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Turner Family Cemetery
New Caney, Montgomery County, Texas

Contributed by Bob Haman, Aug 30, 2000 [haman@mindspring.com]. Total records = 11.

FM 1485 West at Kidd Road
New Caney, Texas

Turner Family Cemetery was established in 1950. It is located in the South East side of Kidd Rd. behind the New Caney Volunteer Fire Department Station. Compiled by Barbie Turner-Coleman, Jul 2000, barbiec59@hotmail.com.

Anderson, Wanda, b. 10-14-1949 Texas, d. 06-02-1998 Humble Tx
Bond, Leavon E. Arrendell-Turner, b. 11-17-1933 Cleveland Tx, d. 06-16-1992 Humble Tx
Lankford, Charles Elton, b. 02-18-1935 Texas, d. 06-02-1981 Houston Tx
Lankford, John William, b. ??, Texas, d. 03-1990 Humble Tx
Lankford, Juanita Bernice, b. 08-04-1915 unknown, d. 03-28-1988 Humble Tx
Simmons, James Felix, b. 08-18-1912, d. 07-16-1973 Texas, Note: Pvt. US Army World War II
Simmons, Virginia Dell, b. 10-15-1918 unknown, d. 02-17-1975 Texas
Turner, Arthur Oscar "Otto", b. 09-13-1931 New Caney Tx, d. 03-10-1978 Houston Tx
Turner, John Robinson, b. 07-28-1891, New Caney Tx, d. 01-28-1963, New Caney Tx, Texas Pvt. US Army World War I
Turner, Maud, b. 10-27-1896, New Caney Tx, d. 01-26-1978 Cleveland, Tx
Turner, Ruby Rachel, b. 08-30-1902 New Caney Tx, d. 07-01-1979 Cleveland Tx

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