Search Washington Death Records
Washington Newspapers, Full Search (1853-1984), 204 titles
Washington Obituary Search - (1895-current)
Washington Birth Records Database, (1853-1984)
Mineral Cemetery
Mineral, Lewis County, Washington
GPS: 46.715664, -122.174766
Mineral Creek Rd
Mineral, WA 98355
Date published: June 20, 2017
Total records: 648
Mineral Cemetery District #10 was formed in 1979 to present. Prior to that Mineral Cemetery was under the Bethel Cemetery Association from 1908 to 1979.
Cemetery is in very good condition and well cared for. There is a road that goes into and around the cemetery. There is also a small wooden gazebo in the back corner for sitting.
The earliest noted burial was 1901. The stones listed may not be all of them, only the ones that were visible and legible.
Cemetery Records
Records below were transcribed from tombstone inscriptions by Suzanne Livingstone [] on August 2011, with a re-reading of tombstones in June 2017. The earliest noted burial was 1901. These may not include all burials, only those that were visible and legible.
?, Louise?, RoseADAMS, Fred, Birth: 15-Nov-1905, Death: 1-Jun-1977, "RM1 US Navy WWII"ADAMS, Jesse James, Birth: 7-Dec-1925, Death: 26-Feb-1936ADAMS, John B, Birth: 1889, Death: 1943ADAMS, Malissa, Birth: 1860, Death: 1937ADAMS, Mary, Birth: 1880, Death: 1947ADAMS, Roy J, Birth: 1907, Death: 1976, "Pvt US Army WWII"ADAMS, Samuel, Birth: 7-Jan-1885, Death: 6-Apr-1925ADAMS, William, Birth: 1915, Death: 1977ADAMS, William, Birth: 9-Oct-1880, Death: 8-Nov-1925ADAMS, Woodrow, Birth: 1879, Death: 1962ADEN, Carter, Birth: 1887, Death: 1968ADEN, Jane, Birth: 1892, Death: 1960ADEN, Rex E, Birth: 1922, Death: 1926AHLSTRAND, August, Birth: 20-sept-1858, Death: 20-Oct-1927AHLSTRAND, Christina, Birth: 1879, Death: 1907AHLSTRAND, Emil, Birth: 1870, Death: 1955AHLSTRAND, Inga B, Birth: 1862, Death: 1919AHLSTRAND, John Herman, Birth: 1861, Death: 1927AHLSTRAND, Oscar T, Birth: 21-May-1903, Death: 9-Jun-1989AHLSTRAND, Sofia, Birth: 6-Nov-1864, Death: 2-Feb-1930ALLEN, Suzanne M, Birth: 6-May-1977, Death: 25-May-2011ALLEN, Suzanne M, Birth: 6-May-1977, Death: 25-May-2011AMBURGEY, Beuford, Birth: 1936, Death: 2010AMBURGEY, Curtis, Birth: 16-Oct-1900, Death: 3-Dec-1941ANDERSEN, Paul H, Birth: 23-Feb-1922, Death: 19-Jun-2006, "PFC US Army WWII"ANDERSON, Harry M, Birth: 1914, Death: 1987, "US Army Korea"ANDERSON, James, Death: 14-Sep-1909, Age: 24yearsANDERSON, Josephine, Birth: 2-Jul-1926, Death: 16-Jul-2011ANDERSON, VickiSusan (Davis), Birth: 11-Jan-1961, Death: 28-Oct-2009ANTHONY, Bert, Birth: 1876, Death: 1943ANTHONY, Claudia, Death: 1917, infant d/o Pearl & Bert AnthonyAUSTIN, David Quinn, Age: 7monthsAUVIL, Jessie M, Birth: 1885, Death: 1980AUVIL, John R, Birth: 1882, Death: 1971BACKES, Jewel, Birth: 18-Mar-1924, Death: 15-Nov-1995BACKES, William, Birth: 24-Feb-1924, Death: 8-Feb-1981BAILEY, Charles T, Birth: 2-Dec-1886, Death: 3-Sep-1945, "WA Pvt 43 Spruce SQ"BAILEY, David Gordon, Birth: 2-Oct-1925, Death: 13-Oct-1973, "WA ETM1 US Navy WWII"BAKER, Edith Mae Southard, Birth: 28-Sep-1913, Death: 27-Apr-2004BARTLE, Paul Samuel, Birth: 2-Nov-1984, Death: 7-Dec-1984BASLER, Bert A, Birth: 1881, Death: 1937BASLER, Nora A, Birth: 1888, Death: 1973BASSLER, Carl E, Birth: 1-Mar-1922, Death: 30-Jun-1996, "Cpl US Army WWII"BASSLER, Roy H, Birth: 1922, Death: 1951BENTLEY, Infant twins, Birth: 1946, Death: 1946BENTON, Lois Virginia Timms, Birth: 1-Dec-1935, Death: 30-Jan-2014BENTON, Robert S, Birth: 25-Aug-1930, Death: 28-Dec-2012, "PFC US Army Korea"BERNARD, Earl, Birth: 1897, Death: 1975BERNARD, Gertrude, Birth: 1901, Death: 1982BERNARD, James H. C., Birth: 1936, Death: 1990, "A3C US Air Force"BEVAN, David W, Birth: 30-Jun-1936, Death: 13-Aug-1961BEVAN, Verna Hale, Birth: 16-Feb-1908, Death: 3-Feb-2001BEVAN, Willie, Birth: 3-Aug-1907, Death: 6-Feb-1990BICKFORD, Baby, Death: 1920BICKFORD, Emil Jay, Birth: 1914, Death: 1986BICKFORD, Jay N, Birth: 12-Apr-1900, Death: 6-Aug-1979, "Married 1-July-1922", h/o LomaBICKFORD, Loma E, Birth: 25-Jul-1903, Death: 16-Mar-1975, "Married 1-July-1922", w/o JayBINNIE, Arthur A, Birth: 1930, Death: 2002, "US Marine Corps"BISSON, Madge L, Birth: 13-May-1914, Death: 14-May-2002BISSON, Theodore J, Birth: 1-Oct-1911, Death: 12-May-1989BLACK, Frank, Birth: 7-Jul-1949, Death: 