Search Texas Death Records
Texas Newspapers, Full Search (1813-2018), 671 titles
Texas Obituary Search - (1867-current)
Texas Birth Records Database, (1813-1999)
Shamrock Cemetery
Shamrock, Wheeler County, Texas
Contributed by Kay Martindale [].
Farmer, Betra M., b. 11/19/1895, d. 4/28/1976, Blk-B, L-67, Sp #3
Farmer, Clifford L., b. 8/02/1926, d. no date, Blk-I2, L-54, Sp #2
Farmer, Fred F., b. 1/9/1896, d. 11/13/1963, Blk-B, L-67, Sp #4
Farmer, Ione Durham, b. 1925, d. 1948, Blk-F, L-26, Sp #1
Farmer, Minnie, b. 1875, d. 1950, Blk-B, L-67, Sp #6
Farmer, Wiletta, b. 9/20/1935, d. 3/22/1991, Blk-I2, L-54, Sp #1
Featherston, Frances E. Bechtol, b. 4/08/1937, d. 9/08/2000, Blk-B, L-16, Sp #2
Felder, Elizabeth, b. 1882, d. 1950, Blk-C, L-57, Sp #5
Felder, J. B. Jr., b. 4/12/1917, d. 1/20/1918, Blk-C, L-57, Sp #8
Felder, James B., b. 1876, d. 1947, Blk-C, L-57, Sp #6
Felder, James M., b. 3/22/1865, d. 7/31/1919, Blk-C, L-29, Sp #4
Fenley, Erma c., b. 1916, d. 1987, Blk-G2, L-39, Sp #1
Fenley, J. B., b. 1909, d. 1992, Blk-G2, L-39, Sp #2
Ferril, Bill L., b. 1911, d. 1981, Blk-G2, L-35, Sp #8
Ferril, Joyce Wheeler, b. 13 Mar 1944, d. 14 Jun 2004, Blk G2, L 35, Sp #3
Ferril, Myrtle Lavina Coe, b. 28 Dec 1916, d. 24 Apr 2003, Blk G2, L 35, Sp #7
Ferril, Myrtle, b. 1916, d. no date, Blk-G2, L-35, Sp #7
Ferril, Wanda Geraldine Bradley, b. 9 Nov 1932, d. 22 Jul 2004, Blk I2, L 51, Sp #5
Ferril, William David Lee II, b. 1/24/1964, d. 1/24/1964, Blk-G2, L-35, Sp #4
Ferris, Ben H., b. 1895, d. 1968, Blk-H2, L-35, Sp #4
Ferris, Nora A., b. 1899, d. 1969, Blk-H2, L-35, Sp #3
Fichtler, Estelline, b. 8/11/1919, d. 1/20/2000, Blk-J2, L-31, Sp #1
Field, Mary Ann, b. 8 Feb 1944, d. 27 Oct 2004, Blk G2, L 58, Sp #3A
Fields, Alma lee, b. 1915, d. 1938, Blk-F, L-47, Sp #3
Fields, Flora Lee, b. 1895, d. 1982, Blk-F, L-47, Sp #7
Fields, Hamm Taylor, b. 1890, d. 1963, Blk-F, L-47, Sp #8
Fields, John Wallace, b. 17 Oct 1917, d. 3 Jan 2005, Blk F, L 47, Sp #6, *
Fields, Joseph J., b. 7/2/1888, d. 10/17/1969, Blk-A, L-106, Sp #5
Fields, Louise Worley, b. 4/23/1903, d. 11/30/1990, Blk-A, L-106, Sp #4
Finch, Maudie May, b. 4/6/1900, d. 2/14/1966, Blk-F, L-70, Sp #7
Finch, Sallie Ann, b. 10/02/1935, d. 9/16/1937, Blk-F, L-70, Sp #4
Finch, Willliam H., b. 2/14/1895, d. 10/02/1935, Blk-F, L-70, Sp #8
Fincher, Paul, b. 5/09/1910, d. 6/04/1937, Blk-F, L-52, Sp #4A
Finley, Andrew H., b. 1/23/1887, d. 2/21/1967, Blk-C, L-8, Sp #1
Finley, Ernest Howard, b. 6/21/1906, d. 9/17/1906, Blk-C, L-8, Sp #5A
Finley, Hiram W., b. 1883, d. 1936, Blk-C, L-9, Sp #4
Finley, Mamie M, b. 11/12/1888, d. 10/26/1970, Blk-C, L-8, Sp #2
Finley, Mamie ruth, b. 12/13/2019, d. 7/19/1920, Blk-C, L-8, Sp #5
Finley, Mamie, b. 1889, d. 1920, Blk-C, L-9, Sp #3
Finley, Roy Howard, b. 5/09/1934, d. 7-0-1934, Blk-C, L-8, Sp #6
Fischer, George Caperton, b. 1884, d. 1971, Blk-B, L-93, Sp #1
Fischer, John S., b. 4/9/1877, d. 5/01/1952, Blk-B, L-93, Sp #2, *
