Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Round Hill Cemetery
Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.243160, -79.856972
2131 Round Hill Church Rd
Elizabeth, PA 15037
Published: December 21, 2016
Total records: 13,554
Surnames M
Records published here were acquired from Round Hill Cemetery on December 20, 2016. Dates of death range from 1800 to 2016.
MACBETH, Louis A., Birth: 1944-02-20, Death: 2009-04-20, Lot: K 28
MACDONALD, Frederick, Death: 1980-08-06, Lot: F 503
MACDOUGALL, Donald, Birth: 1915-02-14, Death: 1988-10-09, Lot: F 434
MACE, Ann, Lot: OL 3
MACE, Elizabeth, Lot: OL 3
MACFARLANE, Betty, Birth: 1930-04-28, Death: 2010-12-10, Lot: G3 38
MACFARLANE, Naomi Ruth, Birth: 1934-04-11, Death: 2010-09-04, Lot: G3 38
MACFARLANE, Thomas M., Death: 1974-10-10, Lot: G3 38
MACFARLENE, Ella Hays, Death: 1991-01-05, Lot: A 49
MACFARLENE, George, Death: 1939-09-12, Lot: A 49
MACHUNTKA, John, Death: 1963-11-08, Lot: SG 10
MACK, Autumn, Death: 1966-08-30, Lot: SG 4
MACK, Charlotte, Birth: 1926-07-15, Death: 2000-05-01, Lot: F 129
MACK, Lisa Darlene, Death: 1965-09-20, Lot: SG 4
MACKEY, Margaret, Birth: 1930-04-05, Death: 2012-07-23, Lot: K 91
MACKEY, Russel, Birth: 1923-11-10, Death: 1998-09-18, Lot: K 91
MACKO, Edward, Birth: 1914-07-13, Death: 1999-04-22, Lot: D 450
MACKO, Grace, Birth: 1916-12-20, Death: 2005-03-22, Lot: D 450
MACKOWIAK, Richard Jonathan, Birth: 1996-03-09, Death: 1996-03-09, Lot: G2 846
MACNICOL, Margaret Sneddon, Death: 1953-05-12, Lot: SG 3
MACUGA, Sheryl Ann, Birth: 1952-12-02, Death: 2008-11-10, Lot: L 33
MADAK, James, Birth: 1963-03-14, Death: 2004-12-30, Lot: L 66
MADAK, Philip S., Birth: 1952-09-04, Death: 2013-04-27, Lot: D 320
MADAK, Stephen, Death: 1979-05-23, Lot: D 320
MADAK, Virginia, Birth: 1925-02-07, Death: 2002-06-14, Lot: D 320
MADAR, Frank, Birth: 1908-08-02, Death: 1994-09-27, Lot: G4 91
MADAR, Mary M., Birth: 1910-06-29, Death: 1988-10-04, Lot: G4 91
MADARAS, Virginia A., Death: 2012-09-25, Lot: I 20
MADDEN, Bessie, Death: 1977-12-16, Lot: D 1
MADER, Jessica, Birth: 1980-10-30, Death: 2002-07-12, Lot: J 91
MADER, Petrina, Birth: 1960-04-19, Death: 2008-03-05, Lot: J 91
MAGEE, Hattie, Death: 1945-05-05, Lot: SG 8
MAGEE, Mark, Death: 1940-06-06, Lot: SG 8
MAGILL, Barry Lee, Birth: 1961-01-05, Death: 1995-05-10, Lot: G2 293
MAGISKE, George Jr., Birth: 1916-04-01, Death: 1989-02-19, Lot: F 66
MAGISKE, George M. (Pete), Birth: 1935-05-05, Death: 1998-07-11, Lot: G2 95
MAGISKE, Marion A., Death: 1983-05-19, Lot: F 66
MAGISKE, Mary, Death: 1977-09-10, Lot: G2 95
MAGISKE, Micheal, Death: 1973-01-28, Lot: G2 95
MAGROSKI, Noami Grace, Birth: 1932-02-15, Death: 1985-09-18, Lot: A 151
MAGUIRE, Jeaneen, Death: 1978-06-08, Lot: D 169
MAGUIRE, Leo, Death: 2001-05-12, Lot: D 169
MAGWOOD, Anna, Birth: 1934-07-16, Death: 2011-04-03, Lot: CU2B 26
MAGWOOD, Samuel, Birth: 1922-06-20, Death: 2002-12-03, Lot: J 105
MAGYAR, Albert, Birth: 1912-02-20, Death: 1985-08-09, Lot: G2 269
MAGYAR, Albert, Birth: 1919-07-14, Death: 1986-05-11, Lot: G2 938
MAGYAR, Edward C., Birth: 1928-08-17, Death: 1987-12-01, Lot: G1 136
MAGYAR, Elizabeth, Death: 1984-05-23, Lot: G1 136
MAGYAR, Esther, Birth: 1915-04-13, Death: 2000-12-10, Lot: G2 269
MAGYAR, Helen C. (Lil), Birth: 1923-08-07, Death: 1994-12-02, Lot: G2 938
MAGYAR, Mary P., Birth: 1923-11-29, Death: 1992-12-07, Lot: G2 825
MAHER, Patricia A., Birth: 1940-11-29, Death: 1997-02-05, Lot: G2 892
MAHNEY, Theodore, Death: 1951-12-04, Lot: A 5
MAHONEY, Beatrice D., Birth: 1907-09-18, Death: 2002-06-25, Lot: C 197
MAHONEY, Betty, Birth: 1928-07-18, Death: 2011-10-13, Lot: C 136
MAHONEY, Kenneth F. Sr, Death: 1973-06-08, Lot: C 197
MAHONEY, Kenneth Jr., Birth: 1926-06-19, Death: 2010-01-13, Lot: C 136
MAINS, Martha, Death: 1896, Lot: ESE 32
MAIZER, Gertrude, Birth: 1926-09-17, Death: 2010-12-06, Lot: F 113
MAIZER, Joseph, Birth: 1928-01-23, Death: 2009-07-15, Lot: F 113
MAJEWSKI, Robert A., Birth: 1924-03-24, Death: 1987-05-03, Lot: G2 961
MAJOR, Ruby Lee, Birth: 1921-07-06, Death: 1995-11-15, Lot: G4 88
MAJZER, Barney, Birth: 1912-12-26, Death: 1990-12-21, Lot: F 121
MAKEPEACE, James Warren, Birth: 1966-01-02, Death: 2002-10-24, Lot: F 178
MAKEPEACE, Ralph C., Birth: 1918-05-05, Death: 1995-01-16, Lot: H 40
MAKEPEACE, Virginia R., Birth: 1921-04-11, Death: 2010-01-13, Lot: H 40
MAKI, Elma S., Birth: 1996-01-17, Death: 1991-02-15, Lot: F 134
MAKI, Toivo E., Death: 1976-06-21, Lot: F 134
MAKI, Toivo W., Birth: 1921-04-20, Death: 1986-06-06, Lot: F 134
MAKSIN, John, Death: 1990-03-10, Lot: G2 458
MAKSIN, Joseph M., Birth: 1948-12-29, Death: 1989-10-07, Lot: H 8
MAKSIN, Mary Belle, Birth: 1917-01-23, Death: 1995-01-09, Lot: G2 458
MAKSIN, Stephen John Jr. (J.R, ), Birth: 1963-10-09, Death: 1993-07-17, Lot: H 8
MAKSIN, Stephen, Birth: 1916-01-07, Death: 1989-04-12, Lot: H 9
MALADY, Francis, Death: 2000-03-10, Lot: C 190
MALADY, Regis Sr., Birth: 1917-02-09, Death: 1985-04-29, Lot: G2 491
MALADY, Verna D., Birth: 1911-06-11, Death: 1985-12-18, Lot: C 190
MALADY, Virginia S., Birth: 1921-04-20, Death: 1987-01-23, Lot: G2 491
MALETTA, Andrew, Birth: 1967-01-23, Death: 2013-12-03, Lot: K 47
MALETTA, Debra Lynne Flintall, Birth: 1965-01-15, Death: 2002-07-15, Lot: E 104
MALETTA, James L., Birth: 1926-02-04, Death: 2009-06-14, Lot: K 37
MALETTA, Norma, Death: 2004-05-19, Lot: K 37
MALLOY, Florence, Birth: 1933-08-09, Death: 2002-03-24, Lot: G3 147
MALLOY, Joan Zuzo, Birth: 1938-01-22, Death: 2012-11-03, Lot: G2 599
MALLOY, Mark, Birth: 1937-01-12, Death: 1997-01-31, Lot: G2 599
MALLOY, Paul Andrew, Death: 1965-07-29, Lot: C 263
MALLOY, Wilbert R., Birth: 1932-06-14, Death: 1996-12-07, Lot: G3 147
MALMQUIST, Sophia Adele, Death: 1952-02-16, Lot: D 263
MALONEY, Imogene, Death: 1968-03-19, Lot: C 197
MALONEY, John, Death: 1962-06-24, Lot: C 197
MALSEED, Helen J., Death: 1997-09-22, Lot: F 378
MALSEED, Leonard F., Death: 1983-03-30, Lot: F 378
MALUTINOK, Paul, Birth: 1924-02-20, Death: 1989-10-15, Lot: G2 701
MAMULA, Mildred Louise, Death: 1980-02-22, Lot: D 418
MAMULA, Peter, Birth: 1920-07-20, Death: 1999-05-13, Lot: D 418
MANCZ, Shirley M., Birth: 1932-07-19, Death: 2011-10-19, Lot: G2 958
MANETTA KIBE, Helen, Death: 2015-08-26, Lot: G2 205
MANETTA, John, Death: 1974-06-04, Lot: G2 205
MANGELSDORF, Ruthann Adams, Birth: 1939-10-25, Death: 2002-08-23, Lot: D 45
MANKO, Cicely Marie, Birth: 1915-07-16, Death: 2013-09-05, Lot: D 364
MANKO, Helen M., Birth: 1910-02-07, Death: 1987-01-12, Lot: D 473
MANKO, John Joseph, Birth: 1911-06-20, Death: 1986-03-11, Lot: G2 395
MANKO, Joseph John, Birth: 1909-03-08, Death: 1988-11-23, Lot: D 473
MANKO, Macaline, Birth: 1917-06-16, Death: 2014, Lot: G2 395
MANKO, William, Birth: 1913-12-19, Death: 1993-12-30, Lot: D 364
MANLEY, Susan, Birth: 1962-04-27, Death: 2003-07-08, Lot: I 64
MANN, Irene, Death: 2001-02-02, Lot: D 489
MANN, Mary Lou, Birth: 1932-09-08, Death: 2014-09-17, Lot: D 467
MANN, William Sr., Death: 1978-02-05, Lot: D 489
MANNERING, Mabel, Death: 1982-03-03, Lot: D 205
MANNERING, William Henry, Death: 1961-05-15, Lot: D 205
MANNING, Dorothy, Birth: 1926-10-19, Death: 2001-04-18, Lot: F 359
MANNING, Kenneth M., Birth: 1906-03-25, Death: 1992-04-23, Lot: G2 516
MANNING, Louise, Birth: 1910-08-21, Death: 2000-04-15, Lot: G2 516
MANNS, David J., Birth: 1924-11-22, Death: 2006-05-21, Lot: G2 418
MANNS, Don F., Birth: 1934-10-03, Death: 2011-11-02, Lot: F 334
MANNS, Scotte H., Birth: 1937-01-25, Death: 2010-06-18, Lot: F 334
MANOLAKIS, Michael C., Birth: 1930-05-01, Death: 1986-07-01, Lot: G2 384
MANOLAKIS, Thelma T., Birth: 1928-10-31, Death: 2015-02-19, Lot: G2 384
MANSON, Tony, Birth: 1914-12-25, Death: 1987-08-16, Lot: E 162
MANUEL, Charles E., Death: 1977-08-29, Lot: G2 314
MANUEL, Ethel, Birth: 1913-12-28, Death: 2011-12-05, Lot: G2 314
MAPLE, Charles A., Birth: 1928-01-26, Death: 2002-10-11, Lot: G2 143
MAPLE, Charles W., Birth: 1911-02-11, Death: 1999-04-13, Lot: G2 481
MAPLE, Elizabeth, Death: 1983-08-18, Lot: G2 481
MAPLE, Harry, Birth: 1906-05-25, Death: 1994-07-17, Lot: G1 30
MAPLE, Hazel May, Birth: 1904-03-03, Death: 1990-09-17, Lot: G1 30
MAPLE, John Jr., Death: 1949-09-01, Lot: SSE 85
MAPLE, John Sr., Death: 1935-10-10, Lot: SSE 85
MAPLE, Margaret Stirk, Death: 1952-03-24, Lot: E 85
MAPLE, Margaret, Death: 1929-10-11, Lot: SSE 85
MAR NICOL, Joseph, Death: 1936-02-12, Lot: SG 3
MARAFFI, Alice, Birth: 1923-10-05, Death: 2002-02-02, Lot: G1 35
MARAFFI, Rancel (Ray), Death: 1980-03-23, Lot: G1 35
MARANCIAK, Theodore, Death: 1982-11-12, Lot: F 442
MARASCO, Jean La Verne, Death: 1984-07-15, Lot: G2 346
MARCEDES, Alex, Death: 1981-10-13, Lot: F 122
MARCEDES, Helen, Death: 1982-06-05, Lot: F 122
MARCH, Catherine P., Birth: 1924-06-22, Death: 1996-08-22, Lot: G2 396
MARCH, Diane L., Birth: 1948-03-06, Death: 2010-01-26, Lot: CU2B 25
MARCH, Donald, Death: 1998-11-05, Lot: D 33
MARCH, George W., Death: 1984-07-19, Lot: G2 396
MARCH, Harry R., Death: 1973-09-05, Lot: D 33
MARCH, James Richard, Birth: 1933-11-29, Death: 1990-07-15, Lot: G2 395
MARCH, James S., Birth: 1927-05-14, Death: 1986-10-19, Lot: D 34
MARCH, Martha B., Death: 1953-08-29, Lot: D 33
MARCH, Wesley Allen, Death: 1980-07-27, Lot: D 33
MARCIESKI, Elizabeth, Birth: 1923-10-28, Death: 2008-12-09, Lot: C 100
MARCIESKI, Eugenia Jean, Death: 1980-10-18, Lot: C 171
MARCIESKI, Irene M., Death: 1983-01-15, Lot: C 171
MARCIESKI, John G., Death: 1972-03-31, Lot: C 100
MARCIESKI, Walter Stanley (Whitey), Birth: 1916-03-13, Death: 1996-01-25, Lot: C 171
MARCIESKI, William J. Sr., Birth: 1914-07-24, Death: 1990-11-01, Lot: C 171
MARCIESKY, Stephen, Death: 1981-06-28, Lot: C 230
MARCOFF, Alex M., Birth: 1963-08-12, Death: 1988-09-11, Lot: G2 640
MARCOFF, Alex, Birth: 1935-11-06, Death: 2014-11-16, Lot: G2 640
MARCOFF, Catherine Marie, Death: 1973-01-31, Lot: D 389
MARCONI, August G., Birth: 1918-01-10, Death: 1996-04-03, Lot: G3 103
MARCONI, Caroline Rosa, Birth: 1923-03-17, Death: 2015-03-28, Lot: G3 103
MARCOS, Ruth, Death: 1980-12-27, Lot: D 437
MARE, Robert, Death: 1952-04-23, Lot: SG 6
MARFIN, Terri Lynn, Birth: 1957-05-07, Death: 1999-05-06, Lot: G1 165
MARFLAK, Vincent J., Birth: 1943-04-30, Death: 2013-08-28, Lot: G6 155
MARGHELLA, Mario F., Birth: 1931-08-08, Death: 1999-09-30, Lot: F 359
MARGHELLA, Rosina, Birth: 1898-03-21, Death: 1987-01-12, Lot: F 448
