Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
St. Joseph Cemetery
North Versailles, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 40.376248, -79.792562
1443 Lincoln Highway
North Versailles, PA 15137-2448
Published: January 3, 2017
Total records: 24,499
Surnames Moc-Myt
Records published here were acquired from The Catholic Cemeteries Association of the Diocese of Pittsburgh on January 3, 2017. Dates of death range from 1872 to 2016.
MOCHAN, Elizabeth, Birth: 06/29/1955, Death: 11/02/2011, Section: K, Lot: 20, Space: 7
MOCIBOB, Mary, Birth: 09/08/1899, Death: 04/21/1992, Section: J, Lot: 40, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOCIBOB, Rudy A., Birth: 09/27/1896, Death: 06/03/1985, Section: J, Lot: 40, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOCK, Margaret R., Section: C-3, Lot: 104, Space: 5
MODRAK, Florence E., Death: 04/21/1968, Section: E-3, Lot: 93, Part: 4, Space: 2
MODRAK, Stanley, Death: 05/17/1989, Section: E-3, Lot: 93, Part: 4, Space: 1
MODRAN, George, Section: D-1, Lot: 94, Space: 3
MODRAN, Helen, Section: D-1, Lot: 94, Space: 4
MOELLER, Edith, Birth: 10/09/1922, Death: 02/17/2013, Section: L, Lot: 126, Space: 5
MOELLER, Harry G., Birth: 10/05/1928, Death: 05/09/2010, Section: L, Lot: 126, Space: 4
MOFFA, Anthony J., Birth: 06/18/1925, Death: 01/11/2001, Section: K, Lot: 170, Space: 2
MOFFA, Anthony M., Birth: 02/02/1922, Death: 02/01/1991, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOFFA, Carmella M., Birth: 07/09/1930, Death: 08/28/1999, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOFFA, Carmen, Birth: 07/12/1900, Death: 12/30/1984, Section: L, Lot: 156, Space: 8
MOFFA, Daniel, Death: 09/19/1967, Section: G, Lot: 37, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOFFA, Filomena, Section: E-2, Lot: 160, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOFFA, Joseph, Birth: 12/28/1921, Death: 02/11/2001, Section: E-3, Lot: 109, Space: 5
MOFFA, Josephine, Birth: 10/05/1922, Death: 05/09/2014, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOFFA, Julia, Death: 08/26/1974, Section: E-3, Lot: 109, Space: 2
MOFFA, Louise Yennerell, Birth: 08/28/1906, Death: 10/26/1986, Section: G, Lot: 37, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOFFA, Marianna, Section: E-2, Lot: 113, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOFFA, Michael A., Birth: 09/27/1927, Death: 01/31/2009, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOFFA, Pasquale, Section: E-2, Lot: 160, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOFFA, Salvatore M., Section: E-2, Lot: 113, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOFFA, Samuel A., Death: 10/31/1964, Section: E-3, Lot: 109, Space: 3
MOFFA, Samuel, Death: 03/15/1975, Section: E-3, Lot: 109, Space: 1
MOFFA, Victor E., Section: K, Lot: 170, Space: 1
MOFFATT, Edward J., Section: E-2, Lot: 158, Part: 2, Space: 3
MOFFATT, James, Death: 08/07/1962, Section: C-3, Lot: 80, Space: 6
MOFFIT, Margaret C., Section: B, Lot: 122 1/2, Space: 6
MOFFIT, Patrick K., Death: 10/11/1928, Section: C-3, Lot: 80, Space: 2
MOGNOGNA, Concetta, Death: 01/21/1956, Section: E-2, Lot: 125, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOGUSH, Adrianne F., Death: 12/14/1966, Section: G, Lot: 26, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOGUSH, Anthony, Birth: 07/29/1903, Death: 10/22/1994, Section: G, Lot: 26, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOGUSH, James E., Birth: 12/21/1945, Death: 06/13/2016, Section: P-2 St. Theresa Little Flower, Lot: 59, Space: 9
MOHLMAN, Clarence, Birth: 05/15/1916, Death: 02/18/1993, Section: C-3, Lot: 121, Space: 6
MOHLMAN, Margaret R., Birth: 07/03/1917, Death: 04/16/2006, Section: C-3, Lot: 121, Space: 5
MOHLMAN, Thomas W., Section: C-3, Lot: 121, Space: 4
MOHN, Patrick, Birth: 12/31/1940, Death: 11/26/1998, Section: L, Lot: 112, Space: 1
MOIO, Frank, Section: E-2, Lot: 306, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOKE, Andrew, Section: E-3, Lot: 100, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOKE, Johanna K., Death: 04/26/1967, Section: E-3, Lot: 100, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOKSHEFSKI, Mary Romoska, Death: 11/17/1967, Section: D-2, Lot: 30, Space: 7
MOLINAIO, Mary, Section: E-2, Lot: 52, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOLINARI, Carmen J., Birth: 11/07/1929, Death: 11/05/2011, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MOLINARI, Constance, Birth: 05/27/1935, Death: 10/17/2002, Section: L, Lot: 51, Space: 10
MOLINARI, Dominic A., Birth: 02/27/1927, Death: 07/07/1986, Section: K, Lot: 54, Space: 1
MOLINARI, Elizbeth Marie, Death: 12/06/1974, Section: G, Lot: 54, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOLINARI, Frank A., Death: 01/27/1968, Section: G, Lot: 54, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOLINARI, John Francis, Birth: 12/08/1924, Death: 08/21/2001, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MOLINARI, John R., Birth: 07/29/1959, Death: 02/15/1997, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MOLINARI, Kiyoko, Birth: 04/03/1938, Death: 12/24/2010, Section: L, Lot: 51, Space: 12
MOLINARI, Louis, Section: E-3, Lot: 238, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOLINARI, Louise, Death: 10/21/1977, Section: E-3, Lot: 238, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOLINARO, Dominic, Birth: 03/27/1906, Death: 12/26/1987, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOLINARO, Dora Orsini, Birth: 09/06/1911, Death: 08/06/1998, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOLINIARI, Frank A. Jr., Birth: 05/05/1927, Death: 11/29/1989, Section: G, Lot: 69, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOLLER, Bertha B., Birth: 02/02/1911, Death: 05/18/1987, Section: D-1, Lot: 172, Space: 2
MOLLER, George H., Death: 06/13/1972, Section: D-1, Lot: 172, Space: 1
MOLLER, George, Death: 06/21/1943, Section: D-1, Lot: 172, Space: 3
MOLLICA, Clelia, Birth: 06/29/1908, Death: 06/27/2012, Section: H, Lot: 45, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOLLICA, Marco, Death: 01/05/1975, Section: H, Lot: 45, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOLLICA, Primo Victor, Birth: 12/01/1935, Death: 09/19/2001, Section: H, Lot: 150, Space: 2
MOLLURA, Joseph A., Birth: 05/23/1956, Death: 08/08/2016, Section: 134/St Joe/Mary Mother-Christ
MOLNAR, Andrew J., Birth: 03/19/1923, Death: 03/26/2007, Section: L, Lot: 71, Space: 10
MOLNAR, Andrew, Death: 06/15/1964, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 183, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOLNAR, Elizabeth, Birth: 03/25/1893, Death: 11/01/1985, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 183, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOLNAR, Idella, Birth: 12/16/1925, Death: 10/28/1992, Section: L, Lot: 71, Space: 11
MOLNAR, Janos, Birth: 08/09/1928, Death: 07/05/2011, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MOLNAR, John E., Birth: 01/27/1918, Death: 05/10/1993, Section: J, Lot: 148, Part: 5, Space: 2
