Search Tennessee Death Records
Tennessee Newspapers, Full Search (1793-1969), 113 titles
Tennessee Obituary Search - (1990-current)
Tennessee Funeral Notices
Adcock, Henry Cemetery
Ivy Point, Davidson County, Tennessee
GPS: 36.359782, -86.776824
2948 Greer RD
Ivy Point, TN 37072
Davidson County, TN Parcel ID#: 01100020200
Published: March 12, 2020
Total records: 3
Adcock, Henry Cemetery is accessed via private property (street address above). The parcel ID# above is for the actual cemetery, and is public property.
Cemetery Records
Records below were transcribed under the, "Davidson County Cemetery Survey", a volunteer-conducted survey of family & community cemeteries in Davidson County, TN. This project began in Fall of 1999, originally launched by 12 members of the National Society of The Colonial Dames of America (NSCDA). The resulting survey was published on its website, and placed into the public domain through Davidson County's Metropolitan Goverment Archives.
Adcock, Henry Cemetery
Records for Adcock, Henry Cemetery was originally surveyed by Davidson County Cemetery Survey on November 28, 2000.
ADCOX, N.E., d. 9/30/1879, N E DAUG/ HTR OF/ ED AND JA ADC/OX BORD DEC 3 1872/ DIED SEPT 30 1879
ADCOCK, Henry, d. 8/9/1880, ADCOCK, HENRY/ 27 AUG 1812-09 AUG 1880/ ADCOCK, ELIZABETH (BETSY)/ WIFE OF HENRY ADCOCK/ 30 DEC 1815-10 JUL 1887
ADCOCK, Elizabeth (Betsy), d. 7/10/1887, ADCOCK, HENRY/ 27 AUG 1812-09 AUG 1880/ ADCOCK, ELIZABETH (BETSY)/ WIFE OF HENRY ADCOCK/ 30 DEC 1815-10 JUL 1887