MARINCIC, Anna, Birth: 1920-05-07, Death: 2013-03-18, Lot: K 35
MARINCIC, Bernard, Birth: 1943-12-05, Death: 1989-10-18, Lot: K 14
MARINCIC, Victor, Birth: 1921-11-02, Death: 2010-09-18, Lot: K 35
MARINE, Bessie, Death: 1975-07-08, Lot: C 414
MARINKOVICH, G. Virginia, Death: 1979-07-29, Lot: D 451
MARINKOVICH, Phillip, Birth: 1928-09-28, Death: 2013-10-25, Lot: D 451
MARK, Cherie D. Townsend, Birth: 1928-07-09, Death: 1996-07-04, Lot: J 50
MARK, Richard H., Birth: 1927-02-24, Death: 2013-08-13, Lot: J 50
MARKLE, Gertrude, Death: 1977-12-29, Lot: SG 4
MARKLE, Robert Franklin, Death: 1961-01-18, Lot: SG 4
MARKLEY, Blanche Anna, Death: 1977-07-17, Lot: G2 147
MARKO, Alvin, Death: 1957-09-15, Lot: C 26
MARKO, Helen, Birth: 1918-08-06, Death: 2011-01-24, Lot: A 182
MARKO, Juluis, Birth: 1916-10-21, Death: 2006-09-14, Lot: A 182
MARKOVIC, John V., Birth: 1954-08-07, Death: 2003-10-21, Lot: G1 135
MARKOVICH, Antoinette, Birth: 1932-01-12, Death: 2006-11-14, Lot: D 476
MARKOVICH, Charles F., Death: 1978-07-07, Lot: D 476
MARKS, Bernard E., Death: 2007-05-31, Lot: G3 183
MARKS, Howard, Death: 1943-10-23, Lot: SG 2
MARKS, Lawrence, Death: 1945-03-07, Lot: SG 2
MARKWOOD, F. Regis, Birth: 1933-01-11, Death: 1994-01-03, Lot: F 283
MARKWOOD, Linda Jeanne, Birth: 1959-01-18, Death: 2001-11-20, Lot: D 224
MARKWOOD, Margaret F., Birth: 1911-02-11, Death: 2001-02-14, Lot: F 282
MARLATT, Seth Barton, Death: 1980-12-06, Lot: C 407
MARLATT, Wilda G., Death: 1974-11-21, Lot: C 407
MARLINIS, Marie Derosa Webb Veltrie, Death: 1959-08-24, Lot: SG 9
MARNELL, Edna Josephine, Death: 2006-03-15, Lot: G3 162
MARNELL, Michael F., Death: 1998-12-12, Lot: G3 162
MARRACCINI, David Joseph Sr., Birth: 1914-02-09, Death: 1990-09-09, Lot: G2 644
MARRACCINI, Eugene M., Birth: 1920-07-14, Death: 1994-05-27, Lot: C 245
MARRACCINI, Louise, Birth: 1919-06-01, Death: 2009-04-16, Lot: C 245
MARRACCINI, Orlando, Birth: 1916-03-27, Death: 2007-12-05, Lot: D 464
MARRACCINI, Pearl V., Birth: 1918-10-18, Death: 2001-02-10, Lot: G2 306
MARRACCINI, Premo, Death: 1973-09-09, Lot: G2 306
MARRACCINI, Verla, Birth: 1922-04-22, Death: 2013-12-16, Lot: D 464
MARRACCINI, Virgil, Birth: 1922-06-21, Death: 1998-05-21, Lot: G2 360
MARRACCINI, Zola, Birth: 1924-05-16, Death: 2014-12-10, Lot: G2 360
MARRACINI, Mildred L., Death: 1974-05-17, Lot: ESE 11
MARSH, Charles J., Birth: 1921-01-31, Death: 1988-02-09, Lot: F 446
MARSH, Charles R., Birth: 1916-12-15, Death: 1995-12-18, Lot: F 508
MARSH, Dorothy J., Birth: 1924-02-22, Death: 2007-11-07, Lot: F 446
MARSH, Lena R., Birth: 1922-08-31, Death: 2001-10-05, Lot: F 508
MARSHALL, Bellva, Death: 1984-08-30, Lot: E 154
MARSHALL, David R., Birth: 1949-01-20, Death: 2009-09-21, Lot: I 42
MARSHALL, Dayle L. Cottingham, Birth: 1955-11-15, Death: 2003-01-24, Lot: I 42
MARSHALL, Finnia M., Death: 1977-05-01, Lot: G3 28
MARSHALL, Gladys R., Birth: 1916-07-01, Death: 2001-02-25, Lot: F 280
MARSHALL, James F., Birth: 1920-11-05, Death: 1995-06-15, Lot: F 103
MARSHALL, Marian Virginia Young, Birth: 1930-06-24, Death: 2005-08-21, Lot: CXT 13
MARSHALL, Martha, Lot: OL 2
MARSHALL, Millie, Death: 1977-07-03, Lot: SG 3
MARSHALL, Robert Jr., Birth: 1948-01-16, Death: 1996-12-21, Lot: G3 28
MARSHALL, William, Lot: OL 2
MARSZALEK, August J., Birth: 1914-05-19, Death: 1990-12-22, Lot: F 222
MARSZALEK, Emil J., Birth: 1919-09-27, Death: 1988-07-14, Lot: F 222
MARSZALEK, Omie, Birth: 1908-09-15, Death: 1988-01-31, Lot: F 222
MARTELL, John R. Sr., Birth: 1915-07-04, Death: 1998-11-14, Lot: G2 906
MARTELL, Mary A., Birth: 1920-06-13, Death: 2007-03-10, Lot: G2 906
MARTIN, Alice V. Campbell, Birth: 1917-07-14, Death: 1987-07-21, Lot: E 89
MARTIN, Anna Mae, Birth: 1915-10-12, Death: 2012-02-18, Lot: C 191
MARTIN, Annie, Death: 1946-03-29, Lot: SG 8
MARTIN, Baby Girl, Death: 1973-04-19, Lot: SG 5
MARTIN, Bessie Burgess, Death: 1943-04-29, Lot: SG 7
MARTIN, Carl M., Birth: 1949-03-09, Death: 2003-10-21, Lot: K 119
MARTIN, Caroline, Death: 1906, Lot: ESA 19
MARTIN, Charles F., Birth: 1930-09-06, Death: 1993-05-19, Lot: G4 56
MARTIN, Dorothy, Death: 2002-12-09, Lot: F 112
MARTIN, Edison, Birth: 1908-04-13, Death: 1991-09-16, Lot: F 45
MARTIN, Ella Mae, Death: 1953-05-01, Lot: D 82
MARTIN, Ellen, Death: 1971-01-23, Lot: G3 3
MARTIN, Elvira Smith, Death: 1961-10-10, Lot: E 41
MARTIN, George D., Birth: 1912-05-27, Death: 2006-01-03, Lot: F 107
MARTIN, George, Death: 1932-12-27, Lot: SG 7
MARTIN, Jack R., Death: 1999-09-06, Lot: F 9
MARTIN, James Will, Death: 1940-05-13, Lot: D 82
MARTIN, John Edward, Death: 1941-10-25, Lot: SG 7
MARTIN, Joseph, Lot: D 82
MARTIN, Julia, Death: 1975-02-06, Lot: D 561
MARTIN, Lucille M., Death: 1981-12-12, Lot: D 365
MARTIN, Luella, Death: 1928-05-07, Lot: SSE 66
MARTIN, Mae, Death: 1951-11-27, Lot: SG 6
MARTIN, Maggie, Lot: D 83
MARTIN, Margaret Blake, Birth: 1933-08-22, Death: 1994-09-15, Lot: K 81
MARTIN, Marva Marie Phillips Penni, Birth: 1937-02-02, Death: 2006-07-09, Lot: G3 92
MARTIN, Michael J., Death: 1981-07-13, Lot: F 392
MARTIN, Michael R., Birth: 1913-10-02, Death: 2001-05-24, Lot: D 561
MARTIN, Paul Jr., Death: 1980-04-30, Lot: G1 33
MARTIN, Paul, Sr, Death: 2010-04-25, Lot: G1 33
MARTIN, Shan T., Birth: 1990-07-31, Death: 1991-01-20, Lot: D 323
MARTIN, Thomas F., Birth: 1931-07-31, Death: 2014-03-20, Lot: D 365
MARTIN, Thomas, Death: 1956-08-16, Lot: E 41
MARTIN, Thomas, Death: 1999-04-12, Lot: G4 138
MARTIN, Thomas, Lot: D 83
MARTIN, Vera M., Birth: 1921-08-18, Death: 2007-10-18, Lot: F 254
MARTIN, Vincent, Birth: 1921-05-16, Death: 2001-06-07, Lot: F 254
MARTIN, W.F., Birth: 1912-02-09, Death: 2001-09-07, Lot: C 191
MARTIN, W.H., Death: 1942-02-06, Lot: SSE 66
MARTINCEK, George, Birth: 1925-08-12, Death: 2013-09-23, Lot: F 504
MARTINCEK, Helen M., Death: 1981-11-11, Lot: F 504
MARTINEZ, Aiden Royce, Birth: 2007-08-27, Death: 2007-08-29, Lot: D 448
MARTINI, Marcella, Death: 1981-11-23, Lot: F 379
MARTIS, Anna Louise, Death: 1983-09-24, Lot: F 402
MARTIS, George, Death: 1980-12-06, Lot: F 402
MARUSA, Robert, Death: 1981-10-31, Lot: G2 107
MARUSKY, Isabel, Birth: 1921-04-12, Death: 1994-02-28, Lot: A 223
MARY, Louis, Birth: 1907-11-21, Death: 1989-08-15, Lot: B 40
MARY, Margaret, Birth: 1911-01-09, Death: 2004-05-12, Lot: B 40
MARYNCAK, Mildred, Birth: 1920-08-18, Death: 1998-10-01, Lot: G2 169
MARYNCHAK, Kevin, Death: 1975-09-25, Lot: G2 169
MARYNOWSKI, Bonnie Sue, Birth: 1955-08-12, Death: 2011-05-07, Lot: G8 76
MASALLE, Daniel, Birth: 1923-06-14, Death: 1985-04-09, Lot: G2 919
MASAR, Louis Jr., Death: 1980-04-17, Lot: G1 62
MASAR, Marie Hosier, Birth: 1936-07-07, Death: 1992-12-05, Lot: G1 62
MASLOWSKI, Joseph R., Death: 1972-01-20, Lot: G2 76
MASLOWSKI, Margaret, Birth: 1921-06-10, Death: 2012-06-02, Lot: G2 76
MASON, Emerence Marie, Birth: 1931-10-25, Death: 1998-12-21, Lot: F 149
MASON, Ethel, Death: 1977-08-21, Lot: D 121
MASON, Fred, Death: 1966-12-31, Lot: D 121
MASON, John, Death: 1971-07-04, Lot: SG 60
MASON, Lena, Death: 1971-07-12, Lot: SG 60
MASON, Mary Ellen, Death: 1968-11-19, Lot: C 390
MASON, William, Death: 1962-08-04, Lot: C 390
MASSARO, Mary, Birth: 1924-11-30, Death: 1997-03-03, Lot: G3 134
MASSARO, Samuel Sr., Birth: 1927-11-21, Death: 2003-04-21, Lot: G3 134
MATHENY, Betty, Birth: 1927-10-24, Death: 2004-07-20, Lot: G2 807
MATHENY, Harry A., Birth: 1924-08-07, Death: 1997-07-05, Lot: G2 807
MATHERS, Caroline A., Death: 1964-06-22, Lot: D 200
MATHERS, Daniel M., Birth: 1943-10-08, Death: 1994-04-24, Lot: D 199
MATHERS, Daniel R., Death: 1960-07-17, Lot: D 199
MATHERS, Edward C., Birth: 1922-06-30, Death: 1993-05-03, Lot: G2 565
MATHERS, Elizabeth, Death: 1943-06-06, Lot: D 103
MATHERS, Genevieve R., Birth: 1924-04-22, Death: 2009-10-14, Lot: G2 553
MATHERS, Harry L., Birth: 1932-12-06, Death: 1990-08-12, Lot: G1 146
MATHERS, James, Death: 1983-12-20, Lot: G2 553
MATHERS, John E., Death: 1976-12-13, Lot: D 259
MATHERS, John H., Death: 1959-02-15, Lot: D 174
MATHERS, Lloyd D., Birth: 1932-05-24, Death: 2014-02-07, Lot: G2 565
MATHERS, Pearl I., Birth: 1894-06-13, Death: 1991-06-14, Lot: D 174
MATHERS, Sadie, Death: 1962-06-12, Lot: D 174
MATHERS, Susan Lynetti, Death: 1945-12-10, Lot: D 103
MATHERS, Theodore Richard, Death: 1970-02-27, Lot: D 262
MATHERS, Thomas Heath, Death: 1952-07-28, Lot: D 174
MATHERS, Thomas, Death: 1966-09-25, Lot: G2 13
MATHERS, William D. Sr., Death: 1981-04-10, Lot: D 103
MATHERS, William D., Death: 1947-03-19, Lot: D 103
MATHERS, William Richard, Death: 1958-02-04, Lot: D 200
MATHEWS, Ann Roman, Death: 1983-03-27, Lot: D 349
MATHEWS, Betty, Birth: 1934-08-16, Death: 2010-08-01, Lot: G4 46
MATHEWS, Curtis Alden, Death: 1947-02-16, Lot: SG 8
MATHEWS, David, Death: 1971-12-09, Lot: G2 47
MATHEWS, Ellen La Rue, Death: 1984-03-25, Lot: G4 46
MATHEWS, George, Death: 1982-02-26, Lot: D 349
MATHEWS, Georgian, Death: 1942-07-01, Lot: SG 7
MATHEWS, Lloyd T., Birth: 1929-07-05, Death: 1996-09-16, Lot: G4 46
MATHEWS, Mary, Death: 1963-10-01, Lot: SG 5
MATHEWS, Opal, Birth: 1915-04-22, Death: 2006-03-09, Lot: G2 47
MATICH, Mary, Birth: 1917-07-16, Death: 2013-11-03, Lot: G1 75
MATICH, Thomas, Birth: 1915-08-04, Death: 2005-10-05, Lot: G1 75
MATKOWSKI, Infant, Death: 1971-09-25, Lot: SG 9
MATSCHERZ, Edward K., Birth: 1922-03-23, Death: 1995-01-13, Lot: G2 855
MATSCHERZ, Lilo, Birth: 1922-04-23, Death: 1999-04-05, Lot: G2 855
MATSON, Veronica Marie, Birth: 1972-01-04, Death: 2002-05-08, Lot: A 188
MATTER, Elizabeth, Death: 1933-03-07, Lot: E 16
MATTER, Levi, Death: 1935-05-09, Lot: E 16
MATTER, Sara Mabel, Death: 1976-02-10, Lot: E 16
MATTER, Walter, Death: 1940-10-15, Lot: E 16
MATTHEWS, Aj, Birth: 1961-01-07, Death: 2006-10-25, Lot: CXT 19
MATTHEWS, Alma Delores, Death: 1981-10-23, Lot: E 107
MATTHEWS, Alma, Death: 1963-11-14, Lot: SG 6
MATTHEWS, Annie G., Birth: 1927-03-12, Death: 1992-03-29, Lot: G3 17
MATTHEWS, Audrey Jean Boyd, Birth: 1948, Death: 2016-06-06, Lot: G2 503
MATTHEWS, Belva, Birth: 1919-11-20, Death: 2001-01-23, Lot: H 26
MATTHEWS, Doris I., Birth: 1937-04-18, Death: 2015-10-16, Lot: CXT 19
MATTHEWS, Howard D., Birth: 1937-09-28, Death: 1996-04-18, Lot: H 26
MATTHEWS, James Blaine, Death: 1965-10-19, Lot: SG 7
MATTHEWS, James W., Death: 1978-07-24, Lot: G3 17
MATTHEWS, John William, Death: 1980-10-13, Lot: G3 17
MATTHEWS, Lucy, Death: 1935-04-06, Lot: SG 1