MOLNAR, Mary V., Birth: 09/17/1921, Death: 07/07/2014, Section: J, Lot: 148, Part: 5, Space: 1
MOLS, Agnes, Birth: 12/09/1926, Death: 08/10/2003, Section: L, Lot: 149, Space: 12
MOLS, Henry P., Birth: 03/18/1921, Death: 08/08/1985, Section: L, Lot: 149, Space: 11
MOLYNEAUX, Delia, Birth: 03/28/1926, Death: 05/26/2006, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MOLYNEAUX, Thomas J., Birth: 09/06/1922, Death: 12/17/2009, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MONACO, Infant, Death: 10/23/1967, Section: D-2, Lot: 162, Space: 6
MONACO, Ryan, Birth: 07/26/1973, Death: 04/04/2006, Section: D-2, Lot: 162, Space: 12
MONAGHAN, Fred Leo, Section: E-4, Lot: 32, Part: 4, Space: 1
MONAGHAN, May, Birth: 02/14/1914, Death: 10/06/2006, Section: E-1, Lot: 105, Space: 2
MONAHAN, John P., Section: A, Lot: 112, Space: 5
MONANGHAN, Catherine, Section: D-1, Lot: 8, Part: 2, Space: 1
MONANGHAN, Patrick J., Section: D-1, Lot: 8, Part: 2, Space: 2
MONDELLA, Baby Girl, Section: B, Lot: 130 1/2, Space: 4
MONDELLI, Joseph, Section: D-1, Lot: 164, Part: 2, Space: 1
MONDELLI, Vincenzo, Section: D-1, Lot: 164, Part: 2, Space: 2
MONDOCK, George, Birth: 02/10/1929, Death: 07/12/2001, Section: E-4, Lot: 37, Part: 2, Space: 1
MONDOCK, Mark, Birth: 06/23/1963, Death: 04/30/2002, Section: P-1, Lot: 44, Space: 7
MONFREDA, Ida, Section: F-1, Lot: 46, Part: 3, Space: 1
MONFREDA, Louis, Section: F-1, Lot: 46, Part: 3, Space: 2
MONGELLUZZO, Joseph V., Birth: 07/15/1924, Death: 01/05/2007, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MONROE, Corinne, Death: 04/16/1974, Section: B, Lot: 61, Space: 10
MONROE, James F., Birth: 11/26/1878, Death: 07/10/1949, Section: E-1, Lot: 143, Part: 3, Space: 1
MONROE, Mary V., Section: B, Lot: 61, Space: 5
MONROE, Robert B., Birth: 12/26/1914, Death: 01/05/1999, Section: B, Lot: 61, Space: 9
MONROE, Robert, Section: B, Lot: 61, Space: 4
MONTANARI, Richard A., Birth: 04/20/1927, Death: 07/17/2010, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MONTANTI, Dino, Death: 09/17/1974, Section: H, Lot: 104, Part: 2, Space: 1
MONTANTI, Fannie, Birth: 06/16/1916, Death: 11/08/1995, Section: H, Lot: 104, Part: 2, Space: 2
MONTANTI, John, Birth: 04/15/1936, Death: 10/08/1996, Section: H, Lot: 104, Part: 2, Space: 3
MONTANTI, Louis A., Birth: 08/24/1934, Death: 12/30/1982, Section: J, Lot: 157, Part: 1, Space: 1
MONTENARY, Ettore, Death: 1963, Section: E-1, Lot: 25, Part: 4, Space: 1
MONTENARY, Josephine, Death: 1947, Section: E-1, Lot: 25, Part: 4, Space: 2
MONTGOMERY, Alex, Death: 04/15/1955, Section: E-2, Lot: 276, Space: 6
MONTGOMERY, Bessie M., Section: D-1, Lot: 101, Space: 2
MONTGOMERY, Elizabeth, Section: E-2, Lot: 276, Space: 5
MONTGOMERY, John F., Birth: 03/03/1911, Death: 03/06/1995, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MONTGOMERY, John L., Section: D-1, Lot: 101, Space: 1
MONTGOMERY, Leona, Birth: 04/07/1912, Death: 10/01/1985, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MONTGOMERY, Robert, Section: E-2, Lot: 276, Space: 4
MONTI, Paula (Pauline), Death: 12/23/1952, Section: D-3, Lot: 21, Space: 7
MONTICONE, Rosa, Death: 12/25/1968, Section: E-2, Lot: 87, Part: 4, Space: 2
MONTICONE, Stefano, Death: 06/2`//197, Section: E-2, Lot: 87, Part: 4, Space: 1
MONTONE, Costa, Death: 01/30/1956, Section: D-2, Lot: 99, Part: 2, Space: 2
MONTONE, Mary, Death: 06/13/1936, Section: D-2, Lot: 99, Part: 2, Space: 1
MONZO, Anthony, Section: B, Lot: 146, Space: 1
MONZO, Carmella, Section: B, Lot: 146, Space: 2
MONZO, Dominick, Death: 02/06/1968, Section: B, Lot: 94, Space: 10
MONZO, Gabriel, Section: B, Lot: 146, Space: 3
MONZO, Marie D., Birth: 03/28/1914, Death: 07/19/2004, Section: B, Lot: 94, Space: 10
MONZO, Marion, Section: B, Lot: 146, Space: 4
MONZO, Thomas V., Birth: 08/12/1936, Death: 05/25/1991, Section: L, Lot: 95, Space: 12
MOON, Denise M., Birth: 06/02/1950, Death: 03/26/2004, Section: L, Lot: 28, Space: 10
MOONEY, Alice G., Birth: 06/18/1906, Death: 08/24/2008, Section: C-2, Lot: 11D, Space: 6
MOONEY, Alice, Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 5
MOONEY, Andrew F., Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 1
MOONEY, Andrew F., Section: E-3, Lot: 219, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOONEY, Bridget, Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 2
MOONEY, Catherine, Section: E-2, Lot: 60, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOONEY, Dorothy, Section: E-3, Lot: 219, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOONEY, Elizabeth, Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 3
MOONEY, Francis J., Death: 03/16/1960, Section: E-2, Lot: 120, Part: 1, Space: 3
MOONEY, James F., Section: E-2, Lot: 60, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOONEY, James, Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 4
MOONEY, James, Section: C-3, Lot: 81, Space: 6
MOONEY, John E., Death: 02/22/1970, Section: C-2, Lot: 11D, Space: 5
MOONEY, Margaret A., Birth: 02/26/1926, Death: 10/09/2006, Section: P-1, Lot: 69, Space: 2
MOONEY, Margaret H., Death: 12/19/1966, Section: G, Lot: 26, Part: 1, Space: 2
MOONEY, Mary A., Death: 01/30/1956, Section: E-2, Lot: 120, Part: 1, Space: 2
MOONEY, Paul, Section: E-3, Lot: 204, Space: 1
MOONEY, Richard L., Birth: 07/13/1921, Death: 07/10/2000, Section: P-1, Lot: 69, Space: 1
MOONEY, Richard S., Death: 01/22/1958, Section: E-2, Lot: 120, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOONEY, William J., Death: 06/30/1952, Section: E-2, Lot: 235, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOONIS, Zowa M. (Zona), Section: C-2, Lot: 46 1/2, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOORE, Agnes, Section: E-2, Lot: 126, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOORE, Albert, Section: A, Lot: 154, Space: 5
MOORE, Alice A., Section: D-1, Lot: 119, Space: 4
MOORE, Ann Bernice, Birth: 05/17/1907, Death: 08/17/1990, Section: F-1, Lot: 95, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOORE, Bernice R., Birth: 05/14/1931, Death: 12/11/2015, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt
MOORE, Bessie, Section: A, Lot: 154, Space: 18
MOORE, Carrie, Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 2
MOORE, Catherine M., Birth: 06/14/1912, Death: 05/16/2003, Section: C-3, Lot: 9, Space: 7
MOORE, Clyde W., Death: 02/21/1962, Section: E-3, Lot: 68, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOORE, Daniel F., Section: D-1, Lot: 119, Space: 3
MOORE, Dorothy M., Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 1
MOORE, Edward G., Birth: 02/25/1948, Death: 01/25/2010, Section: F-1, Lot: 95, Part: 2, Space: 3
MOORE, Eleanor J., Section: D-1, Lot: 119, Space: 2
MOORE, Elizabeth A., Death: 09/07/1977, Section: C-3, Lot: 9, Space: 6
MOORE, Ellen, Death: 09/26/1944, Section: C-3, Lot: 14, Space: 2
MOORE, Ethel P., Birth: 10/20/1937, Death: 05/24/1990, Section: D-2, Lot: 98, Part: 1, Space: 3
MOORE, Ethel, Death: 10/20/1973, Section: C-3, Lot: 9, Space: 8
