Home > United States > Washington > King County > Hillcrest Burial Park > Surnames X

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Hillcrest Burial Park
Kent, King County, Washington

GPS: 47.371058, -122.217959
T22N R5E Sec. 30

1005 Reiten Road
Kent, WA 98031
(253) 852-1322

Submitted by Suzanne Livingstone March 2, 2020.
Total records: 17,347

Hillcrest Burial Park is located on the East Hill of Kent.

Cemetery Records
Surnames X

Records linked below were transcribed from tombstone inscriptions by Suzanne Livingstone during numerous visits to the cemetery, the latest being in February 2020.

EE - Records marked with an "EE" are in Eastern European Cyrillic and were translated by Suzanne to the best of her ability.

XAVIER, Deolinda A, b. 1-Nov-1925, d. 22-Jun-2002
XAYAMUONGCHANH, Kong Apakan, b. 1922, d. 2004
XIN, Weizhen, b. 1915, d. 2002
XUAN-LANG, Tran, b. 1939, d. 2011

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