Search Washington Death Records
Washington Newspapers, Full Search (1854-1984), 109 titles
Washington Obituary Search - (1985-current)
Washington Funeral Notices
Whittle Cemetery
Cowlitz County, Washington
Contributed by Brian Snaza [].
Nations, Jackie, d. 2000, Lot #Crem. Lane B, Sp.8
Nations, James E., no dates, Lot #Crem. Lane B, sp. 8
Nations, Rose E., b. 1914, d. 1986, Lot #Crem. Lane B, sp.8
Naudin, Charles, b. 1886, d. 1933, Lot #72, sp.2
Nelms, Christine A., no dates, Lot #227, sp.3
Nelms, Kris, b. 1961, d. 1996, Lot #227, sp.2
Nelsen, Herman, b. 1888, d. 1959, Lot #Lane C, sp.3
Nelsen, Laura B., b. 1891, d. 1985, Lot #Lane C, sp.4
Nelson, Bert Anton, b. 1907, d. 1941, Lot #110, sp.4
Nelson, Bert Arthur, b. 1929, d. 1929, Lot #110, sp.3
Nelson, Donald D., d. 1939, Lot #445, sp.3
Nelson, Emma, b. 1873, d. 1956, Lot #123, sp.4
Nelson, Gertrude M., b. 1903, d. 1966, Lot #Lane D, sp.39
Nelson, James A., b. 1909, d. 1961, Lot #115, sp.2
Nelson, John E., b. 1901, d. 1981, Lot #Lane D, sp.40
Nelson, Margaret, b. 1909, d. 1990, Lot #115, sp.1
Nelson, Nels, b. 1851, d. 1936, Lot #
Nelson, Winford C., b. 1884, d. 1972, Lot #Lane D, sp.1b
Newell, John Joaquin, b. 1936, d. 1999, Lot #126, sp.1
Nichols, Franklin Wayne, b. 1930, d. 1932, Lot #399, sp.4
Nikolaus, Ruhland, b. 1914, d. 1988, Lot #214, sp.4
Nikolaus, Vera, b. 1926, d. 1997, Lot #215, sp.1
Nolan, Anita B., no dates, Lot #33, sp.3
Norton, A.D., b. 1880, d. 1958, Lot #Lane B, sp.1
Norton, Carrie K., b. 1882, d. 1956, Lot #Lane B, sp.2
Norton, Louise, b. 1920, d. 1966, Lot #Lane E, sp.4
Norton, Ray Allen, b. 1912, d. 1976, Lot #Lane E, sp.5
O'Brien, Patty, b. 1921, d. 1990, Lot #48, sp.6
O'Brien, Robert L., b. 1895, d. 1958, Lot #Lane A, sp.6
O'Brien, Unice I., b. 1891, d. 1979, Lot #Lane A, sp.5
O'Dell, George, d. 1961, Lot #Lane A, sp.55
O'Dell, Irvin M., b. 1896, d. 1958, Lot #Lane D, sp.8
O'Dell, Jessie A., b. 1891, d. 1958, Lot #Lane D, sp.7
Oglebay, Rollin H., b. 1890, d. 1957, Lot #Lane C, sp.7
Orin, Jennie, b. 1885, d. 1964, Lot #167, sp.4
Oswalt, Donald T., no dates, Lot #Lane A, sp.20
Oswalt, Richard A., b. 1958, d. 1970, Lot #Lane A, sp.17
Ottesen, Nels, b. 1926, d. 1972, Lot #56w, sp.1
Owens, Bob, no dates, Lot #222, sp.1
Owens, Judy, no dates, Lot #222, sp.2
Owens, Sarah E., b. 1906, d. 1980, Lot #197, sp.4
Owens, William E., b. 1910, d. 1995, Lot #197, sp.3
Owens, William H., b. 1922, d. 1971, Lot #52w, sp.2
Paine, Boyd, b. 1889, d. 1981, Lot #189, sp.4
Pallent, Elsie A., b. 1887, d. 1997, Lot #105, sp.4
Parker, Amelia, no dates, Lot #174, sp.4
