCONERLY, Ama A, birth: 07/30/1923, death: 04/02/2006, section: 30, site: 91, Wife of Maxwell R Conerly , US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREACONERLY, Maxwell R, birth: 10/06/1913, death: 01/18/2008, section: 30, site: 91, US ARMY, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREACONERLY, Milla Dean, birth: 09/25/1932, death: 08/28/2016, section: 2, site: 336, Wife of Wallace Malone Conerly , US ARMY, 1SG, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCONN, Glenn L, birth: 10/18/1929, death: 03/13/2013, section: 3, site: 1589, US ARMY, PFCCONNER, Berna L, birth: 10/23/1927, death: 08/03/2004, section: 30, site: 247, Wife of Earl E Conner , US NAVY, PO1, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCONNERTON, Roy E, birth: 02/13/1949, death: 10/18/2002, section: 30, site: 600, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCONNOR, Cecil Ray, birth: 12/13/1946, death: 04/02/2012, section: 3, site: 1368, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCONSODINE, Thomas Joseph Jr, birth: 09/05/1925, death: 03/29/2011, section: 3, site: 1152, US MARINE CORPS, MAJ, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCONWAY, Bill Rex, birth: 05/29/1942, death: 10/05/2015, section: 33, site: 476, US ARMY, CPT, VIETNAMCONWAY, Eugene Carroll III, birth: 05/08/1948, death: 02/12/2014, section: 33, site: 392, US ARMY, PV1COOK, Charles Terry, birth: 04/20/1953, death: 07/27/2016, section: 33, site: 550, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMCOOK, Joan Rochelle, birth: 02/03/1938, death: 03/29/2004, section: 30, site: 352, Wife of John P Cook Sr, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCOOK, Richard Wayne, birth: 12/11/1950, death: 04/03/2009, section: 3, site: 684, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCOOK, Roger J Sr, birth: 11/08/1948, death: 06/02/2007, section: WL2, row: A, site: 40, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCOOLEY, Howard Mitchell Jr, birth: 02/16/1962, death: 06/23/2014, section: 3, site: 1882, US AIR FORCE, AB, PERSIAN GULFCOON, Dennis Dean, birth: 10/04/1944, death: 05/21/2008, section: WL1, row: A, site: 4, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCOON, Gary A, birth: 03/26/1950, death: 10/01/2005, section: 30A, site: 96, US ARMY, VIETNAMCOON, John David, birth: 09/18/1928, death: 11/05/2014, section: WL13, row: A, site: 12, US NAVY, US AIR FORCE, S1, A1C, WORLD WAR II, KOREACOOPER, Bobby Glen, birth: 11/10/1932, death: 09/14/2013, section: 33, site: 407, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, KOREACOOPER, Carl Sidney, birth: 11/03/1930, death: 08/15/2012, section: 33, site: 319, US ARMY, PVT, KOREACOOPER, Patricia Mae, birth: 02/01/1953, death: 12/11/2008, section: WL3, row: A, site: 3, Wife of Robert O Cooper , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCOOPER, Ramon James, birth: 10/03/1942, death: 04/24/2014, section: 3, site: 1849, US AIR FORCE, A3C, VIETNAMCOOPER, Richard Lee, birth: 12/27/1945, death: 07/29/2012, section: 3, site: 1457, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMCOOPER, Robert O, birth: 02/14/1940, death: 06/13/2015, section: WL3, row: A, site: 3, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCOOPER, Vivian, birth: 05/15/1936, death: 05/21/2017, section: 2, site: 520, Wife of George R Cooper Jr, US ARMY, SGM, KOREA, VIETNAMCOPE, Donald Eugene Sr, birth: 04/22/1959, death: 01/27/2015, section: 2, site: 18, US ARMY, SGTCOPELAND, Abygail F, birth: 10/31/2006, death: 10/31/2006, section: 3, site: 110, Daughter (Minor Child) of Meguel Copeland , US AIR FORCE, AMNCOPELAND, Ben E, birth: 05/02/1941, death: 01/04/2009, section: WL3, row: A, site: 4, US AIR FORCE, ABCOPELAND, Billy Ray, birth: 10/18/1946, death: 