Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Round Hill Cemetery
Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.243160, -79.856972
2131 Round Hill Church Rd
Elizabeth, PA 15037
Published: December 21, 2016
Total records: 13,554
Surnames A
Records published here were acquired from Round Hill Cemetery on December 20, 2016. Dates of death range from 1800 to 2016.
ABBEY, Hannah, Birth: 1951-03-07, Death: 2009-02-27, Lot: G2 179
ABBOTT, Robert, Death: 1980-10-10, Lot: D 366
ABEL, Floyd W., Birth: 1913-10-03, Death: 2005-02-16, Lot: G2 707
ABEL, Mildred, Birth: 1916-01-24, Death: 2009-01-04, Lot: G2 707
ABELL, Charles F., Birth: 1910-12-04, Death: 1988-06-05, Lot: J 7
ABELL, Pasquili, Death: 1984-05-08, Lot: J 7
ABER, Alva M., Death: 1976-09-16, Lot: SSE 22
ABER, Frank Earl, Death: 1956-01-17, Lot: SSE 22
ABER, Ida May, Death: 1962-12-12, Lot: SSE 22
ABER, John P., Death: 1941-11-02, Lot: SSE 22
ABER, John Linton, Death: 1965-12-20, Lot: SSE 22
ABERCROMBIE, Harold W., Death: 1975-03-24, Lot: ESA 10
ABERCROMBIE, Virginia, Birth: 1913-09-22, Death: 2012-10-19, Lot: ESA 10
ABERNATHY, Dorothy J. Gregory, Birth: 1921-11-21, Death: 1995-11-21, Lot: E 66
ABERNATHY, James T., Birth: 1927-04-05, Death: 1992-01-29, Lot: E 66
ABERS, Frank, Death: 1971-02-27, Lot: D 484
ABRAHAM, Emily Rink, Birth: 1921-09-20, Death: 2002-09-29, Lot: E 49
ABRAHAM, George Joseph Jr., Birth: 1959-10-12, Death: 1999-06-24, Lot: G2 114
ABRAHAM, George, Death: 1978-08-06, Lot: G2 36
ABRAHAM, Ruth, Birth: 1917-08-11, Death: 2002-06-26, Lot: G2 36
ABRAMS, Jeanette Lee Spadacini, Birth: 1966-03-14, Death: 2010-04-23, Lot: CXT 36
ABRASHEFF, Kosta, Birth: 1933-12-02, Death: 1989-01-27, Lot: G3 71
ACKERMAN, Dylan A., Birth: 1997-12-12, Death: 1998-02-03, Lot: G2 761
ACKERMAN, Mary, Birth: 1913-09-19, Death: 2003-04-05, Lot: C 64
ACKERMAN, Russell, Death: 1977-04-13, Lot: C 64
ADAIR, Madge I., Birth: 1916-07-25, Death: 2000-03-19, Lot: G2 186
ADAIR, Rex N., Birth: 1912-07-22, Death: 1994-12-07, Lot: G2 186
ADAMS, Anna May, Death: 1971-05-26, Lot: SSE 57
ADAMS, Charles H., Death: 1954-12-06, Lot: SSE 57
ADAMS, Ella Lera Eddy, Birth: 1915-03-12, Death: 1994-03-26, Lot: D 45
ADAMS, Enoch, Birth: 1916-09-17, Death: 2007-08-25, Lot: G3 80
ADAMS, George L., Birth: 1920-03-10, Death: 1987-09-20, Lot: SSE 57
ADAMS, Gilbert David (Gib) Sr., Birth: 1911-01-12, Death: 1995-09-11, Lot: G1 30
ADAMS, Harry James, Birth: 1949-11-20, Death: 1996-10-23, Lot: G2 406
ADAMS, Harry E., Death: 1930-03-05, Lot: SSE 57
ADAMS, Henry C., Birth: 1925-12-01, Death: 1994-02-09, Lot: G2 769
