Search Tennessee Death Records
Tennessee Newspapers, Full Search (1793-1969), 113 titles
Tennessee Obituary Search - (1990-current)
Tennessee Funeral Notices
Moore Cemetery
Haywood County, Tennessee
Hillville Road, Hillville, TN
Lat: 35°27'22"N, Lon: 89°10'29"W
Contributed by Lynda Clarke, Jul 05, 2002 []. Total records = 100.
Located approximately 1 mile west of Hillville about 100 yards off the road on Hillville Road, Hillville, Tennessee.
The following list is a compilation of funeral home records, those copied by volunteers, recollections of long-time residents of the community and some notes I made from my own family research and visits to the cemetery.� Basically all were the same information.�
This cemetery has a lot of unmarked graves.� Either a tombstone was not put down or has been broken or deteriorated over the years. Some notes state that they discontinued using this cemetery because so many unmarked graves were uncovered when attempting a new burial.
- Lynda Clarke
Adams, Brittain, b. 6/15/1759, d. 8/5/1834, Born Sussex County, Virginia, He was a soldier of the Revolution and 50 years a, ,respectable member of the M.E. Church
Adams, James/Joseph Knox, b. 9/5/1853, d. 4/22/1858, Youngest son of T. & E. Adams, Suffer little children to come unto me & forbid them,,not for of such is the kingdom of God
Adams, Mary Elizabeth, b. 1/28/1837, d. 9/20/1845, Daughter of T. A. & E. Adams, Rest sweet Mary, rest in the arms of Jesus where you are forever blest
Adams, Thomas A., b. 8/2/1806, d. 4/21/1862, 'Masonic Emblem', Aged 55 y's, 8 m's, 19 d's, He died as he lived trusting in God
Adams, Unity, b. 8/5/1761, d. 3/1/1835, Born Edgecombe County, North Carolina, ,wife of Brittain Adams.� "She was 50 years a respectable member of the M. E. Church, Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord
Bennard, Liza, b. no info., d. no info
Bennard, Mattie, b. no info., d. no info
Boggs, Infant Daughter, b. 12/07/1908, d. 12/07/1908, Daughter of R.M & M. L. Boggs, Gone to be an Angel", ,Wife of Samuel A. Boggs
Boggs, Maud L., b. 9/27/1888, d. 10/17/1910, Wife of R. M. Boggs, Gone but not forgotten
Boggs, Sam, b. 7/29/1876, d. 1/26/1912, Gone from our home but not from our hearts
Boggs, Samuel A., b. 3/8/1844, d. 12/11/1912, Double Marker for Samuel A. and, ,Mary M. "Gone but not forgotten
Bruce, C. T. (Charles T.), b. 11/13/1883, d. 12/27/1908, Gone but not forgotten
Burns, Viola, b. abt 1912, d. 4/03/1920, Age 8 years, 5 months, Asleep in Jesus
Cook, Dan, b. No info, d. No info
Cook, Jess L., b. 5/8/1859, d. 6/27/1916, Gone but not forgotten
Cook, John, b. 8/27/1811, d. 10/15/1866, Gone but not forgotten
Cook, Lillie Humphrey, b. 2/27/1870, d. 11/06/1936, Wife of J. L. Cook
Cook, Sarah, b. 12/13/1829, d. 4/5/1897, Wife of John Cook, Our Darling One Hath Gone Before to Greet Us on the Blissful Shore
Doyle, Ethar A., b. 5/30/1844, d. 9/12/1912, Daughter of F.M. & K.N. Doyle, Thy Will Be Done
Doyle, Infant Daughter, b. 5/08/1907, d. 5/08/1907, Daughter of F.M. & T.C.Doyle
Doyle, Katie N., b. 4/30/1857, d. 2/24/1901, Wife of F.M.Doyle ,"She died as she lived trusting in God
Elrod, Mattie E., b. 1/04/1912, d. 2/05/1915, Daughter of C.M. & M.L. Elrod, Gone but not forgotten
England, John, b. No info, d. No info
England, Mrs, no dates, Wife of ----England
Evans, Samuel�, b. 3/03/1905, d. 2/04/1907, At Rest" Son, Two small graves on each side of �Samuel Evans' marker, with loose stones (in 1969 when this notation was made)
Felts, �(Mrs.) Amulva, b. No info, d. No info
Ford, Alice, b. No info, d. No info, Daughter of William and Martha McGee Ford
Ford, Harriett Mittie Goodman, b. 9/20/1852, d. no date, Wife of J. H. Ford, Dau of Nancy Hines Moore, and ,Hill Goodman Mulherrin
Ford, J. H., b. 4/6/1842, d. 5/01/1903, Double Marker for Mittie and J. H., Blessed are thepure in heart for they shall see God