Parker, Fred, d. 1999, Lot #441, sp.1
Parker, Ralph V., d. 1996, Lot #174, sp.3
Parker, Robert F., b. 1948, d. 1968, Lot #165, sp.3
Parkison, Betty Lou, b. 1933, d. 2000, Lot #226, sp.2
Parkison, Joseph F., b. 1926, d. 1997, Lot #226, sp.1
Parks, Herbert, d. 1962, Lot #Lane A, sp.36
Parks, Ora, b. 1889, d. 1964, Lot #Lane A, sp.35
Parnel, Johhny (Mrs.), no dates, Lot #Lane D, sp.41
Parnel, Johnny F., b. 1924, d. 1967, Lot #Lane D, sp.42
Parrish, Everett L, b. 1911, d. 1984, Lot #161, sp.3
Patch, John, d. 1830, Lot #67w, sp.2
Patch, Louisa C., no dates, Lot #67w, sp.3
Paul, Mima, b. 1875, d. 1912, Lot #406, sp.4
Peaker, Charles, b. 1875, d. 1937, Lot #391, sp.1
Pearison, Lewis J., b. 1847, d. 1930, Lot #109, sp.3
Peck, Raymond (Mrs.), no dates, Lot #59w, sp.1
Peck, Raymond, b. 1933, d. 1968, Lot #58w, sp.4
Pepper, Cherry, b. 1935, d. 2000, Lot #Lane C, sp.25
Perkins, Ruth V., b. 1908, d. 1971, Lot #384, sp.1
Peroutka, John, no dates, Lot #193, sp.3
Peroutka, Wilma A., b. 1917, d. 1980, Lot #193, sp.4
Pete, Charles A., b. 1927, d. 1984, Lot #442, sp.3
Pete, Mary, b. 1831, d. 1911, Lot #406, sp.1
Pete, Walter J., b. 1904, d. 1989, Lot #422, sp.4
Peters, Charles O., b. 1927, d. 1999, Lot #Lane B, sp.3
Peters, Edith F., b. 1932, d. 2001, Lot #Lane B, Sp.4
Peterson, Iva F., b. 1931, d. 1989, Lot #Lane B, sp.13
Pettys, Ida M., b. 1897, d. 1976, Lot #Lane A, sp.25
Phelps, Ray A., b. 1914, d. 1978, Lot #421, sp.2
Phillips, Albert, b. 1889, d. 1965, Lot #Lane C, sp.20
Phillips, Anna, b. 1890, d. 1981, Lot #Lane C, sp.20a
Phillips, Raymond B., b. 1920, d., Lot #Crem Lane A, sp.1
Phillips, Ruth E., b. 1923, d. 1990, Lot #Crem. Lane A, sp.1
Pickell, Grace Lee, b. 1905, d. 1986, Lot #70w, sp.4
Pickell, William F., b. 1897, d. 1972, Lot #70w, sp.3
Pickett, Oliver, b. 8-8-1860, d. 11-4-1942, Lot #151, sp.1
Pier, Bennetta D., b. 1882, d. 1974, Lot #Lane E, sp.8
Pier, Laverne S., b. 1907, d. 1983, Lot #196, sp.3
Piercy, Byrn, b. 1958, d. 1958, Lot #Lane E, sp.13
Pikkarainen, Katherine R., b. 1946, d. 1991, Lot #Crem Lane A, sp.5
Piland, Delia A., b. 1908, d. 1986, Lot #457, sp.6
Piland, Elmer E., d. 1996, Lot #457, sp.5
Pirson, Nils, b. 1862, d. 1944, Lot #150, sp.3
Poe, Eva May, b. 1895, d. 1897, Lot #111b, sp.1
Porria, Alexander William, b. 1893, d. 1896, Lot #68, sp.2a
Porria, Dolar A., b. 8-3-1890, d. 4-10-1909, Lot #68, sp.3
Porria, Eliza, b. 1875, d. 1875, Lot #68, sp.4
Porria, John B., b. 12-8-1847, d. 1-25-1922, Lot #68, sp.2
Porria, Malvina F., b. 5-13-1849, d. 11-16-1936, Lot #68, sp.1
Pourier, Edna D., b. 1911, d. 1998, Lot #182, sp.2
