Wisconsin Death Records
Wisconsin Newspapers, Full Search (1833-1992), 150 titles
Wisconsin Obituary Search - (1989-current)
Wisconsin Funeral Notices
Arlington Prairie Cemetery
Lodi, Columbia County, Wisconsin
GPS: 43.319074, -89.462683
Smokey Hollow Rd & Bissell Dr
Lodi, WI 53555
Published: September 14, 2016
Total records: 294
Arlington Prairie Cemetery is located at the intersection of Smokey Hollow Road & Bissell, South of Highway 60.
Cemetery Records
Tombstone transcription by Joan Woodward & Pat Asmussen July 2002. Corrections and additions added 2008 by Alice Zweifel. Some data from Betty Cook's files.
Amundson, Anders Wambeim, b. 01-01-1817, d. 03-03-1886, Plot 2-N: 69 oar 2 maa 3 dag, maybe d. 05-03-1886
Amundson, Guro/Gurd, b. 01-07-1861, d. 05-01-1878, Plot 7-N:
Amundson, Martha, Plot 7-N:
Amundson, Sarah (Anders), b. 1823, d. 1903, Plot 2-N:
Amundson, Trond, b. 02-08-1820, d. 01-23-1897, Plot 7-N:
Amundson, Vambein Lars, b. 09-14-1849, d. 11-15-1850
Anderson, Christie, b. 1795, d. 1881, Plot 6-N: buried with Iver & Martha Everson
Anderson, Theodore J., d. 1885, Plot 4-N: s/o O. & M. Anderson, 6mo 5da old, three broken stones with lambs indicating infants*
Bakken, Alvin T. (Irene K.), b. 1905, d. 1982, Plot 3-S: WW II, Maj. US Army
Bakken, Irene K. (Alvin T.), b. 08-16-1901, d. 10-04-1986, Plot 3-S:
Benson, Harry B. (Irene T.), b. 06-22-1911, d. 01-09-1997, Plot 5-S: (m)06-22-1936
Benson, Irene T. (Harry B.), b. 10-19-1911, d. 09-01-1993, Plot 5-S: (m)06-22-1936
Bolstad, Clara M. (Louis O.), b. 1866, d. 1951, Plot 4-N:
Bolstad, Louis O. (Clara M.), b. 1865, d. 1938, Plot 4-N:
Brownrigg, Albert, d. no dates
Brownrigg, Clarence, b. 03-10-1886, d. 07-15-1887, Plot 2-N: maybe Clarence Soward
Brownrigg, Ernest, b. 06-18-1889, d. 06-02-1890, Plot 2-N: maybe Ernest Soward*
Brownrigg, Julia (Thomas), b. 1853/1855, d. 1927, Plot 2-N: Mother
Brownrigg, Thomas (Julia), b. 1851, d. 1911, Plot 2-N: Father
Byrd, Gary L. (Rhonda A.), b. 1945, d. 1993, Plot 7-S: Vietnam, Father, (m)07-04-1977
Byrd, Heath J., b. 07-30-1973, d. 07-03-1991, Plot 6-S: s/o Gary L.& Rhonda A. Byrd
Byrd, Paul J., b. 08-13-1974, d. 07-03-1991, Plot 6-S: s/o Gary L.& Rhonda A. Byrd
Byrd, Rhonda A. (Gary L.), b. 1953, Plot 7-S: Mother, (m)07-04-1977
Carncross, Elizabeth Ann "Betty" (William George"Bunny"), b. 05-24-1923, d. 01-03-2008, (m)05-15-1943, d/o John & Elizabeth Arletta Reppen Johnson, is she buried here or in Lodi? See obit
Cobbs, Harold Vern (Phyllis H.Falk), b. 1915, d. 08-01-1988, Plot 7-S: WW II, Cpl US Army, see obit
Cobbs, John Steven, b. 10-28-1944, d. 12-06-1967, Plot 7-S: Vietnam, Wisconsin Pvt Signal Corps, s/o Harold V.& Phyllis H.Falk Cobbs
Cobbs, Phyllis Hope Falk (Harold Vern), b. 08-11-1923, d. 02-14-2014, (m)08-31-1941, d/o Thomas & Lavada Perl Penrod Falk, see obit
Dahle, Johannes, b. 04-03-1834, d. 11-01-1864
Dahle, Niels Johannesen, b. 11-12-1825, d. 11-10-1871
Dalton, Deborah Love, b. 03-23-1956, d. 06-07-1956