12-Mar-2015BLACK, Mary, Birth: 16-Apr-1938, Death: 31-Mar-2004BLACK, Toni, Birth: 22-Nov-1954, Death: 15-Sep-1976BLACK, W. Wayne, Birth: 26-Dec-1960, Death: 8-Oct-1981BLACK, William, Birth: 23-Apr-1934, Death: 20-Nov-1992BLOCKLEY, Nancy Wilma Auvil, Birth: 1915, Death: 1982BLOOM, Allegra, Birth: 25-Nov-1904, Death: 30-Jan-1987BLOOM, John R, Birth: 19-Dec-1885, Death: 28-Nov-1966BOETTCHER, Carl, Birth: 1844, Death: 1918BOETTCHER, Willie, Birth: 1893, Death: 1914BOLINGER, BerthaBOLINGER, Mary J, Birth: 1881, Death: 1963BOLINGER, Mauris, Birth: 1899, Death: 1984BOLLINGER, EllaBOLLINGER, JosephBORDEN, Adolph M, Birth: 13-Oct-1905, Death: 21-Jun-1976BORDEN, Clara E, Birth: 1896, Death: 1911BORDEN, Dale Delos, Birth: 10-Oct-1916, Death: 27-Sep-2001BORDEN, Fannie D, Birth: 25-Dec-1907, Death: 20-Apr-1991BORDEN, Glenn Adolph, Birth: 22-Jul-1933, Death: 26-Sep-2007BORDEN, Lloyd E, Birth: 1910, Death: 1919BORDEN, Mable Frances, Birth: 5-Jun-1913, Death: 23-Jan-2007BORDEN, Merville D, Birth: 1874, Death: 1928BOWERMAN, Buzz, Birth: 1928, Death: 2004BOYD, BessieBOYD, Ernest E, Birth: 1910, Death: 1977BOYD, EugeneBOYD, MajorBOYD, Ruth A, Birth: 1913, Death: 1992BRAMANN, Walter A, Birth: 1919, Death: 2002BRECKENRIDGE, Beaulah Seeley, Birth: 1899, Death: 1988, "Married 12-June1918", w/o CharlesBRECKENRIDGE, Charles George, Birth: 1891, Death: 1976, "Married 12-June1918", h/o BeaulahBRECKENRIDGE, Charles George (Jr), Birth: 13-Aug-1919, Death: 8-Dec-1990, "QM2 US Navy WWII US Subvet"BRECKENRIDGE, June O, Birth: 1921, Death: 1997BRECKENRIDGE, Martha G, Birth: 29-Mar-1907, Death: 20-Nov-1989, "HMC US Navy WWII Korea"BRECKENRIDGE, Richard F, Birth: 22-Jul-1921, Death: 9-Nov-2005, "QMC US Navy WWII Navy Cross"BRILEY, Lee, Birth: 5-Aug-1925, Death: 23-Aug-1990, "Cpl US Army WWII"BROWN, Anna, Birth: 7-Aug-1873, Death: 8-Oct-1964BROWN, Anna M, Birth: 30-Dec-1936, Death: 26-Feb-2014BROWN, Evelyn D Bickford Conway, Birth: 13-Jul-1923, Death: 17-Dec-2013BROWN, Jack L, Birth: 11-Feb-1924, Death: 12-Aug-2001, "US Army WWII"BROWN, Lars, Birth: 1885, Death: 1950BROWN, Martin, Birth: 4-May-1881, Death: 15-Dec-1937BROWN, Nicolas David, Birth: 21-Aug-1981, Death: 8-Oct-2006BROWN, Robert, Birth: 7-Apr-1844, Death: 14-Feb-1915BROWN, Thomas, Birth: 17-Oct-1883, Death: 25-Jan-1913BROWNING, Dawn, Birth: 28-Oct-1964, Death: 28-Jul-1977BROWNING, Dorothy M, Birth: 1926, Death: 2001BROWNING, Robert J, Birth: 1917, Death: 1999BUNKER, Catherine Bahl, Birth: 6-Sep-1922, Nome AK, Death: 5-Sep-2013BUNKER, Robert D, Birth: 28-Mar-1928, Death: 9-Sep-1998, "US Navy WWII"BURFORD, John m, Birth: 1845, Death: 1923BURGESS, Charles L, Birth: 21-Jul-1923, Death: 31-Jan-1998BURGESS, Charles W, Birth: 1873, Death: 1935BURGESS, Genevieve, Birth: 22-May-1927, Death: 7-Jan-2010BURNER, Cheryl Lee, Birth: 4-Jul-1950, Death: 17-Apr-1997CALVIN, Ollie M, Birth: 1901, Death: 2001CAMPBELL, Cora, Birth: 11-Oct-1905, Death: 6-Aug-1931CANIDA, John H, Birth: 11-Jan-1873, Death: 9-Apr-1911CANIDA, Josephine, Birth: 16-Aug-1908, Death: 31-Mar-1910CARLSON, John, Birth: 1856, Death: 1918CARLSON, John Emil, Birth: 1885, Death: 1918CARLSON, Marie, Birth: 1854, Death: 1918CAVANAUGH, Curtis Palmer, Birth: 3-Sep-1917, Death: 12-Dec-1998, "PFC US Army WWII Purple Heart"CAVANAUGH, Dalah Mae, Birth: 1915, Death: 1993CAVIN, Marjorie K, Birth: 1930, Death: 1995CAVIN, Robert E, Birth: 1933, Death: 2000CHAMBERLAIN, Winafred A, Birth: 1883, Death: 1917CHAMBERS, Wallace K, Birth: 30-Nov-1951, Death: 8-Dec-1968CHARLES, John, Birth: 5-Mar-1875, Death: 8-Mar-1950CHARLES, Virgie A, Birth: 8-June-1889, Death: 17-Jun-1980CHARLES, William, Birth: 1855, Death: 1932CHRISTENSEN, BabyCHRISTIANSON, Orvin, Birth: 20-Mar-1926, Death: 13-Oct-2015, "Married 30-June-1951", h/o HelenCLARK, Linda Lee, Birth: 9-Jan-1941, Death: 14-Jan-2004CLAYTON, Earl, Birth: 1910, Death: 1976CLAYTON, Elsie, Birth: 1888, Death: 1910CLAYTON, Lutie, Birth: 1911, Death: 1972CLAYTON, Marvin, Birth: 1909, Death: 1909CLEVENGER, Gary D, Birth: 26-May-1941, Death: 1-Apr-2003CLINES, Herbert C, Birth: 1919, Death: 1995CLINES, Marcella A, Birth: 1909, Death: 1985CLINES, Tilda, Birth: 1893, Death: 1933CLINES, Tina, Birth: 1892, Death: 1990CLINES, Tom, Birth: 1887, Death: 1977COBURN, Albert L, Birth: 1919, Death: 2008, "US Army Air Force WWII Distinguished Flying Cross"COBURN, Jacqueline