Search Washington Death Records
Washington Newspapers, Full Search (1853-1984), 204 titles
Washington Obituary Search - (1895-current)
Washington Birth Records Database, (1853-1984)
Maple Valley Hobart Cemetery - Burial Records
Maple Valley, King County, Washington
GPS: 47.415150, -122.005596
25115 SE 208th Street
Maple Valley, WA 98038
Date published: September 2, 2017
Total records: 912
Maple Valley Hobart Cemetery was established on two acres of land in 1879 when Mr. and Mrs. C.O. Russell, whose homestead was located there, donated the land as a public burial ground. Originally, it was administered by the United Farmers Alliance until May, 1899, when the Maple Valley-Hobart Cemetery Association was organized.
In 1924, the Association was officially incorporated, and it's this date that appears on the cemetery signage.
Highline Community Church, which was originally next to the cemetery, was destroyed by fire in May 1953.
Cemetery is in very good condition and well cared for. There is a road that goes into the cemetery and has a turn around. The earliest noted burial was 1894.
To reach the Hobart-Maple Valley Cemetery, from the intersection of Highway 18 and the SE 256 th St exit, head east on Highway 18 4.6 miles and take the 244 th Ave SE exit. Turn right onto 244 th Ave SE. Less than a quarter mile ahead take a left onto SE 208 th St. Go down SE 208 th St ½ mile to cemetery. Cemetery is on the right hand side of the road.
Cemetery Records
Records published here were transcribed from tombstone inscriptions by Suzanne Livingstone during a visit in August 2011, with a revisit in July 2017.
?, B?, Gary, birth: 1940, death: ??, Ray, birth: 1920, death: ?, no datesADAMS, Clara A, birth: 1903, death: 1991ADAMS, Elmer Leon, birth: 8-Sept-1885, death: 20-Sep-1980ADAMS, Maud Reid, birth: 7-Oct-1898, death: 9-Feb-1969ADAMS, Thomas O, birth: 1899, death: 1978AHLQUIST, Mary J, birth: 1922, death: 1996AHLQUIST, Phillip A, birth: 1947, death: 1993AHLQUIST, Raymond Louis, birth: 10-May-1923, death: 27-Feb-2006, GM2 US Navy WWIIALLDREDGE, Patricia Ann, birth: 26-Jan-1950, death: 18-Jan-2016AMES, Elsie F, birth: 10-Mar-1880, death: 30-Dec-1888AMES, Infant Daughter, birth: 5-June-1882, death: 15-June-1882AMES, Infant Daughter, birth: 28-Jan-1877, death: 28-Jan-1877AMES, Infant Daughter, birth: 26-Aug-1872, death: 5-Sept-1872AMES, Kitturah Ann, birth: 13-Sept-1874, death: 3-Jan-1879AMES, Lucy May, birth: 7-May-1883, death: 2-Jan-1889ANDERSON, Carl H, birth: 1905, death: 1991ANDERSON, Catherine L, birth: 12-Jul-1920, death: 26-Jun-1987ANDERSON, Ellen, birth: 1893, death: 1915ANDERSON, Franklin Valentine, birth: 12-Feb-1934, death: 19-Jun-2010ANDERSON, Mary, birth: 1908, death: 2003ANDERSON, O'Dell M, birth: 20-Mar-1916, death: 3-Jul-1980ANDERSON, Oscar R, birth: 10-Aug-1908, death: 17-Oct-1986ANDERSON, William M (Jr), birth: 17-Jun-1952, death: 29-Oct-2003ANDRICH, Marilyn Jean (Mandelin), birth: 15-Sep-1961, death: 11-Jun-2005ANTHONY, Elliott E, birth: 1882, death: 1944ANTHONY, Hattie Dubigk, birth: 1887, death: 1964BAGO, Ernest Frank, birth: 9-Feb-1951, death: 1-Feb-1985, US NavyBAIN, Christina, birth: 1851, death: 1932BAIN, Henrietta, birth: 1879, death: 1928BAIN, James H, birth: 1921, death: 1998BAIN, Joan M, birth: 1931, death: 1992BAIN, John, birth: 1848, death: 1925BAIN, Lemuel, birth: 1872, death: 1941BALDINO, Colleen, birth: 22-Oct-1945, death: 28-Dec-2001BALDWIN, Max Hyun-Min, birth: 30-Jun-1987, death: 11-Aug-2009BALL, Albert Newton Sr., birth: 28-Jul-1941, death: 7-Oct-2012BALL, Eleanor Clemens, birth: 15-Apr-1913, death: 27-Nov-1994BANGHART, Alice Minnetta, birth: 1896, death: 1986, married February 2, 1924, w/o DanaBANGHART, Dana Isaac, birth: 1898, death: 1973, married February 2, 1924, h/o AliceBARRE, Elnora M Dela, birth: 1908, death: 1973BARRETT, George, birth: 1935, death: 1985BARRETT, Helen, birth: 1927, death: 1986BECK, Marshall Lamar, birth: 15-Feb-1952, death: 1-Jul-1992BECK, Victoria W, birth: 1925, death: 2007, Married July 28, 1951, w/o WilliamBECKER, Edward j, birth: 1903, death: 1975BECKER, Florence M, birth: 1902, death: 1975BEDDINGFIELD, Debi Lou, birth: 1952, death: 1990BELLEMAN, Guy W, birth: 1930, death: 1997, Married March 22, 1952, h/o NettieBELLEMAN, Nettie G, birth: 1930, death: 2002, Married March 22, 1952, w/o GuyBENDER, Viola Pries, birth: 25-Dec-1914, death: 19-Apr-1992BERGSMA, Bertha Jean, birth: 24-Dec-1918, death: 27-Feb-1999, Married October 24, 1936, w/o JohnBERGSMA, John (Jr), birth: 24-Feb-1916, death: 3-Dec-1999, Married October 24, 1936, h/o BerthaBERGSMA, John Lewis, birth: 3-Mar-1942, death: 23-Nov-1993, CN US NavyBERGSMA, Judith A, birth: 1943, death: 2010BETTS, Angelica Joy, birth: 31-Jan-1975, death: 24-Jun-2008BETZ, Raymond, birth: 1904, death: 1972BHATIA, Arjan, birth: 1934, death: 1996BICKNESE, David Randall, birth: 26-Mar-1956, death: 5-Dec-1991BICKNESE, Laverne M, birth: 1920, death: 1982, S Sgt US Army WWIIBIPPES, Michael, birth: 1964, death: 2015BIRD, Betty L, birth: 14-Oct-1936, death: 16-Jan-2017BIRD, Frank, birth: 11-Apr-1937, Texas, death: 7-Jan-2003, 1st Cav, USAFBLICHFELDT, Anders S, birth: 1901, death: 1980BLICHFELDT, Juliet, birth: 1903, death: 1986BOCK, Ella L, birth: 29-Sep-1904, death: 28-Jun-1989BOCK, Lawrence William, birth: 11-May-1935, death: 18-Jan-1983, A2C US Air Force KoreaBODVIN, Gerald W, birth: 26-Nov-1936, death: 3-Mar-1993, MSgt US Air Force VietnamBONOMI, Gene, birth: 1915, death: 1995BONOMI, Lucille V Robinson, birth: 1920, death: 2013BOON, Lee Soon, birth: 26-Jul-1929, death: 13-Jan-2011BORCHERS, Nancy, birth: October 1934, death: January 1974BOUGIE, Fanny, birth: 1914, death: 1975BOWMAN, Annie, birth: May 1907, death: September 1907BOWMAN, Asa T, birth: 1905, death: 1947BOWMAN, Catherine, birth: May 1878, death: June 1943BOWMAN, Ella L, birth: 1906, death: 1979BOWMAN, Mark, birth: December 1904, death: April 1959BOWMAN, Rome, birth: July 1881, death: January 1946BOWMAN, Rome J, birth: 1912, death: 1951BOX, Jimmy F, birth: 10-May-1941, death: 19-Oct-2009BRADY, James W, birth: 7-Mar-1903, death: 5-Dec-1994BRADY, Stella B, birth: 15-Jun-1912, death: 21-Aug-1990BRANDT, Adolph, birth: 1883, death: 1924BREAZEALE-STANTORF, Ethel Eva Elliott, birth: 14-Feb-1894, death: 9-Feb-1988BREN, Jesse Jay, birth: 7-Jan-1966, death: 15-Jun-1990BRESTER, Lawrence, birth: 14-Nov-1925, death: 16-Jan-2010BRETZKE, Lawrence Edward, birth: 1939, death: 1999BRETZKE, Patricia Lee, birth: 24-Jul-1944, death: 20-Mar-1995BRIMMAGE, James A, birth: 