Pourier, Emmet W., b. 1903, d. 1984, Lot #156, sp.2b
Povt, Frank, d. ????, Lot #142, sp.2
Powell, Bev C., b. 1932, d., Lot #229, sp.1
Powell, Don R., b. 1930, d., Lot #229, sp.2
Powell, Emma, b. 1868, d. 1905, Lot #107b, sp.4
Powell, Inez B., b. 1892, d. 1983, Lot #199b, sp.2
Powell, Johanna K., b. 1861, d. 1998, Lot #107b, sp.3
Powers, Effie, b. 1900, d. 1988, Lot #153, sp.3
Powers, Melvin P., b. 1883, d. 1960, Lot #153, sp.4
Prante, Evanda, b. 1914, d. 1996, Lot #190, sp.2
Prante, Orvil P., b. 1918, d. 1980, Lot #190, sp.1
Prather, David F., b. 1898, d. 1958, Lot #169, sp.3
Prather, Opal, no dates, Lot #Lane E, sp.40
Prather, William, b. 1900, d. 1970, Lot #Lane E, sp.39
Price, Marion A., b. 1892, d. 1987, Lot #Lane E, sp.31
Price, William C., b. 1885, d. 1967, Lot #Lane E, sp.30
Province, James, no dates, Lot #160, sp.1
Province, Ruby, no dates, Lot #160, sp.2
Pruess, Maxine, b. 1920, d. 1966, Lot #Lane E, sp.9
Pumala, Adam L., b. 10-1981, d. 10-1981, Lot #190, sp.1
Quaife, Mabel, no dates, Lot #216, sp.1
Quaife, Ronald E., no dates, Lot #215, sp.4
Racich, Martin, b. 1910, d. 1984, Lot #184, sp.1
Raich, Veronica, b. 1916, d., Lot #184, sp.2
Rain, Alfred, b. 1928, d. 1995, Lot #67w, sp.4
Rain, Barbara, b. 1931, d., Lot #68w, sp.1
Ralston, Arnold V., b. 1928, d. 1985, Lot #422, sp.1
Ralston, Art, b. 1896, d. 1979, Lot #421, sp.3
Ralston, Bessie E., b. 1898, d. 1978, Lot #421, sp.4
Ralston, Dorthy, b. 1917, d. 1984, Lot #162, sp.2a
Ralston, Edward, b. 1900, d. 1965, Lot #Lane C, sp.34
Rambo, May Ruselle, b. 1882, d. 1903, Lot #409, sp.1
Ramey, Marguerite D., b. 1924, d. 1993, Lot #203, sp.2
Randall, Euclid, no dates, Lot #92w, sp.3
Randall, Eveline, b. 1886, d. 1886, Lot #92w, sp.1
Randall, Mary A., b. 1863, d. 1923, Lot #92w, sp.2
Randle, Darrol D., b. 1957, d. 1985, Lot #182, sp.1
Raphaelson, Dorthy, no dates, Lot #197, sp.2
Rathburn, D. Clinton, b. 1903, d. 1960, Lot #100
Rathburn, Gorgia, b. 1901, d. 1987, Lot #100
Ream, Charles, b. 1852, d. 1939, Lot #120a, sp.4
Ream, Mary, b. 1859, d. 1943, Lot #120b, sp.1
Rector, Melvin E., b. 1926, d. 1967, Lot #Lane C, sp.45
Reese, Daniel C., b. 1891, d. 1967, Lot #44w, sp.3
Reese, Dora, d. 1970, Lot #44w, sp.4
Reich, Dorothy, b. 1910, d. 2000, Lot #425, sp.2
Reiman, Bill A., b. 1885, d. 1953, Lot #69, sp.4
Reiman, Edward F., b. 1892, d. 1961, Lot #Lane B, sp.8
Reiman, Esther, d. 1996, Lot #Lane B, sp.7
Reiman, Fred Jr., d. ????, Lot #37, sp.1
Reiman, Fred, b. 1881, d. 1959, Lot #37, sp.2
Reiman, George, d. 1998, Lot #Lane B, sp.6
Reiman, Henry, b. 1886, d. 1946, Lot #69, sp.3