Ford, Martha McGee, no date, Wife of William Ford
Ford, William, no dates
Glenn, Frances, b. 12/28/1849, d. 2/18/1862, Daughter of John C. & Elizer J. Glenn, Fear not Little Flock For It is Your Father's good Pleasure To Give You The Kingdom
Harrison, Carrilon McGee, no date, Wife of Mute Harrison
Harrison, Mute, no dates
Hill, Ashley Wilson, b. 7/31/1876, d. 4/9/1878, Son of J. H. and M. E. Hill ,John Henry and Mary E. Hill, Of such is the kingdom of Heaven
Hill, F.P. (Fountain Pitts), b. 1/27/1843, d. 3/2/1907*, *actual date of death is 1908 per documentation, ,Son of Rev. Richard and Lucinda Hill. ,Double Marker for Mary J. and F. P., Gone From Our Home But Not From Our Hearts
Hill, Infants, no dates, All of the infants of Nancy Hines (Moore) Hill, she was married to Rev. Richard Hill's uncle, John Hill who died about 1851
Hill, John Henry, b. abt 1851, d. 11/19/1936, No marker, ,Son of Rev. Richard and Lucinda Hill, 1st wife was Mary E. Long, 2nd wife Ninnie Cloyd McDowell
Hill, L C. (Lucinda Caroline Hill), b. 4/27/1825, d. 11/19/1898, Wife of Rev. Richard Hill
Hill, Mary J. (Mary Josephine Kelton), b. 12/28/1846, d. 12/24/1908, Wife of F. P. Hill
Hill, Rev. Richard (Peebles), b. 3/2/1822, d. 2/18/1900, Double Marker for L. C. and Richard, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God, Son of William and Nancy Peebles Hill, grandson of Rev. Green Hill, Jr
House, Aldolphus T., b. 8/12/1854, d. 1/16/1858, Son of S.J. and T.T. House, Sleep lovely Aldophus and take thy rest, God called thee home when he thought best
House, Alice Kelso, b. 1855, d. Abt 1896, Wife of John Wesley House
House, Alicey C. M., b. 9/29/1837, d. 8/1/1841, Daughter of John and Terecy House, Sleep lovely Ailcey and take they rest.� God called thee home when he thought best
House, James McFarland, b. 7/17/1872, d. 11/16/1872, Son of C. G. and M. R.� House
House, Joseph A., b. 8/19/1845, d. 1/7/1858, Son of S.John and Terecy T. House, Like the dove to the ark, Thou hast fled to they rest, From the wild sea of life, To the home blest
House, Lizzie Polk, b. 1880, d. 1893, Daughter of J. W. and Alice Kelso House
House, Martha Ann Kenny, b. 11/23/1845, d. 9/22/1868, 1st Wife of C.G. House, Daughter of T.P. Kenny, She was a kind and affectionate wife, fond Mother, and a friend to all
House, S. John, b. Abt 1811, d. no date, 1st Wife Teresa Twigg House
House, Theresa/Terecy T.(Twigg), b. 2/6/1811, d. 11/10/1858, 1st Wife of S. John House, The Lord Giveth, The Lord Taketh Away ,Blessed are they who die in the Lord
Kelso, Anna Rose Collins Hines, b. 1791, d. 1874, 2nd Wife of J.G. Kelso, 1st Husband David Hines
Kelso, Elizabeth/Betty Ann Jones, b. 12/24/1837, d. 12/00/1910, Wife of W.S.Kelso, daughter� of J.T. and SJC Jones
Kelso, Emily, b. 1901, d. 1907
Kelso, H. Jennie Kelly (Hiley Jane/Jennie), b. 1860, d. 1903, Wife of R.H.Kelso, Hiley Jane/Jennie Kelly K
Kelso, Henrietta Etheridge, b. 1828, d. 1871, 1st Wife of J.F.Kelso, daughter of ---Etheridge
Kelso, Hunter, no dates, Son of James Joseph and� Emma Ford Kelso
Kelso, James Joseph 'Jim', b. 2/4/1850, d. 9/05/1929
Kelso, John Franklin, b. 1822, d. 1877, 1st wife, H. Etheridge, 2nd, Widow Thompson, � CSA
Kelso, Joseph Garrison, b. 1784, d. 7/21/1846, War of 1812 Veteran. 1st Wife Virginia Hardnett
Kelso, Mary Emma Ford, b. 12/26/1852, d. 2/02/1903, Wife of James Joseph Kelso
Kelso, Mollie E., b. 1872, d. 1882, Daughter of� James Joseph and� Emma Ford Kelso
Kelso, Ophelia, b. 1886, d. 1904
Kelso, Richard/Dick Hill, b. 7/29/1860, d. 1929, 1st Wife H.J.Kelly, 2nd Wife Mrs. Lillie Pepper
Kelso, William Stephen, b. 1829, d. 1896
Kenny, Daniel Carroll, b. 5/30/1852, d. 5/21/1853, Son of T.P. and Mary Ann Kenny