1933, death: 1989, US ArmyBROADHEAD, Grace M, birth: 1-Sep-1918, death: 29-Aug-2013BROADHEAD, Louis W, birth: 11-Apr-1921, death: 27-Mar-1993, Maj US Army WWII KoreaBROOKS, John Michael, birth: 25-Sep-1959, death: 11-Jul-2002, Married June 29, 1992BROWN, Mamie, birth: 15-Oct-1876, death: 9-Nov-1974BROWN, Neil D, birth: 28-May-1924, death: 20-Mar-1995, US Air Force WWIIBROWN, Ralph W, birth: 1875, death: 1968BROWN, Virginia L, birth: 6-Oct-1918, death: 16-Oct-2001BRUNDAGE, Kimberly, birth: 8-Dec-1957, death: 17-Jun-1996BRYNER, Frank A (Jr), birth: 1909, death: 1987, Married November 15, 1933, h/o MaryBRYNER, Mary Helen, birth: 1912, death: 1987, Married November 15, 1933, w/o FrankBURCH, Phil S, birth: 18-Jan-1924, death: 1-Feb-1975, masonic symbolBURCHAM, Leroy A, birth: 1909, death: 1982BURNETT, Chester, birth: 1891, death: 1983BURNETT, Larry, birth: 16-Feb-1942, death: 26-Nov-2011BURNHAM, Donel L, birth: 16-Dec-1961, death: 8-Oct-1982BURNS, Robert E, birth: 1944, death: 2014BURTENSHAW, Hannah M, birth: 1857, death: 1932BURTENSHAW, William A, birth: 1854, death: 1944BYERS, Bud, no datesCANADY, Joseph Leonard II, birth: 3-Apr-1937, death: 4-Jun-2011, Pvt US ArmyCAPPS, Billy C, birth: 18-Mar-1949, death: 31-Aug-2009, US Marine Corps VietnamCASE, Julia J, birth: 1900, death: 1959CASE, Lee C, birth: 1900, death: 1970CELLE, John Raymond, birth: 16-May-1956, death: 18-Feb-2015CERVANTES, Melissa Mae, birth: 4-Jan-1922, death: 2-Oct-1988CHAMBERLAIN, Christopher Stephen, birth: 16-Sep-1968, death: 13-Dec-1987CHAMPLIN, Harrold L, birth: 14-Oct-1925, death: 11-Jun-1984CHAPMAN, Chester D, birth: 18-Jun-1915, death: 7-Jan-1983CHAPMAN, Edmund C, birth: 1883, death: 1973CHAPMAN, Harold, birth: 1910, death: 1962CHAPMAN, J, birth: 1878, death: ?CHAPMAN, Joseph A, birth: 19-Mar-1877, death: 24-Dec-1898CHAPMAN, Rhoda, birth: 1907, death: 1963CHAPMAN, Tim L, birth: 22-May-1956, death: 7-Mar-2015CHEENEY, Mary, birth: 1922, death: 1992CHIGILEICK, Eugene, birth: 21-Oct-1940, death: 8-Dec-2014CHRISTENSEN, James, birth: 1884, death: 1955CHURCH, Charles A, birth: 1918, death: 1988CHURCH, Gerald E, birth: 27-May-1957, death: 3-Jan-2015CHURCH, John H, birth: 24-Jan-1931, death: 19-Sep-2001, Army Korea 1949-1952 Married 6/11/1966, h/o ClarineCHURCH, Phillip I, birth: 27-Nov-1955, death: 5-Jun-2001CLARK, Brandon Wayne, birth: 5-Feb-1974, death: 22-Jun-1993CLARK, Irene, birth: August 1924, death: December 1924CLARK, Lester, birth: 1887, death: 1956CLARK, Lewis, birth: 1912, death: 1936CLARK, Sarah, birth: 1885, death: 1952CLEEK, Michael M, birth: 1942, death: 1994CLEMENTS, Ira w, birth: 1890, death: 1957CLEMENTS, Lillie M, birth: 1897, death: 1981CLEVELAND, Jeffrey R, birth: 28-Feb-1963, death: 22-Jun-1980COCHRAN, John Albert, birth: 17-Nov-1924, death: 15-Jan-1993, Tec5 US Army WWIICODIGA, Betty Loraine, death: 20-Feb-1939CODIGA, Henry, birth: 1908, death: 1973CODIGA, John, birth: 1870, death: 1939CODIGA, Onorina, birth: 1877, death: 1949CODIGA, Pansy E, birth: 1894, death: 1970CODIGA, Sylvia Hilda, birth: 4-Sep-1919, death: 6-May-1995CODIGA, Vincent Joseph, birth: 1-Mar-1918, death: 24-Apr-2005COFFIN, Bill, birth: 22-Jun-1956, death: 10-Aug-2006COFFIN, Rose Mary, birth: 5-May-1935, death: 22-Jan-2012COLE, Barbara A (Swan), birth: 11-Jun-1925, death: 7-Jan-2003COLE, Jan Renae, birth: August 1956, death: September 1998COLE, Ronny J, birth: 26-Jan-1959, death: 20-Apr-2002COLKETT, Albert E, birth: 1867, death: 1948COLKETT, Elizabeth, birth: 1866, death: 1913COLLIER, Joshua Berl, birth: 9-Aug-1911, death: 13-Apr-1997, Married November 10, 1942, h/o PansyCOLLIER, Pansy Estelle, birth: 17-May-1915, death: 8-Feb-1994, Married November 10, 1942, w/o JoshuaCOOK, Janice Sue, birth: 9-Jul-1940, death: 22-Mar-2010CORBETT, C, death: 1981COREY, Genevieve, birth: 1916, death: 1977CORUM, Vida V, birth: 1910, death: 1983CORUM, W. Wayne, birth: 1911, death: 1992CROSSON, Annie, birth: 10-July-1887, death: 27-Aug-1908CROSSON, Annie T, birth: 26-July-1863, death: 9-Jun-1918CROSSON, Charles, birth: 7-May-1853, death: 13-Dec-1923CRUMB, Walter M, birth: 25-July-1884, death: 12-Dec-1980, US ArmyCUDDY, John Charles, birth: 10-Apr-1939, death: 12-Nov-1996CURRY, Darlene G Hart, birth: 1934, death: 1987CURTISS, Cooper John, death: 15-Jul-2007DAMAN, John W, birth: 11-Apr-1932, death: 18-Feb-1992, US Air ForceDANIELS, Robert William, birth: 8-Dec-1920, death: 5-Jun-2009DARDIS-BOUTROS, Deborah Ann, birth: 15-Apr-1960, death: 14-Jun-2006DATIN, Ellen Marie, birth: 13-Nov-1956, death: 7-Nov-2003DAVENPORT, Arthur Lee, birth: 28-Jul-1912, death: 21-Mar-2003, US Coast Guard WWIIDAVENPORT, Eliza Ann, birth: 2-Jun-1913, death: 5-Feb-1994, Capt US Army WWIIDAVIDSON, Earlene A Noll, birth: 25-May-1926, death: 31-Mar-2003DAVIDSON, Gunnar H, birth: 1-Oct-1914, death: 29-Nov-2001DAWSON, C. Nadine, birth: 14-Sep-1922, death: 4-Nov-2004DAWSON, Wendell R, birth: 17-Apr-1916, death: 25-Jul-2011, PFC US Army WWIIDECKER, Katherine Marie, birth: 2-Oct-1959, death: 5-Apr-2002DERNACH, Mary, birth: 1888, death: 1965DESA, Carla Renee, death: 31-Mar-1972, infantDICKSON, Clyde M, birth: 1902, death: 1981DICKSON, Luella B, birth: 1901, death: 1995DIMATTEO, Jim, birth: 1920, death: 1993DIMATTEO, Jimmer, birth: 1950, death: 1991DIMATTEO, May , birth: 1919, death: 2010DONAHUE, Donald J, birth: 17-Oct-1910, death: 27-Nov-1992, US Navy WWIIDONAHUE, Donna L, birth: 30-May-1921, death: 8-Dec-2002DOUGHERTY, Mary Jo, birth: 1956, death: 1977DRAZEY, George Wesley, birth: 28-Aug-1929, death: 17-Oct-1979, Pfc US Army KoreaDRENNEN, Terry E, birth: 15-Sep-1961, death: 18-Aug-2001DUBIGK, Emil, birth: 1903, death: 1978DUBIGK, Frank, birth: 1889, death: 1904DUBIGK, Gladys N, birth: 1908, death: 1983DUBIGK, Henry Richard, birth: 15-Dec-1929, death: 14-May-2014DUBIGK, Joanne Arlene, birth: 31-Oct-1930, death: 7-Oct-2013DUBIGK, Julia, birth: 1863, death: 1911DUBIGK, Louis, birth: 1896, death: 1978DUBIGK, Louis C, birth: 1896, death: 1978DUBIGK, Richard, birth: 1852, death: 1914DUBIGK, Wiley E, birth: 11-Jul-1956, death: 31-May-1983DUMOVIC, Grace Ann Machak, birth: 21-Dec-1948, death: 21-Sep-1998DUNCAN, Maggie M, death: 21-Jan-1906, 5years 6months 21days, d/o A.M. & M, stone on its side, fallen overDUNCAN, Steven (Jr), birth: 1973, death: 1988DUNCAN, Willie F, birth: 20-Nov-1915, death: 1-Jun-1976, T Sgt Army Air Forces WWIIDUPUY, Evelyn, no datesDUSENBERRY, Judy Ann, birth: 1957, death: 1987DYKES, Helga M, birth: 21-Aug-1928, death: 7-Jun-2001EAGER, Madge A, death: 1965EISENMANN, Elke A, birth: 