Marcia Bowerman, Birth: 18-Nov-1967, Death: 27-Dec-2014COLEMAN, Larcenie, Birth: 11-Sept-1872, Death: 14-Dec-1948COMBS, Adelia, Birth: 1879, Death: 1963COMBS, Allie F, Birth: 1907, Death: 1991COMBS, Eldon, Birth: 1914, Death: 1975COMBS, Kelly, Birth: 1869, Death: 1955COMBS, Noah Webster, Birth: 17-Oct-1935, Death: 29-Nov-2014COMBS, Oscar, Birth: 16-May-1912, Death: 16-Jan-1966COMBS, William E, Birth: 8-Apr-1941, Death: 11-Jul-2006CORNWALL, Billie Jean, Birth: 29-Jul-1933, Death: 14-May-2012CORNWALL, Glenn Elmer, Birth: 19-May-1938, Death: 1-Jun-2001, "FN US Navy"COX, ?COX, Billy, Birth: 9-Aug-1923, Death: 7-Oct-1930COX, Clista A, Birth: 1912, Death: 1984COX, EloraCOX, John, Birth: 1876, Death: 1947COX, Kermit, Death: 10-Apr-1915COX, Leo Dicie, Birth: 1884, Death: 1958COX, MaeCOX, Orvin, Birth: 1908, Death: 1971COX, Otis (Sr), Birth: 1904, Death: 1960CRONKHITE, Beverly Mae, Birth: 1929, Death: 1988CRONKHITE, Christine H, Birth: 12-May-1906, Death: 18-Sep-1907, d/o Jesse & ClaraCRONKHITE, Daniel L, Birth: 17-Mar-1956, Death: 11-Sep-1982CRONKHITE, Douglas Lee, Birth: 1928, Death: 2004CRONKHITE, Jesse H, Birth: 1904, Death: 1970CRONKHITE, Jesse L, Birth: 1-Oct-1875, Death: 30-Oct-1907CURTIS, Nilah Irene Rather, Birth: 4-May-1909, Death: 13-Oct-1984DAVIS, Carl J, Birth: 1902, Death: 1976DAVIS, Corrine, Birth: 1909, Death: 1979DAVIS, Hansford S, Birth: 1905, Death: 1926DAVIS, Minvera, Birth: 1877, Death: 1967DAVIS, Ulysses, Birth: 1875, Death: 1929DAVIS, VickiAnne Felt, Birth: 26-Nov-1940, Death: 17-May-2006DAVIS, Viola R, Birth: 1926, Death: 1976DAWKINS, Angie Lee, Birth: 7-Jan-1977, Death: 9-Jan-1977DEVEREAUX, Louis P, Birth: 1919, Death: 1987, "AMM2 US Navy WWII"DOLL, Ralph Thomas, Birth: 2-Sep-1926, Death: 31-Aug-1996, "S1 US Navy WWII"DORMAN, Dorothy R, Birth: 22-Jun-1926, Death: 25-Sep-2005DORMAN, Murray W, Birth: 1921, Death: 1995DURNIN, Nancy J, Birth: 21-Nov-1946, Death: 6-Nov-1988EAZOR, Samuel, Birth: 12-Dec-1926, Death: 4-May-1983, "US Army"EKSTROM, Nancy A, Birth: 1864, Death: 1920ENGEL, Infant Son, Death: 15-Sep-1901, s/o L.E. & P.B. EngelENGLISH, Minnie Charles, Birth: 14-Feb-1903, Death: 10-Sep-1984ENGSTROM, Jonas, Death: 25-Jun-1902, Age: 75 yearsERICKSON, Alvida, Birth: 25-Mar-1892, Death: 11-Sep-1915ERICKSON, Grace, Birth: 1897, Death: 1923ERICKSON, Josephine, Birth: 1861, Godtland Sweden, Death: 1934ERIKSON, Hans, Birth: 30-Aug-1859, Death: 1-Jan-1911FELT, Barbara Susan, Birth: 26-Nov-1940, Death: 28-Nov-1940FELT, Horace W, Birth: 1913, Death: 1997FELT, Margaret Elley, Birth: 1917, Death: 2006FIELDS, Baby Goldie, Birth: 1916, Death: 1916FIELDS, Nora, Birth: 1891, Death: 1916FLECK, Elmer L, Birth: 1896, Death: 1969FLECK, Laura A, Birth: 13-Aug-1860, Death: 24-Feb-1929FORD, Bettye E, Birth: 13-Jan-1923, Death: 17-Nov-1999FORD, Edith Cole, Birth: 1858, Death: 1944FORD, Joseph Alt, Birth: 2-Nov-1923, Death: 19-Aug-1988, "WWII"FORDHAM, Curt J, Birth: 1950, Death: 1998, "US Navy"FORE, B. Marie, Birth: 23-Jul-1930, Death: 10-Sep-2007FRANCIS, Daisy, Birth: 1883, Death: 1918FRANCIS, Mandy, Birth: 1845, Death: 1935FRANCIS, Mandy, Birth: 1845, Death: 1935FRANK, Eugene, Birth: 1902, Death: 1912FRANK, James, Birth: 1905, Death: 1926FRASER, Orville, Birth: 1898, Death: 1910FRITZ, Christian J, Birth: 31-Oct-1897, Death: 5-Jul-1963, "NE Pvt 1134 Guard SQ AAF WWII"FRITZ, Feronika, Birth: 20-Feb-1827, Death: 9-Mar-1906FRITZ, Fredrich, Birth: 21-Aug-1821, Death: 31-Jan-1906FRITZ, Friedrich, Birth: 23-Nov-1886, Death: 7-Sep-1908FRITZ, George J, Birth: 1885, Death: 1952FRITZ, J. Christian, Birth: 1854, Death: 1922FRITZ, J. Frederick, Birth: 1841, Death: 1919FRITZ, Jacob G, Birth: 16-Feb-1851, Death: 12-Feb-1913FRITZ, JOsephine, Birth: 1858, Death: 1920FRITZ, Magdalena, Birth: 1857, Death: 1938GENNOW, Asaph F, Birth: 19-Oct-1859, Death: 8-Nov-1936GIPPIE, Frank, Death: 1910, babyGOODHART, Margaret R, Birth: 1-Sept-1898, Death: 15-Dec-1966GOODHART, Russell C, Birth: 8-Feb-1902, Death: 15-Mar-1969GOODRICH-FARRELL, Sandra Jean, Birth: 25-Feb-1950, Death: 24-Dec-2001GOODWYN, Jack E, Birth: 19-Jul-1921, Death: 30-Mar-1999GOODWYN, Mary Jane (Sutherland), Birth: 7-Oct-1922, Death: 22-Aug-1995GREGERSEN, Douglas L, Birth: 13-Jun-1960, Death: 2-Jul-2009GREGERSEN, Kimball G, Birth: 1955, Death: 1958GREGERSEN, Lola M, Birth: 18-May-1918, Death: 