08/03/2007, section: 3, site: 347, US ARMY, SPC, VIETNAMCOPELAND, Elbert Gene, birth: 03/19/1937, death: 09/21/2007, section: WL2, row: D, site: 47, US AIR FORCE, A2CCOPELAND, Gabrielle K, birth: 10/31/2006, death: 10/31/2006, section: 3, site: 110, Daughter (Minor Child) of Meguel Copeland , US AIR FORCE, AMNCOPELAND, Keith Dewayne, birth: 07/03/1957, death: 08/31/2011, section: 33, site: 292, US ARMY, PV1COPELYN, Jesse L Jr, birth: 12/04/1941, death: 09/08/2013, section: 3, site: 1721, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCOPPAGE, Willie Frank, birth: 01/01/1929, death: 07/31/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 19, US ARMY, PFCCOPS, Gary Lynn, birth: 10/14/1945, death: 08/25/2016, section: 2, site: 338, US ARMY, PV1CORBETT, George Daniel, birth: 09/03/1951, death: 05/24/2014, section: WL12, row: A, site: 16, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMCORBETT, James P, birth: 09/24/1924, death: 10/23/2006, section: 3, site: 101, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, WORLD WAR IICORDES, Edward T, birth: 01/17/1922, death: 07/08/2005, section: 30A, site: 106, US AIR FORCE, T SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCORDES, Gloria J, birth: 04/09/1930, death: 03/20/2015, section: 30A, site: 106, Wife of Edward T Cordes , US AIR FORCE, T SGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCORDES, Thomas E, birth: 06/08/1948, death: 11/03/2011, section: 3, site: 1226, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMCORDOVA, Hilario, birth: 01/22/1986, death: 04/16/2005, section: 30, site: 121, US ARMY, PRIVATE, AFGHANISTAN, IRAQCORDRAY, Robert K, birth: 06/22/1950, death: 09/29/2004, section: 30, site: 269, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, VIETNAMCORLEE, Helen E, birth: 01/17/1925, death: 06/26/2002, section: 30, site: 717, Wife of Lloyd M Corlee , US AIR FORCE, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCORLEY, Steve Oliver, birth: 01/19/1924, death: 06/22/2010, section: WL3, row: C, site: 45, US AIR FORCE, US ARMY, MSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCORN, Leonard Leon, birth: 03/17/1929, death: 01/11/2010, section: 3, site: 757, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCORN, Patsy Oleen, birth: 12/10/1934, death: 05/26/2014, section: 3, site: 757, Wife of Leonard Leon Corn , US AIR FORCE, TSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCORREA, Cesar, birth: 08/31/1955, death: 12/07/2013, section: 29, site: 109, US AIR FORCE, SSGT, PERSIAN GULFCORREIA, Edward Rose Jr, birth: 02/08/1941, death: 10/16/2016, section: 33, site: 587, US AIR FORCE, CMSGT, VIETNAMCORVIN, Nina, birth: 10/30/1930, death: 12/22/2008, section: 3, site: 654, Wife of William Rayford Corvin , US ARMY, PFC, WORLD WAR IICOSLICK, Thomas C, birth: 06/22/1950, death: 09/04/2005, section: WL2, row: C, site: 20, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCOTE, Robert Raymond, birth: 11/14/1928, death: 11/13/2007, section: 33, site: 121, US ARMY, COL, VIETNAMCOTNER, Larry Duane, birth: 09/21/1953, death: 06/22/2017, section: 33, site: 614, US AIR FORCE, SRA, VIETNAMCOTTON, James Francis, birth: 02/07/1943, death: 04/04/2011, section: 3, site: 1158, US NAVY, ENFN, VIETNAMCOTTON, James Perry, birth: 05/15/1947, death: 04/29/2014, section: WL12, row: C, site: 16, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCOTTON, Joann M, birth: 11/13/1946, death: 07/06/2009, section: 3, site: 863, Wife of William Holland Cotton , US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCOTTON, Richard, birth: 09/15/1937, death: 09/28/2014, section: 3, site: 1925, US AIR FORCE, A2CCOUGHENOUR, John Calven Jr, birth: 01/04/1930, death: 02/07/2014, section: 3, site: 1808, US ARMY, CPL, KOREACOULTES, David