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Yoncalla Masonic Cemetery
Yoncalla, Douglas County, Oregon

Lat: 43° 35' 42"N, Lon: 123° 17' 11"W

From old Highway 99 South in Yoncalla OR turn west onto Applegate St.and follow it to Douglas St. Turn south (left) and follow until you get to Elm St then turn west (right) follow Elm St around to cemetery, the Masonic Cemetery is on the left (east side) of the parking area.

Owned and maintained by Sunset Lodge #144 AF & AM, PO Box 264 Drain, OR 97435 (503) 836-2459

This is not a complete listing of burials in this cemetery. The records below were provided by contributors to Interment.net. Last edited May 14, 2007. Total records = 124.

Contributor's Index:

Barthelemy, George, b. 02 Sep 1895, d. 28 Aug 1957, Oregon, PFC, Co. B 4 Engineers, World War I, DoD marker, [RK]
Belew, Fred G, b. Jan 21, 1914, d. Aug 7, 1987, s/w Rosalie, m. Oct 28, 1933, [RK]
Belew, Rosalie, b. Feb 25, 1916, d. Jul 13, 1991, s/w Fred G., Gone but not Forgotten, [RK]
Brant, Hannah, b. 1898, d. 1984, s/w LeRoy, "Mother", "We are saved by grace", [RK]
Brant, Hannah, b. Jul 03, 1898, d. Apr 12, 1984, Smith-Lund-Miles Chapel paper marker, [RK]
Brant, LeRoy, b. 1892, d. 1972, s/w Hannah, "Father", and Smith-Lund Chapel metal marker, [RK]
Brown, Eddie Niel, b. Aug 13, 1948, d. Apr 23, 2000, "Bubby soars with the eagles", poor contrast on marker, [RK]
Canney, Alice B., b. 1861, d. 1939, Mother, [RK]
Chandler, Jay M., Jr., b. Jun 22, 1921, d. Jun 25, 1985, S1c US Navy World War II, DoD marker, [RK]
Christie, E. Lucille, b. 1912, d. 1924, FH marker, [RK]
Christie, F. Raymond, b. 1917, d. 1941, FH marker, [RK]
Clearman, Helen, b. 1913, d. 2006, s/w Richard Jewett, [RK]
Clearman, Richard Jewett, b. 1911, d. 2006, s/wHelen, [RK]
Conway, Beatrice, b. Aug 27, 1914, d. , Beloved Wife, DoD marker, [RK]
Conway, Carl D., b. Apr 1, 1907, d. Dec 18, 2001, U.S. Navy, World War II, "Beloved Husband", DoD marker, [RK]
Crites, A. Jean, b. Feb 28, 1928, d. May 19, 2001, s/w Robert J., [RK]
Crites, Jesse V., b. Sep 28, 1980, d. Nov 14, 2000, Loving son and best friend", "Forever in our hearts, [RK]
Crites, Robert J., b. Sep 13, 1918, d. Sep 24, 2002, s/w A. Jean and military marker, US Army, World War II, Purple Heart", DoD marker, [RK]
Curtis, Charlcie Marie, b. Jan 14, 1926, d. Dec 13, 1976, Praying Hands, In thee have I put my trust, [RK]
Curtis, Everett Milton, b. Oct 6, 1924, d. Mar 09, 192002, U. S. Navy World War II, DoD marker, [RK]
Davis, Earl C., b. Feb 20, 1906, d. Aug 9, 1986, s/w Nina R, [RK]
Davis, Nina R., b. Aug 22, 1911, d. Jun 26, 1998, s/w Earl C., [RK]
Dazey, Edward R., b. Aug 6, 1923, d. May 29, 1997, US Army, World War II, DoD Marker, [RK]
Dazey, Wayne Elliot, b. Apr 16, 1962, d. Jan 6, 1996, Pvt, US Army, "Beloved Son Husband Father", DoD marker, [RK]
Dickey, Delbert, b. 1917, d. 2003, m. Sep 17, 1939", s/w Verna, [RK]
Dickey, Verna, b. 1920, d. 2002, s/w Delbert, [RK]
Dorfler, Jesmer C., b. 1919, d. 1965, [RK]
Edes, George L, b. 1872, d. 1968, s/w Ruth A., [RK]
Edes, Ruth A., b. 1891, d. 1966, s/w George L., [RK]
Everland, Linda, b. 1963, d. 1987, In God's Care, [RK]
Fann, Doris D., b. Nov 22, 1932, d. , m. Jan. 6, 1962, s/w Norman E., [RK]
Fann, Norman E., b. Sep 8, 1932, d. Jan 4, 2006, s/w Doris D, [RK]
Floyd, Jones Edward, b. Apr 5, 1903, d. Nov 11, 1999, Dearest Friend, [RK]
Friend, Oramay G., b. Aug 31, 1926, d. Jan 31, 2002, Mother & Grandmother", nee Gore, [RK]