2-Jun-1992GREGERSEN, Mary Ella, Birth: 23-Nov-1944, Death: 15-Jul-2002GREGERSEN, Norman A, Birth: 1917, Death: 1958GRONZO, Gordon K, Birth: 1916, Death: 1986, "US Army Air Corps WWII"GRONZO, Marcella Dee, Birth: 1925, Death: 2004GROVEN, Evalyn L, Birth: 20-Oct-1921, Death: 12-Sep-1987GULLIKSEN, Gehard C, Birth: 25-Oct-1903, Death: 29-Mar-1963, "GA Pfc Medical Dept WWII"GUNDERSON, Anna, Birth: 1859, Death: 1926HAGON, Jules L, Birth: 16-June-1884, Death: 19-Sep-1927HAGON, Kate, Birth: 12-Dec-1887, Death: 26-Sep-1937HAINES, Edith Hard, Birth: 1-Jan-1908, Death: 29-May-1971HALE, Anna Lee, Birth: 11-Sep-1924, Death: 26-Jul-2011HALE, Bessie, Birth: 2-Feb-1912, Death: 10-Dec-1913HALE, Eliza J, Birth: 14-Apr-1883, Death: 21-Nov-1980HALE, James D, Birth: 4-Aug-1876, Death: 15-Feb-1960HALE, James R, Birth: 2-Sep-1918, Death: 10-Sep-2016, "US Navy"HALE, Robert F, Birth: 25-Jan-1922, Death: 21-Feb-1998, "US Army WWII"HALE, Velma V, Birth: 1919, Death: 1982HALL, Helen L, Birth: 1924, Death: 2014HALL, Marlys Joyce, Birth: 1931, Death: 1988HALL, Robert A, Birth: 1925, Death: 1996HALL, Ruby, Birth: 5-Jun-1904, Death: 10-Aug-1989HALL, Walter E, Birth: 20-Jun-1903, Death: 10-Oct-1970HALL, Wesley E, Birth: 24-Jul-1924, Death: 7-Jul-2002, "Cpl US Army WWII"HANSEN, Judy, Birth: 14-Mar-1951, Death: 21-Oct-2003HARD, Albert, Death: 1906, babyHARD, Edison E, Birth: 1877, Death: 1971HARD, Effie A, Birth: 1869, Death: 1921HARD, Hattie, Death: 1905, babyHARD, Irving M, Birth: 1872, Death: 1955HARD, Marguerite, Death: 1908, babyHARD, William H, Birth: 24-Dec-1909, Death: 25-Dec-1932HARP, Infant, Death: 15-Mar-1926HARRIS, Mildred E Tompkins, Birth: 1917, Death: 2003HARTING, Carl W, Birth: 1907, Death: 1970HARTING, Chris J, Birth: 1883, Death: 1927HARTING, Emma F, Birth: 1888, Death: 1957HARTING, Helen Marie, Birth: 1931, Death: 1941HARTING, Jewell R, Birth: 1911, Death: 2008HARTING, Rowland T, Birth: 1905, Death: 1984HAZELRIGG, Adelaide, Birth: 1864, Death: 1941HAZELRIGG, Dorothy E, Birth: 1935, Death: 1942HAZELRIGG, John J, Birth: 1903, Death: 1985, "married 59 years", h/o StellaHAZELRIGG, Stella M, Birth: 1904, Death: 1996, "married 59 years", w/o JohnHENDRYX, Ethel M, Birth: 1913, Death: 1973, "Married 24-Sept-1929", w/o R.T.HENDRYX, R.T., Birth: 1908, Death: 1984, "Married 24-Sept-1929", h/o EthelHENRY, William W, Birth: 28-Aug-1917, Death: 20-Jan-1973, "T Sgt US Army WWII"HERSHEY, Max H, Birth: 1876, Death: 1913HERSHEY, Peter L, Birth: 1835, Death: 1924HILL, Cynthia Pearl, Birth: 1902, Death: 1988HILL, J. Levant, Birth: 1855, Death: 1928HILL, Morris G, Birth: 1848, Death: 1925HILL, William L, Birth: 1894, Death: 1973HILLER, Sidney E, Birth: 13-Nov-1918, Death: 20-Nov-1990, "US Army WWII"HISLOP, John A, Birth: 1896, Death: 1971HISLOP, Pearl Burgess, Birth: 1900, Death: 1965HOEM, Edward, Birth: 1880, Death: 1916HOEM, Johnie, Birth: 1890, Death: 1918HOEM, Ole j, Birth: 1843, Death: 1917HOEM, Regina B, Birth: 1856, Death: 1933HOEM, Sadie Cronkhite, Birth: 25-Sep-1905, Death: 18-Sep-1993HOFMANN, Sharon A (Suter), Birth: 1952, Death: 1994HUBBARD, Everett, Birth: 30-Sept-1899, Death: 11-Sep-1989, "US Army"HUNDLEY, Barbara Sue, Birth: 1939, Death: 1996ILLINGWORTH, Joseph, Birth: 1887, Death: 1949ILLINGWORTH, Minnie, Birth: 1884, Death: 1955IMEL, Hazel Davis, Birth: 24-Feb-1922, Death: 10-Mar-1998, "US Army WWII"IVERSON, Albert L, Birth: 1885, Death: 1974IVERSON, Bud, Birth: 1918, Death: 1983, "US Army WWII"IVERSON, Charles Edward, Birth: 6-Aug-1927, Death: 4-May-2016IVERSON, Lela, Birth: 1926, Death: 1975IVERSON, Roberta Jean, Birth: 19-Mar-1932, Death: 6-Dec-2016IVERSON, Ruby, Birth: 1895, Death: 1972JAMES, David, Birth: ?, Death: ?JOHNSTON, Ruth M, Death: August 1921KAMO, Baby, Death: 21-Jul-1920KELLY, Margaret M, Birth: 1921, Death: 1937KENNEDY, Charles W, Birth: 6-Nov-1902, Death: 27-Apr-1976KENNEDY, Gus, Birth: 1881, Death: 1962KENNEDY, John R, Birth: 1908, Death: 1979KENNEDY, VioletKENNEDY, Violet G, Birth: 26-May-1901, Death: 25-Jun-1975KENNEDY, Waldo Robert, Birth: 2-Nov-1930, Death: 23-Jul-1966KINGSLEY, Lydia A, Birth: 1891, Death: 1920KINGSLEY, Pearl Gladys, Birth: 1-Dec-1917, Death: 23-Jan-1970, d/o Lydia & BertKINNEY, Earl B, Birth: 12-Dec-1926, Death: 24-Aug-2002, "Bosun US Merchart Marine WWII"KJORVESTAD, Arne E, Birth: 10-Sep-1925, Death: 15-Aug-2000KJORVESTAD, Nathan