Fischer, Leigh H., b. 8/26/1915, d. 9/14/1971, Blk-B, L-93, Sp #3, *
Fleener, Margie Caperton, b. 1/15/1882, d. 4/12/1956, Blk-B, L-94, Sp #6
Fleming, Art, b. 1891, d. 1966, Blk-A, L-22, Sp #6
Fleming, Delia, b. 1904, d. 1990, Blk-A, L-22, Sp #5
Fleming, Henry M., b. 4/22/1858, d. 2/15/1938, Blk-A, L-22, Sp #8
Fleming, Mollie E., b. 10/2/1857, d. 7/04/1929, Blk-A, L-22, Sp #7
Flick, Lizzie G., b. 3/02/1906, d. 8/25/1974, Blk-C, L-79, Sp #5
Flowers, David F., b. 8/25/1844, d. 10/10/1924, Blk-A, L-62, Sp #8
Flowers, Gladys N., b. 1/16/1908, d. 11/15/1987, Blk-I2, L-23, Sp #2
Flowers, Tom, b. 1/08/1904, d. 3/14/2000, Blk-I2, L-23, Sp #1
Flyr, Charles W., b. 1900, d. 1994, Blk-G2, L-9, Sp #4
Flyr, Goldie, b. 25 Dec 1909, d. 2 Aug 2006, Blk G2, L 9, Sp #3
Ford, Clyde Lee, b. 15 Apr 1939, d. 16 Feb 2003, Blk L2, L 13, Sp #2, *
Ford, Daniel lee, b. 11/17/1959, d. 11/17/1959, Blk-F, L-127, Sp #1
Forgay, Rebecca D., b. 1986, d. 1986, Blk-H2, L-2122, Sp #
Forguson, Johnie, b. 16 Mar 1913, d. 6 Apr 2003, Blk G, L 12, Sp #8
Forguson, Kenneth Lee, b. 3/21/1939, d. 2/04/1944, Blk-G, L-12, Sp #6, *
Forguson, Mabel Marie, b. 9 Aug 1917, d. 5 May 2005, Blk G, L 12, Sp #7
Forgy, Herbert Edwin, b. 12/7/1880, d. 5/01/1962, Blk-B, L-101, Sp #4
Forgy, Herbert Esca, b. 11/10/1902, d. 3/09/1985, Blk-G, L-6, Sp #6, *
Forgy, Josephine Bryan, b. 2 Mar 1904, d. 1 Mar 2002, Blk G, L 6, Sp #5
Forgy, Josephine Bryan, b. 3/02/1904, d. no date, Blk-G, L-6, Sp #5
Forgy, Willetta Maye, b. 9/11/1879, d. 10/30/1954, Blk-B, L-101, Sp #3
Forsyth, Arthur, b. 9/9/1892, d. 12/15/1964, Blk-A, L-82, Sp #8
Forsyth, J. A., b. 12/02/1921, d. 10/01/1922, Blk-A, L-82, Sp #6
Forsyth, Orvile E., b. 2/01/1923, d. 7/27/1965, Blk-A, L-82, Sp #5, *
Forsyth, Virgie Earl, b. 1903, d. 1952, Blk-A, L-82, Sp #7
Foshee, Claudie Lee, b. 11/30/1899, d. 7/30/1971, Blk-F, L-75, Sp #5
Foshee, Ruthie Mae, b. 9/22/1904, d. 5/14/1970, Blk-F, L-75, Sp #6
Foshee, Troy Pinkney, b. 1929, d. 1934, Blk-F, L-75, Sp #2
Foster, Beecher Payne, b. 10/24/1866, d. 10/24/1950, Blk-E, L-44, Sp #4
Francis, Belinda Gail, b. 10 Jul 1968, d. 28 Jul 2006, Blk I2, L 24, Sp #2
Francis, Johnnie Adell, b. 8/09/1909, d. no date, Blk-F, L-107, Sp #1
Franklin, Eliza B., b. 5/15/1869, d. 9/14/1939, Blk-A, L-10, Sp #7
Franklin, Emil Seidel, b. 1914, d. 1988, Blk-G2, L-28, Sp #3
Franklin, Mary L., b. 11/13/1888, d. 9/25/1963, Blk-G2, L-28, Sp #8
Franklin, T. W., b. 2/4/1864, d. 1/09/1940, Blk-A, L-10, Sp #8
Franklin, William P., b. 11/03/1907, d. 11/14/1994, Blk-G2, L-28, Sp #4
Franks, Bryant, b. 10/27/1909, d. 8/06/1969, Blk-I2, L-29, Sp #4
Franks, Dorothy Nell, b. 1934, d. 1936, Blk-A, L-13, Sp #1
Franks, Fredrick T., b. 1964, d. 1964, Blk-A, L-13, Sp #2
Franks, James Foster, b. 1912, d. 1967, Blk-A, L-13, Sp #2a
Franks, Jenel Vinyard, b. 1/15/1930, d. no date, Blk-I2, L-66, Sp #3
Franks, Jesse Carlton, b. 10/08/1924, d. 8/24/1983, Blk-I2, L-66, Sp #4
Franks, Lucille Milligan, b. 6 Mar 1915, d. 1 Dec 2002, Blk A, L 13, Sp #3