Garrod, Alice Rosemary, b. Dec 10, 1912, d. Feb 18, 1999, s/w George P., m. Sep. 28, 1935, [RK]
Garrod, George Percy, b. Aug 19, 1913, d. Sep 2, 1987, s/w Alice R., m. Sep. 28, 1935, [RK]
Gilmer, Albert E., b. 1880, d. 1958, Father, [RK]
Gilmer, Helena A., b. 1878, d. 1936, Mother, [RK]
Gore, Dorothy H, b. 1898, d. 1978, s/w Roy T, [RK]
Gore, Roy T., b. 1890, d. 1973, s/w Dorothy H., [RK]
Greer, Mabel J., b. 1896, d. 1977, Wife, [RK]
Greer, Truax W., b. 1882, d. 1951, Husband, [RK]
Guard, Delbert L, b. 1888, d. 1944, s/w Barbara L. Reeves, Masonic emblem, [RK]
Hall, Forrest C., b. 1903, d. 1981, s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
Hall, Marcel Stock, b. 1910, d. 1997, s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
Hogan, Harriet F., b. 1888, d. 1935, s/w William S., and footstone, [RK]
Hogan, William S., b. 1867, d. , s/w Harriet F., and footstone, [RK]
Hollamon, Bessie L., b. 1895, d. 1961, s/w Thomas E, "Rest in Peace", [RK]
Hollamon, Joseph David, b. 29 Nov 1917, d. 09 Oct 1986, U.S. Army, World War II, DoD marker, [RK]
Hollamon, Lois L., b. 06 Jul 1921, d. 12 Nov 1966, Beloved Wife & Mother, [RK]
Hollamon, Ronald Floyd, b. 10 Mar 1949, d. 13 Mar 2000, U.S. Army Viet-Nam, DoD marker, [RK]
Hollamon, Thomas E., b. 1871, d. 1959, s/w bessie L., [RK]
Hollamon, Thomas G., b. 04 Jul 1909, d. 09 Dec 1973, U.S. Army, DoD marker, [RK]
Hollamon, V. Ruth, b. 1918, d. 1988, s/w Zeke, "Mother, [RK]
Hollamon, William M., b. 20 Dec 1909, d. 29 Mar 1972, Oregon, PFC, Army Air Force, World War II, DoD marker, [RK]
Hollamon, Zeke, b. 1911, d. , s/w V. Ruth, "Father, [RK]
Kemnow, Juanita Mae, b. Feb 20, 1925, d. Sep 11, 1996, Engraved sun rising over mountians and trees. nee Haney, [RK]
Kemnow, Robert Louis, b. Oct 19, 1919, d. Aug 5, 2002, Enlisted Navy emblem and Masonic Emblem, [RK]
Kremer, Charles Alson, b. Dec 23, 1934, d. , s/w Patricia L, m. May 09, 1956, [RK]
Kremer, Patricia L., b. Apr 26, 1938, d. , s/w Charles A., [RK]
Loyd, Dorotha Marie, b. Jul 5, 1911, d. Jul 16, 1993, s/w Robert, m. 63 yrs, [RK]
Loyd, Ethel A, b. Feb 03, 1884, d. Jun 19, 1971, s/w James A., "The Lord is my shepherd", [RK]
Loyd, James A., b. Aug 24, 1881, d. Nov 20, 1950, s/w Ethel A, "The Lord is my shepherd", [RK]
Loyd, Robert (Russell), b. Feb 24, 1908, d. Apr 28, 1998, s/w Dorotha M, "He that believeth in Me, yet shall he live, [RK]
Macy, Hazel Leah Slocum, b. Feb 17, 1905, d. Jun 17, 1988, "Our Mom & G'Ma", [RK]
Macy, John F., b. 1872, d. 1935, Dady, [RK]
Macy, Joseph W. Sr, b. May 1, 1905, d. Feb 10, 1940, [RK]
Means, Donna M., b. 1931, d. 1983, [RK]
Meyers, Charmaine L, b. Apr 12, 1928, d. Jun 24, 1990, s/w George E., m. Aug 23, 1945, [RK]
Meyers, George E., b. Jul 29, 1928, d. Jun 24, 1990, s/w Charmaine L., m. Aug 23, 1945, [RK]
Meyers, Maida, b. Feb 9, 1911, d. Feb 9, 2001, "Mother", [RK]
Moreau, Estalene A. Smith, b. Aug 7, 1921, d. Oct 16, 2005, "Always In Our Heart", [RK]
Nellis, Basper O., b. 1804(?), d. 1932, Poor contrast on stone, [RK]
Newell, Charles O., b. Jun 28, 1936, d. Nov 4, 2001, m. Dec 20, 1955, s/w Marilyn, [RK]
Newell, Marlyn, b. Dec 11, 1936, d. , s/w Charles O., [RK]
Parks, George D., b. 1914, d. 1966, A bucking horse on marker, [RK]
Parks, Ollie Lydia, b. 1916, d. 1983, Jumping fish, "(Sinnock)", "Gone Fishing O.P., [RK]
Pontius, Orval W., b. 1900, d. 1978, Pvt U.S. Army World War II", DoD marker, [RK]
Pontius, Rodney J., b. 1949, d. 1968, Son & Brother, [RK]
Pringle, Frank, b. 1875, d. 1953, s/w Jesse & Joseph, [RK]