ADAMS, Ida B., Birth: 1898-08-01, Death: 1987-01-19, Lot: G1 30
ADAMS, Joseph G., Death: 1975-03-16, Lot: F 384
ADAMS, Laura B. Hicks, Birth: 1908-12-23, Death: 1997-04-19, Lot: G3 80
ADAMS, Louis, Birth: 1953-02-25, Death: 2000-07-29, Lot: H 39
ADAMS, Mary E., Birth: 1920-04-07, Death: 2000-11-19, Lot: F 384
ADAMS, Mary Fountain, Birth: 1904-08-23, Death: 1990-07-28, Lot: G2 632
ADAMS, Michael, Death: 1840-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ADAMS, Nellie J., Death: 1978-12-05, Lot: D 245
ADAMS, Robert, Death: 1952-01-18, Lot: D 245
ADAMS, Robert B. Sr., Birth: 1903-09-12, Death: 1989-04-12, Lot: G2 632
ADAMS, Tom, Birth: 1909-04-10, Death: 1995-05-25, Lot: F 103
ADAMS, Virginia, Death: 1944-11-23, Lot: D 244
ADAMSON, Elizabeth Agnes, Death: 2002-11-21, Lot: D 412
ADAMSON, George, Death: 1959-02-26, Lot: D 412
ADDISON, James Henry, Birth: 1933-07-12, Death: 2007-06-08, Lot: I 58
ADER, Charlene Loretta, Birth: 1945-06-05, Death: 1991-12-11, Lot: G2 347
ADKINS, Jessie, Death: 1981-04-22, Lot: G4 14
ADKINS, Katie Marshall, Death: 1980-09-18, Lot: G4 15
AGOSTI, Robert J., Birth: 1932-03-19, Death: 2013-08-05, Lot: I 36
AIKEN, Mary Lee, Death: 1998-04-18, Lot: F 379
AIKEN, Robert S., Death: 1966-01-05, Lot: F 379
AITKEN, William, Death: 1970-11-13, Lot: B 24
AKERMAN, Howard J., Birth: 1920-03-02, Death: 1999-07-29, Lot: D 48
AKERMAN, Rosetta H., Birth: 1913-02-22, Death: 1999-07-10, Lot: D 48
AKINS, Onyx Jamara Zilynn, Birth: 2012-03-13, Death: 2012-03-13, Lot: E 94
ALBECK, Rosalie A. Bowers, Birth: 1949-08-18, Death: 1996-04-29, Lot: F 236
ALBIN, Floyd E., Birth: 1935-11-21, Death: 2013-09-03, Lot: K 38
ALBIN, Gary, Birth: 1950-12-20, Death: 2013-03-08, Lot: F 61
ALBIN, Hazel, Birth: 1942-12-16, Death: 2012-10-09, Lot: K 38
ALBIN, John H., Death: 1974-11-09, Lot: G2 239
ALBRIGHT, Dora, Birth: 1926-12-29, Death: 2002-09-05, Lot: D 439
ALBRIGHT, Raymond, Birth: 1916-12-30, Death: 1999-03-28, Lot: D 439
ALBRIGHTON, Betty, Birth: 1928-10-30, Death: 2012-04-24, Lot: G4 119
ALBRIGHTON, Charles Sr., Death: 1971-06-11, Lot: D 436
ALBRIGHTON, Dorothy, Death: 1965-11-16, Lot: D 447
ALBRIGHTON, Edward A., Death: 1997, Lot: D 447
ALBRIGHTON, Emma Maust, Death: 1961-02-28, Lot: D 436
ALCORN, Helen, Death: 2012-05-25, Lot: F 59
ALCORN, Linda, Birth: 1949-03-14, Death: 2001-09-29, Lot: G3 172
ALDERSON, Elizabeth, Death: 1960-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALDRIDGE, Mary, Birth: 1899-03-12, Death: 1990-01-23, Lot: G4 33
ALEX, Bernt I., Birth: 1921, Death: 2010-05-03, Lot: G2 513
ALEX, Lorraine, Birth: 1927-01-10, Death: 1996-12-16, Lot: G2 513
