Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Round Hill Cemetery
Elizabeth, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.243160, -79.856972
2131 Round Hill Church Rd
Elizabeth, PA 15037
Published: December 21, 2016
Total records: 13,554
Surnames R
Records published here were acquired from Round Hill Cemetery on December 20, 2016. Dates of death range from 1800 to 2016.
RABUSSEAU, Maurice C. "Sonny", Birth: 1951-12-23, Death: 1999-04-14, Lot: G2 783
RACE, Mabel, Birth: 1923-03-26, Death: 2003-02-23, Lot: F 503
RACE, William R., Birth: 1923-02-18, Death: 2015-01-03, Lot: F 503
RACK, Baby Boy, Birth: 1944-01-11, Death: 1944-01-11, Lot: D 189
RACK, Donald B., Death: 1999-02-06, Lot: G2 387
RACK, Edward J., Birth: 1913-06-12, Death: 2014-04-05, Lot: D 373
RACK, Edward Kent, Birth: 1936-08-06, Death: 1997-04-19, Lot: D 373
RACK, Genevieve Sarah, Death: 2009-01-12, Lot: D 373
RACK, Gertrude, Lot: G2 387
RACK, Iona Foster, Death: 1958-09-01, Lot: D 189
RACK, John W., Death: 1975-09-18, Lot: F 495
RACK, Joseph, Death: 1984-12-10, Lot: G2 387
RACKCLIFFE, David Emerson, Birth: 1960-11-01, Death: 1995-02-19, Lot: F 118
RACKCLIFFE, Donald W., Birth: 1951-09-15, Death: 2006-04-20, Lot: F 118
RADCLIFFE, Leona, Death: 1973-10-09, Lot: C 273
RADFORD, Charles Elmer, Birth: 1911-08-04, Death: 1986-10-11, Lot: G2 945
RADFORD, Evelyn E., Birth: 1917-06-30, Death: 1996-10-29, Lot: G2 945
RADLIEN , Daucent Sr., Birth: 1963-12-13, Death: 2015-10-27, Lot: H 111
RADOVICH, Angeline F., Birth: 1925-04-02, Death: 2012-07-26, Lot: G1 194
RADOVICH, George, Birth: 1929-03-06, Death: 2012-04-07, Lot: G1 194
RAGAN, Marlene Frank, Birth: 1938-10-02, Death: 1995-02-02, Lot: G2 792
RAGER, Francis A., Birth: 1935-09-04, Death: 2006-08-18, Lot: G2 203
RAGER, John F., Birth: 1956-04-15, Death: 2014-03-11, Lot: CXT 47
RAHN, August J., Sr., Death: 1953-10-20, Lot: D 176
RAHN, Elizabeth Firden, Death: 1958-10-06, Lot: D 176
RAHN, John August, Jr., Death: 1984-02-18, Lot: D 176
RAIBLE, Jeffery Jr., Birth: 1981-08-20, Death: 1987-05-26, Lot: G2 350
RAIBLE, Thomas G., Birth: 1934-04-19, Death: 1998-09-06, Lot: K 74
RAJCAN, Ruby G., Birth: 1914-11-09, Death: 1996-06-03, Lot: G2 680
RALPH, Kathleen, Birth: 1907-12-12, Death: 1997-12-18, Lot: D 435
RALPH, Walter R., Death: 1973-01-21, Lot: D 389
RAMBO, Francis Stover, Birth: 1904-12-18, Death: 1989-01-12, Lot: C 141
RAMBO, Harry P., Death: 1982-04-21, Lot: C 141
RAMERIZ, Amelia, Lot: F 71
RAMIREZ, Luis, Death: 1983-06-21, Lot: F 71
RAMOS, Zelma E., Birth: 1948-10-24, Death: 2008-12-05, Lot: SG 3
RAMSEAUR, Herman, Birth: 1927-09-14, Death: 1985-08-26, Lot: E 151
RAMSEAUR, Israel, Death: 1985-11-06, Lot: E 150
RAMSEUR, Ovella Phoebe, Birth: 1977-07-10, Death: 1993-05-10, Lot: H 28
RAMSEY, Adolph, Birth: 1928-10-29, Death: 1986-01-28, Lot: E 143
RAMSEY, Charles, Death: 1946-01-13, Lot: SG 8
RAMSEY, Leroy (Rev), Birth: 1925-10-12, Death: 2001-03-20, Lot: I 95
RANDALL, Joseph Jr, Birth: 1948-11-28, Death: 2012-10-23, Lot: G9 32
RANDALL, Joseph, Death: 1983-10-20, Lot: G3 39
RANDALL, Raymond Jr., Death: 1965-09-03, Lot: SG 4
RANDALL, Rose, Birth: 1926-11-27, Death: 2012-04-10, Lot: G9 32
RANDALL, Rose, Death: 1966-03-26, Lot: SG 5
RANDALL, Terry L., Birth: 1947-03-22, Death: 1995-10-01, Lot: G2 692
RANDEL, Edna, Death: 1955-05-21, Lot: SG 60
RANDEL, Joseph, Death: 1955-01-04, Lot: SG 60
RANDOLPH, Ada, Death: 1963-07-04, Lot: E 41
RANDOLPH, Adbert Art, Death: 1982-07-30, Lot: G2 330
RANDOLPH, Amanda B., Death: 1969-09-11, Lot: SG 5
RANDOLPH, Arnold, Death: 1966-12-11, Lot: SG 6
RANDOLPH, Baby, Death: 1945-09-05, Lot: SG 7
RANDOLPH, Beatrice, Birth: 1916-02-25, Death: 2001-02-17, Lot: G2 330
RANDOLPH, Charles, Birth: 1931-04-03, Death: 2001-03-02, Lot: D 211
RANDOLPH, Edward, Birth: 1906-11-15, Death: 1990-06-23, Lot: G4 2
RANDOLPH, Elizabeth, Birth: 1925-06-14, Death: 2004-07-05, Lot: F 97
RANDOLPH, John, Death: 1966-03-23, Lot: SG 8
RANDOLPH, Katherine, Birth: 1929-06-30, Death: 1999-01-08, Lot: D 211
RANDOLPH, William F. Jr., Death: 1983-07-12, Lot: F 97
RANKIN, Jill, Birth: 1965-10-09, Death: 2006-05-06, Lot: J 87
RANKIN, Peggy, Death: 1984-08-14, Lot: D 517
RANSICK, Helen, Birth: 1906-02-25, Death: 1991-01-23, Lot: F 404
RANSICK, Raymond C., Death: 1981-12-21, Lot: F 404
RANSOM, Richard Jr., Birth: 1920-08-26, Death: 2000-02-05, Lot: F 50
RANSOME, Lorraina D.Stone, Birth: 1964-11-27, Death: 2013-08-04, Lot: J 78
RANSON, Herbert, Birth: 1905-10-21, Death: 1985-03-25, Lot: D 1
RASZEWSKI, Daisy F., Birth: 1920-12-04, Death: 1999-07-19, Lot: F 438
RASZEWSKI, Frank, Death: 1984-02-22, Lot: F 438
RATH, Carrie, Death: 1948-05-28, Lot: B 55
RATH, Charles, Death: 1944-11-08, Lot: B 55
RATH, Elizabeth A., Death: 1887, Lot: ESE 18
RATH, George, Death: 1955-03-27, Lot: B 55
RATH, James H. (Harvey), Death: 1934-06-06, Lot: ESE 18
RATH, Mabel F., Death: 1973-09-01, Lot: B 55
RATH, Maud, Death: 1952-10-29, Lot: B 55
RATHEY, Raymond, Death: 1976, Lot: A 105
RATHEY, William Leander, Death: 1968-10-12, Lot: A 105
RATTANNI, Arthur, Birth: 1936-01-08, Death: 2012-08-16, Lot: I 118
RAUSCH, Dennis R., Birth: 1953-06-29, Death: 1997-05-03, Lot: G2 689
RAUSCH, Marlene, Birth: 1933-12-01, Death: 2011-04-03, Lot: G2 689
RAUSCH, Regis, Birth: 1931-02-05, Death: 2007-09-16, Lot: G2 689