Pringle, Jesse, b. 1873, d. 1956, s/w Frank & Joseph, [RK]
Pringle, Joseph, b. 1879, d. 1957, s/w Jesse & Jesse, [RK]
Reeves, Barbara L., b. 1937, d. 1944, s/w Delbert L. Guard, [RK]
Roberts, Fred B, b. Jul 10, 1940, d. Feb 10, 1985, [Our Loving son, [RK]
Roberts, George L., b. Jun 8, 1919, d. Aug 18, 2006, s/w Shirley E., m. Jun 09, 1940, [RK]
Roberts, Shirley E, b. Jun 22, 1922, d. , s/w George L., m. Jun 09, 1940, [RK]
Robinett, Betty L, b. Jul 16, 1937, d. Apr 25, 2006, [Beloved wife and mother, [RK]
Robinson, Sandra Lee-Ann W., b. Mar 22, 1942, d. Feb 19, 1989, [Wife of Roy Robinson", "Cremated, God bless this empty grave, [RK]
Robling, Betty Ann, b. 1927, d. 1994, Wife of 'Curly' Robling, [RK]
Robling, Glen F., b. 1922, d. 1958, Curly, [RK]
Schosso, Carl H., b. 1845, d. Apr 14, 1905, s/w Catherine, [RK]
Schosso, Catherine, b. 1859, d. 1948, s/w Carl H., [RK]
Schosso, James P., b. Feb 04, 1893, d. Jun 22, 1974, and Smith Lund Chapel metal marker foot marker, [RK]
Schosso, Peter E., b. Dec 17, 1890, d. Sep 17, 1947, [RK]
Sefton, Anna Mae, b. Jun 5, 1902, d. Sep 16, 1967, "Mother, [RK]
Sefton, Fred C, b. Dec 11, 1897, d. Oct 3, 1984, "Father", [RK]
Sinnock, Ernest S., b. 1883, d. 1965, s/w Rose, "Father", [RK]
Sinnock, Rose, b. 1889, d. 1958, s/w Ernest "Mother", [RK]
Stock, Alton L., b. 1904, d. 1994, s/w Dorothy J., [RK]
Stock, Bertha Alice, b. 26 Oct 1881, d. 01 Oct 1962, s/w Clarence A., [RK]
Stock, Clarence Albertie, b. 24 Jun 1877, d. 08 May 1950, s/w Bertha A., [RK]
Stock, Clarence D., b. 1903, d. 1968, s/w Maudie A., [RK]
Stock, Dorothy J., b. 1911, d. 2000, s/w Alton L., [RK]
Stock, Maudie A., b. 1910, d. 1995, s/w Clarence D., [RK]
Stockstad, Alan C., b. 1951, d. , s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
Stockstad, Bonnie Stock, b. 1929, d. 2002, s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
Stockstad, Joseph J., b. 1958, d. , s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
Stockstad, Philip B., b. 1952, d. , s/w Alton & Dorothy Stock, [RK]
VanZandt, Robert Louis, b. Jan 12, 1968, d. Nov 10, 1997, [FH marker, [RK]
Walls, Linda D., b. 1949, d. 1971, Our Darling Daughter, [RK]
Walls, Loyd J., b. Apr 22, 1929, d. Mar 25, 1994, Husband", "Dad & Papa", "Let's meet by the river, [RK]
Walls, Virginia L., b. Mar 19, 1932, d. no date, m. Aug 21, 1948", "Wife", "Mom & Gabby, [RK]
Wamsley, James G., b. 1853, d. 1934, A native of Ohio, [RK]
Webb, Daniel M., b. Apr 23, 1910, d. no date, "I will love you forever", s/w Pauline Ann, [RK]
Webb, Daniel P., d. Jan 11, 1941, Our Dear Son, [RK]
Webb, John M., b. 1949, d. 1971, Our Son, [RK]
Webb, Pauline Ann, b. Sep 20, 1908, d. Aug 28, 1995, s/w Daniel M., m. Nov. 26, 1936, [RK]
Wilson, Clarence E., b. Apr 11, 1897, d. Jun 19, 1997, US Navy World War I, DoD marker, [RK]
Wilson, Connie J., b. 1946, d. 1984, [RK]
Wilson, Edna Imogene, b. 1911, d. 1935, [RK]
Wilson, Hohn M., b. 1898, d. 1940, [RK]
Wilson, Jaunita Fay, b. 1931, d. 1944, [RK]
Wittmeyer, George H., b. Mar 11, 1892, d. Apr 6, 1975, U.S. Army World War II, DoD marker, [RK]
Writesman, Ima M., b. Dec 10, 1903, d. Sep 23, 1985, [RK]

Unmarked 001, no dates Faded FH paper marker, [RK]
Unmarked 002, no dates Faded FH paper marker. Flowers w/ banner, Grandma, [RK]
Unmarked 003, no dates Faded FH paper marker, [RK]
Unmarked 004, no dates Faded FH paper marker, [RK]
Unmarked 005, no dates Simple wooden cross, [RK]

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