MATTHEWS, Robert P., Death: 1970-04-20, Lot: SG 7
MATTHEWS, Robert, Birth: 1959-07-08, Death: 2005-10-23, Lot: CXT 18
MATTHEWS, Thomas C, Death: 1934-10-23, Lot: SG 1
MATZ, Anna D., Birth: 1945-02-18, Death: 2007-03-30, Lot: E 24
MATZ, Conrad F., Sr., Death: 1977-01-31, Lot: G2 363
MATZ, Edith E., Birth: 1909-11-07, Death: 2005-05-11, Lot: A 53
MATZ, John Franklin (Jack), Birth: 1935-11-09, Death: 1995-10-01, Lot: E 24
MATZ, John, Death: 1954-11-29, Lot: E 19
MATZ, Mildred, Death: 1956-11-10, Lot: E 19
MATZ, Ralph, Death: 1950-09-16, Lot: A 53
MATZ, Suzanne, Death: 1973-10-20, Lot: G2 363
MAUCHLINE, (John)Glenn, Death: 1966-02-15, Lot: C 75
MAUCHLINE, Glen E., Birth: 1929-12-25, Death: 1995-12-27, Lot: C 52
MAUCHLINE, Sadie, Death: 1950-04-13, Lot: C 75
MAURER, Blanche J., Birth: 1926-02-10, Death: 1997-06-19, Lot: G2 587
MAURER, Chester, Death: 1973-09-03, Lot: E 11
MAURER, Effie, Death: 1968-01-13, Lot: E 11
MAURER, George, Birth: 1921-06-08, Death: 1996-11-25, Lot: G2 587
MAURER, Glenn, Birth: 1913-03-08, Death: 2002-10-16, Lot: F 89
MAURER, Harold E., Birth: 1920, Death: 2008-08-09, Lot: G2 606
MAURER, Helen D., Lot: G2 606
MAURER, James E. (Son), Birth: 1964-06-07, Death: 1988-08-04, Lot: G2 872
MAURER, John, Death: 1937-03-27, Lot: E 11
MAURER, Kenneth, Birth: 1913-05-06, Death: 2000-01-06, Lot: G2 311
MAURER, Margaret, Birth: 1916-09-20, Death: 2002-02-11, Lot: F 89
MAURER, Margaret, Birth: 1917-10-13, Death: 1985-11-12, Lot: G2 311
MAURER, Nora I., Death: 1982-06-16, Lot: ESE 36
MAURER, Will R., Birth: 1900-03-12, Death: 1992-11-15, Lot: ESE 36
MAUST, Margarite R., Birth: 1921-06-13, Death: 1990-12-15, Lot: G2 625
MAUST, Samuel, Birth: 1917-01-11, Death: 1985-03-01, Lot: G2 625
MAXWELL, Edith Mae Whoolery, Birth: 1920-08-16, Death: 1994-10-03, Lot: D 143
MAXWELL, George Leon, Birth: 1979-02-26, Death: 2000-11-04, Lot: G4 61
MAXWELL, Pearl Elizabeth, Birth: 1923-08-08, Death: 1995-05-10, Lot: G4 69
MAXWELL, Ronald, Birth: 1952-06-15, Death: 1988-05-20, Lot: G4 30
MAXWELL, Rudolph, Birth: 1923-03-04, Death: 2000-12-12, Lot: G4 69
MAXYMCZAK, Annette, Birth: 1935-09-23, Death: 2005-02-25, Lot: K 55
MAXYMCZAK, Helen, Birth: 1929-01-26, Death: 1999-07-22, Lot: J 37
MAXYMCZAK, John, Birth: 1930-06-26, Death: 2015-01-13, Lot: K 55
MAXYMCZAK, Mike, Birth: 1929-06-28, Death: 2016-01-06, Lot: J 37
MAY, Frank Benjamin, Death: 1974-05-22, Lot: G3 31
MAY, Gladys Virginia Randall, Birth: 1907-12-19, Death: 1988-04-26, Lot: G3 31
MAY, John E. Sr., Death: 1971-04-18, Lot: SG 6
MAY, Rebecca Thompkins, Birth: 1922-10-10, Death: 2004-11-19, Lot: F 249
MAYER, Catherine C., Death: 1987-08-03, Lot: B 73
MAYER, Donald, Birth: 1919-03-17, Death: 2008-04-25, Lot: G3 131
MAYER, Doris, Birth: 1920-07-05, Death: 2000-12-16, Lot: G3 131
MAYER, William C., Death: 1969-03-25, Lot: B 73
MAYERNIH, Jasmine Marie, Birth: 2000-05-12, Death: 2000-05-12, Lot: G2 465
MAYERNIK, Andrew Bernard, Birth: 1921-09-20, Death: 2006-12-11, Lot: CXT 11
MAYERNIK, Mary R., Birth: 1923-05-17, Death: 2016-04-04, Lot: CXT 10
MAYES, Jack A., Birth: 1924-10-09, Death: 2009-01-17, Lot: G2 372
MAYES, Selma P., Birth: 1927-02-14, Death: 1985-06-28, Lot: G2 372
MAYFIELD, Eileen, Death: 1979-10-23, Lot: SSE 55
MAYFIELD, Gary L., Birth: 1956-03-24, Death: 1986-03-29, Lot: SSE 55
MAYFIELD, Helen M., Birth: 1935-08-29, Death: 2014-11-22, Lot: G2 807
MAYFIELD, Marlene, Birth: 1940-07-27, Death: 2015-05-19, Lot: G8 81
MAYFIELD, Robert F. Sr., Birth: 1931-09-16, Death: 1967-09-12, Lot: G2 807
MAYHUGH, Debra, Death: 1947-12-01, Lot: ESA 109
MAYHUGH, Edith, Death: 1952-06-26, Lot: ESA 109
MAYHUGH, Francis Lee, Birth: 1913-03-27, Death: 1992-08-07, Lot: B 84
MAYHUGH, Harold, Death: 1905, Lot: ESA 109
MAYHUGH, Helen V., Death: 1984-04-26, Lot: B 84
MAYHUGH, Joseph F., Birth: 1921-01-13, Death: 1988-10-03, Lot: B 85
MAYHUGH, Kenneth A., Birth: 1906-10-28, Death: 1988-05-17, Lot: G4 86
MAYHUGH, Mabel C., Birth: 1908-06-19, Death: 2002-06-14, Lot: G4 86
MAYHUGH, Nayoma, Birth: 1923-02-15, Death: 2002-11-01, Lot: B 85
MAYHUGH, Thomas, Death: 1937-01-26, Lot: ESA 109
MAYHUGH, Will P., Death: 1931-06-16, Lot: ESA 109
MAYHUGH, William Charles Jr, Death: 1977-05-06, Lot: G1 82
MAYHUGH, William, Death: 1924, Lot: ESA 109
MAYO, Icy Pearl, Birth: 1923-08-12, Death: 2013-10-18, Lot: H 95
MAYO, John, Birth: 1912-10-31, Death: 1986-02-18, Lot: G3 55
MAYO, Maeola, Death: 1980-10-18, Lot: G4 12
MAYO, Thomas, Birth: 1938-02-08, Death: 1988-07-21, Lot: F 499
MAYOU, Arthur J., Jr., Birth: 1923-02-06, Death: 1989-02-10, Lot: D 486
MAYOU, Marie, Birth: 1923-03-29, Death: 2001-08-15, Lot: D 486
MAYOU, Nicole M., Death: 1986-03-31, Lot: G2 914
MAYS, Frank A., Birth: 1972-05-03, Death: 2007-08-24, Lot: J 38
MAYS, Ida May, Death: 1953-10-25, Lot: SG 60
MAYS, Lucille, Death: 1950-07-06, Lot: SG 6
MAYZEL, Anna D., Birth: 1910-08-27, Death: 1989-09-17, Lot: G1 122
MAYZEL, Frank, Birth: 1954-03-08, Death: 1997-10-09, Lot: G1 114
MAYZEL, Joseph J., Death: 1983-01-15, Lot: G1 122
MAZORE, Florence L., Birth: 1925-11-12, Death: 2010-11-12, Lot: F 309
MAZURKIEWICZ, Deborah Readel Brletic, Birth: 1953-05-18, Death: 2012-05-24, Lot: F 34
MAZZA, Herbert J., Birth: 1946-11-28, Death: 1973-03-24, Lot: G2 143
MAZZARO, Baby Boy, Death: 1968-10-16, Lot: SG 9
MCARTHUR, Belton, Death: 1984-02-11, Lot: E 115
MCARTHUR, Emma G., Birth: 1907-08-08, Death: 1993-03-22, Lot: E 65
MCARTHUR, James Belton, Jr., Death: 1986-06-02, Lot: E 165
MCATEE, Earl J., Birth: 1947-03-14, Death: 2014-04-03, Lot: I 7
MCATEE, Patricia, Birth: 1926-12-26, Death: 2001-02-26, Lot: G3 177
MCATEE, Ruth O., Birth: 1915-12-13, Death: 2011-11-21, Lot: I 7
MCAULIFFE, Ruth, Birth: 1914-08-27, Death: 2004, Lot: F 68
MCAULIFFE, Timothy B., Birth: 1914-09-14, Death: 1988-08-16, Lot: F 68
MCBRAYER, Evelyn, Death: 1984-10-14, Lot: G3 41
MCBRAYER, Jackie, Death: 1991-07-23, Lot: J 25
MCBRAYER, Walter E. (Rev.), Death: 1978-03-27, Lot: G3 41
MCBRIDE, Bertha Mae Kirkland, Birth: 1916-09-25, Death: 1996-04-14, Lot: G4 23
MCBRIDE, Dorothy M., Birth: 1913-07-13, Death: 1985-11-29, Lot: ESA 120
MCBRIDE, John Sr., Birth: 1938-09-01, Death: 2004-05-12, Lot: J 86
MCBRIDE, Michael Daniel Smith, Lot: F 263
MCBRIDE, Robert A., Birth: 1912-08-26, Death: 1979-01-14, Lot: ESA 120
MCBURNEY, Charles William, Death: 1988-06-15, Lot: G1 113
MCBURNEY, Charles, Death: 1978-07-06, Lot: G1 23
MCBURNEY, Ida May, Death: 1944-01-30, Lot: A 18
MCBURNEY, Margaret, Birth: 1911-07-14, Death: 2011-02-19, Lot: G1 23
MCCABE, Nellie, Death: 1975-09-24, Lot: D 164
MCCABE, Richard T., Death: 1980-03-06, Lot: D 164
MCCALL, Cynthia Lee, Birth: 1957-11-25, Death: 2012-07-21, Lot: G4 111
MCCALL, Harold L., Sr., Birth: 1931-05-19, Death: 1989-12-02, Lot: G3 186
MCCALL, John, Death: 1977-11-02, Lot: G2 60
MCCALL, Julianne, Birth: 1919-12-06, Death: 2007-08-10, Lot: G2 60
MCCALL, Mary, Birth: 1937-06-24, Death: 1997-03-02, Lot: G3 186
MCCALL, Nelt J., Birth: 1923-09-01, Death: 1988-10-14, Lot: F 434
MCCARTER, Gayle Hayden, Birth: 1921-03-15, Death: 2012-09-22, Lot: A 68
MCCARTY, Elwood J. Sr, Birth: 1929-04-27, Death: 2006-07-01, Lot: G6 120
MCCARTY, Katherine, Death: 1998-06-19, Lot: F 357
MCCARTY, Ross A., Jr., Birth: 1932-10-27, Death: 1993-10-29, Lot: F 357
MCCLAIN, Mary, Death: 1978-07-18, Lot: E 103
MCCLAIN, Olie, Birth: 1906-03-21, Death: 1991-05-18, Lot: E 95
MCCLELLAN , Ross Williams Sr., Birth: 1941-03-09, Death: 2014-01-15, Lot: L 85
MCCLELLAN, Florence, Birth: 1933-05-03, Death: 2000-07-07, Lot: G3 180
MCCLELLAN, Margaret, Lot: B 77
MCCLELLAN, Robert E. Sr., Birth: 1932-08-23, Death: 1996-02-15, Lot: G3 180
MCCLELLAND, Harry, Lot: B 77
MCCLINTOCK, Anna Mae, Birth: 1910-05-02, Death: 1996-01-25, Lot: D 405
MCCLINTOCK, Audrey, Death: 1957-05-06, Lot: D 404
MCCLINTOCK, Euphema C., Death: 1962-10-23, Lot: E 2
MCCLINTOCK, Euphema, Birth: 1908-05-01, Death: 1995-12-03, Lot: E 52
MCCLINTOCK, Harold Lewis, Death: 1981-10-10, Lot: D 405
MCCLINTOCK, James N., Death: 1936-01-18, Lot: E 2
MCCLINTOCK, James Norval, Birth: 1913-02-06, Death: 1995-11-17, Lot: E 48
MCCLINTOCK, Jane, Birth: 1918-02-26, Death: 1989-03-13, Lot: E 28
MCCLINTOCK, Lawrence, Birth: 1915-11-17, Death: 1999-06-18, Lot: E 28
MCCLINTOCK, Mary Eliza, Birth: 1918-02-11, Death: 1997-08-17, Lot: E 48
MCCLINTOCK, Patrick David, Birth: 1963-11-26, Death: 1963-11-26, Lot: SG 3
MCCLINTOCK, William F., Death: 1937-07-19, Lot: D 404
MCCLINTON, Bessie, Birth: 1932-02-26, Death: 2003-06-01, Lot: G3 130
MCCLINTON, Catherine E., Death: 1983-07-08, Lot: F 6
MCCLINTON, Gloria, Birth: 1934-10-17, Death: 2012-12-10, Lot: J 1
MCCLINTON, Patrick V., Birth: 1953-07-31, Death: 1999-07-02, Lot: F 10
MCCLINTON, Robert, Death: 1982-03-30, Lot: F 6
MCCLOSKEY, Hazel, Birth: 1909-10-10, Death: 1998-04-18, Lot: G2 154
MCCLOSKEY, Stanley, Death: 1976-07-20, Lot: G2 154
MCCLOSKEY, Thomas M., Birth: 1949-09-13, Death: 2005-09-22, Lot: G2 327
MCCLURE, Betty E., Death: 1975-09-22, Lot: G1 15
MCCLURE, Cora, Death: 1959-10-17, Lot: ESA 7
MCCLURE, Frank, Death: 1957-05-31, Lot: ESA 7
MCCLURE, James C., Death: 1939-11-07, Lot: D 72
MCCLURE, James E., Birth: 1920-12-18, Death: 1989-11-11, Lot: G1 15
MCCLURE, Leander, Death: 1911, Lot: ESA 7
MCCLURE, Martha, Death: 1917, Lot: ESA 7
MCCLURE, Maude, Death: 1953-12-22, Lot: D 72
MCCLURKIN, Eliza, Death: 1980-08-23, Lot: E 116
MCCLUSKEY, Sylvester, Death: 1968-03-06, Lot: SG 9
MCCOMBS, Carolyn M., Birth: 1933-08-11, Death: 2015-01-14, Lot: CU1A 9
MCCONEGHY, Alexander, Birth: 1931-01-26, Death: 2004-12-09, Lot: K 43
MCCONEGHY, Jean, Birth: 1943-08-17, Death: 2006-01-07, Lot: G1 37
MCCONEGHY, Martin A., Birth: 1914-10-19, Death: 1998-04-02, Lot: G1 37
MCCONEGHY, Susan, Death: 1981-05-19, Lot: G1 37
MCCONNELL, Alberta, Death: 1945-11-22, Lot: SSE 24
MCCONNELL, Edward W., Birth: 1921-05-14, Death: 1987-10-24, Lot: G2 960
MCCONNELL, Florence Genevieve, Birth: 1908-07-31, Death: 1994-09-20, Lot: A 224
MCCONNELL, Frederick Morrow, Birth: 1910-05-23, Death: 1996-07-08, Lot: C 247
MCCONNELL, George H., Birth: 1904-05-30, Death: 1987-04-21, Lot: A 224
MCCONNELL, Ida M., Birth: 1926-05-18, Death: 2011-10-12, Lot: G6 151
MCCONNELL, John B. Lt., Death: 1943-11-25, Lot: ESA 51
MCCONNELL, John, Death: 1918, Lot: SSE 103
MCCONNELL, Lucinda, Death: 1927-04-18, Lot: SSE 103
MCCONNELL, Mabel, Death: 1943-12-11, Lot: ESA 50