Reiman, Josie Marie, b. 1892, d. 1977, Lot #37, sp.2
Reiman, Lorrine, no dates, Lot #Lane B, sp.5
Reiman, Louise B., b. 1924, d. 1936, Lot #70, sp.4
Reiman, Louise E., b. 1855, d. 1928, Lot #69, sp.2
Reiman, William, b. 1849, d. 1922, Lot #69, sp.1
Reisch, Arthur F., b. 1918, d. 1973, Lot #425, sp.2
Reisch, Dorothy, b. 3-15-1910, d. 11-14-2000, Lot #425, sp.2
Reish, Dorthy, b. 1910, d., Lot #432, sp.2
Remund, Bertha, b. 1880, d. 1971, Lot #Lane E, sp.29
Remund, Jacob, b. 1876, d. 1958, Lot #Lane E, sp.29
Remund, Jakob, b. 1907, d. 1990, Lot #178, sp.4a
Remund, Pepino, b. 1915, d. 1972, Lot #Lane E, sp.28
Remund, Rudolf, b. 1913, d. 1988, Lot #178, sp.4a
Renfro, Florence, b. 1905, d. 1976, Lot #Lane E, sp.46
Reynolds, Ella M., b. 1865, d. 1895, Lot #86w, sp.4
Reynolds, Frederick W., b. 1941, d. 1982, Lot #175, sp.3
Reynolds, Horace M., b. 1859, d. 1902, Lot #87w, sp.1
Reynolds, Lois W., b. 1917, d. 1984, Lot #175, sp.4
Reynolds, Marion B., b. 1916, d. 1977, Lot #175, sp.3
Reynolds, William H., b. 1964, d. 1977, Lot #110w, sp.3
Rhodes, Dora, b. 1-29-1875, d. 8-18-1906, Lot #lot ?, sp.?
Rhodes, Nella, b. 1892, d. 1978, Lot #151, sp.1
Rice, Fred, b. 1892, d. 1919, Lot #371, sp.1
Rice, Geneve, no dates, Lot #Lane E, sp.17b
Rice, Harry F., b. 1921, d. 1982, Lot #Lane E, sp.17c
Rice, Lottie, b. 1896, d. 1985, Lot #Lane E, sp.16
Rice, Mose S., b. 1890, d. 1967, Lot #Lane E, sp.17
Rice, Tracy Lee, b. 1963, d. 1975, Lot #Lane E, sp.17a
Richards, Leo, b. 1903, d. 1986, Lot #Lane C, sp.39
Richards, Ose, b. 1903, d. 1965, Lot #Lane C, sp.29
Richardson, E.H., no dates, Lot #49w, sp.?
Richardson, Edward, b. 1861, d. 1898, Lot #49w, sp.3
Richardson, Olive, no dates, Lot #44, sp.3
Richardson, Sarah, b. 1863, d. 1937, Lot #44, sp.4
Richter, Charles O., b. 1910, d. 1979, Lot #426, sp.2
Richter, Margaret, no dates, Lot #426, sp.3
Ridley, Frank, b. 1888, d. 1930, Lot #126, sp.1
Ridley, George, d. 1927, Lot #101
Ridley, Irvin, no dates, Lot #126, sp.4
Riffe, Leslie J., d. 1997, Lot #125, sp.s
Riley, Irria M., b. 1860, d. 1922, Lot #36, sp.2
Rimel, Eunice Y., b. 1887, d. 1963, Lot #Lane B, sp.44
Rimel, P.G., b. 185?, d. 1961, Lot #Lane B, sp.45
Risner, Julie Ann, b. 1974, d. 1986, Lot #178, sp.3
Risner, Larry, no dates, Lot #178, sp.3a
Risner, Mary, no dates, Lot #178, sp.4
Rivers, William A., b. 1894, d. 1966, Lot #165, sp.4
Roake, Johanna, b. 1856, d. 1929, Lot #107, sp.4
Roake, Sam Sr., b. 1856, d. 1948, Lot #107, sp.3
Robards, Charles T., b. 1852, d. 1926, Lot #93, sp.1
Robards, Elizabeth E., b. 1856, d. 1931, Lot #93, sp.2