1934, death: 1987EK, Allan L, birth: 1931, death: 1980, Married February 16, 1951, h/o VerleyEK, Verley E, birth: 1928, death: 1978, Married February 16, 1951, w/o AllanELLENWOOD, Everett E, birth: 1899, death: 1977ELLIOTT, Lorraine P, birth: 1923, death: 1996, Married May 17, 1945, w/o ThomasELLIOTT, Thomas W, birth: 1925, death: 1987, Vet WWII, married May 17, 1945, h/o LorraineEMYER, ?, birth: 1901, death: 1984ENGEL, J, birth: 12-Feb-1985, death: 1-Jan-2003ENGEL, Marlys M, birth: 20-Jan-1939, death: 15-Oct-2006ENGEL, Nicole Mae, birth: 25-Jan-1986, death: 17-Apr-1986ENGLE, Louis, birth: 1894, death: 1984ENGLE, Myrtle E, birth: 1902, death: 1996ENGLISH, Marion L, birth: 31-May-1921, death: 21-Dec-1994ERWIN, Louis, birth: 28-oct-1848, death: 13-Jan-1915, 66yearsESTBY, John, birth: 1938, death: 1974ESTBY, Pauline, birth: 1925, death: 1972ESTES, James, birth: 1907, death: 1981ESTES, Vera, birth: 1915, death: 1985EVANS, Andrew, birth: 1878, death: 1955EVANS, Andrew, birth: 3-Dec-1914, death: 23-Mar-2001EVANS, Barbara, birth: 1881, death: 1958EVANS, Borgny Marie, birth: 8-Feb-1920, death: 6-Jun-2011EVANS, George S, birth: 1921, death: 2001, US Coast Guard 1942-1945EVANS, Phyllis i, birth: 1909, death: 1994EVANS, Stephen, birth: 1911, death: 1929EWIN, Mabel E, birth: 1896, death: 1990FARRIS, Lue G, birth: 1911, death: 1980FARRIS, Mildred L, birth: 1904, death: 1984FEELY, Dorothy T, birth: 1905, death: 1964FEELY, Jennie, birth: 1867, death: 1934FENSCH, Judith N, birth: 1945, death: 1991FERRIS, Glen L, birth: 13-Aug-1912, death: 11-Oct-1974FERRIS, Helene M, birth: 28-May-1917, death: 31-May-2000FINNELL, Charles, birth: 1863, death: 1900FINNELL, Mary I, birth: 1866, death: 1952FISHKIN, Douglas Earl, birth: 4-Jan-1937, death: 18-Aug-2001FLATEBO, Kristi, birth: 1872, death: 1937FLATEBO, Styrk, birth: 1872, death: 1928FLEMING, April Rose, birth: 4-Jun-1978, death: 26-Mar-1996FLINT, William H, birth: 30-Sep-1905, death: 25-Feb-1980FORD, Arthur C, birth: 1904, death: 1981FORD, Hazel M, birth: 12-Jan-1893, death: 16-Sep-1989FORD, John S, birth: 13-Feb-1923, death: 4-Apr-1986, 1st Sgt US Army WWII Korea VietnamFORE, Lida, birth: 1891, death: 1973FOSS, Carl E, birth: 23-May-1942, death: 13-Sep-2004FOX, Cynthia Alice, birth: 19-Jul-1971, death: 5-Jun-1986FREDERICKSON, Marjorie, birth: 9-Feb-1931, death: 30-Oct-1994GAMRADT, Jon Joseph, birth: 13-Apr-1968, death: 18-Nov-1973GANOWSKY, Annis R, birth: 1923, death: 2002, Married September 2, 1945, w/o HerbertGANOWSKY, Herbert R, birth: 1911, death: 1994, Married September 2, 1945, h/o AnnisGARHART, Eric Wm, birth: 4-Dec-1968, death: 15-Mar-1994GARIN, Bessie Chapman, birth: 1892, death: 1967GARRETT, Margaret L, birth: 1920, death: 2001GARRETT, Margaret L, birth: 1920, death: 2011GARRETT, Vernon V, birth: 1919, death: 1998GERARD, Joseph P, birth: 1888, death: 1954GESELL, Madeleine K, birth: 1905, death: 1983GESELL, Robert R, birth: 1900, death: 1973GIBBON, Jeannette S, birth: 16-Jun-1867, death: 16-Nov-1895GIBBON, Ronald Perry, birth: 5-Mar-1929, death: 9-Jun-2004GIBBON, Rosetta Perry, birth: 1904, death: 1988GIBSON, Jesse R, birth: 29-Apr-1974, death: 26-Mar-1995GIERKE-CAMPBELL, Justin Tyler, birth: 16-Aug-1977, death: 21-May-2005GILBERT, Hilda A, birth: 1910, death: 1983GILBERT, John W, birth: 29-Aug-1930, death: 12-Mar-1993, US Navy KoreaGILBERT, John W, birth: 1909, death: 1986GILBERT, Ruby Lorena, birth: 1903, death: 1999GINGRICH, Barbara A, birth: 15-Jul-1941, death: 3-Mar-2006GINGRICH, L. Carl (Sr), birth: 1914, death: 1979GINGRICH, Virtue M, birth: 1918, death: 2004GIRTEN, James P, birth: 1952, death: 1978GLEASON, Marion Eunice, birth: 17-Nov-1911, death: 23-Jan-1982GODFREY, Bernice B, birth: 1893, death: 1983GOODROW, Dwight E, birth: 1911, death: 1986GOODROW, Lois K, birth: 1911, death: 1991GOODSELL, Darline J, birth: 9-Feb-1928, death: 20-Jul-2014GOODSELL, Frank L, birth: 8-Jan-1927, death: 16-Mar-1985, Cpl US Army WWII Army Air ForcesGORDON, Mary A, birth: 1-May-1880, death: 12-Apr-1969GOTT, Glenn Joseph, birth: 16-Jun-1958, death: 13-Oct-2014GRADISHNICK, Joseph, birth: 1913, death: 1922GRADY, Julia, birth: 1889, death: 1990GRADY, Rudolph C, birth: 1911, death: 1981GRADY, Rudolph J, birth: 1885, death: 1976GRAHAM, Rice E, birth: 14-Jul-1923, death: 12-May-1974, ADRC US Navy RetGRAHAM, Romana B, birth: 28-Feb-1918, death: 6-Jul-2002GREEN, Don, birth: 1970, death: 1988GREENSIDE, Anchor E, birth: 1898, death: 1982GREENSIDE, Christine Elizabeth, birth: 18-Feb-1994, death: 19-Feb-1994GREENSIDE, Laverne H, birth: 1895, death: 1980GREENSIDE, Patrick G, birth: 10-Oct-1963, death: 16-Sep-1989GREENSIDE, Patrick Michael, birth: 22-Jun-1990, death: 5-Sep-1990GREENSIDE, Robert L, birth: 23-Sep-1927, death: 11-Jun-2009, Vet US Army WWIIGREENWOOD, Frances, birth: 1-Feb-1910, death: 18-Jun-1977GRIFFIN, Elaine Helen, birth: 1-Jun-1920, death: 22-Mar-1986, S1 US Navy WWIIGROEHLER, Delphine, birth: 22-May-1924, death: 10-Oct-2003GROEHLER, Veryle E, birth: 30-Jan-1917, death: 23-Aug-1995, Pfc US Army WWIIGROUSE, James Kenneth (Sr), birth: 23-Jul-1910, death: 10-Dec-1994GRUBE, Lester Elmer, birth: 1-Sep-1914, death: 15-May-1994, US NavyGRUBE, Mae Florence, birth: 30-Apr-1913, death: 7-Apr-2002GRUENES, Anna M, birth: 1855, death: 1929GRUENES, Blanche, birth: 1891, death: 1980GRUENES, Edna, birth: 4-Nov-1921, death: 6-Sep-1998, no datesGRUENES, Francis G, birth: 25-Dec-1891, death: 15-Apr-1921, overseas war vet, Co G 8th US InfGRUENES, George, birth: 5-Jul-1915, death: 1-Sep-2007, no datesGRUENES, Joseph, birth: 1882, death: 1967GUNDERSON, Michael J, birth: 25-Sep-1957, death: 15-Jun-2011HABENICHT, Frederick Vernon, birth: 16-Jul-1930, death: 19-Jun-2006, Married September 29, 1951, h/o DorothyHADLEY, Shawn Avery, birth: 9-Jul-1975, death: 13-Nov-1975HAGEN, Robert L, birth: 1918, death: 1984HAIG, Lloyd f, birth: 1915, death: 2005HAIG, Lucille E, birth: 1916, death: 1985HALIKAS, James, birth: 1924, death: 1989, Vet WWIIHAMMOND, Rona JO, birth: 1956, death: 1993HANNAH, Dawn Marie, birth: 25-Feb-1966, death: 3-Apr-1980HANNON, Irene, birth: 1900, death: ?HANSEN, Harry, birth: 1908, death: 1980HANSEN, Lucille, birth: 1912, death: 2008HANSEN, Theodore Jay, birth: 5-Jun-1937, death: 23-Dec-2013HANSEN, Virginia Ann (Whitney), birth: 31-Jul-1939, death: 7-Mar-2016HARRIS, Earl Neil, birth: 2-Aug-1929, death: 20-Jan-1997, Sgt US ArmyHARSTAM, Phyllis May Zeller, birth: 1925, death: 1999HART, M, birth: 1940, death: 2007HATCH, Horace Harley, birth: 4-Jan-1922, death: 5-Feb-1973, WA