RAWLINS, Ira C., Birth: 1950-04-15, Death: 1995-06-12, Lot: G3 78
RAY, Baby Boy, Birth: 1981-02-09, Death: 1981-02-09, Lot: D 461
RAY, Elsie L., Death: 1975-09-28, Lot: G1 48
RAY, John C., Death: 1958-01-02, Lot: G1 48
RAYMAN, Kevin D., Birth: 1970-09-29, Death: 2007-09-14, Lot: CXT 27
RAYMER, Bertram August, Birth: 1914-03-02, Death: 1997-04-19, Lot: G2 153
RAYMER, Isabelle M., Death: 1977, Lot: G2 153
READEL, Charles J., Death: 1985-08-13, Lot: F 35
READEL, Nancy M., Death: 2003-11-02, Lot: F 35
REBEL, John W. (Rev), Birth: 1937-03-13, Death: 2013-03-17, Lot: G2 326
RECONNU, Edna Fowler, Birth: 1920-06-10, Death: 1996-05-27, Lot: F 405
REDINGER, Belva Marie, Birth: 1914-03-10, Death: 2007-07-15, Lot: G2 613
REDINGER, Lucille A, Birth: 1921-10-21, Death: 2012-01-18, Lot: D 216
REDINGER, Walter, Birth: 1910-07-04, Death: 1996-12-09, Lot: G2 613
REDMOND, Michael, Lot: F 471
REDWOOD, Dorothy D. Baker Cunningham, Birth: 1929-11-05, Death: 2015-11-26, Lot: E 104
REDWOOD, Paul M., Birth: 1926-12-24, Death: 1992-07-27, Lot: E 104
REDWOOD, Sidonie Denise, Birth: 1952-10-03, Death: 1998-08-05, Lot: G4 89
REED, Albert, Death: 1982-05-06, Lot: E 42
REED, Anna Boyd, Death: 1961-09-25, Lot: B 82
REED, Anna Margaret, Death: 1976-02-03, Lot: E 42
REED, Chandler (Ron), Death: 1991-04-28, Lot: F 346
REED, Charlotte K., Death: 1981-08-29, Lot: A 16
REED, Elizabeth H., Death: 1942-04-21, Lot: D 71
REED, Ellsworth, Death: 1952-08-11, Lot: D 71
REED, Eva B., Death: 1955-05-07, Lot: C 126
REED, Harry, Death: 1954-07-25, Lot: D 71
REED, Jean B., Lot: B 77
REED, Jennie M. Boyd, Death: 1957-04-19, Lot: ESE 45
REED, Minnie A., Death: 1932-12-28, Lot: A 16
REED, Mrs. Van A. Jr., Lot: B 82
REED, Mrs. Van A. Sr., Lot: B 77
REED, Samuel B., Death: 1948-09-20, Lot: A 16
REED, Samuel B., Death: 1982-03-27, Lot: A 16
REED, Van A. Jr., Death: 1958-08-08, Lot: B 82
REED, Van A. Sr., Lot: B 77
REED, Wilma, Death: 1963-09-25, Lot: D 71
REEDY, Francis J., Birth: 1943-04-30, Death: 1986-06-06, Lot: F 373
REENIE, John, Death: 1947-02-20, Lot: SSE 38
REESE, Agnes Rose, Birth: 1916-10-23, Death: 1998-04-12, Lot: G2 407
REESE, Allen Thomas, Birth: 1970-05-13, Death: 2015-08-20, Lot: G2 500
REESE, April, Birth: 1991-04-17, Death: 1991-10-24, Lot: E 37
REESE, Bonnie, Birth: 1937-02-08, Death: 2001-08-04, Lot: F 51
REESE, Edith, Death: 1950-05-23, Lot: SG 8
REESE, Edith, Death: 1959-10-10, Lot: SG 8
REESE, Evelyn Faye, Death: 1938-01-14, Lot: SG 7
REESE, Gerald Allen, Birth: 1934-06-05, Death: 2005-04-03, Lot: F 51
REESE, Howard R., Birth: 1928-01-09, Death: 1986-10-02, Lot: G2 404
REESE, Kathy Diane, Death: 1959-05-01, Lot: SG 8
REESE, Margaret, Death: 1974-05-19, Lot: G3 16
REESE, Melvin H., Birth: 1941-11-09, Death: 2005-02-19, Lot: G2 546
REESE, Melvin, Death: 1984-04-19, Lot: G2 407
REEVES, Amber, Birth: 1909-11-16, Death: 2000-04-28, Lot: F 149
REGAR, Kathyrn, Death: 1964-11-04, Lot: D 406
REID, Daniel Jr., Death: 1981-08-15, Lot: A 190
REID, Elaine Ruth, Birth: 1932-02-18, Death: 1999-10-13, Lot: A 190
REIGH, Danner Aiden, Birth: 2004-03-31, Death: 2004-03-31, Lot: G1 182
REIGH, Jean L., Birth: 1932-11-26, Death: 2014-06-12, Lot: G1 182
REIGH, Kenneth H. Jr., Birth: 1927-07-27, Death: 1988-07-31, Lot: G1 182
REIGH, Yvonne, Birth: 1950-12-29, Death: 1994-02-09, Lot: G1 182
REILLEY, John, Death: 1960-07-05, Lot: C 10
REILLEY, Mary, Death: 1960-05-03, Lot: C 10
REILLO, Helen Ostovich, Birth: 1914-10-24, Death: 1996-09-27, Lot: L 39
REISNAUER, Florence, Birth: 1907-05-12, Death: 2004-05-06, Lot: D 539
REISNAUER, Raymound E., Death: 1973-06-07, Lot: D 539
REKESE, Clement, Death: 1958-11-14, Lot: SG 9
REKESE, Lenna, Death: 1972-05-31, Lot: SG 9
REMEIKIS, Grace Elizabeth, Birth: 1919-03-27, Death: 1996-02-08, Lot: G2 121
REMEIKIS, John, Death: 1979-09-18, Lot: G2 121
REMENSNYDER, Robert J., Birth: 1946-10-04, Death: 2008-05-14, Lot: CXT 76
RENNIE , Harvey Wesley Jr., Birth: 1928-04-30, Death: 2016-11-07, Lot: CU2A 26
RENNIE, Dorothy (Infant), Death: 1925-09-02, Lot: SSE 38
RENNIE, Ellen E. J., Birth: 1903-12-23, Death: 1991-06-18, Lot: D 351
RENNIE, Ellen, Death: 1927, Lot: SSE 38
RENNIE, Elmer E., Death: 1936-04-07, Lot: SG 3
RENNIE, Harvey W., Death: 1984-07-12, Lot: D 351
RENNIE, William, Death: 1932-11-17, Lot: SSE 38
RENTON, Neal H., Birth: 1912-08-26, Death: 1994-11-07, Lot: A 168
RENTON, Ruth, Birth: 1917-08-02, Death: 2006-03-04, Lot: A 168
REPLOGLE, John, Birth: 1922-09-13, Death: 2000-11-18, Lot: G1 34
REPLOGLE, Ruth, Death: 1978-08-04, Lot: G1 34
RESCELLI, Anthony, Death: 1983-04-11, Lot: K 17
RESCHENTHALER, Guy Otto, Death: 1969-10-14, Lot: C 382
RESCHENTHALER, Joseph R., Death: 1972-04-09, Lot: C 348
RESCHENTHALER, Nadean D., Birth: 1915-02-27, Death: 1994-05-29, Lot: C 348
RESCHENTHALER, Norma, Birth: 1925-01-12, Death: 2007-10-18, Lot: C 382
RESH, Susan Louise, Death: 1977-07-03, Lot: G2 253
RESNAK, Anna, Birth: 1918-04-30, Death: 2008-11-23, Lot: J 64
RESNAK, Sandor, Birth: 1917-01-30, Death: 2008-09-18, Lot: J 64
RESNIK, Charles Joseph, Death: 1977-12-18, Lot: G2 360
RESNIK, Corrinne, Birth: 1925-08-29, Death: 2007-10-28, Lot: G2 361
RESNIK, Mary A., Birth: 1897-06-04, Death: 1995-08-12, Lot: G2 361
REVAK, June Joyce, Birth: 1937-06-23, Death: 2001-01-31, Lot: D 420