Dalton, Ella C. (Frederick Paul), b. 1890, d. 07-28-1971, Plot 3-S: American Legion Auxiliary, see obit
Dalton, Frederick Paul (Ella C.), b. 07-20-1895, d. 07-18-1956, Plot 3-S: WW I, Wisconsin Cpl Co. M 127 Infantry PH & OLC
Dalton, Paul J., b. 10-28-1922, d. 07-02-2010, WW II, U.S.Navy, s/o Frederic & Ella Johnson Dalton, obit says Norwegian Lutheran Cemetery, Lodi
Dybdahl, Hans (Nettie), b. 1860, d. 1927, Plot 1-N: Ole Loken plot
Dybdahl, Nettie (Hans), b. 1872, d. 1949, Plot 1-N: d/o Ole & Martha Lokken, WRC
Edwin, Catherine S. (Peter L.), b. 01-08-1816, d. 04-14-1895, Plot 4-N:
Edwin, Gertrude T. (Lars P.), b. 1790, d. 1859, Plot 2-N:
Edwin, Lars P. (Gertrude T.), b. 1793, d. 1864, Plot 2-N:
Edwin, Peter L. (Catherine S.), b. 09-21-1819, d. 04-05-1903, Plot 4-N:
Ekern, John H. (Victoria G.), b. 10-23-1903, d. 11-03-1998, Plot 4-S: WW II, Cpl US Army Air Force
Ekern, Victoria G. (John H.), b. 1901, d. 1989, Plot 4-S: Hougstad plot
Ellingson, Amund, b. 07-16-1820, d. 10-20-1878, Plot 5-N:
Everson, Alexander, b. 1859, d. 1864, Plot 6-N: c/o Iver & Martha Everson
Everson, Alexander-maybe b.1868?, b. 1866, d. 11-05-1924, Plot 7-N: no last name on stone, 1866-1924 on stone
Everson, Anna F. (C.M.), b. FODT 10-14-1858, d. DODE 09-22-1899, Plot 1-N: Mother, Nee: Pederson Hustru AF, C.M. Everson
Everson, C. M. (Anna F.), Plot 1-N: Father, is this Charles Martin who died 09-12-1940 at age 79yr? See obit
Everson, Cyrus A., d. 07-25-1935, Plot 1-N: WW I, WI Corps 331, Field Arty 86 Div, maybe WI Corps 33, hard to read
Everson, Iver LeRoy, d. 08-06-1890, Plot 3-N: s/o S.W. & L. Everson, 1y 4m 15d old, on stone with Infant Larson
Everson, Iver (Martha), b. 1834, d. 1909, Plot 7-N:
Everson, LeRoy, b. 1889, d. 08-06-1890, Plot 1-N: on stone with Magdalena & Samuel W, s/o S.W. & L., maybe Iver Leroy, 1y4m15d
Everson, Magdalena (Samuel W.), b. 1864, d. 03-00-1956, Plot 1-N:--see obit
Everson, Margaret R., b. 06-06-1901, d. 01-27-1999, Plot 1-N: See: Vanduser, Margaret
Everson, Martha (Iver), b. 1824, d. 1912, Plot 7-N:
Everson, Minda, Plot 1-N:
Everson, Samuel W. (Magdalena), b. 1863, d. 1939, Plot 1-N:
Froland, Peder L., b. 11-07-1802, d. 02-01-1883, Plot 5-N:
Garnes, Martha (Jens), b. 08-19-1847, d. 08-30-1879, Plot 8-N: See: Nee Lione, Martha
Glimme, Madli (Peter K.), b. 05-22-1858, d. 10-21-1898, Plot 5-N:
Glimme, Peter K. (Madli), b. 12-01-1848, d. 11-03-1907, Plot 5-N: Born at Voss, Norway
Gunderson, Anna (Henry), b. 1870, d. 1937, Plot 1-N: d/o Ole & Martha Lokken
Gunderson, Henry (Anna), b. 1864, d. 1933, Plot 1-N: aka Hans
Hagen, Katherine (Thomas T.), b. 1859, d. 1941, Plot 1-N: Mother
Hagen, Thomas T. (Katherine), b. 1854, d. 1928, Plot 1-N: Father
Hallanger, Brithe Larsdatter Odven (Niels T.), b. 03-26-1826, d. 08-23-1877, Plot 1st w/o N.T.Hallanger, broken stone, born in April, stone says March, no stone in 2008
Hallanger, Jensina/Jensine (2nd w/o T.N.on stone) her 3rd husband, d. 06-30-1889, Plot 6-N: 57yr 4mo old, should read Niels T., this Jensine Lassesdatter Huseböe
