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Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
McKeesport & Versailles Cemetery,
McKeesport, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.352159, -79.846771
1608 5th Ave
McKeesport, PA 15132
Published: November 27, 2016
Total records: 43,450
The first town cemetery known as the "Old Ninth Street Cemetery", was established in the 1770s, and was located at the corner of what is Ninth and Locust Streets today. It became so crowded over the years that the newer site called the McKeesport & Versailles Cemetery was established in 1856 and dedicated Nov 06, 1856. The remains from the "Old Ninth Street Cemetery" were transfered to the McKeesport & Versailles Cemetery.
Additional land purchased has increased the size of this cemetery to about 88 acres, extending from Fifth Avenue to Versailles Avenue. The city of McKeesport has grown around the cemetery so that it is now situated in the center of town. Interments totaled over 42,000 at the end of 2002. The McKeesport and Versailles Cemetery is a non-profit perpetual care cemetery owned by the lot owners.
Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from McKeesport & Versailles Cemetery on November 27, 2016. Dates of death range from 1838 to 2016.
Surname Index:
- Surnames A
- Surnames Baa-Baz
- Surnames Be-Bh
- Surnames Bi-Bo
- Surnames Bra-Bry
- Surnames Bu-By
- Surnames Ca-Ce
- Surnames Ch-Cm
- Surnames Coa-Coz
- Surnames Cr-Cz
- Surnames Da-De
- Surnames Di-Dz
- Surnames E
- Surnames Fa-Fi
- Surnames Fl-Fu
- Surnames Ga-Gi
- Surnames Gl-Gy
- Surnames Haa-Hap
- Surnames Har-Hei
- Surnames Hel-Hof
- Surnames Hog-Hy
- Surnames I
- Surnames Ja-Jn
- Surnames Jo-Ju
- Surnames Ka-Kh
- Surnames Ki-Ko
- Surnames Kr-Ky
- Surnames La-Le
- Surnames Li-Ly
- Surnames Maa-Maz
- Surnames McA-McW
- Surnames Me-Ml
- Surnames Mo-My
- Surnames N
- Surnames O
- Surnames Pa-Pf
- Surnames Ph-Py
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Ra-Ri
- Surnames Ro-Ry
- Surnames Sa-Sc
- Surnames Se-Sh
- Surnames Si-Sm
- Surnames Sn-Sq
- Surnames Sta-Sty
- Surnames Su-Sz
- Surnames Ta-Tk
- Surnames To-Ty
- Surnames U
- Surnames V
- Surnames Wa-We
- Surnames Wh-Wi
- Surnames Wo-Wy
- Surnames X
- Surnames Y
- Surnames Z
- Unidentified Burials
- Visitor Submitted Records
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