REVAK, William, Birth: 1926-11-07, Death: 1997-08-21, Lot: G2 659
REVALA, George Jr., Death: 1974-06-15, Lot: G2 96
REYNOLDS, Blanche, Death: 1971-09-30, Lot: D 64
REYNOLDS, Elizabeth J., Death: 1981-05-20, Lot: G2 245
REYNOLDS, Elva Ada Simpson, Death: 1947-01-06, Lot: SSE 77
REYNOLDS, Frank Alvin, Birth: 1943-02-03, Death: 2011-09-27, Lot: G2 272
REYNOLDS, Helen V., Birth: 1930-10-29, Death: 2013-01-17, Lot: G2 732
REYNOLDS, Howard, Death: 1970-12-26, Lot: ESE 38
REYNOLDS, J. William, Death: 1896, Lot: ESE 38
REYNOLDS, James C., Birth: 1932-07-24, Death: 1997-07-27, Lot: G2 732
REYNOLDS, John M., Death: 1984-04-24, Lot: D 64
REYNOLDS, Judith K., Birth: 1947-06-29, Death: 1996-06-13, Lot: G2 727
REYNOLDS, Louise Secrist, Death: 1962-03-11, Lot: ESE 38
REYNOLDS, Mary Belle, Death: 1975-05-11, Lot: ESE 38
REYNOLDS, Melvin Cecil, Death: 1977-02-09, Lot: G2 245
REYNOLDS, Melvin, Death: 1960-10-15, Lot: SG 10
REYNOLDS, Paul M., Death: 1927-09-15, Lot: SSE 77
REYNOLDS, Thelma, Death: 1940-09-15, Lot: ESE 38
REYNOLDS, William, Death: 1948-06-03, Lot: ESE 38
RHEY, Emma, Death: 1952-11-27, Lot: E 29
RHEY, Harry F., Death: 1965-09-22, Lot: E 29
RHOADES, Betty, Birth: 1931-04-07, Death: 2010-03-08, Lot: F 265
RHOADES, Gerald Lee, Death: 1944-04-20, Lot: D 181
RHOADES, Jessie, Death: 1981-05-26, Lot: D 181
RHOADES, Leonard E., Death: 1970-03-24, Lot: SG 9
RHOADES, Ralph, Death: 1981-07-19, Lot: F 265
RHOADES, Ruth Virginia, Birth: 1918-05-09, Death: 1995-03-21, Lot: K 83
RHOADES, Thomas W., Birth: 1919-08-07, Death: 2005-11-22, Lot: K 83
RHOADES, Verna Lowman, Death: 1951-07-07, Lot: D 181
RHOADES, Walter, Birth: 1906-11-18, Death: 1985-09-27, Lot: D 181
RHODES, Alex, Death: 1965-05-25, Lot: SG 8
RHODES, Baby Girl, Death: 1955-10-15, Lot: SG 8
RHODES, Edward G., Birth: 1931-01-14, Death: 1991-12-05, Lot: G2 870
RHODES, Elizabeth M., Death: 2006-12-27, Lot: G4 17
RHODES, Isan, Birth: 1915-10-05, Death: 1996-12-25, Lot: G4 17
RHODES, Jamie, Death: 1946-02-07, Lot: SG 8
RHODES, Marilyn Lee, Birth: 1942-03-24, Death: 1997-09-21, Lot: G2 870
RHOME, Charles, Birth: 1923-08-24, Death: 1986-02-18, Lot: G2 930
RHOME, Dorothy I., Birth: 1926-04-07, Death: 1988-10-08, Lot: G2 950
RIBIK, George T., Birth: 1914-12-23, Death: 1994-12-28, Lot: G3 178
RIBIK, Mary Rita, Birth: 1926-11-07, Death: 1999-03-24, Lot: G3 178
RICE, Addie B., Birth: 1926-03-12, Death: 1992-03-25, Lot: G4 24
RICE, Eddie Lee, Birth: 1954-06-12, Death: 2007-04-20, Lot: I 87
RICE, Grace B., Birth: 1920-02-18, Death: 1992-07-25, Lot: C 291
RICE, Helen, Birth: 1900-05-22, Death: 1989-03-19, Lot: G2 953
RICE, Henry, Death: 1978-06-16, Lot: G4 6
RICE, Juleeann Nicole, Birth: 2010-07-21, Death: 2010-08-20, Lot: I 96
RICE, Karen Louise, Birth: 1952-02-28, Death: 2010-09-09, Lot: I 70
RICE, Kenneth E., Birth: 1919-08-14, Death: 1997-08-15, Lot: C 291
RICE, Rosa Lee Gallup Richardso, Birth: 1950-01-31, Death: 2016-07-08, Lot: I 104
RICE, Stacy Nicole, Birth: 1978-06-03, Death: 2007-02-16, Lot: I 96
RICH, Leo, Death: 1965-06-11, Lot: ESE 56
RICH, Tina Marie, Birth: 1985-03-14, Death: 1985-03-14, Lot: E 55
RICHARD, Abagail, Death: 1960-02-16, Lot: B 92
RICHARD, Abner P. Jr. (Rev), Death: 1967-04-18, Lot: D 126
RICHARD, Blanche, Lot: B 92
RICHARD, Caroline Louise, Birth: 1925-10-01, Death: 2010-09-16, Lot: D 126
RICHARD, John, Death: 1982-01-28, Lot: F 98
RICHARD, Larry Edward, Birth: 1991-12-07, Death: 1991-12-07, Lot: G2 90
RICHARD, Mary Patterson, Lot: B 92
RICHARD, Paul, Birth: 1947-12-30, Death: 2004-09-03, Lot: D 154
RICHARD, Sara G., Birth: 1915-09-07, Death: 1999-09-30, Lot: B 92
RICHARD, Wilbur L., Death: 1980-07-20, Lot: B 92
RICHARDS, Annie Watson, Death: 1951-02-28, Lot: SG 3
RICHARDS, Christopher John, Birth: 1964-12-20, Death: 1992-10-06, Lot: F 78
RICHARDS, Deanna Lynn, Birth: 1965-06-11, Death: 1991-10-15, Lot: F 78
RICHARDS, Francis D., Birth: 1957-05-25, Death: 2002-01-05, Lot: F 365
RICHARDS, James, Birth: 1942-07-25, Death: 1986-11-10, Lot: F 431
RICHARDS, John, Death: 1959-08-29, Lot: SG 10
RICHARDS, Leroy G. Sr., Birth: 1930-02-15, Death: 1995-12-02, Lot: F 365
RICHARDS, Lorenzo D., Birth: 1919-01-30, Death: 1989-08-08, Lot: F 366
RICHARDS, Marie, Birth: 1922-03-25, Death: 1990-04-16, Lot: F 366
RICHARDS, Mary Ellen, Death: 1936-12-18, Lot: SG 1
RICHARDS, Nicholas, Death: 1982-10-17, Lot: SG 9
RICHARDS, Thomas, Death: 2005-08-16, Lot: F 248
RICHARDSON, Alphonso James, Birth: 1932-11-03, Death: 2003-03-15, Lot: G3 117
RICHARDSON, Anderson, Death: 1952-01-09, Lot: SG 6
RICHARDSON, Bertha, Birth: 1920-11-06, Death: 2002-01-28, Lot: I 41
RICHARDSON, Clara Belle, Death: 1957-11-21, Lot: D 423
RICHARDSON, David Jr., Death: 1996-09-18, Lot: F 403
RICHARDSON, Dora M., Death: 1981-06-26, Lot: F 403
RICHARDSON, Elizabeth Chesney', Death: 1964-07-09, Lot: D 423
RICHARDSON, Ethel, Death: 1971-12-20, Lot: SG 7
RICHARDSON, George Jr., Birth: 1921-03-12, Death: 1994-12-23, Lot: D 437
RICHARDSON, George, Death: 1961-05-31, Lot: D 423
RICHARDSON, Gertrude, Death: 1948-10-07, Lot: SG 6
RICHARDSON, Gertrude, Death: 1951-05-02, Lot: SG 6
RICHARDSON, Glenn A., Death: 2015-02-10, Lot: F 503A
RICHARDSON, Grace, Death: 2000-02-13, Lot: G2 955
RICHARDSON, James Boyd "Brent", Birth: 1918-02-11, Death: 1999-05-19, Lot: F 396