Franks, Mary Louise, b. 12/24/1969, d. 9/05/1970, Blk-I2, L-24, Sp #1A
Franks, Movelda Phillips, b. 6/03/1914, d. 1/13/1997, Blk-I2, L-29, Sp #3
Franks, Wayne Francis, b. 4/21/1989, d. 1989, Blk-I2, L-24, Sp #1
Fredenrich, M. Matilda, b. 1860, d. 1940, Blk-D, L-17, Sp #7
Free, Oscar C., b. 2/19/1893, d. 8/28/1972, Blk-H2, L-43, Sp #8
Free, Ruby S., b., d. 7/09/1998, Blk-H2, L-43, Sp #7
Freudenrich, Cora Bell, b. 11/4/1893, d. 7/06/1941, Blk-F, L-52, Sp #8
Freudenrich, Mary Bell, b. 1884, d. 1971, Blk-D, L-7, Sp #3
Freudenrich, Robert L., b. 6/25/1891, d. 4/17/1964, Blk-D, L-7, Sp #4
Fritz, H. W., b. 11/7/1895, d. 12/12/1917, Blk-C, L-81, Sp #8
Frost, James E., b. 1955, d. 1974, Blk-I2, L-45, Sp #3
Frost, Thomas A., b. 1957, d. 1974, Blk-I2, L-45, Sp #4
Fry, Audrey I., b. 3/18/1908, d. 5/09/1928, Blk-D, L-39, Sp #5
Frye, Alma Pearl Watson, b. 12/22/1911, d. 2/08/1932, Blk-F, L-97, Sp #8
Frye, Douglas Warren, b. 1932, d. 1983, Blk-F, L-97, Sp #7, *
Fulbright, Jackie Lee, b. 12/06/1906, d. 6/07/1963, Blk-I2, L-9, Sp #6, *
Fuller, Cecil Eugene, b. 1/08/1915, d. 11/23/1998, Blk-A, L-102, Sp #3
Fuller, Essie Mae, b. 8/15/1916, d. no date, Blk-A, L-102, Sp #2
Fuller, Ina Frances, b. 12/11/1894, d. 4/04/1967, Blk-E, L-100, Sp #7
Fuller, James Daniel, b. 11/28/1921, d. 9/15/1959, Blk-E, L-100, Sp #5
Fuller, Robert H., b. 1/5/1893, d. 6/10/1977, Blk-E, L-100, Sp #8
Fuller, Robert Maxwell, b. 6/22/1925, d. 1/22/1944, Blk-E, L-100, Sp #6
Gage, Bobbie Sue, b. 9/01/1929, d. 5/21/1930, Blk-D, L-25, Sp #4
Gage, Geraldine, b. 2/02/1924, d. 7/07/1931, Blk-D, L-25, Sp #3
Gaither, Billy Wayne, b. 1930, d. 1979, Blk-A, L-47, Sp #5
Gaither, Lemuel B., b. 8/25/1915, d. 7/19/1984, Blk-A, L-47, Sp #1, *
Gaither, R. C., b. 9/23/1884, d. 8/04/1940, Blk-A, L-47, Sp #6
Galbreath, Alma, b. 3/15/1897, d. 9/24/1987, Blk-D, L-13, Sp #3
Galbreath, B. J., b. 2/3/1887, d. 12/20/1926, Blk-D, L-12, Sp #8
Galbreath, Carl Leslie, b. 6/21/1925, d. 4/15/2000, Blk-L2, L-2, Sp #2
Galbreath, Clemmie, b. 12/16/1903, d. 4/12/1935, Blk-D, L-13, Sp #5
Galbreath, Dee, b. 2/24/1892, d. 2/22/1954, Blk-D, L-13, Sp #4
Galbreath, George Max, b. 7/16/1922, d. 12/22/1944, Blk-D, L-12, Sp #4, *
Galbreath, James, b. 5/21/1924, d. 1/19/1987, Blk-D, L-13, Sp #6, *
Galbreath, Lilah C., b. 8/3/1892, d. 12/07/1960, Blk-D, L-12, Sp #7
Gamage, Beverly tucker, b. 11/12/1936, d. 5/07/1960, Blk-D, L-53, Sp #2
Ganada, G. J., b. 1879, d. 1949, Blk-E, L-45, Sp #5
Garcia, Alfredo, b. 10/12/1961, d. 5/31/1982, Blk-H, L-14, Sp #8
Garcia, Antonio Manuel, b. 8/04/1955, d. 9/03/1993, Blk-E, L-20, Sp #7
Garcia, Gavino, b. 1928, d. 1990, Blk-H, L-14, Sp #4
Garcia, Yvette Victoria Perez, b. 16 Sep 1980, d. 8 Aug 2003, Blk E, L 20, Sp #8
Gardner, Ida A., b. 1873, d. 11/28/1958, Blk-F, L-15, Sp #5
Gardner, Pendleton Dr., b. 1882, d. 1941, Blk-F, L-15, Sp #6, *
Garlets, Mable Ross, b. 9/18/1910, d. 11/03/1910, Blk-B, L-55, Sp #4
Garrett, Arlon L., b. 8/12/1919, d. 3/30/1933, Blk-F, L-80, Sp #2