Hallanger, Josephine, b. 12-11-1864, d. 10-15-1865, d/o N.T.& Brithe, broken stone
Hallanger, T.N.-read Niels T. (Jensine)-stone is gone now, he is buried in Chicago
Halstad, Lars A., b. 11-26-1897, d. 04-07-1985, Plot 5-S: Born Sogn, Norway, Spilde Plot
Hams, Marian W. (Russell)-maybe buried in Arlington EUB cemetery, b. 01-05-1915, d. 06-15-2010, (m)08-19-1939, d/o Fred C.& Sophia Pepper Struckmeyer, see obit
Hanson, Gertrude, b. 1846, d. 04-20-1929
Hanson, Leonard, b. 02-22-1899, d. 05-21-1921
Hermanson, Oscar , b. 1885, d. 1943, Plot 6-S:
Holden, Clarence Judson (Madaline L.Goodwin), b. 12-07-1909, d. 02-05-1993, Plot 5-S: (m)01-07-1931
Holden, Jesse S., b. 11-02-1961, d. 10-06-1964, Plot 5-S:
Holden, Madaline L. (Clarence Judson), b. 08-05-1915, d. 08-04-2015, Plot 5-S: (m)01-07-1931, d/o Henry & Margurite Goodwin, see obit
Holden, Rodger Dale, b. 11-08-1956, d. 01-02-1996, Plot 5-S: Vietnam, PFC US Marine Corps, maybe b.11-09-1956*
Holden, Russel J., b. 1960, d. 1993, Plot 5-S:
Hougstad, Christian (Martha), b. 1867, d. 09-25-1934, Plot 4-S: Lutheran Pastor, see obit
Hougstad, Dagny (Lajla), b. 1906, d. 1994, Plot 4-S: no last name on stone, see SSDI
Hougstad, Lajla (Dagny), b. 1905, d. 1985, Plot 4-S: no last name on stone, see SSDI
Hougstad, Martha (Christian), b. 1867, d. 1945, Plot 4-S:
Ingebrigt, Esther, d. 09-08-1862, Plot 5-N: 1yr 6mo old*, see Esther Johnson
Ingebrigt, Johane J. (I.Johnson), d. 07-08-1891, Plot 5-N: 70yr 8mo old, see Johane Johnson
Jimieson Family Stone, Plot 9-N: James, Caroline, Josefie, Inger M.
Jimieson, Eda J., b. 1889, d. 06-26-1967, Plot 9-N: d/o James & Karoline Jimmieson, see obit
Jimieson, Olena A., b. 01-27-1885, d. 02-16-1970, Plot 9-N: d/o James & Karoline Jimmieson, obit says Mrs.
Jimmison, Caroline (James H.), b. 07-23-1859, d. 02-27-1927, Plot 9-N:
Jimmison, Inger Josefie, b. 12-27-1880, d. 05-27-1884, Plot 9-N: d/o James & Karoline Jimmieson
Jimmison, Inger Mathie, b. 02-09-1877, d. 02-26-1880, Plot 9-N: d/o James & Karoline Jimmieson
Jimmison, James H. (Caroline), b. 10-25-1844, d. 02-18-1911, Plot 9-N:
Johanesen, Niels, b. 11-12-1825, d. 11-10-1871, Plot 5-N: On back of stone, Niels Johanesoner fod 12 Nov 1825, og dod 10 Nov 1871
Johnson, Alfred C."Ottie" (Marion G.), b. 04-01-1920, d. 08-15-1975, Plot 1-S: WW II, Tsgt US Army
Johnson, Anna, b. 1911, d. 1912, Plot 2-S: d/o John N. & Elilzabeth Johnson
Johnson, Anne J. (John O.), b. 10-22-1854, d. 03-10-1890, Plot 2-N: 10-22-1854 on stone, maybe b.10-23-1851*
Johnson, Anne (Nels), b. 1806, d. 06-05-1889, Plot 8-N: 83yr old
Johnson, Bertha B. (James E.), b. 1865, d. 1920, Plot 4-S:
Johnson, Bertha S. (Joseph I.), b. 1876, d. 11-26-1964, Plot 6-S:--see obit
Johnson, Brita, d. 01-28-1857, Plot 5-N: d/o Nils & Dourtea Johnson, 2y 9m old
Johnson, Elizabeth (John N.), b. 1885, d. 1930, Plot 2-S: Mother, Nee Reppen
Johnson, Esther, b. 1861, d. 09-00-1862, Plot 1yr 6m, d/o Rev.Ingebright & Johanne J.