SM3 US Navy WWIIHAUGEN, Kristin Marie, birth: 19-Jan-1973, death: 2-Jan-2009HAWKEN, Andrew A, birth: 23-Sep-1974, death: 2-Mar-2007HAWLEY, Cheryl Lynn, birth: 21-May-1954, death: 25-Jun-2009HAWLEY, Dorie, birth: 2-Feb-1916, death: 5-May-1997HAWLEY, Frank, birth: 25-Feb-1914, death: 2-Jun-2004HEDIN, Albert Tangness, birth: 24-Apr-1938, death: 21-Aug-2016HEDIN, August, birth: 1894, death: 1927HEDIN, Bertha, birth: 1865, death: 1942HEDIN, J.E., birth: 1856, death: 1926HEFLINGER, Harold, birth: 28-Jun-1914, death: 3-Mar-1998, US Army WWIIHEGLAND, Pauline F, birth: 21-Aug-1923, death: 26-Jan-1993HENDRICKSON, Dale Everett, birth: 23-Sep-1952, death: 4-Aug-2007HENRY, RenEllen, birth: 16-Aug-1962, death: 27-Aug-2014HERMAN, Frank D, birth: 1922, death: 1985HERMAN, Goldie L, birth: 1927, death: 2001HERMAN, Russ, birth: 18-Dec-1945, death: 11-Jun-2016HERZMAN, Barney, birth: ?, death: ?HILER, Elva Lorraine Gibson, birth: 14-Sept-1898, death: 28-Dec-1988, Major US Army Nurse CorpsHILL, Carol L, birth: 1932, death: 2002HILL, Edwyn A, birth: 1934, death: 1991HINDMAN, Amanda Cheray, birth: 18-Oct-1968, death: 20-Mar-1996HINDMAN, Roxana S, birth: 5-Feb-1940, death: 26-Mar-1996HIPP, Dianne L, birth: 19-Sep-1936, death: 19-Jun-2005HITCHCOCK, Patricia G, birth: 1-Oct-1946, death: 1-Dec-2000HNIN, Sang Cung, birth: 11-Nov-1992, death: 27-Aug-2011HODGE, Genine Mary, birth: 9-Aug-1958, death: 14-Aug-1992HODGE, Norma C, birth: 8-Nov-1932, death: 3-Jul-1992, Married July 28, 1951, w/o WilliamHOFF, Carmen Nancy, birth: 6-Jan-1970, death: 25-Nov-1995HOLT, Randy Wayne, birth: 9-Apr-1953, death: 31-Dec-1988HONEYCUTT, Earl M, birth: 1913, death: 1985HOOD, Kevin Neill, birth: 21-Aug-1967, death: 17-Jun-1990HOPPER, Annabell Mae, birth: 1927, death: 1973HORN, Annie, birth: 1860, death: 1918HORN, R.L., birth: 1891, death: 1918HOUGH, Ruth A, birth: 1923, death: 1997HOWLAND, Arthur Sidney, birth: 9-Aug-1920, Edinburgh, Scotland, death: 14-Feb-2002HUBL, Rose C, birth: 6-Nov-1921, death: 20-Feb-2007HUGHES, Robert E, birth: 19-Oct-1924, death: 3-Oct-1994, US Army Air Corps WWIIHUNT, Amanda Marie, birth: 22-Jan-1981, death: 22-Jun-2015HUSE, Noble E, birth: 2-Mar-1919, death: 14-Nov-2003, h/o Verisse, married 9/9/1940HUSE, Verisse N, birth: 25-Sep-1921, death: 5-Jun-2009, w/o Noble, married 9/9/1940HUTH, Samuel, birth: 30-Nov-1873, death: 7-Dec-1907HYDE, Doris E, birth: 3-Mar-1918, death: 23-Apr-2005HYNES, Cecelia M, birth: 1920, death: 2010HYNES, Harold, birth: 1921, death: 1923HYNES, Jack, birth: 1917, death: 1919HYNES, James w, birth: 1919, death: 1998INGHAM, SIRWIN, Darlene L, birth: 1922, death: 1979JACKSON, Ronald L, birth: 10-Sep-1938, death: 2-Dec-1991, US NavyJACOBS, Ashlee Anne, birth: 18-Oct-1987, death: 12-May-2007JAMES, Ross C, birth: 14-Dec-1943, death: 10-Dec-2008JENKS, Earl, birth: 1900, death: 1983JENKS, Merine m, birth: 1922, death: 2003JOHANSON, Elizabeth, birth: 1864, death: 1953JOHNSON, Alma, birth: 1863, death: 1918JOHNSON, Edmund, birth: 1904, death: 1951JOHNSON, Edwin, birth: 1872, death: 1934JOHNSON, Elsie Gruenes, birth: 1889, death: 1967JOHNSON, Frank, birth: 1894, death: 1939JOHNSON, Fred A, birth: 5-Sep-1906, death: 11-May-1987, Married November 17, 1930, h/o MinnieJOHNSON, Hannah E, birth: 1869, death: 1959JOHNSON, Helen, birth: 1897, death: 1983JOHNSON, Ingval, birth: 16-Jun-1913, death: 20-Dec-1921JOHNSON, Jacqueline Lee, birth: 15-Mar-1934, death: 18-Jul-2013JOHNSON, Minnie E, birth: 11-Aug-1906, death: 16-Sep-1998, Married November 17, 1930, w/o FredJOHNSON, Oscar, birth: 1862, death: 1947JOHNSON, Ralston S, birth: 1889, death: 1968JOHNSON, Rick, birth: 1892, death: 1914JOHNSON, Tyler Wayne, birth: 26-Jul-1981, death: 19-Feb-2009JOHNSTON, Edward L, birth: 1924, death: 1998, WWII VetJOLK, Gerald M, birth: 15-Jul-1935, death: 31-Jan-2007, Married May 12, 1961, h/o GailJONES, Helen M, birth: 7-Jan-1909, death: 17-Oct-1994JONES, Leslie A, birth: 26-Jan-1913, death: 8-Nov-1978JUDD, Doris L, birth: 25-Feb-1922, death: 17-Jan-2007, Married July 15, 1949, w/o RaymondJUDD, Raymond F, birth: 30-Nov-1919, death: 20-Jan-1978, Married July 15, 1949, h/o DorisJUNIVICZ, Adam, birth: 1879, death: 1925JUNIVITCH, Joseph, birth: 13-Jun-1916, death: 6-Oct-1999KAMP, Jeffery J, birth: 27-Jul-1959, death: 18-Dec-2008KANE-BROOKS, Mary , no datesKARAIM, Michael J, birth: 25-Jun-1960, death: 20-May-2004KARPEN, Margaret, birth: 1917, death: 1980KARPEN, Warren, birth: 1917, death: 1995KARR, Day Andrew, birth: 6-May-1969, death: 18-May-1980KARR, Michael Murray, birth: 16-Oct-1970, death: 18-May-1980KASPAR, Daniel S, birth: 5-Jul-1965, death: 11-Apr-1994, Sgt US Marine CorpsKASPAR, Robert Verle, birth: 17-May-1920, death: 8-Apr-2005, US Army WWIIKEENER, Carolyn Ann, birth: 10-Mar-1943, death: 13-Jul-1985KELLER, Arnold O, birth: 1922, death: 1994, Married July 3, 1943, h/o MaxineKELLER, Maxine L, birth: 1925, death: 1984, Married July 3, 1943, w/o ArnoldKELLY, Lynda Marie, birth: 6-Oct-1957, death: 21-Jul-2010KERO, Jill Louise, birth: 1-Nov-1963, death: 22-Jun-1980KERO, Juanita Jean, birth: 1933, death: 1991KHOR, James Gatmai, birth: 1-Jan-1988, death: 18-Dec-2011KIMBALL, Marie Holder, birth: 2-Mar-1944, death: 3-Mar-2009KING, Shirley J, birth: 1931, death: 2014KING, Weston T, birth: 1919, death: 1998, WWII VetKINNEY-RATHJEN, Markus M, death: 18-Feb-1993KINZLER, Celeste Ann, birth: 16-Mar-1956, death: 9-Jan-1994KNOTT, Victoria, birth: 1889, Poland, death: 1968KNOTT, William J, birth: 1917, death: 1930KNOTT, William J, birth: 1889, England, death: 1955KNUDSEN, Judith A, birth: 1926, death: 2016, w/o Lorense, Married 4/30/1946KNUDSEN, Lorense C, birth: 1918, death: 1991, Married April 30, 1946, h/o JudithKOCHEVAR, Anne Margaret, birth: 15-Apr-1911, death: 28-Nov-2007KOCHEVAR, Antonia, birth: 1886, death: 1928KOCHEVAR, Joseph V, birth: 25-Apr-1914, death: 22-Mar-1997KOCHEVAR, Valentine, birth: 1874, death: 1955KORTES, Alto, birth: 1912, death: 1979KORTES, Wilho, birth: 8-Nov-1913, death: 25-Jul-1984, PNC US Navy WWIIKRASSER, Barbara Ann, birth: 1934, death: 1993KRISTIANSEN, Lillian, birth: 16-Oct-1934, death: 16-Oct-1997KROPP, Chantrelle, birth: 26-Apr-1982, death: 3-Jul-1982KROUT, Robert LeRoy, birth: 1943, death: 2005, married June 5, 1964KUHN, Germaine Catherine, birth: 23-Oct-1922, death: 7-May-2010KUHN, Wheitzelle Frederick, birth: 13-Apr-1924, death: 21-Dec-2010KUHUSKI, June Louise, birth: 1942, death: 2003KUOL, Chol Mayen, birth: 1-Jan-1984, death: 31-Oct-2014LAMBERT, Benjamin, birth: ?, death: ?LAMBERT, Bertha A, birth: 