Garrett, Artemas E., b. 8/19/1915, d. 7/06/1970, Blk-G2, L-7, Sp #8, *
Garrett, Eva R. Bearrow, b. 27 Mar 1905, d. 10 Jun 2004, Blk F, L 33, Sp #5
Garrett, F. T. 'Doc', b. 1891, d. 1963, Blk-F, L-80, Sp #6
Garrett, Florence L., b. 1857, d. 1949, Blk-F, L-97, Sp #2
Garrett, Irene, b. 1891, d. 1985, Blk-F, L-80, Sp #5
Garrett, Marguerite Mae Powledge, b. 3 Jan 1919, d. 11 Jan 2004, Blk G2, L 7, Sp #7
Garrett, Marguerite, b. 1/03/1919, d. no date, Blk-G2, L-7, Sp #7
Garrett, Mary Jane Fowler, b. 1852, d. 1935, Blk-F, L-97, Sp #1
Garrido, JoAnn, b. 1981, d. 1981, Blk-H2, L-2122, Sp #
Garrison, Clare P. O'Gorman, b. 8/04/1913, d. 11/26/1989, Blk-J, L-10, Sp #7
Garrison, Harry J. 'Jack', b. 12/01/1914, d. 5/31/1993, Blk-J, L-10, Sp #8, *
Gartlets, Eula, b. 1890, d. 1985, Blk-B, L-55, Sp #2
Gartlets, George E., b. 5/14/1909, d. 1/14/1979, Blk-B, L-55, Sp #1, *
Gartlets, George H., b. 2/17/1877, d. 1/04/1970, Blk-B, L-55, Sp #3
Garza, Eustolia, b. 16 Aug 1911, d. 30 Sep 2002, Blk E, L 2, Sp #5
Garza, Raymond Escovedo, b. 11 Mar 1946, d. 12 Dec 2001, Blk J2, L 35, Sp #4
Gaylor, Alonzo R., b. 1896, d. 1942, Blk-F, L-71, Sp #2
Gaylor, Jessie Cook, b. 9/22/1889, d. 1/19/1950, Blk-C, L-93, Sp #6
Gaylor, Syble Ruth Deering, b. 4/02/1915, d. 1/06/1994, Blk-H2, L-28, Sp #2
George Logan Upton, b., d. no date, Blk-D, L-43, Sp #3
George, Dovie O., b. 1889, d. 1972, Blk-D, L-39, Sp #6
George, Jack Paul, b. 5/18/1913, d. 3/05/1998, Blk-D, L-39, Sp #3
George, John Paul, b. 1967, d. 1968, Blk-C, L-34, Sp #6
George, John Stanley, b. 4/19/1951, d. 4/21/1951, Blk-F, L-27, Sp #R-1
George, Louie Bill (Billy), b. 11/10/1924, d. 1/02/2001, Blk-A, L-89, Sp #4
George, Margie, b. 12/06/1921, d. 1/06/1922, Blk-A, L-89, Sp #6
George, Robert L., b. 7/18/1893, d. 3/29/1961, Blk-A, L-89, Sp #8
George, Ronald Don, b. 12/08/1941, d. no date, Blk-D, L-39, Sp #4
George, Starla Kaye, b. 1969, d. 1969, Blk-C, L-34, Sp #5
George, Virginia E., b. 3/18/1911, d. 3/13/1985, Blk-A, L-89, Sp #7
George, White C., b. 1887, d. 1967, Blk-D, L-39, Sp #7
Geyer, Ethel, b. 7/1/1883, d. 2/21/1970, Blk-E, L-103, Sp #5
Geyer, Frank, b. 1/13/1877, d. 10/18/1946, Blk-E, L-103, Sp #6
Geyer, Gerald F., b. 1911, d. 1970, Blk-E, L-96, Sp #8, *
Geyer, Mary D., b. 1914, d. 1972, Blk-E, L-96, Sp #7
Gierhart, Anna A., b. 1/2/1837, d. 12/28/1917, Blk-C, L-63, Sp #8
Gierhart, Baby, b. 2/22/1911, d. 2/22/1911, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #8
Gierhart, Balser, b. 3/21/1833, d. 8/27/1921, Blk-C, L-63, Sp #7
Gierhart, Clell E. Sr., b. 12/23/1904, d. 7/23/1999, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #1
Gierhart, Edson B., b. 11/26/1873, d. 3/13/1944, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #5
Gierhart, Elsie Mae, b. 7/19/1906, d. 7/22/1975, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #2
Gierhart, Harold Macklin, b. 12/20/1918, d. 12/20/1956, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #4
Gierhart, Lucretta C., b. 8/8/1879, d. 10/19/1946, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #6