Robards, Elma L., b. 1885, d. 1957, Lot #93, sp.4
Robards, George C., b. 1881, d. 1945, Lot #93, sp.3
Robb, Andrew Jackson, b. 1862, d. 1931, Lot #400, sp.1
Roberts, Herchel, b. 1872, d. 1921, Lot #60, sp.4
Robertson, James P., no dates, Lot #423, sp.2
Robertson, James Paul, b. 1928, d. 1974, Lot #423, sp.1
Robertson, James R., b. 1913, d. 1975, Lot #429a, sp.1
Robertson, Thelma R., b. 10-28-19??, d. 1-22-1998, Lot #429a, sp.2
Robie, Albert, b. 1885, d. 1958, Lot #144, sp.4
Robin, Anita, no dates, Lot #120b, sp.3
Robin, John C., b. 1874, d. 1939, Lot #120b, sp.4
Robin, Leela E., no dates, Lot #88, sp.2
Robin, Martha (baby), d. ????, Lot #120b, sp.2
Robin, Martha, b. 1847, d. 1905, Lot #20, sp.3
Robin, Pearl O., b. 1874, d. 1919, Lot #88, sp.1
Robin, Ted, b. 1903, d. 1927, Lot #20, sp.4
Robin, Thomas W., b. 1869, d. 1934, Lot #20, sp.2
Robins, Eldon L., no dates, Lot #216, sp.4
Robins, Mabel E., b. 1914, d. 1986, Lot #191, sp.3
Robins, Vander L., b. 1912, d. 1979, Lot #191, sp.2
Rockett, Robert, b. 1887, d. 1971, Lot #88a, sp.1
Rockett, Sadie A., b. 1893, d. 1957, Lot #88b, sp.2
Roe, John C., b. 1882, d. 1950, Lot #142, sp.3
Rogers, Kathryn B., b. 1884, d. 1972, Lot #117a, sp.3
Rogers, Leona M., b. 1923, d. 1991, Lot #52b, sp.1
Rogers, M., b. 1897, d. 1909, Lot #27, sp.1
Rose, Minnie Lee, b. 1891, d. 1959, Lot #147a, sp.1
Royer, Margaret, b. 1894, d. 1977, Lot #419, sp.1
Rundeen, Albert, b. 1887, d. 1958, Lot #147b, sp.2
Russell, Clair W., no dates, Lot #70w, sp.2
Russell, Mildred G., no dates, Lot #70w, sp.1
Ruth, Frank R., b. 1861, d. 1931, Lot #61, sp.2
Ruth, Helen A., b. 6-17-1900, d. 9-4-1989, Lot #61, sp.3
Ruth, Katherine, b. 1886, d. 1915, Lot #61, sp.1
Ruth, Lawrence R., b. 1895, d. 1972, Lot #61, sp.3
Rutherford, Leland, b. 1910, d. 1993, Lot #202, sp.4a
Rutherford, Mary T., b. 1965, d. 1965, Lot #Lane D, sp.26
Rutledge, Elmer L., b. 1898, d. 1973, Lot #126, sp.3
Rutledge, Goldie J., b. 1915, d. 1996, Lot #126, sp.2
Sadowsky, Lois M., no dates, Lot #182, sp.4
Saltzman, Roy, b. 1897, d. 1967, Lot #Lane E, sp.19
Salzer, Carl, b. 1922, d. 2000, Lot #75w, sp.4
Salzer, Threesa V., b. 1936, d. 1971, Lot #75w, sp.4
Sanborn, George Allen, b. 1890, d. 1943, Lot #138, sp.2
Sanders, Earl O., b. 1923, d. 1992, Lot #53w, sp.2
Sanders, Lisa Ann, b. 1958, d. 1991, Lot #53w, sp.2
Sarri, Walter, d. 1941, Lot #393, sp.4
Sawyers, Tressa Berry, b. 1900, d. 1986, Lot #Lane A, sp.23
Schaafsma, Dick, no dates, Lot #Lane A, sp.32a
Schaafsma, Dick, no dates, Lot #Lane A, sp.32b
Schaafsma, Kathryn, no dates, Lot #25, sp.1
