Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Solebury Friends Burying Grounds
Bucks County, Pennsylvania
Contributed by Shirley Carter [].
Tatum, Maggie L., d. 9/29/1960, Sect. B-14-3
Taylor, Mary Perkins, d. 12/15/1931, Sect. D-G-2W
Taylor, Norman B., d. 3/27/1979, C, Sect. G-7-3
Taylor, Ross, d. 12/17/1910, Sect. D-19-1E
Thatcher, I.'s child, no dates, Sect. B-1-48
Thayer, Germain B., d. 10/19/1978, Sect. D-122-2W
Thayer, William H.H., d. 7/26/1956, Sect. D-121-3W
Thomas, Ann, d. 1-28-1858, Sect. A-68-1
Thomas, Lukens, d. 3-7-1892, Sect. A-68-2
Thomas, Sarah, d. 6-28-1887, Sect. A-68-3
Thompson, Charles W., d. 7/26/1951, Sect. B-13-8
Thompson, Edgar H., d. 2/6/1996, Sect. G-104-2
Thompson, Eva Louise B., d. 8/31/1965, Sect. G-104-1
Thompson, Howard J., d. 7/24/1970, C, Sect. D-46-2E
Thompson, Isabelle, d. 12/19/1986, Sect. G-104-3
Thompson, Joseph Sr., d. 11/9/1963, Sect. G-103-3
Thompson, Joseph T. Jr., d. 11/16/1962, grandson, Sect. G-103-2
Thompson, Joseph T., d. 12/28/1994, Sect. G-103-1
Thompson, Katherine T., d. 9/24/1983, Sect. G-103-4
Thompson, Margaret Elizabeth, d. 2/4/1990, C, Sect. D-46-1E
Tiedemann, Charles A., d. 4/16/1970, Sect. G-108-1
Tiedemann, Charles A., d. 4/16/1970, Sect. G-114-1
Tiedemann, Laura P., d. 8/30/1994, Sect. G-108-2
Tiedemann, Laura P., d. 8/30/1994, Sect. G-114-2
Tinsman, Emma Fell, d. 1/21/1979, C, Sect. C-23-1
Tinsman, William Sr, d. 10/27/1967, C, Center 32" grave, Sect. C-23-1
Toddie, William, d. 9/23/1996, C, Sect. A-84-8
Todman, Jame I., d. 1/1/1976, C, Sect. G-112-3b
Tompkins, Elbert L. Jr., d. 5/21/1987, C, Sect. G-153-1b
Tompkins, Florence M., d. 2/26/1997, C, Sect. G-153-1a
Trauger, Bertha B., d. 7/1/1958, Sect. D-85-2W
Trauger, Brian Kent, d. 1/7/1955, child, Sect. D-106-1E
Trauger, Edith M, d. 1913, baby, Sect. D-85-4Wb
Trauger, Elmer H., d. 6/24/1951, Sect. D-85-1W
Trauger, Elsie H., d. 1916, baby, Sect. D-85-4Wa
Trauger, Lioe, d. 1918, Sect. D-85-3W
Travis, Frances C., d. 12/19/1980, C, Sect. G-7-4
Treftg, Emma, d. 1/17/1939, Sect. D-38-4W
Treftg, Lewis, d. 10/31/1923, Sect. D-38-3W
Troska, Adam, d. 6/28/1974, Sect. G-6-1
Troska, Elizabeth, d. 1/4/1987, Sect. G-6-2
Tyson, William's child, d. 2-24-1875, Sect. B-5-29
Umstead, Henry's child, d. 4-16-1872, Sect. B-5-8
Updike, Allen B., d. 7/12/1941, Sect. D-49-3E
Updike, Mary E., d. 3/21/1921, William Updike's wife, Sect. D-49-2E
Updike, William, d. 9/17/1941, Sect. D-49-1E
Van Horn, Charlotte, d. 4-19-1897, Sect. D-50-1E
Van Sant, William, no dates, Sect. A-15-6
VanDyke, Joseph Francis, d. 1/27/1947, Sect. D-80-4E
Vanhorn, William, no dates, Sect. B-1-17
Vansant, Joshua, no dates, Sect. A-15-3
Vansant, Joshua's grandchild, no dates, Sect. A-15-1
Vansant, Mary, no dates, Sect. A-15-2
Vansant, William, no dates, Sect. B-3-45
Vanselous, Martha M, d. 4/26/1941, Sect. D-60-2E
Vanselous, Sarah M., d. 1/4/1920, Sect. D-60-1E