Johnson, Ingaborg "Belle" , b. 04-15-1851, d. 08-06-1941, Plot 5-S: on stone with Mary Johnson, d/o Ingebrigt, b.1852 on stone
Johnson, Ingebrigt-Rev. (Johane J.)--spelled this way on stone, d. 12-17-1894, Plot 5-N: 74yr 5mo old, maybe spelled Ingebright & Johanne
Johnson, Ingiri (Ole Johnson Tang), b. 01-29-1815, d. 02-13-1876, Plot 2-N:
Johnson, J. I. (Mary & Ingeborg), b. 06-02-1850, d. 10-12-1920, Plot 5-S: maybe b.1858
Johnson, James B.., b. 1897, d. 10-00-1935, Plot 4-S: no last name on stone, s/o James E.& Bertha Johnson*, see obit
Johnson, James E. (Bertha B.), b. 1862, d. 1936, Plot 4-S: no last name on stone
Johnson, James O., b. 11-06-1909, d. 03-11-1998, Plot 2-S:
Johnson, Jesia (s), b. 1 mo, d. 05-17-1865, Plot 5-N: s/o Nils and Dourtea Johnson
Johnson, Johane J. (Rev. Ingebrigt), d. 07-08-1891, Plot 5-N: See Ingebrigt Johane J, 70y 8m, aka Johanne
Johnson, John N. (Elizabeth), b. 1882, d. 1953, Plot 2-S: Father
Johnson, John O., b. 1846, d. 1912, Plot 2-S:
Johnson, Joseph I. (Bertha S.), b. 1854, d. 1943, Plot 6-S:
Johnson, Lewis, d. 02-01-1906, Plot 4-N: 79yr 7mo 15da old--hard to read stone, maybe 78y ?m 13d
Johnson, Marion G. (Alfred C."Ottie), b. 02-19-1928, d. 12-06-2006, Plot 1-S: d/o Oscar & Josephine Grinde Lione
Johnson, Martha C., b. 10-25-1880, d. 04-22-1881, Plot 2-N: d/o John O. & Ann J. Johnson
Johnson, Martha O., b. 09-24-1855, d. 09-03-1864, Plot 2-N: Maybe 09-21-1855 to 09-23-1864
Johnson, Martin C., b. 01-12-1885, d. 12-11-1907, Plot 2-N: on stone with Oliver J. Johnson
Johnson, Mary, b. 1856 on stone, d. 1940, Plot 5-S: on stone with Ingaborg Johnson, maybe b.1855 or 1852
Johnson, Mary H. (Raymond J.), b. 01-07-1931
Johnson, Nels (Anne), d. 08-16-1870, Plot 8-N: 66yr old
Johnson, Oliver J., b. 09-09-1878, d. 06-11-1904, Plot 2-N: on stone with Martin C. Johnson
Johnson, Raymond J. (Mary H.), b. 10-02-1920, d. 05-17-2003, (m)12-07-1949?
Johnson, Theodore, d. 1886, 6m 6d old, s/o O.& M. Johnson, broken stone between Lewis Johnson & Iver Larson
Kautz, Joseph A. (Myrtle), b. 1913, d. 2000, Plot 2-S: WW II, (m)1969-1993
Kautz, Myrtle (Joseph A.), b. 1908, d. 1993, Plot 2-S: (m)1969-1993
Kleber, Emma --looks like Kleber on stone, d. 03-06-1871, Plot 8-N: d/o C. & S. Kleber, old stone hard to read, maybe Klerer & d.03-20-1871, d/o B.E. & G.
