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South Carolina Newspapers, Full Search (1735-2001), 128 titles
South Carolina Obituary Search - (1987-current)
South Carolina Funeral Notices
Sharon Methodist Cemetery
Kinards, Newberry County, South Carolina
100 Carlisle Oxner Road
Kinards, SC 29386
Lat: 34° 22' 42"N, Lon: 81° 46' 37"W
Contributed by Bonni Bobb, Apr 15, 2004 []. Total records = 89.
To reach cemetery from I-26 take exit 72 (SC 121), if traveling toward Spartanburg turn left, if traveling toward Columbia turn right from exit. Travel 1.8 miles. Turn right onto US 76. Travel 10.8 miles. Turn left onto SC 560. Take first left onto Carlisle Oxner Road. Cemetery is on the left.
Cemetery is owned and maintained by Sharon Methodist Church and is relatively good condition, with only a few graves in disrepair.
The cemetery has been in existence since about 1863, created on land donated by Manuel W. Oxner.
I walked and read this cemetery in Sept 2002.
- Bonni Bobb
Albriton, Mary E., b. 23 Apr 1884, d. 9 Sep 1886, "Daughter of M. P. & E. F. Albriton
Barre, Huldah D., b. 23 Aug 1845, d. 4 Oct 1902, footstone marker with initials HCB
Barre, William A., b. 23 Sept 1840, d. 11 Dec 1885, "A member of Co. D. 13th F C Reg CSA", footstone marker with initials WAB
Bethea, Eva Oxner, b. 3 Oct 1890, d. 16 Apr 1984, "Scholar & Teacher in public schools Graduate of Lander College & University of South Carolina Loved by all who knew her"
Boozer, Earl Counts, b. 5 Sept 1893, d. 16 Dec 1911, son of D. L. & E. A. Boozer, "Just as the morning of his life Was opening into day, His young and lovely spirit passed From earth and grief away", footstone marker with initials.
Boozer, Evelyn A., b. 10 Apr 1917, d. 19 Oct 1940, wife of John Harris, footstone marker with initials EAH.
Boozer, Langdon L., b. 13 Sept 1883, d. 27 Mar 1905, "A place is vacant in our hearts That never be filled, A light from our household is gone A voice we loved is stilled, Asleep in Jesus! Blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep", footstone marker with initials LLB
Boozer, Paul King, b. 19 Jul 1942, d. 23 Nov 1942, son of W. L. & Mable Boozer
Clay, Gillan L. Holley, b. 1 Apr 1860, d. 29 Apr 1947, s/w James Henry Clay, footstone marker with "Grandmother"
Clay, James Henry, b. 15 Jun 1858, d. 5 Feb 1940, s/w Gillan L. Holley Clay, footstone marker with "Grandfather"
Copeland, Mary Elizabeth, b. 13 Dec 1861, d. 6 May 1903, "Daughter of Jeremiah & Emily Lee", "Wife of Rev. J. Rufus Copeland", "Her last word, 'Jesus', footstone marker with initials MEC
Gant, Infant, d. 1884, "Infant of R. E. & C. A. Gant"
Gant, John W., b. 3 Feb 1890, d. 29 May 1891, "Son of R. E. & C. A. Gant", footstone marker with initials JWG
Gant, Mary E., b. 12 Aug 1880, d. 15 Feb 1883, "Dau. of R. E. & C. A. Gant", footstone marker with initials MEG
Getsinger, Olive Barre, b. 3 May 1870, d. 18 Oct 1894, "In loving remembrance of sister", footstone marker with initials OBG
Goree, Martha, b. 10 May 1813, d. 7 Sep 1886, "Waiting for us on the other side", footstone marker with initials MG
Goree, W. O., Aged 76y, footstone marker with initials WOG
Guin, Bilzy Ann, b. 14 Oct 1840, d. 13 Jun 1907, "Asleep in Jesus" **
Guin, Infant, b. 24 Jul 1894, d. 1 Aug 1894 **
Guin, Infant, d. 22 Nov 1886, Aged 20d, "daughter of J. M. & Lula A. Guin", "Asleep in Jesus" **
Guin, John W., b. 9 Jan 1843, d. 8 Jul 1895, "Asleep in Jesus" **
Hammett, Henry, b. 20 Sep 1875, d. 6 Nov 1879, "Sweet Henry, unto earth A little while was given He plumed his wings for flight And soared away to Heaven", "son of Walter W. and Manora V. Summer", footstone marker with initials HHS
Hammett, Johnathan I., b. 24 Mar 1854, d. 17 Mar 1877, Aged 22y 11m 23d, "In memory of", illegible footstone marker.