Vanzealous, George's child, no dates, Sect. B-3-47
Vareen, Rebecca A., d. 11/21/1968, on top of #14 vault, Sect. B-11-14b
Vereen, Margaret, no dates, Case,Irene, Sect. B-12-7
Vom Saal, Fay, d. 1/29/1992, C, Sect. C-27-6
Vom Saal, Rudolf, d. 10/27/1968, C, Sect. C-27-6
Wagner, Janet L, d. 2/20/1993, C, Sect. D-11-1Eb
Walker, Margaret Slack, d. 5/28/1990, Sect. D-D-4W
Wallace, James, d. 9-15-1881, Sect. B-6-13
Walsh, Barbara W., d. 2/5/1975, Sect. G-3-3
Walsh, Michael Francis, d. 4/1/1957, Sect. G-3-4
Walton, Aaron, no dates, Sect. Z-1-30
Walton, Alfred H., d. 1/14/1955, Sect. C-100-3
Walton, Alfred, d. 4-29-1885, Sect. C-18-3
Walton, Alfred's child, no dates, Sect. B-3-49
Walton, Alice H., d. 6/14/1932, Sect. C-100-2
Walton, Amos G., d. 2/22/1944, Sect. C-51-3
Walton, Amy E., d. 6/8/1959, Sect. C-51-5
Walton, Annie, d. 4/19/1951, Sect. C.51-4
Walton, Arron, d. 8-21-1856, William Walton's child, Sect. Z-1-31
Walton, Augustus D., d. 5-22-1877, Sect. Z-3-7
Walton, B.'s child, no dates, Sect. B-2-21
Walton, Carrie D., d. 12/3/1906, Sect. C-36-4
Walton, Edith W., d. 8/13/1977, C, Sect. C-100-4
Walton, Elizabeth M., d. 2-17-1887, Sect. C-18-2
Walton, Ellicott, d. 7-1-1867, Sect. Z-2-15
Walton, Ellis, d. 1/22/1903, Sect. C-49-3
Walton, Elsie M., d. 2/26/1965, Sect. C-51-6
Walton, Elvira B., d. 9/16/1915, Sect. C-36-5
Walton, Francis B., d. 1/18/1966, C, Sect. C-71-4b
Walton, Frederick R., d. 9-10-1883, Sect. C-26-3
Walton, George R., d. 3/30/1917, Sect. C-13-3
Walton, Henrietta Ely, d. 11/7/1942, Sect. C-49-4
Walton, Henry B., d. 12/25/1964, Sect. C-30-7
Walton, J. Ely, d. 1-27-1867, Ellis Walton's child, Sect. C-49-1
Walton, J.'s son, no dates, Sect. B-2-36
Walton, Jacob's wife, no dates, Sect. A-20-1
Walton, James, d. 7-6-1875, Sect. C-36-1
Walton, James' wife, d. 2-24-1897, Sect. C-36-2
Walton, Jesse T., d. 9/23/1910, Sect. C-36-8
Walton, John, d. 1836, b. 1775, Sect. Z-1-3
Walton, John, d. 6-2-1882, Sect. C-18-1
Walton, John's child, no dates, Sect. B-2-20
Walton, John's wife, no dates, Sect. B-2-19
Walton, Laura Ely, d. 8/7/1940, Sect. C-71-2
Walton, Lewis E., d. 9/13/1923, Sect. C-100-1
Walton, Marc Hubert Jr., d. 2/5/1996, C, Sect. C-30-5
Walton, Marc Hubert, d. 10/11/1950, C, Sect. C-71-4a
Walton, Martha, d. 12/17/1981, child, Sect. C-71-3
Walton, Mary Ann, d. 10-28-1849, Aaron Walton's wife, Sect. Z-1-22
Walton, Matttie, d. 10/15/1941, Sect. C-36-6
Walton, May, d. 3/15/1974, Sect. C-50-4
Walton, Mercy, d. 4/3/1916, Sect. C-36-7
Walton, Reuben L., d. 8/7/1911, Sect. C-49-5
Walton, Sarah E., no dates, John Walton's wife, Sect. Z-1-19
Walton, Seth T., d. 10/30/1917, Sect. C-71-1
Walton, Susan, d. 5-5-1891, Sect. C-10-2
Walton, Susan, d. 7-22-1860, Sect. A-55-7
Walton, William E., d. 2-4-1895, Sect. C-10-9
Walton, William's child, no dates, Sect. B-3-33
Walton, William's daughter, d. 5-5-1891, Sect. C-10-8