MOORE, Florence, Section: A, Lot: 154, Space: 2
MOORE, Frederick, Death: 04/06/1937, Section: D-2, Lot: 49, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOORE, G. Ray, Section: E-4, Lot: 33, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOORE, Harold P., Death: 12/06/1960, Section: F-1, Lot: 95, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOORE, Harry B., Section: D-1, Lot: 77, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOORE, Harry, Death: 09/04/1964, Section: C-3, Lot: 9, Space: 5
MOORE, Helen, Death: 03/18/1921, Section: C-3, Lot: 14, Space: 3
MOORE, Henry J., Death: 04/18/1963, Section: D-3, Lot: 25, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOORE, Henry M., Birth: 10/28/1934, Death: 05/24/2015, Section: D-2, Lot: 98, Part: 1, Space: 3
MOORE, Hilda, Death: 03/28/1971, Section: E-2, Lot: 111, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOORE, James, Section: C-2, Lot: 46, Part: 1, Space: 3
MOORE, Jennie Disso, Birth: 05/01/1927, Death: 10/17/2003, Section: D-1, Lot: 120, Part: 2, Space: 3
MOORE, Johanna, Section: C-2, Lot: 46, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOORE, John (Mohr), Section: E-2, Lot: 126, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOORE, John B., Birth: 01/02/1922, Death: 09/23/1992, Section: E-3, Lot: 63, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOORE, John B., Section: D-1, Lot: 119, Space: 1
MOORE, John B., Section: E-3, Lot: 63, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOORE, John F., Death: 04/21/1930, Section: C-3, Lot: 14, Space: 1
MOORE, Louis W., Birth: 12/24/1913, Death: 07/21/2001, Section: E-3, Lot: 9, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOORE, Magdaline, Section: E-3, Lot: 105, Space: 7
MOORE, Margaret, Birth: 11/05/1920, Death: 07/26/2012, Section: E-3, Lot: 63, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOORE, Margaret, Death: 02/02/1948, Section: D-1, Lot: 216, Space: 2
MOORE, Margaret, Section: D-1, Lot: 77, Part: 2, Space: 2
MOORE, Mary Olive, Birth: 06/02/1896, Death: 06/05/1991, Section: C-3, Lot: 28, Space: 6
MOORE, Paul, Section: A, Lot: 154, Space: 4
MOORE, Paul, Section: E-3, Lot: 105, Space: 6
MOORE, Paul, Section: E-3, Lot: 105, Space: 8
MOORE, Richard A., Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 5
MOORE, Rita E., Birth: 02/09/1916, Death: 12/24/2010, Section: E-3, Lot: 9, Part: 1, Space: 2
MOORE, Robert, Death: 06/06/1922, Section: C-3, Lot: 9, Space: 2
MOORE, Russel A., Death: 11/08/1934, Section: D-1, Lot: 216, Space: 1
MOORE, Russell J., Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 5
MOORE, Thomas A, Death: 06/07/1953, Section: E-2, Lot: 111, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOORE, Wilbert G., Section: E-3, Lot: 69, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOORE, William R., Birth: 12/22/1933, Death: 10/28/2003, Section: N, Lot: 38, Space: 5
MOORE, William R., Death: 01/27/1948, Section: D-3, Lot: 25, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOORE, William, Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 3
MOORE, William, Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 3
MOOREHEAD, Dolores P., Birth: 11/27/1921, Death: 07/19/2002, Section: L, Lot: 132, Space: 10
MOOREHEAD, Walter F., Birth: 03/30/1919, Death: 06/20/1995, Section: L, Lot: 132, Space: 9
MORALES, Miguel, Death: 05/19/1979, Section: J, Lot: 93, Part: 1, Space: 2
MORAN, Agnes, Section: C-3, Lot: 22, Space: 3
MORAN, Ambrose R., Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 10
MORAN, Cornelius, Section: C-3, Lot: 22, Space: 2
MORAN, Edward, Section: C-3, Lot: 22, Space: 8
MORAN, Elizabeth, Birth: 12/18/1915, Death: 07/09/1993, Section: D-2, Lot: 6 1/2, Space: 4A
MORAN, Frederick E., Birth: 11/17/1921, Death: 04/10/1998, Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 9
MORAN, Helen R., Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 2
MORAN, Helen, Section: E-1, Lot: 42, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORAN, Irene R., Section: E-1, Lot: 42, Part: 1, Space: 2
MORAN, James, Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 3
MORAN, John Paul, Section: C-3, Lot: 22, Space: 4
MORAN, Margaret U., Birth: 10/10/1919, Death: 11/23/2012, Section: D-2, Lot: 55, Space: 6
MORAN, Mary D., Birth: 05/10/1947, Death: 08/05/2014, Section: P-2 St. Theresa Little Flower, Lot: 29, Space: 3
MORAN, Michael A., Birth: 09/08/1907, Death: 04/25/1983, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel Alc
MORAN, Michael Patrick (Infant), Section: G, Lot: 14, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORAN, Patrick J., Death: 12/19/1967, Section: G, Lot: 14, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORAN, Richard, Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 1
MORAN, Richard, Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 8
MORAN, Thomas J. Sr., Death: 04/08/1967, Section: E-1, Lot: 42, Part: 2, Space: 1
MORAN, Thomas Jr., Death: 01/01/1973, Section: E-1, Lot: 42, Part: 2, Space: 3
MORAN, William A., Death: 10/11/1955, Section: C-3, Lot: 22, Space: 5
MORAN, William G., Section: D-2, Lot: 5, Space: 5
MORAN, Wilmina, Death: 12/14/2012, Section: G, Lot: 14, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORANELLI, Antonio, Section: E-1, Lot: 136, Part: 3, Space: 1
MORANELLI, Mary, Section: E-1, Lot: 136, Part: 3, Space: 2
MORANELLI, Ralph A., Birth: 05/05/1935, Death: 06/14/1988, Section: L, Lot: 70, Space: 9
MORASCO, Angeline, Section: C-4, Lot: 120, Space: 2
MORASCO, Antonio, Section: C-4, Lot: 120, Space: 3
MORASCO, Joseph C., Birth: 10/16/1912, Death: 06/22/1989, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MORASCO, Loretta, Death: 09/08/1927, Section: C-4, Lot: 120, Space: 1
MORASCO, Louise, Birth: 08/14/1913, Death: 09/16/2005, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MORAWSKI, Anna, Section: E-1, Lot: 182, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORAWSKI, Jospeh, Section: E-1, Lot: 182, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORDAI, Helen, Death: 1980, Section: E-1, Lot: 15, Space: 4
MORDECKI, Ruth Ann, Birth: 02/20/1948, Death: 07/18/2010, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt Niche
MORDECKI, Shawn, Birth: 02/04/1971, Death: 11/18/2012, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt Niche
MORDECKI, Stanley A., Death: 05/09/1975, Section: J, Lot: 26, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORDECKI, Theresa C., Birth: 05/06/1918, Death: 01/01/1984, Section: J, Lot: 26, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORELLI, Baby Boy, Section: D-1, Lot: 32, Part: 4, Space: 4
MOREMAN, Charles W., Birth: 01/23/1917, Death: 01/27/1991, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MOREMAN, Melvina, Birth: 09/19/1919, Death: 01/16/2003, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MORENZI, Frank C., Death: 1964, Section: F-1, Lot: 133 E, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORESSY, Catherine, Section: C-2, Lot: 124, Part: 1, Space: 5