MCCONNELL, Sidney, Death: 1945-05-18, Lot: SSE 103
MCCONNELL, Virgil V., Birth: 1909-05-22, Death: 1998-09-06, Lot: C 247
MCCONNELL, William, Death: 1951-09-28, Lot: SSE 24
MCCORKLE, Alice Gertrude, Birth: 1924-06-19, Death: 1994-07-17, Lot: K 40
MCCORKLE, Annie, Death: 1953-02-19, Lot: D 6
MCCORKLE, Baby Boy, Birth: 1942-12-03, Death: 1942-12-03, Lot: E 58
MCCORKLE, Barbara, Birth: 1937-11-14, Death: 2003-04-21, Lot: F 35
MCCORKLE, Bertha, Lot: G2 8
MCCORKLE, Bessie, Death: 1970-11-27, Lot: D 315
MCCORKLE, Charles, Death: 1968-05-21, Lot: D 315
MCCORKLE, Daniel James, Birth: 1970-02-16, Death: 1986-02-08, Lot: G2 440
MCCORKLE, David, Death: 1943-09-09, Lot: D 17
MCCORKLE, Della, Death: 1965-01-16, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Donald, Birth: 1925-04-25, Death: 1987-03-17, Lot: D 387
MCCORKLE, Earl L., Birth: 1924-04-04, Death: 1985-02-16, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Earl L., Death: 1965-12-25, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Edith J., Death: 1948-02-07, Lot: ESE 15
MCCORKLE, Edna M., Birth: 1915-11-04, Death: 1987-01-13, Lot: D 30
MCCORKLE, Edward J., Sr., Death: 2004-05-16, Lot: K 40
MCCORKLE, Elmer B. Jr., Death: 1979-11-15, Lot: D 5
MCCORKLE, Elmer B. Sr., Death: 1963-04-26, Lot: D 6
MCCORKLE, Elsie, Death: 1984-08-09, Lot: F 35
MCCORKLE, Eugene E., Death: 1985-11-03, Lot: F 35
MCCORKLE, George, Birth: 1920-08-28, Death: 1985-08-04, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Georgia D., Birth: 1889-07-29, Death: 1989-02-05, Lot: F 220
MCCORKLE, Gertrude, Death: 1998-04-11, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Harold W., Death: 1971-04-27, Lot: D 316
MCCORKLE, Harry Newton, Death: 1977-12-01, Lot: G2 281
MCCORKLE, Harry, Death: 1944-09-28, Lot: D 110
MCCORKLE, Helen K., Death: 1968-11-06, Lot: D 5
MCCORKLE, Howard A., Death: 1967-03-23, Lot: D 30
MCCORKLE, John, Birth: 1932-08-03, Death: 2011-07-14, Lot: G2 280
MCCORKLE, Joseph E., Birth: 1911-03-19, Death: 1997-04-30, Lot: D 6
MCCORKLE, Josephine, Death: 1987-01-31, Lot: G2 281
MCCORKLE, Mabel Irene, Death: 1972-01-09, Lot: D 5
MCCORKLE, Mathew, Death: 1957-04-26, Lot: ESE 15
MCCORKLE, Mona, Birth: 1934-04-22, Death: 2006-12-02, Lot: G2 280
MCCORKLE, Nancy Kay, Birth: 1935-06-09, Death: 1998-09-10, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Robert A., Sr., Birth: 1920-11-23, Death: 1988-06-06, Lot: C 183
MCCORKLE, Rosann Marie, Death: 1947-11-17, Lot: D 30
MCCORKLE, Sadie, Death: 1958-11-29, Lot: D 110
MCCORKLE, Sadie, Death: 1961-02-28, Lot: ESE 15
MCCORKLE, Sara, Birth: 1918-02-03, Death: 2009-02-04, Lot: D 311
MCCORKLE, Shirley E., Birth: 1929-12-10, Death: 1992-01-28, Lot: D 6
MCCORKLE, Viola, Birth: 1894-09-16, Death: 1986-12-28, Lot: G2 280
MCCORKLE, Violet, Birth: 1906-02-23, Death: 2000-06-19, Lot: D 6
MCCORKLE, Virginia, Birth: 1918-11-10, Death: 1985-03-22, Lot: D 316
MCCORKLE, Walter W., Death: 1978-11-20, Lot: E 57
MCCORKLE, Walter, Death: 1984-12-28, Lot: G2 280
MCCORKLE, William E. Sr., Birth: 1918-09-07, Death: 2003-08-14, Lot: D 311
MCCORKLE, William Edwin, Death: 1980-10-15, Lot: D 5
MCCORKLE, William Grant, Death: 1965-05-22, Lot: D 315
MCCORMICK, Henry, Death: 1960-09-18, Lot: SG 5
MCCORMICK, Pearl, Death: 1942-07-23, Lot: SG 7
MCCORMLEY, John M., Birth: 1925-09-30, Death: 1985-11-03, Lot: G2 431
MCCORMLEY, Rita C., Birth: 1925-01-03, Death: 2003-07-01, Lot: G2 431
MCCOY, James, Death: 1974-07-14, Lot: SG 2
MCCOY, Joseph, Death: 1960-12-29, Lot: SG 5
MCCOY, Lillie, Birth: 1908-09-04, Death: 1986-08-10, Lot: SG 10
MCCRACKEN, A. Clifford, Birth: 1914-07-31, Death: 1993-10-26, Lot: G2 184
MCCRACKEN, Ruth A., Death: 1981-07-15, Lot: F 420
MCCRACKEN, Sara K., Birth: 1914-09-13, Death: 1989-08-31, Lot: G2 184
MCCRACKEN, Thomas Dale, Birth: 1940-09-20, Death: 1992-10-15, Lot: F 420
MCCRACKEN, William G., Death: 1979-11-22, Lot: C 296
MCCRACKEN, William, Birth: 1950-05-02, Death: 2013-01-09, Lot: C 296
MCCRIMMON, Clara, Death: 1984-03-22, Lot: E 141
MCCULLOUGH, John Jr., Birth: 1914-08-18, Death: 1990-08-08, Lot: G4 37
MCCULLOUGH, Maybelle Thompson, Birth: 1914-08-30, Death: 2002-03-15, Lot: G4 37
MCCUNE, Abraham, Lot: D 218
MCCUNE, Elizabeth, Lot: D 218
MCCUNE, Gilbert, Lot: D 218
MCCURDY, Robert, Birth: 1924-05-29, Death: 1994-06-01, Lot: F 64
McCURRY, Henry G., Birth: 1926-05-13, Death: 2000-03-30, Lot: G2 754
MCCUSKER, Daniel Howard, Death: 1984-07-10, Lot: SG 10
McCUSKER, Francis M., Birth: 1932-11-03, Death: 1999-12-11, Lot: G3 170
MCCUSKER, Jeffery W., Birth: 1961-09-14, Death: 1988-05-20, Lot: F 302
MCCUSKER, Thomas J., Birth: 1926-04-23, Death: 1991-03-12, Lot: G2 949
MCDERMOTT, Irene T., Birth: 1920-09-24, Death: 1997-10-24, Lot: K 37
MCDERMOTT, John V. (Jack), Birth: 1919-08-13, Death: 2003-06-07, Lot: K 37
MCDONALD, Bertha Elizabeth, Death: 1948-01-30, Lot: A 11
MCDONALD, Betty Lou, Birth: 1949-04-23, Death: 2013-07-20, Lot: G1 157
MCDONALD, Christina Rothey, Death: 1946-06-14, Lot: A 11
MCDONALD, Christopher J., Birth: 1952-11-11, Lot: J 41
MCDONALD, Cyril, Death: 2002-05-19, Lot: G1 157
MCDONALD, Darla Yvette Johnson, Birth: 1968-03-16, Death: 2001-05-07, Lot: I 32
MCDONALD, Earnest, Birth: 1900, Death: 1921, Lot: A 12
MCDONALD, Edna, Death: 1954-11-02, Lot: ESE 39
MCDONALD, Emma L., Death: 1931-12-04, Lot: D 64
MCDONALD, Emma, Birth: 1895-09-23, Death: 1988-10-15, Lot: B 48
MCDONALD, Fred A., Death: 1954-09-29, Lot: D 64
MCDONALD, Harriet K., Death: 1940-03-20, Lot: A 12
MCDONALD, Hayes, Birth: 1926-02-14, Death: 1996-01-05, Lot: J 41
MCDONALD, Howard, Death: 1954-05-16, Lot: D 298
MCDONALD, Jeanette R., Death: 1964-02-07, Lot: D 116
MCDONALD, John W., Death: 1946-01-31, Lot: D 116
MCDONALD, Keli Rose, Death: 2012-05-16, Lot: C 135
MCDONALD, Male Fetus, Death: 1983-04-26, Lot: G1 157
MCDONALD, Nathan W., Death: 1954-05-22, Lot: A 12
MCDONALD, Patricia, Birth: 1966-07-12, Death: 2005-12-26, Lot: J 61
MCDONALD, Raymond F., Death: 1978-02-26, Lot: B 48
MCDONALD, Ruth Jean, Birth: 1908-10-31, Death: 2009-08-25, Lot: A 11
MCDONALD, S. Alan, Birth: 1934-03-03, Death: 1997-02-21, Lot: C 135
MCDONALD, Samuel E., Death: 1981-11-05, Lot: A 11
MCDONALD, Samuel Elliott, Death: 1929-10-17, Lot: A 11
MCDONALD, Susie M., Death: 1968-09-04, Lot: SG 5
MCDOUGAL, Jean, Birth: 1923-04-11, Death: 2012-01-11, Lot: D 271
MCDOUGAL, John, Birth: 1918-10-05, Death: 2002-08-10, Lot: D 271
MCDOUGALD, Harvey (Hand), Birth: 1922-05-07, Death: 1985-10-30, Lot: G2 695
MCDOUGALD, Mary, Birth: 1931-10-31, Death: 1986-01-24, Lot: G2 695
MCDOWELL, George J., Birth: 1920-11-27, Death: 1990-03-08, Lot: F 313
MCDOWELL, Margaret J., Death: 1985-07-02, Lot: F 313
MCELHANEY, William, Death: 1952-08-10, Lot: D 249
MCELHATTEN, Grace, Birth: 1900-10-15, Death: 1985-11-29, Lot: G2 268
MCELRAVEY, Jennie, Birth: 1884, Death: 1952-05-22, Lot: C 79
MCELRAVEY, John, Death: 1944-04-14, Lot: B 93
MCELRAVEY, Presley, Birth: 1883, Death: 1973-05-28, Lot: C 79
MCENDREE, William H., Death: 1978-10-03, Lot: B 39
MCEVOY, Ronald, Birth: 1935-10-12, Death: 2002-12-26, Lot: I 42
MCFADDEN, Anna B., Death: 1956-06-10, Lot: B 54
MCFADDEN, Anna T., Death: 1976-02-06, Lot: G2 308
MCFADDEN, Harry H., Death: 1983-02-05, Lot: B 54
MCFADDEN, Lenora E., Death: 1922, Lot: ESE 42
MCFADDEN, Lizzie May, Death: 1886, Lot: ESE 42
MCFADDEN, Mary, Birth: 1925-04-18, Death: 2003-11-02, Lot: G2 308
MCFADDEN, Ruth Mae, Birth: 1931-07-16, Death: 2013-11-21, Lot: G5 91
MCFADDEN, Thomas E., Birth: 1905-11-27, Death: 1989-03-29, Lot: G2 308
MCFADDEN, Watkins Charles "Mac", Birth: 1930-05-05, Death: 2008-06-13, Lot: G5 105
MCFARLAND, Carolyn, Birth: 1946-07-02, Death: 2000-01-25, Lot: F 342
MCFARLAND, Evelyn, Birth: 1926-10-24, Death: 1991-04-26, Lot: H 10
MCFARLAND, John, Death: 1965-10-25, Lot: SG 4
MCFARLAND, Nellie, Death: 1972-07-27, Lot: G3 7
MCFARLAND, Ray Donald, Death: 1964-02-20, Lot: SG 3
MCFARLAND, Robert Glenn, Birth: 1948-05-23, Death: 1995-02-07, Lot: F 356
MCFARLAND, Woodrow H., Birth: 1923-12-07, Death: 1998-04-18, Lot: H 10
MCGAGNEY, Frank, Death: 1963-12-23, Lot: D 406
MCGAGNEY, Helen, Death: 1971-02-12, Lot: D 406
MCGARRITY, Ann, Death: 1969-12-21, Lot: F 424
MCGARRITY, Donald J. Jr., Birth: 1963-12-07, Death: 1987-01-23, Lot: I 6
MCGARRITY, Donald Sr., Birth: 1942-01-20, Death: 2001-12-23, Lot: I 6
MCGARRITY, Hugh Sr., Birth: 1916-04-18, Death: 1988-10-13, Lot: F 424
MCGARRITY, John A., Death: 1984-10-21, Lot: F 289
MCGARRITY, John Hughes, Death: 1955-07-15, Lot: A 20
MCGARRITY, Louise Mae, Birth: 1950-02-03, Death: 2015-03-03, Lot: I 7
MCGAVERN, Edith, Death: 1983-09-12, Lot: F 510
MCGEE, Barbara A., Birth: 1934-12-14, Death: 1996-12-29, Lot: G4 149
MCGEE, Walter, Birth: 1933-06-21, Death: 2005-03-16, Lot: G4 149
MCGEOUGH, Maureen, Birth: 1937-04-08, Death: 1994-08-24, Lot: G1 166
MCGILL, Kevin William, Birth: 1951-11-22, Death: 2015-08-24, Lot: G8 108
MCGILL, William J., Death: 1973-01-09, Lot: G2 202
MCGINLEY, Howard G., Death: 1955-08-04, Lot: ESA 107
MCGINLEY, Nancy C., Birth: 1893-12-29, Death: 1987-06-04, Lot: ESA 107
MCGINN, James W., Birth: 1930-08-25, Death: 1986-06-24, Lot: G2 611
MCGINN, Shawn P., Death: 2011-05-21, Lot: G2 727
MCGLAUGHLIN, Linda Washabaugh, Birth: 1963-01-29, Death: 1997-07-01, Lot: G2 607
MCGLAUGHLIN, Loretta M., Birth: 1932-07-17, Death: 2013-08-03, Lot: D 443
MCGOGNEY, Albert E., Death: 1961-01-18, Lot: A 51
MCGOGNEY, Anna I., Birth: 1907-09-17, Death: 1990-07-06, Lot: A 51
MCGOGNEY, Joseph Mc Night, Death: 1922, Lot: SSE 102
MCGOGNEY, Margaret Anderson, Death: 1941-11-29, Lot: A 51
MCGOWAN, Alvin B., Birth: 1921-07-28, Death: 2005-09-15, Lot: D 337
MCGOWAN, Bernard J., Birth: 1929-12-18, Death: 2012-02-20, Lot: G3 70
MCGOWAN, Ida Hewitt, Death: 1968-02-11, Lot: G2 14
MCGOWAN, Mary Aileen, Birth: 1933-05-17, Death: 2010-01-14, Lot: G3 70
MCGOWAN, Neil C., Birth: 1931-10-19, Death: 2009-11-14, Lot: F 172
MCGOWAN, Neil, Death: 1948-08-10, Lot: G2 14
MCGOWAN, Thelma Dean, Birth: 1929-07-29, Death: 2012-12-01, Lot: D 337
MCGREGOR, Imogene, Birth: 1931-06-27, Death: 2006-01-29, Lot: C 392
MCGREGOR, William S., Death: 1989-04-05, Lot: C 392
MCGREW, Charles A., Death: 1938-05-06, Lot: ESA 44
MCGREW, Maude P., Death: 1908, Lot: ESA 44
MCGREW, Rebecca Ann, Birth: 1927-10-01, Death: 2016-01-12, Lot: G5 93
MCGUIRE, Thomas F. Jr., Death: 1976-07-29, Lot: D 138
MCHALE, Dorothy J., Death: 1987-02-09, Lot: G2 364