RICHARDSON, Jesse, Birth: 1944-12-25, Death: 2011-07-12, Lot: G9 38
RICHARDSON, John, Birth: 1922-08-14, Death: 2005-12-23, Lot: I 56
RICHARDSON, Leon, Birth: 1903-12-24, Death: 1994-09-08, Lot: G3 120
RICHARDSON, Lois, Death: 1988-03-15, Lot: D 437
RICHARDSON, Tina Marie, Death: 1971-02-21, Lot: D 460
RICHARDSON, Vincent A., Birth: 1919-02-24, Death: 1990-08-04, Lot: D 423
RICHARDSON, William Uriah, Birth: 1912-01-13, Death: 1993-04-27, Lot: G2 955
RICHARDSON, William, Death: 1974-10-21, Lot: SG 3
RICHARDSON, Willie, Death: 1974-06-05, Lot: SG 8
RICHARDSON, Winifred, Death: 1962-09-25, Lot: SG 5
RICHEL, Charles, Death: 1978-08-24, Lot: G1 38
RICHEL, Norma, Birth: 1923-12-30, Death: 2003-06-24, Lot: G1 38
RICHEY, Kathryn V., Birth: 1949-07-28, Death: 1997-07-02, Lot: K 55
RICHNAFSKY, Eleanor, Birth: 1917-10-20, Death: 1986-08-29, Lot: C 55
RICHTER , David Ewing III, Birth: 1949-07-31, Death: 2016-08-18, Lot: D 485
RICHTER, David Jr., Birth: 1930-01-18, Death: 2006-01-09, Lot: D 471
RIDEN, Ethel Mae, Death: 1980-01-18, Lot: G2 201
RIDEN, Grant, Death: 1953-01-11, Lot: D 229
RIDEN, Lottie, Death: 1973-05-05, Lot: D 229
RIDEN, Raymond, Birth: 1905-01-07, Death: 1995-06-17, Lot: G2 201
RIDER, Lily Lomax, Death: 1973-04-28, Lot: C 101
RIDGE, Francis J., Birth: 1935-06-14, Death: 1990-09-18, Lot: G2 954
RIDGE, Kathleen A., Birth: 1944-07-12, Death: 1990-09-01, Lot: G2 954
RIFFEL, Vella A., Birth: 1916-01-29, Death: 1991-08-03, Lot: F 118
RIGGLE, Gilbert L., Birth: 1928-05-11, Death: 1992-04-05, Lot: I 57
RIGGLE, Richard L., Birth: 1954-06-29, Death: 2012-10-07, Lot: I 57
RIGGS, Bernard J., Birth: 1923-11-13, Death: 2011-07-26, Lot: G2 762
RIGGS, Jean G., Birth: 1925-09-10, Death: 1994-05-08, Lot: G2 762
RIGGS, Leander Dr., Death: 1904, Lot: ESA 35
RIGGS, Mary Finney, Death: 1947-12-16, Lot: ESA 35
RIGSBY, Mary Francis, Death: 1969-12-28, Lot: SG 7
RIGSBY, Sam, Death: 1968-12-19, Lot: SG 60
RILEY, Alberta C., Death: 1977-02-02, Lot: D 505
RILEY, Edith, Birth: 1920-02-18, Death: 2004-02-04, Lot: G2 628
RILEY, Fredrich, Death: 1975-11-29, Lot: D 505
RILEY, Ian, Death: 1978-06-04, Lot: SG 5
RILEY, John B., Birth: 1912-06-27, Death: 1989-10-31, Lot: G2 628
RINGBLOOM, Donald Paul, Birth: 1924-08-17, Death: 2005-11-14, Lot: D 299
RINGBLOOM, Sarah (Sally) Jane, Birth: 1925-12-11, Death: 2016-05-17, Lot: D 299
RINGER, Arthur C. Sr., Birth: 1927-02-13, Death: 2013-09-19, Lot: K 15
RINGER, Shirley A., Birth: 1931-11-26, Death: 2011-04-08, Lot: K 15
RINK , Jacob Jr., Death: 1950-08-01, Lot: E 49
RIPPEL, Baby A, Birth: 1960-07-14, Death: 1960-07-15, Lot: E 43
RIPPEL, Baby B, Birth: 1960-07-14, Death: 1960-07-16, Lot: E 43
RIPPEL, Charles, Birth: 1903-05-09, Death: 1995-11-29, Lot: E 43
RIPPEL, Elsie J., Birth: 1927-01-27, Death: 2014-11-15, Lot: K 9
RIPPEL, Florence Lauretta, Birth: 1909-03-08, Death: 1987-03-17, Lot: E 43
RIPPEL, Gertie Luella, Death: 1963-12-02, Lot: C 323
RIPPEL, Grace P., Birth: 1914-12-29, Death: 2012-12-28, Lot: C 323
RIPPEL, John Booth, Death: 1933-02-07, Lot: E 43
RIPPEL, John T., Birth: 1916-09-30, Death: 2006-05-06, Lot: C 323
RIPPEL, June Yarborough, Death: 1983-01-03, Lot: G1 107
RIPPEL, Lawrence Howard, Birth: 1922-06-29, Death: 2015-07-21, Lot: K 9
RIPPEL, Leah Briscoe, Birth: 1922-04-04, Death: 1994-07-13, Lot: F 467
RIPPEL, Lois Jean, Birth: 1923-01-14, Death: 1998-11-11, Lot: A 68
RIPPEL, Martha S., Death: 2007-01-17, Lot: K 19
RIPPEL, Ralph, Birth: 1920-05-15, Death: 2014-01-12, Lot: F 467
RIPPEL, William Clifford, Death: 1982-03-30, Lot: C 323
RIPPEL, William Jr., Birth: 1912-03-22, Death: 2002-05-16, Lot: K 19
RIPPLE, Chris, Lot: SSE 19
RIPPLE, Jennie A. Strachen, Death: 1939-03-10, Lot: SSE 19
RITCHEY, Clarence, Death: 1965-04-18, Lot: E 42
RITCHEY, Irvin, Birth: 1923-01-21, Death: 2000-06-08, Lot: G3 95
RITCHEY, Jean, Death: 1970-06-18, Lot: E 42
RITCHEY, Violet Jean, Birth: 1928-08-29, Death: 2004-08-23, Lot: G3 95
RITCHIE, Bertha E., Birth: 1908-05-01, Death: 1992-03-03, Lot: C 151
RITCHIE, Beulah, Death: 2008-12-02, Lot: G2 200
RITCHIE, Charles, Death: 1987-02-17, Lot: G2 200
RITCHIE, Dora, Birth: 1913-05-03, Death: 2007-10-20, Lot: G2 200
RITCHIE, Edward, Death: 1994-11-15, Lot: G2 200
RITCHIE, Glen Alan, Death: 1982-08-04, Lot: C 151
RITCHIE, Glenn, Death: 1968-11-24, Lot: C 151
RITENOUR, Robin Marcus, Birth: 1984-02-07, Death: 1996-08-10, Lot: H 119
RITTER, Albert, Birth: 1930-10-15, Death: 1999-05-07, Lot: G4 104
RITTER, Ann Thompson, Death: 1963-11-27, Lot: D 329
RITTER, Benny, Death: 1967-01-10, Lot: SG 6
RITTER, Dora, Death: 1965-11-18, Lot: SG 4
RITTER, Duane J., Death: 1978-05-03, Lot: D 390
RITTER, Floyd J. Sr., Death: 2002-08-10, Lot: G4 123
RITTER, Harry Farmer, Death: 1952-10-27, Lot: D 281
RITTER, John, Birth: 1925-01-07, Death: 1990-12-07, Lot: G4 26
RITTER, Louise, Birth: 1919-11-23, Death: 2005-11-03, Lot: G4 104
RITTER, Myrtle Veen, Death: 1990-01-24, Lot: D 281
RITTER, Ruthann, Birth: 1938-05-18, Death: 1991-03-10, Lot: G4 123
RIZZI, Gina, Birth: 1900-08-27, Death: 1990-06-09, Lot: L 11
RIZZO, Anthony F., Birth: 1910-06-25, Death: 1986-05-03, Lot: G2 920
RIZZO, Dorothy R., Birth: 1926-06-14, Death: 2006-04-06, Lot: F 244
RIZZO, Henrietta L. (Babe), Birth: 1913-08-03, Death: 1994-12-15, Lot: F 458