Schaafsma, Ray W., b. 1928, d. 1994, Lot #25, sp.1
Schaffran, Amalie, b. 1842, d. 1913, Lot #54, sp.1
Schaffran, Gustav A., b. 1945, d., Lot #54, sp.2
Schleicher, Arnold, b. 1894, d. 1895, Lot #78w, sp.2
Schoening, Corda B., b. 1881, d. 1976, Lot #37w, sp.3
Schott, Hattie H., b. 1907, d. 1973, Lot #Lane B, sp.31
Schott, Robert, b. 1937, d. 1980, Lot #173, sp.1
Schrader, Blanche C., b. 1890, d. 1969, Lot #Lane D, sp.24
Schrader, Walter H., b. 1890, d. 1969, Lot #Lane D, sp.25
Schulke, Alice C., b. 1897, d. 1921, Lot #59, sp.1
Schulke, Ernestine, b. 1861, d. 1928, Lot #59, sp.2
Schulke, Reinhold, b. 1861, d. 1931, Lot #59, sp.2
Schulke, William, b. 1861, d. 1928, Lot #59, sp.1
Schull, Arthur K., b. 1914, d. 1964, Lot #Lane E, sp.32
Schultz, Robert H., b. 1921, d. 1939, Lot #188, sp.1
Schumacher, Marvel D., d. 11-7-1997, Lot #419, sp.3
Schumacher, Robert P., b. 1918, d. 2001, Lot #419, sp.2
Scruggs, Cinda, b. 1887, d. 1970, Lot #166, sp.4
Scruggs, James M., b. 1885, d. 1965, Lot #166, sp.3
Selander, Dorthy, d. 1995, Lot #68w, sp.3
Selander, Fredrika, b. 1857, d. 1932, Lot #58, sp.4
Selander, K. J., b. 1858, d. 1928, Lot #58, sp.3
Selander, Loyd, d. 1995, Lot #68w, sp.2
Senne, John H. C., b. 1882, d. 1963, Lot #Lane C, sp.37
Serviss, Chester, d. 1938, Lot #396, sp.1
Settlemier, Henrietta, b. 1912, d. 1977, Lot #Lane A, sp.44
Settlemier, Milton R., b. 1899, d. 1965, Lot #Lane A, sp.45
Settlemier, Rodney E., b. 1891, d. 1977, Lot #380, sp.2
Settlemier, Susanna, b. 1898, d. 1982, Lot #380, sp.1
Sheneer, Louise E., b. 1870, d. 1936, Lot #72, sp.3
Shepardson, Leslie G., b. 1934, d. 1984, Lot #196, sp.4
Shepherd, Emma, b. 1917, d. 1994, Lot #183, sp.2
Shepherd, Mignon Lilla, b. 4-22-1926, d. 2-4-2000, Lot #73
Shepherd, Walter M., b. 1915, d. 1983, Lot #183, sp.1
Sherman, Dale R., b. 1919, d. 1989, Lot #Crem. Lane B, sp.17
Sherman, William, b. 1867, d. 1942, Lot #150, sp.1
Shintaffer, Frank, b. 1885, d. 1888, Lot #80w, sp.3
Shirk, Bessie L., no dates, Lot #217, sp.1
Shirk, Floyd O., b. 1890, d. 1960, Lot #Lane D, sp.9
Shirk, Myrtle D., b. 1906, d. 1969, Lot #54b, sp.2
Shirk, Ralph O., b. 1899, d. 1978, Lot #54, sp.4
Shirley, John M., b. 1888, d. 1931, Lot #362, sp.1
Shirley, William A., b. 1910, d. 1944, Lot #362, sp.3
Shirley, William F., b. 1882, d. 1934, Lot #362, sp.2
Shull, Hazel, no dates, Lot #Lane E, sp.33
Shult, Calvin, b. 1910, d. 1943, Lot #121, sp.1
Shult, Eunice, b. 1909, d. 1919, Lot #74, sp.3
Shult, George W., b. 1886, d. 1945, Lot #74, sp.2
Shult, Jason, b. 1912, d. 1930, Lot #121, sp.2
Shult, Margaret Ann, b. 1917, d. 1929, Lot #74, sp.4