Knerzer, Katherine Johnson (Engle), b. 1895, d. 08-30-1964, Plot 4-S: American Legion Auxiliary, see obit
Knudtson, Douglas Ray, b. 3/9/1968, d. 12-02-2015, s/o DeanPete & Doris Holden Knudtson, see obit
Knutson, Alfred J., b. 1906, d. 1918, Plot 7-S: s/o Theodore A. & Inger M. Knutson
Knutson, Inger M. (Theodore A.), b. 1888, d. 05-18-1968, Plot 7-S: Mother next to Alfred J.Knutson, see obit
Knutson, Russell , b. 1912, d. 1989, Plot 7-S:
Knutson, Theodore A. (Inger M.), b. 1880, d. 1918, Plot 7-S: Father next to Alfred J.Knutson
Larson, Brita/Britta (Iver), b. 1833, d. 01-30-1917, Plot 3-N: --see obit
Larson, Caroline (Lars I.), b. 1871, d. 09-00-1950, Plot 4-S: Mother, see obit
Larson, Edwin C., b. 1862, d. 1927, Plot 3-N: s/o Iver & Brita Larson
Larson, Emma E. (William H.), b. 1869, d. 1946, Plot 4-N:
Larson, Infant, c/o I.& B. Larson
Larson, Isaac (Sarah), b. 1826, d. 1917, Plot 3-N: Father
Larson, Iver LeRoy--See LeRoy Everson, d. 08-06-1890, Plot 3-N: s/o S.W. & L. Everson, 1y 4m 15d old, on stone with Infant Larson
Larson, Iver (Brita), d. 02-06-1887, Plot 3-N: 57yr 2mo old, maybe 67y 2m
Larson, Johanes, Plot 3-N: Infant s/o I. & B. Larson
Larson, Kathrine (Ole W.)-stone says "wife of O.W.Larson", b. 1838, d. 1927, Plot 2-S: (m1)Erick Johnson, (m2)John Linde, (m3)O.W.Johnson
Larson, Lars I. (Caroline), b. 1870, d. 1950, Plot 4-S: Father
Larson, Lena (#1John Litsheim, #2Ole W.Larson), b. 1881, d. 06-19-1972, Plot 2-S:--see obit
Larson, Louisa , b. 1866, d. 1953, Plot 3-N: d/o Isaac & Sarah Larson
Larson, Martha S., b. 1899, d. 1919, Plot 4-S: d/o Lars & Caroline Larson
Larson, Ole W. (Kathrine), b. 1873, d. 1955, Plot 2-S:
Larson, Samuel, b. 1827, d. 12-23-1871, stone broken & buried, hard to read*
Larson, Samuel's wife, d. 09-16-1866, Plot 30yr old*
Larson, Sara , b. 11-22-1867, d. 11-21-1917, Plot 7-S:
Larson, Sarah H., b. 1897, d. 1984, Plot 4-S: d/o Lars & Caroline Larson
Larson, Sarah (Isaac), b. 1832, d. 1922, Plot 3-N: Mother
Larson, William H. (Emma), b. 1875, d. 1932, Plot 4-N:
Lione, Baby, d. no dates
Lione, Carrie (John O.), b. 1863, d. 1939, Plot 2-N:
Lione, Geneva M. (Otto S.), b. 10-04-1899, d. 06-11-1978, Plot 1-S: maybe d.06-01-1978*-looks like -11- on stone
Lione, Guy N. (Mae T.), b. 1891, d. 1959, Plot 1-S:
Lione, Ida G. (Lars A.), b. 1864, d. 1945, Plot 4-S: Mother
Lione, John O. (Carrie), b. 1852, d. 1943, Plot 2-N:
Lione, Jorond (Ole), b. 06-01-1822, d. 07-23-1893, Plot 8-N: Hustrutil, Ole Lione
Lione, Josephine T. (Oscar L.), b. 1897, d. 1987, Plot 1-S:
Lione, Lars A. (Ida G.), b. 1861, d. 1954, Plot 4-S: Father
Lione, Mae T. (Guy N.), b. 1900, d. 1985, Plot 1-S:
Lione, Martha, Plot 1-S: See: Morter, Martha
Lione, Martha (Jens Garnes), b. 08-19-1847, d. 08-30-1879, Plot 8-N: Hustru til wife of Jens Garnes*
Lione, Ole (Jorond), b. 08-11-1820, d. 11-11-1912, Plot 8-N:
Lione, Oscar L. (Josephine T.), b. 1890, d. 1955, Plot 1-S:
Lione, Otto S. (Geneva M.), b. 03-11-1892, d. 09-17-1977, Plot 1-S:
Lione, Synneva Nilsdatter, b. 02-27-1804, d. 08-03-1822, Plot 9-N: First lines on stone Herliviler Stovet of Synva, buried beside Anvid Olsen Hjelmevold*
Litsheim, Alvin R. (Edith J.), b. 1913, d. 1999, Plot 1-S:
Litsheim, Edith J. (Alvin R.), b. 1918, Plot 1-S:
Litsheim, Lloyd "Casey" (Ruth V.), b. 1910, d. 1992, Plot 1-S:
Litsheim, Ruth V. (Lloyd"Casey"), b. 1918, d. 2001, Plot 1-S:
Loff, Angie M. (Earlin K.), b. 04-22-1913, d. 01-02-2008, Plot 1-S:--(m)02-03-1940, d/o John & Elizabeth Reppen Johnson, see obit
Loff, Earlin K. (Angie M.), b. 1910, d. 1985, Plot 1-S: Swede
Loff, Neil K., b. 09-07-1944, d. 07-02-2015, s/o Earlin & Angie Loff, is he buried here? His parents are here
Loken, Martha (Ole), b. 1842, d. 1916, Plot 1-N:
Loken, Ole (Martha), b. 1846, d. 1922, Plot 1-N:
Luglum, Lars, b. 1871, d. 1954, Plot 2-S:
Marshall, Douglas G. (Lillian L.), b. 1915, d. 1997, Plot 1-S:
Marshall, Lillian L. (Douglas G.), b. 1915, Plot 1-S:
Moriva, Marjorie Catherine"Marge", b. 08-29-1943, d. 02-28-2007, --from obit, (w/o Eugene Ledworowski), d/o Gerald & Leona Endres Adler
Morter, Martha Lione (Raymond I.), b. 1890, d. 09-22-1976, Plot 1-S:--WRC, see obit
Morter, Raymond I. (Martha), b. 1884, d. 1970, Plot 1-S:
Nelson, Christian, b. 02-05-1881, d. 05-08-1881, Plot 8-N: s/o J. & E. Nelson Settre, 3mo old*
Nelson, Christian Johnson, b. 1870, d. 02-07-1871, 3mo old, s/o J.& E.Nelson Settre*
Nelson, Elizabeth (John), d. 04-06-1919, Plot 8-N: Settra*, 74yr 8mo old, d.1909 on stone
Nelson, Ellen-Helen on stone, d. 11-02-1862, Plot 5-N: d/o J. & E. Nelson Settre, hard to read dates on stone, maybe 07-21 or ??-28
Nelson, John, b. 05-13-1868, d. 09-20-1904, Plot 8-N: mayabe 05-13-1808 to 09-21-1884*
Nelson, John L., b. 1861, d. 07-03-1861, 4m 2d old*
Nelson, John (Elizabeth), b. 12-24-1830, d. 02-28-1910, Plot 9-N: Nelson Settra on stone, aka Sætre*
Nelson, Nels Johnson, d. 11-28-1882, Plot 8-N: s/o J. & E. Nelson Settra on stone, aka Sætre, 25yrs old
Oleson, Agnes, d. 02-08-1888, Plot 4-N: 5m or 5y? Old, d/o E.& B. Oleson*
Oleson, Baby, Plot 9-N: c/o George & Lucie Oleson*
Oleson, Berta, d. unreadable, d/o George & Lucie Oleson*
Oleson, Child, d. unreadable, c/o George & Lucie Oleson*
Oleson, Ellik, d. 09-10-1888, Plot 4-N: 49 yrs
Oleson, Father, Plot 4-N:
Oleson, George (Lucie), b. 06-14-1833, d. 09-10-1922, Plot 9-N: Father*
Oleson, Johanna, b. 1869, d. 1944, Plot 9-N: no surname on stone, d/o George & Lucie Oleson*
Oleson, Julia, b. 1867, d. 1939, Plot 9-N: d/o George & Lucie Oleson*
Oleson, Lucie (George), b. 07-28-1836, d. 10-21-1892, Plot 9-N: Mother*
Olsen, Anvid, b. 08-27-1794, d. 03-21-1883, Plot 9-N: Herliviler Stovet of Anvid Olsen Hjelmevold
Olson, Daniel G., b. 09-20-1879, d. 01-27-1929, Plot 6-S:
Olson, Gjore L., b. 05-23-1840, d. 04-07-1923, Plot 6-S: maybe d.1928?