James, birth: 12/12/1958, death: 01/14/2011, section: WL4, row: A, site: 4, US NAVY, PO1COUNTESS, Darrell G, birth: 09/09/1933, death: 08/05/2006, section: 33, site: 77, US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREACOUNTESS, Izetta, birth: 05/08/1935, death: 06/27/2012, section: 33, site: 77, Wife of Darrell G Countess , US AIR FORCE, A2C, KOREACOURSEY, Charles F, birth: 11/20/1930, death: 07/17/2011, section: WL4, row: D, site: 15, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACOURSEY, Patricia J, birth: 06/06/1937, death: 10/28/2008, section: WL4, row: D, site: 15, Wife of Charles F Coursey , US ARMY, PFC, KOREACOURSEY, Robert N, birth: 02/11/1963, death: 08/29/2001, section: 30, site: 687, US ARMY, SSGCOURTRIGHT, Roy Lou, birth: 09/30/1929, death: 05/07/2014, section: 33, site: 576, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREACOUSINS, Rayford J Jr, birth: 07/17/1926, death: 05/21/2006, section: 3, site: 41, US ARMY, SP5, WORLD WAR II, KOREACOVERT, Elfriede M, birth: 01/14/1937, death: 04/23/2010, section: 33, site: 168, Wife of Lyman Eugene Covert , US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCOVERT, Lyman Eugene, birth: 09/07/1934, death: 02/07/2009, section: 33, site: 168, US ARMY, SSG, VIETNAMCOVINGTON, Elton, birth: 11/08/1941, death: 11/01/2007, section: WL2, row: C, site: 46, US NAVY, PO3, VIETNAMCOVINGTON, Louis Jr, birth: 01/22/1972, death: 12/23/2006, section: 3, site: 186, US MARINE CORPS, LCPL, PERSIAN GULFCOVINGTON, Morris Junior, birth: 11/10/1936, death: 07/25/2017, section: 33, site: 509, US ARMY, SP4COWAN, Denise Kay, birth: 04/11/1950, death: 09/22/2011, section: 3, site: 1264, US ARMY, US NAVY, PFC, LT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCOWAN, Gary Dale, birth: 12/21/1946, death: 09/02/2011, section: 3, site: 1265, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMCOWAN, Leonard Owen, birth: 03/01/1948, death: 10/08/2015, section: MS, site: 13, US ARMY, CAPT, SP4, VIETNAMCOWDEN, Betty B, birth: 11/20/1933, death: 12/22/2016, section: 33, site: 421, Wife of Claud Leon Cowden , US ARMY, CPL, KOREACOWDEN, Claud Leon, birth: 12/03/1925, death: 09/11/2014, section: 33, site: 421, US ARMY, CPL, KOREACOWNS, Donald Dewayne, birth: 11/01/1957, death: 07/21/2014, section: 3, site: 1896, US ARMY, PV2, VIETNAMCOX, Carol L, birth: 06/25/1926, death: 01/26/2013, section: WL11, row: C, site: 9, Wife of Jackie J Cox , US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IICOX, Earl L, birth: 12/06/1944, death: 04/03/2008, section: 3, site: 498, US ARMY, PV1, VIETNAMCOX, George Hiner, birth: 07/04/1940, death: 08/14/2013, section: 33, site: 408, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCOX, Jackie J, birth: 08/28/1925, death: 03/31/2005, section: WL11, row: C, site: 9, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IICOX, Jeffrey G, birth: 03/29/1944, death: 01/12/2009, section: 33, site: 164, US AIR FORCE, SMSGT, VIETNAMCOX, Jerry D Sr, birth: 08/29/1934, death: 01/26/2006, section: 3, site: 8, US ARMY, SSG, KOREA, VIETNAMCOX, Keith Floyd, birth: 09/22/1935, death: 10/10/2008, section: 3, site: 632, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, KOREACOX, L C, birth: 06/24/1928, death: 08/09/2015, section: 3, site: 75, US NAVY, S1C, WORLD WAR IICOX, Marvin Leon, birth: 08/28/1932, death: 01/15/2013, section: 3, site: 1554, US ARMY, CPL, SSG, KOREACOX, Rose Marie, birth: 03/30/1938, death: 02/11/2017, section: WL8, row: B, site: 7, Wife of Cleophas Lee Cox , US NAVY, RD2, KOREACOX, Sundy Robin, birth: 08/29/1950, death: 09/24/2015, section: 2, site: 146, Wife of William Ray Cox , US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCOX, Thomas Russell, birth: 04/08/1956, death: 