RIZZO, James V., Birth: 1917-05-30, Death: 1988-09-04, Lot: F 244
RIZZO, Joseph, Death: 1983-01-02, Lot: F 458
ROACH, David Jr., Birth: 1931-06-14, Death: 1986-08-22, Lot: E 165
ROACH, Midge, Death: 1982-03-12, Lot: D 371
ROBB, Betty E., Birth: 1917-01-06, Death: 2011-02-09, Lot: G1 12
ROBB, Janice Lee, Birth: 1942-05-20, Death: 1942-05-30, Lot: G1 12
ROBB, Janice Lee, Lot: SG 3
ROBB, Jason Edward, Birth: 1983-07-30, Death: 1983-07-30, Lot: G1 119
ROBB, William C., Birth: 1916-06-29, Death: 2004-12-05, Lot: G1 12
ROBBINS, Ruth (Wycoff), Birth: 1899-02-01, Death: 1992-07-26, Lot: A 105
ROBERTS, Agnes M., Death: 1929-02-03, Lot: SSE 64
ROBERTS, Belle, Death: 1941-03-13, Lot: SSE 64
ROBERTS, Carrie, Death: 1940-10-21, Lot: SG 1
ROBERTS, Darl Sr., Death: 1947-07-27, Lot: D 168
ROBERTS, Darl, Death: 1947-07-27, Lot: D 168
ROBERTS, Dorian, Birth: 1946-01-10, Death: 2014-11-15, Lot: H 100
ROBERTS, Dorothy, Death: 1947-07-27, Lot: D 168
ROBERTS, Ethel W., Birth: 1919-04-04, Death: 1996-01-12, Lot: G2 888
ROBERTS, Frank C., Death: 1984-10-18, Lot: G1 197
ROBERTS, Jason Eric (Jenkins), Death: 1982-04-28, Lot: D 354
ROBERTS, Michael, Death: 1984-06-17, Lot: G2 560
ROBERTS, Ollie, Death: 1938-08-09, Lot: SSE 64
ROBERTS, Robert G., Sr., Birth: 1935-07-11, Death: 1992-02-18, Lot: K 49
ROBERTS, Ruby L. King, Birth: 1922-11-13, Death: 2007-04-25, Lot: H 100
ROBERTS, William, Death: 1931-12-21, Lot: SSE 64
ROBERTSON, Bertha Ethel Coughenour, Birth: 1922-10-09, Death: 1995-01-07, Lot: G2 164
ROBERTSON, Bertha, Birth: 1909-09-04, Death: 2001-01-17, Lot: H 11
ROBERTSON, Chole, Birth: 1960-09-23, Death: 1996-10-30, Lot: F 49
ROBERTSON, Dashon Lamont, Birth: 1990-10-08, Death: 1994-11-07, Lot: F 48
ROBERTSON, Erma H., Birth: 1913-08-01, Death: 1999-06-01, Lot: G2 208
ROBERTSON, James, Death: 1973-11-21, Lot: G2 208
ROBERTSON, Mason, Birth: 1911-08-22, Death: 1988-07-12, Lot: H 11
ROBERTSON, Ruth Ann Hamilton, Death: 1977-05-17, Lot: G2 123
ROBERTSON, Virgil G., Death: 1970-01-31, Lot: G2 164
ROBINSON, Ada P., Death: 1917, Lot: SSE 3
ROBINSON, Adam L., Birth: 1988-04-23, Death: 2007-12-19, Lot: J 90
ROBINSON, Bruce E., Birth: 1950-09-23, Death: 2004-08-06, Lot: H 76
ROBINSON, Clarence, Death: 1964-10-12, Lot: SG 5
ROBINSON, Francis, Death: 1930-04-12, Lot: SSE 3
ROBINSON, Fredonia R., Birth: 1931-08-16, Death: 2005-01-18, Lot: F 283
ROBINSON, George W., Death: 1942-01-27, Lot: D 16
ROBINSON, Harry E., Death: 1978-04-12, Lot: G3 41
ROBINSON, Hercules, Birth: 1941-09-09, Death: 2014-12-01, Lot: K 98
ROBINSON, James, Death: 1988-08-22, Lot: E 166
ROBINSON, John P., Birth: 1904-09-02, Death: 1989-03-07, Lot: D 374
ROBINSON, John T., Death: 1942-01-08, Lot: SG 2
ROBINSON, Joseph, Death: 1918, Lot: SSE 3
ROBINSON, Joseph, Death: 1963-08-09, Lot: SG 10
ROBINSON, Kevin, Birth: 1961-12-05, Death: 2000-04-13, Lot: H 62
ROBINSON, Laura, Death: 1945-02-11, Lot: D 16
ROBINSON, Lee E. Rev., Birth: 1921-12-20, Death: 1997-01-19, Lot: H 35
ROBINSON, Madeline Howard, Birth: 1925-12-11, Death: 2014-07-08, Lot: H 35
ROBINSON, Marie Elaine Ielase, Birth: 1941-07-07, Death: 2016-07-07, Lot: CXT 74
ROBINSON, Marjorie Adell Rochelle, Birth: 1926-03-21, Death: 1996-10-17, Lot: G3 127
ROBINSON, Mathilda, Death: 1933-12-31, Lot: SG 7
ROBINSON, Nellie Mae Davison, Birth: 1923-04-26, Death: 2014-08-26, Lot: G3 46
ROBINSON, Noami, Birth: 1902-04-01, Death: 1989-01-17, Lot: G3 46
ROBINSON, Pearl, Birth: 1900-11-22, Death: 1994-03-04, Lot: F 474
ROBINSON, Rosa, Death: 1964-01-23, Lot: SG 5
ROBINSON, William, Birth: 1913-01-25, Death: 1994-01-04, Lot: F 283
ROBINSON, William, Birth: 1919-10-24, Death: 1985-05-18, Lot: G3 46
ROCCO, Thelma, Birth: 1919-08-22, Death: 1997-11-09, Lot: A 165
ROCHE, James J., Birth: 1921-08-19, Death: 2006-02-03, Lot: F 28
ROCHELL, John R., Death: 1973-03-29, Lot: SG 7
ROCHELLE, Baby Boy, Death: 1980-06-15, Lot: G4 8
ROCHELLE, Charles M., Birth: 1931-07-01, Death: 1995-12-11, Lot: G3 127
ROCHELLE, Dorothy Lee Gardner, Birth: 1934-02-19, Death: 2005-11-12, Lot: G4 137
ROCHELLE, Katie, Birth: 1907-08-03, Death: 1992-04-29, Lot: SG 8
ROCHELLE, Mark A. Sr, Birth: 1937-11-05, Death: 2006-10-03, Lot: G2 814
ROCHELLE, Viola J., Death: 1971-08-06, Lot: SG 60
ROCHELLE, Wayne E., Birth: 1939-11-02, Death: 1994-06-17, Lot: G3 127
ROCHELLE, William H., Death: 1959-08-12, Lot: SG 60
ROCHELLE, William, Death: 1984-07-19, Lot: G4 16
ROCK, Erma, Birth: 1943-03-17, Death: 2009-06-11, Lot: G2 698
ROCKWELL, Edna H., Birth: 1915-03-31, Death: 1992-12-06, Lot: F 316
ROCKWELL, Laura Weigle, Birth: 1912-10-09, Death: 1994-06-18, Lot: G2 368
ROCKWELL, Norma G., Death: 1979-12-10, Lot: G2 369
ROCKWELL, Orrie M. Sr., Birth: 1911-06-26, Death: 1990-04-26, Lot: G2 368
ROCKWELL, Ralph E., Birth: 1909, Death: 1989-12-01, Lot: F 316
RODABAUGH, Charles Clifford, Death: 1965-05-30, Lot: A 175
RODABAUGH, Edna, Birth: 1945-09-09, Death: 1997-03-12, Lot: G2 643
RODABAUGH, Nina, Birth: 1924-06-14, Death: 2006-09-21, Lot: A 175
RODABAUGH, William A., Birth: 1919-08-07, Death: 1994-05-24, Lot: A 175
RODDY, Elizabeth, Death: 1926-10-07, Lot: SSE 20
RODGERS, Bertha, Death: 1941-07-08, Lot: D 42
RODGERS, Eugene J., Birth: 1928-09-13, Death: 1986-12-15, Lot: G3 60
RODGERS, George L., Death: 1949-08-23, Lot: D 42