ALEXANDER, Florence, Death: 1967-02-22, Lot: SG 6
ALEXANDER, Ida, Death: 1984-05-24, Lot: G4 19
ALEXANDER, Issac Earl, Death: 1961-11-04, Lot: D 273
ALEXANDER, Jesse, Death: 1969-06-24, Lot: SG 60
ALEXANDER, Jessie B., Birth: 1922-06-11, Death: 1999-07-22, Lot: F 151
ALEXANDER, Melissa, Death: 1945-05-31, Lot: SG 8
ALEXANDER, Susan L., Death: 1956-02-11, Lot: D 273
ALFORD, Damon J., Birth: 1976-01-13, Death: 1998-01-17, Lot: G4 97
ALFORD, Earl G., Death: 1978-05-28, Lot: G4 5
ALFORD, Eleanor Louise, Birth: 1940-08-23, Death: 2015-07-01, Lot: L 54
ALFORD, Rufus, Birth: 1936-08-19, Death: 2002-03-20, Lot: L 54
ALLEN, Al Wayne, Death: 1971-08-26, Lot: SG 6
ALLEN, Alvin, Death: 1873-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Ann Sarah, Death: 1863-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Barbara Lynn, Death: 1969-03-22, Lot: SG 9
ALLEN, Benjamin, Death: 1975-04-16, Lot: G3 21
ALLEN, Bradford, Death: 1900-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Catherine Henrietta, Death: 1982-09-02, Lot: G3 40
ALLEN, Daniel E., Birth: 1914-06-12, Death: 2006-08-24, Lot: D 467
ALLEN, Daniel C., Birth: 1933-08-21, Death: 1994-06-10, Lot: H 21
ALLEN, David, Death: 1820-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Dorothy, Birth: 1919-04-28, Death: 1989-12-19, Lot: C 307
ALLEN, Eddie, Death: 1966-03-29, Lot: SG 8
ALLEN, Edith, Death: 1853-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Ella, Death: 1856-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Helen W., Birth: 1914-12-08, Death: 2011-10-23, Lot: D 467
ALLEN, Howard F., Death: 1979-10-19, Lot: C 307
ALLEN, Jack R., Birth: 1921-06-02, Death: 1994-10-26, Lot: G2 500
ALLEN, John, Death: 1868-11-11, Lot: OL 5
ALLEN, Joseph T., Death: 1892, Lot: ESE 29
ALLEN, Joseph, Birth: 1959-11-08, Death: 2000-03-11, Lot: H 103
ALLEN, Joseph, Death: 1800-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Josiah, Death: 1842-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Lavinia Deenie, Birth: 1927-03-04, Death: 1994-06-11, Lot: H 21
ALLEN, Leon (Rev.), Death: 1983-12-18, Lot: G3 39
ALLEN, Leona Melzine, Birth: 1921-09-28, Death: 2015-01-22, Lot: G2 500
ALLEN, Lucinda, Death: 1835-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Major James, Birth: 1900-10-21, Death: 1990-06-11, Lot: F 346
ALLEN, Maria, Death: 1802-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Mary Elizabeth, Birth: 1923-09-10, Death: 1999-03-18, Lot: H 103