Gierhart, M. E. (Dick), b. 10/13/1900, d. 9/16/1982, Blk-B, L-15, Sp #6
Gierhart, Mildred Henderson, b. 2/11/1928, d. no date, Blk-B, L-15, Sp #1
Gierhart, Milton Leroy, b. 10/21/1922, d. no date, Blk-B, L-15, Sp #2
Gierhart, Thelma I., b. 9/20/1901, d. 12/05/1997, Blk-B, L-15, Sp #5
Gierhart, Vauda Wood, b. 9/12/1908, d. 8/29/1995, Blk-I2, L-46, Sp #3
Gierhart, Vera, b. 1902, d. 1917, Blk-B, L-26, Sp #7
Gill, Ada M., b. 9/29/1884, d. 6/01/1957, Blk-E, L-80, Sp #7
Gill, James L., b. 12/6/1878, d. 1/30/1946, Blk-E, L-80, Sp #8
Gill, Monnie Mae, b. 2/04/1904, d. 6/17/1970, Blk-E, L-80, Sp #3
Gilliam, Vassar, b. 1888, d. 1975, Blk-B, L-120, Sp #3
Gilliam, William B. Rev., b. 1880, d. 1958, Blk-B, L-120, Sp #4
Gillis, Dorothy Lee, b. 9/23/1920, d. 1/27/1983, Blk-G, L-8, Sp #7
Gillis, Elizabeth Ann, b. 18 Nov 1941, d. 15 Dec 2003, Blk G, L 8, Sp #4
Gillis, William Jasper 'Jap', b. 11/08/1917, d. 5/02/1987, Blk-G, L-8, Sp #8, *
Gillispie, Edgar Leroy, b. 12/31/1918, d. 3/28/1983, Blk-H2, L-55, Sp #4, *
Gillispie, Nina Aline, b. 2/21/1925, d. 8/13/1987, Blk-H2, L-55, Sp #3
Gillispie, Susie Helen, b. 6/13/1927, d. 2/25/2001, Blk-G2, L-22, Sp #7
Gillispie, Thomas Jefferson, b. 10/10/1885, d. 8/16/1964, Blk-I2, L-11, Sp #8
Gimmell, Dovie, b. 11/17/1887, d. 6/25/1924, Blk-C, L-23, Sp #4
Glasscock, Goldie Marie, b. 4/01/1904, d. 3/22/1958, Blk-F, L-55, Sp #1
Glasscock, John William, b. 8/25/1904, d. 1/21/1978, Blk-F, L-55, Sp #2
Glasscock, Mary E., b. 1889, d. 1935, Blk-F, L-103, Sp #7
Glasscock, Oscar T., b. 10/13/1880, d. 8/04/1954, Blk-F, L-55, Sp #6
Glasscock, Rena J., b. 3/17/1885, d. 1/13/1972, Blk-F, L-55, Sp #5
Glasscock, Thomas E., b. 1878, d. 1930, Blk-F, L-103, Sp #8
Glazner, Doyle Eugene, b. 1948, d. no date, Blk-I, L-14, Sp #4
Glazner, Odessa Marie, b. 1950, d. 1982, Blk-I, L-14, Sp #3
Gleaves Ted P., b. 1907, d. 1971, Blk-I2, L-26, Sp #6
Gleaves, Alvie O., b. 6/17/1886, d. 11/30/1946, Blk-E, L-86, Sp #4
Gleaves, Hazel, b. 1909, d. 1978, Blk-I2, L-26, Sp #5
Glover, J. Arville, b. 1903, d. 1951, Blk-G2, L-2, Sp #2
Glover, Joe, b. 4/01/1903, d. 11/18/1975, Blk-H, L-19, Sp #2
Glover, Priscilla J., b. 7/03/1927, d. no date, Blk-H, L-19, Sp #7
Glover, Robert Lee, b. 1870, d. 1932, Blk-F, L-97, Sp #6
Glover, Willard C., b. 12/29/1924, d. 11/30/1973, Blk-H, L-19, Sp #8, *
Glover, Zelma R., b. 3/31/1900, d. 2/04/1984, Blk-H, L-19, Sp #1
Going, Frank Elwood, b. 6/23/1914, d. 11/29/1967, Blk-H2, L-36, Sp #8, *
Golson, Edith A., b. 11/16/1909, d. 9/27/1947, Blk-E, L-65, Sp #5
Golson, Mary Bell, b. 7/15/1915, d. 10/28/1976, Blk-E, L-65, Sp #2
Golson, Robert Clifford, b. 10/04/1905, d. 2/09/1981, Blk-E, L-65, Sp #6
Gonzales, Brad Dean, b. 1978, d. 1978, Blk-H2, L-2122, Sp #
Gonzales, Fernando Rodrizuez, b. 5/03/1914, d. 1/09/1997, Blk-K, L-19, Sp #4
Gooch, Agustus A., b. 1853, d. 1931, Blk-F, L-107, Sp #4
Gooch, Bess L., b. 11/07/1901, d. 6/23/1992, Blk-F, L-107, Sp #7