10/30/2009, section: 33, site: 211, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCOX, Wanda Jean, birth: 01/31/1948, death: 11/25/2008, section: WL3, row: D, site: 4, US MARINE CORPS, PFC, VIETNAMCOX, Weldon, birth: 09/16/1929, death: 09/20/2005, section: 30A, site: 61, US NAVY, PO1, KOREACOX, William Ray, birth: 07/17/1946, death: 11/10/2016, section: 2, site: 146, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCOY, David Ray, birth: 04/29/1966, death: 01/16/2017, section: 2, site: 425, US AIR FORCE, SRA, PERSIAN GULFCOYLE, Michael O, birth: 02/02/1960, death: 08/10/2007, section: 3, site: 348, US ARMY, CPL, PERSIAN GULFCRABTREE, Grady S, birth: 03/01/1921, death: 12/23/2014, section: 3, site: 1998, US ARMY AIR FORCES, CPL, WORLD WAR IICRABTREE, Jacqueline Yvonne, birth: 04/04/1947, death: 05/03/2012, section: 3, site: 1433, Wife of Donald Wayne Crabtree , US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCRABTREE, Jimmy A, birth: 02/05/1932, death: 10/03/2006, section: 29, site: 9, US ARMY, PVTCRABTREE, Penny Lee, birth: 04/23/1943, death: 06/27/2016, section: 2, site: 288, US NAVY, BM2, VIETNAMCRAIG, Jean Ann, birth: 06/11/1937, death: 05/24/2017, section: 2, site: 528, Wife of John Joseph Craig , US MARINE CORPS, GYSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCRAIG, Robert Edward, birth: 09/09/1945, death: 02/09/2015, section: 33, site: 475, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCRAIN, William S, birth: 06/10/1942, death: 06/15/2010, section: 3, site: 1024, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMCRAINE, William Marvin, birth: 09/20/1932, death: 10/27/2008, section: 3, site: 566, US MARINE CORPS, PVTCRANE, Robert Daniel, birth: 10/20/1954, death: 06/06/2009, section: WL5, row: A, site: 2, US MARINE CORPS, SGT, VIETNAMCRANTON, Joyce E, birth: 10/24/1919, death: 08/27/2006, section: 30, site: 47, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IICRATHERS, Lloyd E, birth: 09/17/1939, death: 03/25/2005, section: 30, site: 167, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCRATHERS, Sharon Kaye, birth: 05/07/1951, death: 04/10/2012, section: 30, site: 167, Wife of Lloyd E Crathers , US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCRAVER, Dennis Edward, birth: 12/11/1957, death: 11/25/2016, section: 29, site: 169, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCRAWFORD, Billie B, birth: 09/16/1927, death: 12/24/2015, section: 33, site: 492, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IICRAWFORD, Eddie M Jr, birth: 11/11/1950, death: 11/05/2004, section: 30, site: 99, US ARMY, SFC, VIETNAMCRAWFORD, Myra Merle, birth: 02/24/1926, death: 03/22/2008, section: 3, site: 429, US ARMY, CPL, KOREACRAWFORD, Thomas John, birth: 10/11/1943, death: 11/27/2015, section: 2, site: 195, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, VIETNAMCREAMER, Millard C, birth: 01/23/1945, death: 11/05/2006, section: 29, site: 13, US ARMY, CPT, VIETNAMCREASEY, Kelly D, birth: 09/29/1943, death: 04/28/2006, section: 3, site: 34, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMCRESPO-MARTINEZ, Victor Manuel, birth: 01/03/1940, death: 10/12/2015, section: 33, site: 474, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCREWS, Johnnie Mae, birth: 03/30/1926, death: 08/21/2008, section: 3, site: 540, US NAVY, S1, WORLD WAR IICRICK, Freelon, birth: 02/08/1913, death: 01/16/2006, section: 33, site: 69, US NAVY, MM2, WORLD WAR IICRIM, Earl Wayne, birth: 09/01/1940, death: 05/02/2016, section: 33, site: 530, US NAVY, BT2, VIETNAMCROCHON, Alfred L, birth: 06/21/1928, death: 05/17/2002, section: 30, site: 625, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACROCKER, James Clif, birth: 11/05/1931, death: 03/09/2012, section: WL10, row: A, site: 