Home > United States > Washington > Kitsap > Wash. Veterans Home (Retsil) Cemetery

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Washington Veterans Home (Retsil) Cemetery
Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington

P. O. Box 698
Retsil, WA 98378
(360) 895-4700

Beach Street
Port Orchard, WA
S25 T24N R1E
Lat: 47°32.46N, Lon: 122°36.36W

This is not a complete listing of burials!  The records below were provided by contributors to Cemetery Records Online. Total records = 1.

Submitters' Index

Rouse, German M., b. 3 Apr 1843, d. 06 Oct 1927, CO. D II Mich. Inf, Row 26 Far West Side, [PW]

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