Hammett, Sarah A., b. 3 Aug 1857, d. 18 Aug 1863, daughter of Rev. T. & N. E. Hammett, footstone marker with initials SAH (footstone fallen over beside grave)
Henson, Infant, d. 1879, "Infant of H. O. & J. A. Henson", footstone marker with single initial H
Henson, Infant, d. 1893, "Infant dau. of H. O. & J. A. Henson", footstone marker with single initial H
Henson, Jerusha A., b. 29 Apr 1857, d. 19 Dec 1893, "wife of H. O. Henson", "Her husband and seven children remain to mourn her loss", "As a wife, devoted, as a mother affectionate, as a friend, ever kind and true", footstone marker with initials JAH
Johnson, Abner Wister, b. 18 Sep 1901, d. 8 Dec 1968
Johnson, Alice D. Miller, b. 1861, d. 1940, Mother, s/w Andrew J. Johnson
Johnson, Alice Elizabeth, b. 23 Nov 1889, d. 30 Apr 1970
Johnson, Andrew J., b. 1869, d. 1945, Father, s/w Alice D. Miller Johnson
Johnson, Asa Davis, b. 26 Jan 1867, d. 18 Sep 1947
Johnson, Clyde, b. 23 Oct 1893, d. 8 Aug 1934, s/w Emma Baker Johnson, footstone marker with initials CJ
Johnson, E. Clydus, b. 20 Mar 1869, d. 27 Dec 1951
Johnson, Eliza Regenia, b. 30 Aug 1872, d. 13 Nov 1960, footstone marker with initials REJ
Johnson, Emma Baker, b. 23 Jul 1893, s/w Clyde Johnson, footstone marker with initials EBJ
Johnson, F. M., b. 24 Apr 1878, d. 7 Oct 1912, "Gone but not forgotten", footstone marker with initials FMJ
Johnson, George C., b. 10 Dec 1893, d. 19 Jul 1958, "South Carolina Pvt Btry C 1 Regt Fard World War I"
Johnson, Infant, "son of G. W. & Katie Johnson"
Johnson, Infant, b. 28 Feb 1905, d. 28 Feb 1905, "son of F. M. & M. A. Johnson", "Sweetly resting"
Johnson, Jacob J., b. 29 Dec 1895, d. 5 Feb 1980, footstone marker with the word "Brother"
Johnson, Johnie Brooks, b. 6 May 1889, d. 24 Jul 1891 **
Johnson, Katie L. Dreher, b. 29 Jan 1885, d. 3 Jan 1953, s/w George W. Ross, footstone marker with initials KLDJ
Johnson, L. B., b. 24 Oct 1858, d. 25 Dec 1928, "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection", headstone s/w Mary Guin Johnson, individual footstone markers **
Johnson, M. Gertrude Davenport, b. 1867, d. 1916, "Wife of A. D. Johnson"
Johnson, Mary Guin, b. 11 Jun 1868, d. 21 Jan 1946, "Resting in hope of a glorious resurrection", headstone s/w L. B. Johnson, individual footstone markers **
Johnson, Spergeon M., b. 29 Sep 1897, d. 11 Jan 1968
Kinard, (Mrs.) Katherine, b. 8 Sep 1787, d. 14 Sep 1856, Aged 68y 11m 14d, "This slab marks the final resting place of", "wife of Capt. M. Kinard", "in early life she connected herself with the Lutheran Church and was a faithful and consistent member. In all the relations of life if not perfect she at least furnished an example worthy of imitation. She was a devoted wife, a good mother, and kind and obliging to her neighbors None knew her but to love her. She died in peace and rests with God"
Kinard, Fannie Bee, d. 6 Sep 1863, aged 1y 5m, s/w Middleton T. Kinard & Sallie Kinard, "daughter of Middleton T. & Sallie Kinard", "The Savior said, suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for such is the kingdom of Heaven."Kinard, Middleton T., 6 Sep 1867, aged 56y, s/w Sallie Kinard & Fannie Kinard, "Sacred to the memory of", "He was a good man he died in full prospect of Heaven. He is missed by those who knew him best but most by his little orphan girls", "For none of us liveth to himself and no man dieth to himself"
Kinard, Martin (Captain), d. 5 Aug 1854, "Sacred to the memory of", "who departed this life near 76 years of age", "While young he attached himself to the Lutheran Church and during a long life was an observer of religion and sincere worshiper, having made his peace with God he was ready when the summons came, and died in humble hope of Heaven, he rests from his labors and his works follow him. He was a good Citizen, an affectionate husband and father, and a Kind Master. Respected, and honored by all who knew him." "Small & Sykes, Newberry, SC"
Kinard, Mildred Louise, b. 13 Jul 1909, d. 27 Sept 1909, Infant of J. C. & Bertha N. Kinard, footstone marker with initials.