29-Dec-1921, death: 22-Aug-2007LAMBERT, Edith Elizabeth, birth: 30-Apr-1954, death: 30-Sep-1991LAMBERT, Jennings G, birth: 19-Feb-1899, death: 26-Aug-1991, US Navy WW1LAMBERT, Robert D (III), birth: 1-Oct-1981, death: 21-Jun-1983LAMOUREUX, Barbara Marie, birth: 14-Jun-1916, death: 16-Aug-1999LAMOUREUX, David Earl, birth: 27-Oct-1943, death: 18-Nov-2009LAMOUREUX, Donald Edwin, birth: 18-Nov-1914, death: 23-Oct-1989LANCASTER, Clarence Bill, birth: 1901, death: 1976LANCASTER, James, birth: 1939, death: 1956LANCASTER, Lillian, birth: 1902, death: 1979LANCASTER, Lois E, death: 17-Apr-1936LANCE, Anne Carleton, birth: 1910, death: 1991LARSON, Lawrence M, birth: 26-Aug-1886, death: 21-Feb-1954LAVENS, Agnes Bartholomew, birth: 1924, death: 2005LEE, Miranda Joyce, death: 4-Feb-1994LEE, Richard Rex, birth: 21-Aug-1957, death: 9-Sep-2004LEGRANDE, Gerald Loren, birth: 9-Oct-1940, death: 18-Oct-2007, SP5 US ArmyLEGRANDE, John William, birth: 29-Dec-1929, death: 20-Aug-1989, US ArmyLEGRANDE, Paul A, birth: 7-Mar-1939, death: 6-Nov-1981LESSER, Eunice, birth: 18-Apr-1916, death: 2-Mar-1998LESSER, Samuel, birth: 18-Jun-1912, death: 2-Oct-1991LESSER, Sol, birth: 1928, death: 1993LEWIS, Allen L, birth: 1949, death: 1989LEWIS, Peter Leon, birth: 18-Oct-1940, death: 19-Oct-2008LICKISS, Melissa Megan, birth: 1980, death: 2011LILLYWHITE, Pearl Lenore, birth: 8-Mar-1920, death: 7-Mar-1986LINDEMAN, Laura Chapman, birth: 1912, death: 1981LINDSTROM, Lewis W, birth: 6-Nov-1921, death: 2-Feb-1992, US Army WWIILINZA, Robert W, birth: 1921, death: 1971LIVINGSTON, Buddie, birth: 25-Jul-1941, death: 24-Aug-1941LIVINGSTON, Gail D (Sr), birth: 6-Jun-1919, death: 24-Nov-2004LIVINGSTON, Louise F, birth: 30-Jan-1923, death: 30-Mar-1990LOHR, Leta May, birth: 1890, death: 1977LOTZ, Daryl Carl, birth: 1945, death: 1980, Cpl US Army VietnamLUBY, Benjamin Ray, birth: 30-Jul-1959, death: 28-Apr-1961LUBY, Robert George, birth: 8-Sep-1935, death: 20-May-1979, Sgt US Air Force KoreaLUND, B. Yvonne Lawson, birth: 22-Apr-1932, death: 12-Oct-1983, married October 4, 1951, Sealed 1/13/1972, w/o LeoLUND, Leo Bernt, birth: 11-Nov-1921, death: 24-Jul-2011, WWIILUND, Marilyn A, birth: 12-Feb-1931, death: 23-Sep-1996LUND, Robert D, birth: 21-Apr-1930, death: 25-Apr-2011LUNDBERG, Clarence J, birth: 1919, death: 1980, US Coast Guard WWIIMACDONALD, Hugh T, birth: 19-Sep-1921, death: 28-Sep-2009MACDONALD, Jerry Keith, birth: 8-Apr-1926, death: 3-Mar-2008MAHAFFEY, Miriam E, birth: 1867, death: 1953MAHNKE, Clarence C, birth: 6-Sep-1908, death: 18-Sep-1985MAHNKE, Helen Ruth, birth: 24-Jan-1918, death: 13-Jul-1989MANDELIN, Clifford A, birth: 1-Aug-1923, death: 27-Jan-2008MARTENS, Betty Louise, birth: 18-Nov-1934, death: 28-Oct-2005MASTERON, Raymond, birth: 1918, death: 1987MATHISON, Caleb Luccas, birth: 23-Jun-2001, death: 25-Aug-2009MATHISON, Maria del Carmen Ardene, birth: 20-Oct-1983, death: 7-Jul-2006MATTAHEUS, Lucille E, birth: 1907, death: 1993MATTAHEUS, Walter V, birth: 25-Jan-1908, death: 6-Jul-1982, S Sgt US Army WWIIMAXWELL, Clarasa, birth: 28-Oct-1843, death: 13-Aug-1910MAXWELL, Donia, birth: 1878, death: 1955MAXWELL, Evelena, birth: 20-July-1884, death: 24-July-1884MAXWELL, Frederick W (IV), birth: 25-Aug-1970, death: 10-Apr-1993MAXWELL, Herschel W, birth: 29-Mar-1900, death: 5-Mar-1981, 58years, h/o MadgeMAXWELL, Madge P, birth: 4-Jan-1903, death: 12-Aug-1995, 58years, w/o HerschelMAXWELL, Mattie, birth: 1875, death: 1957MAXWELL, William M, birth: 16-June-1838, death: 18-Jan-1919MCCARTHY, Dennis N, birth: 30-Mar-1929, death: 10-Jul-1977MCCARTHY-SMITH, Carlene, birth: 26-May-1934, death: 7-Mar-2010MCCLUNG, Jesse Madison, birth: 25-Feb-1925, death: 22-May-1987, US Navy WWIIMCCOY, Margaret, birth: 1886, death: 1972MCCULLOUGH, Ansel W, birth: 1-Jan-1929, death: 11-Mar-2001, Married 7/21/1950, h/o GenevieveMCCUTCHAN, Don J, birth: 24-Jun-1926, death: 17-Nov-1990, US Army WWIIMCDANIEL, Shawn K, birth: 1962, death: 1997MCDANIEL, Virginia J, birth: 1942, death: 2013MCDOUGALL, Donald A, birth: 1894, death: 1989MCDOUGALL, Dorothy Wisely, birth: 2-Oct-1900, death: 13-Jun-1977MCDOUGALL, Helen R, birth: 1902, death: 1977MCEWEN, Mack O, birth: 13-Mar-1922, death: 16-May-2006MCGARR, Alice Patricia, birth: 22-Jun-1933, death: 28-Nov-2012MCGHEE, Lisa Joy, birth: September 1986, death: January 1988MCHUGH, Donna Mae, birth: 1945, death: 2010MCKINNON, Alma M, birth: 8-Sep-1903, death: 21-Jul-2000MCKINNON, James A, birth: 24-may-1899, death: 21-Jan-1973MCPHEE, Donald Duane, birth: 1955, death: 2011MCPHEE, James R, birth: 1933, death: 1987MCPHERRON, Helen M, birth: 1911, death: 1996MCPHERRON, Howard B, birth: 1908, death: 1991MCPHERRON, Jared Paul, birth: 25-Mar-1943, death: 28-Dec-2000MCVEY, James Oliver, birth: 25-Aug-1902, death: 25-Feb-1980, Pvt US Marine Corps WWIMELSOM, Knute Frederick, birth: 24-Aug-1934, death: 14-Sep-2014, A1C US Air Force KoreaMERCER, Marvin Lee, birth: 18-Jan-1937, death: 22-Nov-2010MEYERS, Marie Elta, birth: 2-May-1883, death: 7-Mar-1970MEYERS, Victor Eugene, birth: 14-Dec-1887, death: 28-Jul-1970MIKULICH, Eleanor J, birth: 22-Jul-1919, death: 11-Jul-2003MIKULICH, Victor G, birth: 31-Dec-1915, death: 19-Oct-2009MILES, David M, birth: 5-Aug-1930, death: 8-Mar-1992, US Marine Corps KoreaMILES, Ross V, birth: 17-Oct-1916, death: 23-Sep-1988, US Marine Corps WWIIMILLARD, J, death: 1986MILLER, Harry Nicholas, birth: 1924, death: 1990, GM1 US Navy WWIIMILLER, Jerry Lee, birth: 16-Dec-1947, death: 9-Feb-1994MILLER, Walter, birth: 7-May-1925, death: 22-Oct-2006, Cpl US Marine Corps WWIIMITCHELL, Esther Anne, birth: 13-Apr-2001, death: 30-Jul-2001MITCHELL, Ina P, birth: 1893, death: 1985MITCHELL, William B, birth: 1894, death: 1976MOORE, Dustin Michael, birth: 18-Dec-1990, death: 10-Sep-2007MORGAN, Alma M, birth: 1912, death: 1994MORGAN, Axel, birth: 1907, death: 1986MORGAN, Edward, birth: 1910, death: 1976MORGAN, Jalmar w, birth: 1877, death: 1946MORGAN, Martha Dagne, birth: 1915, death: 1950MORGAN, Regina Moisio, birth: 1879, death: 1961MORGAN, Waino, birth: 1909, death: 1928MORGAN, William, birth: 1901, death: 1966MORROW, Catherine, birth: 25-Apr-1912, death: 12-Dec-1995MORROW, Robert John, birth: 1912, death: 1985, Cpl US Army WWIIMOUREY, Roberta Ann, birth: 1937, death: 1981MOUREY, William Lloyd, birth: 1909, death: 1986MULLER, Roscoe M, birth: 18-Apr-1920, death: 17-Feb-1988, MM2 US Navy WWIIMUZZY, Wilma L, birth: 22-Feb-1909, death: 10-Nov-1989MYERS, Ronald A, birth: 1938, death: 1995NELSON, Peter G, birth: 1870, death: 