Walton, William's wife, d. 1/18/1906, Sect. C-10-7
Walton, Wilmer, d. 7-5-1882, Ellis Walton's son, Sect. C-49-2
Walton, child, no dates, Sect. B-1-32
Ward, Emma, d. 12-11-1896, Sect. D-50-1W
Warford, Samuel J. Jr., d. 2/20/1990, Sect. E-11-5
Waring, Alston, d. 6/5/1978, C, Sect. E-8-2b
Waring, Beulah H., d. 10/3/1988, C, Sect. E-8-2a
Warner, Dora B., d. 1/3/1907, Sect. B-8-26
Warner, Harley, d. 11/20/1958, Sect. B-14-4
Warner, Harriet, d. 2/16/1928, Sect. D-102-2W
Warner, Harvey B., d. 2/17/1935, Sect. C-50-1
Warner, Howard P., d. 1/31/1926, Sect. C-50-3
Warner, John, d. 2/26/1907, Sect. B-8-27
Warner, Jonathon, d. 2/5/1944, Sect. D-102-1W
Warner, Margaret L., d. 12/29/1962, Sect. E-9-2
Warner, Mary Anna, d. 11/4/1914, Sect. C-50-2
Warner, Rachel E., d. 3/29/1988, Sect. D-102-4W
Warner, Sally, d. 3/31/1903, Harley Warner's wife, Sect. B-8-13
Warner, William B., d. 3/3/1975, Sect. D-102-3W
Warren, John Joseph, d. 9/16/1987, Sect. D-108-1E
Warren, Robert, d. 12-24-1879, Sect. Z-3-10
Warren, Ruth P., d. 2-16-1894, Sect. Z-3-11
Wart, child, d. 1890, Sect. D-30-4Wb
Waterman, Elva, d. 1/20/1978, C, Sect. E-9-4
Waterman, Harry W., d. 1/7/1964, C, Sect. E-9-5
Waterman, Robert H., d. 8/25/1959, C, Sect. E-9-6
Watson, Betsy, d. 1828, Jonathon Magill's sister-in-law, Sect. A-60-1
Watson, Hettie P., d. 1859, Ingham & Mary'Watson's child, Sect. A-73-1
Watson, Ingham's child, no dates, Sect. A-40-2
Watson, Jonathon I., d. 12-11-1873, Sect. A-73-2
Watson, Mary M., d. 10-12-1876, Sect. A-73-3
Watson, Samuel A., d. 2/17/1958, Sect. G-66-3
Watson, T.Elwood, d. 6-30-1889, Sect. A-73-4
Weiler, C. Curtis, d. 3/21/1972, Sect. G-10-4
Weltz, J.I., no dates, Sect. B-1-29
Wemmell, Chales F., d. 7/1/1954, Sect. D-A-1W
Wentworth, Harriet M., d. 12/6/1996, C, Sect. E-22-6b
Wentworth, Robert S., d. 4/16/1987, C, Sect. E-22-6a
Wert, Duts' child, d. 1903, Sect. B-8-14
Wert, Duts' child, d. 8/16/1904, Sect. B-8-19
Wert, James' child, d. 2-26-1882, Sect. B-6-16
Wert, Kate's child, d. 5-22-1895, Sect. B-7-23
Wert, Mary child, d. 8-25-1896, Sect. B-7-27
Wert, William, d. 8-22-1873, Sect. B-5-16
Wert, William's wife, d. 12-31-1883, Sect. B-6-24
Werts, George M, d. 2-28-1882, child, Sect. D-78-3E
Werts, Gertrude, d. 6/10/1958, Sect. D-78-1W
Werts, Louisa, d. 1/1/1926, Sect. D-78-3W
Werts, james W., d. 5/27/1922, Sect. D-78-4W
Wesner, Deld, d. 8/6/1904, Sect. D-32-3E
Wesner, Emily, d. 11/22/1908, Sect. D-32-2W
Wesner, Frank, d. 3/1/1935, Sect. D-32-4E
Wesner, George E., d. 8/12/1901, Sect. D-32-2E
Wesner, Hewlin E., d. 7-29-1893, Sect. D-32-1E
Wesner, Sallie, d. 1-26-1892, Sect. D-32-3W
Wesner, Stephen B., d. 11/10/1903, Sect. D-32-1W
West, Joseph A., d. 10/24/1934, Sect. C-29-5
West, Letitia P., d. 4-20-1889, Sect. C-29-9
West, W. Anderson, d. 12-25-1893, Sect. C-29-8
White George, 10-5-1883, no dates, Age 81, Sect. A-21-7
White, Alice F., d. 10/12/1921, Sect. A-82-4