MORGAN, Alice M., Death: 08/17/1975, Section: D-2, Lot: 71/2, Space: 1
MORGAN, Alice R., Birth: 10/14/1923, Death: 04/03/2006, Section: D-2, Lot: 71/2, Space: 3
MORGAN, Anna L., Death: 12/20/1962, Section: C-4, Lot: 66, Space: 4
MORGAN, Barbara, Birth: 10/22/1946, Death: 04/09/2003, Section: K, Lot: 24, Space: 6
MORGAN, Catherine M., Birth: 11/11/1912, Death: 05/18/1998, Section: C-2, Lot: 105 1/2, Space: 4
MORGAN, Helen V. Garrity, Death: 07/03/1976, Section: J, Lot: 33, Part: 1, Space: 1
MORGAN, James P., Death: 01/06/1936, Section: D-2, Lot: 71/2, Space: 2
MORGAN, James W. Sr., Birth: 06/10/1907, Death: 11/08/1994, Section: C-3, Lot: 38, Space: 5
MORGAN, John J., Birth: 12/13/1926, Death: 01/20/1994, Section: L, Lot: 31, Space: 11
MORGAN, Margaret, Birth: 02/22/1927, Death: 04/10/1989, Section: L, Lot: 31, Space: 12
MORGAN, Margaret, Death: 04/27/1981, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MORGAN, Marie, Section: E-2, Lot: 197, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORGAN, Martha May, Birth: 01/28/1921, Death: 07/11/2000, Section: D-2, Lot: 71/2, Space: 4
MORGAN, Mary Rita, Section: D-1, Lot: 43 1/2, Space: 3
MORGAN, Mary, Section: C-3, Lot: 38, Space: 3
MORGAN, Matthew M., Birth: 01/12/1992, Death: 05/20/2006, Section: N, Lot: 16, Space: 2
MORGAN, Norsis Virginia, Birth: 08/30/1914, Death: 03/13/1989, Section: C-3, Lot: 38, Space: 6
MORGAN, Peter D., Section: C-3, Lot: 38, Space: 1
MORGAN, Ralph, Section: C-4, Lot: 66, Space: 3
MORGAN, Raymond, Section: C-3, Lot: 38, Space: 4
MORGAN, Thomas, Section: A, Lot: 225, Space: 6
MORGAN, Virginia M., Section: C-2, Lot: 2, Space: 5
MORGANO, Cesidio, Birth: 05/06/1901, Death: 06/28/2001, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MORGANO, Jean M., Birth: 11/10/1932, Death: 05/25/2004, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MORGANO, Mary Susan, Birth: 08/15/1910, Death: 01/31/1998, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MORI, Daryl J., Birth: 06/18/1948, Death: 08/24/2008, Section: L, Lot: 28, Space: 7
MORI, Leah Michelle, Birth: 05/24/1984, Death: 06/01/1991, Section: L, Lot: 28, Space: 8
MORIARETY, Mathew, Death: 06/23/1955, Section: D-3, Lot: 19, Space: 1
MORICITY, Nora, Section: A, Lot: 134, Space: 1
MORIORITY, Catherine, Death: 04/12/1937, Section: D-2, Lot: 58, Space: 3
MORIS, Meril, Section: C-4, Lot: 42, Space: 6
MORITZ, Gertrude R., Section: E-2, Lot: 308, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORITZ, John G., Death: 08/26/1968, Section: E-2, Lot: 308, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORITZ, Marguerite P., Birth: 10/21/1914, Death: 02/13/1990, Section: K, Lot: 33, Space: 4
MORITZ, Matthew, Section: E-3, Lot: 57, Space: 7
MORITZ, William E., Birth: 03/09/1913, Death: 10/31/2000, Section: K, Lot: 33, Space: 4
MORNINGSTAR, Dorothy, Section: E-3, Lot: 66, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORNINGSTAR, Orrie R., Death: 12/25/1962, Section: E-3, Lot: 68, Part: 1, Space: 1
MORNINGTAR, Robert C., Birth: 08/06/1920, Death: 07/03/2014, Section: E-3, Lot: 66, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOROCCO, Martin M., Death: 09/26/1973, Section: H, Lot: 29, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOROCCO, Martin, Death: 04/27/1953, Section: D-1, Lot: 222, Space: 2
MOROCCO, Mary, Death: 10/10/1935, Section: D-1, Lot: 222, Space: 1
MOROCCO, Nancy, Birth: 10/02/1914, Death: 08/14/1990, Section: E-3, Lot: 204, Space: 9
MOROCCO, Pasquale, Death: 12/31/1963, Section: E-3, Lot: 204, Space: 8
MOROCCO, Rose M., Birth: 02/10/1890, Death: 02/08/1989, Section: D-1, Lot: 153 1/2, Space: 3
MORONY, Anna, Section: E-3, Lot: 137, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORONY, Michael, Section: E-3, Lot: 137, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOROSINI, Anthony J., Death: 02/08/1967, Section: E-2, Lot: 131, Part: 2, Space: 1
MOROSO, Bruno, Death: 08/20/1924, Section: B- Range B, Range: B, Division: 1, Space: 229
MOROSO, Peter, Birth: 05/17/1921, Death: 04/23/1999, Section: B- Range B, Range: B, Division: 1, Space: 229
MORRELL, Anna M., Birth: 08/14/1926, Death: 10/01/1999, Section: H, Lot: 51, Part: 2, Space: 3
MORRELL, James, Section: E-1, Lot: 81, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORRELL, John, Section: H, Lot: 51, Part: 2, Space: 1
MORRELL, Rachel, Section: E-1, Lot: 81, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORRELL, Settimia, Birth: 03/08/1897, Death: 12/19/1988, Section: H, Lot: 51, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORRIS, Anna G., Birth: 04/12/1912, Death: 05/12/1991, Section: E-2, Lot: 143, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORRIS, Anna, Birth: 10/19/1910, Death: 04/23/1987, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 226, Part: 3, Space: 2
MORRIS, Anna, Death: 02/08/1952, Section: D-2, Lot: 184, Space: 6
MORRIS, Anna, Section: E-2, Lot: 319, Part: 1, Space: 1
MORRIS, Benedict L., Death: 04/03/1969, Section: D-2, Lot: 276, Space: 2
MORRIS, Dominic P., Section: F-1, Lot: 83, Part: 1, Space: 1
MORRIS, Dorothy Seiler, Birth: 01/10/1906, Death: 05/17/1987, Section: F-1, Lot: 26, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORRIS, Eleanor, Death: 05/16/1932, Section: D-2, Lot: 276, Space: 1
MORRIS, Florence, Section: E-1, Lot: 60, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORRIS, Harold R., Section: F-1, Lot: 26, Part: 2, Space: 1
MORRIS, Jan Leo, Death: 05/16/1932, Section: D-2, Lot: 276, Space: 1
MORRIS, John Francis, Death: 06/21/1965, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 226, Part: 3, Space: 1
MORRIS, Joseph J., Death: 02/11/1950, Section: D-2, Lot: 185, Part: 2, Space: 1
MORRIS, Julius R., Section: E-2, Lot: 143, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORRIS, Laverne L., Birth: 11/10/1918, Death: 01/29/1989, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 1
MORRIS, Loretta May, Death: 10/08/1927, Section: B, Lot: 64, Space: 3
MORRIS, Mary Z., Section: F-1, Lot: 83, Part: 1, Space: 2
MORRIS, Orville, Death: 12/29/1943, Section: D-2, Lot: 134, Space: 5
MORRIS, Paul R., Birth: 02/19/1921, Death: 07/23/1986, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 1
MORRIS, Teresa Ann, Birth: 10/26/1961, Death: 09/28/2012, Section: P-1, Lot: 4, Space: 5
MORRISEY, Catherine, Section: B, Lot: 28, Part: 2, Space: 2
MORRISEY, Patrick, Section: B, Lot: 28, Part: 2, Space: 1
MORRISON, George C., Death: 03/21/1955, Section: E-3, Lot: 190, Part: 3, Space: 1
MORRISON, George, Birth: 10/11/1935, Death: 09/24/2008, Section: The Agony, Row: 1, Space: 1
MORRISON, Gertrude A., Birth: 10/04/1910, Death: 01/20/1994, Section: E-3, Lot: 190, Part: 3, Space: 2
MORRISON, Harry, Birth: 07/15/1922, Death: 12/05/1996, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio A
MORRISON, James A., Death: 01/26/1968, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio A
MORRISON, Margaret A., Birth: 03/18/1923, Death: 09/25/2015, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio A