MCHALE, Francis L., Death: 1981-09-18, Lot: G2 364
MCHOLME, John N., Death: 1977-06-26, Lot: C 327
MCHOLME, Sara A., Birth: 1907-11-21, Death: 2000-10-18, Lot: C 327
MCHOLMES, Baby Girl, Death: 1965-12-10, Lot: SSE 23
MCHOLMES, Duncan Caird, Death: 1929-04-06, Lot: SSE 23
MCHOLMES, Margaret Caird, Death: 1941-02-26, Lot: SSE 23
MCHOLMES, Margaret, Death: 1989-12-29, Lot: SSE 23
MCINTOSH, Betty L., Birth: 1930-12-03, Death: 1986-02-17, Lot: B 104
MCINTOSH, Jack, Birth: 1938-02-08, Death: 2007-07-30, Lot: G2 358
MCINTOSH, Margaret, Death: 1985-07-24, Lot: G2 358
MCINTYRE, Mildred, Death: 1984-04-28, Lot: F 374
MCKAY, Daniel L., Death: 1981-11-14, Lot: B 45
MCKAY, Harry V., Birth: 1911-09-11, Death: 1996-09-10, Lot: F 25
MCKAY, Mary Louise, Birth: 1913-09-28, Death: 1997-08-02, Lot: F 25
MCKEAN, John B., Death: 1959-11-17, Lot: C 190
MCKEE, Carrie Mae, Death: 1983-05-10, Lot: E 139
MCKEE, Roland, Death: 1975-04-04, Lot: G3 13
MCKEEVER, Edith B., Birth: 1923-12-04, Death: 1999-05-02, Lot: A 156
MCKEEVER, Edith E., Death: 1975-06-10, Lot: E 50
MCKEEVER, Edith O., Death: 1981-12-29, Lot: ESA 1
MCKEEVER, Frank, Death: 1978-11-23, Lot: ESA 1
MCKEEVER, H. I., Birth: 1921-09-25, Death: 2009-08-07, Lot: A 135
MCKEEVER, Harriet, Birth: 1919-11-19, Death: 2008-12-25, Lot: E 48
MCKEEVER, Hugh, Death: 1949-11-15, Lot: ESA 1
MCKEEVER, John V., Birth: 1875, Death: 1948-12-14, Lot: E 48
MCKEEVER, Karen Ann, Birth: 1946-06-18, Death: 2013-05-26, Lot: C 396
MCKEEVER, Katie, Death: 1906, Lot: ESA 1
MCKEEVER, Lois, Death: 1982-06-26, Lot: A 135
MCKEEVER, Martha M., Death: 1965-01-30, Lot: E 48
MCKEEVER, Thomas S., Birth: 1914-10-01, Death: 1991-02-11, Lot: E 50
MCKEEVER, William, Birth: 1916-06-23, Death: 1997-09-11, Lot: A 156
MCKELLAR, Ripper, Death: 1935-07-02, Lot: SG 7
MCKENERY, Albert, Death: 1955-09-23, Lot: D 273
MCKENERY, Dessie B., Death: 1970-10-24, Lot: D 273
MCKENERY, Florence E., Death: 1981-08-28, Lot: D 375
MCKENERY, Harry Patterson, Death: 1973-11-27, Lot: D 375
MCKENSEY, Lynn Weltner) Girl Rowan, Birth: 1996-06-05, Death: 1996-06-05, Lot: H 78
MCKENZIE, Julia, Birth: 1915-02-23, Death: 1999-07-26, Lot: G2 763
MCKENZIE, Keva E., Birth: 1911-01-16, Death: 1996-11-26, Lot: F 216
MCKENZIE, Leo J., Birth: 1907-01-22, Death: 1985-03-14, Lot: F 216
MCKENZIE, William Andrew, Birth: 1908-12-25, Death: 1990-03-14, Lot: G2 763
MCKERNAN, Charles F., Death: 1983-09-12, Lot: C 135
MCKERNAN, Gerald F., Death: 1981-05-17, Lot: G2 267
MCKERNAN, Marion F., Birth: 1937-07-23, Death: 2015-07-19, Lot: G2 267
MCKERNAN, Pearl E., Death: 1978-10-13, Lot: C 135
MCKINLEY, Amie, Death: 1952-06-15, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINLEY, Esther L., Death: 1964-10-22, Lot: B 37
MCKINLEY, George M., Death: 1980-02-10, Lot: B 38
MCKINLEY, George, Death: 1933-12-05, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINLEY, Gertrude, Death: 1929-11-15, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINLEY, Helene B., Death: 1970-07-14, Lot: B 38
MCKINLEY, Hugh W., Death: 1956-01-12, Lot: SSE 26
MCKINLEY, John G., Death: 1980-11-13, Lot: B 37
MCKINLEY, John, Death: 1931-04-09, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINLEY, Mabel, Death: 1921, Lot: SSE 26
MCKINLEY, Minnie, Death: 1947-07-06, Lot: SSE 26
MCKINLEY, Noah, Death: 1944-06-20, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINLEY, Rachael, Death: 1971-11-03, Lot: SSE 5
MCKINNEY, Anna, Death: 1953-05-27, Lot: D 282
MCKINNEY, Daniel J., Birth: 1942-07-24, Death: 2013-11-28, Lot: F 282
MCKINNEY, David, Death: 2011-01-30, Lot: B 4
MCKINNEY, Edward V., Death: 1951-01-13, Lot: ESE 1
MCKINNEY, Frank, Birth: 1892-09-18, Death: 1986-01-18, Lot: SSE 30
MCKINNEY, Fred B., Death: 1909, Lot: ESE 61
MCKINNEY, Harrison B., Death: 1968-05-16, Lot: B 4
MCKINNEY, Harrison, Death: 1960-03-01, Lot: D 282
MCKINNEY, Jacqueline N., Birth: 1912-05-16, Death: 1992-08-01, Lot: B 4
MCKINNEY, James, Death: 1937-12-22, Lot: ESE 57
MCKINNEY, John, Death: 1911, Lot: ESE 57
MCKINNEY, John, Death: 1937-09-29, Lot: ESE 57
MCKINNEY, Lena L, Death: 1975-04-14, Lot: ESE 1
MCKINNEY, Lide, Death: 1937-12-10, Lot: ESE 57
MCKINNEY, Marie Kelley, Death: 1979-08-24, Lot: SSE 30
MCKINNEY, Mary, Death: 1895, Lot: ESE 57
MCKINNEY, Robert M., Death: 1934-08-22, Lot: ESE 61
MCKINNEY, Wallace, Death: 1930-09-24, Lot: ESE 59
MCKNIGHT, Columbus Leonard, Death: 1974-07-20, Lot: D 327
MCKNIGHT, Margaret K., Birth: 1897-05-25, Death: 2001-11-14, Lot: D 327
MCKNOWN, Amanda, Death: 1908, Lot: ESE 54
MCKNOWN, James, Death: 1893, Lot: ESE 54
MCKNOWN, Kenneth, Death: 1978-10-13, Lot: G1 53
MCKNOWN, Lawrence, Death: 1985-09-20, Lot: G1 53
MCKNOWN, Martha E., Death: 1949-09-16, Lot: D 163
MCKNOWN, Martha, Death: 1897, Lot: ESE 54
MCKNOWN, Mary, Death: 1932-04-02, Lot: ESE 54
MCKNOWN, Nellie B., Birth: 1904-11-14, Death: 1993-02-14, Lot: G1 53
MCKNOWN, Robert Sr, Death: 1957-05-02, Lot: SSE 64
MCKOWN, Catherine, Death: 1978-10-10, Lot: G2 111
MCKOWN, Cecilia, Death: 1977-06-10, Lot: G2 51
MCKOWN, John E. Sr., Birth: 1930-07-10, Death: 2007-03-16, Lot: G2 111
MCKOWN, Robert B., Birth: 1900-06-01, Death: 1988-10-19, Lot: G2 111
MCKOWN, Rosa (Rose) Ann, Death: 1973-12-09, Lot: G2 111
MCKOWN, Thomas Edward, Birth: 1920-01-02, Death: 1994-11-22, Lot: G2 111
MCKOWN, William, Death: 1982-05-13, Lot: G2 51
MCLAUGHLIN, Bernard J., Birth: 1930-04-02, Death: 1989-11-11, Lot: G2 875
MCLAUGHLIN, Joseph, Death: 1998-11-27, Lot: G2 875
MCLAY, Barbara J., Death: 1983-03-30, Lot: G1 115
MCLAY, Blanche, Death: 1982-03-20, Lot: C 318
MCLAY, Edwin C., Death: 1970-05-15, Lot: C 318
MCLAY, Howard Harrison, Death: 1954-03-24, Lot: ESA 8
MCLAY, Lawrence, Death: 1985-09-28, Lot: ESA 8
MCLAY, Mary Elizabeth, Death: 1931-05-12, Lot: ESA 8
MCLEAN, Alexander, Sr., Birth: 1926-06-06, Death: 2015-07-01, Lot: L 58
MCLEOD, Irene, Death: 1952-01-09, Lot: SG 3
MCLEOD, Larry, Birth: 1950-01-11, Death: 1985-09-07, Lot: E 157
MCLEOD, Laura V., Birth: 1935-11-04, Death: 2016-03-07, Lot: L 67
MCMAINES, Mary E., Death: 1876, Lot: SSE 2
MCMAINES, Mary, Death: 1877, Lot: SSE 2
MCMAINES, Sarah A., Death: 1941-02-20, Lot: SSE 2
MCMAINES, William, Death: 1865, Lot: SSE 2
MCMANIGLE, Dolores V. Killacky, Birth: 1919-04-15, Death: 1995-12-25, Lot: G2 846
MCMANIGLE, Lester D., Death: 1984-07-26, Lot: G2 846
MCMICHAEL, Dorothy, Death: 1988-04-13, Lot: F 263
McMILLAN, Katherine Kelley, Birth: 1904-01-22, Death: 2001-04-17, Lot: C 274
MCMILLEN, Albert F., Birth: 1899-01-23, Death: 1989-04-17, Lot: F 244
MCMILLEN, James W., Birth: 1934-08-23, Death: 1998-03-01, Lot: E 78
MCMILLEN, James, Death: 1962-07-13, Lot: E 33
MCMILLEN, Mary, Death: 1951-01-24, Lot: E 33
MCNAMARA, Dorothy, Birth: 1925-07-13, Death: 1985-02-24, Lot: F 451
MCNEIL, Harry T., Birth: 1932-07-21, Death: 1999-02-14, Lot: G2 187
MCNEIL, James Calvin, Death: 1950-08-18, Lot: SG 3
MCNEIL, James F., Birth: 1930-01-06, Death: 2014-05-01, Lot: G2 442
MCNEIL, James V., Birth: 1952-07-19, Death: 2005-04-25, Lot: I 121
MCNEIL, Roderick F., Birth: 1955-05-20, Death: 1986-06-19, Lot: G2 442
MCNISH, Leona C. Mc Elravy, Birth: 1916-05-02, Death: 2009-01-19, Lot: C 79
MCNULTY, Anna Marie, Birth: 1930-01-02, Death: 1991-11-26, Lot: G1 92
MCOY, Juanita Y. Coles, Death: 2008-12-22, Lot: G5 107
MCQUAID, Harry Lloyd, Death: 1962-10-01, Lot: D 206
MCQUAID, Susanna, Death: 1953-09-05, Lot: D 206
MCQUEEN, Alaipuis, Death: 1987-12-28, Lot: F 436
MCQUILLIS, Amy Lou, Birth: 1971-10-05, Death: 1993-09-03, Lot: F 354
MCQUILLIS, Louis R. Jr, Death: 2007-09-12, Lot: F 354
MCSHANE, Anna, Death: 1983-01-11, Lot: G3 41
MCSHANE, William, Death: 1957-10-11, Lot: SG 60
MCSRUDY, Caroline, Death: 1938-01-30, Lot: E 38
MCSRUDY, Eugene Barry, Death: 1950-01-30, Lot: E 49
MCSRUDY, James, Death: 1964-11-02, Lot: E 38
MCSRUDY, Ronald, Death: 1945-02-01, Lot: E 38
MCSRUDY, William Henry, Death: 1949-02-15, Lot: E 49
MCSURDY, Loucreacher, Death: 1964-06-15, Lot: E 39
MCWILLIAMS, Betty, Birth: 1928-05-06, Death: 2010-10-23, Lot: G1 35
MCWILLIAMS, John Robert, Birth: 1935-03-20, Death: 1987-04-12, Lot: G1 192
MCWILLIAMS, Morford, Birth: 1929-03-17, Death: 2002-12-13, Lot: G1 35
MEACHAM, Ida, Birth: 1911-02-02, Death: 2001-11-06, Lot: F 342
MEACHAM, James L., Birth: 1932-06-20, Death: 1993-05-08, Lot: F 355
MEACHAM, Jeanette, Birth: 1933-01-08, Death: 2002-05-09, Lot: F 355
MEADE, Don M. (Big Don), Birth: 1942-09-10, Death: 1997-05-03, Lot: H 45
MEADE, James J., Birth: 1982-07-21, Death: 1982-07-21, Lot: E 94
MEADE, James Patrick, Birth: 1985-07-27, Death: 1985-07-27, Lot: E 107
MEADE, James, Birth: 1935-04-18, Death: 1999-02-15, Lot: H 54
MEADE, James, Death: 1977-08-31, Lot: E 94
MEADE, Jeffery, Birth: 1958-04-17, Death: 1993-02-02, Lot: E 55
MEADE, Louise, Death: 1968-01-12, Lot: E 40
MEADE, Maxine D. Pipkins, Birth: 1943-03-07, Death: 2013-08-04, Lot: I 83
MEADE, Michael Blake, Birth: 1965-11-02, Death: 2011-01-09, Lot: I 84
MEADE, Nia Iman, Birth: 2012-08-31, Death: 2013-02-15, Lot: H 54
MEADE, Pernall Duane, Death: 1945-10-06, Lot: SG 7
MEADE, Tammy B.Pipkins, Birth: 1959-05-22, Death: 2015-03-02, Lot: I 83
MEADE, Thomas, Dr. B., Birth: 1940-07-14, Death: 2013-02-06, Lot: I 84
MEADE, Voltaire D., Birth: 1966-07-16, Death: 2012-06-22, Lot: H 45
MEADVILLE, Harry, Birth: 1944-12-23, Death: 2010-02-27, Lot: G6 108
MEANS, Charles, Death: 1978-04-29, Lot: G2 104
MEANS, Claire Varner, Death: 1977-07-12, Lot: D 12
MEANS, Pearl Beatrice, Death: 1981-04-21, Lot: G2 104
MEDDIS, Dominic, Birth: 1959-01-09, Death: 2016-08-01, Lot: L 11
MEDDIS, Phillip, Birth: 1928-12-05, Death: 1989-12-20, Lot: L 11
MEDINA, Carmen Rita, Birth: 1944-01-13, Death: 1991-07-15, Lot: H 20
MEDINA, Manuel, Birth: 1942-04-25, Death: 2012-07-16, Lot: H 20
MEDINA, Rafael H. (Ralph), Birth: 1934-01-05, Death: 1995-02-01, Lot: G2 667
MEDLEY, Alice, Birth: 1916-04-20, Death: 2005-09-12, Lot: G3 29
MEDLEY, James, Death: 1955-11-21, Lot: SG 60
MEDLEY, James, Death: 1977-03-31, Lot: G3 29
MEDLIN, Clara B., Birth: 1902-05-12, Death: 1987-11-10, Lot: E 166
MEDVED, Margaret J. (Muckie), Birth: 1957-08-22, Death: 1995-08-07, Lot: D 354
MEDVED, Ronald, Birth: 1962-12-27, Death: 2004-04-13, Lot: G4 56
MEEHLEIB, Albert, Death: 1971-07-22, Lot: B 18
MEEHLEIB, Charles J., Death: 1970-03-26, Lot: B 16
MEEHLEIB, Mercedes C., Death: 1985-07-19, Lot: B 18
MEGOGNEY, Ethel, Death: 1919, Lot: SSE 102