R, Birth: 31-Jul-1974, Death: 4-Mar-2002KNIGHT, JoAnn Beverly Wall Holmes, Birth: 14-Jul-1932, Death: 26-Jul-2010KOLB, Clara, Birth: 1882, Death: 1966KOLB, Rudolph, Birth: 1886, Death: 1931KORB, Ernestena, Birth: 1848, Death: 1923KREBS, Bridget Lea, Birth: 29-Dec-1974, Death: 17-Dec-2010KROLCZYK, Joseph, Birth: 6-Mar-1924, Death: 16-Oct-2007KUHL, Viola, Birth: 1913, Death: 1989KUHL, William H, Birth: 1909, Death: 1989LABROOK, Opal, Birth: 1917, Death: 1982LANG, Alma, Birth: 10-Apr-1919, Death: 23-May-2004, "married 63 years", w/o EmilLANG, Emil, Birth: 21-Oct-1913, Death: 10-May-2005, "MSgt US Air Force WWII", h/o AlmaLARSN, Hannah, Birth: 1868, Death: 1944LARSON, Gladys M, Birth: 1898, Death: 1962LARSON, Hilmer K, Birth: 16-May-1909, Death: 20-Nov-1948, "WA PFC 126 Fld Arty BN WWII"LARSON, Hulda, Death: 8-Jul-1906, Age: 40 yearsLEBLANC, Joseph E, Birth: 1864, Death: 1924LEYBOLD, Bridgette Mae, Death: 17-Aug-1979LIEST, Herman, Birth: 9-Feb-1872, Death: 19-Jul-1941LILLOREN, Ada Combs, Birth: 9-Nov-1913, Death: 31-May-1998LILLOREN, Helen, Birth: 1916, Death: 1967LILLOREN, Orville I, Birth: 1911, Death: 2001LILLOREN, Peggy Rea, Birth: 22-May-1949, Death: 7-Sep-2008, "Married 23-July-1970", w/o ArnoldLIMERY, John T, Birth: 1865, Death: 1912LIMERY, Mary E, Birth: 1830, Death: 1912LINDBERG, Edith J, Birth: 1868, Death: 1939LINDBERG, Harold, Birth: 1-Apr-1885, Death: 14-Mar-1915LINDBERG, Olof, Birth: 1848, Death: 1922LITTLE, Cressa M, Birth: 1898, Death: 1990LOCKHART, Baby, Birth: 18-Mar-1913, Death: ?LOCKHART, BabyLOCKHART, Glen, Birth: 21-May-1928, Death: 25-Jan-1950, "WA PFC US Marine Corps WWII"LOCKHART, Mary, Birth: 1880, Death: 1958LOCKHART, Noria, Birth: 31-Mar-1904, Death: 4-Jan-1916LOCKHART, Rufus D, Birth: 16-May-1902, Death: 12-Nov-1975LOCKHART, William, Birth: 1873, Death: 1943LODEN, Ernest, Birth: 1904, Death: 1992LODEN, Gerhard, Birth: 1898, Death: 1983LODEN, Magda, Birth: 1878, Death: 1967LODEN, Richard, Birth: 1867, Death: 1942LODEN, Vada A, Birth: 1910, Death: 1974LOGSTON, Bonnie Jean (Stamper), Birth: 2-Jul-1938, Death: 5-Feb-2002LOGSTON, Ricky Brian, Birth: 16-Nov-1959, Death: 15-Jun-2004LONGMIRE, Bessie Hill, Birth: 7-Feb-1900, Death: 27-Nov-1987LUOND, Madge E, Birth: 1902, Death: 1938LUTKENS, Christine, Birth: 1848, Death: 1933LUTKENS, Heinrich, Birth: 1832, Death: 1919LUXEM, Werner F, Birth: 5-Mar-1939, Death: 9-Dec-2011LYDAY, Cora, Birth: 21-Nov-1907, Death: 5-Jan-1992LYDAY, Frank, Birth: 25-Mar-1904, Death: 18-Sep-1991LYDAY, Frank M, Birth: 1927, Death: 2009LYDAY, Grace D, Birth: 1933, Death: 1998LYDAY, Ione, Death: 1928LYNCH, Beatrice, Birth: 1903, Death: 1970LYNCH, Emmet R, Birth: 1913, Death: 1963MADDEN, Daniel H, Death: 21-Nov-1940MADDEN, David, Birth: 1940, Death: 2002MADDEN, Denny, Birth: 30-May-1928, Death: 27-Dec-1986MADDEN, Denver, Birth: 12-Nov-1903, Death: 8-Aug-1976MADDEN, Geneva, Birth: 31-May-1912, Death: 1-Oct-2006MADDEN, George W, Birth: 1870, Death: 1938MADDEN, James M, Birth: 15-Oct-1894, Death: 27-Oct-1960MADDEN, L. Belle, Birth: 27-Feb-1905, Death: 21-Jul-1982MADDEN, Margaret, Birth: 1871, Death: 1948MADDEN, Shelby, Birth: 10-Oct-1915, Death: 19-Oct-1972MADDEN, Shelby Rexford, Birth: 28-Apr-1952, Death: 8-Dec-1968MADDEN, Willie, Birth: 20-Oct-1912, Death: 30-Dec-2001MAEL, Loyd, Birth: 1897, Death: 1930MAIN, Mary Jane, Birth: 9-Oct-1940, Death: 3-Jan-2007MANIECE, Hazel Kathleen, Birth: 1917, Death: 1919MAPES, Althea May, Birth: 20-Nov-1925, Death: 14-Jul-2015MAPES, Richard, Birth: 14-Jun-1939, Death: 3-Mar-2016MARSHALL, Harriet N, Death: 18-Feb-1903, Age: 68yearsMARTIN, Carolyn Alice, Birth: 26-Apr-1948, Death: 14-Oct-1948MARTIN, Helen Dorothy, Birth: 15-May-1916, Death: 16-Oct-1916MARTIN, Lawrence, Birth: 10-Jun-1915, Death: 21-Jan-1919MAYS, BabyMCCLINN, Dorothy Lee, Birth: 11-Mar-1941, Death: 25-Mar-1976MCGILLIVRAY, Emma Christine, Birth: 7-Nov-1880, Death: 16-Dec-1941MCGILLIVRAY, Robert John, Birth: 19-Nov-1867, Death: 13-Mar-1954MCINTOSH, Babe, Birth: 1918, Death: 1999MCINTOSH, Infant, Birth: 1948, Death: 1948MCINTOSH, Martha M, Birth: 1954, Death: 2000MCKNIGHT, Mother, Death: 1918MCMANIS, Kay, Birth: 5-Sep-1934, Death: 23-Nov-2013, "Married 15-Mar-1952", w/o EdMEAD, Bruce M, Birth: 18-Mar-1951, Death: 14-Jul-2010METZGER, Albert, Birth: 16-Mar-1914, Death: 21-May-1917METZGER, Freda, Birth: 