Kinard, Sallie, d. 4 Dec 1863, aged 20y 5m, s/w Middleton T. Kinard & Fannie Kinard, "In memory of", "wife of Middleton T. Kinard and beloved daughter of B. H. & W. Harmon", "She fell on sleep in full hope of Heaven." "She was an affectionate wife, mother, sister and a devoted daughter-long will her memory be cherished by those who knew her.", "Write, Blessed are the dead who die in thee Lord, from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them." "Rest sweet child"
Murray, Ruby Polatty, b. 20 Jan 1886, d. 5 Feb 1906, "Gone but not forgotten", "My Wife", "Daughter of T.F. & M. A. Polatty", "Wife of M. P. A. Murray", footstone marker with initials RM
Oxner, Catherine Talulah, b. 13 May 1862, d. 7 May 1887, "wife of M. W. Oxner", "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, that they may rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.", footstone marker with initials CTO *
Oxner, James Uriah, b. 30 Mar 1854, d. 31 Jan 1882, footstone marker with initials JUO *
Oxner, Lawrence Goree, b. 5 Aug 1892, d. 8 Jun 1958, "son of Manuel W. and Nancy J. Oxner" *
Oxner, Lemuel G., b. 8 Nov 1864, d. 14 Jun 1891, "son of Lemuel and Sara C. Oxner *
Oxner, Lemuel, b. 21 Mar 1817, d. 22 Sep 1887, s/w S. C. Oxner, "Our parents", "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" *
Oxner, M. S., b. 3 Jan 1861, d. 30 Jun 1863, Aged 2y 5m 27d, "Sacred to the memory of", "son of L. & S. Oxner *
Oxner, M. W. (Wash), b. 15 Oct 1902, d. 19 Apr 1987, "Farmer, merchant, churchman Graduate of Newberry College Vet. WWII Liked by all who knew him"
Oxner, Manuel W., b. 16 Nov 1862, d. 13 Oct 1942, "He rests amid the fields he loved and tilled" *
Oxner, Nancy Jane Howell, b. 10 Jul 1864, d. 27 Mar 1938, "wife of M. W. Oxner", "A faithful wife, devoted mother and kind neighbor" *
Oxner, S. C., b. 5 May 1839, d. 23 Jun 1888, s/w Lemuel Oxner *
Oxner, Sadye M., b. 4 Mar 1902, d. 15 Oct 2001, "wife of Van C. Oxner, Sr" *
Oxner, Van C., Jr., b. 14 Oct 1928, d. 4 Nov 2001 *
Oxner, Vannoir C., Sr., b. 16 Jul 1894, d. 24 Dec 1971 *
Polatty, Mamie A., b. 23 Jul 1866, d. 7 Feb 1901, "Wife of T. F. Polatty", footstone marker with initials MAP
Rhodes, John Wesley, b. 5 Dec 1827, d. 20 Jun 1891, footstone marker with initials JWR.