MEGOGNEY, Gertrude M., Death: 1975-05-05, Lot: D 405
MEGOGNEY, Lena, Death: 1917, Lot: SSE 102
MEGOGNEY, William P., Death: 1956-11-24, Lot: D 405
MEHALCIK, Lawrence J., Death: 1994-07-12, Lot: F 356
MEHALCIK, Nancy, Birth: 1940-11-27, Death: 2009-10-04, Lot: F 356
MEHRMAN, Frederick, Death: 1954-10-10, Lot: A 21
MEHRMAN, George, Death: 1961-08-23, Lot: ESE 1
MEISBERGER, Henry J., Death: 1969-07-16, Lot: G2 134
MEISL, Anna, Death: 1970-12-05, Lot: C 100
MEISL, Daniel Victor, Death: 1967-02-07, Lot: C 102
MEISL, Frank J., Death: 1969-07-12, Lot: C 100
MEISL, Frank, Death: 1984-04-30, Lot: C 165
MEISL, Grayce E. Hanley, Birth: 1917-03-07, Death: 1995-08-01, Lot: C 34
MEISL, Joseph, Death: 1981-12-27, Lot: C 34
MEISL, Leo M., Death: 1979-11-29, Lot: C 102
MEISL, Mary Irene, Birth: 1910-05-09, Death: 1998, Lot: C 97
MEISL, Rinelda Bradley, Birth: 1916-06-30, Death: 1990-08-02, Lot: C 102
MEISL, Susan, Birth: 1923-10-08, Death: 2001-07-11, Lot: C 165
MEISL, Teresa Urban, Death: 1956-03-06, Lot: C 117
MEISL, Victor, Death: 1963-09-04, Lot: C 117
MEISL, Victor, Death: 1972-02-13, Lot: C 97
MELOSKY, Mary, Death: 1984-10-01, Lot: G2 346
MELVILLE, Aurthor, Death: 1914, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, Charles, Death: 1928-04-29, Lot: ESA 3
MELVILLE, Charley, Death: 1923, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, Dorothy, Birth: 1927-10-19, Death: 1991-01-30, Lot: ESA 123
MELVILLE, Elizabeth, Death: 1928-06-04, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, James, Death: 1912, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, John M., Death: 1969-07-24, Lot: ESA 123
MELVILLE, John W., Death: 1940-01-06, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, John, Death: 1918, Lot: ESA 4
MELVILLE, Martha, Death: 1958-11-08, Lot: ESA 123
MELVILLE, Oliver, Death: 1940-11-14, Lot: ESA 3
MELVILLE, Oliver, Death: 1941-01-25, Lot: ESA 123
MELVILLE, Robert, Death: 1928-06-06, Lot: ESA 3
MELVIN, Carlos Mandale, Birth: 1974-12-13, Death: 1995-12-13, Lot: F 80
MELVIN, James L., Death: 1973-10-11, Lot: SG 2
MENCE, Ricky N., Death: 2008-10-14, Lot: G2 621
MENCHYK, Robert, Birth: 1951-06-26, Death: 2012-02-15, Lot: A 114
MENCHYK, Sarah A., Birth: 1991-10-24, Death: 1991-10-24, Lot: A 114
MENDICINO, Leo A., Birth: 1920-08-05, Death: 2006-04-08, Lot: E 65
MENDICINO, Nick, Death: 1984-12-25, Lot: G2 419
MENDICINO, Sue L., Birth: 1913-07-19, Death: 1998-10-29, Lot: G2 419
MENDICINO, Vivian, Birth: 1914-08-15, Death: 1991-05-07, Lot: E 65
MENZIE, Phillip, Birth: 1956-02-13, Death: 1998-12-08, Lot: G3 118
MENZIES, Charles Donald, Birth: 1937-05-23, Death: 2014-05-12, Lot: D 395
MENZIES, Charles T., Birth: 1955-08-24, Death: 2010-09-30, Lot: D 395
MERLOCK, Ann, Birth: 1924-02-23, Death: 2011-08-10, Lot: G2 434
MERLOCK, Victor, Birth: 1921-02-09, Death: 1986-06-21, Lot: G2 434
MERRILL, James, Death: 1984-12-20, Lot: G2 858
MERRILL, Jerald T., Death: 1968-07-08, Lot: E 3
MERRITT, Carolyn M., Birth: 1934-04-18, Death: 2012-08-02, Lot: G2 197
MERRITT, George (Presley), Birth: 1916-01-14, Death: 1986-05-19, Lot: E 103
MERTA, Frank, Death: 1968-12-17, Lot: G2 9
MERTA, Grace, Death: 1971-03-20, Lot: G2 9
MERVOSH, Stella D., Birth: 1914-08-16, Death: 1989-11-10, Lot: G2 881
MESKO, Loretta, Birth: 1919-05-15, Death: 2009-10-09, Lot: F 349
MESKO, Michael G., Birth: 1916-10-08, Death: 1985-12-29, Lot: F 349
MESSIER, Clarence C., Death: 1982-10-28, Lot: G1 101
MESSIER, Gertrude, Birth: 1890-11-06, Death: 1988-07-25, Lot: G1 101
MESSIER, Louise E., Birth: 1927-05-04, Death: 2013-10-16, Lot: G1 101
MESSNER, Shirley, Death: 2009-01-25, Lot: L 13
MESSNER, Thomas Lee, Birth: 1927-04-25, Death: 1990-09-10, Lot: L 13
METTITT, Irene, Birth: 1923-01-24, Death: 1986-11-20, Lot: E 103
METTS, Aldin Marie, Death: 1981-11-28, Lot: F 504
METTS, Baby Boy, Death: 1973-03-28, Lot: D 357
METTS, John H., Death: 1971-05-31, Lot: D 357
METTS, Leona Mae, Birth: 1911-02-11, Death: 1988-01-05, Lot: D 357
METTS, Ricky Allen, Death: 1981-11-28, Lot: F 504
METZ, Calvin Lamorris (Puchy), Birth: 1958-06-16, Death: 1994-07-03, Lot: F 165
METZ, Harry George, Death: 1975-04-15, Lot: E 12
METZ, Harry George, Death: 1975-04-15, Lot: E 13
METZ, Ina, Birth: 1920-07-10, Death: 1986-05-25, Lot: E 144
METZ, Linda, Birth: 1946-12-01, Death: 2012-11-28, Lot: F 21
METZ, Veries, Birth: 1917-09-28, Death: 1986-01-25, Lot: E 142
METZLER, Herman, Death: 1984-05-08, Lot: D 392
METZLER, John D., Death: 1980-11-09, Lot: G1 27
METZLER, Margaret, Birth: 1927-02-08, Death: 2005-07-03, Lot: D 392
MEYERS, Amos E., Death: 1966-08-12, Lot: A 174
MEYERS, Erma T., Birth: 1902-11-11, Death: 1991-12-05, Lot: C 407
MEYERS, Gladys, Birth: 1907-10-09, Death: 1990-08-29, Lot: A 174
MEYERS, Joann, Birth: 1940-05-02, Death: 1995-07-12, Lot: C 312
MEYERS, Joseph L., Death: 1983-08-12, Lot: C 312
MEYERS, Joseph Michael, Death: 1966-10-23, Lot: C 407
MEYERS, Violet Rae, Birth: 1919-11-10, Death: 1998-05-05, Lot: C 312
MICHAELS, Carl Dennis, Birth: 1951-03-04, Death: 1998-10-23, Lot: I 17
MICHAELS, Edna Alverta Anderson, Birth: 1908-02-12, Death: 2001-11-18, Lot: B 104
MICHAELS, Elizabeth, Birth: 1933-10-26, Death: 1998, Lot: H 63
MICHAELS, Frank (Bob), Birth: 1924-01-12, Death: 1993-01-30, Lot: H 63
MICHEAUX, Norris E., Jr., Birth: 1921-10-03, Death: 1991-05-29, Lot: G3 59
MICHEAUX, Norris E., Birth: 1947-03-26, Death: 2009-05-05, Lot: G3 57
MICHEAUX, Olive Marrie Batch, Birth: 1924-09-11, Death: 2009-11-10, Lot: G3 59
MICKEY, Infant, Death: 1958-07-23, Lot: SG 3
MIDDLEBROOK, Baby Boy, Death: 1970-12-02, Lot: SG 8
MIDDLEBROOK, Margaret Sally Smith, Birth: 1929-03-14, Death: 1994-08-31, Lot: G4 80
MIDDLEBROOKS, Ardella, Death: 1976-02-14, Lot: SG 8
MIDDLEBROOKS, Joseph C., Birth: 1929-08-14, Death: 1994-02-02, Lot: G4 80
MIDDLEBROOKS, Maurice, Birth: 1965-03-30, Death: 1995-02-26, Lot: G4 82
MIDO, Joseph G., Birth: 1929-02-01, Death: 2008-01-07, Lot: A 187
MIDO, Roberta Hobaugh, Birth: 1921-04-02, Death: 1994-12-06, Lot: A 187
MIHAL, Michael M., Birth: 1919-09-22, Death: 1988-06-27, Lot: G2 881
MIHAL, Ruth C., Birth: 1926-01-13, Death: 2014-10-15, Lot: G2 881
MIHOCES, Anne, Birth: 1925-03-04, Death: 2003-04-10, Lot: K 29
MIHOCES, Ed, Birth: 1926-05-29, Death: 2010-05-15, Lot: K 29
MIKLES, David O. Sr., Death: 2007-08-06, Lot: D 365
MIKLES, David O., Death: 1982-01-03, Lot: D 365
MILANACK, Julia, Death: 1958-10-03, Lot: C 192
MILANACK, Mike, Death: 1975-01-22, Lot: C 192
MILAS, Anna, Birth: 1910-05-08, Death: 2000-05-08, Lot: C 363
MILAS, George, Death: 1983-09-16, Lot: C 363
MILES, Lula Bell Graves, Birth: 1914-08-01, Death: 2004-01-27, Lot: F 400
MILES, Rebecca Guffey, Death: 1974-02-25, Lot: B 1
MILLER, Alberta, Birth: 1931-06-27, Death: 2012-12-05, Lot: SG 1
MILLER, Alex, Death: 1962-06-04, Lot: C 17
MILLER, Alice H., Birth: 1928-12-01, Death: 1998-11-06, Lot: D 271
MILLER, Ann, Birth: 1909-02-17, Death: 1991-09-17, Lot: G2 937
MILLER, Baby Boy, Death: 1948-05-24, Lot: D 103
MILLER, Baby, Lot: ESE 31
MILLER, Barbara J., Birth: 1938-03-10, Death: 1993-09-09, Lot: G2 347
MILLER, Bayard K., Birth: 1908-08-19, Death: 1985-02-12, Lot: D 121
MILLER, Beatrice, Birth: 1914-11-30, Death: 2002-07-14, Lot: D 121
MILLER, Bruce, Birth: 1929-07-19, Death: 1996-09-15, Lot: L 55
MILLER, Charles D., Birth: 1911-03-26, Death: 1992-02-08, Lot: G2 844
MILLER, Charles Edwin, Death: 1978-10-13, Lot: D 114
MILLER, Clarence D., Death: 1943-03-14, Lot: D 100
MILLER, Clarence W., Death: 1981-07-15, Lot: G2 256
MILLER, Clifton W., Birth: 1910-10-20, Death: 1993-12-22, Lot: D 113
MILLER, Curtis, Death: 1960-05-31, Lot: ESE 31
MILLER, Danny L. Jr., Birth: 1973-01-24, Death: 1996-02-20, Lot: G2 295
MILLER, David Clarence, Birth: 1943-03-23, Death: 1943-03-23, Lot: D 113
MILLER, David Jr., Birth: 1953-02-12, Death: 2014-06-17, Lot: D 541
MILLER, David W., Sr, Birth: 1930-06-04, Death: 1986-04-13, Lot: D 488
MILLER, Dellamae, Death: 1975-01-30, Lot: ESE 31
MILLER, Donald A. Sr., Birth: 1963-12-22, Death: 2001-12-28, Lot: G2 80
MILLER, Donald, Death: 1977-04-20, Lot: G2 80
MILLER, Dora S., Death: 1978-02-24, Lot: D 478
MILLER, Doris, Death: 2016-11-11, Lot: I 43
MILLER, Dorothy L., Death: 2010-06-07, Lot: G2 844
MILLER, Dorothy Mae, Birth: 1942-02-19, Death: 2003-05-08, Lot: F 49
MILLER, Edwin D., Birth: 1935-07-08, Death: 2016-06-20, Lot: G5 99
MILLER, Edwin L., Birth: 1912-04-23, Death: 1987-12-02, Lot: G2 918
MILLER, Eileen, Birth: 1925-03-10, Death: 2006-12-25, Lot: G1 184
MILLER, Elizabeth Bohlander, Birth: 1926-12-17, Death: 2006-08-26, Lot: C 18
MILLER, Evelyn E., Birth: 1915-02-12, Death: 1986-05-18, Lot: G2 918
MILLER, Flora Jane, Death: 1987-02-11, Lot: E 3
MILLER, Frank A., Birth: 1927-07-14, Death: 1988-07-28, Lot: G1 184
MILLER, Frank Allan, Birth: 1949-02-06, Death: 2006-11-17, Lot: CXT 31
MILLER, Fred J. (Forkey), Birth: 1935-02-11, Death: 1992-12-16, Lot: F 430
MILLER, Golda Louise, Death: 1981-12-11, Lot: D 488
MILLER, Harold E., Sr., Birth: 1919-04-19, Death: 1987-11-09, Lot: G2 861
MILLER, Harold, Jr. Eugene, Birth: 1958, Death: 2013-08-23, Lot: G2 782
MILLER, Harry B., Death: 1969-12-11, Lot: C 353
MILLER, Harry R., Death: 1946-09-16, Lot: B 100
MILLER, Hazel M., Birth: 1902-01-04, Death: 1988-08-27, Lot: D 114
MILLER, Helen, Birth: 1914-07-30, Death: 2006-06-07, Lot: F 10
MILLER, Herman S., Birth: 1949-05-29, Death: 1997-06-11, Lot: F 49
MILLER, Iola M., Birth: 1909-04-06, Death: 2002-06-15, Lot: C 353
MILLER, Ivo, Birth: 1924-06-11, Death: 2001-01-31, Lot: H 30
MILLER, Jennie S., Birth: 1928-10-06, Death: 2008-01-13, Lot: G2 256
MILLER, Jessie, Death: 1960-06-30, Lot: B 100
MILLER, John, Death: 1981-04-09, Lot: D 488
MILLER, Joseph C., Birth: 1926-09-20, Death: 1986-01-09, Lot: E 142
MILLER, Joseph M., Birth: 1915-02-24, Death: 1994-05-24, Lot: D 165
MILLER, Joy D., Birth: 1936-12-31, Death: 2015-02-27, Lot: G2 682
MILLER, Judith J., Death: 1991-02-15, Lot: B 101
MILLER, June, Birth: 1934-06-23, Death: 2011-08-05, Lot: D 488
MILLER, Larue V., Birth: 1921-10-03, Death: 2014-09-09, Lot: H 30
MILLER, Lewis F., Birth: 1917-09-15, Death: 1999-08-23, Lot: C 18
MILLER, Lucinda G., Birth: 1937-03-02, Death: 1996-11-23, Lot: F 105
MILLER, Mae Louise, Birth: 1938-08-31, Death: 2010-11-10, Lot: CXT 10
MILLER, Marlin Gene Moon, Birth: 1928-07-26, Lot: B 74