RODGERS, Monica, Birth: 1932-10-19, Death: 2007-04-01, Lot: G3 60
RODGERS, Sarah W., Birth: 1926-08-18, Death: 1985-03-03, Lot: G4 28
RODGERS, Viola, Death: 1950-11-14, Lot: SG 6
RODIBAUGH, Paul E. Sr., Birth: 1922-12-03, Death: 1996-01-02, Lot: G2 724
RODRIGUEZ, Ana Isbelis, Birth: 1962-12-17, Death: 2010-06-01, Lot: I 82
RODRIGUEZ, Jesus C., Birth: 1964-11-13, Death: 1996-10-09, Lot: G2 745
ROGERS, Bernard F., Death: 1987-02-10, Lot: G1 195
ROGERS, Bernard W., Birth: 1940-06-02, Death: 1993-06-07, Lot: G2 893
ROGERS, Betty, Death: 1978-05-18, Lot: D 348
ROGERS, George L., Birth: 1921-07-03, Death: 2004-06-11, Lot: D 348
ROGERS, Linda A., Birth: 1957-05-18, Death: 1990-02-26, Lot: G1 170
ROGERSON, Leroy, Birth: 1922-12-11, Death: 1989-02-19, Lot: D 348
ROHR, George Lewis, Death: 1981-07-19, Lot: F 391
ROLAND, Edna, Birth: 1920-02-20, Death: 1991-06-14, Lot: G2 443
ROLAND, Raymond R., Birth: 1920-06-14, Death: 1987-05-07, Lot: G2 443
ROLL, Anna, Death: 1944-12-11, Lot: D 120
ROLL, Beatrice, Birth: 1903-06-24, Death: 1997-07-19, Lot: D 284
ROLL, Edward Louis, Death: 1973-10-16, Lot: D 120
ROLL, Frank, Death: 1973-11-26, Lot: D 284
ROLLASON, Dorothy, Death: 1981-09-07, Lot: G2 107
ROLLASON, Roy R., Death: 1984-10-07, Lot: F 438
ROLLASON, Vera C., Birth: 1907-05-20, Death: 1993-06-27, Lot: F 468
ROLLER, Carrie (Carolyn), Birth: 1901-05-09, Death: 1992-03-07, Lot: D 197
ROMAN, John D., Birth: 1907-12-28, Death: 1993-07-20, Lot: C 86
ROMAN, Joseph, Death: 1956-07-20, Lot: C 86
ROMAN, Michael, Death: 1958-03-25, Lot: SG 10
ROMAN, Minnie Sundrette, Death: 1951-11-03, Lot: C 86
ROMANOSKY, William, Birth: 1916-01-13, Death: 1989-04-24, Lot: G2 846
ROMANSKI, Michael J., Death: 1978-10-05, Lot: C 60
ROMANSKI, Wanda Mary, Death: 1969-05-30, Lot: C 60
ROMESBURG, George G., Birth: 1915-12-30, Death: 1997-08-29, Lot: D 472
ROMESBURG, La Verne, Birth: 1922-10-01, Death: 2003-07-10, Lot: D 472
ROMESBURG, William Malon, Birth: 1942-06-11, Death: 1998-10-12, Lot: D 472
RONEY, Betty Jane, Birth: 1954-02-18, Death: 1989-05-10, Lot: G2 734
RONKI, Dorothy V., Birth: 1917-07-22, Death: 1986-08-12, Lot: C 198
RONKI, James, Birth: 1921-08-15, Death: 1993-08-09, Lot: C 198
RONKI, Marguerite Bruni, Birth: 1901-08-24, Death: 1988-03-31, Lot: C 198
RONKI, Rocco, Death: 1982-08-01, Lot: C 198
ROOKER, John Louis, Death: 1975-07-17, Lot: SG 9
ROOLF, Nancy Ann, Birth: 1925-09-21, Death: 2016-03-20, Lot: G2 834
ROOLF, Raymond H. Sr., Birth: 1925-03-17, Death: 1992-03-26, Lot: G2 834
ROSAK, Lois, Birth: 1933-03-08, Death: 1992-06-26, Lot: F 286
ROSCHE, Donald, Death: 1971-04-21, Lot: G2 140
ROSCHE, Elaine F., Birth: 1938-03-04, Death: 2004-09-01, Lot: G2 140
ROSER, Ella F., Death: 1980-03-04, Lot: F 470
ROSER, Otto K., Death: 1980-05-11, Lot: F 471
ROSNICK, Amelia (Mildred J.), Death: 1997-02-21, Lot: G2 960
ROSS, Barbara J., Birth: 1943-01-11, Death: 2002-12-29, Lot: G4 110
ROSS, Betty, Death: 1966-12-24, Lot: SG 6
ROSS, Charles D., Birth: 1929-10-19, Death: 2002-11-02, Lot: J 92
ROSS, Eli, Birth: 1910-10-08, Death: 2002-01-22, Lot: G1 52
ROSS, Frank A., Birth: 1909-07-24, Death: 1990-01-03, Lot: F 351
ROSS, Frank, Birth: 1908-06-16, Death: 1985-03-24, Lot: G1 187
ROSS, Margaret, Birth: 1910-12-08, Death: 1992-09-22, Lot: G1 52
ROSS, Mary Ann, Birth: 1938-01-31, Death: 2001-08-30, Lot: G1 175
ROSS, Matthew Sr., Birth: 1890, Death: 1985-03-10, Lot: G4 32
ROSS, Nancy, Death: 1975-01-29, Lot: SG 8
ROSS, Thomas, Death: 2005-07-11, Lot: G2 519
ROSS, Virginia, Death: 1983-04-12, Lot: E 139
ROSS, William, Birth: 1929-07-15, Death: 1993-06-28, Lot: G4 110
ROSSER, Damonje Sr, Birth: 1980-05-05, Death: 2009-03-26, Lot: I 109
ROSSER, Walter C. Jr, Birth: 1948-01-06, Death: 2011-08-17, Lot: I 109
ROTHARMEL, Jeanette, Birth: 1903-12-20, Death: 1989-04-03, Lot: G1 171
ROTHARMEL, Phyllis, Birth: 1927-04-08, Death: 2004-02-01, Lot: G1 171
ROTHBAUER, Agnes, Birth: 1924-12-16, Death: 2013-02-12, Lot: F 97
ROTHBAUER, George, Birth: 1922-08-04, Death: 2000-06-18, Lot: G2 856
ROTHBAUER, Margaret, Birth: 1922-05-14, Death: 2002-11-12, Lot: G2 856
ROTHBAUER, William A., Death: 1983-05-11, Lot: F 97
ROTHEY, A.Glenn Jr., Birth: 1918-07-06, Death: 2002-01-27, Lot: I 34
ROTHEY, Albert G., Death: 1945-04-30, Lot: A 40
ROTHEY, Anna Marie, Birth: 1916-07-22, Death: 1988-04-10, Lot: B 80
ROTHEY, Bessie E., Death: 1935-12-14, Lot: SSE 95
ROTHEY, Betty Jane, Birth: 1926-01-12, Death: 2007-03-23, Lot: G2 514
ROTHEY, Burnett W., Birth: 1949-08-12, Death: 1986-05-07, Lot: F 3
ROTHEY, Burnett W., Death: 1965-08-24, Lot: A 137
ROTHEY, Carl H., Birth: 1937-12-09, Death: 2010-01-13, Lot: G7 57
ROTHEY, David G., Death: 1990-06-20, Lot: A 143
ROTHEY, Donald C., Birth: 1924-11-23, Death: 2015-02-07, Lot: G2 514
ROTHEY, Drennan, Death: 1972-09-14, Lot: B 42
ROTHEY, Earl Wayne, Birth: 1923-02-02, Death: 2006-08-26, Lot: SSE 51
ROTHEY, Elinor Dorothey, Death: 1931-04-19, Lot: SSE 51
ROTHEY, Eliza Jane Bedsworth, Death: 1943-03-25, Lot: A 40
ROTHEY, Elizabeth Jane, Birth: 1926-12-17, Death: 1999-06-11, Lot: SSE 51
ROTHEY, Elvira, Death: 1959-02-16, Lot: SSE 51
ROTHEY, Estella R., Death: 1949-08-09, Lot: A 137
ROTHEY, Glenn Albert, Death: 1958-02-25, Lot: SSE 51
ROTHEY, Harry L., Birth: 1934-05-13, Death: 1986-09-03, Lot: F 3
