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Tahoma National Cemetery
Kent, King County, Washington

tahoma national cemetery
Tahoma National Cemetery
tahoma national cemetery
Tahoma National Cemetery
tahoma national cemetery
Tahoma National Cemetery

GPS: 47.387353, -122.093565

18600 Southeast 240th St.
Kent, WA 98042-4868
(425) 413-9614

Published: July 19, 2016
Total records = 37,838


Tahoma is the first national cemetery in Washington, comprised of 160 acres, adjacent to Tahoma High School. The name "Tahoma" was used by the Klickitat indians as their name for Mt. Rainier, the highest peak in Washington.

Tahoma National Cemetery was established Nov. 11, 1993, and opened for interments on Oct. 1, 1997. The cemetery was dedicated on Sept. 26, 1997. A small expansion project was completed in March 2006, adding over 12,000 new columbarium niches, more than 5,000 pre-placed crypts, road improvements, new signage, a third committal shelter and a third funeral cortege lane at the Public Information Center. Phase II expansion project was completed June 2014, adding14,000 new columbarium niches, more than 9,000 pre-placed crypts, more than 6,000 in-ground garden cremation sites, two memorial walls and an ossuary

Cemetery Records.

Records of burials were acquired from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This transcription includes burials up through 2013.

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