1958NEUBAUER, Ervin V, birth: 6-Nov-1929, death: 25-Jul-1979, US Army KoreaNEW, Emily A, birth: 1910, death: 1995NICKELL, John, birth: 1875, death: 1983NIEMI, Arne Emil, birth: 22-Sep-1903, death: 21-Aug-1971, WA Pfc Co D 400 MP BN WWIINIEMI, Daisy v, birth: 29-Jun-1906, death: 12-Dec-1984NIORD, Robert A, birth: 1915, death: 1985NIORD, Ruby i, birth: 1912, death: 1980NODRUM, Anton, birth: 1873, death: 1952NODRUM, John, birth: 1860, death: 1944NODRUM, Martin, birth: 1857, death: 1943NODRUM, Sam, birth: 1876, death: 1958NOE, Orleen Kay, birth: 8-Nov-1948, death: 7-Dec-1998, Married December 20, 1974, h/o LincolnNOLET, Irean, birth: 29-Dec-1912, death: 24-Jul-1913, d/o J.C. & E NoletNOLL, Oscar H, birth: 13-May-1900, death: 19-Oct-1984, Cpl US Army WWINOLL, Ruby T, birth: 1900, death: 1980NORD, John, birth: ?, death: ?NORRIS, Richard George, birth: 30-Nov-1926, death: 22-Mar-1991, Cpl US Army WWIINUNNALLEE, Edmund P, birth: 1906, death: 1986NUNNALLEE, Jeanette E, birth: 1911, death: 2002NYSTROM, Pheobe A, birth: 1889, death: 1972OARSO, G, birth: 1873, death: 1936OGDEN, Marie A, birth: 30-Nov-1902, death: 7-Aug-1985OGDEN, Robert J, birth: 3-May-1903, death: 14-Oct-1991OLSON, Carl Hjalmar, birth: 9-Mar-1919, death: 1-Feb-2003, Tec 4 US Army WWIIOLSON, Dan Lee, birth: 17-Mar-1960, death: 20-Feb-2009OLSON, Nancy Lohr, birth: 6-Jul-1924, death: 26-Feb-2001OPPELT, Emily Randall, birth: 1860, death: 1906OWENS, Charles, birth: 7-May-1932, death: 14-Jan-2015, US Army 1949-1952PAANANEN, Albert, birth: 18-Dec-1900, death: 31-Jul-1919PAANANEN, Andrew, birth: 5-Aug-1873, death: 6-Aug-1927PAANANEN, Edla, birth: 19-Nov-1869, death: 6-May-1949PAANANEN, George, birth: 31-Oct-1907, death: 17-Jun-1923PAGET, Robert Roy, birth: 5-Oct-1948, death: 24-Sep-1994, SP5 US ArmyPALEN, Robert C (Sr), birth: 21-Jul-1920, death: 31-Oct-1982, Sgt US Army WWIIPALEN, Violet S, birth: 27-Oct-1921, death: 25-Jul-2005, US Navy WWIIPALMER, Caitlin Bernice, birth: 11-Feb-1989, death: 24-Jun-2002PALMER, Nelson J, birth: 13-Aug-1960, death: 3-Jun-1982PALMER, Rosemarie Jean, birth: 26-Sep-1952, death: 1-May-2005PALMI, Anna, birth: 29-Aug-1898, death: 1-Feb-1925PALMI, Vivian, birth: 28-Feb-1918, death: 23-Jul-1924PANKIEVICH, Els-Britt M, birth: 23-Nov-1942, death: 6-Mar-2007, Married February 2, 1962, w/o WilliamPANKIEVICH, William R, birth: 1-Jan-1942, death: 9-Aug-2006, Married February 2, 1962, h/o Els-BrittPARKS-HIGDON, timothy William, birth: 17-Jul-1990, death: 3-Oct-1990PASKO, Richard Stanley, birth: 29-Apr-1935, death: 18-Nov-2015PATTERSON, Jehuie, birth: ?, death: ?, dates not legiblePATTERSON, Nancy, birth: ?, death: ?, dates not legiblePATTERSON, Samuel, birth: 22-Jan-1801, death: 27-Apr-1894PATTERSON, William W, birth: ?, death: ?, dates not legiblePAULSON, Larry F, birth: 21-Jun-1957, death: 3-Nov-1968PEACOCK, ?, birth: ?, death: ?PEACOCK, Bonnie Christine, birth: 1940, death: 2011, Married July 13, 1963PEACOCK, Ellen, birth: 26-Oct-1852, death: 14-May-1919PEACOCK, Flora, birth: 1881, death: 1951PEACOCK, Fred, birth: 1881, death: 1963PEACOCK, Hubert W, birth: 1911, death: 1985, married June 7, 1936, h/o MarianPEACOCK, Marian, birth: 1911, death: 2006, married June 7, 1936, w/o HubertPEACOCK, Rose, birth: 1883, death: 1963PEACOCK, William, birth: 1885, death: 1967PEARSON, Nels T, birth: 1872, death: 1932PEASE, Arthur Eugene (Sr), birth: 16-Jan-1939, death: 30-Sep-2008, married June 19, 1965, h/o NormaPEASE, Eugene, birth: 22-Feb-1914, death: 23-Jun-1990, married April 12, 1938PELTON, Harold Scott, birth: 1903, death: 1993PELTON, Louise Helen Dubick, birth: 1896, death: 1987PERRY, Frank E, birth: 1878, death: 1970PERRY, Katherine M, birth: 1880, death: 1968, married 66yearsPERSSON, Donald Perry, birth: 2-Jan-1958, death: 20-Apr-2013PETCHNICK, Ian Ryan, birth: 10-Aug-1980, death: 27-Aug-1983PETCHNICK, Rudolph, birth: 1904, death: 1978, Married 1938, h/o OlgaPETERSON, Dallas Jay, birth: 12-Apr-1943, death: 10-Feb-2016PETERSON, Emma M, birth: 1894, death: 1983PETERSON, Everett J, birth: 30-Mar-1921, death: 9-Jan-1972, WA Tec5 US Army WWIIPETERSON, Karen Gail, birth: 31-Mar-1945, death: 11-Oct-2010PETERSON, Madeleine May, birth: 1-Apr-1926, death: 20-Sep-2007PETERSON, Mildred F, birth: 1923, death: 1984PETERSON, Robert F, birth: 1922, death: 1997PHILLIPS, George Robert, birth: 9-May-1924, death: 8-Feb-1980, TM3 US Navy WWIIPHILLIPS, Merle V, birth: 20-May-1912, death: 3-Feb-2000PICKININI, Chester, birth: 28-Sep-1918, death: 17-Aug-1985, S Sgt US Army WWIIPICKININI, Victoria R, birth: 11-Sep-1918, death: 10-Mar-2001PIERIDES, Nick, birth: 1936, death: 2012PIGG, John H, birth: 1906, death: 1989PIGG, Pearl M, birth: 1912, death: 1979PIGGOTT, Mabelle M, birth: 25-Oct-1880, death: 25-Jun-1970PIGGOTT, Wallace H, birth: 17-Apr-1884, death: 3-Dec-1975PILANTZ, Lydia j, birth: 10-Oct-1897, death: 8-Feb-1973PILANTZ, Martin A, birth: 1905, death: 1987PILGRIM, Flora Louise, birth: 15-Jul-1923, death: 9-Nov-1998PILGRIM, Walter William, birth: 14-Feb-1917, death: 22-Feb-2013POHLREICH, Edward Leo Jr., birth: 29-Dec-1966, death: 28-Mar-2016POHLREICH, Mary Anne, birth: 28-Dec-1962, death: 23-Jun-1990PORTER-STICH, Alice, birth: 21-Feb-1960, death: 30-Jul-2004POTTER, Shannon Ann, birth: 10-Jul-1979, death: 10-Aug-1990POTTLE, Alice Faye Marie, birth: 1921, death: 2010POTTLE, Kenneth Lacey, birth: 1920, death: 2006POWELL, Bill, birth: 1894, death: 1977POWELL, Eunice, birth: 1905, death: 1970PRENN, Carole, birth: 17-May-1946, death: 30-Oct-1984PRIES, George A, birth: 12-Feb-1910, death: 17-Feb-1971PRINGLE, Edward A, birth: 1913, death: 1963PRINGLE, Nora C, birth: 1915, death: 2004RASMUSSEN, Mads P, birth: November 1844, death: September 1909RASMUSSEN, Marie, birth: June 1859, death: March 1925RASMUSSEN, Martin, birth: August 1888, death: September 1909RATIGAN, Jack, no datesRAWLEY, Claude O (Sr), birth: 1884, death: 1972RAWLEY, Claude O Jr., birth: 11-Mar-1926, death: 18-Feb-2015RAWLEY, Hazel, birth: 1894, death: 1944READ, Edwina Isobel Wetzel, birth: 1919, death: 2007READ, Walter James, birth: 1917, death: 1973REDICK, Krista Marie, birth: 19-Jul-1985, death: 18-Oct-2007REID, Mary Huth, birth: 11-Dec-1879, death: 3-May-1957RENNICK, Albert L, birth: 23-May-1928, death: 10-Feb-1980, Married June 8, 1946, w/o DonnaRENNICK, Donna L, birth: 10-Jul-1928, death: 22-Jan-1999, Married June 8, 1946, h/o AlbertRENNICK, Kelly L, birth: 3-Jul-1956, death: 10-Nov-1991REYNOLDS, Carl H, birth: 19-May-1939, death: 4-Apr-2009RICHTER, Cindy C, birth: 1963, death: 