ROTHEY, Margaret Louise, Death: 1967-06-07, Lot: A 109
ROTHEY, Marjorie W., Birth: 1923-03-28, Death: 2011-04-09, Lot: I 34
ROTHEY, Mary, Death: 1970-07-10, Lot: B 42
ROTHEY, Ralph, Death: 1957-11-17, Lot: A 40
ROTHEY, Robert C., Birth: 1932-05-15, Death: 1993-09-16, Lot: K 57
ROTHEY, Robert E., Death: 1979-09-28, Lot: A 137
ROTHEY, Ronald Ramsey, Birth: 1933-12-01, Death: 1987-08-10, Lot: F 3
ROTHEY, Samuel M. Jr., Death: 2000-03-03, Lot: F 3
ROTHEY, Samuel, Death: 1965-11-19, Lot: A 109
ROTHEY, Vera A., Death: 1981-11-14, Lot: C 68
ROTHEY, William S., Death: 2000-11-19, Lot: C 68
ROTHEY, William Sr., Death: 1940-03-03, Lot: SSE 95
ROUDABUSH, Baby Boy, Birth: 1944-09-17, Death: 1944-09-17, Lot: E 30
ROUDABUSH, Melvin D., Death: 1943-11-19, Lot: E 30
ROUDABUSH, Vindla Landsperger, Death: 1986-07-04, Lot: E 30
ROUSE, Lillie Mae Townsend, Evangli, Birth: 1925-09-25, Death: 1999-11-21, Lot: J 71
ROVEN, John R., Birth: 1919-12-08, Death: 1974-04-18, Lot: G1 138
ROVEN, Mildred G., Birth: 1925-06-16, Death: 2013-06-03, Lot: G1 138
ROWE , Willie C. Jr., Death: 2009-11-11, Lot: G3 9
ROWE, Albert, Death: 1977-02-27, Lot: C 130
ROWE, Camella Chence, Death: 1981-06-05, Lot: G3 9
ROWE, Clarence E., Birth: 1909-04-22, Death: 1991-02-26, Lot: C 129
ROWE, Clarence, Death: 1941-01-15, Lot: SG 3
ROWE, Cora Althea, Death: 1980-09-14, Lot: G4 15
ROWE, Dan Carl, Death: 1980-01-17, Lot: E 105
ROWE, David D., Birth: 1932-07-26, Death: 2000-09-10, Lot: E 64
ROWE, Dorothy, Birth: 1917-05-30, Death: 2007-01-10, Lot: G1 117
ROWE, Florence E., Birth: 1934-11-23, Death: 2006-01-03, Lot: E 64
ROWE, Gladys Loretta, Death: 1966-11-11, Lot: C 130
ROWE, Harold I., Death: 1983-01-04, Lot: G1 117
ROWE, Howard, Death: 1936-02-22, Lot: SG 3
ROWE, Johnnie Burton, Death: 1976-07-14, Lot: G3 24
ROWE, Julia M., Death: 1978-05-17, Lot: C 129
ROWE, Lewis D. Jr., Death: 1989-11-01, Lot: G4 14
ROWE, Lewis, Death: 1979-01-28, Lot: G3 27
ROWE, Lula, Death: 1946-09-18, Lot: E 32
ROWE, Mamie Ruth Flowers, Birth: 1931-04-24, Death: 2016-10-13, Lot: G4 14
ROWE, Robert Jr., Death: 1952-04-17, Lot: SG 3
ROWE, Sarah J. Gamble, Birth: 1924-11-17, Death: 2015-02-15, Lot: F 393
ROWE, Shelby, Death: 1980-07-19, Lot: G4 15
ROWE, Willie, Death: 1973-10-25, Lot: G3 9
ROWLAND, Dean Sr., Death: 1966-01-29, Lot: B 59
ROWLAND, Dora, Death: 1965-11-22, Lot: B 59
ROWLAND, Lenora, Death: 1944-04-13, Lot: B 58
ROWLS, Alfonso, Death: 1973-12-21, Lot: SG 8
RUBERO, Carlos L., Birth: 1940-05-08, Death: 1990-04-02, Lot: F 297
RUBINO, Agnes J., Birth: 1933-08-15, Death: 1986-08-14, Lot: K 5
RUBINO, Anthony E., Death: 1983-11-30, Lot: K 6
RUBINO, Cornelia A., Birth: 1922-07-24, Death: 1989-02-21, Lot: K 6
RUBINO, Helen M., Death: 1957-05-02, Lot: D 275
RUBINO, J. Sr., Death: 1974-07-30, Lot: C 49
RUBINO, Kathryn M., Birth: 1933-10-31, Death: 2003-09-11, Lot: K 25
RUBINO, Maurio, Death: 1957-06-30, Lot: C 26
RUBINO, Robert A. Sr., Birth: 1929-02-27, Death: 2013-04-24, Lot: K 5
RUBINO, Rose L., Birth: 1903-02-13, Death: 1996-11-15, Lot: C 49
RUBINO, Sherman, Death: 1962-05-28, Lot: D 277
RUBINO, William F., Jr., Death: 1987-10-15, Lot: D 270
RUBINO, William S., Sr., Birth: 1899-10-12, Death: 1985-03-04, Lot: D 275
RUBY, Albert, Birth: 1925-12-08, Death: 1999-02-03, Lot: I 24
RUBY, Clara M., Birth: 1928-07-04, Death: 2003-10-06, Lot: I 24
RUBY, Eugene J., Birth: 1952-12-13, Death: 2004-05-14, Lot: I 24
RUCHES, Anthony L., Birth: 1912-05-10, Death: 1985-11-28, Lot: C 306
RUCHES, Charles, Death: 1982-05-27, Lot: C 306
RUCHES, George, Death: 1951-03-17, Lot: C 45
RUCHES, Richard, Birth: 1938-12-14, Death: 2000-07-29, Lot: F 191
RUCIENSKI, John, Birth: 1945-03-18, Death: 2003-01-11, Lot: G2 518
RUCKER, Betty Jean, Death: 1950-11-22, Lot: SG 7
RUCKER, Hazel, Birth: 1923-12-15, Death: 2002-02-28, Lot: F 78
RUCKER, Luke, Birth: 1908-10-21, Death: 2002-01-28, Lot: G4 24
RUCKER, Methara, Birth: 1885-06-10, Death: 1985-06-10, Lot: G4 24
RUCKER, Roger W., Birth: 1942-03-06, Death: 2005-10-24, Lot: F 115
RUDAKAS, Gust, Death: 1960-05-22, Lot: C 30
RUDAKAS, Gust, Death: 1960-05-22, Lot: C 30
RUDAKAS, Mary, Death: 1967-09-04, Lot: C 30
RUDAKAS, Mary, Death: 1967-09-04, Lot: C 30
RUDBERG, Clifford S., Birth: 1917-06-03, Death: 1993-07-20, Lot: I 16
RUDBERG, Esther L., Birth: 1920-12-20, Death: 2005-04-23, Lot: I 16
RUDBERG, Lillian, Death: 1973-06-01, Lot: ESA 27
RUDESKI, Mary Jane, Birth: 1932-11-05, Death: 1987-12-24, Lot: G2 863
RUDESKI, Robert, Birth: 1933-04-27, Death: 2004-09-16, Lot: G2 863
RUFFIN, Benjamin T., Birth: 1905-10-01, Death: 1994-06-10, Lot: SG 60
RUFFIN, Flora Elizabeth, Birth: 1907, Death: 1971-06-26, Lot: SG 60
RUFFIN, Joseph, Death: 1997-01-07, Lot: G4 9
RUFFIN, Katherine P. (Tuck), Birth: 1932-09-25, Death: 1992-03-30, Lot: F 37
RUFFIN, Paul, Death: 1981-12-22, Lot: F 37
RUFFING, Colleen, Birth: 1937-05-23, Death: 2005-11-01, Lot: A 99
RUFFING, Sharon E., Birth: 1962-05-19, Death: 2014-04-06, Lot: CXT 73
RUFFING, Shawn S., Birth: 1960-01-18, Death: 1994-10-09, Lot: A 99
RUFFT, John P. Sr., Death: 2004-11-17, Lot: A 200
RUFFT, John P., Death: 1982-06-04, Lot: A 200
RUFFT, Naomi J., Death: 1995-11-19, Lot: A 200
RUGGIER, Florence R., Birth: 1916-02-04, Death: 1987-04-03, Lot: G2 933
RUGGIER, John, Birth: 1913-08-06, Death: 1988-11-29, Lot: G2 933