White, Charles M., d. 3-16-1873, Sect. A-82-2
White, Charles, d. 4/12/1902, Sect. A-82-6
White, Elisabeth, d. 5/18/1900, Sect. A-82-5
White, John, d. 1861, Elisabeth White's child, Sect. A-82-1
White, Martha Betts, d. 2/2/1945, Sect. A-82-3
White, Nancy, d. 11-10-1884, Age 88, Sect. A-21-8
Whitehead, Mary W., d. 6/21/1985, C, Sect. C-30-1b
Whitehead, W. Charles, d. 10/1/1976, C, Sect. C-30-1a
Whitesell, Elizabeth, d. 3/18/1984, Sect. G-146-3
Whitesell, John S., d. 10/14/1971, vault, Sect. G-146-2
Whitesell, Penelope E., d. 7/30/1996, Sect. G-146-1
Whitson, Clemmie, no dates, Sect. A-49-4
Whyno, John, d. 4/7/1973, Sect. G-73-1
Wiggins, William's child, no dates, Sect. B-4-31
Wildman, Alice P., d. 2-19-1891, Paxson Wildman's wife, Sect. C-54-1
Wildman, Ida A., d. 2/8/1920, Sect. C-54-3
Wildman, Joseph P., d. 4/4/1937, Sect. C-54-4
Wildman, Paxson, d. 9/30/1907, Sect. C-54-2
Wiley, Andrew G., d. 9/15/1922, Sect. D-92-1W
Wiley, Florence, d. 3/7/1925, Sect. D-92-2W
Wiley, George W., d. 5/22/1933, Sect. D-73-1W
Wiley, Jane, no dates, Sect. A-90-8
Wiley, Rachie A., d. 8/7/1934, Sect. D-73-2W
Williams, Anna, d. 12/21/1956, Sect. B-14-7
Williams, Carroll R. Jr., d. 4/19/1966, Sect. D-87-3W
Williams, Carroll R., d. 9-xx-1929, Sect. D-87-1W
Williams, Dr. E. Newlin, d. 3/3/1902, Sect. C-46-7
Williams, Eleanor Palmer, d. 8/10/1949, C, Sect. D-87-2W
Williams, Helen W., d. 6/21/1972, Sect. F-1-3
Williams, John K., d. 1-15-1868, Sect. B-4-55
Williams, John S. II, d. 4/6/1938, Sect. D-87-4W
Williams, John S., d. 8/21/1920, Sect. C-46-3
Williams, Rachel M., d. 12-28-1897, Sect. C-46-4
Williams, Roger T., d. 10/18/1957, Sect. G-66-2
Williamson, Earl, d. 4/28/1975, Sect. D-101-1E
Williamson, Edward L., d. 8/8/1957, Sect. G-34-4
Williamson, Florence Savage, d. 1992, Sect. G-47-1a
Williamson, Gertrude G., d. 12/30/1957, Sect. G-34-3
Williamson, Marie G., d. 10/21/1970, Sect. G-66-1a
Williamson, Stella H., d. 5/11/1968, Sect. D-101-2E
Willner, Otto, d. 10/10/1996, Sect. D-C-4E
Wilson, Alma G., d. 5/18/1995, Sect. G-70-2
Wilson, Delia, no dates, Sect. B-4-39
Wilson, Johnathon, d. 7-15-1869, Sect. C-51-1
Wilson, John's infant, d. 11/23/1903, Sect. B-8-15
Wilson, Rachel, d. 5-6-1872, Sect. C-51-2
Wilson, Rebecca, no dates, Sect. A-70-2
Wilson, William H., d. 6/21/1969, Sect. G-70-1
Wilson, child, no dates, Sect. B-4-41
Windle, James C., d. 6/13/1981, s/w Ruth, Sect. A-77-5
Windle, Ruth A, d. 6/16/1991, s/w James, Sect. A-77-6
Winners, Samuel's child, no dates, Sect. B-3-29
Winters, Earl Clark, d. 9/28/1972, Sect. G-111-1
Witt, Albert Arthur, d. 12/5/1990, Sect. G-147-1
Witt, Carrie Emma, d. 5/13/1996, Sect. G-147-2
Wohlberg, Edward, d. 6/26/1952, Sect. B-13-9
Wolcott, John O., d. 1/16/1975, Sect. G-42-4
Wolfe, Julie, d. 10/3/1995, C, Sect. G-1-4b
Wolfe, Owen L. Jr, d. 9/26/1966, Sect. D-109-1Eb