MORRONE, Carolyn A., Birth: 07/19/1943, Death: 06/23/2010, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt
MORSE, Earl T., Section: J, Lot: 86, Part: 3, Space: 2
MORSE, Elsie, Section: J, Lot: 86, Part: 3, Space: 1
MORTON, Charles A., Section: E-2, Lot: 22, Part: 4, Space: 1
MORTON, Katherine S., Death: 02/13/1981, Section: E-2, Lot: 22, Part: 4, Space: 2
MORUNEY, Robert, Death: 11/09/1947, Section: D-2, Lot: 229, Space: 4
MOSA, Clara, Birth: 09/04/1908, Death: 05/31/1981, Section: D-1, Lot: 28 1/2, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOSA, Joseph C., Birth: 01/16/1905, Death: 03/07/1994, Section: D-1, Lot: 28 1/2, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOSCHILLO, Jean V., Birth: 09/18/1915, Death: 06/28/2000, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MOSCHILLO, Linda, Section: D-1, Lot: 117, Part: 1, Space: 3
MOSCHILLO, Sabato, Section: D-1, Lot: 117, Part: 1, Space: 2
MOSCHILLO, William, Birth: 10/08/1919, Death: 10/06/2012, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MOSCOVITZ, Kristina, Section: E-2, Lot: 306, Part: 1, Space: 2
MOSCOVITZ, Steve, Section: E-2, Lot: 306, Part: 1, Space: 1
MOSIER, Katherine Pavlic, Birth: 09/29/1908, Death: 04/11/2009, Section: F-1, Lot: 1, Part: 3, Space: 2
MOSKAL, Sophie, Section: E-2, Lot: 319, Part: 1, Space: 4
MOSKUN, Kathryn, Death: 11/18/1967, Section: E-3, Lot: 162, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOSKUN, Lisle, Section: E-3, Lot: 162, Part: 3, Space: 1
MOSQUEDA, Ignacio, Death: 01/07/1965, Section: D-3, Row: 3, Space: 4
MOSQUEDA, Michael Anthony, Death: 11/27/1964, Section: D-3, Row: 3, Space: 4
MOTTE, Margaret, Section: C-1, Lot: 32, Space: 1
MOTTO, Andrew C., Death: 05/22/1984, Section: H, Lot: 8, Part: 4, Space: 1
MOTTO, Emma, Birth: 08/07/1906, Death: 08/11/1992, Section: H, Lot: 8, Part: 4, Space: 2
MOURING, Donna, Birth: 12/18/1931, Death: 08/03/2016, Section: K, Lot: 44, Space: 2
MOURING, William P., Birth: 12/03/1916, Death: 10/12/2000, Section: K, Lot: 44, Space: 1
MOUROT, Edward A., Section: C-4, Lot: 76, Space: 3
MOUROT, Margaret, Section: C-4, Lot: 76, Space: 1
MOUROT, Mary O'Donnell, Birth: 08/28/1891, Death: 03/10/1988, Section: C-4, Lot: 76, Space: 2
MOVAN, Beatrice, Birth: 03/01/1916, Death: 11/04/2000, Section: P-1, Lot: 6, Space: 6
MOVAN, Theodore, Birth: 03/27/1913, Death: 12/31/1998, Section: P-1, Lot: 6, Space: 5
MOWER, Mary A., Birth: 10/12/1909, Death: 03/16/1995, Section: N, Lot: 40, Space: 9
MOYER, Alice, Death: 03/30/1944, Section: C-4, Lot: 72, Space: 2
MOYER, George B., Death: 10/09/1935, Section: C-4, Lot: 72, Space: 3
MOZEIK, Margaret S., Birth: 11/13/1935, Death: 03/12/2011, Section: L, Lot: 53, Space: 11
MOZEIK, Norman Gary, Birth: 08/26/1958, Death: 03/22/1993, Section: L, Lot: 53, Space: 12
MOZEIK, Norman, Birth: 01/17/1934, Death: 02/12/2011, Section: L, Lot: 53, Space: 10
MOZINGO, Michael Anthony (Baby Boy), Birth: 01/19/2000, Death: 01/19/2000, Section: N, Lot: 40, Space: 9
MRAMOR, David, Birth: 02/18/1937, Death: 05/18/2014, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt
MRAMOR, Marian M., Birth: 08/08/1934, Death: 02/15/2003, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt
MRAZ, Albert, Section: D-1, Lot: 117, Part: 2, Space: 1
MRAZ, Anna, Section: D-1, Lot: 117, Part: 2, Space: 2
MRAZ, Carl, Section: C-4, Lot: 73, Space: 5
MRAZ, Jacob, Section: C-4, Lot: 73, Space: 1
MRAZ, Joseph, Section: C-4, Lot: 73, Space: 3
MRAZ, Margaret C., Birth: 08/08/1898, Death: 12/31/1991, Section: F-1, Lot: 154, Part: 1, Space: 2
MRAZ, Marie A., Section: C-4, Lot: 73, Space: 2
MRAZ, Paul T., Section: C-4, Lot: 73, Space: 4
MRAZ, Thomas A., Section: F-1, Lot: 154, Part: 1, Space: 1
MRAZIK, Elizabeth, Birth: 02/20/1907, Death: 02/06/1992, Section: F-2, Lot: 16, Part: 2, Space: 2
MRAZIK, Joseph, Birth: 11/04/1904, Death: 12/13/1987, Section: F-2, Lot: 16, Part: 2, Space: 1
MRAZIK, Julia Siwak, Birth: 06/22/1902, Death: 03/29/1994, Section: E-2, Lot: 274, Part: 2, Space: 2
MRDJENOVICH, Elizabeth V., Birth: 07/07/1925, Death: 08/28/2004, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MRDJENOVICH, Kimberly A., Birth: 03/24/1962, Death: 10/03/2015, Section: 134/St Joe/St Luke Patio
MRDJENOVICH, Nicholas, Birth: 08/31/1923, Death: 12/12/2002, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MROSS, Susanna P., Death: 02/07/1961, Section: D-2, Lot: 185, Part: 1, Space: 1
MROZ, Barbara, Birth: 04/22/1933, Death: 10/07/2005, Section: K, Lot: 8, Space: 7
MRVOS, Catherine, Birth: 06/29/1918, Death: 11/29/2005, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MRVOS, George, Death: 06/17/1980, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MRVOS, Robert John, Birth: 09/26/1948, Death: 05/07/2012, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Patio B
MUCCALUPO, Frank, Death: 05/18/1964, Section: D-3, Row: 3, Space: 1
MUCHITSCH, John, Death: 12/02/1941, Section: D-2, Lot: 67, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUCKLE, Rose, Death: 07/21/1965, Section: D-3, Row: 1, Space: 2
MUDD, Hubert C., Death: 10/04/1964, Section: E-3, Lot: 144, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUDD, Isabelle R., Birth: 06/29/1896, Death: 09/30/1988, Section: E-3, Lot: 144, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUDD, James H., Birth: 09/17/1899, Death: 01/21/1981, Section: E-3, Lot: 144, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUDD, Katie, Section: E-3, Lot: 144, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUELLER, Lois A., Birth: 04/15/1939, Death: 12/27/2016, Section: 134/St Joe/Mary Mother-Christ
MUICH, Marko, Section: E-3, Lot: 183, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUICH, Mary, Section: E-3, Lot: 183, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUICK, Paul, Section: E-2, Lot: 326, Part: 6, Space: 1
MUIR, Alvin R., Death: 06/25/1967, Section: E-3, Lot: 206, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUIR, Charles D., Death: 03/02/1969, Section: C-4, Lot: 56, Space: 5
MUIR, James M. Sr., Birth: 07/16/1925, Death: 02/18/2002, Section: P-1, Lot: 35, Space: 1
MUIR, Sarah Jane, Birth: 04/20/1918, Death: 07/05/2000, Section: C-4, Lot: 56, Space: 6
MUIR, Sophie, Birth: 09/28/1916, Death: 06/10/1998, Section: E-3, Lot: 206, Part: 1, Space: 2
MULAR, Joseph, Birth: 01/03/1926, Death: 10/17/1999, Section: 132/St Joseph Maus Bethlehem
MULARSKI, Anthony J., Death: 12/16/1995, Section: J, Lot: 77, Part: 1, Space: 1
MULARSKI, Estelle B., Birth: 12/24/1904, Death: 10/30/1986, Section: J, Lot: 77, Part: 1, Space: 2
MULARSKI, Zigmund, Birth: 01/24/1900, Death: 02/09/1982, Section: J, Lot: 77, Part: 1, Space: 3
MULHEARN, Jeannette M., Death: 08/08/1984, Section: F-1, Lot: 116, Part: 3, Space: 2
MULHEARN, Quin P., Death: 06/18/1959, Section: F-1, Lot: 116, Part: 3, Space: 1
MULLALY, Doris, Birth: 08/22/1923, Death: 05/28/1988, Section: H, Lot: 24, Part: 1, Space: 2
MULLALY, Francis, Death: 09/17/1929, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 3
MULLALY, Helen G., Death: 01/22/1982, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 6