2, US AIR FORCE, A1CCROCKETT, Dave B, birth: 03/08/1938, death: 08/21/2008, section: 3, site: 468, US NAVY, SNCRON, William D Sr, birth: 12/31/1938, death: 11/10/2002, section: 30, site: 755, US ARMY, PVTCROOK, Lavon E, birth: 03/04/1923, death: 01/09/2012, section: 3, site: 1328, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IICROOKS, Ralph A, birth: 08/07/1929, death: 09/13/2011, section: WL10, row: B, site: 12, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCROSS, Billy Charles, birth: 07/30/1925, death: 06/18/2015, section: 2, site: 92, US NAVY, GM3, WORLD WAR IICROSS, Donald W, birth: 05/18/1938, death: 05/01/2016, section: 2, site: 277, US ARMY, MSG, VIETNAMCROSSLEY, Donald Vincent, birth: 01/12/1942, death: 09/23/2011, section: 3, site: 1268, US NAVY, AW1, VIETNAMCROSSMAN, Vern L Jr, birth: 09/28/1925, death: 05/07/2009, section: 3, site: 693, US MARINE CORPS, CPL, WORLD WAR IICROSTLEY, Eugene F, birth: 06/19/1944, death: 03/19/2008, section: 3, site: 493, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCROUCH, Roger William, birth: 07/19/1929, death: 12/29/2001, section: 30, site: 738, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCROW, Jackie Glen, birth: 12/30/1947, death: 11/16/2015, section: 2, site: 184, US ARMY, SP5, VIETNAMCROWDER, Lewis Herman, birth: 12/22/1942, death: 07/29/2017, section: 33, site: 508, US ARMY, LTC, VIETNAMCROWDER, Michael William, birth: 10/13/1952, death: 09/15/2013, section: 3, site: 1691, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCROWE, Jimmy Fay, birth: 03/08/1952, death: 05/01/2017, section: 2, site: 507, US ARMY, SGT, VIETNAMCROWE, John M, birth: 05/07/1922, death: 01/07/2005, section: 30, site: 57, US AIR FORCE, LT COL, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCROWLEY, Hugh Graylan, birth: 10/11/1954, death: 06/24/2011, section: 33, site: 279, US NAVY, SA, VIETNAMCROY, Herman Glenn, birth: 12/14/1932, death: 08/08/2017, section: 33, site: 625, US ARMY, PFC, KOREACRUGNALE, Frank Joseph, birth: 09/06/1942, death: 09/26/2016, section: 29, site: 162, US NAVY, RM3, VIETNAMCRUIKSHANK, Warner B, birth: 03/08/1936, death: 01/19/2009, section: 3, site: 595, US ARMY, PVTCRUMBLEY, Glendale, birth: 12/30/1927, death: 09/25/2014, section: 29, site: 135, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCRUMP, Eugene E, birth: 12/27/1922, death: 08/29/2006, section: 3, site: 85, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCRUMP, Viola Virginia, birth: 11/15/1913, death: 01/07/2011, section: 3, site: 85, Wife of Eugene E Crump , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCRUTCHER, Preston A, birth: 12/03/1918, death: 05/31/2005, section: 30, site: 177, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IICRUTCHFIELD, Elmo J Jr, birth: 03/19/1953, death: 06/06/2005, section: 30, site: 127, US AIR FORCE, A1C, VIETNAMCRUZ, Felix A D, birth: 08/06/1935, death: 12/15/2010, section: 3, site: 1060, US ARMY, LTC, VIETNAMCRUZ, Justino V, birth: 10/15/1930, death: 07/06/2006, section: 3, site: 66, US AIR FORCE, A1C, KOREACSEREVITS, Nick, birth: 07/17/1925, death: 04/01/2004, section: 30, site: 344, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IICUBELL, Samuel G, birth: 08/01/1917, death: 05/06/2010, section: WL3, row: A, site: 29, US ARMY, SGT, WORLD WAR IICUDJO, Julia A, birth: 12/23/1939, death: 04/02/2012, section: 3, site: 1364, Wife of Walter Cudjo , US ARMY, CPL, SGM, VIETNAMCUDJO, Walter, birth: 01/14/1940, death: 04/29/2015, section: 3, site: 1364, US ARMY, CPL, SGM, VIETNAMCUDJOE, Mack Arthur Sr, birth: 07/06/1954, death: 07/18/2017, section: 2, site: 595, US ARMY, PV1CULBERSON, John Thomas, birth: 07/01/1945, death: 12/22/2009, section: 3, site: 897, US ARMY, 1SG, VIETNAMCULBREATH, Charles