ALLEN, Mary, Death: 1837-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Mary, Death: 1841-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Milton, Death: 1856-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Paul S., Death: 1985-12-01, Lot: E 140
ALLEN, Rebecca, Death: 1840-11-11, Lot: OL 6
ALLEN, Robert Dale, Birth: 1955-11-02, Death: 1988-11-22, Lot: G2 500
ALLEN, Ruth A., Birth: 1919-08-31, Death: 2007-08-16, Lot: E 140
ALLEN, Warren Clay Sr., Birth: 1929-03-14, Death: 2000-09-01, Lot: H 50
ALLER, Gerald H., Birth: 1922-10-03, Death: 2007-06-30, Lot: F 110
ALTENE, Amadeo, Birth: 1956-07-14, Death: 1992-11-21, Lot: F 18
ALTON, Beauford, Death: 1929-02-03, Lot: SSE 62
ALVAREZ, Edward, Death: 1983-05-30, Lot: F 452
ALVAREZ, Linda M., Birth: 1956-05-22, Death: 1995-09-29, Lot: F 452
AMABILE, William L., Birth: 1927-08-19, Death: 1988-08-01, Lot: G3 43
AMENDOLA, Anthony, Birth: 1932-08-15, Death: 2002-05-07, Lot: F 115
AMENDOLA, Mildred, Birth: 1938-08-23, Death: 2005-11-25, Lot: F 115
AMMON, John William, Birth: 1900-10-12, Death: 1989-06-10, Lot: B 15
AMMON, Mabel Pearl, Death: 1960-11-26, Lot: B 15
AMORE, Elva, Birth: 1927-04-04, Death: 2010-07-13, Lot: C 392
AMORE, Elviro (Benny), Death: 1959-11-08, Lot: C 392
AMORE, Julie, Birth: 1922-09-02, Death: 1997-02-08, Lot: C 392
AMORE, Yolanda, Death: 1984-09-09, Lot: C 392
AMOS, Lorna B., Birth: 1912-01-29, Death: 1988-09-29, Lot: G2 906
AMOS, Paul Eugene, Death: 2012-06-02, Lot: G2 906
AMTMANIS, Dorothy M., Birth: 1931-03-10, Death: 1996-11-29, Lot: A 201
ANDERSON, Alvin, Death: 1953-11-27, Lot: SG 10
ANDERSON, Angel Marie, Birth: 1992-12-01, Death: 1992-12-03, Lot: A 126
ANDERSON, Arthur W., Death: 1980-04-28, Lot: G2 113
ANDERSON, Baby Girl, Birth: 1981-07-02, Death: 1981-07-02, Lot: F 501
ANDERSON, Benjamin, Death: 1978-12-27, Lot: G3 15
ANDERSON, Carrie A., Birth: 1908-11-10, Death: 1994-09-15, Lot: G4 19
ANDERSON, Catherine Feaster, Birth: 1920-07-10, Death: 2013-11-09, Lot: I 76
ANDERSON, Cecil F., Death: 1982-12-29, Lot: G4 19
ANDERSON, Charles, Birth: 1939-01-21, Death: 2011-11-18, Lot: C 38
ANDERSON, Clifford, Death: 1966-11-17, Lot: B 104
ANDERSON, Clifford, Death: 1974-06-14, Lot: G3 15
ANDERSON, David Steven, Death: 1981-06-08, Lot: G1 66
ANDERSON, Elizabeth, Death: 1960-01-12, Lot: SG 4
ANDERSON, Elsie, Death: 1930-09-10, Lot: SSE 88
ANDERSON, Ethel, Birth: 1908-12-17, Death: 1998-05-10, Lot: F 272
ANDERSON, Florence S., Death: 1966-12-14, Lot: A 222
ANDERSON, Gerald, Birth: 1942-09-13, Death: 2000-12-15, Lot: H 49
ANDERSON, Grace Mc Cray, Birth: 1942-02-05, Death: 2012-12-06, Lot: H 28
ANDERSON, Jerome, Sr., Birth: 1916-06-02, Death: 1991-09-19, Lot: H 28
