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Ingalls Creek Cemetery
Chelan County, Washington

Contributed by Fred Pflugrath, Sep 23, 2000 [fpflug@nwi.net]. Total records = 1.

This Ingalls Creek Lone grave is in the Peshastin Creek Drainage, about 5 1/2 miles up Ingalls Creek, west of Hwy 97, Sec 29 T23N R17E. According to legend, there are supposed to be 5 to 10 other lone graves in the Peshastin Creek drainage.

Ericson, Fred, Dec 1929, a good friend of John Walden, who built the original Ingalls Creek Lodge on Ingalls Creek. Walden had a psychic tell him where to find the body. (Nov 4, 1986, Wenatchee Daily World)

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