Olson, Henry D. (Gj�re), b. 11-11-1849, d. 05-03-1928, Plot 6-S:
Olson, Susie G., b. 02-05-1884, d. 12-26-1962, Plot 6-S:
Opdahl or Apdaid
Opdahl, Albert C., b. 06-17-1866, d. 11-18-1866, Plot 2-N: s/o J. C. & Sarah Opdahl
Opdahl, Albert C., b. 10-14-1867, d. 03-10-1868, c/o I.G.& Sarah Opdahl*
Opdahl, Ida Gurine, b. 10-27-1862, d. 06-05-1863, Plot 2-N: d/o J. C. & Sarah Opdahl
Opdahl, Ida Gurine, b. 10-27-1862, d. 04-05-1863, d/o I.G.l& Sarah Opdahl*
Opdahl, Nels G., d. no dates
Opdahl, Sarah, d. no dates
Pederson, Anna F. (C.M.Everson), b. 10-14-1858, d. 09-22-1899, Plot 1-N: See: Everson, Anna
Peters, Franklin-Mrs., d. 05-00-1954, see obit, 44yr old
Peterson, Cecelia (Sjure), b. 06-20-1829, d. 02-28-1920, Plot 7-N:
Peterson, Nils S., d. 12-27-1885, Plot 7-N: 28yr 9mo old*
Peterson, Samuel C., b. 1870, d. 1931, Mason
Peterson, Sjure (Cecelia), d. 10-25-1892, Plot 7-N: 77yr 7mo old
Petzold, Irvena J.Lione, b. 03-31-1900, d. 06-16-1989
Pohle, Harvey A. (Leona Babcock), b. 09-26-1926, d. 03-24-2013, see obit
Pohle, Leona J.Babcock (Harvey A.), b. 02-07-1955, d. 01-05-2014
Prescott, Clara E.Taylor (Charles), b. 07-03-1908, d. 11-23-1966, Plot 4-S:--Niece of Lars & Ida Lione, Nee Taylor, see obit
Quam, Edwin A. (Myrtle A.Johnson), b. 1902, d. 03-19-1967, Plot 2-S, --see obit
Quam, John R., b. 04-11-1936, d. 06-18-1987, Plot 2-S:
Quam, Myrtle A. (Edwin A.), b. 1908, d. 1993, Plot 2-S:
Richolsen, Daniel, b. 11-01-1816, d. 05-08-1890, Plot 2-N:
Richolsen, Helen, b. 02-21-1814, d. 09-22-1892, Plot 2-N:
Solheim, Hazel Gladys, b. 12-19-1905, d. 11-22-1921, Plot 6-S: d/o John & Tilda/Mathilda Solheim
Solheim, John (Mathilda), b. 1868, d. 1934, Plot 6-S: Father
Solheim, Mathilda (John), b. 1880, d. 1949, Plot 6-S: Mother
Solheim, Susie Geneva, b. 12-01-1916, d. 09-14-1919, Plot 6-S: d/o John & Tilda/Mathilda Solheim*
Soward, Acher, b. 05-21-1853, d. 08-02-1860, Plot 3-N:
Soward, Alexander, b. 1874, d. 1949, Plot 4-N:
Soward, Andrew, b. 1829, d. 1925, Plot 4-N:
Soward, Anna, b. 1831, d. 1896, Plot 4-N: no last name on stone
Soward, Boinel, b. 05-21-1853, d. 04-23-1860, Plot 3-N:
Soward, Caroline, b. 1867, d. 1955, Plot 4-N: no last name on stone
Soward, Ingeborg, b. 1865, d. 1865, Plot 3-N:
Soward, Maline, b. 1802, d. 1892, Plot 3-N:
Soward, Oliver , b. 1868, d. 1868, Plot 3-N:
Soward, Sarah-Miss, b. 1872, d. 10-18-1969, Plot 4-N: no last name on stone, see obit for d.date
Soward, Sjovat, b. 1800, d. 1890, Plot 3-N:
Spilde, Alice L., d. 07-19-1892, Plot 5-N: d/o L.H. & A. Spilde, 16yr 2mo 11da
Spilde, Anna D. (Lars H.), b. 1856, d. 1924, Plot 5-S: Nee Davidson*
Spilde, Anna H. (Hans), b. 01-06-1823, d. 03-22-1914, Plot 5-N:
Spilde, Catharine (P.), b. 07-01-1843, d. 07-24-1890, Plot 2-N: Nee Rickoldsen*
Spilde, Edna L., b. 1883, d. 1974, Plot 5-S:
Spilde, George , b. 1879, d. 1899, Plot 5-N:
Spilde, Hans, b. 1850, d. 1902, Plot 5-N:
Spilde, Hans (Anna H.), b. 09-15-1813, d. 07-16-1893, Plot 5-N: Father