31-Dec-1893, Death: 29-Sep-1917METZGER, Gustave A, Birth: 1888, Death: 1964MEYERS, Anna Margarete, Birth: 24-Jun-1900, Death: 23-Dec-1917MEYERS, Edward, Birth: 8-Feb-1901, Death: 30-Jan-1919MILLER, Albert A, Birth: 1907, Death: 1909MILLER, Anna Theresa, Birth: 1886, Death: 1938MILLER, Bernard A, Birth: 14-Jul-1922, Death: 1-Dec-1991, "BM1 US Navy WWII"MILLER, Brandie Patricia, Birth: 5-Mar-1981, Death: 8-Mar-1981MILLER, Maxine Catherine, Birth: 17-Apr-1922, Death: 22-Aug-2014MILLER, Walter Arden, Birth: 1920, Death: 1976, "US Army WWII"MILLS, Infant, Birth: 1926, Death: 1926MILLS, Kenneth E, Birth: 1915, Death: 1928MILLS, Marinda, Birth: 1872, Death: 1949MILLS, Melvin V, Birth: 1892, Death: 1918MILLS, Mont, Birth: 1874, Death: 1948MILLS, Robert, Birth: 1899, Death: 1934MILLS, Verlie, Birth: 1913, Death: 1922MILLS, Walter, Birth: 1903, Death: 1930MOHR, Maxine V, Birth: 1916, Death: 1973MONAHAN, Bert, Birth: 1875, Death: 1958MONAHAN, Emma, Birth: 1885, Death: 1974MONTAGUE, Charles L, Birth: 1928, Death: 1997MONTAGUE, Joseph, Birth: 1860, Death: 1909MONTAGUE, Lorna Hill, Birth: 1928, Death: 2014MOON, Ethel C, Birth: 1911, Death: 1985MOON, Leslie A, Birth: 1908, Death: 1999MOORE, John, Birth: 1852, Death: 1925MOORE, Nell Kennedy, Birth: 22-Jan-1933, Death: 15-Apr-2011MOORE, Pearl, Birth: 1919, Death: 1919MYERS, Daniel A, Birth: 9-Nov-1918, Death: 18-Apr-1974, "WA FC1 US Navy WWII"MYERS, Ella Elaine, Birth: 24-May-1920, Death: 24-Sep-2011NANNEY, Tina Marie, Birth: 22-Feb-1965, Death: 1-Sep-2012NASLUND, Magnus, Birth: 1887, Death: 1930NASLUND, Nils, Birth: 1852, Death: 1920NASLUND, Ora, Birth: 1892, Death: 1918NAUGLE, Howard, Birth: 1900, Death: 1960NELSON, Florence M, Birth: 2-Aug-1924, Death: 6-Mar-1994NILSON, Dina m, Birth: 1907, Death: 1990NILSON, Nikolaus, Birth: 1899, Death: 1970NORDELL, Axel W, Birth: 10-Mar-1884, Death: 7-Nov-1918NORTH, Carl M, Birth: 24-Feb-1864, Death: 28-Dec-1929NORTH, Ida, Birth: 21-June-1869, Death: 6-Dec-1944NUMSEN, Michael Thomas, Birth: 8-Jan-1951, Death: 30-Jan-1995, "L Cpl US Marine Corps Vietnam"NYMAN, George C, Birth: 1920, Death: 2016NYMAN, Mildred H, Birth: 1920, Death: 1992OGREN, Hilding W, Birth: 25-Sept-1894, Death: 22-Jan-1915OLSON, Ingeborg, Birth: 1837, Death: 1921OREN, Claude L, Birth: 1878, Death: ?OREN, Milton A, Birth: 11-Aug-1919, Death: 14-Jan-2008OREN, Ruth D, Birth: 31-Dec-1919, Death: 18-Aug-2007OSBORN, Lana L, Birth: 21-Feb-1940, Death: 26-Feb-2012OSBORN, Loren R, Birth: 2-Oct-1934, Death: 17-Jul-2000, "US Army Korea"OVERHOLTZER, Jane B, Birth: 1921, Death: 2004OVERHOLTZER, William Clayton, Birth: 1924, Death: 2008PAGE, Mildred M, Birth: 1927, Death: 1986PAGE, William E, Birth: 1926, Death: 1982PENNINGTON, Donald John, Birth: 18-Oct-1949, Death: 12-Mar-2005PENNINGTON, Donald Owen, Birth: 1924, Death: 1984, "masonic symbol"PENNINGTON, Laura L, Birth: 1906, Death: 1991, "Married 20-Oct-1923", w/o WalterPENNINGTON, Walter C, Birth: 1901, Death: 1972, "Married 20-Oct-1923", h/o LauraPERSON, Peter (Jr), Birth: 1874, Death: 1930PETERSEN, Carl, Birth: 24-Sep-1946, Death: 11-May-2003PETERSEN, Lois Ann Campbell, Birth: 31-Jul-1927, Death: 20-Aug-1970PETERSON, Charles J, Birth: 1855, Death: 1929PIERCE, Myrtle M, Birth: 1895, Death: 1918PIGMAN, Dallie C, Birth: 1890, Death: 1950PIGMAN, Gordon C, Birth: 1917, Death: 1917PIGMAN, Mima, Birth: 1914, Death: 1914PIGMAN, Walter, Birth: 1887, Death: 1965RAGUSE, Fred A, Birth: 1896, Death: 1958RAGUSE, Lillie C, Birth: 1898, Death: 1989RAINIER, BabyREYNOLDS, Eugene Lynn (Sr), Birth: 6-Jun-1948, Death: 24-Dec-2006RHODES, Martha Barton, Birth: 1884, Death: 1944RITCHIE, Alta, Birth: 26-Jan-1941, Death: 8-Jan-2016ROBERTS, Maggie Maurine, Death: 16-Oct-2000, "d/o Kimberly Ann Weiland"ROBERTSON, Gerald E, Birth: 6-Feb-1937, Death: 2-Sep-1985, "PFC US Army"ROBERTSON, Lillian P, Birth: 1900, Death: 1974ROGERS, Melvia Ray, Birth: 1919, Death: 2013ROGERS, Wilbur G, Birth: 1915, Death: 2013ROLFE, Charles Dean (Jr), Birth: 4-Sep-1967, Death: 28-Aug-1993ROMERO, Vera A, Birth: 7-Sep-1931, Death: 21-Oct-2007ROSETH, Mary Belle, Birth: 1913, Death: 1994ROSETH, Paul, Birth: 15-Dec-1922, Death: 28-Dec-1967, "WA T Sgt USAF Ret WWII"ROSS, Peter (Jr), Birth: 28-May-1925, Death: 30-Sep-2003, "US Navy WWII Korea"ROWE, Harry V, Birth: 1868, Death: 1933ROWE, Sadie C, Birth: 1868, Death: 