ANDERSON, Jesse, Death: 1968-01-26, Lot: SG 60
ANDERSON, Johanna, Birth: 1908-03-30, Death: 1997-03-22, Lot: C 167
ANDERSON, John Caldwell, Death: 1953-05-07, Lot: A 222
ANDERSON, John Franklin, Death: 1972-05-01, Lot: A 222
ANDERSON, John W., Death: 1966-02-04, Lot: C 211
ANDERSON, John A., Death: 1941-01-27, Lot: D 95
ANDERSON, John A., Death: 1970-06-07, Lot: G2 53
ANDERSON, John, Death: 1953-05-07, Lot: OL 6
ANDERSON, Joseph John, Birth: 1892-02-23, Death: 1935-06-06, Lot: A 70
ANDERSON, Joseph, Death: 1978-06-08, Lot: E 136
ANDERSON, Joseph, Death: 1966-04-11, Lot: SG 7
ANDERSON, Joseph Jr., Death: 1942-01-10, Lot: SSE 88
ANDERSON, Kristopher Jon, Birth: 1986-02-06, Death: 2012-10-25, Lot: G2 114
ANDERSON, Lena, Death: 1964-12-10, Lot: C 211
ANDERSON, Lena, Death: 1963-08-10, Lot: SG 5
ANDERSON, Margaret, Death: 1981-06-21, Lot: D 387
ANDERSON, Mary Lou, Birth: 1941-01-16, Death: 2007-09-23, Lot: C 38
ANDERSON, Mary Lindstrom, Death: 1953-04-09, Lot: D 95
ANDERSON, Mary, Death: 1953-04-09, Lot: OL 9
ANDERSON, Maude Daft, Death: 1948-10-27, Lot: A 70
ANDERSON, Melva R., Birth: 1926-01-31, Death: 2011-10-17, Lot: G2 113
ANDERSON, Napoleon, Birth: 1934-08-13, Death: 2010-01-09, Lot: CXT 59
ANDERSON, Nellie, Death: 1971-06-28, Lot: G2 53
ANDERSON, Robert, Birth: 1941-02-06, Death: 2010-06-29, Lot: CXT 57
ANDERSON, Ruth, Death: 1925-06-16, Lot: SSE 88
ANDERSON, Wilbur, Death: 1982-06-19, Lot: E 122
ANDERSON, Willie, Death: 1981-12-10, Lot: E 114
ANDRASCIK, Irene C., Birth: 1922-02-28, Death: 1988-11-26, Lot: K 16
ANDRASCIK, John, Birth: 1915-06-06, Death: 2004-08-15, Lot: K 16
ANDREJ, Andrew, Death: 1983-10-11, Lot: F 463
ANDREJ, Mary, Death: 1984-09-07, Lot: F 464
ANDREJ, Michale, Death: 1984-09-08, Lot: F 464
ANDREJACK, Mary Elizabeth, Death: 1981-10-15, Lot: G2 348
ANDREJACK, Steve J., Death: 1981-06-11, Lot: G2 348
ANDRESKY, Joseph M., Birth: 1934-01-16, Death: 1988-02-21, Lot: G2 453
ANDRESS, Cynthia, Death: 1965-07-19, Lot: D 345
ANDRESS, George, Death: 1980-09-06, Lot: D 345
ANDREW, Edith, Birth: 1909-06-25, Death: 1987-07-22, Lot: G2 851
ANDREW, Joseph, Death: 1864-11-11, Lot: OL 9
ANDREWS, Charles, Birth: 1918-05-19, Death: 2002, Lot: L 45
ANDREWS, Charles J., Birth: 1954-11-17, Death: 2001-07-28, Lot: L 45
ANDREWS, Dorothy M., Birth: 1915-02-15, Death: 2012-03-05, Lot: A 213
ANDREWS, Esther Martin, Birth: 1913-06-22, Death: 1996-10-02, Lot: H 34
ANDREWS, Evelyn Brown Scott, Birth: 1912-05-16, Death: 1993-07-11, Lot: D 345
ANDREWS, Mary L, Birth: 1927-11-29, Death: 2000-03-29, Lot: K 46
ANDREWS, Richard, Death: 1948-03-20, Lot: SG 2