Rhodes, Lou, no dates, aged 89y
Ross, George W., b. 17 Feb 1882, d. 8 Jan 1953, s/w Katie L. Dreher Johnson, footstone marker with initials GWWR
Summer, Elizabeth Johnson, b. 6 Aug 1879, d. 12 Apr 1921, "Wife of J. P. Summer", s/w Eunice Haltiwanger Summer and J. P. Summer, footstone marker with initialsEJS
Summer, Elizabeth, d. 8 Mar 1887, Aged 71y 11m 9d, "In loving remembrance of Our Mother, Her end was peace", footstone marker with initials ES
Summer, Eunice Haltiwanger, b. 23 Aug 1886, d. 15 Aug 1962, "Wife of J. P. Summer", s/w Elizabeth Johnson Summer and J. P. Summer, footstone marker with initials EHS
Summer, Infant, b. 15 Apr 1890, d. 20 Apr 1890, Infant of Walter W. and Lavinia Summer, footstone marker with single initial I.
Summer, Infants, no dates, "daughters of Mr. & Mrs. J. P. Summer
Summer, J. P., b. 27 Mar 1885, d. 4 Jul 1970, s/w Elizabeth Johnson Summer and Eunice Haltiwanger Summer, footstone marker with initials JPS
Summer, Jacob, b. 5 May 1817, d. 6 Apr 1880, In memory of, "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord", footstone marker with initials JS
Summer, Lavinia Meadors, b. 14 Oct 1856, d. 4 Nov 1926, "The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want", wife of Walter W. Summer, footstone marker with initials LMS.
Summer, Manora V., b. 8 Mar 1852, d. 30 Apr 1878, Aged 26y 1m 22d, "In memory of", "wife of W. W. Summer and daughter of Rev. Thomas & N. E. Hammett", "She leaves three children too young to realize their loss. She was a devoted Christian and died in full triumph of Heaven", "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord, they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.", footstone marker with initials MVS
Summer, Mary Brantley, b. 24 Aug 1872, d. 7 Jan 1894, "She died as she lived. A Christian. Fond memory points our hearts to Thee", daughter of W. W. & Manora Summer, footstone marker with initials MBS.
Summer, Walter W., b. 12 Jul 1850, d. 30 May 1912, "Asleep in Jesus", back of headstone states Summer, footstone marker with initials WWS.
Taylor, Mrs. N. E., b. 2 Nov 1833, d. 1 Nov 1889, Aged 55y 11m 29d, "In loving remembrance of Grandmother, We loved thee, We miss thee We will meet you again", footstone marker with initials NET.
Williams, Pearl Johnson, b. 21 Jul 1896, d. 20 Dec 1972, "Rest in peace", "Asleep in Jesus"**
Wright, Daniel P., b. 19 Nov 1872, d. 27 Jun 1948
Wright, Ida Mars, b. 24 Jul 1868, d. 21 Feb 1955
Wright, James David, b. 25 Jul 1941, d. 14 Feb 1942, footstone marker with initials JDW
Wright, John N., b. 1 Jan 1893, d. 12 Oct 1970, "son of Daniel P. & Ida Mars Wright", footstone marker with "Uncle"
Wright, Luther, b. 8 Dec 1909, d. 30 May 1986, "Son of Annie Wright", s/w Mary L. Wright, "Parents of Jack R. & David Wright", footstone marker with "Father"
Wright, Mary Lollis, b. 13 Jul 1909, d. 25 Aug 1984, "Dau. Of Clifton & Sallie Lollis", s/w Luther Wright, "Parents of Jack R. & David Wright", footstone marker with "Mother"
??, ??, headstone and footstone markers both with initials FBK
??, ??, headstone marker with initials TFP, blank footstone marker, noted that grave is beside that of Mamie A. Polatty-probably grave of T. F. Polatty
??, ??, this grave had only a plain headstone with initials J. S.
* Oxner, Here about lie the bodies of Manuel W. Oxner, donor of church land, and his wife, Nancy Jane Howell Oxner, and their six children, except: G. Dewey Oxner (13 Mar 1898 - 17 Jan 1960) Senior Associate Justice, South Carolina Supreme Court, Interred At Springwood Cemetery, Greenville, SC and J. Carlisle Oxner (26 Apr 1900 - 4 Mar 1993) Attorney At Law, Owner of lands adjoining church land, interred at Elmwood Cemetery, Columbia, SC
** Coping surrounded eight graves: those of Bilzy Ann Guin, John W. Guin, Pearl Johnson Williams, Mary Guin Johnson, L. B. Johnson, Infant, Johnie Brooks Johnson & Infant daughter Guin