MULLALY, Mary, Death: 08/31/1936, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 4
MULLALY, Raymond T., Death: 09/26/1972, Section: H, Lot: 24, Part: 1, Space: 1
MULLALY, Rose, Death: 04/18/1929, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 2
MULLALY, Thomas F., Death: 12/26/1971, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 5
MULLALY, Thomas, Death: 07/06/1928, Section: C-4, Lot: 13, Space: 1
MULLAN, Daniel Joseph, Section: C-2, Lot: 92, Part: 2, Space: 3
MULLAN, Mary M., Section: C-2, Lot: 92, Part: 2, Space: 4
MULLANEY, Agnes, Section: F-1, Lot: 32, Part: 2, Space: 2
MULLANEY, Richard, Section: F-1, Lot: 32, Part: 2, Space: 1
MULLAR, Agnes, Birth: 01/30/1913, Death: 01/09/1994, Section: F-1, Lot: 11, Part: 3, Space: 2
MULLAR, Andrew, Section: F-1, Lot: 11, Part: 3, Space: 1
MULLEN, Agnes M., Death: 02/10/1976, Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 5
MULLEN, Anna, Section: B, Lot: 20, Space: 3
MULLEN, Anthony F., Birth: 02/28/1903, Death: 05/08/1991, Section: C-2, Lot: 16, Space: 6
MULLEN, Barbara, Death: 11/29/1967, Section: B, Lot: 4, Space: 2
MULLEN, Catherine A., Section: C-2, Lot: 16, Space: 5
MULLEN, Catherine, Section: C-4, Lot: 107, Space: 2
MULLEN, Charlotte, Death: 09/01/1914, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 2
MULLEN, Christopher, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 3
MULLEN, Elizabeth, Birth: 11/12/1919, Death: 08/14/2016, Section: L, Lot: 37, Space: 12
MULLEN, Emmet, Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 1
MULLEN, Hettie B., Death: 08/19/1937, Section: D-2, Lot: 49, Part: 2, Space: 1
MULLEN, James M., Birth: 05/28/1915, Death: 06/19/1995, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MULLEN, James M., Birth: 06/22/1948, Death: 10/09/2007, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MULLEN, James, Birth: 09/29/1924, Death: 12/25/1987, Section: L, Lot: 37, Space: 11
MULLEN, James, Section: B, Lot: 20, Space: 1
MULLEN, John J., Birth: 05/01/1892, Death: 05/10/1981, Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 6
MULLEN, John, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 6
MULLEN, John, Section: C-4, Lot: 107, Space: 3
MULLEN, Joseph J., Death: 04/19/1933, Section: D-2, Lot: 283, Space: 1
MULLEN, Julia, Death: 06/03/1965, Section: D-2, Lot: 283, Space: 2
MULLEN, Loretta, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 2
MULLEN, Margaret, Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 3
MULLEN, Mary A., Birth: 04/08/1894, Death: 10/15/1989, Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 4
MULLEN, Mary A., Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 2
MULLEN, Mary E., Birth: 11/17/1938, Death: 09/24/1990, Section: C-2, Lot: 16, Space: 7
MULLEN, Mary, Section: A, Lot: 211, Space: 2
MULLEN, Mercedes, Death: 03/17/1950, Section: C-2, Lot: 94 1/2, Space: 3
MULLEN, Myles F., Section: E-2, Lot: 311, Part: 2, Space: 1
MULLEN, Nora, Death: 04/17/1931, Section: C-2, Lot: 94 1/2, Space: 2
MULLEN, Norma Jean, Birth: 10/15/1923, Death: 02/14/2004, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MULLEN, Raymond A., Birth: 12/01/1923, Death: 06/22/1993, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MULLEN, Robert G., Section: A, Lot: 163, Space: 2
MULLEN, Sara, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 5
MULLEN, Simon, Section: C-2, Lot: 83, Space: 1
MULLEN, T. Morrell, Section: B, Lot: 4, Space: 3
MULLEN, Thomas, Death: 04/12/1931, Section: C-2, Lot: 94 1/2, Space: 1
MULLEN, Thomas, Death: 12/14/1943, Section: D-2, Lot: 61, Part: 1, Space: 1
MULLEN, Thomas, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 1
MULLEN, Thomas, Section: A, Lot: 210, Space: 4
MULLEN, Thomas, Section: B, Lot: 4, Space: 5
MULLEN, Thomas, Section: D-2, Lot: 49, Part: 2, Space: 2
MULLEN, William, Section: A, Lot: 211, Space: 1
MULLEN, William, Section: A, Lot: 211, Space: 5
MULLEN, William, Section: B, Lot: 20, Space: 2
MULLENS, William, Section: D-1, Lot: 95, Space: 3
MULLER, Agnes, Birth: 10/19/1927, Death: 12/02/1996, Section: H, Lot: 86, Space: 2
MULLER, Fred, Section: C-1, Lot: 22, Part: 3, Space: 1
MULLER, Louis Frank, Death: 07/27/1973, Section: H, Lot: 86, Space: 1
MULLER, Mathias, Section: B, Lot: 10, Space: 6
MULLER, Pauline, Section: B, Lot: 10, Space: 7
MULLER, Philemia, Section: C-1, Lot: 22, Part: 3, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Cecelia R., Birth: 06/03/1896, Death: 02/23/1990, Section: C-4, Lot: 88, Space: 5
MULLIGAN, Cleta, Birth: 12/09/1906, Death: 02/05/1995, Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 2, Space: 3
MULLIGAN, Eliza E., Death: 04/15/1928, Section: C-4, Lot: 88, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Elizabeth (Bessie), Section: B, Lot: 115, Space: 4
MULLIGAN, Elizabeth C., Death: 08/10/1974, Section: D-2, Lot: 263, Space: 3
MULLIGAN, Frank L., Death: 02/27/1965, Section: C-4, Lot: 88, Space: 4
MULLIGAN, Helen B., Birth: 07/18/1910, Death: 09/05/1993, Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 2, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, J. J., Section: B, Lot: 115, Space: 1
MULLIGAN, James A., Section: B, Lot: 115, Space: 10
MULLIGAN, John P., Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 1, Space: 1
MULLIGAN, John, Section: B, Lot: 115, Space: 3
MULLIGAN, Joseph K., Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 2, Space: 1
MULLIGAN, L. Ursula C., Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 1, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Margaret M., Section: E-1, Lot: 52, Part: 2, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Marie A., Birth: 09/06/1894, Death: 02/19/1981, Section: E-2, Lot: 225, Part: 1, Space: 3
MULLIGAN, Martin J., Birth: 08/24/1928, Death: 04/21/1998, Section: D-2, Lot: 263, Space: 4
MULLIGAN, Mary, Section: B, Lot: 115, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Michael, Death: 06/18/1949, Section: D-2, Lot: 263, Space: 2
MULLIGAN, Thomas A., Birth: 10/02/1926, Death: 09/19/2016, Section: C-4, Lot: 88, Space: 6
MULLIGAN, Thomas F., Death: 09/03/1939, Section: C-4, Lot: 88, Space: 1
MULLIGAN, Thomas J., Death: 07/10/1973, Section: E-1, Lot: 52, Part: 2, Space: 1
MULLIGAN, William, Birth: 08/24/1928, Death: 03/12/1992, Section: D-2, Lot: 263, Space: 1
MULLINEAUX, Rose, Death: 09/21/1944, Section: D-2, Lot: 137, Space: 3
MULLOOLEY, Irene L., Death: 03/05/1979, Section: A, Lot: 19, Space: 6
MULLOOLEY, James, Death: 03/05/1945, Section: A, Lot: 19, Space: 6
MULLOULY, Robert Leo, Section: E-3, Lot: 73, Part: 3, Space: 2
MULROY, Donald, Death: 03/19/1977, Section: J, Lot: 90, Part: 3, Space: 2
MULROY, Helen, Section: E-3, Lot: 204, Space: 3
MULROY, Thomas, Section: E-3, Lot: 204, Space: 2
MULSON, John William, Section: C-3, Lot: 107, Space: 1
MUMPER, Anastasio, Death: 09/14/1935, Section: D-2, Lot: 149, Space: 4
MUMPER, Grace, Death: 05/07/1938, Section: D-2, Lot: 149, Space: 2
MUMPER, Ralph, Death: 08/22/1941, Section: D-2, Lot: 149, Space: 1