ANDREWS, Wallace P., Birth: 1941-07-29, Death: 1999-07-18, Lot: A 214
ANDREWS, William H., Death: 1981-03-30, Lot: A 213
ANDREWS, William N., Birth: 1925-05-01, Death: 2011-10-22, Lot: K 46
ANGELO , Frank J. Jr., Birth: 1939-12-13, Death: 2016-04-01, Lot: L 56
ANGLOVICH, Albert Anthony, Birth: 1916-05-15, Death: 1986-07-26, Lot: G2 470
ANGLOVICH, Helen, Birth: 1922-12-04, Death: 2001-12-17, Lot: G2 470
ANGOTTI, John, Death: 1972-12-14, Lot: G2 202
ANGOTTI, Norma, Birth: 1922-01-13, Death: 2004-03-04, Lot: G2 202
ANGOTTI, Rose, Death: 1971-04-18, Lot: C 155
ANGOTTI, Samuel, Death: 1963-03-11, Lot: C 155
ANGOTTI, Saverio M., Birth: 1923-11-08, Death: 2004-02-05, Lot: J 16
ANGOTTI, William, Lot: C 357
ANJESKI, Albert J., Death: 2001-02-08, Lot: G2 864
ANJESKI, Betty, Birth: 1918-06-19, Death: 1989-08-16, Lot: G2 864
ANJESKI, Bruni, Death: 1964-12-26, Lot: C 31
ANJESKI, Elmer A., Birth: 1923-05-21, Death: 2003-04-15, Lot: G2 626
ANJESKI, Florence H., Death: 1984-04-11, Lot: G2 626
ANJESKI, Julia Slaby, Death: 1961-07-18, Lot: C 31
ANTANTIS, George W., Death: 2002-01-31, Lot: F 237
ANTANTIS, Kathleen E., Birth: 1942-07-26, Death: 2000-08-17, Lot: F 237
ANTANTIS, Madaline M., Birth: 1914-12-22, Death: 1985-12-19, Lot: F 237
ANTHONY, Ethel, Death: 1969-03-01, Lot: SG 6
ANUSZKIEWICZ, Frank M., Birth: 1926-08-15, Death: 1986-06-06, Lot: F 382
APFELTHALER, Harry, Birth: 1926-12-09, Death: 1998-01-07, Lot: G2 367
APFELTHALER, Rita Marie, Death: 1980-11-09, Lot: G2 367
APPETTA, Dorothy, Birth: 1912-09-05, Death: 1986-03-19, Lot: SSE 95
APPLEGATE, Eddy Ara, Death: 1963-04-06, Lot: ESA 36
APPLEGATE, Eliza Jane, Death: 1937-03-17, Lot: ESA 36
AQUILANTE, Domenica, Death: 1981-10-23, Lot: E 65
ARCANGELI, Marsilio, Death: 1971-01-17, Lot: G2 307
ARCANGELI, Theresa, Death: 1972-03-02, Lot: G2 307
ARCH, Henry, Birth: 1913-12-03, Death: 1992-09-13, Lot: K 47
ARCH, Valaria N., Birth: 1918-12-23, Death: 2002-03-10, Lot: K 47
ARDILLETZ, John J, ., Death: 1981-03-05, Lot: G2 61
AREND, David, Death: 1924-11-11, Lot: OL 9
AREND, Washabaugh, Death: 1924-11-11, Lot: OL 9
ARGIRO, Debra, Death: 2012-06-08, Lot: F 173
ARGYROS, George, Birth: 1936-04-18, Death: 2010-04-26, Lot: CXT 44
ARMOR, George B., Birth: 1917-08-21, Death: 1992-11-14, Lot: C 342
ARMOR, Norma E., Birth: 1921-09-21, Death: 1999-03-04, Lot: C 342
ARMORE, Benny Elvira, Death: 1959-11-08, Lot: OL 9
ARMSTRONG, Cerrone Latrell, Birth: 2006-06-03, Death: 2006-07-01, Lot: H 33
ARMSTRONG, Christopher A., Birth: 1964-10-23, Death: 2009-04-26, Lot: G2 72
ARMSTRONG, Edna, Death: 1973-10-06, Lot: D 41