1995RIDEAU, Valine, birth: 1901, death: 1975RIVAS, Terri L, birth: 20-Sep-1960, death: 3-Jun-2009, married February 17, 1996, w/o StevenROBERTS, Lorraine, birth: 6-Feb-1948, death: 23-Jan-1992ROBERTS, Lou, birth: 3-Oct-1929, death: 11-Jun-1989ROBERTSON, William J, birth: 15-Sep-1919, death: 6-Jun-1995, Tech 5 US Army WWIIROBERTSON, William J, birth: 15-Sep-1919, death: 6-Jun-1995ROE, Delphina Rosa, birth: 10-Sep-1926, death: 6-Oct-1988ROE, Lawrence (Sr), birth: 17-Jan-1923, death: 2-Oct-2009ROMILLY, Charles W, birth: 1-Oct-1918, death: 2-Feb-2003ROTH, Geraldine L, birth: 29-Sep-1925, death: 25-Apr-1993, w/o RichardRUSSELL, L, death: 26-May-1908, 80yearsSALAMONE, Angeline Grace, birth: 25-Jul-1920, death: 12-Sep-2004, Married June 10, 1939, w/o JosephSALAMONE, Joseph Michael, birth: 29-Dec-1917, death: 17-Feb-2011, Married June 10, 1939, h/o AngelineSALTER, Ruth, birth: 1894, death: 1979SAMPSON, Eric Gene Curry, birth: 2-Jun-1991, death: 20-Mar-2011SANDAHL, Percy A, birth: 6-Jul-1902, death: 6-Aug-1902SCANLON, Aaron Thomas, birth: 2-Jul-1980, death: 20-Aug-1980SCELI, Gordon L, birth: 1961, death: 1991SCHAEFER, Lorna M, birth: 1957, death: 2008SCHELLHASE, Richard Wayne, birth: 11-Jan-1956, death: 31-May-2006SCHLOTMAN, Henry A, birth: 1844, death: 1920SCHLOTMAN, Lena S, birth: 1847, death: 1924SCHOENROCK, Matthew William, birth: 29-May-2007, death: 30-May-2007SCHOLTENS, Hattie, birth: 1903, death: 1973SCHOLTENS, Siebolt, birth: 1894, death: 1977SCOTT, Fred M, birth: 1898, death: 1981SCOTT, Gladys C, birth: 1911, death: 1988SCOTT, William Robert, birth: 3-Jul-1948, death: 18-Aug-1967SCOVEL, Merle Edward, birth: 7-Oct-1965, death: 5-Jun-2005SCOVEL, Virginia Brandt, birth: 1915, death: 1998SEGER, Joseph F, birth: 9-Oct-1947, death: 14-Dec-1989SEIGFRED, Mary Louise, birth: 10-Oct-1923, death: 7-Apr-1992SETERA, David A (Sr), birth: 26-Jun-1939, death: 3-Jul-2002, Married May 11, 1961, h/o HelenaSETERA, Helena G, birth: 17-Dec-1940, death: 2-Jun-2013SEVERSON, Grant S, birth: 5-Sep-1926, death: 27-Jan-1986, MOMM2 US Navy WWIISHANK, Ronny Lee, birth: 16-Sep-1951, death: 6-May-2014SHANKS, Henry C, birth: 26-May-1919, death: 2-Sep-1992, US Coast Guard WWIISHARP, Larae C, birth: 1929, death: 1995SHAW, Rebecca Lynne, birth: 30-Apr-1984, death: 12-Feb-2009SHERIFF, Sandra Jean, birth: 2-Apr-1957, death: 19-Oct-2010SHERRARD, Elon E, birth: 10-Mar-1917, death: 21-Mar-1991SHERRARD, Mary A, birth: 12-Aug-1919, death: 2-Nov-2008SHERWOOD, Vernon R (Dr), birth: 10-Nov-1922, death: 11-Nov-1989SHORT, Eugenia M, birth: 17-Aug-1957, death: 14-Jul-2007SHORT, Herbert M, birth: 4-Mar-1908, death: 24-May-1998, Married May 21, 1940, h/o MariamSHORT, Ira Rueben, birth: 20-May-1922, death: 20-Aug-1982, S1 US Navy WWIISHORT, Marian M, birth: 31-Oct-1915, death: 16-Jun-2012SIALING, Tawk Hnin Zam, birth: 5-Jun-1982, death: 11-Sep-2011SIDEBOTHAM, George, birth: 1867, death: 1941SIDEBOTHAM, George Alexander, birth: 21-Jan-1924, death: 18-Sep-2002, US Navy WWIISIDEBOTHAM, Hazel, birth: 1894, death: 1915SIDEBOTHAM, Henry , birth: 9-Nov-1838, death: 24-Nov-1916, masonic symbolSIDEBOTHAM, Henry (Jr), birth: 29-Aug-1878, death: 25-May-1910SIDEBOTHAM, Jennie, birth: 21-Apr-1873, death: 20-May-1890SIDEBOTHAM, Selina, birth: 28-Aug-1836, death: 26-Sep-1911SIMON, Frances M, birth: 1924, death: 2005SIMON, Jack F (Jr), birth: 17-Jan-1956, death: 14-Mar-2005SIMON, Laina A, birth: 4-Oct-1917, death: 11-Dec-1986SIMON, Robert J, birth: 1919, death: 1989SIMON, William J (Sr), birth: 12-Feb-1917, death: 11-Mar-1973, WA Pvt 304 Inf 76 Inf Div WWIISIMPSON, Ethel I, birth: 1906, death: 1972SIMPSON, Wemyss I, birth: 1907, death: 1996SIMS, Cpl Alpha Clyde, birth: 28-May-1924, death: 9-Sep-2001, Married June 1947, h/o JerushaSIMS, Gary Neil, birth: 21-Jan-1954, death: 5-Dec-1996SIMS, Jerusha Myrtle, birth: 1-Nov-1926, death: 19-Jun-2009, Married June 1947, w/o AlphaSIMS, Robin Lynn Burton, birth: 6-Apr-1951, death: 8-Sep-1971SIPAN, Paul, birth: 1901, death: 1979SIPILA, Impie Marion, birth: 7-Nov-1902, death: 27-Nov-1989SIPILA, Thomas M, birth: 10-Jun-1947, death: 2-Nov-2005SIPILA, Walter Axel, birth: 10-Apr-1925, death: 18-Aug-2013, S1 US Navy WWIISLAUGHTER, Ada F, birth: 1894, death: 1977SLAUGHTER, Sidney S, birth: 1885, death: 1958SMITH, Ann A, birth: 5-Sep-1908, death: 25-Mar-1995SMITH, Claire M, birth: 14-Jul-1921, death: 7-Sep-2003, Married 54years, w/o DavidSMITH, Donald P, birth: 3-Jan-1919, death: 3-Jul-1980, US Navy WWIISMITH, Frances Ann, birth: 27-Sep-1917, death: 10-Jul-1996SMITH, Laura G, birth: 6-Jan-1945, death: 16-Sep-1995SMITH, Stanley, birth: 1958, death: 1979SMITH, William T (Rev), birth: 20-Jun-1907, death: 7-Apr-2000SNOW, Carla Marie, birth: 31-May-1946, death: 24-May-2002SNOW, Hershel B (Jr), birth: 8-Dec-1939, death: 19-Jun-2008, SP5 US ArmySODERBERG, Gilbert F, birth: 3-May-1910, death: 8-Mar-1989, T Sgt US Army WWIISODERBERG, Shawn Marie, birth: 22-Aug-1963, death: 4-Jun-1980SOLTIS, Andrew J, birth: 10-Mar-1913, death: 13-Feb-1983SORG, Harry David, birth: 27-May-1932, death: 6-Jun-2002, Cpl US Army KoreaSORG, Julia Marie, birth: 25-Nov-1936, death: 15-Sep-2010SPENCER, Ione, birth: 1928, death: 2000, married December 7, 1946, w/o ShortySPENCER, Ruth Marie, birth: 1-Sep-1968, death: 14-Aug-1979SPENCER, Shorty, birth: 1924, death: 1994, married December 7, 1946, h/o IoneSPRAGUE, Walter Daniel, birth: 18-Sep-1931, death: 26-Jan-1989, Pvt US Army KoreaSPRATLEY, Carl C, birth: 31-May-1919, death: 10-Aug-1998SPRATLEY, Mary A, birth: 9-Feb-1922, death: 6-Jun-1998STANFIELD, Charles E, birth: 1920, death: 1982, Married July 19, 1970, h/o DorothySTANFIELD, Dorothy L, birth: 1923, death: 2016STAUDINGER, Melvin G, birth: 2-Apr-1940, death: 11-Oct-1987STEGALL, Glenda Rae, birth: 25-Aug-1954, death: 8-Feb-1997STEINMETZER, Craig, birth: 31-Jul-1973, death: 4-Mar-1995STICH, Shawn Michael, birth: 10-Dec-1951, death: 24-Sep-2010STORMO, Marian E, birth: 1907, death: 1989STORRS, Gary Bryan, birth: 15-Jul-1959, death: 21-Apr-1989STORRS, Jerry Richard, birth: 11-Jan-1958, death: 30-Mar-2011, US ArmySTORY, Mark P, birth: 7-Feb-1956, death: 18-Feb-1995, SP4 US ArmySTUMP, Donald J, birth: 1922, death: 2006, Married October 2, 1955, h/o MinaSTUMP, Mina M, birth: 1932, death: 1990, Married October 2, 1955, w/o DonaldSUGARBAKER, Coral lee, birth: 1945, death: 1946SUGARBAKER, Jerry, birth: 1921, death: 1984, married November 26, 1942, h/o VirginiaSUGARBAKER, Virginia, birth: 1924, death: 1993, married November 26, 1942, w/o JerrySULLIVAN, Kasandra, birth: 