MUNDORF, William R., Birth: 03/10/1941, Death: 10/29/2012, Section: 134/St Joe/St John/Bapt Niche
MUNJAS, Diana R., Birth: 04/20/1915, Death: 12/16/2000, Section: K, Lot: 69, Space: 8
MUNJAS, George, Birth: 05/04/1908, Death: 05/21/1985, Section: K, Lot: 69, Space: 7
MUNSHOWER, Baby Girl, Death: 03/21/1975, Section: F-1, Lot: 90, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURAWSKI, Adam, Death: 06/23/1963, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 179, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURAWSKI, Mary, Birth: 03/29/1909, Death: 09/30/1987, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 179, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURAWSKI, Thomas A., Death: 05/01/1974, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 179, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURIN, Michael, Death: 1962, Section: F-1, Lot: 138, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURNICK, Mary, Section: D-1, Lot: 82, Part: 3, Space: 6
MURPHY, Anna M., Section: A, Lot: 233, Space: 4
MURPHY, Anna M., Section: D-1, Lot: 79, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURPHY, Anna, Section: E-2, Lot: 340, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, Anna, Section: F-2, Lot: 4, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, Anne M., Birth: 03/17/1907, Death: 10/30/1996, Section: E-3, Lot: 83, Part: 2, Space: 2
MURPHY, Annie O'Toole, Section: A, Lot: 185, Space: 3
MURPHY, Bella J., Birth: 10/17/1906, Death: 08/13/1996, Section: D-1, Lot: 33, Part: 2, Space: 3
MURPHY, Blanche C., Section: E-1, Lot: 17, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURPHY, Bridget, Death: 06/12/1973, Section: H, Lot: 31, Part: 2, Space: 2
MURPHY, Catherine H., Birth: 10/20/1922, Death: 08/20/1989, Section: D-1, Lot: 79, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, Catherine, Death: 01/04/1943, Section: D-2, Lot: 189, Space: 2
MURPHY, Cecilia A., Section: E-3, Lot: 92, Space: 5
MURPHY, Charles G., Death: 12/07/1953, Section: C-1, Lot: 76, Part: 2, Space: 2
MURPHY, Charles J., Section: E-3, Lot: 203, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, Charles, Section: D-1, Lot: 79, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURPHY, Daniel J., Death: 02/05/1940, Section: D-1, Lot: 21, Space: 1
MURPHY, Daniel J., Death: 10/12/1955, Section: D-1, Lot: 33, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, Edward P., Death: 04/30/1967, Section: E-1, Lot: 17, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURPHY, Edward Regis, Section: E-1, Lot: 17, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, Emmett V., Section: A, Lot: 227, Space: 4
MURPHY, Florence, Death: 1912, Section: E-1, Lot: 17, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, Frances, Section: E-2, Lot: 103, Space: 6
MURPHY, Francis E., Section: C-1, Lot: 41, Space: 1
MURPHY, Gloria G., Section: E-3, Lot: 107, Part: 4, Space: 2
MURPHY, James J., Death: 01/25/1967, Section: D-2, Lot: 189, Space: 1
MURPHY, James P. Jr., Birth: 01/16/1933, Death: 02/17/2002, Section: H, Lot: 31, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, James P., Section: E-3, Lot: 83, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, John B. Sr., Section: E-1, Lot: 17, Part: 1, Space: 4
MURPHY, John F., Section: E-4, Lot: 32, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, John J., Birth: 03/09/1921, Death: 12/28/1989, Section: D-1, Lot: 79, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURPHY, John M., Birth: 02/14/1917, Death: 08/13/1988, Section: E-3, Lot: 107, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURPHY, John, Section: A, Lot: 227, Space: 1
MURPHY, John, Section: C-1, Lot: 41, Space: 3
MURPHY, John, Section: C-4, Lot: 28, Space: 3
MURPHY, Joseph G., Death: 03/07/1975, Section: H, Lot: 47, Part: 3, Space: 1
MURPHY, Joseph P. Sr., Section: E-3, Lot: 181, Space: 5
MURPHY, Julia, Section: A, Lot: 227, Space: 2
MURPHY, Margaret, Section: E-2, Lot: 340, Part: 2, Space: 2
MURPHY, Martin, Section: D-1, Lot: 148, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURPHY, Mary C. Sullivan, Death: 08/28/1972, Section: D-2, Lot: 241, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURPHY, Mary E., Birth: 09/07/1902, Death: 10/29/1997, Section: H, Lot: 47, Part: 3, Space: 2
MURPHY, Mary M., Death: 04/06/1955, Section: C-1, Lot: 76, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURPHY, Mary, Section: C-1, Lot: 41, Space: 2
MURPHY, Mary, Section: D-1, Lot: 79, Part: 1, Space: 4
MURPHY, Michael, Section: A, Lot: 185, Space: 6
MURPHY, Rose Ann, Section: D-1, Lot: 21, Space: 2
MURPHY, Ruth E., Birth: 12/30/1910, Death: 11/05/1985, Section: F-2, Lot: 33, Part: 2, Space: 2
MURPHY, Thomas P., Death: 05/19/1963, Section: C-1, Lot: 76, Part: 2, Space: 3
MURPHY, William J., Death: 12/22/1973, Section: E-3, Lot: 107, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURPHY, William P., Death: 12/04/1970, Section: F-2, Lot: 33, Part: 2, Space: 1
MURRAY, Agnes, Section: E-2, Lot: 262, Part: 4, Space: 2
MURRAY, Andrew, Section: E-2, Lot: 232, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURRAY, Bernard, Death: 06/03/1944, Section: B, Lot: 107, Part: 1, Space: 5
MURRAY, Bridget, Death: 01/28/1957, Section: D-2, Lot: 155, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURRAY, Catherine, Birth: 03/08/1900, Death: 02/12/1990, Section: E-2, Lot: 78, Part: 3, Space: 2
MURRAY, Catherine, Birth: 08/13/1902, Death: 04/09/1997, Section: E-3, Lot: 51, Part: 4, Space: 2
MURRAY, Clarence B., Death: 05/24/1957, Section: E-2, Lot: 28, Part: 3, Space: 1
MURRAY, David, Death: 08/15/1934, Section: B, Lot: 107, Part: 1, Space: 4
MURRAY, Eleanor A., Birth: 04/24/1937, Death: 03/10/2013, Section: J, Lot: 60, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURRAY, Elizabeth F., Death: 01/29/1933, Section: C-1, Lot: 19, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURRAY, Ellen, Section: A, Lot: 152, Space: 6
MURRAY, Eugene C., Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 8
MURRAY, Francis J., Birth: 10/21/1924, Death: 04/02/2013, Section: 134/St Joe/Mary Mother-Christ
MURRAY, Francis J., Death: 01/01/1964, Section: E-3, Lot: 51, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURRAY, Francis, Death: 08/21/1925, Section: C-2, Lot: 11D, Space: 2
MURRAY, Genevieve, Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 6
MURRAY, Gertrude, Birth: 12/08/1900, Death: 10/10/1986, Section: E-3, Lot: 194, Part: 4, Space: 2
MURRAY, Grace B., Death: 08/22/1936, Section: D-1, Lot: 155, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURRAY, Grace C., Death: 03/27/1968, Section: C-2, Lot: 11D, Space: 3
MURRAY, Grace, Death: 06/03/1962, Section: F-1, Lot: 164, Part: 4, Space: 2
MURRAY, Harry M., Section: B, Lot: 114, Space: 7
MURRAY, Hazel E., Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 7
MURRAY, Helen, Section: A, Lot: 23 1/2, Space: 1
MURRAY, Hugh M., Death: 12/26/1959, Section: C-1, Lot: 19, Part: 1, Space: 3
MURRAY, James E., Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 10