Gooch, Cora C., b. 1861, d. 1937, Blk-F, L-107, Sp #3
Gooch, Edna Knoll, b. 13 Apr 1920, d. 7 Nov 2003, Blk F, L 11, Sp #1
Gooch, Edna Knoll, b. 4/13/1920, d. no date, Blk-F, L-11, Sp #1
Gooch, Gus, b. 10/20/1898, d. 4/16/1988, Blk-F, L-107, Sp #8
Gooch, J. W. Dr., b. 11/1/1882, d. 2/05/1972, Blk-F, L-11, Sp #4
Gooch, Joel Mathis, b. 11/24/1915, d. 4/21/1995, Blk-F, L-11, Sp #2
Gooch, Ora O., b. 10/16/1886, d. 5/18/1985, Blk-F, L-11, Sp #3
Good, Basil C., b. 1/12/1901, d. no date, Blk-G, L-16, Sp #6
Good, Loretta J., b. 8/30/1909, d. 3/17/1999, Blk-G, L-16, Sp #5
Goode, Gertrude Elois, b. 2/17/1907, d. 10/21/1978, Blk-E, L-105, Sp #1
Goode, Lois Lee, b. 3/05/1942, d. no date, Blk-E, L-105, Sp #2
Goodrich, Charles Lilburn, b. 4/06/1923, d. 4/07/1923, Blk-A, L-73, Sp #5
Goodrich, Elizabeth M., b. 1866, d. 1938, Blk-B, L-33, Sp #2
Goodrich, Esna Mallory, b. 6/28/1895, d. 10/13/1909, Blk-B, L-33, Sp #1
Goodrich, Judith L., b. 8/25/1882, d. 2/04/1909, Blk-B, L-33, Sp #8
Goodrich, Lewis B., b. 3/25/1818, d. 10/25/1907, Blk-B, L-33, Sp #7, *
Goodrich, Marvey L., b. 2/19/1846, d. 4/01/1911, Blk-B, L-33, Sp #6
Gordon M. Ola, b. 1903, d. no date, Blk-A, L-51, Sp #3
Gordon, Francis A., b. 1858, d. 1925, Blk-A, L-51, Sp #7
Gordon, George T., b. 1854, d. 1939, Blk-A, L-51, Sp #8
Gordon, Giles Cloid, b. 3/13/1879, d. 12/12/1961, Blk-C, L-82, Sp #7
Gordon, Henry C., b. 1872, d. 1957, Blk-F, L-59, Sp #6
Gordon, John W., b. 5/25/1885, d. 5/23/1967, Blk-C, L-82, Sp #6
Gordon, Lena C., b. 1893, d. 1937, Blk-A, L-51, Sp #6
Gordon, Martha Jewel, b. 1/31/1904, d. 11/19/1987, Blk-C, L-82, Sp #5
Gordon, Mary E., b. 1880, d. 1936, Blk-F, L-59, Sp #5
Gordon, Oscar T., b. 1887, d. 1957, Blk-A, L-51, Sp #4, *
Gordon, Sherilda Jane, b. 10/21/1889, d. 8/26/1917, Blk-C, L-82, Sp #8
Gordon, Willena, b. 7/18/1911, d. 3/14/1974, Blk-C, L-82, Sp #4
Gossett, E. M., b. 6/19/1878, d. 3/01/1944, Blk-E, L-104, Sp #8
Gossett, Esca A., b. 4/4/1881, d. 2/12/1945, Blk-E, L-104, Sp #7
Gott, C. L., b. 5/26/1913, d. 2/10/1976, Blk-I2, L-25, Sp #8
Gott, Charles P., b. 10/26/1865, d. 10/06/1946, Blk-A, L-12, Sp #2, *
Gott, Clarence D., b. 8/29/1905, d. 3/29/1930, Blk-A, L-12, Sp #5
Gott, Emma, b. 3/16/1887, d. 7/16/1946, Blk-A, L-12, Sp #6
Gott, Lois, b. 1/03/1916, d. no date, Blk-I2, L-25, Sp #7
Gott, Lois, b. 3 Jan 1916, d. 25 Mar 2004, Blk I2, L 25, Sp #7
Gowin, Charles V., b. 1869, d. 1956, Blk-C, L-59, Sp #8
Gowin, Charles W., b. 1/11/1920, d. 3/19/1992, Blk-I2, L-4, Sp #8, *
Gowin, Juanita, b. 5/11/1930, d. 3/30/1997, Blk-I2, L-4, Sp #7
Gowin, Ola, b. 11/05/1907, d. 12/08/1918, Blk-C, L-59, Sp #5A
Gowin, Ross W. 'Butch', b. 1944, d. 1947, Blk-C, L-59, Sp #5
Gowin, Thelma, b. 10/30/1901, d. 9/27/1918, Blk-C, L-59, Sp #6
Gowin, Wilda Ann, b. 1879, d. 1960, Blk-C, L-59, Sp #7
Grady, Robert Allen Jr., b. 10/26/1945, d. 10/26/1945, Blk-E, L-79, Sp #6
Gragg, Caroline, b. 1/26/1899, d. 2/08/1992, Blk-J, L-15, Sp #6
Gragg, Dola L., b. 9/05/1901, d. 2/20/1975, Blk-B, L-68, Sp #1