Shult, Mary Ann, b. 1883, d. 1919, Lot #74, sp.1
Shult, Mirian, no dates, Lot #221, sp.2
Shumway, Clyde, b. 1918, d. 1959, Lot #147, sp.4
Shumway, James, b. 1944, d. 1960, Lot #147, sp.3
Shupe, George M., b. 1871, d. 1949, Lot #33, sp.2
Sides, Cora E., b. 1900, d. 1973, Lot #417, sp.3
Sides, John, b. 18978, d. 1981, Lot #417, sp.4
Sievers, Augusta, b. 187?, d. 1947, Lot #114, sp.1
Sievers, Carl F., b. 1860, d. 1931, Lot #114, sp.2
Singler, William, b. 1838, d. 1902, Lot #22w, sp.3
Siro, Paul, b. 1911, d. 1932, Lot #387, sp.4
Skinner, J., b. 1860, d. 1939, Lot #431, sp.4
Smiley, Jerome C., b. 1913, d. 1974, Lot #Lane D, sp.38
Smith, Ada B., d. 1964, Lot #115b, sp.1
Smith, Amelia Neely, b. 1904, d. 1985, Lot #149, sp.4
Smith, Bertha, b. 1898, d. 1976, Lot #56w, sp.4
Smith, Betty Lou, d. 1939, Lot #393, sp.3
Smith, Bonnie Jean, b. 1919, d. 1936, Lot #104b, sp.3
Smith, Charley, b. 1896, d. 1973, Lot #56w, sp.3
Smith, Earl, b. 1903, d. 1959, Lot #148, sp.1
Smith, Eliza, b. 1876, d. 1964, Lot #116b, sp.2
Smith, Garrett, b. 8-6-1915, d. 1-20-1993, Lot #26w, sp.3
Smith, Goldie, no dates, Lot #91, sp.5
Smith, Keith Earl, b. 1931, d. 1994, Lot #148, sp.2
Smith, Ruth, d. 2002, Lot #27w, sp.1
Smith, Shirley Jean, b. 1929, d. 1995, Lot #148, sp.3
Smith, William Sherman, d. ????, Lot #139, sp.2
Snaza, Brian Edwin, b. 5-20-1964, d., Lot #51w, sp.1
Snaza, Deloyce C., b. 6-3-1931, d., Lot #51w, sp.2
Snaza, Mary L., b. 1934, d., Lot #50w, sp.4
Snaza, Richard Lee, b. 5-28-1935, d., Lot #51w, sp.1
Snaza, Wayne Richard, no dates, Lot #51w, sp.1
Snaza, William J., b. 1932, d., Lot #50w, sp.3
Snider, John H., d. 1939, Lot #432, sp.3
Snodgrass, Addie M., b. 1868, d. 1939, Lot #88w, sp.3
Snodgrass, Frank O.(Mrs), no dates, Lot #418, sp.4
Snodgrass, Frank O., b. 1908, d. 1977, Lot #418, sp.3
Snodgrass, Robert D., b. 1897, d. 19??, Lot #8w, sp.2
Soladey, (baby), b. 1967, d. 1967, Lot #88w, sp.4
Spears, Andy, b. 1879, d. 1959, Lot #Lane B, sp.20
Spears, Carrie B., b. 1888, d. 1959, Lot #Lane B, sp.19
Spears, Ira O., b. 1911, d. 1978, Lot #175, sp.2
Spears, Luke A., b. 1958, d. 1980, Lot #188, sp.3
Spears, Raymond (Mrs), no dates, Lot #188, sp.1
Spears, Raymond, b. 1926, d. 1982, Lot #188, sp.2
Spencer, Evelyn, b. 1916, d. 1947, Lot #113, sp.1
Spencer, Percy, b. 1929, d. 1957, Lot #Lane D, sp.23
Spreadborough, Shannon, d. 2000, Lot #Crem. lane C, sp.17
Spute, August V., b. 1891, d. 1964, Lot #Lane D, sp.34
Spute, Bertha I., b. 1896, d. 1976, Lot #Lane D, sp.33
Stagner, Cecilia M., b. 1903, d. 1984, Lot #Crem. Lane B, sp.15