MILLER, Mary A., Birth: 1920-07-01, Death: 2014-04-30, Lot: H 31
MILLER, Mary Elizabeth Holmes, Birth: 1924-11-13, Death: 2015-02-17, Lot: B 74
MILLER, Mary Emma, Birth: 1911-04-05, Death: 1992-09-21, Lot: A 170
MILLER, Merle, Birth: 1928-06-10, Death: 2002-05-01, Lot: SG 1
MILLER, Merritt C. (Spike), Birth: 1921-03-10, Death: 1999-04-30, Lot: F 251
MILLER, Mollie, Birth: 1915-09-06, Death: 2003-03-20, Lot: D 113
MILLER, Nellie C., Birth: 1909-05-17, Death: 1989-12-28, Lot: D 165
MILLER, Otis Odell, Death: 2001-06-18, Lot: G4 78
MILLER, Paul E., Birth: 1915-12-17, Death: 1994-05-13, Lot: H 31
MILLER, Paul, Birth: 1934-10-17, Death: 2008-08-16, Lot: I 43
MILLER, Ralph Arthur, Birth: 1930-09-05, Death: 2014-11-07, Lot: G8 99
MILLER, Raymond Leo, Birth: 1933-04-13, Death: 2002-05-15, Lot: G2 682
MILLER, Rea P., Death: 1960-01-07, Lot: B 101
MILLER, Richard J., Jr., Death: 1987-03-04, Lot: G2 479
MILLER, Richard L., Birth: 1929-04-12, Death: 1995-02-02, Lot: D 271
MILLER, Richard V. Jr., Death: 1979-08-08, Lot: G4 10
MILLER, Richard, Birth: 1919-02-19, Death: 1989-01-08, Lot: G2 482
MILLER, Ruth May, Death: 1942-03-01, Lot: D 114
MILLER, Savannah, Death: 1977-09-09, Lot: D 100
MILLER, Stephen (Steve), Birth: 1936-07-05, Death: 1991-12-27, Lot: L 40
MILLER, Sylvester, Death: 1975-03-04, Lot: G3 10
MILLER, Thelma C., Birth: 1926-07-01, Death: 1986-11-13, Lot: G2 861
MILLER, Thomas, Birth: 1924-09-09, Death: 2008-12-13, Lot: F 147
MILLER, Todd Alan, Death: 1969-04-09, Lot: D 295
MILLER, Vicki Marie, Birth: 1950-06-29, Death: 1998-10-31, Lot: H 52
MILLER, Walter, Death: 1976-03-25, Lot: SG 9
MILLER, William A., Death: 1980-11-23, Lot: G1 70
MILLER, William B., Death: 1968-05-08, Lot: D 478
MILLER, William H. Jr., Birth: 1930-10-03, Death: 2001-06-09, Lot: G3 146
MILLER, William J., Death: 1979-03-21, Lot: A 170
MILLIGAN, Patricia, Birth: 1931-04-04, Death: 2011-10-20, Lot: G2 50
MILLIGAN, Robert, Birth: 1935-02-20, Death: 2008-03-24, Lot: G2 50
MILLINGTON, Albert J., Birth: 1930-12-27, Death: 2000-04-03, Lot: C 169
MILLINGTON, Albert, Death: 1982-06-22, Lot: C 169
MILLINGTON, Dorothy Ann, Birth: 1931-01-21, Death: 2015-08-07, Lot: C 169
MILLINGTON, Scott Albert, Birth: 1984-07-22, Death: 1997-06-05, Lot: C 302
MILLS, Sidney, Birth: 1912-03-15, Death: 1989-01-23, Lot: H 13
MILLS, Sylvia, Birth: 1918-11-28, Death: 1989-02-14, Lot: H 13
MILSTED, Mary Catherine, Birth: 1922-09-28, Death: 2004-10-31, Lot: G1 41
MILSTED, Oliver B., Death: 1978-09-26, Lot: G1 41
MINCONE, Leonard S, Birth: 1964-10-13, Death: 2001-05-26, Lot: K 96
MINDA, Margaret, Birth: 1911-02-11, Death: 1986-02-09, Lot: G2 633
MINDA, Paul, Birth: 1910-09-04, Death: 2005-03-10, Lot: G2 633
MINDA, Robert, Birth: 1937-12-02, Death: 2000-09-30, Lot: G2 634
MINFORD, Edgar, Birth: 1916-08-23, Death: 2013-12-24, Lot: I 10
MINFORD, Harold D. Sr., Birth: 1931-08-21, Death: 1998-07-14, Lot: G3 137
MINFORD, Sondra, Birth: 1937-10-02, Death: 2000-09-17, Lot: G3 137
MING, Sylvia, Death: 1977-03-24, Lot: SG 3
MINGO, Lillie Mae, Death: 1989-06-09, Lot: G4 34
MINGO, Thomas S., Birth: 1928-09-21, Death: 1992-11-22, Lot: G4 114
MINIFORD, James Briggs, Death: 1962-02-02, Lot: A 38
MINIFORD, Mary B., Death: 1928-11-26, Lot: A 38
MINIFORD, Stella B., Death: 1964-11-20, Lot: A 38
MINIFORD, William, Death: 1935-04-30, Lot: A 38
MININEBLER, Chris, Death: 1952-04-01, Lot: SG 3
MINJOCK, John, Birth: 1913-11-04, Death: 2002-05-08, Lot: J 48
MINJOCK, Sophie, Birth: 1915-07-01, Death: 2000-08-21, Lot: J 48
MINNICK, Frank D., Birth: 1946-12-22, Death: 2012-03-28, Lot: G2 909
MINOR, James, Death: 1982-05-07, Lot: G4 21
MINYDZAK, John, Birth: 1918-08-06, Death: 2009-06-21, Lot: SSE 81
MIRT, Raymond E., Birth: 1927-11-25, Death: 2013-07-23, Lot: G2 951
MISCEVICH, George, Birth: 1932-08-07, Death: 2003-12-24, Lot: F 116
MISFKOVICH, Albert J., Birth: 1907-05-06, Death: 1997-10-07, Lot: J 15
MISKOVICH, Edward, Birth: 1904-11-20, Death: 1998-03-15, Lot: J 15
MITCHELL, Alfreeman, Birth: 1934-04-08, Death: 1991-01-17, Lot: G4 62
MITCHELL, Beaulah, Birth: 1924-02-25, Death: 2004-02-19, Lot: F 9
MITCHELL, Carl, Birth: 1939-07-10, Death: 1988-01-09, Lot: G4 30
MITCHELL, Carol Bernice, Birth: 1945-10-24, Death: 1997-12-20, Lot: F 271
MITCHELL, Charles Frank, Death: 1978-11-11, Lot: G3 11
MITCHELL, Emma, Birth: 1901-01-31, Death: 1990-01-14, Lot: G3 8
MITCHELL, George Franklin, Sr., Birth: 1933-03-14, Death: 1995-03-13, Lot: H 39
MITCHELL, Gertrude, Death: 1960-07-01, Lot: SG 5
MITCHELL, Grant V. Jr., Birth: 1925-08-10, Death: 2009-08-22, Lot: G3 146
MITCHELL, James Robert Sr., Death: 1983-02-05, Lot: G3 11
MITCHELL, James, Death: 1941-11-04, Lot: SG 2
MITCHELL, John Samson M., Birth: 1923-06-27, Death: 1994-12-02, Lot: K 63
MITCHELL, Joseph, Death: 1966-09-06, Lot: SG 6
MITCHELL, La Fayette, Death: 1975-05-30, Lot: SG 4
MITCHELL, Lawrence M. Sr., Death: 1982-12-14, Lot: E 127
MITCHELL, Lawrence, Death: 1984-06-19, Lot: E 154
MITCHELL, Louise, Death: 2011-02-15, Lot: D 31
MITCHELL, Mae Brown, Birth: 1941-09-25, Death: 2006-03-27, Lot: J 68
MITCHELL, Quillion N., Birth: 1925-03-08, Death: 2000-03-15, Lot: G3 90
MITCHELL, Richard D., Death: 2002-03-09, Lot: D 31
MITCHELL, Robert M., Death: 1994-03-04, Lot: F 15
MITCHELL, Sameul D., Death: 1972-08-31, Lot: G3 8
MITCHELL, Samuel E. Jr, Birth: 1925-12-06, Death: 2009-09-20, Lot: J 55
MITCHELL, Shirley, Birth: 1932-09-02, Death: 2007-02-18, Lot: G3 116
MITCHELL, Susan Fitzgerald, Death: 1999-03-26, Lot: G2 648
MITCHELL, Susie Mae, Death: 1977-12-07, Lot: G4 3
MITCHELL, Virgie Downing, Birth: 1924-03-15, Death: 1991-03-22, Lot: F 33
MOCKABEE, Celia F., Death: 1982-01-12, Lot: E 118
MOEHRING, Mark, Birth: 1959-01-03, Death: 2011-12-04, Lot: F 432
MOEHRING, Theodore F., Birth: 1923-09-22, Death: 2008-07-06, Lot: F 432
MOFFATT, Clarence D. Jr., Death: 1981-09-06, Lot: D 442
MOFFATT, Ruth J., Birth: 1910-10-09, Death: 2000-03-09, Lot: D 442
MOFFETT, Albert, Birth: 1917-11-27, Death: 1990-05-05, Lot: I 4
MOFFETT, Joyce, Birth: 1929-10-29, Death: 2004-10-28, Lot: I 4
MOFFITT, Emma M. Inks, Death: 1982-04-07, Lot: D 225
MOFFITT, Ferne, Death: 1980-12-11, Lot: D 312
MOFFITT, Robert A., Birth: 1965-08-22, Death: 1988-05-01, Lot: G1 113
MOFFITT, William E., Birth: 1920-11-05, Death: 1997-09-21, Lot: D 312
MOGENSEN, Bertel, Death: 1956-12-05, Lot: B 65
MOGENSEN, Vica, Lot: B 65
MOHNEY, Agnes L., Birth: 1914-06-10, Death: 1988-10-24, Lot: B 53
MOHNEY, Cora Gearhart, Death: 1962-04-23, Lot: B 53
MOHNEY, Grace G., Lot: A 5
MOHNEY, Grace L. Guffy, Death: 1973-04-18, Lot: A 5
MOHNEY, Sara F., Death: 1949-07-17, Lot: B 53
MOHNEY, Thomas M., Death: 1971-08-02, Lot: B 53
MOISEY, Bernice, Birth: 1921-03-17, Death: 2000-02-04, Lot: G1 58
MOISEY, John F., Birth: 1916-04-16, Death: 1989-02-26, Lot: G1 58
MOLINARI, Anthony J. Sr., Birth: 1931-08-21, Death: 2008-10-18, Lot: D 519
MOLINARO, John J., Birth: 1904-10-27, Death: 1985-05-07, Lot: G2 928
MOLINARO, Mary, Birth: 1911-05-08, Death: 1990-08-26, Lot: G2 928
MOLITORE, Frank, Death: 1965-10-16, Lot: SG 4
MOLLISE, Eleanor J., Birth: 1921-02-12, Death: 1989-10-13, Lot: G2 397
MOLLISE, Frank P., Death: 1984-11-10, Lot: G2 397
MOLS, Debra Hodgson, Death: 1983-09-26, Lot: G2 482
MONHEIM, Albert I., Birth: 1909-08-28, Death: 2005-01-25, Lot: D 264
MONHEIM, Charles B., Birth: 1953-10-09, Death: 2011-10-04, Lot: L 61
MONHEIM, Ethel, Birth: 1916-05-05, Death: 1996-08-30, Lot: D 264
MONICH, Margaret, Birth: 1925-01-07, Death: 2005-04-04, Lot: G2 490
MONICH, Michael D., Birth: 1913-05-29, Death: 1989-12-01, Lot: G2 490
MONTENARY, Daniel A., Birth: 1985-07-18, Death: 2008-10-10, Lot: J 93
MONTURO, Anthony, Death: 1976-03-11, Lot: G2 289
MONTURO, Joseph, Death: 1936-07-02, Lot: G2 290
MONTURO, Rose, Birth: 1898-08-08, Death: 1986-09-06, Lot: G2 289
MOON, Charles, Death: 1974-05-02, Lot: SG 8
MOONEY, Baby, Birth: 2004-10-29, Death: 2004-10-29, Lot: C 367
MOORE, Alice, Birth: 1915-08-12, Death: 2003-01-19, Lot: E 82
MOORE, Austa Gertrude, Death: 1960-04-26, Lot: SSE 82
MOORE, Baby Boy, Death: 1953-02-11, Lot: E 36
MOORE, Beatrice O., Birth: 1923-03-28, Death: 2011-02-04, Lot: K 50
MOORE, Bertha M., Death: 2010-04-05, Lot: G5 59
MOORE, Bessie, Death: 1973-01-14, Lot: SG 7
MOORE, Darlene J., Birth: 1948-07-08, Death: 2005-08-21, Lot: I 48
MOORE, David Allen, Birth: 1960-07-25, Death: 2015-02-14, Lot: I 108
MOORE, Delmar Ed, Death: 1958-10-17, Lot: SG 60
MOORE, George E., Birth: 1923-12-27, Death: 2015-11-14, Lot: L 65
MOORE, George, Birth: 1919-06-15, Death: 1989-07-07, Lot: G1 178
MOORE, George, Death: 1938-03-30, Lot: E 36
MOORE, Grace, Death: 1974-12-24, Lot: G2 2
MOORE, Irene, Death: 1991-05-11, Lot: G2 777
MOORE, James H., Death: 1980-12-05, Lot: G1 76
MOORE, Joan Marlene, Birth: 1933-01-30, Death: 2004-11-20, Lot: F 436
MOORE, John Irwin, Birth: 1915-05-19, Death: 1991-12-27, Lot: G3 77
MOORE, John, Death: 1970-05-14, Lot: G2 2
MOORE, Joseph, Death: 1980-01-25, Lot: E 105
MOORE, Larry I., Death: 1995-09-17, Lot: G3 76
MOORE, Laverne R., Birth: 1936-04-12, Death: 1993-02-14, Lot: G4 117
MOORE, Lee, Death: 1970-10-11, Lot: SG 6
MOORE, Lillian, Death: 1984-04-06, Lot: G1 178
MOORE, Lucille A. Rosser, Birth: 1927-02-28, Death: 1994-06-07, Lot: G4 132
MOORE, Lydia, Death: 1955-08-19, Lot: E 36
MOORE, Margaret J., Death: 1957-10-03, Lot: E 36
MOORE, Marlene Vivian, Death: 1970-10-20, Lot: SG 6
MOORE, Mary J., Death: 1885, Lot: ESE 53
MOORE, Mattie P., Death: 1984-10-22, Lot: E 146
MOORE, Moodie, Death: 1968-12-24, Lot: E 82
MOORE, Richard, Death: 1948-06-18, Lot: SG 6
MOORE, Robert B.Jr., Birth: 1958-01-11, Death: 2006-04-10, Lot: CU1A 24
MOORE, Ruth, Birth: 1915-09-13, Death: 2008-09-10, Lot: G3 77
MOORE, Simone Charrisse Grandy, Birth: 1961-07-29, Death: 1998-09-02, Lot: F 169
MOORE, Thomas E., Birth: 1929-08-13, Death: 2004-01-15, Lot: F 436
MOORE, Turner, Birth: 1915-08-08, Death: 1986-04-25, Lot: E 145
MOORE, Vernon R., Death: 1983-11-09, Lot: G2 777
MOORE, Violet E., Death: 1993-09-29, Lot: G1 125
MOORE, Warren K., Death: 1983-07-27, Lot: G1 125
MOORE, William J., Death: 1960-01-05, Lot: SSE 82
MOORE, William James, Jr., Death: 1927-01-27, Lot: SSE 82
MORAVITZ, Blanche Bane, Death: 1975-03-30, Lot: G2 288
MORAVITZ, John E., Death: 1979-02-15, Lot: G2 363
MOREE, Theresa B., Birth: 1950-07-16, Death: 2007-10-31, Lot: G2 72
MORESEA, Baby Boy, Birth: 1976-03-27, Death: 1976-03-27, Lot: C 143