Gragg, Fayrene, b. 3/11/1931, d. 3/09/1987, Blk-G, L-7, Sp #5
Gragg, Gennie, b. 3/5/1889, d. 1/12/1914, Blk-B, L-80, Sp #8
Gragg, Ida Lee, b. 1882, d. 1970, Blk-B, L-68, Sp #5
Gragg, Nathan B., b. 1869, d. 1944, Blk-B, L-68, Sp #6
Gragg, Robert E. 'Joe', b. 3/23/1929, d. 5/21/1990, Blk-G, L-7, Sp #6, *
Gragg, W. H. (Bill), b. 1903, d. 1968, Blk-B, L-68, Sp #2
Graham, Gertrude Lang, b. 4/24/1913, d. 6/18/1939, Blk-C, L-21, Sp #5
Graham, our darling babies, b., d. no date, Blk-A, L-97, Sp #5
Graham, Our darling babies, b., d. no date, Blk-A, L-97, Sp #6
Graves, Jimmie Marie, b. 1932, d. 1934, Blk-F, L-84, Sp #4
Graves, Minnie Mena Bryant, b. 1891, d. 1947, Blk-F, L-84, Sp #7
Graves, Thomas D., b. 1/2/1892, d. 10/10/1967, Blk-F, L-84, Sp #8
Gray, Bertha E., b. 4/16/1898, d. 7/02/1981, Blk-I, L-7, Sp #7
Gray, Hubert S., b. 1/28/1897, d. 9/21/1984, Blk-I, L-7, Sp #8, *
Gray, Ira 'Jim', b. 4/25/1904, d. 7/26/1977, Blk-I, L-18, Sp #8
Gray, Louie J., b. 10/21/1900, d. 3/31/1973, Blk-F, L-72, Sp #4
Gray, Myra R., b. 1874, d. 1963, Blk-F, L-72, Sp #3
Gray, Sadie, b. 1908, d. 1935, Blk-F, L-72, Sp #7
Green, Bell Carver, b. 1884, d. 1962, Blk-F, L-68, Sp #5
Green, Infant, b. 4/18/1930, d. 4/21/1930, Blk-D, L-49, Sp #2
Green, John Faye Knoll, b. 1915, d. 1/08/2001, Blk-I2, L-15, Sp #5
Green, Mary F., b. 1882, d. 1960, Blk-A, L-107, Sp #3
Green, Mattie J., b. 1880, d. 1943, Blk-F, L-7, Sp #3
Green, Maurine Mayfield, b. 9/18/1912, d. 6/25/1946, Blk-C, L-31, Sp #3
Green, Thomas P., b. 1876, d. 1959, Blk-A, L-107, Sp #4
Green, Wiley P., b. 1879, d. 1951, Blk-F, L-7, Sp #4
Green, Wilma Fay, b. 7/07/1941, d. 7/07/1941, Blk-F, L-27, Sp #R-4
Greenfield, Huldah V., b. 3/24/1878, d. 5/02/1978, Blk-F, L-18, Sp #7
Greenfield, James L., b. 9/15/1917, d. 3/20/1943, Blk-F, L-18, Sp #6, *
Greenfield, James M., b. 3/30/1871, d. 9/02/1941, Blk-F, L-18, Sp #8
Gregg, A. T. (Buddy), b. 8/04/1904, d. 10/31/1975, Blk-B, L-102, Sp #4, *
Gregg, Alma Ruth, b. 3/04/1902, d. 1/07/1976, Blk-B, L-102, Sp #3
Gregg, Lelia Harvey, b. 5/24/1887, d. 7/15/1969, Blk-C, L-61, Sp #7
Gregory, Laura J., b. 1877, d. 1941, Blk-D, L-21, Sp #7
Gregory, R. O., b. 2/3/1872, d. 1/21/1944, Blk-D, L-21, Sp #6
Griffin, Alice Stanley, b. 7/4/1878, d. 12/11/1937, Blk-B, L-52, Sp #7
Griffin, Fay, b. 1914, d. 10/11/2000, Blk-C, L-116, Sp #3
Griffin, Frankie L., b. 1956, d. 1976, Blk-H2, L-59, Sp #8, *
Griffin, Janice Ruth, b. 14 Sep 1939, d. 15 Feb 2005, Blk M2, L 2, Sp #1
Griffin, Joey Shane, b. 10/06/1976, d. 10/06/1991, Blk-H2, L-59, Sp #7
Griffin, Jonathan W., b. 1983, d. 1983, Blk-H2, L-2122, Sp #
Griffin, Joseph M., b. 11/10/1877, d. 10/01/1965, Blk-B, L-52, Sp #8
Griffin, Leon Stuart, b. 8/19/1887, d. 4/17/1972, Blk-B, L-52, Sp #3
Griffin, Marvin Stanley, b. 4/25/1910, d. 2/27/1918, Blk-B, L-52, Sp #6
Griffin, Mary Olive 'Peggy', b. 9/24/1894, d. 8/09/2000, Blk-B, L-52, Sp #2
Griffin, Robert Franklin, b. 11/30/1974, d. 1/14/2001, Blk-H2, L-59, Sp #4
Griffin, Robert L., b. 5/22/1910, d. 5/09/1955, Blk-C, L-116, Sp #4