1942ROWE, Susan Louise, Birth: 1906, Death: 1998ROWE, Victor Granville, Birth: 1893, Death: 1978, "US Navy WWI"RUBIN, Michael Todd, Birth: 1951, Death: 1997RUTLEDGE, Christina, Birth: 1887, Death: 1974RYAN, M. Jack (Jr), Birth: 21-May-1960, Death: 10-Jun-2001SAGE, Charles E, Birth: 3-Oct-1921, Death: 10-Jun-1993SAGE, Mary Catherine, Death: 25-Oct-1952SALLSTROM, Gilbert A, Birth: 8-Dec-1881, Death: 5-Apr-1918SANDERS, Mary C, Birth: 1874, Death: 1940SCHABEL, Armelda, Birth: 1900, Death: 1991SCHABEL, Bert, Birth: 1899, Death: 1977SCHALLER, Hazel I, Birth: 18-Nov-1904, Death: 4-Mar-1988SCHALLER, John E, Birth: 19-Mar-1904, Death: 8-Jan-1996SCHOCK, Josephine L, Birth: 1909, Death: 1985SEYMOUR, Alexander E, Birth: 1852, Death: ?SEYMOUR, Daniel W, Birth: 1950, Death: 1977SEYMOUR, Henry W, Birth: 1900, Death: 1974SEYMOUR, Joseph L, Birth: 1-Mar-1895, Death: 25-Aug-1960, "WA E3 US Navy WWI"SEYMOUR, Lola M, Birth: 1910, Death: 1972SEYMOUR, Mary Agnes, Birth: 4-Mar-1899, Death: 27-Nov-1972SEYMOUR, Mary J, Birth: 1929, Death: 2006, "Married 8-May-1949", w/o WallaceSEYMOUR, Phoebe L, Birth: 1859, Death: 1926SEYMOUR, Wallace A, Birth: 1927, Death: 2008, "Married 8-May-1949", h/o MarySHERWOOD, Charles, Birth: 1913, Death: 1995SHERWOOD, Diane Marie, Birth: 27-Apr-1937, Death: 28-Apr-1937, d/o Charles & Selma SherwoodSHERWOOD, Selma Loden, Birth: 8-Feb-1915, Death: 24-Apr-2007SHUFFELEN, John A, Birth: 17-Mar-1889, Death: 6-Jun-1961, "WA Pvt Co K 3 Pioneer Inf WWI"SILVA, Michael Nels, Birth: 26-Mar-1940, Death: 13-Feb-2003, "SFM2 US Navy Vietnam"SJOBLOM, Bonnie Jean, Birth: 23-Jul-1934, Death: 5-May-1935SJOBLOM, Edna, Birth: 11-Nov-1900, Death: 8-Jun-1988SJOBLOM, Elmer L, Birth: 14-July-1898, Death: 26-May-1976SJOBLOM, Fred, Birth: 16-Aug-1886, Death: 2-Jul-1973, "Pvt US Army WWI"SJOBLOM, Henry Allen, Birth: 12-Aug-1930, Death: 29-Aug-1989, "US Marine Corps Korea"SJOBLOM, Henry E, Birth: 28-Mar-1896, Death: 9-Feb-1974, "Pvt US Army WWI"SJOBLOM, Juanita, Birth: 1925, Death: 2001SJOBLOM, Richard A, Birth: 29-Apr-1935, Death: 22-Mar-1978, "US Air Force"SJOBLOM, Sherwood, Birth: 1923, Death: 2007SMITH, Angus, Birth: 1891, Death: 1941SMITH, Betty Cox Tiller, Birth: 9-Apr-1938, Death: 13-Sep-1989SMITH, Ernest G (Rev), Birth: 1917, Death: 1986SMITH, Harry A, Birth: 1893, Death: 1928SMITH, James Burton, Birth: 6-Dec-1917, Death: 23-Jun-1955, "PFC USMCR WWII"SMITH, Larry D, Birth: 15-Jul-1953, Death: 16-Oct-1994SNODGRASS, Patsy, Birth: October 1934, Death: October 1990SOKOL, Dorothy Irene, Birth: 12-Dec-1933, Death: 6-Nov-2002SOKOL, Gary Lee, Birth: 2-Jul-1955, Death: 15-Mar-2013SOKOL, George S, Birth: 1915, Death: 2007SOKOL, Joshua David, Birth: 13-Aug-1994, Death: 8-Oct-1996SOKOL, Lawrence, Birth: 11-Dec-1926, Death: 18-Sep-2000, "US Army"SOKOL, Linda Marie, Birth: 5-Mar-1946, Death: 21-Sep-1984SOKOL, Margaret L, Birth: 1919, Death: 2008SOUTHARD, Clarence G, Birth: 19-Jan-1934, Death: 22-Nov-2009SOUTHARD, George D, Birth: 7-Jun-1946, Death: 18-Oct-2015, "Married 1-June-1966", h/o GloriaSOUTHARD, Gloria J, Birth: 1-May-1948, Death: 1-Nov-2008, "Married 1-June-1966", w/o GeorgeSPARKMAN, Infant Son, Death: 30-Oct-1930SPARKMAN, June A, Birth: 26-Apr-1924, Death: 19-Dec-2003SPARKMAN, Mallie A, Birth: 25-Nov-1891, Death: 16-Aug-1970SPARKMAN, Paul B, Birth: 11-Feb-1923, Death: 24-Mar-1987, "Sgt US Army WWII"SPARKMAN, Richard I, Birth: 29-Aug-1935, Death: 26-Jan-1989, "US Navy"SPARKMAN, Wiley J, Birth: 28-Nov-1881, Death: 18-Apr-1973SPENCER, Ruby, Birth: 18-Jun-1914, Death: 8-Apr-1968STAFFORD, Cora, Birth: 1885, Death: 1944STAFFORD, William, Birth: 1885, Death: 1970STAMPER, Lloyd, Birth: 1909, Death: 1984STAMPER, Bern, Birth: 1901, Death: 1976STAMPER, Hiram H, Birth: 1902, Death: 1963STAMPER, James D, Birth: 22-Nov-1903, Death: 3-Jan-1960, "WA Pvt Co K 311 Inf WWII"STAMPER, Lois, Birth: 1912, Death: 2001STAMPER, PollyAnn, Birth: 1876, Death: 1952STAMPER, William C, Birth: 1870, Death: 1950STANLEY, Nina Lee, Birth: 21-Nov-1929, Death: 2-Jun-2000STEVENS, Arthur E, Birth: 30-May-1930, Death: 9-Jul-1997, "Sgt US Marine Corps Korea"STEWART, Della, Birth: 1903, Death: 1991STEWART, Frank, Birth: 1900, Death: 1996STEWART, Fred, Birth: 1925, Death: 1942STONER, George W, Birth: 19-May-1861, Death: 5-Aug-1932STONER, Nora C, Birth: 15-Mar-1873, Death: 26-Jun-1913STRICKLAND, Doris, Birth: 