ARMSTRONG, Ethel, Death: 1965-10-09, Lot: D 54
ARMSTRONG, George H., Death: 1950-06-27, Lot: D 41
ARMSTRONG, George I., Death: 1954-04-27, Lot: D 46
ARMSTRONG, Harold L., Birth: 1935-01-14, Death: 2006-04-17, Lot: D 41
ARMSTRONG, Henry Lee, Birth: 1936-09-26, Death: 1996-10-17, Lot: H 33
ARMSTRONG, James, Death: 1964-02-08, Lot: D 54
ARMSTRONG, Joan A., Birth: 1939-06-19, Death: 1997-08-10, Lot: G2 72
ARMSTRONG, John Wilbert, Death: 1977-09-21, Lot: G2 72
ARMSTRONG, Myrtle Jane, Death: 1962-10-02, Lot: D 46
ARMSTRONG, Sarah, Death: 1827-11-11, Lot: OL 9
ARMSTRONG, William, Death: 1960-03-14, Lot: D 54
ARNOLD, Alfred C., Birth: 1917-06-11, Death: 1993-06-18, Lot: A 114
ARNOLD, Charles, Birth: 1926-03-15, Death: 1989-03-05, Lot: G2 875
ARNOLD, Francis Wolfe, Birth: 1916-03-19, Death: 1985-09-23, Lot: A 114
ARNOLD, Nikesha Middle Brook, Birth: 1978-01-30, Death: 2015-07-22, Lot: K 87
ARNOLD, Shirley, Birth: 1928-03-19, Death: 2001-03-28, Lot: G2 875
ARRINGTON , Andrew Jr., Death: 2016-05-27, Lot: SG 60
ARTLE, Howard B., Birth: 1902-02-12, Death: 1988-12-07, Lot: F 99
ARTLE, Pauline, Death: 1983-04-13, Lot: F 99
ARTMAN, Frank J., Death: 1983-04-20, Lot: G1 164
ARTMAN, Louise, Birth: 1918-06-30, Death: 2009-12-21, Lot: G1 164
ARWOOD, Ada N., Death: 1968-08-13, Lot: D 97
ARWOOD, Edward D., Death: 1961-08-02, Lot: D 97
ASH, Brian C., Birth: 1982-07-19, Death: 2002-09-21, Lot: G2 600
ASHBURN, Pearl, Lot: SSE 65
ASHTON, Baby Boy, Birth: 1990-01-03, Death: 1990-01-03, Lot: F 125
ASHTON, Elizabeth, Death: 1973-12-23, Lot: C 387
ASHTON, Janet, Birth: 1916-07-12, Death: 2007-02-09, Lot: G2 168
ASHTON, John E., Death: 1974-05-04, Lot: G2 168
ASHTON, Martha J., Birth: 1893-06-09, Death: 1985-12-02, Lot: D 231
ASHTON, Palmer, Death: 1981-12-18, Lot: D 231
ASHTON, Robert, Death: 1984-07-19, Lot: F 124
ASHTON, Ronald J., Birth: 1939-04-21, Death: 2008-01-15, Lot: F 131
ASHTON, William B., Death: 1974-05-03, Lot: C 387
ASSAD, John, Death: 1966-03-20, Lot: SG 2
ATCHINSON, James W., Death: 1959-04-09, Lot: OL 9
ATKARI, Andrew Charles, Birth: 1964-10-13, Death: 2007-08-17, Lot: G5 66
ATKINS, Flora, Death: 1934-10-17, Lot: SG 1
ATKINS, George, Death: 1948-05-23, Lot: SG 1
ATKINS, Herbert, Birth: 1936-07-09, Death: 1999-09-16, Lot: G2 747
ATKINS, Jean Louise, Birth: 1936-10-17, Death: 2008-05-31, Lot: G2 747
ATKINS, Kathleen F., Death: 1980-09-24, Lot: G1 87
ATKINS, William H., Birth: 1928-06-25, Death: 2001-06-21, Lot: G1 87
ATKINS (ATKISON), Roosevelt, Birth: 1904-09-05, Death: 1985-11-24, Lot: E 153
ATKINSON, Agnes Mae, Birth: 1930-05-23, Death: 1993-01-10, Lot: SG 4