14-Mar-1938, death: ?SWAN, Earl W, birth: 31-Jul-1962, death: 5-Aug-2010SWANSON, Emma, birth: 1878, death: 1940SWANSON, Irene, no datesSWANSON, John L, birth: 1869, death: 1925SWANSON, Melvin G, birth: 13-Feb-1922, death: 6-Aug-2000, US Army Air Forces WWIISWANSON, Robert John, birth: 13-Jan-1956, death: 14-Jun-1997SWANSON, Stillman, birth: 1915, death: 1927SWANSON, Willnor E, birth: 8-Mar-1914, death: 5-Jul-1977, Pfc US Army WWIISWEET, Gloria Rawson, birth: 18-Feb-1933, death: 8-Jan-2006TAE, Kwon Moon, birth: 13-Oct-1927, death: 26-Dec-2010TAYLOR, Virginia K, birth: 16-May-1962, death: 29-Jan-1982TEDFORD, Andy, birth: 1983, death: 2014TEIGE, Bernhard, birth: 1904, death: 1995TEIGE, Bernhard (Jr), birth: 17-Jul-1942, death: 13-May-1982, MM3 US NavyTEIGE, Gladys M, birth: 1904, death: 1980TEIGE, James Bernhard, birth: 30-Apr-1938, death: 8-Feb-1961, WA MRFA US NavyTHANG, Hram Hlei, birth: 1-Jan-1967, death: 4-Jul-2013THOMAS, Travis Robert, birth: 18-Aug-1986, death: 12-Jan-2006THOMPSON, Jennie F, birth: 9-Apr-1889, death: 26-Feb-1986THOMPSON, Lisa, death: April 1970THORLIN, Terri L, birth: 16-Nov-1955, death: 8-Apr-1999THRING, Bert, birth: 1931, death: 1997THRING, Rachel, birth: 1928, death: 2016TICKNOR, Carl Wayne, birth: 19-Oct-1926, death: 24-Nov-1996, Phm3 US Navy WWIITICKNOR, Carolyn Ann, birth: 7-Aug-1925, death: 7-Mar-2001TICKNOR, Keith Alan, birth: 8-Sep-1965, death: 4-May-2000TOBIN, William Joseph, birth: 20-Jan-1925, death: 24-Nov-1994, Flt O US Army Air Corps WWIITOFFLEMOYER, Arlene M, birth: 1934, death: 1984TOFFLEMOYER, Marlene M, birth: 1-Jul-1939, death: 21-Aug-2008TOFFLEMOYER, Ronald R, birth: 21-Jul-1933, death: 11-Oct-2008TOMLINSON, Ernest, birth: 1917, death: 1991, US Army WWIITOMLINSON, Thelma D, birth: 1908, death: 2004TORKELSON, Liv Ann, birth: 11-May-1955, death: 7-May-1995TOUBY, Howard Albert, birth: 26-Sep-1910, death: 8-Jan-1995, EN1 US Navy WWIITRIMBERGER, Dorothy g, birth: 4-Dec-1960, death: 25-Jul-2004TROJOVSKY, Virginia K, birth: 29-Oct-1935, death: 20-Jul-1988, US Navy KoreaTRULSON, Alan F, birth: 1-Apr-1943, death: 6-Sep-2001TURLINGTON, Karen Kay, birth: 13-Oct-1943, death: 13-Dec-1991, married March 13, 1961TUURIE, Rita E, birth: 25-Mar-1959, death: 29-Oct-2003ULNER, Laura, birth: 1928, death: 1974UNDIS, Laverne M, birth: 1928, death: 1990UNDIS, Wayne W, birth: 1951, death: 1990UNDIS, William J, birth: 1924, death: 1997VALENTINE, Chas E, birth: 1861, death: 1927VALENTINE, Eliz. J, birth: 1868, death: 1951VANDERBILT, Dorathea, birth: 1899, death: 1983VANDERBILT, W.D., birth: 1890, death: 1975VANDERFLUTE, Mary J, birth: 18-Jan-1960, death: 20-Oct-2006VAUGHNS, Louis, birth: 22-May-1928, death: 30-Jul-2003, US Army WWIIVERMILLION, Emmitt E, birth: 25-Dec-1924, death: 20-Oct-1983, US Army WWIIVERRALL, Richard C, birth: 10-Jul-1932, death: 7-May-1989, SR US Navy KoreaWALKER, Paul J, birth: 3-Apr-1935, death: 6-Mar-1976WALLACE, Ronald D, birth: 1939, death: 2000WALLENMAIER, Herman, birth: 18-Apr-1889, death: 11-Aug-1954, MT Pfc Co D 16 Inf WWI DSC-SS & OLC-WALSH, Dorothy M, birth: 1920, death: 2004WALSH, Phillip W, birth: 22-Nov-1944, death: 7-May-1997WALSH, Roger P, birth: 1914, death: 1995WALSTRAND, Jennifer Lynn, birth: 20-Nov-1981, death: 31-Aug-2010WALSTRAND, June Lucille, birth: 13-Jun-1942, death: 4-Jul-2003WALSTRAND, Norman Allen, birth: 11-Apr-1961, death: 15-Jun-1961WALVATNE, Romoner, death: 4-Feb-1971, babyWAPLES, Darrell, birth: 7-Feb-1904, death: 19-Feb-2005, Married August 19, 1924, h/o MaselWAPLES, Masel M, birth: 13-May-1906, death: 28-Oct-1986, Married August 19, 1924, w/o DarrellWARD, Estelle B, birth: 12-Apr-1923, death: 11-Nov-2005WARREN, Daniel Lewis, birth: 20-Jan-1967, death: 2-Oct-1973WEAVER, Marlene Linda, birth: 8-Apr-1947, death: 22-Apr-2009WEBSTER, G.F., death: 1-Jul-1904, 69yearsWEIS, Sibyl, birth: 11-Jan-1904, death: 10-Jun-1986WELSKOP, David J, birth: 23-Feb-1956, death: 19-Jan-2004WESTOVER, Calvin D, birth: 18-Aug-1948, death: 18-May-2003WHITAKER, Alice L, birth: 24-Dec-1935, death: 20-Oct-1997WHITE, G. Ken, birth: 1918, death: 2001WHITE, H. Audrey, birth: 1921, death: 1986WHITNEY, Harry, birth: 1885, death: 1976WHITNEY, Karl, birth: 1913, death: 2002WHITNEY, Marie, birth: 1886, death: 1976WHITNEY, Virginia, birth: 1911, death: 1983WILCOX, E.D., birth: 1930, death: 1979WILEY, Ashley Nichole, birth: 4-May-1983, death: 29-May-2000WILKE, Barbara, birth: 15-Apr-1905, death: 18-Nov-1977WILKE, Carl, birth: 23-May-1899, death: 4-Apr-1975WILKE, Diane, birth: 15-Aug-1933, death: 12-Jul-1990WILKE, Karl Anthony, birth: 11-Aug-1981, death: 19-Jun-1982WILLIAMS, Charlotte A, death: 1932WILLING, Donald N, birth: 1-Nov-1950, death: 15-Jul-1987, SP4 US Army VietnamWILLING, Frank (Sr), birth: 4-Feb-1949, death: 4-Aug-1999WILLING, John, birth: 6-Jan-1917, death: 24-Apr-1996, US Army WWIIWILLING, Ruben J, birth: 31-Aug-1920, death: 15-Nov-2000, MOMM3 US Navy WWIIWILSON, Clarence J, birth: 1903, death: 1978WILSON, James Paul, birth: 22-Jul-1946, death: 11-Mar-1998WILSON, Steven A, birth: 18-Jun-1956, death: 8-Feb-2009WINTER, Gregory C, birth: 9-Jul-1951, death: 13-Jun-1976WINTER, Neil Adam, birth: 28-Apr-1961, death: 16-Jul-1979WISE, Jerry Lee, birth: 1947, death: 1996, Sgt US Army VietnamWISNISKI, Frances, birth: 1908, death: 1918WISNISKI, John, birth: 1872, death: 1925WITTE, Robert H, birth: 1865, death: 1915WITTE, Willie, birth: 1907, death: 1912WITTNER, Norman, birth: 12-Jul-1934, death: 25-Mar-1999WITZKE, Margaret M, birth: 1913, death: 2006WITZKE, William A, birth: 1900, death: 1983, masonic symbolWOLFGARTH, Barbara, birth: 9-Apr-1916, death: 26-Sep-1988WOLFGARTH, George, birth: 1-Feb-1909, death: 8-Nov-1993WOOD, Skye Elizabeth, death: 21-Feb-2009WOODARD, Lucille, birth: 1924, death: 1985WRIGHT, David Emerald, birth: 14-Mar-1927, death: 5-Dec-2011, S1 US Navy WWIIWRIGHT, Edith J, birth: 1902, death: 1998WRIGHT, Emerald G, birth: 1899, death: 1983YONKEY, John H (Sr), birth: 1905, death: 1974, masonic symbolYONKEY, Louise C, birth: 1914, death: 1978, married October 10, 1958YOUNG, Joseph, death: 8-May-1892, 65years 9months 22daysZAHN-HICKS, Elizabeth, birth: 12-Feb-1965, death: 27-May-1999ZAPEL, David M, birth: 20-Nov-1963, death: 4-Oct-2008ZELLER, Albert, birth: 1888, death: 1909ZELLER, Bertha, birth: 1861, death: 1920ZELLER, Charles, birth: 1887, death: 1920ZELLER, Frederick, birth: 1845, death: 1921ZOLLER, Mark Alan, birth: 11-Sep-1977, death: 15-Jun-1992ZOOBLEY, Waldemar, birth: 1887, death: 1955
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