Staudinger, Eva, b. 1898, d. 1989, Lot #151, sp.2
Staudinger, Frank, b. 1894, d. 1980, Lot #151, sp.1b
Stebling, H. L., b. 1853, d. 1888, Lot #82w, sp.1
Steele, Helen F., d. 1987, Lot #106, sp.1
Steele, Margaret, b. 1903, d. 1963, Lot #Lane C, sp.27
Steele, Walter, b. 1899, d. 1968, Lot #Lane C, sp.28
Stella, Frances A., b. 1923, d. 1997, Lot #218, sp.3
Stella, Joseph A., b. 1916, d. 1987, Lot #218, sp.2
Stephens, Mary Edna, b. 1898, d. 1963, Lot #Lane B, sp.13
Stephens, Orlo, b. 1896, d. 1970, Lot #Lane B, sp.14
Stevenson, Charles, b. 1868, d. 1930, Lot #51, sp.1
Stevenson, Leroy S., b. 1902, d. 1955, Lot #52b, sp.4
Stewart, Gale Ann, b. 1867, d. 1942, Lot #151, sp.3
Stewart, Marie Anna, no dates, Lot #41, sp.1
Stievenard, Frank E., b. 1888, d. 1958, Lot #Lane A, sp.14
Stingley, Edmire I., b. 1904, d. 1964, Lot #Lane B, sp.52
Stingley, Orley W., b. 1901, d. 1980, Lot #Lane B, sp.53
Stockbridge, Mrs., no dates, Lot #368, sp.2
Stockbridge, Robert A., b. 1914, d. 1982, Lot #368, sp.1
Stoks, Annabelle, b. 1901, d. 1941, Lot #417, sp.2
Stoltman, Alice M., b. 1899, d. 1937, Lot #49, sp.1
Stoltman, Bernard, b. 1926, d. 1984, Lot #Lane C, sp.18
Stoltman, Richard H., b. 1930, d. 2000, Lot #76, sp.3
Stone, Jessie F., b. 1891, d. 1989, Lot #90, sp.3
Stone, Lewis, b. 1891, d. 1941, Lot #90, sp.2
Stone, Raymond, no dates, Lot #170, sp.2
Stone, Reta L., no dates, Lot #170, sp.3
Stonebraker, Robert A., b. 1925, d. 1965, Lot #60, sp.1
Storm, George, b. 1886, d. 1901, Lot #60w, sp.3
Strand, Nils A., b. 1923, d. 1933, Lot #5, sp.5
Strange, Muriel E., b. 1899, d. 1990, Lot #220, sp.1
Strange, William S., b. 1882, d. 1969, Lot #Lane B, sp.55
Strovas, Anthony Frank, b. 1911, d. 1973, Lot #416, sp.3
Strovas, Bertha May, b. 1914, d. 1973, Lot #416, sp.4
Stubbs, James, b. 1901, d. 1991, Lot #108w, sp.1
Stubbs, Violet L., b. 1900, d. 1978, Lot #108w, sp.2
Studebaker, Amanda, b. 1874, d. 1951, Lot #95, sp.2
Studebaker, Arthur, b. 1876, d. 1942, Lot #95, sp.1
Studebaker, Daniel, b. 1856, d. 1927, Lot #85w, sp.3
Studebaker, Henry, b. 1860, d. 1929, Lot #85w, sp.2
Sutherland, William V., b. 1902, d. 1961, Lot #Lane D, sp.19
Sutton, Edward, b. 1885, d. 1956, Lot #145, sp.4
Sutton, Jolly, d. ????, Lot #145, sp.3
Swee, Ole, b. 1884, d. 1960, Lot #82, sp.1
Swee, Oline, b. 1883, d. 1967, Lot #82, sp.2
Swift, Able, b. 1875, d. 1961, Lot #30w, sp.2
Swift, Anun, b. 1913, d. 1969, Lot #28w, sp.3
Swift, Elda Maude, b. 1921, d. 1922, Lot #29w, sp.4
Swift, Tessie Mae, b. 1883, d. 1964, Lot #30w, sp.1
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