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Allegheny Cemetery
Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
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Allegheny Cemetery |
GPS: 40.475028, -79.957359
4734 Butler St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15201
Published: December 17, 2016
Total records: 136,633
Allegheny Cemetery is a non-profit organization, owned by plot owners and overseen by a Board of Directors.
Allegheny Cemetery was established on April 24, 1844. It's origins, however, go back to 1834 when a group of men lead by Dr. Joseph R. Speer sought to establish a cemetery in the Highland Park area, northeast of downtown Pittsburgh. They selected a plot of 100 acres then owned by Col. Bayard and bought it.
On September 20th, 1845, the grounds were dedicated with religious ceremonies. The first interments in the cemetery were also made in September, 1845. The first body buried was that of Mrs. Margaret Briggs, in lot 142, Section 2; the second, that of Mrs. Hetty Thompson, September 8th, in lot 118, Section 2, and the third that of Sarah Jane Bell, a child, in lot 69, also in Section 2, on September 25th, same year.
Famed songwriter Stephen C. Foster is buried here.
Allegheny Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from Allegheny Cemetery on December 16, 2016. Dates of death range from 1752 to 2016.
Surname Index:
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- Surnames Will-Wiln
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- Surnames X
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- Surnames Z
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Soldier's Plot
Allegheny Cemetery maintains a contract with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide ground for veterans burials.
The soldiers' lot is located in Section 33, lot 66, and consists of 303 individual interments. While most of the burials are Union Civil War soldiers, the lot also includes 15 Confederates and a small number of Spanish-American War veterans.
Soldiers were originally interred in two places within Allegheny Cemetery: the plot donated to the federal government by the cemetery association, and the “stranger's field," also known as the “potter's field," an area for the poor. It is likely that all the remains were consolidated into the soldiers' lot in the 1870's.
Allegheny Cemetery, including the National Cemetery Administration's soldiers' lot, was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in December 1980...
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