Grimes, John Buster, b. 1914, d. 1975, Blk-H2, L-53, Sp #4, *
Grimsley, Thomas S., b. 1861, d. 1920, Blk-C, L-27, Sp #8
Griswold, Arthur, b. 9/22/1872, d. 12/02/1926, Blk-I2, L-11, Sp #4
Griswold, Ettie Lee, b. 8/5/1896, d. 5/30/1906, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #6A
Griswold, Fannie, b. 7/22/1886, d. 2/06/1953, Blk-I2, L-11, Sp #3
Griswold, Fines Bradley, b. 4/17/1907, d. 9/22/1908, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #8
Griswold, Infant, b. 2/06/1919, d. 2/06/1919, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #6
Griswold, Lottie Viola, b. 2/14/1904, d. 4/23/1936, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #5
Griswold, Luella E., b. 9/22/1877, d. 5/15/1919, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #4
Griswold, Russell W., b. 1872, d. 1948, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #3
Griswold, Russie Ethel, b. 12/4/1897, d. 2/02/1906, Blk-B, L-70, Sp #7
Grobe, Virginia Davis, b. 1898, d. 1993, Blk-F, L-108, Sp #5
Grogan, Hester E., b. 1877, d. 1959, Blk-F, L-31, Sp #7
Grogan, Hugh jefferson, b. 11/17/1907, d. 4/02/1991, Blk-F, L-31, Sp #6
Grogan, Janice E., b. 1906, d. 1977, Blk-A, L-74, Sp #1
Grogan, Jess H., b. 1875, d. 1940, Blk-F, L-31, Sp #8
Grogan, Jess R., b. 1915, d. 1971, Blk-F, L-31, Sp #4
Grogan, John W. Mrs., b. 2/19/1877, d. 5/11/1969, Blk-A, L-74, Sp #3
Grogan, John W., b. 12/15/1872, d. 8/13/1956, Blk-A, L-74, Sp #4
Grogan, Russell S., b. 6/15/1906, d. 4/13/1974, Blk-A, L-74, Sp #2
Grogan, Stella Ada miller, b. 4/13/1913, d. 12/11/1994, Blk-F, L-31, Sp #5
Grooms, George M, b. 7/23/1887, d. 2/27/1956, Blk-A, L-63, Sp #3
Grooms, Lou Ava, b. 1913, d. 1928, Blk-A, L-63, Sp #1
Grooms,Elizabeth Ann, b. 12/7/1877, d. 1/29/1977, Blk-A, L-63, Sp #2
Groves, Bobby, b. 1919, d. 1952, Blk-E, L-29, Sp #8, *
Groves, Jack, b. 1908, d. 1936, Blk-F, L-71, Sp #6
Groves, L. G. 'Shorty', b. 8/22/1894, d. 5/31/1951, Blk-E, L-33, Sp #6, *
Groves, Lillie Mae, b. 1882, d. 1967, Blk-E, L-121, Sp #1
Groves, Samuel w., b. 1879, d. 1970, Blk-E, L-121, Sp #2
Guest, Clara E., b. 2/25/1880, d. 11/20/1962, Blk-C, L-79, Sp #6
Guest, George Reuben, b. 4/16/1904, d. 10/13/1956, Blk-C, L-79, Sp #3
Guest, S. J., b. 5/16/1877, d. 1/07/1941, Blk-C, L-79, Sp #7
Guest, Woodrow, b. 8/21/1918, d. 6/12/1920, Blk-C, L-79, Sp #4
Gulley, Kay Theodore, b. 4/15/1934, d. 3/19/1960, Blk-F, L-66, Sp #4, *
Gulley, Kay Theodore, b., d. 2/19/1933, Blk-F, L-66, Sp #8
Gulley, Mary l., b. 5/22/1905, d. 7/07/1972, Blk-F, L-66, Sp #7
Guynes, Inez, b. 1908, d. 1939, Blk-A, L-78, Sp #2
Guynes, Myrtle Smith, b. 29 Aug 1909, d. 15 Apr 2002, Blk H, L 1, Sp #3
Guyton, Lavada Farrar, b. 7/26/1895, d. 11/09/1996, Blk-G2, L-45, Sp #8
Guyton, Melissa Ann, b. 1/5/1861, d. no date, Blk-C, L-5, Sp #6
Guyton, Warren Dr., b. 2/4/1850, d. 12/12/1931, Blk-C, L-5, Sp #7
Guyton, Warren W., b. 1889, d. 1950, Blk-G2, L-45, Sp #7
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