Home > United States > Pennsylvania > Berks > Old Burial Grounds > Stump Burial Ground

Search Pennsylvania Death Records


Stump Burial Ground
North Heidelberg Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania

This listing was contributed by Steve Paul Johnson [steve@cleardigitalmedia.com].  Total records = 7.


INSCRIPTIONS from the tombstones in the private (STUMP) burial ground, in North Heidelberg
township, about a half mile southward of Bernville, Berks County, PA., and a few hundred yards
from the junction of the Northkill Creek with the Tulpehocken Creek, along the road leading to

STUMP,              JOHN                b. feb 18, 1746; d. Aug. 9, 1822 m. Barbara ......., b.
                                        Oct. 9, 1746; d. Aug 17, 1805.
STUMP,              SAMUEL              b. Oct. 9, 1777; d. July 27, 1850; m. Anna Maria .....,
                                        b. Nov. 30, 1786; d. Sept. 24, 1842.

Children of John Stump & w. Barbara:
     MAGDALENA,     b. June 8, 1772; d. Dec. 11, 1775.
     BARBARA,       b. March 11, 1774; d. Oct, 1775.
     DANIEL,        b. Dec. 14, 1789; d. Dec. 19, 1806.

Son of Michael Stump & w. Caroline:
     SAMUEL,        b. Jan'y 13, 1842; d. Dec. 20, 1845.

Son of Joseph Painter & w. Magdalena:
     JOSEPH,        b. Oct. 9, 1849; d. Sept. 22, 1850.

There are also several graves without tombstones, one of them probably being that of John Stump
who in 1743 had warranted to him the tract of land on which that burial ground is located, and
who is very likely the father of the John Stump buried there.

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