Kenny, Delila Patton, b. 3/15/1778, d. 10/14/185?, Wife of Robert Kenny, Daughter of� Captain Thomas Patton.� She was a member of the Baptist Church for 56 years.� (Stone broken � 1969 notation)
Kenny, Delphia Ann Moore, b. 5/28/1817, d. 9/29/1839, 1st Wife of� T. P. Kenny, daughter of Wm and Frances Moore, Born in Pitt Co., North Carolina
Kenny, E., b. 5/4/1846, d. 12/28/1885, Wife of F. M. Kenny, Jesus loves the pure & holy
Kenny, J. E., b. 5/10/1874, d. 9/15/1890, Gone but not forgotten
Kenny, James Haywood, b. 9/14/1839, d. 12/13/1839, Son of Thomas P. and Delphia Ann� Kenny
Kenny, M., b. 4/30/1872, d. 10/3/1889, Jesus loves the pure & holy
Kenny, Mary Ann Sammons, b. 5/28/1817, d. 10/21/1860, "In Memory of Ann, Second wife of Thos. P. Kenny and daughter of Rev. A. Sammons, Born in Sussex Co., Virginia."� Age 43 ys, 4 ms, 23 ds, A member of the Baptist Church 10 years, 5 months, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth yea saith the Spirt that they may rest from their labours and their works do follow them
Kenny, Robert, 1969 notation, Right beside the grave of Delila Kenny was a foot marker with the initials R. K.� There was also a broken stone and the only words readable were:� member of the Church for years, Stone broken, dates not available
Kenny, Sarah Sophronia, b. 1/18/1841, d. 1/18/1858, Daughter of T. P. and Mary Ann Kenny, ,18 years of age.� "Be ye therefore ready also for the Son of man cometh at an hour when you think not
Kenny, William Robert, b. 9/16/1838, d. 7/18/1852, Son of T. P. and Delphia Ann Kenny
McBride, Bill, no dates
McGee, John M., b. 3/27/1844, d. 6/07/1910
McMahen, James A., b. 9/19/1843, d. 5/29/1860, Son of W. C. and C. H. McMahen (nephew of Rev. Richard Hill, son of Wm C and Catherine Hill McMahen � she was the sister of Rev. Richard Hill, daughter of Wm and Nancy Peebles Hill)
Moody, Sarah Sanderlin McCrosky, b. no dates, d. no dates, Wife of I. L. Moody, 1st husband� - - McCrosky, She taught the first school in Brownsville, TN
Moody�, Issac Lunsford, no dates
Moore, Annie A. Kelso, b. 7/29/1863, d. 7/04/1910, Wife of E. E. Moore 'Gus', daughter of� John Kelso, She died as she lived Trusting in God
Moore, Frances, b. 11/22/1845, d. 9/8/1851, Little Frances, Daughter of A. and Elizabeth Moore
Moore, George, b. 9/25/1803, d. 9/14/1838, 1st Husband of Nancy Hines Moore Hill Goodman Mulherrin
Moore, John Polk, no dates, Infant Son of E. E. and A. K. Moore
Moore, Norah/Nora, no dates, Infant Daughter of E. E. and A. K. Moore
Moore, Samuel Polk, b. 1832, d. no date, Wife Amanda M., Son of George Moore and Nancy Hines Moore (Hill Goodman Mulherrin)
Naylor, Infants, no date, Children of A. A. & Ada Kelso Naylor
Naylor, Marvin C. and Martha Ann, d. 1969, Two graves of infants of A. A. and Ada Kelso Naylor, (given names from funeral home records)� Markers made of molded concrete blocks, no inscriptions
Newsom, Infant Daughter, b. 6/06/1903, d. 6/06/1903, Daughter of R. L. & Martha Kelso Newsom
Nichols, Omer, b. 5/03/1900, d. 9/14/1900, Son of Monroe and Annie, Copied from small marker
Pearson, Guss, no dates
Thornton, Eulala, b. 11/08/1902, d. 12/07/1907, Daughter of W. T. and Elma Thornton
Thornton, W. T., b. 1/21/1880, d. 1/22/1913, He is at Rest
Walden, Annie� Rice, b. 3/17/1861, d. 3/24/1912, Wife of T. F. Walden, In Memory of Our Mother, She died as she lived trusting in God
Walden, Marvin H., b. 3/24/1887, d. 1/11/1907, He is at rest
Walden, T. F. "Pete", b. 1855, d. 1931, Father
Wilson, Emma, b. 1/8/1880, d. 5/19/1904, Wife of R. M. Wilson, Come to a better land
Wilson, Sam, no dates, Wife Harietta House � she married again, Bur-AR, (from funeral home records)
Wilson, W. S., b. 4/6/1872, d. 8/27/1908, Gone but not forgotten
Young, Emma, b. 2/18/1871, d. 2/17/1905, "God gave. He has taken.� He will restore.� He doeth all things.�� At rest Emma, Wife of Prof. W. I. Young