MURRAY, James E., Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 4
MURRAY, James P., Death: 11/09/1968, Section: E-3, Lot: 194, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURRAY, James, Death: 01/24/1955, Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 6
MURRAY, John D., Section: E-2, Lot: 262, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURRAY, Joseph P., Death: 03/06/1958, Section: E-2, Lot: 78, Part: 3, Space: 1
MURRAY, Joseph, Death: 04/16/1937, Section: C-1, Lot: 19, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURRAY, Margaret C., Death: 07/14/1967, Section: B, Lot: 114, Space: 6
MURRAY, Marie E., Death: 02/03/1960, Section: C-1, Lot: 19, Part: 1, Space: 4
MURRAY, Mary, Section: A, Lot: 23 1/2, Space: 3
MURRAY, Mary, Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 9
MURRAY, Michael D., Death: 06/16/1967, Section: A, Lot: 124, Space: 6
MURRAY, Michael, Death: 11/29/1941, Section: D-2, Lot: 155, Part: 1, Space: 1
MURRAY, Michael, Section: A, Lot: 124, Space: 3
MURRAY, Michael, Section: A, Lot: 23 1/2, Space: 2
MURRAY, Patrick, Death: 04/08/1946, Section: D-2, Lot: 155, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURRAY, Patrick, Section: F-1, Lot: 164, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURRAY, Robert P., Death: 01/08/1968, Section: D-3, Lot: 74, Space: 28
MURRAY, Rose W., Section: A, Lot: 124, Space: 1
MURRAY, Rose, Death: 11/02/1955, Section: A, Lot: 124, Space: 5
MURRAY, Sarah, Section: A, Lot: 124, Space: 2
MURRAY, Thomas O., Section: B, Lot: 81, Space: 5
MURRAY, Thomas, Death: 06/30/1943, Section: D-2, Lot: 243, Part: 2, Space: 4
MURRAY, Thomas, Death: 11/05/1938, Section: C-2, Lot: 11D, Space: 4
MURRAY, Thomas, Section: A, Lot: 152, Space: 5
MURRAY, Thomas, Section: E-2, Lot: 326, Part: 4, Space: 1
MURRAY, V. James, Death: 05/28/1976, Section: J, Lot: 60, Part: 1, Space: 2
MURRAY, Vincent T., Section: A, Lot: 23 1/2, Space: 4
MURRY, Mary, Section: A, Lot: 219, Space: 2
MURTHA, Kevin, Birth: 09/16/1949, Death: 10/04/2005, Section: 134/St Joe/St Peter Patio
MUSCENTE, Annina, Section: E-2, Lot: 151, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUSCENTE, Anthony J., Birth: 05/29/1920, Death: 03/23/2014, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Cloister
MUSCENTE, Baby Girl, Section: E-2, Lot: 151, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUSCENTE, Falco, Section: E-2, Lot: 151, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUSE, William G., Birth: 11/17/1942, Death: 11/05/1997, Section: 133/St Joseph Maus Nazareth
MUSINSKY, Emily S., Birth: 05/22/1917, Death: 11/17/2001, Section: E-1, Lot: 8, Part: 1, Space: 4
MUSINSKY, Mary (Busija), Birth: 04/26/1923, Death: 04/04/1987, Section: F - 1A, Lot: 224, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUSOLINO, John, Section: E-3, Lot: 139, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUSOLINO, Victoria, Birth: 12/27/1899, Death: 12/07/1988, Section: E-3, Lot: 139, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUSTACCHIO, Emil N., Section: E-2, Lot: 49, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUSTACCHIO, Joseph, Section: E-2, Lot: 49, Part: 1, Space: 3
MUSTACCHIO, Margaret Ochoa, Section: E-2, Lot: 49, Part: 1, Space: 3
MUSTACCHIO, Nicloene, Section: E-2, Lot: 49, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUSULA, Anna L., Section: D-1, Lot: 156 1/2, Space: 5
MUTH, Augusta, Death: 03/27/1965, Section: C-4, Lot: 45, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUTH, Frank, Section: E-4, Lot: 14, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUTH, John, Section: C-2, Lot: 21 A, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUTH, Josephine, Birth: 11/10/1905, Death: 01/21/1988, Section: C-4, Lot: 45, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUTH, Mary F., Section: C-2, Lot: 21 A, Part: 2, Space: 4
MUTH, Mary, Death: 11/13/1967, Section: C-2, Lot: 21 A, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUTH, Phillip, Section: C-2, Lot: 21 A, Part: 1, Space: 3
MUTH, Rudolph, Section: C-2, Lot: 21 A, Part: 2, Space: 3
MUTH, Sara J., Birth: 01/08/1915, Death: 11/01/1996, Section: E-4, Lot: 14, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUTOLO, Angela, Death: 10/11/1987, Section: H, Lot: 21, Part: 2, Space: 2
MUTOLO, Frank J., Birth: 08/24/1924, Death: 12/22/2011, Section: H, Lot: 21, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUTOLO, Jessie, Section: E-2, Lot: 331, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUTOLO, Peter A., Death: 10/04/1971, Section: H, Lot: 20, Part: 2, Space: 1
MUTOLO, Samuel J., Birth: 10/01/1920, Death: 10/26/2009, Section: H, Lot: 20, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUTOLO, Teresa, Birth: 03/29/1923, Death: 10/08/1994, Section: H, Lot: 20, Part: 1, Space: 2
MUTOLO, Vincenzo, Section: E-2, Lot: 331, Part: 1, Space: 1
MUTTER, Joseph, Birth: 03/18/1932, Death: 02/21/1995, Section: E-2, Lot: 522A, Space: 2
MUTTER, Martin, Death: 09/08/1974, Section: E-2, Lot: 253, Part: 2, Space: 1
MYCKA, Elizabeth A., Death: 10/27/1969, Section: F-2, Lot: 27, Part: 4, Space: 2
MYCKA, Eugene, Birth: 07/25/1931, Death: 05/18/2015, Section: F-2, Lot: 11, Part: 4, Space: 1
MYCKA, Eugene, Birth: 10/05/1959, Death: 08/22/1988, Section: F-2, Lot: 8, Part: 3, Space: 1
MYCKA, John, Death: 05/20/1977, Section: F-2, Lot: 27, Part: 4, Space: 1
MYCKA, Stephen R., Birth: 03/24/1914, Death: 04/06/2010, Section: 134/St Joe/Mary Mother-Christ
MYERS, Anna C., Death: 03/30/1943, Section: D-2, Lot: 33, Part: 3, Space: 5
MYERS, Anna M., Birth: 06/01/1917, Death: 03/13/2001, Section: K, Lot: 463, Space: 6
MYERS, Anna M., Death: 03/27/1970, Section: C-4, Lot: 72, Space: 4
MYERS, Baby Girl, Section: D-2, Lot: 113, Part: 2, Space: 1
MYERS, Catherine, Death: 08/26/1928, Section: C-1, Lot: 12, Space: 4
MYERS, Edward, Birth: 01/11/1938, Death: 12/01/2010, Section: 131/St Joseph Maus Chapel 2
MYERS, Frank E., Section: E-1, Lot: 150, Part: 3, Space: 1
MYERS, Glenn S., Birth: 03/13/1912, Death: 07/22/1990, Section: K, Lot: 17, Space: 1
MYERS, Helen, Death: 08/21/1945, Section: D-2, Lot: 258, Space: 5
MYERS, Jenny, Section: D-1, Lot: 166, Space: 4
MYERS, John G., Section: D-1, Lot: 166, Space: 3
MYERS, Josephine C., Section: A, Lot: 34, Space: 5
MYERS, Margaret, Death: 04/08/1962, Section: E-1, Lot: 150, Part: 3, Space: 2
MYERS, Marie E., Section: D-1, Lot: 84, Part: 2, Space: 2
MYERS, Robert R Sr., Birth: 06/03/1915, Death: 05/23/1998, Section: D-2, Lot: 113, Part: 2, Space: 4
MYERS, Theresa M., Birth: 07/05/1913, Death: 01/26/1984, Section: K, Lot: 17, Space: 2
MYERS, William L., Birth: 11/08/1915, Death: 07/28/1983, Section: K, Lot: 463, Space: 5
MYFORD, Rose Marie, Birth: 10/10/1916, Death: 12/12/1996, Section: C-1, Lot: 4, Space: 32
MYFORD, Samuel G., Birth: 01/25/1917, Death: 02/27/1994, Section: C-1, Lot: 4, Space: 31
MYTRYSAK, Chirstine A., Birth: 07/23/1952, Death: 07/21/2011, Section: J, Lot: 36, Part: 4, Space: 2
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