MORESEA, Dennis, Death: 1973-09-15, Lot: C 142
MORESEA, George, Death: 1973-05-22, Lot: G2 173
MORESEA, Helen M., Birth: 1904-07-22, Death: 1991-09-07, Lot: C 143
MORESEA, James L., Birth: 1940-01-27, Death: 2000-08-26, Lot: G2 172
MORESEA, John Frederick, Death: 1968-11-01, Lot: C 143
MORESEA, John, Death: 1963-10-19, Lot: C 143
MORESEA, Joseph, Birth: 1922-03-31, Death: 2008-02-09, Lot: C 142
MORESEA, Lindo, Death: 1978-07-03, Lot: C 143
MORESEA, Margaret Joann, Birth: 1935-03-04, Death: 1994-06-15, Lot: G2 173
MORESEA, Margaret T., Death: 1982-02-02, Lot: G2 173
MORESEA, Ruth, Birth: 1921-04-05, Death: 2003-02-02, Lot: C 142
MORESEA, Serville, Death: 1959-11-01, Lot: SG 9
MORGAN, Alberta A., Birth: 1913-08-04, Death: 1991-07-03, Lot: A 36
MORGAN, Anna L., Lot: ESA 40
MORGAN, Barry Lee, Death: 2004-04-04, Lot: G2 574
MORGAN, Fritz, Death: 1978-08-03, Lot: ESA 40
MORGAN, John W., Birth: 1915-01-25, Death: 1996-07-13, Lot: A 36
MORGAN, Josephine, Birth: 1922-08-19, Death: 2013-01-26, Lot: G9 36
MORGAN, Marie F., Birth: 1921-08-20, Death: 1997-04-12, Lot: G2 614
MORGAN, Rebecca Marie, Lot: A 10
MORGAN, Ronald A., Birth: 1955-03-13, Death: 1988-03-14, Lot: G2 350
MORGAN, Thomas R. Sr., Birth: 1921-10-20, Death: 1999-01-13, Lot: G2 719
MORGAN, Zoe W., Birth: 1895-10-22, Death: 1987-12-09, Lot: ESA 40
MORRIS, Alice, Death: 1956-09-23, Lot: A 72
MORRIS, Annie Belle Everley, Death: 1949-10-05, Lot: D 252
MORRIS, Benjamin, Death: 1932-04-07, Lot: SSE 59
MORRIS, Carl Edward, Death: 1963-04-08, Lot: E 31
MORRIS, Catherine Lynn, Birth: 1951-09-29, Death: 2016-10-14, Lot: H 9
MORRIS, Elizabeth, Death: 1941-09-08, Lot: D 25
MORRIS, Harvey H., Death: 1974-08-26, Lot: G2 28
MORRIS, Ida, Death: 1968-01-11, Lot: D 132
MORRIS, Joseph F., Death: 1966-11-20, Lot: A 72
MORRIS, Julia Lee, Death: 1934-02-07, Lot: E 31
MORRIS, Larry D., Birth: 1944-06-23, Death: 1996-04-28, Lot: G2 710
MORRIS, Lewis, Death: 1974-01-18, Lot: G2 284
MORRIS, Louis M., Death: 1937-07-07, Lot: SSE 59
MORRIS, Marion, Death: 1965-11-27, Lot: D 132
MORRIS, Mary S., Birth: 1925-02-23, Death: 2001-10-25, Lot: G2 28
MORRIS, Mary, Death: 1975-07-25, Lot: D 249
MORRIS, Merle, Birth: 1930-07-19, Death: 1993-01-21, Lot: G2 566
MORRIS, Patricia L., Birth: 1914-03-09, Death: 1997-06-07, Lot: G2 566
MORRIS, Samuel J., Birth: 1894-08-22, Death: 1989-05-15, Lot: D 252
MORRIS, Shawn E., Birth: 1972-12-02, Death: 2002-08-08, Lot: G2 710
MORRIS, Susan, Death: 1926-07-15, Lot: ESE 59
MORRIS, Virginia, Birth: 1911-02-14, Death: 1996-10-31, Lot: G2 284
MORRIS, William P. Jr., Death: 1957-12-06, Lot: D 132
MORRIS, William P. Sr., Death: 1959-05-08, Lot: D 132
MORRISON, John A., Death: 1967-12-14, Lot: B 45
MORRISON, Mary C., Death: 1965-06-29, Lot: B 45
MORROW, Albert A., Death: 1994-10-28, Lot: F 293
MORROW, Betty D., Death: 1993-12-26, Lot: F 293
MORROW, Commodore N., Death: 1974-11-23, Lot: F 293
MORROW, Eleanor, Birth: 1918-04-18, Death: 2002-02-23, Lot: F 408
MORROW, Francis W. III, Birth: 1989-02-08, Death: 2003-08-25, Lot: G2 815
MORROW, Francis W. Sr, Birth: 1938-11-06, Death: 2002-08-05, Lot: G2 815
MORROW, Jimmy, Death: 1955-05-19, Lot: SG 3
MORROW, Joseph, Death: 1977-07-09, Lot: F 408
MORROW, Samuel Jr., Birth: 1990-11-18, Death: 1994-02-01, Lot: G3 183
MORTINELLI, Donna, Death: 2010-11-25, Lot: G2 352
MORTON, Ann, Lot: OL 1
MORTON, Col. Thomas, Lot: OL 1
MOSEBAUGH, Robert L., Birth: 1967-03-24, Death: 1988-12-09, Lot: F 298
MOSENA, Arthur, Death: 1975-08-31, Lot: G2 281
MOSENA, Hazel, Birth: 1923-06-30, Death: 2008-12-25, Lot: G2 281
MOSER, Wallace, Birth: 1931-03-19, Death: 2009-03-23, Lot: G1 78
MOSER-EMERY, Issac James, Birth: 2012-03-12, Death: 2012-04-14, Lot: G3 157
MOSLEY, Albertha, Birth: 1906-08-23, Death: 2006-12-25, Lot: H 46
MOSLEY, Charlie, Death: 1981-10-04, Lot: E 107
MOSLEY, Lucille, Death: 1998-10-23, Lot: F 100
MOSS, Elsie Mae, Death: 1984-10-02, Lot: D 407
MOSS, Mae L., Birth: 1904-10-17, Death: 1993-10-30, Lot: C 290
MOSS, Marshall M., Birth: 1919-06-10, Death: 2002-02-27, Lot: C 290
MOSS, Playford, Death: 1961-03-31, Lot: D 407
MOTTER, Gertrude, Death: 1975-11-07, Lot: G1 42
MOTTO, Dian I, Birth: 1948-04-21, Death: 2006-01-24, Lot: G2 789
MOTTO, Raymond George, Birth: 1946-12-13, Death: 2016-05-12, Lot: G2 789
MOUZON, Ronald Stephen, Birth: 1953-10-01, Death: 2006-04-04, Lot: J 103
MOWAT, James, Death: 1981-03-28, Lot: F 391
MOWAT, Terrence, Birth: 1938-07-10, Death: 2005-02-13, Lot: F 64
MOWRY, Forrest, Birth: 1915-11-23, Death: 2003-08-08, Lot: G2 10
MOWRY, Marlene A., Birth: 1939-07-29, Death: 1999-12-13, Lot: I 22
MOWRY, Rozella, Birth: 1914-08-29, Death: 2003-07-09, Lot: G2 10
MOXEY, Mildred, Death: 1978-06-14, Lot: G4 6
MOXIN, Elizabeth, Death: 1975-05-10, Lot: C 385
MOXIN, John, Death: 1980-05-27, Lot: C 385
MOXLEY, Edna B., Death: 1980-12-03, Lot: C 150
MUCHOW , John F. Jr., Birth: 1924-04-19, Death: 2012-11-13, Lot: H 18
MUCHOW, Jeanne K., Death: 2005-01-06, Lot: H 18
MUELLER, Milton W., Death: 1983-12-24, Lot: A 147
MUHA, John, Birth: 1958-02-08, Death: 2000-01-28, Lot: F 186
MUHA, Lisa Ann, Birth: 1963-01-12, Death: 2001-03-08, Lot: F 186
MUHA, Mary Hess, Birth: 1936-03-10, Death: 1989-04-06, Lot: F 304
MUHA, Regis, Birth: 1937-03-04, Death: 2000-06-15, Lot: F 304
MUHA, William Robert, Birth: 1941-10-04, Death: 2013-04-03, Lot: F 186
MUIC, Joseph J., Birth: 1921-08-15, Death: 1986-06-24, Lot: F 382
MUIC, Rosalie L., Birth: 1924-06-06, Death: 1996-11-19, Lot: F 285
MULARSKI, Norma L. Hines, Birth: 1930-12-26, Death: 2012-04-27, Lot: F 243
MULARSKI, Ralph R., Birth: 1926-08-09, Death: 1989-02-06, Lot: F 243
MULLEN, Donna, Death: 1980-05-20, Lot: E 112
MULLEN, Herman, Birth: 1923-08-26, Death: 2002-06-13, Lot: G3 154
MULLEN, Leonard Jr, Birth: 1957-07-28, Death: 1998-03-31, Lot: G4 93
MULLEN, Shirley Lynch, Death: 1999-06-11, Lot: G3 154
MULLINIX, Asbury, Death: 1980-05-14, Lot: G1 53
MULVAY, Ernest John, Birth: 1925-04-16, Death: 1992-03-07, Lot: G2 273
MULVAY, La Verne, Birth: 1928-01-07, Death: 2010-11-06, Lot: G2 273
MULVIHILL, James P., Sr., Death: 1984-02-16, Lot: SG 10
MULVIHILL, Marion, Death: 2001-12-16, Lot: SG 10
MURON, Vincent, Birth: 1927-09-07, Death: 2007-07-31, Lot: K 39
MUROWSKI, Anthony, Death: 1955-12-29, Lot: C 46
MURPHY, Alberta E., Birth: 1936-08-07, Death: 1994-11-05, Lot: C 332
MURPHY, Ann M., Birth: 1917-10-04, Death: 1996-12-11, Lot: G1 196
MURPHY, Baby Boy, Death: 1953-03-09, Lot: SG 3
MURPHY, Cannon, Birth: 1907-01-10, Death: 1991-03-16, Lot: E 123
MURPHY, Carol L., Birth: 1938-03-12, Death: 2002-07-28, Lot: F 24
MURPHY, Chalmers, Death: 1940-06-08, Lot: D 154
MURPHY, David S., Birth: 1941-07-10, Death: 2014-05-06, Lot: F 24
MURPHY, George J., Death: 1968-06-04, Lot: SG 9
MURPHY, Geraldine F., Birth: 1932-01-17, Death: 2010-06-25, Lot: G2 917
MURPHY, Howard C., Birth: 1912-08-10, Death: 1987-03-12, Lot: G1 196
MURPHY, Howard E., Birth: 1927-07-06, Death: 1991-12-16, Lot: G2 917
MURPHY, Jaydin Lamont, Birth: 2003-10-19, Death: 2003-10-25, Lot: G2 917
MURPHY, Leonard R., Birth: 1949-03-30, Death: 1999-10-11, Lot: G3 114
MURPHY, Louise, Death: 1975-04-09, Lot: D 154
MURPHY, Mary, Death: 1982-09-21, Lot: E 123
MURPHY, Orpha, Birth: 1914-09-07, Death: 2001-06-27, Lot: C 332
MURPHY, Paul, Sr Lynn, Birth: 1934-10-12, Death: 2015-11-26, Lot: C 349
MURPHY, Russell, Birth: 1911-01-12, Death: 1988-06-02, Lot: C 332
MURPHY, Shawn Michael, Birth: 1971-04-03, Death: 1994-04-23, Lot: G2 649
MURPHY, Thomas W., Death: 1977-10-26, Lot: F 259
MURRAY, Alex, Birth: 1906-06-03, Death: 2004-06-02, Lot: E 79
MURRAY, Carl F., Birth: 1917-11-26, Death: 2007-07-23, Lot: G2 527
MURRAY, Eric Darcelloious, Jr., Birth: 1993-08-02, Death: 1993-11-20, Lot: G3 183
MURRAY, Helen G., Birth: 1914-02-07, Death: 2008-12-15, Lot: G2 527
MURRAY, Lynnie B., Birth: 1908-05-18, Death: 2000-09-11, Lot: E 79
MURRAY, Melvin J, Birth: 1938-01-14, Death: 2004-06-27, Lot: I 114
MURROUGH, Annie Bell, Birth: 1922-08-08, Death: 2009-03-20, Lot: G3 37
MURSCH, Renee L., Birth: 1949-06-26, Death: 2016-11-30, Lot: G6 132
MURTHA, Kenneth, Birth: 2010-09-25, Death: 2010-07-17, Lot: G2 705
MUSCANTE, Dominic, Birth: 1929-12-10, Death: 1990-07-06, Lot: G2 837
MUSE, David, Death: 1954-10-20, Lot: SG 60
MUSISKO, Glen J. Sr., Birth: 1942-11-06, Death: 2009-02-20, Lot: D 434
MUSISKO, Janice Lynn, Death: 1946-05-07, Lot: ESA 5
MUSISKO, John, Death: 1960-05-19, Lot: D 434
MUSISKO, Sandra, Death: 2002-07-03, Lot: D 434
MUSTER, Ella Mae, Birth: 1910-08-10, Death: 1991-10-27, Lot: D 453
MUSTER, Glona Catherine, Death: 1935-08-15, Lot: SG 1
MUSTER, Lawrence J., Birth: 1946-07-28, Death: 1992-02-18, Lot: G2 839
MUSTER, Lawrence J., Death: 1958-04-23, Lot: D 453
MUSTER, Robert J., Death: 1977-05-27, Lot: SG 1
MUSTER, Thelma, Birth: 1907-02-27, Death: 1985-09-12, Lot: SG 1
MUSZYNSKI, Bernard, Birth: 1933-01-22, Death: 2010-01-22, Lot: G7 52
MUSZYNSKI, Carolyn, Birth: 1933-08-26, Death: 2011-02-26, Lot: G7 52
MUZTAFAGO, Agnes B., Birth: 1894-09-07, Death: 1989-11-18, Lot: F 336
MYERICK, Floyd, Death: 1960-01-06, Lot: SG 5
MYERS, Albert F., Birth: 1920-10-14, Death: 1994-12-20, Lot: SSE 58
MYERS, Amos E., Death: 1949-07-23, Lot: A 17
MYERS, Anna, Death: 1938-08-08, Lot: SG 3
MYERS, Dulcie Marie (Becky) Herron, Death: 1979-12-27, Lot: C 228
MYERS, Earl, Death: 1976-10-12, Lot: C 228
MYERS, Eleanor, Death: 1961-02-09, Lot: D 204
MYERS, Elizabeth M., Death: 1983-12-09, Lot: G2 483
MYERS, George Wilber, Death: 1936-07-08, Lot: SG 3
MYERS, Georgianna M., Birth: 1975-09-16, Death: 1989-01-24, Lot: G2 896
MYERS, Henry, Death: 1945-06-19, Lot: D 108
MYERS, Herbert S., Death: 1968-12-18, Lot: D 204
MYERS, Iva Elizabeth A., Death: 1975-09-19, Lot: D 108
MYERS, John, Birth: 1931-12-23, Death: 1987-07-29, Lot: G2 4
MYERS, John, Death: 1948-03-06, Lot: E 88
MYERS, Margaret, Death: 1936-03-23, Lot: A 17
MYERS, Minnie, Death: 1946-07-24, Lot: E 88
MYERS, Pauline O. Everson, Birth: 1939-06-29, Death: 1995-01-29, Lot: G2 637
MYERS, Raymond E., Birth: 1920-04-25, Death: 2002-03-07, Lot: G2 483
MYERS, South C., Death: 1945-05-23, Lot: E 97
MYERS, Walter, Death: 1965-10-08, Lot: E 77
MYERS, William, Death: 1960-10-13, Lot: E 88
MYRICK, Ceola, Death: 1977-10-14, Lot: G4 3
MYRTLE, Dorothy, Birth: 1921-03-22, Death: 2000-07-27, Lot: G3 72
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