RUGH, James O., Birth: 1932-02-11, Death: 1999-11-02, Lot: L 52
RUMBLE, Delores Susan, Death: 1944-03-25, Lot: D 104
RUMBLE, Emory H. Sr., Death: 1948-08-29, Lot: D 104
RUNATZ, Diane Marie, Birth: 1940-09-08, Death: 2014-08-04, Lot: G2 878
RUNATZ, Helen, Birth: 1920-04-05, Death: 1993-06-18, Lot: G2 726
RUNATZ, Irene, Death: 2010-07-31, Lot: G2 878
RUNATZ, Louis, Birth: 1916-01-08, Death: 1987-11-30, Lot: G2 878
RUNATZ, Peter W., Birth: 1920-06-20, Death: 2002-12-28, Lot: G2 726
RUNION, Elaine, Birth: 1928-12-10, Death: 2004-11-18, Lot: H 57
RUNION, George Sr., Birth: 1926-07-15, Death: 2003-02-21, Lot: H 57
RUNYAN, Anna, Birth: 1918-08-25, Death: 2004-10-13, Lot: G1 83
RUNYAN, Stanley, Birth: 1920-06-18, Death: 2001-03-13, Lot: G1 83
RUPERT, Baby Girl, Birth: 1973-09-09, Death: 1973-09-09, Lot: D 10
RUPERT, Daniel Joseph, Birth: 1947-12-11, Death: 2002-07-17, Lot: G1 45
RUPERT, Lois J., Death: 1982-04-05, Lot: G1 45
RUPERT, Richard, Death: 2003-11-26, Lot: G1 45
RUSH, Betty L., Birth: 1923-02-04, Death: 2003-12-25, Lot: F 285
RUSH, Haze, Birth: 1910-03-10, Death: 1986-06-06, Lot: E 165
RUSH, Ida V. H., Birth: 1914-01-13, Death: 1994-10-20, Lot: D 492
RUSH, Joseph, Birth: 1919-02-12, Death: 1991-09-01, Lot: G2 206
RUSH, Martha J., Death: 1979-10-14, Lot: G2 206
RUSH, Mary Ann, Death: 2008-03-06, Lot: F 205
RUSH, Robert T., Death: 1973-07-11, Lot: D 492
RUSH, Ruth Naomi, Birth: 1921-09-20, Death: 1999-06-08, Lot: G2 206
RUSH, Thomas, Birth: 1919-11-07, Death: 2004-02-22, Lot: F 285
RUSH, Thomas, Birth: 1946-07-02, Death: 2011-11-14, Lot: G8 53
RUSH, William K., Birth: 1921-08-18, Death: 1992-01-29, Lot: F 286
RUSHE, Baby Girl, Death: 1956-09-08, Lot: SG 3
RUSHE, Katherine, Birth: 1917-04-08, Death: 2000-08-30, Lot: D 279
RUSHE, Ralph, Death: 1962-08-03, Lot: D 279
RUSNAK, Andrew J., Birth: 1913-02-06, Death: 2001-06-05, Lot: F 471
RUSNAK, Helen, Death: 1996-11-13, Lot: A 151
RUSNAK, John, Birth: 1913-01-27, Death: 2006-12-12, Lot: K 115
RUSNAK, Josephine, Birth: 1919-05-03, Death: 2004-03-15, Lot: K 115
RUSNOCK, Elizabeth (Betty), Birth: 1918-03-29, Death: 2003-02-14, Lot: G2 574
RUSNOCK, John R., Birth: 1925-07-25, Death: 1989-10-11, Lot: G2 574
RUSSEL, John J., Death: 1935-12-11, Lot: ESE 35
RUSSEL, Nancy Neff, Death: 1969-08-05, Lot: ESE 35
RUSSELL, David O., Birth: 1920-02-07, Death: 2000-09-16, Lot: F 311
RUSSELL, Edythe, Death: 2004-02-22, Lot: B 51
RUSSELL, Ethel F., Death: 1972-11-06, Lot: B 51
RUSSELL, Frank C. Sr., Birth: 1922-06-02, Death: 2005-12-31, Lot: G3 136
RUSSELL, Jerry W., Birth: 1942-04-16, Death: 2013-11-24, Lot: B 51
RUSSELL, Jo Ann, Birth: 1944-11-15, Death: 2005-06-02, Lot: G2 684
RUSSELL, John, Death: 1935-12-11, Lot: ESA 37
RUSSELL, Mary (Infant), Death: 1961-02-23, Lot: C 123
RUSSELL, Nancy Neff, Death: 1969-08-05, Lot: ESA 37
RUSSELL, Philomena, Birth: 1925-11-20, Death: 2007-02-10, Lot: F 311
RUSSELL, Terrance, Birth: 1973-04-27, Death: 2006-12-15, Lot: G3 81
RUSSELL, Thomas A., Jr., Birth: 1916-10-25, Death: 1990-05-06, Lot: B 51
RUSSELL, Thomas A., Sr., Death: 1972-02-05, Lot: B 51
RUSSELL, Willa D., Birth: 1925-01-15, Death: 2003-02-04, Lot: G3 136
RUSSEN, Laura M., Birth: 1916-10-25, Death: 1996-06-07, Lot: G2 884
RUSSIN, Christine E., Birth: 1958-03-19, Death: 1986-06-08, Lot: G2 860
RUSSMAN, Robert, Birth: 1930-06-18, Death: 1995-04-22, Lot: F 29
RUSTEIKAS, Charlotte, Birth: 1933-10-12, Death: 2012-03-18, Lot: G3 115
RUSTON, Donald P., Birth: 1924-12-17, Death: 2012-12-29, Lot: C 299
RUSTON, Mary H., Birth: 1935-03-17, Death: 2004-12-13, Lot: C 299
RUSZKOSKI, Joseph M., Birth: 1954-07-19, Death: 2013-01-14, Lot: F 74
RUSZKOSKI, Joseph W., Birth: 1923-06-27, Death: 2002-10-27, Lot: F 74
RUSZKOSKI, Mary H., Birth: 1918-06-23, Death: 1996-07-14, Lot: F 74
RUTHKOWSKI, Frank, Death: 1958-08-31, Lot: C 50
RUTHKOWSKI, Laura Leokadyia, Death: 1953-03-02, Lot: C 50
RUTLEDGE, James H. "Ad", Birth: 1920-03-22, Death: 1998-09-26, Lot: G4 102
RUTLEDGE, Jesse, Birth: 1924-05-17, Death: 1990-03-08, Lot: F 43
RUTLEDGE, Maxine K. Clanton, Birth: 1920-01-27, Death: 2006-02-01, Lot: G4 89
RUTLEDGE, Ned, Death: 1975-01-27, Lot: G3 10
RUTLEDGE, Revel, Death: 1975-08-07, Lot: SG 3
RUTLEDGE, Roy Lee, Death: 1960-04-04, Lot: SG 5
RUZILA, William James (Rusila), Birth: 1926-12-09, Death: 1987-01-13, Lot: G2 962
RYAN, Frances, Birth: 1922-10-04, Death: 2004-11-21, Lot: C 172
RYAN, Leroy, Birth: 1924-10-17, Death: 2009-05-14, Lot: C 161
RYAN, Margaret, Death: 1968-01-21, Lot: D 446
RYAN, Marilyn J., Birth: 1928-07-02, Death: 2014-05-14, Lot: A 46
RYAN, Thelma Fay, Death: 1976-09-04, Lot: G2 158
RYAN, Timothy L., Birth: 1958-03-31, Death: 2011-12-19, Lot: C 172
RYAN, William Jr., Death: 1981-08-24, Lot: G2 180
RYBACKI, Barbara, Birth: 1941-05-10, Death: 1994-12-11, Lot: G3 20
RYBACKI, Helen, Birth: 1917-02-28, Death: 2004-04-19, Lot: G3 31
RYBACKI, Jo Ann Marion, Birth: 1938-05-16, Death: 1995-02-09, Lot: G4 83
RYBACKI, Joseph, Birth: 1905, Death: 1958-01-16, Lot: C 19
RYBACKI, Robert Stanley, Death: 1977-02-26, Lot: G3 20
RYBACKI, Stanley, Death: 1972-08-10, Lot: G3 31
RYBASKI, Mary, Birth: 1920-04-27, Death: 2010-07-29, Lot: H 86
RYBASKI, Walter, Birth: 1915-04-04, Death: 1999-01-26, Lot: H 86
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