Search Pennsylvania Death Records
Pennsylvania Newspapers, Full Search (1719-1995), 658 titles
Pennsylvania Obituary Search - (1981-current)
Pennsylvania Birth Records Database, (1767-1995)
Erie Cemetery,
Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania
GPS: 42.110759, -80.085651
2116 Chestnut St.
Erie, PA 16502
Published: December 2, 2016
Total records: 50,723
Erie Cemetery is owned by the Erie Cemetery Association.
The Erie Cemetery Association was formed in 1850, after several years of work by a group of Erie businessmen to establish a beautiful, non-denominational burial ground that could be shared by all. Erie Cemetery’s first burial took place in January, 1851, although the cemetery was not formally consecrated and dedicated until May 20 of that year. The cemetery is considered an excellent example of the American Rural Cemetery Movement.
Cemetery Records
Records published here were acquired from the Erie Cemetery Association on December 2, 2016. Dates of death range from 1775 to 2016.
Surname Index:
- Surnames Aa-Al
- Surnames Am-Ay
- Surnames Baa-Bat
- Surnames Bau-Ben
- Surnames Ber-Boh
- Surnames Bol-Bri
- Surnames Bro-Buo
- Surnames Bur-By
- Surnames Caa-Chi
- Surnames Chr-Con
- Surnames Coo-Cz
- Surnames Da-Dh
- Surnames Di-Do
- Surnames Dr-Dy
- Surnames E
- Surnames Fa-Fl
- Surnames Fo-Fy
- Surnames Gaa-Gim
- Surnames Gin-Gra
- Surnames Gre-Gw
- Surnames Haa-Har
- Surnames Has-Hem
- Surnames Hen-Hip
- Surnames Hir-Hor
- Surnames Hos-Hy
- Surnames I
- Surnames Ja-Ji
- Surnames Jo-Ju
- Surnames Ka-Kh
- Surnames Ki-Ko
- Surnames Kr-Ky
- Surnames Laa-Let
- Surnames Leu-Ll
- Surnames Lo-Ly
- Surnames Maa-Max
- Surnames May-McM
- Surnames McN-Mik
- Surnames Mil-Mon
- Surnames Moo-My
- Surnames N
- Surnames O
- Surnames Pa-Pe
- Surnames Pf-Py
- Surnames Q
- Surnames Ra-Rh
- Surnames Ri-Rol
- Surnames Rom-Rz
- Surnames Sab-Sce
- Surnames Scha-Schr
- Surnames Schu-Se
- Surnames Sh-Si
- Surnames Sk-So
- Surnames Sp-Sta
- Surnames Ste-Sto
- Surnames Str-Sz
- Surnames Ta-Th
- Surnames Ti-Ty
- Surnames U
- Surnames V
- Surnames Wa-Wb
- Surnames We-Whe
- Surnames Whi-Wim
- Surnames Win-Wy
- Surnames X
- Surnames Y
- Surnames Z
- Unidentified Burials
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