Wolfe, Owen L., d. 10/21/1989, C, Moved to Sec G-15-4 11/22/1989, Sect. D-109-1E
Wolfe, Owen L., d. 10/21/1989, C, Sect. G-1-4a
Wolfrom, Elsie E., d. 10/15/1969, C, Sect. C-88-2
Wolverton, Charles, d. 11/18/1908, Sect. C-90-1
Wolverton, Elizabeth, d. 1/14/1929, Sect. C-90-2
Wood, Albert K., d. 9/16/1978, Sect. D-20-1E
Wood, Alex S., d. 3/30/1946, Sect. B-10-18
Wood, Alex's infant, d. 10/26/1915, Sect. B-10-2
Wood, Amos' child, no dates, Sect. B-4-30
Wood, Elizabeth R., d. 3/25/1934, Sect. C-61-2
Wood, Mary King, d. 2/10/1957, Sect. B-10-19
Wood, Mary, d. 1-11-1867, Sect. A-68-7
Wood, Newton E., d. 8/1/1938, Sect. C-61-1
Wood, Thomas, no dates, Sect. B-2-15
Wood, Vincent P., d. 12/5/1970, Sect. G-107-1
Worstal, Amy, d. 9-9-1898, Sect. A-89-6
Worstal, Joseph K., d. 11-27-1857, Sect. A-89-1
Worstal, Mary E., d. 10/9/1935, Sect. D-84-2E
Worstal, Mary Jane, d. 9-23-1866, Sect. A-89-2
Worstall, Erma E., d. 6/24/1975, Sect. D-75-1W
Worstall, George, d. 10/7/1960, Sect. D-75-2W
Worstall, Hannie M., d. 11-1-1870, Sect. A-89-3
Worstall, Helen A., d. 11/16/1973, Sect. D-84-3E
Worstall, Isaac H., d. 3-15-1886, Sect. A-89-5
Worstall, William B., d. 5/14/1917, Sect. D-84-1E
Worstall, William, d. 6-14-1875, Sect. A-89-4
Worth, Albert T., d. 6/8/1987, Sect. G-71-2
Worth, Mildred D., no dates, Sect. G-71-1
Worthington, Caroline Bertles, d. 5/4/1952, Sect. D-27-4W
Worthington, Edna M., d. 7/5/1963, Sect. D-99-3W
Worthington, Everett, d. 8/29/1931, Sect. D-28-3E
Worthington, Harry W., d. 1/10/1955, Sect. C-74-3
Worthington, Harry, d. 8/20/1951, Sect. D-27-1E
Worthington, James' child, no dates, Sect. B-3-32
Worthington, Laura, d. 11/12/1973, Sect. G-69-3
Worthington, Letitia, d. 8/15/1914, Sect. D-6-2W
Worthington, Lizzie, d. 6-25-1886, Sect. D-27-2W
Worthington, Lottie E., d. 3/2/1951, Sect. D-27-2E
Worthington, Mary, d. 1/11/1950, Sect. D-28-4E
Worthington, Mary, d. 11-17-1874, Sect. Z-3-1
Worthington, Nathan, d. 11/10/1913, Sect. Z-3-2
Worthington, Oscar, d. 11-13-1883, Sect. D-6-3W
Worthington, Raymond, d. 3/31/1975, Sect. G-69-4
Worthington, Sara E., d. 12/27/1968, Sect. C-74-4
Worthington, Virginia, d. 12/17/1930, Sect. D-99-4W
Worthington, Warner, d. 8-18-1884, Sect. D-6-1W
Worthington, William H., d. 6/23/1987, C, Sect. D-99-2W
Worthington, William, d. 9/1/1919, Sect. D-27-3W
Wright, Frances, d. 3/22/1975, C, Sect. G-5-3a
Wright, Harry, d. 10/24/1987, C, Sect. G-5-3-b
Wriker, Al Carl, d. 6/4/1976, Sect. G-40-1
Yates, Charles H. Jr., d. 4/30/1992, Sect. F-10-1
Yother, Joseph's wife, d. 3-6-1878, Sect. B-5-48
Yothers, Joseph, d. 10/29/1903, Sect. B-7-38
Ziccardi, Joseph Walter, d. 12/18/1968, C, Sect. G-67-4c
Ziccardi, Mabel L., d. 7/6/1994, C, Sect. G-47-2
Ziccardi, Nancy M, d. 5/1/1961, C, Sect. G-67-4a
Ziccardi, Vincent James, d. 1/1/1968, C, Sect. G-67-4b
Ziccardi, Vincent T., d. 8/10/1988, C, Sect. G-67-4e
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