Spilde, Lars H. (Anna D.), b. 1854, d. 1942, Plot 5-S: Father
Spilde, Lawrence A. (Ora Beatrice Leen), b. 1895, d. 06-06-1983, Plot 5-S:--WW II, PFC US Army, see obit
Spilde, Ora Beatrice Leen (Lawrence A.), b. 1915, d. 1986, Plot 5-S:-- WRC
Spoonam, Carrie (Edwin), b. 08-23-1803, d. 07-17-1890, Plot 2-N:
Spoonam, Christie, b. 02-06-1865, d. 12-19-1879, Plot 2-N: d/o I.E.& E. Spoonam, maybe b.1863*
Spoonam, Edwin (Carrie), b. 11-11-1799, d. 01-25-1891, Plot 2-N: maybe d.01-13-1891*
Spoonam, Ellen Moe, b. 1841, d. 1915, Plot 2-N:
Spoonam, Ida , b. 01-07-1874, d. 02-20-1876, Plot 2-N: d/o Ingle E. & Ellen Moe Spoonam
Spoonam, Ingle, b. 1826, d. 1901, Plot 2-N:
Tang Johnson family stone, Ole Johnson & Ingri, Anne J, Martha C, Martha O, Martin C, Oliver J(Johnsons)*
Tang, Ingiri (Ole Johnson Tang), b. 01-29-1815, d. 02-13-1876, Plot 2-N: See Johnson, Ingiri
Tang, Ole Johnson (Ingiri), b. 11-26-1813, d. 02-13-1898, Plot 2-N:
Taylor, Clara, Plot 4-S: See: Prescott, Clara
Thollefs, Giertrud, b. 06-24-1790, d. 09-17-1859, Plot 2-N: Stone under bush at beginning of row in two pieces
Thompson Family stone, Angie S, Edgar V, Esther M, James E, Julia, Ted J, Tom J.
Thompson, Aase (Thos.), d. 06-28-1892, Plot 8-N: 60yr old, two small graves unreadable next to her*
Thompson, Angie S., b. 1892, d. 1929, Plot 2-S:
Thompson, Betsey (Chris), b. 1851, d. 1934, Plot 6-N: Mother
Thompson, Chris/Christopher? (Betsey), b. 1844, d. 1911, Plot 6-N: Father, GAR*
Thompson, Edgar V., b. 1925, Plot 2-S: s/o Ted J.& Esther M. Thompson
Thompson, Edith--Mrs., b. 1882, d. 08-26-1937, Plot 6-N: see obit, fell in well & found on the 26th
Thompson, Elizabeth W.Currie (Emery B.), b. 10-26-1896, d. 02-21-1989
Thompson, Emery B. (Elizabeth W.), b. 09-15-1895, d. 02-10-1980, see obit
Thompson, Esther M. (Ted J.), b. 1893, d. 1987, Plot 2-S:
Thompson, Gelia, b. 1858, d. 12-06-1878, Plot 8-N: d/o T. & A. Thompson, 20yr 3mo 23da
Thompson, Guaertrud N. Satra (George), d. 01-21-1877, Plot 36yr old*
Thompson, James E., b. 1894, d. 1895, Plot 2-S:
Thompson, Julia, b. 1864, d. 1923, Plot 2-S:
Thompson, Ted J. (Esther), b. 05-22-1889, d. 11-26-1953, Plot 2-S: WW I, Wisconsin Pvt 261 Casual Co.
Thompson, Tom J., b. 1863, d. 1895, Plot 2-S:
Thorsness, Jennie, Plot 2-N:
Uglum, Lars, b. 1871, d. 1954
Unknown, Ellen, d. unreadable, between Johnson & Ellingson*
Unknown, Halvor, b. 05-21-1853, d. 08-02-1860
Unknown, John J., Plot 7-N:
Unknown, John L., Plot 5-N: rest of stone is buried near Rev. Ingebrigt Johnson*
Unknown, Nels, Plot 7-N:
Unknown, Unknown, d. , Plot 4-N: Stone in ground next to Anderson, Theodore
Unknown, Unknown, Plot 9-N: Stone buried in N.W. corner under bushes
Unknown, Unknown, Gerhard Naeseth's list notes seven bases of old stones--unknown burials*
Unknown, Unknown, b. 1864, d. 1880
VanDuser, Margaret R. Everson, b. 06-06-1901, d. 01-27-1999, Plot 1-N: see Margaret R. Everson