1921, Death: 2006STRICKLAND, Joan F, Birth: 15-May-1945, Death: 9-Jul-2008, "Married 5-June-1964", w/o StevenSTRICKLAND, Walter L, Birth: 1914, Death: 1991SUTER, Albert O, Birth: 1917, Death: 1999SUTER, Anna, Birth: 1923, Death: 2011SUTER, Emma, Birth: 1908, Death: 1915SUTER, Frank J, Birth: 28-Sep-1909, Death: 16-Mar-1979SUTER, Helen P, Birth: 1917, Death: 2011, "Married 18-Nov-1937", w/o JosephSUTER, Joseph, Birth: 1870, Death: 1930SUTER, Joseph w, Birth: 1910, Death: 1996, "Married 18-Nov-1937", h/o HelenaSUTER, Joseph Walter (Jr), Birth: 18-Feb-1941, Death: 16-Aug-1962SUTER, Mary M, Birth: 2-Feb-1913, Death: 2-Dec-1990SUTER, Paul d, Birth: 23-Jul-1962, Death: 12-May-2003SUTER, Rosa, Birth: 1881, Death: 1920SUTHERLAND, Donald Guy, Birth: 10-Sep-1920, Death: 31-Aug-2005SUTHERLAND, Guy, Birth: 1890, Death: 1976SUTHERLAND, Marie, Birth: 1896, Death: 1986SUTHERLAND, Peggy L (Schroeder), Birth: 7-Mar-1928, Death: 17-May-2010SUTHERLAND, Richard Dean, Birth: 9-Aug-1943, Death: 16-Jan-2007SWEAZY, Ella C, Birth: 1930, Death: 1991, "married 1948", w/o WilliamSWEAZY, Otto W, Birth: 31-Aug-1905, Death: 26-Apr-1996SWEAZY, William O, Birth: 1928, Death: 1987, "married 1948", h/o EllaTANT, Robert B (Jr), Birth: 30-Oct-1947, Death: 14-Mar-1999, "PFC US Marine Corps Vietnam"TAYLOR, Charles Roe, Birth: 7-Jan-1904, Death: 3-Jan-1997TAYLOR, Ella Hard, Birth: 13-Feb-1906, Death: 24-Dec-1996TAYLOR, Jack D, Birth: 12-Jul-1932, Death: 25-May-2015TAYLOR, Meryl (Wixson), Birth: 5-Feb-1938, Death: 12-Nov-2009TAYLOR, Thomas, Birth: 5-Sept-1859, Death: 12-May-1919THIESSEN, Anita, Birth: 5-Aug-1892, Death: 14-Jun-1912THOMAS, Richard F, Birth: 11-Sep-1927, Death: 30-Apr-2016, "Married 18-July-1969", h/o RosieTHOMAS, Rosie, Birth: 21-Oct-1938, Death: 6-Sep-2006, "Married 18-July-1969", w/o RichardTHURSTON, Shelea Suzanne, Birth: 20-Sep-1949, Death: 8-Jul-2005THURSTON, JR, Robert Wayne, Birth: 17-May-1942, Death: 24-Dec-2013TICE, Leslie C, Birth: 1887, Death: 1917TOMPKINS, Samuel W, Birth: 1907, Death: 1973TRAVIS, Janet M (Carlson), Birth: 1938, Death: 2004, "married 23-May-1922", w/o CliffordTREEN, Laura Beth, Birth: 22-Oct-1960, Death: 17-Oct-2015TRUITT, Blodwen, Birth: 1911, Death: 2001TRUITT, Louis T, Birth: 1906, Death: 1984TVETER, Isabelle, Birth: 25-Sep-1919, Death: 15-Oct-2003TVETER, Leif, Birth: 20-Feb-1921, Death: 29-Apr-2002VANNING, Elizabeth Shirley, Birth: 11-Jul-1923, Death: 1-Apr-2004VANNING, John F, Birth: 22-May-1908, Death: 16-Jun-1985VANNING, Scott Ray, Birth: 25-Mar-1985, Death: 3-Jun-2010, "Sgt US Army"VANNING, Valerie, Death: 13-Jan-1956, infant d/o John & ShirleyVIBBERT, Robert E, Birth: 23-Apr-1929, Death: 12-Dec-2006, "MSG US Army Korea Vietnam"VOSS, Robert Daniel, Birth: 7-Jul-1928, Death: 16-Dec-1995, "USAF Korea"WARD, Gaynell, Birth: 1903, Death: 1915WARD, James Paris, Birth: 1863, Death: 1950WARD, Lucinda, Birth: 1868, Death: 1925WARD, Manderville, Birth: 1878, Death: 1935WEILAND, George Martin (III), Death: 25-Oct-2003WEILAND, George Martin (Sr), Birth: 28-Feb-1947, Death: 7-Dec-2008, "SFM2 US Navy Vietnam"WEILAND, Gertrud A, Birth: 1917, Death: 1980WENTZ, Baby Boy, Death: 1-Apr-1912WESTOVER, J. T., Birth: 1863, Death: 1917WHITNEY, Baby, Birth: 26-Apr-1920, Death: 28-Apr-1920WHITNEY, Bertha M, Birth: 23-May-1891, Death: 17-Jul-1969WHITNEY, Dayton E, Death: 24-Jul-1934, "MI Pvt 38 US Inf"WHITNEY, Joseph Eugene, Birth: 30-Mar-1926, Death: 30-Dec-1931WHITNEY, Stella Fay, Birth: 12-Jan-1911, Death: 29-Oct-1911WHITNEY, Willard Evan, Birth: 1913, Death: 1934WHITNEY, William G, Birth: 1874, Death: 1942WICKLAND, Inez, Birth: 18-Dec-1911, Death: 11-Oct-1998WICKLAND, Rudolph E, Birth: 9-Mar-1915, Death: 25-Jan-1977, "TMC US Navy WWII Korea"WILKINSON, Amund, Birth: 5-Jun-1937, Death: 8-Feb-2011WILLIAMS, Allen E, Birth: 7-Mar-1896, Death: 14-Oct-1967, "PA Pvt Co B 2 Development BN WWI"WILLIAMS, Irene, Birth: 24-Nov-1894, Death: 25-Mar-1965WILLINGHAM, Harold L, Birth: 14-Nov-1920, Death: 15-May-2005, "2nd Lt US Army WWII"WILLINGHAM, Mary K, Birth: 1922, Death: 1987, "US Army"WILSON, Lelah, Birth: 20-Jan-1911, Death: 23-Jan-1911, d/o Ray & Mary WilsonWINTERS, Hester A, Birth: 1849, Death: 1922WOOD, Jacqueline A, Birth: 6-Aug-1939, Death: 4-Aug-1954WOOD, JesseWOOD, William H, Birth: 1879, Death: 1944
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