C, birth: 11/05/1932, death: 04/19/2004, section: 30A, site: 38, US ARMY, SGT, KOREACULHAM, Donald A, birth: 12/19/1946, death: 05/30/2004, section: 30, site: 307, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCULHAM, Madeline Marie, birth: 11/24/1944, death: 06/24/2008, section: 30, site: 307, Wife of Donald A Culham , US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCULLEY, Scott Lavern, birth: 06/01/1930, death: 01/17/2011, section: 3, site: 1069, US ARMY, SFC, KOREA, VIETNAMCULLIER, Lloyd C Jr, birth: 11/15/1931, death: 10/05/2006, section: 29, site: 6, US ARMY, CSM, VIETNAMCULLIER, Sonja A, birth: 09/18/1966, death: 04/13/2016, section: 29, site: 7, Adult Dependent Daughter of Lloyd C Cullier Jr, US ARMY, CSM, VIETNAMCULVER, Billy R, birth: 01/30/1925, death: 02/18/2010, section: WL3, row: C, site: 25, US ARMY AIR FORCES, WORLD WAR IICUMMINGS, Edward D, birth: 09/03/1941, death: 04/24/2007, section: 3, site: 237, US ARMY, PFC, VIETNAMCUNNINGHAM, Albert Leo, birth: 07/22/1943, death: 08/28/2011, section: 3, site: 1253, US NAVY, SN, VIETNAMCUNNINGHAM, Clarence Dean, birth: 03/07/1929, death: 04/03/2010, section: WL3, row: B, site: 24, US AIR FORCE, TSGT, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCUNNINGHAM, Howard Layton, birth: 07/22/1929, death: 01/28/2015, section: MS, site: 78, US ARMY, CPLCUNNINGHAM, James M, birth: 02/04/1935, death: 01/25/2006, section: 33, site: 70, US ARMY, SP4, KOREACUNNINGHAM, Russell Lee, birth: 09/05/1959, death: 04/22/2010, section: 3, site: 937, US ARMY, SFC, PERSIAN GULFCUNNINGHAM, Vickie Marie, birth: 08/28/1946, death: 11/03/2016, section: 2, site: 386, Wife of Douglas Cunningham , US AIR FORCE, CAPT, PERSIAN GULFCUNNINGHAM, William Eugene, birth: 01/20/1943, death: 10/27/2008, section: 3, site: 565, US ARMY, PFCCUNY, Anna Mary, birth: 09/28/1919, death: 02/18/2008, section: 3, site: 471, Wife of Ernest A Cuny , US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCUNY, Ernest A, birth: 08/08/1916, death: 05/18/2009, section: 3, site: 471, US ARMY, SFC, WORLD WAR II, KOREA, VIETNAMCURRAN, Francis P, birth: 10/11/1931, death: 11/02/2011, section: 3, site: 1290, US ARMY, LTC, KOREA, VIETNAMCURRY, David Rex, birth: 10/27/1932, death: 03/06/2008, section: 3, site: 450, US NAVY, US ARMY, KOREACURRY, Edgar L, birth: 10/13/1923, death: 04/02/2006, section: 30, site: 90, US ARMY, CPL, WORLD WAR IICURRY, Sally Joe, birth: 01/07/1934, death: 08/22/2012, section: 33, site: 349, Wife of William Irving Curry , US ARMY, SFC, KOREACURRY, Tony, birth: 11/21/1949, death: 10/02/2016, section: 2, site: 399, US ARMY, SSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCURRY, William Irving, birth: 05/10/1930, death: 04/03/2013, section: 33, site: 349, US ARMY, SFC, KOREACURTIS, George W III, birth: 03/23/1930, death: 04/08/2003, section: 30, site: 519, US ARMY, MAJ, KOREA, VIETNAMCURTIS, John C, birth: 06/30/1931, death: 11/11/2001, section: 30, site: 715, US AIR FORCE, MSGT, KOREA, VIETNAMCUSICK, Gearold Eugene, birth: 11/07/1947, death: 10/23/2009, section: 3, site: 811, US ARMY, SP4, VIETNAMCUTLER, Drew, birth: 10/23/1946, death: 07/04/2016, section: 2, site: 316, US MARINE CORPS, GYSGT, PERSIAN GULF, VIETNAMCUTSHAW, John Anderson, birth: 02/23/1944, death: 01/11/2009, section: 3, site: 588, US AIR FORCE, SGT, VIETNAMCZAPLINSKI, Gregory R, birth: 04/18/1958, death: 02/12/2005, section: 30, site: 113, US ARMY, PVTCZERNECKI, Juanita Faye, birth: 11/21/1926, death: 11/20/2015, section: 3, site: 1726, Wife of Stanley E Czernecki , US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR IICZERNECKI, Stanley E, birth: 10/22/1923, death: 11/15/2013, section: 3, site: 1726, US ARMY, PVT, WORLD WAR II
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