Home > United States > Washington > Chelan County > Old Missionary Cemetery

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Old Mission Indian Cemetery
Eatonville, Pierce County, Washington

old mission indian cemetery
Old Mission Indian Cemetery

GPS: 47.516618, -120.448862

Eels Rd
Cashmere, WA 98815

Date published: June 21, 2017
Total records: 16

It's not known who owns this cemetery.


Directions:  From US Hwy 2, corner of Cotlet Way and Eels Rd, turn North on Eels Rd, keep right onto Eels Road.  Continue abt 0.4 miles on Eels Road, just past the backside of Apple Annie Antique Gallery, Cemetery is on the ride side. 

Per the inscription on the stone outside the cemetery, the cemetery was established in 1867.

The cemetery is not currently being actively used. Only a dozen or so stones can be found and legible.  There appears to maybe another dozen burial plots based on the ground.  There is a small area to park outside the cemetery, enough room for a couple cars at least. 

Cemetery Records

Records below were transcribed from tombstone inscriptions by Suzanne Livingstone [livingstoneancestry@gmail.com] on March 2016. These may not include all burials, only those that were visible and legible.

Dates of death range from the early 1800s to 1947.

?, Josephine, Death: November 1909, Age: 20 years
BAKER, John, Death: 14-May-1934
ELWELL, Isabel, Birth: 29-Jan-1918, Death: 3-Nov-1918
ENIAS, Madeline, Birth: 1819, Death: 1889
ENIAS, Martin, Birth: 1814, Death: 1916
FELIX, Lehugh, Birth: 23-Apr-1895, Death: 29-Oct-1947
HARMELT, John, Death: July 1937
JUDGE, Louie, Birth: 1874, Death: 1912
JUDGE, Mathew, Birth: 1907, Death: 1914
LEO, Emilienne, Death: 24-Jun-1890
NASON, Anastus, Birth: 1811, Death: 22-Jan-1913
NASON, Dan, Death: 4-Jan-1912, Age: 55 years
WAPATO, Ben, Birth: 9-Dec-1907, Death: 25-Mar-1910
WHISTOCKIN, Ignace, Birth: 1882, Death: 1912
WHITESTOCKING, Jim, Death: 22-Mar-1912
WOMAN, Blewett Pass, Death: 1800s, Early 1800s, discovered July 2009, reburied 11/12/2014

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