ATKINSON, Alice M., Birth: 1928-12-22, Death: 1991-12-25, Lot: G2 841
ATKINSON, Betty Lu, Birth: 1926-11-06, Death: 1998-08-21, Lot: G3 63
ATKINSON, James N., Death: 1959-04-09, Lot: D 256
ATKINSON, James, Birth: 1935-07-24, Death: 1989-02-27, Lot: G4 70
ATKINSON, James, Death: 1965-12-06, Lot: SG 4
ATKINSON, John H., Birth: 1916-05-19, Death: 2003-09-14, Lot: J 8
ATKINSON, Joseph L., Death: 1969-01-13, Lot: D 257
ATKINSON, Joseph A. Sr., Birth: 1926-01-02, Death: 2007-06-19, Lot: G3 63
ATKINSON, Martha Ann, Birth: 1918-03-10, Death: 1991-12-28, Lot: J 8
ATKINSON, Mary Ann, Death: 1965-04-07, Lot: SG 10
ATKINSON, Rebecca, Birth: 1927-09-08, Death: 1988-01-11, Lot: D 256
ATKINSON, Selina, Death: 1960-04-04, Lot: OL 9
ATKINSON, William A. Sr. (Skeets), Birth: 1927-05-28, Death: 1992-04-16, Lot: D 256
ATKINSON, Zelma Pigford, Death: 1960-04-04, Lot: D 257
AUGUSTINE, Mary, Death: 1956-06-17, Lot: C 67
AUGUSTINE, Paul Sr., Death: 1959-08-11, Lot: C 67
AUGUSTINE, Paul Jr. (Whitey), Birth: 1916-03-28, Death: 1993-01-16, Lot: C 67
AUKERMAN, Delmer C., Birth: 1924-07-03, Death: 1997-12-31, Lot: G2 801
AUKERMAN, Rose, Birth: 1929-10-09, Death: 2016-02-01, Lot: G2 801
AUL, Conrad J., Birth: 1931-06-02, Death: 1994-12-22, Lot: G4 139
AUL, Gloria, Birth: 1945-05-18, Death: 2008, Lot: G4 139
AURETTO, Anthony, Birth: 1910-09-27, Death: 2001-05-22, Lot: K 27
AURETTO, Eleanor, Birth: 1913-02-21, Death: 1999-12-20, Lot: K 27
AURETTO, Frederick Anthony, Birth: 1937-08-18, Death: 2016-09-07, Lot: K 94
AUSBURN, Charles C., Birth: 1913-11-05, Death: 1994-12-05, Lot: G1 40
AUSBURN, Dorothy W., Birth: 1923-08-23, Death: 2013-07-13, Lot: D 322
AUSBURN, Finley, Death: 1967-05-16, Lot: D 285
AUSBURN, Harold O., Birth: 1919-03-12, Death: 2005-11-28, Lot: D 322
AUSBURN, Janet Agnes, Death: 1980-04-22, Lot: D 285
AUSBURN, Mary V., Birth: 1917-05-06, Death: 2008-02-09, Lot: G1 40
AUSHBURN, Bertha Jane, Death: 1928-05-26, Lot: SSE 65
AUSHBURN, Emmett Herbert, Death: 1940-10-01, Lot: SSE 65
AUSHBURN, Finley, Death: 1967-05-16, Lot: OL 9
AUSHBURN, George, Death: 1959-04-08, Lot: SSE 65
AUSHBURN, Minnie, Death: 1976-09-20, Lot: SSE 65
AUSHBURN, Pauline, Death: 1942-07-11, Lot: SSE 65
AUSTIN, Annie, Death: 1952-12-21, Lot: SG 6
AUSTIN, Charles W., Birth: 1927-08-16, Death: 2007-02-25, Lot: G4 145
AUSTIN, Loretta J. Meade, Birth: 1937-11-27, Death: 2000-11-29, Lot: H 46
AUSTIN, Sally A. Belland Harper, Birth: 1939-04-23, Death: 2015-10-16, Lot: E 128
AUSTIN, William, Birth: 1941-11-07, Death: 1995-06-13, Lot: L 70
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